Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, December 17, 1808, Image 2

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T ORFOfi**rNov. i*j f on Saturday laft arrived in Hampton Roads, his B. M. armed fchoontr Rapid, in i\ days from Barbados, wi:fi difpatches from Admiral Cochrane, fo the Britifh Coniul and Mr. E fkine. As the fchoonrr was leaving Barbadoes a Britifh 80 gun Blip had arrived there d’irrft from England, and a 94 was momently expefted * for the purpofe it was conje&ured, of attacking Martinique and the other French Caribean Blinds, which are declared in a Hate of blockade by the Britifh. PROCLAMATION. By the hon. fir Alexander Cochrane K. B. Rear A imiralof th* Red, and commander in chief of his inaj'fly’s (hips and vefTc-Is em ploye J , and to be employed at Barbadoes, the Leeward Iflands, &c. &c. Whereas an intimation has been received from the right honorable lord vifcount Caftlereagh, one of his tnaj lly’s principal lecretaries of Hue, that the ftri&efl naval ti!'o k< zde is to be dUbiifhcd over the French leewa and Carribbt-an Iflands. The frv ral captains, commander?, and commanding, officers under my orders, are hereby atthorifed and dir- <sl and, to flop all neutral vdLls leflined for any of the ports of the lid Iflands * and if they fnall ap earto be ignorant of the exigence of rhe bloc lead **, and have no ene my’s property on board* the maflcrs of fuch neutral vefiels fhall be ap prized thereof, and warned not to proceed to fuch ports, and a notice written to that effeft upon or more of the principal fhip papers. But if a neutral vrff.l lhall ap pear to have been fo warned, or to be tube wife i formed of the exig ence of the blockade, or to have faded from her 1 ft clearing port, afer it may be reafonably fuppofed that this notification migjit have been made pubL: there, and vet be found attempt i g, or intending to enb'reuher of the ports of the laid Iflinds, fuch vdfd Hull be frized and fenc into port, for legal adjudi cation. And w-ch refpedt to neu tral veflels coming out of the faid ports, having any colonial produce, goods, or merchandize on bvard, v appearing to have been laden af er knowledge of the blockade—fuch veffds fh ill in like manner be fc.z cd and lent in for legal a judication. G ven on board ihc Belled]*, Cariifle Bay, Barbadoes, O&ober 14, iBo3. Alexander Cochrane. By command of the rear admiral, John S. Tracy. CHARLES! UH, December 1. Accounts received this morning from A'Tataug'as mention the arrival at that fori of -a jcbooner in 28 days from St. I.ucar, bringing Spanijb dates to the 2>d October* the reports by this arrival are y that General Cuejla had completely fur rounded king fofeph id 30,000 French troops —that toe latter had offered to capitulate upon certain terms, which were refufed j and it was JTid that nothing floort of an unconditional fur render would be accepted. ihe French in Barcelona were atfo clofely invefled , and it was expected could net hold out. The deputies from the different pro vinces had off mb led at Mad. id, and fornted a provifional government, at the head of wFcb they tad placed the count Florida Blanca . Iheje accounts had excited tbs weft Extravagant demonf rations ny { Matanzas —-7 he colors were taken from the flipping and koified on the boufe tops, and many of the inhabi tants, as afubfiitute , hung out their bed linen, (Ac. A procefficn paraded the flreets, carrying branches of trees, (Ac while the air refounded with the cry of Five la Ferdinand! GEORGIA EXPRESS. 1 ‘■■■ u *■*■■■**■*■•’ ■■■■■ii"** ■ •■vamra* ■ 1 ATHENS, DECEMBER. 17. The two deedi ms made in Ccn grefs are important, in every point of light in which they can ot con templated. In the Senate it has been determined by a majority of twenty-five to fix, not to repeal the embargo * and in the Houfe it has been determined by a maj jrity of eighty-four to twenty-one, to pro hibit the admiffion of Britifh and French public or private veflels in to the .ports of the United States, o.r the importation of goods, wares, or merchandize, the growth, pro duce, or manufacture of the domi nions of the laid powers j and as preliminary to, or confcquent on, this determination, it has been like wife decided that the “ United States cannot, without