Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 10, 1808, Image 2
1 ?r f * then rtfirV a cell of r.orfidc ruble i i:gtb> 1 Herein Fe animadverted, in vcty ’ ■ eft it ,oh the uurccoer ruble “ :a■ duft (4 t he. 11ev. C 1 **nc!ttnan, -ho, inilead of apologising for his, after ils lfiiicnc i:ftidg,rK.e dux had Hen granted him, fi ll >•"£ mamfr'fcfirg h’s hr re ti ck. dec'rin.\ under t e plauhbL fare test of a rcvt nUm. Sir John h :‘ : ry< •1•■ •• to übirrve,’ f.h ‘•: he v/r.vici hot, H lYXZofif wifi to for’ - op:. Hr. upon a man which he f ■ ct T-icnrioufiy believe \ cut in i.c.ifc to Ms duty, lie couM r ‘l avoid pteifiirrr th* pre lent profi*cution, which was found <xi upon -\ very important Aft of Parliament. That Aft provided, that no ly •. . herllov.ed to preach any do&rine lubvcnL/e of, or coiltrary tc.’ the 39 articles of belief, and as an of fence a gain ft. that had been clearly proved sppirdt, and admit ted by the Defendant, it became id’- dury, in his official capacity, to Dray the c*nr.. f -r rhe Lnunce the vft prvfcribed. The confikuiion of the hod bad left every man the iii.-'t iy Oi ffi c;fr yhi awn religion, but it 1:1 will Iv provided againit j-r(profi-lfiog dr,Anting prin </ \ y, * -.t icipnung in the omshi j,/•ypi'y.ricvd ;o Minifters cf i * H ?bi :!i dOri *h. Dr. I .a\v ruic:: followed on the fame fide. Mr. Stone then ?v Id re did the Court 4 steinnoranectdl/, and faid, h con tide red the Holy Scriptures to coo? ain all the doctrine and in f.;don r.t a ! ay to iaNation thro’ faith in Telus Chrft. Thed Ylrine cf :hc Cbnreh of 11.ngland appcsred to him to have no better authority roan. * : Church of ift-me. Vo ry \vtre both erroneous, C;ly rhe Ro mao C tthfti.c v ru r ;> ft Kurd— they were Pope again ft -'ope, each . ;di ring the u - refptftive infallibility. ‘• he :>• dole of intolerance; was common in both, although the prac tice was different ; when he was oripina'ly ordained a Pried*, he ad mitted that the Hoi/ Scriptures were the o ily rule of his faith, and he Ihould always apply to them in iff confiientious chi char-re of his O duty. Vo fvvear a man to preach ; :,:or din.- to the fplrit of the Holy Scriptures, and to make him con form his preaching'to toe urovid ■ oor of an Aft of Pa* liament, was \ fpecil‘s r of Deck fiVticai chicanery for which he could not Snd a par ahH. > Sir John Nichols interrupted the Rev. Gentleman, and obferved, that the court did n <z fit ro exa mine the merits of his fyitemcf belief, but to determine tat quef th'n which he had been called to anfwer. Mr. Snne fifd, he had fulfilled , the ecu taken un his ord nation, and if he erred, he was anfwerable to C'oT. and him alone. hW. Stone ftared, rhat he believ - <: ‘ God to be the principal Saviour c-t the v,o.>ld, and jefus Cbrill to be i- .0.7'. God condemned us all to evtrhTng ptmilbtnents, but na re vc; 11 and 1 1 e.judg rr en t ih ro ugh iSe cnediimi of Jefus Chrill. Sir Wm. Scott interrupted him, and Aid, the only qudUon he had co determine was* whether Mr. , Stur.o had reveked the errors which b.; v:: povcd to have proa:bed and pubbfiled.— lhe fi r cements utade by Mr. were urdatisfaftory, On tne juLr.itls cf ids argument, and In fupport of Irs opinions, ic was r.or a compeien: iubjeft tor h : m fio judge upon. lie thought the iaduig.nrn of another week would V’ prWV e of no g*.cd if he and; 1 not avail hithfelf cf the present of revekir * the error, no ilterhative v/as left him, but to certify his cafe to the Diocefan to whom he belonged, who would pro • nee the lentcnce of the law. 1 r,e fi,licp of London, attended by •h’s M an and Chapter, and feve rs.! Pr - : mb. were then introduced, r. T t! e cafe being reported to him by f.h* Wm. Scott, the Right Rev. h’reb-t? pronounced Ids fentence of drg • . iation againd Mr. Stcne, 2C cc..hip to the form; preferibed by ihfe law—depriving him of the be nefit of hi lowing cf Cold Norton in ‘ flex. >'he living was worth cool. ?. year. Imrrjf.ciately after fentence was pronminced, Mr. Stone cafl up his eyes to Heaven, and exclaimed, lf God’s will be done.'’ BURLINGTON, (Ver ) Aug. 5. ty r e have to record a very melan cl:;!y event) wbhl took place in ibis fat fa;l. A reye m.: cutler from the lines, temmanded by Zoo/. Far ring: on, with a fergeant anl 12 privates, was dtfpatched by the cold At r of the onflows hi pnrfuit of a large batteau called the Black t-:u:-:e, owned by per fans near the Bros, wed Uneven there to be employed In fniiggUvy The cutter pinfiled her up Onion river , where Jhe was found and taken poff ffion of by lieut. Par rOpt <■}'.