Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 17, 1808, Image 3

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I GEORGIA EXPRESS. A I'HENS, “SEPTEMBER rjT~ , JpSeflfrs. M'Donnell cs? Harris, I WHEN a man’s character is alTailed, it becomes him in juitifi cation to himfelf to undeceive the public and place things in their true light. > i A certain cotton monger, a Mr. ffceorge Pafchal of Lexington, has pjublifhed an advertifement in your , piaper of the 27 th lilt, informing the Sublic, that I borrowed his horfe, fiddle and bridle, and promifed to return them ; which on application Hrefufed to do. The gentleman, dertainly is correct in this ftatement, feut like other marauders, has iken care to conceal the motives which in ill gated me to do it. The public will pleafe to know that this gentleman rented a machine conti guous to Lexington and agreed to machine and pack cotton for the _ fifteenth parr. As this was lower than ufual, .1 fent the gentleman a few thousand pounds of ieed cotton, tiicli he promifrd to have ready by a certain day, as 1 informed him I J>ad engaged a waggon to take it to / nguila, and likewife that I had fold it. The gentleman was unufu ji’.lv expeditious for before the jpay had ;arriven that I was to have had it, he came and got bagging, tnaeh’mcd and packed it, hired a •waggon, fent it to Augufta, and ftrange to relate feld it but for whoir. ? not for. me, but himielfi— T he day arrived ti a ! was to make IjppUcarion for the cotton, which I jci’d, and was aflonifhed to find he hed taken the whole inftcad of the fifteenth part. I made repeated ap - plications athis and was confol ped with this fair promi(e ; . that I ffhould have it as loon as he could get it; but hearing the worthy gen tleman laughed at the fmartne.l’s of ■the trick, & frgnified I never would pet a cent from him, and concluded as the people at Milledgevilie had left do civil law open, but negro lav/, 1 would exercife that on Mr. P. ■(thinking him a very fit fubject to {make experiments on) and try to {feeore my fell as well as poffible, {knowing when Whitefolks* law t roke loofe, Mr. P. from the nu merous mortgages and judgment*; * again# him, would be utterly unable * to pay me even if he was willing.—- lUnder thefe confiderations I bor jrowed his horfe with a determina tion to keep him, and tecuremy jfelfj thinking an example of the kind might teach infiduous, infa mous, and insatiable plunderers to meddle with no property but what have a legal right to. As for the gentleman s reeling for me, be cause I bound him to the peace ; if he had had an honed feeling he would not have purloined rr.y cot ton, and might dill have his horfe. Prom his threats and other circum !ftances the gentleman meant to .take my life in the honorable way of {privately way-laying and fhooting rr.e. IThe youth gives a very ludicrous lefeription of his height, weight, kc. he concludes he weighs at pre ent e ; ghty pounds nett, but he cer tainly has not made a mathematical j if he had added the ppprobium and weight, that clan idtdinely making way with other people’s property, (without an in tention ol paying for it) would be, | prefume he’d feel as the Mam itnoth. As for his iownefs in da tore ; I’ll point out a method of snaking him longer, which is by v. drong limb which his multiplied crimes and nefarious intentions de ferve. As for the other parts of his publication I (hall pals over as unworthy of. notice, they having no relevance to r the cran faction, and at once (hewing ijhe depravity of heart and the capacity of the animal. What e'er's obtain'd by roguifh knack, • Or gotten o'er the Devil's back , 2he wife froh', observation - tell ye, Will fur ely fink beneath his belly. Let Pafchal ever’ learn fir cm hence , ‘! ‘To have a little better jenfie , Than to furfiue a plan that's rotten In taking of his neighbor's cotton . 4. . * Let him. await the awful day, When he is call'd bis debts to pay. And then he'llfee If anyfail ‘To lug the rafical intofail. ■ ■ GARLAND T. WATKINS. Lexington, September 15, 1808. Prefident Adams unequivocally approves the Embargo , as a wife, & falutary rheafure, rendered nccefiary by the blockading fydem adopted by the belligerents. He as points edly condemns his federal friends for oppefing it,-and thus weakening our government and encouraging the belligerent powers, in their ag gre (lions on our commerce. In his opinion the embargo is fo far from a tneafure hoftile to commerce, ; that it is calculated, the bed of all pof fible meafures* which could be a dopted, to fecure the permanent ef tablifbmene and prolperity of com merce. Mr. Adams 3nd Mr. Jef fprfon agreed in the great quedions whicn arofe during the revolution. Afterwards they divided on certain leading principles of government, and were rival candidates for the Prcfidency. The recent conduct of Mr. Adams, in giving the weight of his opinion in fupport of a great national meafure, which his rival and fucceftor had recommend ed, and which his own party were making a fubje<st of party oppofi tion, is an evidence of that honedy and fincerity, which all parties have allowed him. How much more ho-, riorable he in this refpeefiy. than many leading federalids, who are as well convinced as he is that the embargo is the bed meafure which could have been adopted, and yet in a crifis of peril and pri vations, unite in a party effort to render it unpopular and inefficaci ous, for the fake of diferediting the adminiftration, under whofe aufpices it was laid. Pittsfield Sun. V* ith pleafure we have noticed the afibciations for manufa&ures in the fbuthern dates, while the fame manufactures were in filence extending chemiclves in our neigh borhood. We feel obliged to the By field Manufactory with particu lar refpeit. The proprietor and conductor is Mr. John Lees. The .fpecimen we have leen of the flan nel and broad-cloth would not be unworthy of any manufactory in any country. Y/e trufl that the ambi tion to encourage the manufactures’ of our country, will induce many to employ them after the example of the Prefident, and many perfons of d’ftinction in the United States.