Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, October 01, 1808, Image 4

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P O E T R r. The WINCHESTER CENTINEL. IINES On the Dea'h of Mifs Catherine Kurtz, who was unfortunately drowned in the Shenandoah river in May laft. 2Y A LADY OF FREDERICK COUN TY. In prime of youth in beauty’s bloom, The lovely Cahenne found her doom. Brom Catherine's fate, ye thought!'efs maids receive, A UJTm that will teach you how to live: Let it dir eft your minds to feek for truth, And give to God the efence of your youth : Teach you from pride and vanity to Jbi Inftruft you how to live, and how to die : ‘Gainft vice of all deferiptions learn to ftnve i Tcu know not when your fummons Jhall arr ive : A few days jince, you flaw the lovely maid, In health, and Jlrength , and innocence arrayed , Like you, fbe thought her life had juft begun, Nor once Jufpefted that h:r race was run i But now , alas ! the awful change behold, A lifelefs form, inanimate and cold What horrors would your gentle bo fonts jeize, A fght fo jhocking ‘might a lioic freeze ; ‘Jo fie that form, which veauty lately grac'd Bloated and bruiz'd—its features all defac'd, And could itJ"peak, ’twould fay t{ be hold in me” A true rtfcmblance of what all muft be. do youth and vanity it loudly cries, a Learn hence how frail is beauty, and be wife ; Ch ! learn from me the vanities of earth, And cbertfh joys of pure celeftial birth ; Be net with earthly cares too much employ'd, All that is made on earth mull be de ftroy'd. > To prove aft ill more awful truth am /, A fad example jhewn, that all muft die.” With words like thefe, the powers of vice Jhe checks ; But to her parents, thus her fpirit J peaks — ct Ye tender guardians of my mortal years, Forbear your grief and check thofe ftreaming tears j Leave every figh , let nature not rebel Againft that God with whom 1 now muft dwell. ft bat though my frail my feeble form was drown'd, What is your hfs compar'd with what Pve found — I've found a homefecure from mortal pain, Where blifs ineffable muft ever re'gn — My Saviour /natch'd me from a world of toil, Where you alas ! muftfojourn yet a I while ; ” A little longer by its forms be driven, The come and tafte with me the jys cf Heaven.” Look round you with attentive eye, and weigh characters well, be fore you conned yourfelf too tlofdy with any who court your focicry. JUSTICE, As it fcas deferibed at Coach-Ma ker’s Hall, in the year 1786. His head is the fcttll of a fuperanu a ted attorney, in which are depoftted the brains of a goofe . On either fids there hangs the ears of an dfs, to jhew his family connexions . His eyes : with which he looks at virtue, merit, and fortitude, are thofe of an owl in the Junfnne, blinking. He has the teeth of a moufe. that will gna w through a deal board for a bit of toafted cheefe. And his tongue, like that of a jack daw, cannot /peak till fplit with a piece cf filver. He has the hands of a monkey, picks up all within his reach, and hides the booty that’ he fingers. His bread is the paunch of a hog, filed with the blood cf the male faft or, the bread of the indigent, and the tears of the orphan and widow, which, like the petrifying wateri of fome rivers, have hardened his heart to a J,'tone . He has the back of a bear filed only for an exhibition, or a cud gel i and his legs /ball befurnifhed by an old cow, for the fake of a cloven foot. As it would be highly improper fo let him go naked, we • will cloth’ him : but not in an Englijh dr efs, for he is a difgrace to the name. On his head you. behold the turban of official info • knee, in which he rivals the great Mogul. His under garment is the veil ot ignorance, which he axioufly wifhes to hide ; over his jloouldtrs hangs the mantle of tyranny, which was torn off, and trampled on by Bri tifh liberty, at the glorious revolution, and hu feet are flood with the Jandals of impiety and perjury. Let us now enquire after his quali fications for the office, and we Jhall find him pojfejfed of the compaffion of the crocodile, who weeps over his prey, r to in ere aft his fpoils. ‘the demon of avarice taught him benevolence, and he carries the bkftings cf the unfortunate in a nut fell. He has the Jympathy cf an eft rich who delsrts its young, and andf pi ays tkefenfbility of a foie -- lie ftudied logic and rhetoric at Bed lam, learned chaffi'y in a brothel , and >gathered his piety from the hiftory [A orders of the Hell Fire Club. It is necejfary to give him an equi page fuitabie to his rank, and that Jhall complete his portrait. His coach is the car cf oppreffion ; the arms painted upon it are dfcord and knave ry embracing each other in the field of plunder, ‘the horjes that draw him are fear and flattery ; the footmen that •follow him are vvamy and contempt . Belzebub mounts the coach box, and an old proverb makes him an excellent motto —He muft needs go whom ’ the devil drives. . The Human Countenance . An old author fays of the human 1 face—lt is, as it were the foul ab breviated, that is, the pattern and image of th* foul; her efcutcheon with many quarters, reprefenting the collection of all her titles of honor, planted and placed in the gate and fore front, to the end that men 1 mav know that here is her abode and palace. It is as the hand of a dial, which noteth the hours and movements of time, the wheels and motions themfeives being hid with in : to be brief, it is the throne of beauty and love, the feat of laugh ter and killing, two things very pro per and agreeable unto man. Women— f< In youth,” favs Ba ean, “ women are our miftrefses, at a riper age our companions, in old age our nurfrs, and in ail ages our friends.” a wav from the fubfcribers living in Morgan county, on the 14th of Auguft, inftanc, a negro fellow by the name of JIM, about ? thirt*.