a facrifice of their rights, honor and indepen dence, fubmit to the late cdi&s of Great Britain and France *” and that iC meafures ought to be imme diately taken far placing the coun try in a more complete Hate of de fence.” Thofe votes decide unequivocal ly the difpofition of the government in all its branches, and prove its determination to maintain the ground it has already taken, or to occupy much higher ground a3 circumftan ces may require. The vote .of the Senate fhews that, notwithftanding the torrent of decradinn which has flowed for a year paft againft the embargo, the policy which originally dilated it L Hill approved by fourteen dates cut of leventccn * and the vote of the Houfe {hews that the reprefen tatives of the people, fo far from bring appalled by the crific, have acquired new confidence in the mea fu es of rtfiflance adopted by the government. This is abundantly proved by the relative votes on this occaflon, and on the impofition of the embargo, which in the Senate was paffed by a vote of 22 to 6, and in the Houfe by a vote of 82 to 44. The importance of the Congfef fional proceedings prevents our di lating on this fubjtd ; bur we ven ture to predict chat thefe votes, with the overwhelming majority gi ven to Mr. Madifon, will be found to be the harbingers of a greater unanimity than h?s been experienc ed flnee the era of the new govern ment. Nat. Intel, of Dec. 5. In the Senate nothing material has been done theie two days paft. The Houfe of Representatives are yet engaged on rhe report of the committee on our Foreign Relati ons.—lbid of Dec , 7. The bill author! fing the Frefi dent to employ twelve additional revenue cutters, paffed the houfe on the 9.11 infl. —Ayes 90 Noes 26. On the 25th ult. a motion was made in the aflembly of New-Jer fey, to inftrud their Senators and n quell their Reprefentativcs to life their endeavors to procure, a repeal of the adls laying an embargo, and rejcdled—Ayes 17 —Nays 22. When refulutions were agreed to, expreHlng a full fn tfis adminiftration * an abhorrence of aggrefiions committed on our love rcignty, and declaring, that whether they were <e called on to endure privations rtfairing from the erab-o go, non-intercourfr, or war,” they would <c prefer either, or ail, to the difpraceful and degrading condition of tribute.” Milledgeville, December 15. L&H evening the High Court of Impeachment, psffcd lenience on Echols, Sims, & Flournoy* Echols is difquafned during life from hold ing any office cf honor or profi:— Sims for chirty years, and Flournoy fur twenty. They (land committed until they pay into the trealury ore thoufand eight hundred dollars.— It is believed that as iron as this laft rcquifiiion is complied with, fuits wnl be inflituted againft them and their lecuricies for the recovery of their bond; —which are for thirty thoufand dollars each. The following addrefs to the Prefdent of the United States, has been a greed to by both branches of the Legiflature of the State cf Georgia. Sir, The Leg’flaturc of the State of Georgia, the immediate organs of the Tubiic Will, think proper, at rhis all important period of time, to add efs you. It is fer fiblr, fL, that while the great powers of Europe are involved in a contefl, alnv ft unexampled in magnitude, confe qnencesand duration—that the peo ple of*thefe fhorcs although happi ly fituated at a diflance from the feene of carnage, yet being largely engaged in the purfuit of com merce, muftof neceffit’ fuff r great privations from the want of a vent for the produce of a country f. rede, extenflve and inhabited aim’ (V rx cluflvely by agricultures. B’u r fir, the citizens of this (tare, ftrong in their Independence, and proud of their government—full ha]>py that a me afu re has been adopted which they conceive to be at once pacific and manly—they will never wifh to fee the lives and property of their brethren expofed to the infuit or rapacLy of a foreign power—and fhiuld this mea fure fail to produce the defireif r ffeft immediately, they will cheerfully fubmit to its contin uance j if on ‘the other hand, our prefent embarrafifments fliouid e ventuate in a war, they will, in pro portion to their number and refour ces, give zealous aid to the govern ment, of their choice—confident that from the judicious management of the public funds, and the cafy preflfure of taxation hitherto, a con flict, could be maintained to every advantage, which pecuniary means would bring in fupport of a people, patriotic and brave. You, Sir, when retired to the peaceful walks of life, will not be an infe Able fpeftator ; you will exult in the future prosperity of your country —)r mourn in cafe an ail w.L Providence flnuld fee fit to afiLct it by any public calamity.