> white her crew y who were armed, flood on the bank of the river and threatened to fire on the firfl man who attempted to come rn board. — The /'! V Snake was manned by a part cf fleer cm of the cutter, who pro c\ and and v itb her down the river, while ferny piers repeatedly de clared they floor id never take her cut cf tie river alive. They had net r rr e then roo reds before they were feed cn from the jhore, thro* 1 1 e bujhcs, and one man cn board the c: 1 ter, la the name cf Ellis Drake, was Jhot thro ’ the head and immedi - ately expired. Several more foots were nude when the lieut. ordered his men to fleer for the floor e. Scarcely had they landed, when the whole contents of a large gun, called a wall piece, about ten feet in length, cart yEg 16 ox balls , was difeharged ttp v • Tvv which proved fatal to Afla bla f!o, ap t her of the crew of the ca’ter, and Mr. Ormfby, an inhabi tant of ih : s town, who returning from 1, happened- to be prefer, t at this unfortunate moment. The lieut. aljo receives a b :il thro ’ his left arm and was jh’ihtly wounded in his head - By doe 1). h tied exertions of the people (fltLi* vifl. \e. 8 perfor.s were appre hended and fafely lodged in the com mon ddi which is guarded by a de tachment of th- 1 town militia, si fury of Tiqucjl w,u Immediately fl*mmcmed, who after a view cf the bodies and a careful examination cf the witneffes, returned their inquifition that the de ceased came to their death by IVIL FUL MURDER. Two of the per has apprehended will probably make it appear that they were not concerned in this horrid i ran fa At on. The funeral of thefe unfortunate victims was attended yeflerday by a vrfl con cowfl of perfms from this and the neighboring towns. An appropri ate'vid p zthetic difeourfle was deliver ed by; the Rev. D. Williams. The prccefjhn pi acceded from the court ho life to the b Tying ground, and ex tended nearly half a mile in length. — The militia cf this town under the command of cape, juflus IVarner, rendered martial boners to the memo ry qf the dsee (fed. xhi examination of the prifoners has not yet taker, place. As focn as en quiry is made, the public will have a mihute deter op tee ‘ 5 • iL g mean time, it is hoped 0// opinion be fif pended. There are four ft U-ejo dejveradces who have net yet been ta - - ken, but the greatef fieri tons are making to apprehend Users. fa the Burlington paper, we find an advertflcment under the Jignaiure of lie colleftor cf the Raven; e, offer ing a reward of ICO dollars for t> a ni ne l I. Mott, commander of the bat tecu. ; and 50 dollars each for dV?n., capt. Reafe and Slocum CLV't, the remainder of the crew, who had committed the above recited outrage upon our citizens, and fleet from the hand of juftice. Capt. Beafe it is faid, has been appnhended, and committed to Burlington jail. Rutland Herald. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15. We have heard many inquiries, who is to have the command of the regiment of fight (of horfe) artil lery ; the public may be pleafed to know that the government has en deavored to place a man eminently oualified for the office, in that Ra tion. To reward the well direfttd eff :rts of genius is to ftirhukte men to virtuous purfuits $ it is equally honorable to the government, and advantageous to the nation. The Prefident, a con fide rable time fioce offered to Robert Fulton his choice of two Rations, to be colonel of cn gineers or of the flying artillery,—- This was done with the double view of engaging his talents in the public fervice, and or fee wring a continuance of lus ccurie of expe riments on the various modes he has prejefted of attacking ill ip s of war. .We regret, however, to fhte that Mr. Fulton has declined the military command y and we fhould deplore it as apubbe misfortune, if we were not a flu red that it is only to keep htmfelf mere free for vo luntary enterprife and exertions in pei feeling his f)ilem cf fub-marine £t r ack. a Mr. Fulton is now at Wafhing ton,’ purfuing a ccur'ie of expeti ments, in which the government gives him all the aid in its power, and will continue to give. And we feel inch perfeft confidence in his