— Samuel Ogden, of Providence, makis the machinery for Cotton Works. Cotton blankets made at Philadelphia have been ordered for the army of the United States. — 1 willed cotton cloth is to be ob tained at the fame manufactory. Ejfex Reg . and four other towns We have heard from in the date of •New-Hamp ffiire, Republicans have triumphed mod glorioufly. The votes given in were v Republican 1166 Federal 374 Nat. Intel. . > 1 Whereas I gave my note to Joel Purkerfon for twenty-five dollars, payable the twenty-fifth day of De cember next, I do hereby forwarn all perfons’from trading For faid note, as I have paid the fame, and am determined not to pay it any more.. - ■ EDMOND BOHANON. Jackfon county, Sept. 10, 1808.; ’ t I, .! * • ‘ , * . . * In the Superior Court , Putnam county. RULE NISI. GILES TOMKINS, vs. * HENDRICK LUMKINSo X-JpON the petition of C. B. Strong, counfel for the plaintiff, it is ordered, that unlcfs the laid Hen drick Lumkins pay into the hands of the Clerk of the Superior Court before the expiration of twelve months the principal, intereft, and cod of faid (bit, the faid Mortgage to be and is hereby foreclosed, and that this rule be inferted in one of the public Gazettes of this date, at lead once a month for the term of one year, or ferved on the mort gager, or his fpCcial agent, at lead fix months before the money is di re&ed to be paid. Extract from the’minutes. WM. WILLIAMS , Clk. September 17 th, 1808. SPORTING. r l^ .1 HERE is now a Subscription open for a Produce Sweep Stake in Oglethorpe Cbunty, on the fiowl ling Green Turf, free for any Colt foaled in this State in eighteen hun dred andeighf, running the fall af ter they are three years old, two mile heats with a ketch of 80 lbs on each * entrance two bales tif clean merchantable cotton, weighing three hundred pounds each ; half forfeit. The Subfcription will be kept open till the twenty-fifth of De cember next, and no admittance af ter that time. Perfons wiffiing to enter may do fo by applying to this Office. A Jockey Club is about to be eftablilhed on the fame ground, to commence this fall and continue five years. . jiugufi 13, 1808. NOTICE. N INE months from the date hereof application will be made to Inferior Court of Jackfon, for leave to fell 200 acres of land, lying on the Pond Fork of the Oconee river, the property of Thomas Morgan, deceafed ; to be fold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. MARY MORGAN, Admindratrix. TOHN CARMiCHAEL, ROBERT MORGAN, Adminidrators. Augud 6, 1808. |ir>ni 1 ■ mm -■ ——— BACON WANTED. A FEW hundred weight of Ba con is wanted immediately, for which a liberal price will be given. Enquire at this office. Will be given to any who may find a large red Morocco Pocket-book, which the tub fen be r lod. between Little river and the Appalachee, on the road leading from Milledgevilie to Athens. L contained fevcral papers, ‘ among which was a note on Wmi.’ Mitchell for 250 dollars. The finder’ will receive the above reward by leaving it with Dodfor Neifler in Athens. CHATTIN D. CHOWNING. Sept. 17. , TO SELL—OR RENT. T ANARUS; ‘ ‘ ; 1 •’ :•" >•"’ ■ ‘ 5 HE Subfcriber v/ifhes to fell or tent, adore ‘ houle, dwelling houfe, four cotton machines, and four lots fituated in the town of Clarke (boro’—the gins can be had at the tifual rates.—The above pro perty wifi be difpoled on very good terms by applying to me irt Athens; Cotton, Brandy or Whilkey will be taken in payment, allowing the highed market price. ( ’ 1 - CHARLES LENOS. September 17, ißcjß. “ I’.” “” M ADMINISTR ATOR’S SALE. On'Monday the 17th of o Sober next ; ‘at the plantation of Betij. Wilkes , deceafed, WILL BE SOLD, OnE dud horfe, feveral work horfes, colts, cows; hogs, plantation tools, houiehold and kitchen furni ture, a cotton machine, a quantity of feed cotton of the crop of 1807, and many other articles, being a part of the perfonal eftate of the faid Benjamin Wilks, deceafed.— Terms of fate* twelve months cre dit for all dims above five dollars, upon the purchafer giving bond with approved fecurity. SARAH WILKS, Adm'x. AARON WILKS, MOSES WILKS, Adminifirators. Oglethorpe, Augud 29; 1808. NOTICE. months from the date hereof application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of O glethorpe county for leave to fell a traft of Land, containing 176 acres* more or lefs, 6n the waters of Trou blefome creek, in faid county, ad joining lands of Noah Freeman, Thomas Fletcher and John Leggett* being part of the real eftate of Ben jamin Wilks, deefcafed, and fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the faid deceafed. SARAH WILKS, Adm'x. AARON WILKS, MOSES WILKS, Adminifirators • Oglethorpe* Auguft 29, 1808. WHI P ’ Is now at his own ftable in Wafii ington, and will ftand Until the 31ft of O&ober next, and thofe that put mares to him in the Spring fealon, that failed to ftand, are at liberty to continue them, gratis. If any mares ftiould be left with the horle, I will feed then as directed, at a mo derate price. EDWARD JORDAN. Waflnngton, July iCtb, 1808. SHERIFF’S BLANK TITLES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.