Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 24, 1808, Image 1

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VOL. I ) ATHENS', GEORGIA *. PRICED BY MCDONNELL HARRIS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, iso&. TE£ M S OT TiTE , , *> - ■/ GEORGIA iOr.'RLSS. # . ’ y;4^.> : ’ *****•'• ■ • v- I. IT will be printed weekly, at three dollars per annum; one hair to be advance, tjfe remainder at the expiration of fix months. Advernfements will be charg ed the rate o| fixty-two and a half cents per fqfiure for the firft infcrtipn, aid fitcy cents for each continuation. £ •'* t ‘7s 3. Nq papers will Ije difcohfinb-. cd wit hour a v nAkte to that cfftdt; nor then if h arrears. A]k - Htyejffi direpe4 ‘Ed;tors't ‘■ . . ‘lhe folia wing Gentlemen are autho rized- to receive-Sub]grip I)on's for-this Paper: — _ ‘ Clarksboro poil- Mafk-r,- Jeffexf&n —t *.*n. 84 H aitis* Wftkbi/vitte* —-lEa B. JrnkotSjTfg. Lexington —Poll Mailer, & Capt; Wotki Oglethorpe —Mr. S amur 1 Shields, and Lumpkins, Eiq. Walnut Grove- —VI L/e A kins. Strong's c ' r * G'-emc:.-- ‘ —Cans. T. Dawfon. Spanh—l), fit r W. Terreii. P< tft-M afer. Powel or MAifr. Mil ledge vnU~~ Thomas Mounger and Jamrb Elqr-. pi her ton r t-C. >l. Wno Chill qrn. • Petersburg '—Pope, iifq*,& Doft>- Wioktf’S. ■;. Vienna —S; B. Shields, E> r q. iVilkes*~-X)w Jd ‘l'errsd, Eiq. & Doft.or, B h 6, Y Lincoln— N. Alien,’ and Capr. John Hughes. iji* Lottifmlk —Mr A. Day. AugajU—j, S, Walked* Efq. & D 6t r Sjpeit. . Waynesboro'- —Col. John Davies* oanderjvilie—h/ls . Wtn.E'Mur ray. Savanna ’{>•—H: TI. iMoun ger, and Mr. A. W. s*• ribnqr. ” ” ’——• FIFrY ’l/3'LL.litS ItEWAiO. : 1 \ “ J v •; -A sn and FROM the public Stable on the Okmulgee time in Fe bruary laft, a Chefnuc Sorrel Mare, fix years old, fee eh hands^high, jvell made, trots naturally j was food all round when Ihe went awiiv— without artificial mai*ks— her natu ral marks at r, a ftar in the forehead forming a fiiorc dull blaze, with one or both hsrtd feet white, fume faddie fpots on ? the ‘mounting fide. She was feen on the oath leading to Oglethorpe court houk, and iViup pofed to be run off Oy fome per lon. Any perfon giving information Jo that the (aid mare is.obtained by the owner (if fira.fd) foall receive ten dollars— and fiuv dollars if fco len fo that the thfcf be brought to puniihnnent. • DENISON DARLING, Agent for the Ge#rsl poll-office. Ativrns, Juiv 20, ; 0 C •. BLANA Lt ? B?OL;\A3, For iale at this office. k u kb 1 k .11 A U k L b A. MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, ,AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED. [ I he following from the Sdeft 1 liKtt H WorrHl-r, is of 1 elegant and delgase ferifyy and at’ the fame “time a rhe man ly pairimifm tjf'rjut. refocftable tGgim. vY r fui* :c A fhnr the hand Pf Levi. Ling ln is iripft rhinp, and we lee ‘w|*n p’eifure'rh'tt cut of their own mouth he has cmdemoed Jbe*q. —- ‘The paffages nHI dons from the B ftuo add-refs.] ‘V To ihefelect of the town ef .Lojlov- Gentlemen, We have reset'/ed your letter inviting is to call a meeting,of the dnhabii this town, foy.he pp*- iprfe of concurring’ with ;voijr town, in ?p< thion to t-e PrHltlent for s <{ lujpenfion- of the embargo , in wbofe or in part ; or that the -Prefidht woxld.■"convene €pngnfs -at'Marly las pfffblerforuhe pU'p je of taking }he fubjefi*Utd configteraltonV ,We fif • Erred returnirg an an Tver fill jh-s time, bfciaufe we thought we had rtafon po believe, that entre vvduld be %-undlten*of our own freehrddfis, our {< nomenrs. ana (!if ter in g ir- ai us, who, by fignifyirg their and; fire irr male it our du&y to calk iuch a mating. We can delay ho idtfgzf Y’ uivilky which ss doe to our fellow citizens .ofdie. rcfpcdUbE .town of Bofton. \Ye wUI there fore, with that friend ly freedom which becomes citizens v. hofj mtere&s are the fame, expole rhe reafi! 