Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 10, 1808, Image 1
Vol. I.) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY M‘DOXNiTJfi fc? HARRIS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 TERMS CF THE GEORGIA EXPRESS, 1. IT will be printed weekly, at three dollars per annum 5 one half to be paid in advance, the remainder at the expiration of fix months. 2. Advertisements will be charg ed at the rate of fixty-two and a half cents per fquare for the firft tnfercion; and firry cents for each continuation. 3. No paper* will be difconTiniD ed without a notice to that trfcft 3 nor then if in arrears. • {gfft All letters directed to the Editors mud be poftpaiq. Tb,e following Gentlemen are autho rized to receive Subfcriptians for th'i s Paper: — Clarksboro' —Poft- Matter, yeff erf on —Gen. B. Harris. ‘jVatkinfviile —E. B. Jenkins, efq, Lexington— -Mr. Miller Fleming, and Cape. Watkins. -• Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields,, and William Lumpkins, Elq. Walnut Grove —Mr. Lee Atkins. Strong'e .Store —Pott-Matter-. Greenes hero'—’ Capt, T. Dawfon.’ Sparta —Doftor W. Terrell. Warr onion-- Poll- Matte r. Povveltcn —Pott - Matter. MUledgsvilie —Thomes Mcunger and James Bozeman, Efqrs. Elbert on —-C oh Wm. Cruflom. - Petersburg —-Alex. Pope, Efq. & Do6t. Watkins. Vienna —S. B. Shields, Fife. V, likes-. —David Terrell, Efq. So Doftor Bibb. Lincoln —Captain N. Allen, and Capt. John Hughes. Louifjille—-Mr. A. Day. Auguft a- —J. S. Walker, Efq. St Doftor Smelt. Waynesboro' —-Col.* John Davies. Sanderfuille —Mr. Wm. M:Mur ray. - Savannah- —Mr. H. IE Moun ger. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD, STRAYED TfTROM the Public Stable on the JL Okmulgee fome time in Fe bruary latt, a Chcfnut Sorrel Mare, fix years old, fifteen hands high, well made, trots naturally, was fhod all round when fne went away—> without artificial marks—her natu ral marks are, attar in the forehead forming a fhort dull blaze, with one or both hind feet white, fome faddle foots cn the mounting fide, She was feen on the path leading to Oglethorpe court-houfe, and Vs fup pofed robe run off by fome perfon.. Any perfon giving information fo that the faid mare is obtained by the owner (if ttraved) fhall receive ten dollars—and fifty dollars if fto len fo that the thief be brought to punilhment. \ , DENISON DARLING, ’ Agent for the General poft-efnee, Athens, July 29, iSoS. BLANK SUBPOENAS, For lale at this office. GE O 11G I A EXP MJ s! MANY SHALL RUM tO AND t RO, ANi’ JvXOWLEDCS SHALL SIP INCREASED. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ’ GEORGIA, Milledgeville, 14 th March 180S. On reference to a concurred and approved refolution on the lothday of December latt— ORDERED, That the aft en titled “ an aft to alter and amend the 10th feftion of cite 3d article of the conttitution, be publifhed once a month, for fi>: months, in the fe veral Gazettes of this ftate. Attett, Jas. Bozeman, Secfiy, An Aft to alter and amend the tenth feftion of the yd article of the confutation . TTTHEREAS, the laid 10th V V feftion is in the words fol lowing : c * The Clerks'of the Su perior and Inferior Courts Jhali be appointed in fuch a manner as the Leg! fiature may by law dir eft j fhall be commifiioned by the Governor, and (ball continue in oflice during good behaviour/* For remedy whereof— ’ Be it enabled ly the Senate end Houfe of Reprefentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Affembly met, and by the authority of the fame, That the Clerks of the Superior and Infe rior Courts fhall be elefted on the fame day as pointed cut by law for the election of other county officers. And be it further enabled, That as loon as this bill fhall be palled by two thirds of both branches of the next legifiature, and be approved of by the Governor, it fhall become a part of ihe Conflitution of the State of Georgia. • . Bent. Whitaker, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. David Bates, Prefident of the Senate, Pro tem . Affented to 7th Dec. 1807, JARED IRWIN, Governor. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Will be fold at the houfe of Captain JeJjo Smith, in the county of fack fon, between the ufual hours , all the perfon al eft ate of Andrew Scott , .- deceafed > Consisting of hr,.