Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, August 27, 1808, Image 3

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GEORGIA EXPRESS. yill ATHENS, AUGUST 27. McJJrs. Editors, By inferring tlie annexed extract from the Savannah Mufeum you tIH oblige a fubicriber. The mer its, talents and influence of Major Houfton are fo generally and jultly appreciated in the diftrict in which he lives, that it is to he hoped, a correfpcnding influence will prevail with us to give him cur lupport at the next election. Thomas Spal ding, Efq. who it was generally be lieved intended to offer as a candi date, has declined offering as fucL Mefjrs. Stymcur & IVoolhopter. James E. Houstoun, Efq. is a candidate a” the approaching elec t’on to reprefent this flare in the Congrefs of the United States. In this diftrict where Major Houftoun refides, and ifi belt known, any ob • fervarions recommendatory of him, would be utTneceliary—But to the citizens of Georgi , who may not be intin itely er perfonally known to that gentleman, you are requefted to announce m your paper, that Ma jor Houfton is and decided republi can, and endowed with talents cal culated to render him eminently fer vice able as a politician—That Ivc is intelligent-—converfant with cur local or ftate matters; and poff. fifed of qualifications which greatlv enti tle Him to their notice and fuffrage** A Friend to Merit Augufl 12. MefTrs. M c Donnell (A Harris, Pleafe give the following one in fertion in .your paper, and tranfrnit your account to vie fubferiber in Lexington fer pa* ffipnt— TO THE PUBLIC. Take core , and dent keep [stake* hi your bofom or they will bite. WHE PEAS a certain Captain Garland T. Watkins, did on the e veningof the 16th in ft. borrow’ my horle, faddle and bridle, aiid pro*- mi fed on his word and honor to re turn them early next morning—and whereas it appears he forgot to com ply wiu his promife, I lent a young lan to'where he was to rtqu ft him to fend my ho ••c home, which lie refufed to do. In the afternoon of the,fame day, I went with three men to make, a demand of mv property, when I founi this heroic Captain on the Angling fnore with his Dulci nea by his fide ready formed in bat tle array, with his deftroying engine in his hand, which he cocked and pre onted at my breaft, and two pif tolsdying on the cheft.. This hero came roaring and bellowing to the door, the found of his voice like that of the roaring lion when he goes about feekir.g whom he may de vour, fwearing he would take my life and keep my property. But this ispof #rKrdid~Qh the even ingAfthe fame day thb noble capt. t jfl’on of Mars— trfis Goliah—tnat were yfcu to hear him converfe he would try to make you believe he coufd cut of Napoleon at the head of i hundred thoufand veteran troops wurh twenty five men as fpirited as himfeif—-this fame Varnor did on the evening of that day—l bhrfh to an fiver, I reel tor the young maVs callous feelings —but it is a notorious faeft he went before John \\ l icon, Efq. and there on the holy evangelift, or an ‘up lifted hand, did take and fubfenbe an oath to bind me to keep the pecce. Lord lay not this little oath to the voting rvrfs charpe, as ne lometimes gets *nco fits of insan ity through the vapours of the rr fiuvin, and perhaps he wanted rO keep me ronflnea until he could run my horle effi. Accordingly John Walton, Efq. iTued a warrant to take m-, and I went before him for trial—l wiih I could lave the young man’s feelings (if he has. any) for if my recollec tion Serves nie,- when he took and fubferibed an oath as juftice of the peace, he was to do juftice to the poor as well as to the rich—to the enemy zi well as the friend—to the juft as .well as the unjuit—-and try all cauls’ that came before him without partiality, favour or affec tion to either party. But I have reafon to believe that from force animality or pique he had again ft me, it is a faft he refuf ed fonte as refpectabte characters as any in the county of Oglethorpe from being my bail; and did write a mittlinus, and ordered the Sheriff to put me in gaol, at the fame thdt thejfe were a number of refpcftable characters waiting to fign a bond of any fum h*s Honor would pleafe to mention:—lt is z pity that malice and ambition fticmid ever lead any man fo far from the pith of refti* tude and his oath. Accordingly the fheriff took me, and this fame John Walton, Efq, did admit me to bail without bringing me out by a writ of habeas corpos. If the an nals of mankind can produce a fee ns? of more bafenefs arid depravity of heart, I leave a candid public to iudoe. •• * o Thufc who are not acquainted with me may perhaps confider me to be a turbulent, .bullying kind of a man and very dangerous; burl I will.