Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 10, 1808, Image 3

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water will -ail again to-morrow; Vfthat 1 adds to the aggravation of the above neglect is mac the cap tains and people of the two Ncw- Ptovidefice privateers, at anchor along fide the gun-boats, had been (the day before) per mitted to come on Lore, and were parading the fitreet wich every kind of indecent and noify behaviour. J| EALTIMQRE, Aug. io. At a regular quarterly meeting of •j[ the ‘‘ Flrfi Volunteer Company cf ‘3m the 39'i? Rennert,” held on M Monday the B.h of Auguft, 1808, 4 members generally preient; a . mongft otner proceedings, was H the following, viz: •II Whereas Jonathan Meridhb, ad jutant t_o the Thirty-ninth Regi ihenc, Maryland Militia, on the |r.h day of July hit, at a public jpilitary repaid, drank a to aft m the Hollowing words, viz : J . <( Damnation to Democracy N ■ 1 As the laid to aft is derogatory to the government of the b id United p ates of Atfie/ica, which is of a Ife deral, re \>ubll c an, de t n o-;r.u i< a I • R ;rm, and v e the dozens arid par ticipators of laid srv-er oent are ffb.y. the Ibid coaft reclamed vili ilfied in a fhanucbd and unofilJcr* Mike manner, therefore % Refolded unanimwfy, chut we the | members hi the n ft voh.nreef corn ■; pany in the f/d Regiment, white f Jonathan Meridith acts’ as adjutant, as we are determined not to be com | rnanded by an officer that behaves |in fuch an indecorous, ungentle : manly and unofficer-like manner. At re ft, JOHN SKELTON, Sec'ry, j PETERSBURG, (V.J Auguft 16, Front the Tntelligenfsr . . On Saturday knf, a jmu g man belonging to the’ Pis ft CTree in this, to wo, was arrefted on lufioicior. of h.ivng broken open tetters and ta ken therefrom Bank NNrt-sto a con fide r able -.amount. AfFr LrF q undergone at) _ enanikiu :ion befom the civil audCrity, and beingjuMc, to procure bed iov bis fume ap pearance, he was committed to pC iOR—HiS tria 1 will ccretf 00 before the Federal Court hr the Vuu.dira Diu rid, to be he’d at. Id id-mo .1 in November next.* —Notes, chicf ly cf die United. States’ Bank, to, the amount ..of about 17 00 and liars, were’ found in his’ poftl fi’on.*——* Amorg other circumftances of a highly fofpicious nature, war, the d'.fcovtry of the halves of four Notes, without the remaining: parts to correfpond with the fame-—the ’ amount of two of the halves was not exprcflVd'oa the face of them— the ‘ctheF two were of 100 and dlms eafh —ind a Pod Note of the dunk of the United States, dated the : ;di of June, iBo3, for 100 dollars, in favor f jarees Stevenibn, -md me tie payable by-him to Wen. Foul con only, or his order.—No ether re do; lenient appears on the bai k of the r.ore. Thole perfonsf to the northward and Southward cf Peteifb 1 rg, who may have had their letters opened and the enciouires purloined, may do well to forward a lift of their - notes, with a ddcriplion of the fame, to the Pcft Matter a: this place, that they may be com oared with thofe found in the p XFfiba of this you g man, and which are now in the hands of the Mayor. The frequent loifL-s fuftateei by perfons tranfmftting money in the mail, and particularly of Etc, fhouid General to id site home enquiry as to the manner in which the bddn-ris of the Pc ft Office is'conduced* — Perhaps the “ public in:ereft would be promoted/’by the appointment’ of men whole circumftances in life do not place them above the drudge ry cf o Sice.—ifi. V r t announce, with npeat nten* O 4. ftu-;, to ,ur brother printers, and t!f<- r •- biicc.eoerailv, that the MAN -11 -ACTURE OF PRINTING PAPER- i ‘AS COMMENCED AT THE BATTERSEA MILL, near this town. ‘The exertions of the proprietor, In the ercdlion of this important fabric, have been fbentvjus ?.nd unremitted—their ex penditures great, beiand all calcu lation. The cftabKfhmrnt is on a pretty extenfive fcaie, and \ve bz l*eve vrdi be competent to fupply the demands for payer in this part, of the ft ate. / A gre?tc deal, howev er, m\\ depend upon the care raid icduftry with which RAGS are pre ferv ed and edit tl ad far without thefe t-ffcati ft. rtquifites the in ftiintion am ft dr.