Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, October 29, 1808, Image 4

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p o e r r r. —. c A BALLAD. tVhy cm I not the new blown flower, Thai decks viy fair Eliza's breafl : Tor ti.o’ it live but tne floort hour, Who would not die to be Jo blefl. Why am 1 net the gentle breeze That Joftly gliding o'er her face, Is Jure my charming fair to pleafe, And to her color adds Juch grace. Why am I not the plaintive bird , Whofe Jong affords her Juch delight ; ‘lhat whits his thrilling notes is heard She thinks not ofapproaching night. Why am I not the limpid wave , In which each cheerful fummer day $ Her lovely form fhe wont to lave, And like a Jportive Naiad play. THE FAIR SEX. The benevolent Author of the Uni verfe co>fulling only the bdppinefs of his creatures, has appointed a varie ty of means to promote the fweet union of love. Probably for this end alone be has conflituted ike difference effexes. And has he not done for the fe male of our own fpecies to make her amiable in our eyes ? All the mofi gen tle graces, tbeftveet ftniles of winning beamy, the obedient blufb of medejiy , the charming fear of dependent weak r.efs, and the tender agpnhenfions <f the feeling heart are for this purpffe appropriated to the lovely Jcx. By what fine proportions, what nicely r uddel features, what expreftivc eyes , what delicate complexions are inary cf then dtftinguifhed ! But beamy is .he leali of their prafe, for their's is the fineft ornaments cf the mind, fetje embellifhtd and humanized !y an habitual Joftnefs of manners, and km•: fledge coddled from the labors of the mufe-s. I bur's is the pratt ice of every mo ral and fecial du>y. All the virtues that are founded in theJenjibtfiiy cf the hi at t are eminently t heir's. Pity, the cl tribute of angels, and /; iendfhip , the halm cf life, delight to dwell in the female hi raft. How fot lorn’, what a favage creature would man be without lb • humanizing offices of the gentle fix. flow much are the manners J'ojiened Oj the delicate paffton of love I Is it net the lair cljett of his affetlions that he /Indies all the elegant embellijhtng graces ? Does he not imitate her po tijhed manne> s, and acquire, as it were byfympathy, her lender and de licate ft ailments ? After the endear ing union cf their loves and inter efts, where mutual confidence has removed evc ry at preherfion, what are the plea - fires which he may enjy ! Flozv are his cares, fofitned, his prtfpetts bright ened his delights enhanced by commu nication. L rg'ateful then would be be, fhould he reproach that amiable fex, from whom be receives, in ft me meafure, both his virtue and his hap pirefts ! A LAPLAND WED DING. The following account cf the method cf deciding on a marri ge between young perfons in Lapland, is extra tied from Fuller's Worthies of England\ a work which for the generality of its informatian and entertainment , is not So be excelled: — tf Here let me infer t a peffage of a cuftcvi in this barbarous country, from the mouths of credible merchants, whrfe eyes have beheld it. It is death in Lapland to many a maid without her parent's confent ; wherefore if one bear a fell ion for a young maid, upon the breaking there of if ter J funds, ThTJdWfoh t<, ~tsaT a day is appointed jor their friends to meet, to kebolH the two young tbs run a race together Jhe maid is al lowed in filartit gti e advantage cf a third part of the race, Jo that it is im peffibie, except willing of bcrfelf, that fhe fhould ever be overtaken. If the maid over run her J.utter, the matter is ended, he mufl never have her, it being penal for the man again to re new bis motion cf marric ge. But if the virgin had an aft At ion for him, though at firft running hard, to try the truth cf his love, fee will (with out Atalanta's golden balls to retard herfpeed) pretend feme cofualty, and make a voluntary halt before Jhe com eth to the mark, or end cj the race.- I hits none are compelled to marry a gair.ft their will ; and this is the caufe that in this pGor country the married people am richer in their own content ment, than in oiher lands where fo inary forcbed matches make feigned love, and caufe real unbappinefy.” Mr. ID Ikes and Dr Johnfon, were dining together one day at a friend's houfe, when the former maintained in converfation that there was no man who was not fufceptible of flattery. — “ 1 cannot agree with yeti there, Mr. Wilkes /’ Jaul the dottor, lc and I think fo well of myfelf, that ldo not believe that you would be able even to fatter ms.” “ lou ft:all acknowledge that I cun,” Jaid Mr. Wiikcs “ before we leave the table.” During the courfe of the dinner, Mr. Wilkes pa fed a number of compliments upon the doctor —quoted feme of his beft Jcnt merits— repeated feme cf bis favorite poetry— but the dottor, ccnflantly on his guard, gave no fmile oi complacency, and ap peared to be per feel proof to all the at h mpts of his epp nent. “Jmu ft con fejs” at length exclaimed Wilkes “ that I am mijtuken. Tou are indeed and c tor, Japerior to flattery, but 1 mu ft be permitted to fay, you are the only man that ever I Jaw who was fo.” A g'ow of coifctcus fleafure andfuperi ority over the countenance of Dr. fchrifon at the laft compliment, but it was immediately checked by a generalfmile from the comp any Fhe dottor Jaw he waj can ft, and acknowledged that no man. if properly aft at led, was japerior to flattery. ON V A NIT Y.