Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, October 08, 1808, Image 1

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Yol. I.) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY M‘DONNELL fcf HARRIS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER S, 1808. T E RMS S OF TFI 2 GEORGIA EXPRESS. li.I i. IT will be printed weekly, at 1 tVr e dollars per annum; one half I t-> be paid in advance, the remainder Ia: the expiation of fia months. 2. A 4 enifemenrs will be charg ed at the race of fixty-rwo and a lalf per fquare for the fif it i -ferrion, and fi.ty cents for each coati filiation. j. No papers will be difconfinu ecf without a notice to that cfftftj nor then if in arrears. All letters directed to the Tailors muft be poft paid. 7 bp, following Gentlemen are autbo fined to receive Subfcriptions fir this Taper :— Glarksboro' —Poft Mafter. Jefferfon — O n. B. Harris'. IVLikinfville —EE B. Jenkins, efq. fLexidgUn— -Poft Maftcr, & Cape, j YVWktns. Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields, add VVTliiam Lumpkins, E'q. PVhlnut Grove —Mr. Lre A kins. Strong s Store —P^ft-Maftcr. Gt eenesboro' —Cant. f. Dawfon. Sparta D ftor W. Terrdli. ‘Warrcnton Poft- M after, Ppwelton —Poft: Mifter. Milledgeville —Thomas Mnunger ind Jamts Bozeman, Efq s,. Tiverton —Col. Wm. Cn ft >m. Petersburg —Alex. Pop., iifq. & WaA s. Vienna —;S. B. Shields, E r q. Withes —David Terrell, Efq. Sc 13\ftor B bh. Lincoln —Cap?a : n N. Allen, nnd Capt. John Hughes. LouifvilU —Mr. A. Day. Augujla —J. S. Walker, Efq. tc 13 ‘ft- r Smelt. Waynesboro* —*Col. John Dav’es. Sanderjvilk —Mr. Wm. M*Mur ray. Savannah —Mr. H.. 11. M nun g: r , and Mr. A. W. S ribner. .X. FiF i Y DOLLARS REWARD. SiRAYED FROM the Public Stable on the Okmulgee fome time b Fe bruary laft, a Chefnut Sorrel M ire, years old, fifteen hands hftg , well made, trots naturally, was fhod all round when fhe went awa without artificial marks—her na u< ral marks are, a ftarin the forehead forming a fh >rt dull blaz*, with one or both hind feet white, fiddle fpots on the mourning fi !e. She was feen on the path leading to Oglethorpe courc-houle, and is lup pofed robe ran eff by fome perfort. Any perlon giving information fo that the laid mare is nb.-vntd by the owner (if ft raved) fiiali receive ten dollars—and fifty dollars it ft j - len f > that the thief be to punilh.nent. DENISON DARLING, Agem for the G A- r :<l poft-ofii:e. Athens, lul- 29, BLANK SUBPOENAS, Fur Lk at this office. G E O R G I Ml EXPRE S S. MANY sfIALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED. RASSACES FROM Jtj RISCO Ia. It was ftated in the effays of Jti rifcola, that while Britain erHived fc.rres of hereditary princes and eighty millions , of people in Lidia, and kept her Hanovarian and Irifh brethren under military defpotifm, her government could not be allow ed by diferuninafing Americans, a right to ftahip c< ufurper and defpot ” on the fronc of Bonaparte. The real friends of the rights of mankind may confider the royal author of Aftaiic bloocfh and, dethronements, partitions, plunders, famines, and unequalled fIIWfY, as not lefs dan gerous and criminal chan his impe rial enemv. “The R'pertory ,> charges theef favs of junfcola with a fpirit and defign of war againft England. It would be eafv to prove that the whole tenor of the writer’s opinions and exprelfi ins have been oppofed to cjfenjive war with any nation, confidering it as indifputable “ mur der on an extended jeale”— if genuine murder oh fit Jeale of millions it is equally capable of proof, that he is averfe to all extra territorial wart, exceptirjg however tHofe cales when we may be ob! ged to carry war in to an enemy’s country to prevent predatory and murderous inroads cn our fro”tiers and crafts. When England in March 1793, agreed with Rufiia to prevent not only cur contraband, but our inno cent trade with her enemies, by force and arms beyond the law cf na tions, we might juftifiably have cue off all Her intercourfe with our coun tiy till fhe fhnuld declare our abfo lute exemption trom that infolent, unwarrantable and inadmifiiole at tempt to regulate the trade of the neu tral world. As we are now doing hfs cowards her, though fhe has fnce injured us more in our perfons , cur property, our •Oeffds. and our trade, na\, incur cltareft and moft im portant rights as independent flutes, Jurifiola is firm in h s conviftiuns, that our prclcnt meafures towards G. Britain are perfectly warrantable before heaven and earth. If exec utive i: fi oence and the influence of B naparre are fo great as are pre tended by the Repertory, how is it that we have not declared war agair.fl Gft Britain ? The obfrrvations of the Reper tory on commerce and manvtattures arecuriot fly fophiftical. Is it in eoropatibk with jufiice and amity towards England to maintain the intends cf our own manufaftures by permanent meafures ? Then has G. Britain been inimi cal to us fince ti e revolutionary war, for Hie has maintained a. fevere and excrerre p fyftem to promote her inanu aftures and re ft am outs. Not u a hobnail,” faid that thorughgoirg Erghlhman, the old Lord Chatham, fh mid the American colomfts be permitted to make for rhemleives ! Not anew fl ttiqg mill ftiall be erefted in A- Amenca, fa'd the ftatuce of that Bri tifh Parliament, which contended