Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, October 01, 1808, Image 2

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pood ■ 1 ■” *■” r-i-.’HstGWTfr&'f+J&JSr * jr M -” • ; “ J ’ r "’6, i tfucccN, bdt with the view of ea terlr,Q. thur protril againfi: Mr, Madifon. r i he expreftions of pub lic opinion in the feveral dates have certainly: been iuilkiendy explicit to (hew them, that if thry calcula ted on dividing the republicans* they grossly deceived themiclve's. It has bet n proved, beyond a doubt, that the republicans of the South J.nd the Weft, will give an entire vote for Mr. Madifon. The voces of theft Rate’s Will be- Georgia 6 South Carolina 10 North Carolina 31 Virginia 24 Tenneffe 5 Kentucky 3 Ohio 3 67 Add to thefe as certain— Maryland 7 TVnnfylvania 20 New Jcrfey 8 102 And we have 102 certain votes for Mr. Madifon, conftituting a decided majority. We have omit ted Delaware, New York, and Ver menr, not from any doubts we en tertain of their vote ; bur, becaufe there ex’rfls fume contrariety of o pinion in the public mind. Well, therefore, may the fedcralifts con fider the div.fion of the republicans hop clefs. It is, however, very probable that the nomination of Gen. Pinck ney is made to throw the republi cans of}’ their guard. Our oppo nent- may reafon in this way. If we fiend aloof from all interference with the republicans, they will be moft likely to be divided among tbemfelvts. To make a (hew of this the mofc politic Rep we can take is to nominate a candidate of our own. The impotence of our (Length in carrying a federal man will lie laughed ac and treattd with and rifiop* G Read of being a caufe cf fear, it will be a topic of mirth. Under this cover, we (hall avail cur feives of every poffiole means of gaining our end. The republi cans will divide their votes, and ours will come in to decide who Ih all be prtfidenr, who will, confe queatly, be of our making. Ic will not follow, becaule we nominate Mr. Pinckney, that we are finally to vote for him. As circumftancts ill all favor, our votes may, notwich ilandirg, be given to him, to Mr. Clinton or Mr. M mroe. Under every view, then, in which this fubjeft can be prefented, the republicans of the United States are admoniflied to vigilance and exer tion. Never has there been a pe riod in the annals of nations in which there was a feronger claim on the virtue of a community. They have more to preierve than any nation that ever exilted. On the mainte rance of their independence, on their refiftence or oppreffion, on their union, depend their future fare, their individual felicity and the true glory of our country. A foreign power, co-operating with the mercinary Ipirit that actuates a portvin oi our fellow citizens, has fiutcred itftlf with a hope of fub verting our prefent happy fyftem of meafjres, and thus paving the way for :>n entirely new political sra. If they can fucceed in fruftrating the republican willies of the people by raifing forne man to the Prefidencv. who will undo ail that has lately been cone, they will have taken a < bold Rep towards the attainment of shelf objecl; and, (till further pro tint? the left effebfs in Er eland t 7 A trc XT,yv Ot u, 7 u firirg dic.nfeivcs of our ] thev may indeed filter themftlves with turning us from the error of cur ZVdj/S. Already (flys the Lexington Re- ( porter, Kentucky) has the embar go, er the injuftice of thofe which , produced it, given fuch a fpiirto, domeftic manufactures in the other , dates as well as in this, as will en- , fare to cur farmers a con Rant de mand lor all the flax and hemp they can grow, We have not as yer, made fo great a noife upon this fubjedl, as fonie of the other Races in the union ; but we believe it to be a fail, that in the courie of three months, fourteen manufactories for (pinning and weaving hemp, flix, and cotton, will be in operation in this town ; which manifcfls a Ipirit of induftry and enterprise worthy of