-fi-e yeais of ag“, ana about five feet ten inches, thin made and very bias k complexion. AI fo, a vUlow wench by the name of JUDAH, about twenty-eight years of age, ‘hick made and wears her hair tied—moil people would fuppofe her to be free from her co lour, as fhe is very white for a ILve —both Virginia born. Allo, a negro fellow by the name of GARLAND about 25 years of age, of a yellow complexion, flout made, about five feet ten inches, has a kind of impediment in his Ipeech, when fpoken to he has a down look, and has a fear on his left bread oc cafioned by the whip. Alio* a neg-o woman by the name of JUDAH, about twenty five years of age, tolerable black, looks very wild out of her eyes, and very talkative. Theit cloathing cannot be deferibrd, as they carried off a quantity.—lt is prefumable they will aim for Virginia, Or the Indian nation. The above reward will be given for fecuring them in any Jad, or ten dollars for either of them, de livered to either . , ~ TACO& CD AM, or FIELDS KENEDY. Morgan county, Aguft 15th 1808; SHERIFFS SALE. WILL BE SOLD On the fir ft Tuejday in Oftober next; ct the Court-Houfe in Jack/on coun ty, between the ufual hours , the fol lowing property, to wit: Two trades of land on the Ap palache river iri the aforeiaid coun ty j the one countaining feven thoufand one hundred and fixty a cres, bounded by lands granted to Filhborrie, Cobbs, Evans and o thers—alfo one other tradl contain , ing feven thoufand three hundred acres, bounded by lands granted to Cobbs, Collier and others—the faid lands granted to Bafil Jones, and levied on as his property to fa tisfy two executions in favor of ’ George Henning and Ignatius Few. WM. POTTS, Sheriff. September id, 1808. SPORTING. ryi JL HERE is now a Subfcription open for a ‘Produce Sweep Stake in Oglethorpe County, on the Bowl ling Green Turf, free for any Colt foaled in this State in eighteen hun dred and eighr, running the fall af ter they are three years old, two mile heats with a ketch of 80 lbs on each ; entrance two bales of clean merchantable cotron, weighing three hundred pounds each 5 half forfeit. The Subfcription will be kept open till the twenty-fifth of De cember next, and no admittance af ter that time. Perfons wilhing to enter may do fo by applying to this Office. A Jockey Club is about to be eftablifhed on the fame ground, to commence this fall and continue five years. Auguft 13, 1808. BACON WANTED. FEW hundred weight of Ba con is wanted immediately, for which a liberal price will be given. Enquire at this office. Will be given to any perfon* who may find a large red M Pocket-book, which the fuaittioer loft: between Little river and the*. Appakchee, on the road leading from Miiledgeviile to Athens, ft contained feveral papers, among, which was a note on Wm. Mitchell for 250 dollars. The finder will % receive the above reward by leaving y it with Doftor Neifier in Athens. CHATTIN D. CHQWNINGj Sept. 17. “WTITP - ) Is now at his own liable in Walh ington, and will Hand until the 31ft of Oftober next, and thofe that put marcs to him in the Spring fealon, that failed toftand, are at liberty to j continue them, gratis. If any mares Ihould be left with the horie, I will feed them as directed, at a mo derate price. EDWARD JORDAN. Waftington, July 16tb, 1808. * B ” 11 1 mmmm ‘•■■■ mmwmwn mmmm u am csmmbmm * ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the fecond Saturday in Oftober next, at the plantation whereon JeJJe Moon, late of Jackfon county , de ceafed,. lived, WILL BE SOLD All the perfonal efta'e of laid decealed, confiding of horfes, cat tle, hogs, flieep, houlehold and kitchen furniture, together with the j plantation tools.—Twelve months credit will be given, by the pur- Chafer giving bond with approved fecurity for all fums over three dollars. BOLAR MOON, AdmV, Auguft 17, 1808. WILL BE SOLD—or i RENTED, THAT valuable and well known | [ tra£l of land lying in Clark county * , on the middle fork of the Oconee i 5 river, including the mouth of Bear creek and the long fhoal on faid . fiver, feven miles above Athens, - f well watered and a healthy fituation, containing 945 acres, a great part of which is of firfi and fecond qual ity, about two hundred acres under cultivation, in good repair, orchards j ’ and good buildings alfo, a valuable j faw-mill, two grift-mills, a cotton machine, a large diflillery and tan- tj 1 yard on faid river. Any perfon 1 wifhing to purchafe may get a great < ‘ bargain. Likely negroes will be c taken in part payment —the terms ’ will be made known by applying to R. S. EASLEY. J Auguft 30. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR SALE The trafb of land on Sandy creek in Jackfon county, whereon Mat thew Knight formerly lived. A good plantation is opened upon the premifes, on which Vs a large Peach orchard, and the place is tolerably well improved with buildings—it is a molt excellent Hand for a country ) ftort. The terms of fale are good. Apply to James D. Cole, near A- I thens, or co Thomas W. Cobb in ’ Lexington. September 22, 180&. -- SHERIFF'S BLANK TITLES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.