-endeavor to fausfy them on that head—l am three feet and a chew of tobacco high—finder made—*-near fifty 3 ears cf age—in my prime I weighed near ninety five, but marrying in rny old age and my companion bearing me three fine fons, I fuppofe at this time near eighty would be my neat weight. ’ : •* This is the kind .of a man that. th : s noble warrior Capt. Garland T. Watkins is treating in the manner defcribt.d—that the very grafshop pets and ffbgs in and about angling fhore hide their hea s in the grafts and deep holes of the water at the found of his roaring, when he foams at the mouth i k'e the wild boar of the defart of Arabia. GEORGE PASCHAL. Lexington , Auguft 24, 1808. , . LONDON, June 13. French papers, of a day later than thole from which we gave ex ttaftsin our laft, have been receiv ed. They contain intelligence from Madrid to the 16th ult. Accord ing to this, .Murat is as fully con firmed in his *:hority as if he en joyed by i npefcriptible right.— From the eighth, to the date of the lateft accounts, he was daily em ployed in receiving the homage and fubmiflion *of the different Spanifia councils, epoftituted au thorises, military corps, and cccle fiaftical bodies, as well as the feli citations of the foreign minifters to the court of Spain, on the new and happy order of things. It is added that perft& tranquility prevails in Catalonia, Arragbn,Valencia, Gren ada, Eftramadura, 2nd the coafts of St. Andero and Caftile. Nothing, however, is faid of the ftate of As turias or Galiacia—and from this filence we may fairly infer that the tranquility'is at lead net univerfd. LIVERPOOL, June iS. 1 fie prelent fituation or Spun is uill the great objeft of political m t ere ft in this country ; but thouph the reports which reach us from different parts of the Spanilh terri tory increcfe in number and Impor tance ever* day, there is yet a great deficiencyof authentic and fa:;Fac tory information on this very inrer efting fubie<ft. The lubftanco of the lateft in'd jigencc which has been received is, that all the northern and feme of the weftern provinces of Spain are in the higheft ftate of ferment and diffansfadion, in conftquence of the attempts of Bonaparte to im pole anew government on the country, independent of the popu lar will : that in ail thele diftricts the people are ripe 5 for a revolt, and in many of them, are in a ftate of aftua] in furred ion. In thefe lat ter provinces, it is added, Jaige bo dies of men -are already organized,* provided wi-h the means of warfare,’ 2nd commanded by leading men of ch ‘•after and rank. ‘ fn oppofition, However, to all thefe ftatemems, ‘Mich it muff; be confcffed, reft bn it fly on indireift and uncertain communications, it is pb(Lively af firmed jn the Moniteur, that all the provinces of Spain, which are (ex cept two) diftihftlyenumerated, are in? ftate of the moft perfe6k tran qiiiiliry, and that all the conftituted authorities, a$ well as almoft all the feadirg men of Spain,* have quietly? acquideed in the new order of things. The two provinces of Gal lic aar.d Afturias are omitted in the lift, from which it Efficiently plain, that with refpeft to rhem, at Laft, the accounts which have reached us arc well founded. Such is the balance of evidence ns far as refpe£h'the public accounts which have been brought forward or. -eth ficler., and when We recol 3t<ft the number, fituation and means of the malcontents, and compare them with the irnmenfe mafs of force which Bonaparte is preparing to bring againft them, we are afraid thar any man muft confult hlswifli -s rather than his judgment, who entertains any very fanguine hopes of tffrftual refiftance. MADRID, May 15. ‘ Hi; imperial highnejs , the Grand Luke of Berg, , daily receives the con gratulations and