iuccefs in this fyfltm, that we firmly believe it will prove a be lom of deftruftion to military na vies j and ultimately will fweep the ocean of its tyrants, fet commerce free, and while it allures external tranquility to the United States, it will greatly dimirfifh the caufes of war among the nations of Europe. Bleflfed will be the name of the au thor of fuch benefits to the human race. Mr. Fulton has already done more for the good of mankind than thoufa.ids who have been confidered as their benefaftors. In dificover ing and conquering the obuacles that lay in the way of moving vef lels by fleam, he has done what the ablefl engineers in Europe and A merica have been laboring in vain thefe thirty years to accomplifh.— He has opened all cur immenfe ri vers to.a rapid and ealy navigation and he will thus lend a lucrative commerce to the interior of every continent in almoft every direction. A litde attention to the fimple principles, general application, and efFtfts of Mr. Fulton’s new naval taftics, which he h now engaged in perfecting, will prefent to every difeerning mind, its vail power and probable efifift *, the refult he con templates would lead to confequen ces great beyond the firft concep tions of men of experience. The iteam cavigadoahas eftab-* . Hu: ‘c f*:. •; iivS ■joais fz ovi-i .!bd.c, ad Vaveg. ;-.s vc£ ‘ c v t r ea\ yin ..s rn. . fi: :*. Firk’ n conteipplaies ei.ur’nvirg rhe ifcuT; to the nav gut run rd: the ftlifi fi ffi • ppi i and it :s from an s::p ■■- her.lion that the acceptance t-i • a military ftefien would fubjedt him to duties which might mrerrupt or re tard the profecution of thefe two grand undertakings, that he has de clined; but whenever the tfircum ftances of the country require.his tal-nts in any qu*rtrr, perhaps the enemy will bo the fir it to know and to feel,the prefence of Ameri can genius. Aurora. e> NEW-YORK, Aug. 17. The following vtiLls were cap tu ed on Saturday loir, near Mon t;uk-point, by the U. S. frigate Chefapeake, Commodore Decatur, and ordered to this port where they have arrived. Brig Celia, Smith, of New York, from Weathcrsfidd for Dominico, captured off Block-Ifl md. Bdg William, M/mkhrop, of N. Haven, for Bat badoes. Frig H'rarn, Munro, of Provi dence, R. I. for Mirtip.’que. Brig Little-Ann, Ulher, from Hriftohß. I. for Havanna. Sloop Phcebe, Seville, from Pro vidence, for Cayenne. We underftand the Chela peaks fail in with a fleet of 15 fail of A merican vcfLls, and that (beTides thole mentioned in the above lifl) die cap lured 4or 5 others, which are cn their way to this port. Rub lie Adver lifer. Exit a A of a letter from Havanna, Augufl 1, xBo3. A col. W fon, formerly of our flate, has arrived in the lad veffcl, as ccmmifiinner on the pare of the Brir.ifli government, with di."patches from England, Cadiz, and the governor of Jamaica. PH has Lydia! other officers in his fuite. Fan Loren zh a 74, is fitting cut here to take a commiffion of three, Lorn thence to Yera Cruz, and Mexico—in which they will proba bly be joined by the Eritifli now heie. Accounts from that quarter lately received, Late it to be favo rably difpofed to Che new flate cf things. The late news from Europe has exhilarated the (pint* of the people here to a height which is Hewing itfeif in a variety of “infiances. Ari order v.rz 1 fined the day for the.departure cf all the French re fidents from the iflmd ; and the poor creatures are now flocking on board every barque in which they can obtain a pafifage. Hundreds of them with large families who were efiablifhed here in their trades and other uftful occupations, cartfjed by the government whiift Bonapate reigned, are now driven off with almoft lavage ferocity. This new alliance with England will not ope rate much in favor of the United States. They already view you as of no account. Protecled by the Britilh they can get their provin ces from Mexico, and their mer chandize from Spain and England, Two United States Gun-boar 3, No, 65 and 66—put in yeflerday on thur way to New-Orleans, for re frefhments. The boarding oflicer told them they could not come on’ fhore, nor be boarded from the* fhore till permiflion from the go vernor,, which v:as not fent till eight o’clock, and then by a common bomb boat ! ! I have tliis from the officers themfelves, who have in confequence declined waiting up on any of the officers of the go-