3 and fent wnich forb and us to a A in our official capa city according to your propolal. We are far from driagreeing with you on the conftirufional right of the cPizTns “in an orderly tn^ 1 peaceable ma-cer, to aficfnble to confuk on the public gnod,” and prefent addreff-s, petitions and re monftrances. But we think a wife people will be cautious of making a frequent ufe of thk privilege.— WhiiH the right of fuff age remains inure, and the people polfcflTcs the freedom offrequent ekdtions, it is oi'-yipus there cannot be fuch oc casion for petirVoning, as under go vernments the people have a lefs “ ejfential [hare.” Of the propriety of exciting others to, pe tition, you have doubt Id's confidcr ed. We are highly pleafed, ar.d mull heart ly concur with toe general fentimems in the firft part of the peution of B *fton, txpreffive of a l’enfc of patriutifm and <c refpeA for the ccjnftituted authorities of our coumrv,” and “the mdifpen fiole necrffi f y of lupporting, at all times, the jaws enafted by the go vernment of our choice,’ 3 with their \ . : M tc read!refs to make any perfbnal facj.fc es, and endure any priva tions which the public welfare may rtephre.” It prides us, that under lean meats truly honorable and mag nanimous Ike the fir, our fellow Citi zen* of B >(lon “ have refrained from expreifii g cnewifiies they moft fenfiolv fed for the removal of the ernoarg' lndeed were not the e-mbarg> a mealure “which the public/ good required,” not only the citizens of Bofton but of every other t&vvn, would have juft caufe fb petition—-^o'remooftrare.- That the • embafrflTnrffts conf quenrial on the arreftation of a projperous trade bv the embargo, or rather 6y the t extraordinary conduft of nations, ivhich caufed rhe embargo, are fenfiblv frit by al thf'-ft every cjnzrn, none will deny ; ant| that like all embarrrfTuents ufu ally arifing from any'char ge in the courT of bufi lefsj they muft aff (ft fome individuals, l'ome towns, and feme (tares, or parts of the radon, more than others, is as j lain to be lefh., But fr fuch individuals, fur|i/towns or jftates to niurmu-, fow d((content?, or attempt to raife op public welfare /' q wired rhe mea fme, would betVay abaft feififtfnds upworthv of Americans, and degen erating from the great example of our early anctftors, and the heroes and fagts rxt our. recent revolution j and not Only fo, but unworthy c f .focial man, unworthy of the religion we profefs. It gives us great fatisfaftion, af ter the contrary impn fiions which we had received from periodical papers, we confefs not worth re garding, rbw robe aff ired, from a authentic, that the inhab itants of Bofton wnild have fuff, red in file nee all the evils which they fenfiblv felt under the embargo, “ but for the events in which materially change tbs ajpett of our foreign relationi ” Here is the firft occafion that we have to differ from the fentim'ents exprelfed by you or your townsmen. Thtfe events are fi> recent and our intelligence, concerning the prefenc ftate and profptfts of Spair, fo im perfeft, we are not yet ready to ex prefs any opinion on the propriety of fufpending the embargo in whole or in patrp becaufe of ihefe events. And fuffer usalfo to mention, that it would be no rni>re than reafonable, fitft to allow the Prefi lent to come to