for the right to bind us in all cafes v.hatfuever. The American mili- tia in the democratic ftate of Penn fvivania were to be armed in 1799 by muflceis to be (hipped on a con tract of Governor Miffin with an Englifti houfe j but the IJritilh go vernment refufed perm! HI on to (hip them ; yet it is a crime in t})e view of the Repertory permanently to encourage their manufacture in our country. The produce of our fifheries, of our farm?, of our forefts and of our mines may ruft: or decay, deprived ot their markets abroad by Hi itijh original impediment sand French imitations, bur our own manufactu rers muft: not be permanently en couraged to employ or confume them. THE TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. IVaJJoingtch City, Sept. 1 jtb, i3os. Sir, Will you be fo good as to ftate to me for the better information of my fellow-citizens, any faft: within your knowledge, relative to the pavmencof two millions, of doljars to France by rhe executive of the United States l You have doubt ids heard of the tales propagated on that head. Ic is my wifh to put an end complely to the ftory by conrradiftirg it under the authori ty of a name fo well known and highly appreciated in the nation as yours. I apply to the comptrolling officer of the trtafury, inafmuch as I prefume no money could have been paid by the American gov ernment, or any member of it, in any fhape, without your knowledge. lam. Sir, . With the moft fincere refpe£l and tfteem, Your very humble frrvant, J. B. COLVIN, Editor of the Monitor. The bon. G. Duvall , Efq . Comptroller of the \ Lreafury , Wajhington, Sept. 14, 1808. Sir, , _ Your letter cf yefterday’* date was delivered to me late laft: evening. In the abfence of the fecrctary of the Trtafury, I will anfwer your enquiry relative to the two millions of dollars appropriated by an aft of Congrefs, paflftd on the 13th of February, 1806 This fum of mo ney was intended to be applied to the purchafc o? the Floridis, but our minilter in Spain not having ac compMhed a treaty to that effeft, it ftill remains in the treafury. No part of it has been out of the U. S. It could not have been done without my privity, as the warrant muft have been iflued and figned by the Secretary of the Treafury, and coun terfigned by rheas Comptroller/ to authorife the payment of it j which has not been done. You will fee, I exprft, in a few days, an official certificate from the Reg liter of the Treafury to the foregoing tffi ft, publiftied in the rewspapers. It has been forwarded to the Secretary of the Treafury, at his requeft by the regilter. I am, refpeftfullv, Your obedient fervanr, G, DUVALL. Mr. Colvin. WASHINGTON CITY,Sept. 21. On Monday the Vault of the Court Room in the North Wing of the Capitol fell down. Several* workmen, under t!je direction of Mr. John Lenthall, the clerk of the works, were under the vault, lowering down that part of the cen tre which ftill flood under it, juft: before it fell. A loud crack gave notice of their darger, and ail of them efcaped cut of the windows, or under the adj >inirg vaults, tx r eepting Mr. Lenthall, who tt> judge from the place in which his body was found, wanted only a An gle ftep to have fecured his retreat alfo. But being under chat part of the arch, the centre cf which had been removed on Friday ; he was fuddenly buried tinder many tons of bricks, and muft have been inftan taneoufly deprived of fenlatior. and life. As all the hutments of this vault are ftandirg, without the finalleft failure, it is not eafy fatisfaftorily to account for the Hidden falling of the work. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. ri. ■ There is a report that Burr and Miranda have both proceeded on the Erit’lh fleet for Spain; this is by no means fo improbable, as may at firft fight appear. The Britilh go vernment have evidently, and pur pofely given the. Spanilh revolution a much more formidable appear ance of refiftcnce than it.ever really bore; and they have in the fame views labored to ftir it up and give it fuel; but they could never ex peft, with 25,006 Britilh troops, to make any impreffion where there was an army of French of equal numbers —much lefs where the numbers are fo very fuperior. If they were to |and in Gallacia or: Portugal, it would be problematical whether they did not find their way back (fo many as furvived of them) bv a march in the ftyle that the HtffiaiiS and Hanovarians marched frorn Trenton to Philadelphia. As the great cbjeft of the Bricifh is one that they may have a profpeft of profit by, that is the colonies of Spain; and as Burr and Miranda were before connected and paid by Britain, in their fchemes upon South America and the United States, it is by no means improba ble, that after holding forth hopes to the Spaniards, as they held ouc hopes to tiie Pruflians before the battle or Jena—and as they held out hopes to the Ruffians before the battle of Filed land—-and as they held out hopes to the Swedes be fore the capture of Stralfand—fo they might npw menance £ landing on the Portugucfe and Spanifh eoafh, and fuddenlv bear away for Carraccas or the Floridas or Vera Cruz. Weftiould not be at all furpriftd to find fuch to be their plan—thi/ perhaps it is giving their ftatefmen mere credit for ability than ex perience paft entitles them to. Aurora^ (No. 22.