imitation. To the embargo are we indebted in the h’ght-ft decree, for this growing profprnty, which is of more real and permanent (er vice, than millions expended in fo reign commerce. An authentic copy of the lad fpeecli of the Britifb king, has been received in America. He thanks the parliament for what he callsfune t toning the late orders hi council s to fpoliate neutrals, to deftroy their commerce, to tax their property and to violate their flag. * The A mericans are treated woife than co lonifts, for colon ills have a legiti mate and real infl icnce on the Bri rifn parliament; and the rich Weft- Ind ans can buy Lais as ealily as any other perfons. Den. Pre/s. The following article is recom mended to the fcrlous confederation of medical men. It leads to the clifcovery of a remedy for a difeafe which annually configns thoufands to a premature death, Worcefter , (Mass ) Aug. 27. SINGULAR CIRCUMSTANCE. Laft winter a fon of Mr. Eieazer H awes, of Marlborough, about 11 yeats old, acudenraliv got a cent into the lower part of the oefopha gus. A puke and other means ’were employed in bringing ic up, without any eff St. It got into the ftomach* Draftie cathartics and other means we real fo ufed, wirhout anytii. ee. Olive oil was the prin cipal medicine ufed afterwards. Ic continued to lay in his ftomach un til the boy was fent to ride four or five niiies in haft**, when he imme diately felt a pain in his bowels j the next day the cent palled from him, which made fix months to a bout 3ti hour, that it lav in him.— At die time the boy (wallowed it he had the hopping cough, and it immediately cured him by the ftili vat on of the copper, and it conti nued to falivaie aim oft the whole of the time i't lay in him. The cent by trying its weight with another one of the fame (lamp and dace, was found to Infe 1-16 h part of its we ght; which by the lame rule would have taken eight years to digtft the whole cenf. NOTICE, Nrvr * , „ HI iA b montns after date appli cation will be made to the Inferior Court or” jackfon county for leave to fell one Lot in the town of Jef fcrfoß, lately occupied by Do&or rhomas Carfon, deccafed——to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the faid deceafed. JOSEPH J. SCOTT, Adm’r. September 6, j 808, *. - -- A/vaav Vv nether theie gentlemen £rg pnj J r*. 1 M*i * V ‘* ‘ ~ EXECUTIVE Jjt PART MEN f ’’ GEORGIA, Id.tlhdhville, 14 tb Alarcb 1 S.oB. On reterence to a concurred and approved refolutioh on the 10th day of December left — ORDERED , That the n£> en titled ft an aft ro alter and amend the 10th fedbion of the 3 1 article of the conftifuc cr, be publifhed once a month, for fix months, in the le veral Gazettes of this ibte. Atteft, Jas. Bozeman, Sec’ry, An Aft to alter and amend the tenth feftion of the 3d article of the confcitutioK. WHEREAS, the faid 10th fe&ion is in the words fol lowing : f s The Clerks of the Su perior and Inferior Courts (hall be appointed in fuch a manner as the Legiftatjire may by law diredl ■, (hail be commiffioned by the Governor, and fbdl continue in office during good behaviour.*’ For remedy whereof— , Be it enacted by the Senate and Houje tf Refrejentatives of the State of Georgia , in General AJfembly met , and by the authority of the fame, That the Clerks of the Superior and Infe rior Courts (hall be eledled on the famedav as pointed out by law for ihe election of other county officers. And be it further enabled, That as foon as this bill (hall be pafted by two thirds of both branches of the next legiflacurr, and be approved cf by the Governor, it (halt become a part of the Conftitution of the State of Georgia. Benj. Whitaker, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. David Bates, Prefident of the Senate, Pro tern, Afiented to 7th Dec. ißc7j JARED IRWIN, Governor. NOTICE. NINE months after date appli cation will be made to the Inferior Court of JYckfon County, tor leave to fell three tracts of land, viz :—two trails lying on the North Fork of the Oconee, one of which contains 200 acres, the other 192, one lot lying in the 14th dif tnd: of Baldwin “No. 64—to be fold for the benefit of the heir3 and creditors <A Michael Borders, dec. MARY BORDERS, Executrix. JOHN BORDERS, Executor. July 9, 180S. notice. xr , 1.1 INE months from the date hereof application will be made to Inferior Court of Jackion, for leave to fell 200 acres of land, lying on the Pond Fork of the Oconee river, the properly of Thomas Morgan, deceafed 5 to be fold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. MARY MORGAN, Admsnftratrix. JOHN CARM.CHAKL, ROBERT MORGAN, Adminiftrators. Auguft 6, 1808. TO RENT A fmal! dwelling houfe, kitchen, fmoaK houfe, and a good garden, for the term of one year—The tei ms may be made known by ap plication to Mr. John Byers of this place, or to the fubferibers at China Grove in Oglethorpe county. PHINIZY, SON fc? SHIELDS. Athens > Sept: 22, 1808. BLANK DEEDS For fate at this office f 1-Xl'ilE ATHENS, OCTOBER 1. The civarrder and cr-nduT r( Buonaparte are the fubjedt or ai rh.c ft ‘every con ve r fa: ion c f c ivjllz- e and people in every country of the Globe—What is his true charrYter is not yet known—what it was a: the time cf his writing the follow ing letter to the K/r.gOf Great Bri tain may be eft mated - by our read ers—-who will difcQver mi; a fin cere dt fire cf Peace, and they/will rtfiedl that the continuance of the war frem 1799 to this day, is not chargeable co/nim. Bonaparte, Firfi Con fid cf ihe Re public, to , his MajeJly the King of Great B/iiain and Ireland A Paris, ft h Nivcfe, Uh Year of the Republic. Called by the w.iEes cf the French nation to occupy the fiift niaNfira cy cf the Republic, I think it pro per, onenttrirg into effict, to make a direct communication or ir to vour Majefty. The war, which for eight years has ravaged the four quarters of the world, inuft it be eternal ? Are there no means of ccrairg to an underftandirg ? How can the two moil enlightened nations cf Europe, powerful and ftrong be <yond what their iifety and indepen dence require, facrsfice to ideas of va*n greatneis fhe benefits of com merce, internal profpenty, and the happinefs of families ? How is it that they do nor feel that Peace is . of the firft nectftity, as well as of the fbft glory ? Thtfc feotimems cannot be foreign to the heart of your Majefty, who reigns over * ficc nation, and with the foie view of rendering it happy. Your Ma jefty wifi only fee, in this overture, ray fincere defire to contribute tifi cacioufty, for the Trend time, to a general pacification, by 3 ftep, fpce dy, entirely of cor.fidence, and dif ergaged from thofe forms which, necdlkry perhaps to difguife the de pendence of weak flares, prove on ly in thole which are ftrong the mu tual deftre of deceiving each other. France and England, by the abufe of their ftrengsh, may itiil, f or 3 longtime, for the misf#tune of all ! nations, retard the period of their being txhaufted. But I wfij ven ture to fay, the fate of ail civilized nations is attached to the: terrains cf a war which involves the whole world-. v 1 BONAPARTE. 2 BY THIS MORNING’S MAIL. London, July 24. Private letters received from Holland, confirm the report of,the, difgrace of Talleyrand. Bonaparte 1 hris not abfolutely put him in prT-j fon, but he has given him an ern~] ployment which renders him little j better than a prifoner. He is in truded with the care cf the late j King and Queen of Spain, and asl they arc confined in a limited (pace,l their gaoler is under the fame xc-| ftridUons. Ext raft cf a letter from Cadiz , dated} July 24 tb. Shepherded brings! information that the Spanifh courtlS c t admiralty at Algr liras, condemr-J ed the end ct May, eleven Atneri-1 can veflels, detaired and fent in fob that place—that appeals from thc(M decdio'r.s were emeied, and ■’ ti e jet of J tfhe an order war cd frem the duke cf Berg,’