homages of the au thorities and nobles of the kingdom. — On the cjth inf. was prefented to the generals, the king’s houfehcld, the Spanifh and EFalloon body guards, the infantry , cavalry and invalids of the gerrtfon cf Madrid, the adjutant cf the place, and the royal corps of ar tillery 4 *’ Or the .10 th the grandees of Spain, the council of Caftile, the council of the inqitifttion, the council of the Indies the council of the orders , the city of Madrid with the cornyidor at its head, thefecreiar 1 of ftate, the fecre tayy of favor an* juftice, the fecreta rips cj the war and marine depart ,- mens, the fecretary for Tpanijh and Indian domains , the affembly of the order cf Charles 111. headed by the; arch, the major demos for the week, the gentlemen of the chamber , the central junto, the marine corps. On the 11 th, the apofiolical nuncio , M. Gravina, the charge d'affaires of France , Aujiria, Saxony, andjbe U r nited States, M. Le Baron Slrongon of , minifter plenipotentiary from Ruf fin, and M. Verheul, in the fame ca pacity f row Holland. On the 1 2th the pages, the dir ellor s cf the lottery , the bifhops of Aibarr.a cin, Nicaragua and Fcragino, the ojfcer: cf the court of juftice for Ca:* tile. Of 14 th * cccFj.afftc Eye: -ft crs iri d;e name cf their comsnunities- 9 the general ~ id fuperFrs of the religi ous order cf charitable ufes, f ihe chapel r yaf A: On the i § tb the order of St ‘token °f Jerujalem , havF.g and n Franw c), lieut. general of the com ni, a! its head. ..... the crpiajn general of. Caiah da. has written to the junta off ate, that be had publijhed in the province u v hr his order s the proclamation* which le had received, aijd. that they Lftf: duced the mod happy e feels. Ihe moft perfefl tranquillity p*'eve Ain Catalonia . Government has reechoed ftmtlar intelligence fronrthe provinces of Arragon, Valencia , Grenada, and Eftramadura, tbecoafts of St. Ande ro and Caftile. ■ Dfaro di Madrid. .2 St. LOUIS, July isi To-morrow the tral of the In dians for murder comes. *We un~ derftand they will have cbimftl appointed to defend them. Their friends and relatives in this place, have held feveral councils with the Governor and Genet T Clark. bem r ing mercy for the r ‘prits. One of M‘C’eUand’s bargrs air? • ved here a fevy days ago from the Mahavillage, (up the Miffouri,) laden with fur and peltry. The mafter of the barge Informs us, that the liickarees nave .built ano ther village on the other fide of the river, furreunded with ftrorg pick ets, with caves’ made at Tome du rance, as a place of retreat for their women and children, during an at tack. They arc determined to pre vent the Americans afeendirg die river, and are extremely infqlent. It. is fuppqfed the agents of the North Weft Company are their abettors. It is. thought that Mahas killed Mrffrs. Ghoteau and M c Clel!and v hunters fometime ago; Their conduft lately has been fiomc wliat hoftile. On Monday laft a trial of a nevy invent? and Gun Carriage for artillery of every fize and defenpfien was exhibited at the Navy Yard in the city of Washington, and v/e are hap py to fay that the good opinion formed by judges bn fight of the model was fully juftiffed, jpo the great fatisfaftion of all the fpefta., tors, among whom were feveral of, the moft .experienced officers in the femes of the United States. This carriage is admired for rs finpli city ■, for the great favbgs ifi point of expence and offafety, and for facility in praftice, for which it is remarkable. Indeed it is the only one we have ever feen, that can. make the barbett or complete cov ering battery as formidable to the enemy as thofe with exposing em brafures.- The inventor, Mr. James He 13 an of this,cjtv, and the fecretary of the Navy Ms great cre dit for his penetration and patron age in this inftance.— Nat. hit. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD At the Court-Houfe in Clarke county, cn the fir ft Tuefday in September next, between the hours of ten and three , the following property, viz r OnF yellow-bay Horfe, eight or.nine years old, together with z °addle ad Hridle, executed as the property of William” Wright to fati'Fy an execution in favour of Buckner Harris. Conditions Cnfii. JOSEPH BROWN, D.S. Augufi 3, 1808.