—From Enscr. <c Ihe vain man thinks that every one regards bis p rftn \ that all his attions are the theme of their dijeourje, Lke a Kirg ftp fen of by feme French travellers : this augujt monarch go vet ned on the coafl cj Guinea : bis throne was a block of wood—his can opy, an umbrella—his guard, four men with hedge flakes : He ajked his vift tors., 11 Am I much ohen cf in France;*’ S P O 11 T I N G. rrp Ji HERE is now a SubUriprinn open f r a Produce Sweep Stake in Oglethorpe County, cn the Bowl, ling Giecn Turf, free fur any Cole foaled in this Scare in eighteen hun dred ande'gh*, running the fall af ter they arc three years old, two mile heats with a ketcij cf 8o lbs on each ; entrance two bales of clean merchantable cotmn, weighing three hundred pounds eaih j half forfeit. The Subscription will be kept open till the twenty-fifth of De cember next, ana no admittance af ter that time. Perfons wifiiir.g to enter may do fo by applying to this Office. A Jockey Club is about to be dlabhfhcd on the fame ground, to commence this fail and continue five years. Augitft i,3, i303. VV IL.L BE SOLD A _ ft the Brit cay cf December', at the rtoufe of the iubferiber, the plantation whereon r.e now lives, well improved, with a tolerable good houfe, out houh s, &c. to pe rher with a good apple and peach orchard, about fixty acres of open land j alfo, his flock of cattle, hogs, houfehold and kitchen furniture, about eighty barrels of corn, and a number of other articles.—Twelve months credit will be given for all firns ever five dollars, the purcha tcr giving his note with approved iccurity. N JESSE THURMOND. Green county, near Jackfon's Store. Odlober io, iBcB. NOTICE. (3 N the fir ft Tuefday in De cember next, at the Court-houfe in Jackfnn county, will be fold to the highefi bidder for Cafh, a Judgment obtained b Ifaac Wr’ght aga-ft Elias Spikts for one hundred and thirty dollars principal- of the eftate of Lair Wright, deceafed. EZEKIEL HOUSTON, Adm’r. October 15, 1808. FOR SALE, Tradl of Land adjoining the commons of Milledgeville, contain ing two hundred two and a half acres, known by lot 312, lying be tween Major Howard’s plantation and the town lands. The land is of good quality—Negroes or cafh will be taken in payment, and fome credit given. The lubferiber ex perts to be at Milledgeville the fidt week in next month, when any perfon wiffiing to purchafemay fee the land and know the terms. WM. LUMPKIN* October 7, 1808. WILL BE SOLD, Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Hancock County, on thefrft Tuefday in December next, at the Market-Houfe in the Town of Sparta , (Hancock county J the following trails of land, to wit oNE Tradl in the county of Elbert, on the waters of Broad river, containing 1288 acres ; adjoining James Ware and Henry Strickland. One tradl ‘in the county of Ogle thorpe, on the waters of Beaverdam creek, containing 833 acres j ad joining Pope, Obar and Sparks. One trail in the county of Lin coln, on the waters of Soap creek, conrainir.g 900 acres adj jinirg Warkins and King. Two trails in the county of Jack fon, one on the Mulberry fork of the Oconee, containing 230 acres 5 the other on Ceder creek, contain ing 287 1-2 acres, adjoining Condi and W a Hi. ALSO—two other trails ’in the county cf Clarke, containing 287 1-2 acres, adjoining Whitfdl, be the fame more or lefs it being the real cltare of Thomas Gordon, deceafed,. of the flace of Virginia. Sold for the of the heirs and credi ors of fa and deceafed. Terms of bale, one half to be paid in twelve months 5 the other half in two years. B nd and approved fecurity will be required. D USE H AMILTON, Adm’l September 19. SHERIFF’S BLANK TITLES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. TH2 in TED ITvrrORTTD H“R:e! SIR WALTER, ILL (land the enfuing Tea, fon at nay liable in Clarke county, and will come recommend and as a foal getter by gendem n of the fi.fl veracity. Terms will be mad* known in due time—the befl ac commodations will be kept for mires that may be left with tkt horfe. CHARLES A. REDD. Clarke county, September 30, iBo3. %* The Editor of the Aural a Chronicle is requefted to infert the a bove in his paper four times. ~ NOTICE* ‘ WILL be f id in the town c Jefferfon, all the property belong, ing to the t ftrte of John W. Griggs deceafed—the fale to commcnci on the 24th day of December nexr WILLIAM WOODS, Adm’r Oilober2i, iBo3. WHIP ][s now at his own liable in Wafh< irgton, and will Band until the 311 of Qclober next, audfiliofe that pu mares to him in the Spring feafon that failed toftand, are at liberty t< continue them, gratis. If any mare fhould be left with the horle, will feed them as directed, at a mo derate price. EDWARD JORDAN. Wajhingion, July 2 6th, 1808. DISSOLU HON of PARTNER SHIP. HP A FIE Copartnerfhip under tin firm of _ THOMAS & LANE, is this day diflolved by mutual con fent. Henry Lane is fully author ifed to fettle the bufinefs of faid firm, STEVENS THOMAS, HENRY LANE. Odober 5, 1808. A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Poft Office at A thens on the goth day of September 1808, which if not taken out with in three months will be fent to tE General Poft Office as dead letters A David Allan 3. B James Nathan Bar nett, Buffet Brown, Thomas Brefter C Jefte Cobb 2, Mitchell &? Cox D Pinfon Drew, II * Abram lUr den, Martin Hancock Uriah Humphries, John Holman, Col John Hampton, 7 Joftjua Jennings , Zachariah Jur dan. L Mfs Helaline Ligon, Zacharial Lay. M David McCormick, Nathan Mere ney, John Martin, Efq. Nntley Mad dox, V/in Mitchell, Robert Mitchell John Mar able. N James Nicholfon. S William Steam. T Meffrs. F/tn. John Thompfors Benjamin Taylor. FZ John L. Wright, Mourning Wheel er, Jefte White, Dottor T. H. Whit ney. W. EASLT , D. P. M,