-res cattle, hogs, one fet of blackfmith's tools, hcufehcld and kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. . The falc to commence on the fifteenth day of. Oftober next, and continue from day to day till die whole ‘is fold, Sunday ex cepted. Terms of fale will be made known on the above day. NANCY SCOTT, Adminiftratrix. September 1, 1808. - ____ JSrOUGHT to the Gaol, of Clark County on Thurfday the 1 ith inft. a negro m2n who fays his name is BOB—he is of a yellowifh com plexion, inclined to be thin vifaged, is Email and fipare made—-fays he belongs to William Key of Elbert County. The. owner is requested to pay charges and take his pro perty. JOSEPH CROWN, Gaoler. Align ft 13, 1808, WIT T BE SOLD—or .REN T E Z), THAT valuable and well known traft of land lying in Clark county on the middle fork of the Oconee river, including the mouth of Bear creek and the long fhoal on faid river, feven miles above Athens, well watered and a healthy fituation, containing 745 acres, a great part of which is of firft and fscond qual ify, about two hundred aerds under cultivation, in good repair, orchards and good buildings • alio, a valuable faw-mill, two grift-mills, a cotton machine, a large diftillery and tan yard on laid river. Any perfon wifhing to purchafe may get a great bargain. Likely negroes will be taken in part payment. —the terms will be made known by applying to R. S. EASLEY. Augutt 30. NOTICE. WHEREAS, I executed to E phraim Jones two Bonds, in part payment for the land whereon I now live, bearing date the nth of November, 1807- —-one for two hundred and the other for feventy five dollars, on demand the 25th of December, 180$. Ido hereby forwarn all perions from trading for faid Bonds, as Ido not intend pay ing one cent thereof until I have a general warrantee title made to me by faid Jones for the aforefa’fd land. GEORGE BARNES. Auguft 20, 1808. NOTICE. perfbns having demands againft the ettate cf Hannah M‘Car ty, late of Clark county deceafed, are requefted to exhibit them pro perly actefted, and thofe indebted to faid eftate to make immediate pay-* rnent to Wm. Wright John M‘Coy, 5 Auguft 20. . v ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the fecond Saturday in October next, at the plantation whereon Jcfje Moon , late of Jackfon county, de ceafed, lived, WILL BE SOLD the perfonal ettate ©f faid decealed, confifting of horfes, cat tle, hogs, fheep, houfehold and kitchen furnituie, together with the plantation tools.—Twelve months credit will be given, by the pur chafer giving bond with approved fecurity for all (urns over three dollars. BOLAR MOON, Adm’r. Auguft 17, iBo3. ’ FOR SALE, The Lot and Houfes, in the town of Athens, near the weft end of Mr. Eafiey*s Bridge. It is an excellent place for a Black Imich’s fhop, or any otherkind of work. Brandy, at cafh price, or a good gelding will be taken in pa.vment. GILLIAM BOOTH. Auguft 20. LONDON, June 15. Ctmjiftory Court, Doftor’s Ccmmxf, May 13, 1008. . THE REV. F. STONE. This was a profecucion inftittitcd by his Majefty's Procurator Gene ral, on behalf of the ftate, again 11 the Rev. F. Stone; K.eftor of Cold Norton, in Efiex, on the charges of having preacfied, on the 3th of Ju ly, 180*, ir Vifitation Sermon, in the Church of Danbury, before the Archdeacon of the Diocsfe, and af terwards printed and publifhed the fame, in which he denied the doc trine of the miraculous conception of the Holy Virgin Mary, the Ho ly Trinity, the Divinity of our Lord and Saviour and the atone ment by the ; birth and dqath of Cbrift. In fupport of thefe charg es, the depofitionn of Archdeacon and four other Clergymen were read to the Court: alio the depofi tion of Mr. J. Johnfon, of St. Paul’s Churchyard, and Mr. Stains, of Chelmsford, book-fellers, to prove the printing and publication! thereof. On the part of the profe cucion, the Beamed Dcftor con tended that this Doft/inc was con trary to the eftablifhed law of the Church of England \ for by a fta tuce of the 13th Elizabeth, it is en abled, that if any perfon ihall advif ably maintain or affirm, any doftrine diredtly contrary and repugnant to any of the articles of religion, and perfift in the fame, and not revoke his trior, he fhall fie deprived cf his ecclefiaftical preferments. Mr. Stone read to the Court a written defence, which occupied nearly two hours, wherein he endeavored to fhew that he had done no more than fulfilled his engagements with his ordaining biffiop, that he had con formed to the Church of England, as by law eftablifhed, and that he had not offended againft’the ftatute. Sir Win. Scott, after making feve ral pertinent obfervations, was of opinion that the charges were clear ly eftablifhed, and faid he could r*ot refift the Aft of Parliament, but deferred giving final judgment till the next court day, in order to give the party an opportunity to revoke his error. May 10. /. This being the day appointed far the Rev. F, Stone to revoke cer tain doftrines which he had preach ed and pubiifhed, contradictory to the eftablifhed religion, an irwtnenle concourfe o r people collected in the court-room and hall adjoining. At half pad nine o’clock, Sir Wm. Scott took his. feat, c.nd Mr. Stone, on being called iippu, produced a paper, which was read, ar.d which he offered as a revocation of the doftrine which had given offence. In fubftance it was, that he wis unaware of having contravened any Act of Parliament relative to reli gion, but that he had always made tne Holy Scriptures the rule of h s beli .f. He con ft fled that z: an ear lv period of his life ne had fublcrib ed to the 39 articles, and that f.e had uniformly fmee fupported their fpirit. (mr tsa