- •? on il owl y and -> un profitably. ; Motives, of patriot ifm M no 01.! -rr pre vaft) lhouM in ti 1. c, al l c I a '’ 7s(: 1 1 eoplutop tcfc rv e 11.t ir rso ■ 7 a h d thus prombre the’ ft cock of on linctertaking, calcula red to afford fupport and employ ment to ocher wife defti-* tu e } to add to public convenience, and to ri’ta’n sfnohg our Elves a conlidcrable portion of the cfrctila— to g medium, heretofore remit ted to other ftctcr.— ib. N O T I € E, ‘Noe app’i-- cation will be to the Inferior Court or Lwkfon county for leave to fed one La: in the town of Jef ferfon, lately occupied by Doctor Thomas CaLbuv dcceifed—to be fold foi the bene tit of Iha - heirs and creditors of rhe laid deoeafed.- j(')s Ic ?i1 J. S CO'i T ANARUS, Adm*r. Sc 0 teal be r 6, ) SC>B, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. . 0/2 M''f;d#y the 17 th of Gdfoher next; at lbs plantation of Benj. Wilkes,, iteC (; ift a nd, WILL BE SOLD', OnE ftud horfe, feveral work hoi As, colt r ,cows, hogs, plantation tools, houfehold and kitchen furni ture, a cotton machine, a quantity cf feed cotton of the crop of 1807, end many other ardeles, being a T-art of the perfonal eflate of the i . * Lid Benjamin Wilks, dectafed.- ft erms o f fa! e, twc 1v e months ere - die for all fares above five dollars, upon the pur chafer giving bond Vv i;h 2 l pro ved f e curl tv. * SARAH WILKS, Adm'x, AARON WILKS, MOiES writ; Adavnijirators . Oglethorpe, Auguk 29, 1808. ’WH I P •nr AS row at h : s own ftable in Wafh ingcon, and will ftand until the 3 1 th cfOflober next, and thofe that put marcs to him in the Spring fealoir, that faded to ftand, are at liberty to continue them, gratis. It any mares fhouid be left with the horfe, I w'li feed them as directed, at a mo derate price. EDWARD JORDAN. V/o ft hmtcKz July zC'ih } 1808. GEORGIA EXPRESS. ATHENS, SEPTEMBER 10. Mirrird on the evening of the 4’h ioft. by the Rev. Francis Cum mins, R. M. A. Caft. Jvfph J. dlloore to the are‘.role Mifs Pc by [Thomas, daughter of Ja.nes Thomas, Liq. both oi Oglerhorpe county. HARTFORD, Avguft 25. By the arrival at }> itnn, ot the fh'g Ifabella, capt. Iligg.i.i, :n 33 days from Liverpool, .kendon pa pers of Julv (ph have tv en receiv ed, fl om winch die following is takers From tvs London Gazette, July r. At the court oi the Queen's Palace, the 4t.11 of July ; prefers, the king’s moil Excellent IvLjdty Ei ct uncil. His Miifty having taken into his confide;ation rhe glorious ex ertions or the Spanifti nation for ti e deliverance of then* country from ft? tyranny ‘cod tif■••pation of France,’ and the ranees which his M u fev has received -from lev % sJ 4 fra! of the Provinces of Spa n, of rheir friendly difpofition towards this Kingdom ; his Mcjffty is pkaf fd, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to Order, and it is hereby ordered ; FTrft, That all hoftiiu’es aga’n.ft Spain on the part of his Majehy fnall immediately ccafe. Secondly, That the blockade cf all the ports of Spain, except inch as may be RIP in the poR llion or under the control of France, fliali be forthvdth raided. Third’", That ail fhips and vef ft 1:> belonging to Spain fnall have admiffiori into the ports of his Majefty’s dominions as before the prefent hoftilities. Fourthly, Tnat all (hips and vef fds belonging to Spain, which fhali be met at lea by his Majefty ’s ftrips and-cruifers, fhali be treated in the fame manner as the ftbps off ates, in amicy with his M.J icy, and (hill he fuffere;! to ca. ry on any trade row confidered by his Majefty to be lawfully carried on by neutral fhlps. Fifth, 7'hat all veiLls and goods belonging to perfons rdidingm the Spanifti colonies, whicii fhali be detained by any of his Map:fey’3 cruisers after the date hereof, illn 11 be brought into port, and ill all be