Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, September 24, 1808, Image 2

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P 0 iL T R i. ‘U’ ‘ T.-.V. VIRGINIA ARGUS. fAr. P leaf ants, Having pubßGed in your patri otic paper the battles of Trenton * • Princeton you will now if you pleafe, infer: in the Argus, the fur render of Gen. John i-urgoyne, who march'’' 1 from Quebec, viih > men, the dower of the Britifh ar my „ and ha vi n g m ove and w lth gre a t parade a: far as Sarntcgo, Turrencler ed to ride American army, (compof < ’ chiefly o’ militia) under the ■'oromanii of Gen. Ho. Gates.— tis patriotic long, like the capitu lation which it relates, L a precurfer to one reciting the furremler of Lord C ornwallis, with another I’ri tiiU army and nnvy, to Gen. Wafh •ngton, ar Voik and own, in Virginia, wliicli put a period to the war, fo vii(honorable to Great Britain, but 10 highly glorious to America. Jack the king ‘s commander, P/as going to his duty, ’ll ugf all the croud he pvEln? bow'd ‘To c \uj blooming beauty m The uiy ran” with feats he*cl deni, In l “tuga! and Plunders, dud cd. the town thought he'd been > r ’vn‘d ‘ll e fit jl of Alexanders. do ILitnjti ,n court he frfi re fairs, To hi s great George's hand Jir , /hid to harangue o'a fate affairs, it fere he left the land Jir. ihe I oner boufe fat mute as moufe , To hear his grand oration, 11 hitfr all the peers with loudeft cheers Proclaim*d him through the nation. Then ftraight he went to Canada, Next to / iccnder ogo, leaving lho ft away, he goes, Straight way tj Saratoga. d’/h grand parade his march he made ■ gam his wiftT,! for ftation, A hiljl far .oid wide his, minions hide. To fprtiul ids proclamation. To . // his fra dy offers made, ( j pardon orfubmiffion, Teajl cruel bands jhould wafe the lands, Of ah in oppofiticn. slut ah ’ the cruel fate of war, This loafed fen of Britain , IVhcn mounting its triumphal car, IViihJudultn fear wasJmitten. The font off eedom gather'd round. Their hoftile bands confounded, dad when they would have turn'd their lacks , Theyfiw them]elvesfur rounded. Jr in they fought , in vain they fed, /■i ir chief humane and tender, To /avi the > eft join thought it heft, li : s forces to fur rend: r. Thus may America* s brave font, HTtb honor le re warded , And le the fate of ail our Joes, The fame as here recorded . rom the WaihingtoA Federalift. TV IT AT l! •n a marvellous and long ftory teller. • * [N *■’ ‘*!i>gvdearth, for he ; • -r cr ■f\(/d hsnvs, Ott thee, St. Pierif, in ids celebrated work, the Studies of Nature, thus introdu ces the follow ig i'.uerdotc. It is impoffibie for virtue to fubfift in dependently rebi.don. Idc not mean the theatrical virtue?, which attrsft the pub'ic admiration. By virtue, I underhand the good we do to men, without expectation of re ward on their part, and frequently at the expence of a fortune, nay even of reputation. Analize all thofe whole traits have appeared to you moil finking i there is no one of them but what points out Deity, nearer or more remote. I {hall quote one not generally known, and Angularly interesting from its ob feurity, ‘No the laiT war in Germany, a captain of cavalry was ordered out in a foraging party. —He put him ielf at the head of his troops, and marched to the quarter aligned him. It was a folitary valley, in which hardly any thing but woods could be been, tu the midft of it flood a little cottage ; on perceiv ing it he went up and knocked at the door our comes in ancient Hcrnouten. Father, fays the oili cer, Brew me a place where I can let my troops a foraging. f ‘ pref emiy,” replied the Hernouten.— The good old man walked before and conducted them out of the val ley. After a quarter of an hour’s march, they found a fine field of Farley—there is the very thing we want, fays the captain. Have pa tience for a few minuses, replies his guide, you fhall be fatisfied. They went on, and at the diilance of a bont a quarter of a league further, they arrived at another field of bar ley. The troops immediately de mounted, cut down the grain, truli ed it up, and remounted. The of Acer upon this fays to his con ductor, Father, you have given yourfelf and us unneceffary trouble, the firit field was much better than this. Very true Sir, replied the good old man, but it was not mine. f his Broke goes directly to the heart, i defy any atheift to produce me any thing to be compared with it. If two negatives make an affirm ative. what will half a dozen nega tives make ? A market woman going over Roxbury neck* obferv ed file had left a box ar fome of the fhops in town, the lid only being left in the cart. She fenc her huf band back to enquire among a few ihops, where ike muft have left it. W Irh an an xious, inquifitive coun tenance, he afked in leveral (lores— “ Nobody don't know nothing about no lex that nobody left here , with no ki ver on ; as nobody knows on ■, does there D’—Thiflle. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the fee end Saturday in OElober next, at the plantation whereon Jefe Moon, tale of jack fen county, de celled, lived, WILL BE SOLD i\.LL the perfonal eftate of faid decealed, confining of horfes, cat tle, hogs, fheep, houfehold and kitchen furniture, together with the plantation tools.