—- The real Fiends to thefe Rates will feel forry that they are deprived of the benefit cf your counfels—you will carry with you their bleffings, and unfeigned regret will follow you to the grave. EMB 4RGO.—The Circuit Court of the United States, commenced a fpe dal ftffion in this town, on lajl Tburf day, for the trial of Frederick, Job , and John Hoxie — Prefent # the hon. Brockholji Livingjlon, one of the judg es of the Supreme Court of the U. S. and the hen, Elijah Paint} judge of ~A dijlt ill court of Her mont. cdprt were occupied in vmpanneUmg thk jury and other preparatory mfi nefs, till Saturday evening. ICn Monday morning, Frederick Hoxie was talL'd-t&lbj.bjr* stud a number of wit ruffes were examined on the part of the government, when the council the prifoner fated, that they had feveral witnejfes , but fleould decline taking up the time cf ihe court in their examination, as they conceived it whol ly mineceffary. Col. Harrington 0- pened the cauje and recapitulated the evidence on ihe part of government The hon. Samuel Hitchcock and Dani el Ferrand , Ejqs. f'poke irF behalf of , the prifonersyand the diflritl attorney! made Ac clfingplea. Judge Living (ion tb’-n r/fe, and in a clear, cone tie, energetic and profoundly eloquent aU dr efs to the jury , expounded the law, and defined the crime of treafon * \in the coutje ef which , he cited many precedents ; comp fifing the opinions \of the mod uifiingiiifatd Judges in / ng land and America, in woich opinions the murt perfectiy coincided, to fivcov, that no [ingle aSI in opposition to, dr in e 1 a (ion 0; law, however violent cr‘ flagrant, where the objebd is private gain, can be confined into levying a aga- : t;fl the U>r and States -r~tbe off-race fit up in thwdlblment ,7 Ihe jury retired about half pa ft II o'clock at night and in a jew moments returned with their verdict —NO F GUILTY. On Tuefday morning, the Tfif rW Attorney entered a Nolle Profequi on the other indictments , and tk\ court adjourned without delay. Vermont paper. Ex trait—to the Editor of thq Balti more iVbig. WA ■ HIN G T N , D’k• I. (f The ref ult of this day's pi? feed ings in Cong; - * Ifi I th ; . !• fo f trig to ihe r. a tonal char abler cep ip dependence 01-ffir* haflen to info? n you of it and make no apology for fo doing. <( Mr. Bar well fp kc for fome time in a lrhfibk-, a g..*rner<tacive manner, in reply tootle remarks of Qjincy and Rand'c-L ; or. the Hate or our foreign i> i : c ns. The queftion was f Shall the firft relolut. i • .c ommittee pals? and it > . and without one and flenting . ; Jn the fe cond refolution the-. a; ibirie talk by Mr. Dana an : tUm-.h Ip", ana the yeas and nays v*c eaneJ t b/; Dana—The refill: u? 3 rh.. 9 6 vo ted for and 26 agiilfi its p<db }. Randolph in the, ! nii.< *ity . i’ •. bfl: refoludon paffii una'"monjly. -- The tenfptr of dp iioufc as ex pc died is, hr ward It is now well appertained, i bat ihf Yazoo Claimants {have loca, t one tboffandfamilies, jp'on what they are . pieejed to cal they territory, flfihjs information canes tbrdugffacbannel •which Laves tittle doubt cf it j t icity.— Sa v. |E v Led ge r. Asa proof of the increafing value of our interkr cun try, we give'the following fa\thirteen acres of the public land Mere lately fold at audit on, at Cincinnati for 10,794 . dollars. The entire (ales of ihe public landsf flnee the opening cf the public offices, j will be fund by the next return to net] fix millions of dollars, at more than two dollars an acre, and more than two thirds if this fan has keen paid by the pur chefers PHhen we tor flier that the averag ed receipts are equal to the entire ex- j penfe for the civil UfL and that we* have yet near five hundred millions of acres for fate, as our population ad vances, tvs cannot but rejoice at cur