carefully preferved in fafe cuft.dy to wait his Majefty’s further plea fure, until it fhali be known whe ther the faid cclonie s , or any of them, in which the owners of fuch flips and goods, fhali have made common caufit with Spain a gainft the power cf France. And the Right Honorable the LorcL Commiflionm of hfts Majef ty’s Treafury, his Majefty’s princi pal Secretary cf State, the Lends Commiflioners of tlie Admiralty, the judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and the Judges cf the Courts of Vice-Admiralty, are to take fuch meafures herein as to them may refpedLvdy appertain. Stephen cottrel. J%SF . ‘ We fliould keep fquadrons of flips of war and c\ tr uTj ;ports with ammunition, and neccfftrics hover iig cff cv; ryft: aftfh port from Gi jon round to Barcelonia. —ft htfi would ferve the purpof? ot ft. Mi ning the efforts,’ and of fupplying the wants of the Pamocs. —Or, in Me the world fn sold happen, thefe ffi'ps would bs ready co.tceive tue tea* J O * 4 “ - ; . enable them r.o tfKblii’b a. hLlcron dent governmrnt :i thfnr.e ■ w rift, though they were >.O <!•* it •> the old. This ?.cdviry,‘Y. .•> trv. ddlributio nOl oo” -av -1 .0 r■ c. ve* truft win be ■ mfnediatelv ;d* r . In a cr.'fis of fuch imu'cnlc irnpur tana*, we cannot adopt met foes upon too large and iiberd a tea!?. Our readers fiiouid be giving full faith to whatever news :s now circulated in the” f.a-po'ts from the VVcftTndics if;mds; r ■[ through them from Spain > fc ins to be Cared that letters arc fume times- toigvd in our cruncry to an- Fver temporary porpoftr, and pub -1 ffitd as corning from foreign cor rdoondents. That publVTcd in th** day's pa- P r, -as coming from I-Javanna via N. York, if credit could be at-’ tacHed to V% w-aul i cxci rur. n f un. Iwo .ft'ner'iCan narichal vtf- ILs are faid to have been re-fulldf ad mini >n into the port cf Ilavsnna (then filled with IInV.E crukL a) for ionie f.nte, ‘and when admitted treated v;i‘ : li imfign’ty. As ct ftrav 5 which way the wftid blows/’ this if true :right f.-rve :o mark chn dftpMrion of the Spaniih-FuglftT gov emir eht cf Havaruu to the United States. Y ; ? attach little credit, hofrevrr, to this article, or the*news faid be received frqm Spain via Ilavan !‘a’ National hitciii?steer. The Sl&tejnum, anew Rcp-bl’ran paper, juft commenced in r-tev,bu ry- port, Mats, fays— tc For the information of cur Republican friends we ft sup th.r the ffed ell caifc of ’y 6 is ir.creafing’in Nc -v bury port notwithftanding the arts of Lord Lexington and cumpii- * ny to quench it ; and the day, we believe, is not far diftant, when we fi12.1l be able to convince the v.o: Id that New bury port is lt cb/ch'sd from her allegiance'* to a detefted Junto, N OTIC F. KT INK .months from the date hereof application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Q~ gfethorpe county for leave to fell i trad! of .Land, containing 176 acres, more ot Lfs, on the waters of Trou ble feme creek, in faid. county, ar:- joining lands of Noah Freema.?,’ Thomas Fletcher and John Leggett, b Eng part of the real eft ate ot Ben jamin Wilks, deceafed, r.nd ftld for the bene fir of the heirs and creditors of the faid deceafed. Si 1 RAH WILKS, Adm ft;. AARON WILKS, MObES WILKS, Ac I 'in in if! raters. Oglethorpe, Auguft 29,9808. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. > Athens, Auyujl i c ft 1 ?08. On the 20th of July, 1807, rher Board of Trustees rcfolved chat actions fhouid be commenced z~ gainft irelpafters on their lands i.i Athens and its vicinity, and that sny perion in Athens might taker v/oed f.r fuel tlurerftom, paying ac the rate cf eight dollars yearly for each fire place by him ufed, exe cuting a note to rhe Prefident for the ufe of the truft, for the amount above mentioned and payable quar terly. The Board funhar rtLived, that the whole cf trees cut for fuch. pi: pote be removed and carried c:r. Mr. David Aft an was appointed A.ger.: icz tl.e in the prcml ft 3, J. MT:G3, ?;RHent.