—Twelve months credit wifi be given, by the pur chaler giving bond with approved iecurity lor all fums over three dollars. BOLAU MOON, AdmV. Auguil r;, ISOS. BLANK DEEDS For Die at this office.. R E N T & D; THAT valuable and well known trail of land lying in Clark county on the middle fork of the Oconee river, including the mouth of Bear creek and the long fhoal on find river, lever, mihs above Athens, well watered and a healthy fi toad on, containing 945 arm, a great part of which is of irfr and fecund qual ity, about two hundred acres under cultivation, in good repair, orchards and go;.d buildings aifo, a valuable faw-mill, two grift-miils, a cotton machine, a large diftiikry and tan yard on faid river. Any perfion wifhing to purchafe may get a great bargain. Likely negroes wilt be taken in part payment —the terms will be made known by applying to R. S. EASLEY. Augufl 30. NOTICE. WHEREAS, I executed to E phraim Jones tv/o Bonds, in part payment for the land whereon I now live, bearing date the 12th of November, 1807 —-one for two hundred and the other for feventy five dollars, on demand the a sth of December, 1808. Jdo hereby forwarn all perfpns from trading for faid Bonds, as I do not intend pay ing one cent thereof until i have a general warrantee tide made to me by laid { ones for the aforefaid land. ‘ GEORGE BARNES. Augufl 20, 1808. FORTY DOLLARS REWARD. I\.AN away from the fubfcribers living in Morgan county, on the 14th of Augufl, inflant, a negro fellow by the name of JIM, about thirty-five years of age, and about five feet ten inches high, thin made and very bhek complexion. Akb, a yellow wench by the name of JUDAH, about twenty-eight years of age, thick made and wears her hair tied—mod people would fuppofe her to be free from her co lour, as flie is very white for a Have —both Virginia born. Alfo, a negro fellow by the name of GARLAND about 25 years efage, of a yellow complexion, flout made, about five feet ten inches, has a kind of impediment in his ipeech, when fpoken to he has a down look, and has a fear on his left breail oc cafioned by the whip, Alfo, a negro woman by the name of JUDAH, about twenty five years of age, tolerable black, looks very wild out of her eyes, and very talkative. Their cloathing cannot be deferibed, as they carried off a quantity.—lt is prelumable they will aim for Virginia, or the Indian nation. The above reward will be given for fecuring them in any Jail, or ten dollars for either of them, de livered to either JACOB ODAM, or FIELDS KENEDY. Morgan county, Augufl; 15th 1808. FOR SALE, The Lot and Houfes, in the town of Athens, near the weft end of Mr. Failey’s Bridge. Ir is an excellent place for a Blackfmith’s {hop, or any otherkind of work. Brandy, nt cafh price, or a good gelding will be taken in payment. GILLIAM BOOTH. Augufl; 20. SHERIFF’S SALE, f WILL BE SOLD ‘ On me firf i itcja iy in October next, ■ at the Cmri-Hovfc in ~jd.kfon conn, ly, between lhe vfitalhours , the f'eld Ewing property, to wit : Two trails of land on the Ap> palache river in the aforefaid coun ty j the one -countaining feven thoufand one hundred and fixtya-i cres, bounded by lands granted to’ Fifhborne, Cobbs, Evans and c-J thers-—alfo one other trail contain ing feven thoufand three hundred acres, bounded by lands granted to Cobbs, Collier and others—the laid lands granted to Bafil Jones, and levied on as his property tofa~ tis fy two executions in favor of George Henning and Ignatius Few* WM. POTTS, Sheriff. September id, iBcB. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT GEORGIA, Milledgeville, 14 th March 1808. On reference to a concurred and approved refolution on the iothday of December laft— ORDERED, That the acl en titled cf an ail to alter and amend the 10th feilion of the 3d article of the conftitutton, be publifhed once a month, for fix months, in the fe~ veral Gazettes of this Hate, Att'eft, J as. Bozeman, Sec'ry, An Art to alter and amend the tenth feilion of the gd article of the confutation. \yf7 HERE AS, the faid 10th v V feilion is in the words fol lowing : “ The Clerks of the Su perior and Inferior Courts fhall be appointed in fuch a manner as the Legifilature may by law direit ; fhall be commilTioned Joy the Governor, and (ball continue in office during good behaviour.” For remedy whereof— Be it enabled by tbs Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Affembly met, and by the authority of the fame, That the Clerks ot the Superior and Infe riof Courts fin all be eleiled on the fame day as pointed out by law for the eleition of other county officers. And be it further enabled, That as foon as this bill fhall be paffed by two thirds of both branches of the next iegiflaturc, and be approved of by the Governor, it fhall become a part of tbe Confutation of the State of Georgia. Benj. Whitaker, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. David Bates, Prefident of the Senate, Pro tem. Afiented to 7th Dec. 1807, JARED IRWIN, Governor 9 ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Will be fold at the houfe of Captain Jeffs Smith, in the county of Jack fen, between the ufual hours, all the perfonal eftate of Andrew Scott, deceafed, (-CONSISTING of horfes, cattle, hogs, one fet of blackfmith’s tools, houfehold and kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. The fa!e to commence on the fifteenth day of Gilober next, and continue from day to day till the whole is fold, Sunday ex cepted. Terms of fale will be made known on the above clay. NANCY SCOTT, Adminiftr&trix. September 1, 1808. BLANK SU BP CRN AS, For fale at this office.