t’ e knowledge of thefe events, 2nd g’ve. him an opportunity to take thole meafures, of his own ac cord, which perhaps you and we, in our petition, m ght requeft. To petition at pre ft nr, as we are forced to view the fubjeft, would imply a luppofuion that the Prefident was not qualified for his high ftation or not difpofed to perform its du ties ; a which the in habitants of Worcefter, no more than thofe of Bofton, were ever difpofed to make. Fully perfuaded that we haveex prelfed the fentiments of a large ma jority of the inhabitants of this town, in expreffing our own, we cannot believe it would be fatisfaftory to them, on this occafion, at this fta fon of the year, to be called togeth er in town meet ng. We are, gen tlemen, with much refpeft, your humble ferva’-ts, Selectmen of bfhraim Mower, } dwird Bangs, lb at hi li irmgton, Nathan V/bite t Tbos. Nichols , Indian honor conirafud uuiib Bri • ttjh murder.' —lt has been to 1 all trie Abor g’nrsof America by the name o Javages ; bur if public fpirir, if lliKiving and obeying the principles of jufl.cty the true inte rt ftsof thnr ccuitry, if the ejec tion of Britifh gold and B icilh bribes, 1 if bring proof againft the commercial hfiuencff and the decep tion of Bricilh ?g-ms and traders p if refiifii g to imbrue their bane's in the blood of ihAr btft friends— can give to the Indian the claim of civilization, then mav hr boldly dalh the appellarmn ‘(Lfavags full in the face of the lories if the United Stares. Thefe men have adopted every bale and difhonorable princi ple which the more enl ghtened In-* than revolted from and fpurried with indignation j and the council fires of Maldon have produced few er traitors than rhe council fi es of Wafti ngcon. We read more of the real principles of chtiftianity, which are peace, in the of an In dian chief, and in their religious rites, fongs aid danc*?, than in the earning hvpocrify, brg-winded prayers , falfehoods and war-hoops of a plckeroon feiutor of Ncw-En glana. The following talk of the Xndnn chiefs at St. Louis, is a ft?iking contrail to the conduft: cf the fii vage cabinet of St. James’s in ref peft to the murders of the Chefa peake ; in one cafe the murderers are delivered up to juftice—un the orher, Berkely , who was the com m ffi rned executioner and represen tative of the Bncifh tyrant, on hii return home meets with a moft gra cious reception at the foot of hi* fDijrfty’s throne ! Which nation, reader, has the moll cla ; m to the appellation 01 baroarous or civilized r 2^ at. JnteL From the firft number of the Mijfmri Gazette , a paper printed at St. Louis by Jojepb Cbarkjs . A fingular proceffnn compofed of Saukte?, Fox and 10 arays, march ed into town on Sunday evening laft, Tinging their death fong •*— Some time ago two or three wrote men were killed, by a party of thefe people, the murderers were de manded and given up with alacrity ; even the criminals demanded to be fent in to avert by their blood, the vengeance which hung over their nation. We are informed that the prifoners with their great chiefs and lome cf their relatives kept up the death Tong without much mterrnif fion during their journey to tins place* mmd Speech of White Skin, the great chief of the Sac nation, to Gen. IWtlltam Clarke , on the delivery of the pri* Joners. My Father-—Here is the mai y ou have fo long wanted to fee, that k lied the white nun at Portage de Soux, he v/as a fool when he (lid it. I now bring him to you. Mv Father. I: has ben a long time you lent Mr. Boilvn n> bring us vour words, I hooe a far day will come, wac iU wdl be (No. 20.