Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, December 24, 1808, Image 3

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the more It would enable her t© en force her arbitrary maritime regu lations. I fee no conclufion to which this argument would lead us, but to this : that as you deftroy her munufaflures you make her more powerful. If the cffcift of deftroying her manufadlures was to be fimply that which the gentleman conceives of arming her vefifcls and filling the ranks of her armies, it poflibiy might promote her (Length. Rut thefe tnuft be clothed and fed, whether in the fea or land fervice, and mud ali<3 have a little pay,* If all her manufaiftures are deftroyed, where is fbe to obtain the fum of money nectffiry to pay, clothe and feed thefe people... Sir, we affeift them vitally by afivffting their rAanufabtures j for by the ex port duty on thefe and imports on their return, they obtain great part of their revenue. If they export nothing thev can import nothing. This conclufion of the gentleman from Maffichufetts cannot therefore be correct. The gentleman from Maflfachu fetrs lays it is true that a confidera ble alarm was excited in England when the news of the embargo ar rived there j that they had been led ro believe from their writers and fpeakers that a difcontinuance of their intercourfe with this country would be productive of mod inju rious conftqurnces $ but that they were now convinced that their wri ters and datefmen were midaken, ‘'land that fhe can differ a difeontinu ance of intercourfe without being convulfed or differing at all. To believe this requires a cociiderable portion of credulicy, efpecially when the mod intelligent men affirm to the contrary* In the lad of March ©r the fird of April hd, we find on an examination of the merchants at the bar of the Britifh Houfe of Com mon?, that the mod pofitive injury mud refult from a continuance of non-intercourfe. It is not poffib’e that cur merchants on this fide of the v?a er, however intelligent they miy be, can be as well acquainted with the interefts of Great Britain as her mod intelligent merchants. This alarm however the gentleman has told us continued through the fpring and diffipated in the dimmer. It is very eafy to difeover the caufe of the diffipation of this alarm. It was not hreaufe the lofs of inter - ceurffc was not calculated to pro duce an effed:, but it proceeded from an adventitious caufe which could not have been anticipated— the revolution in Spain j and there is no intelligent man who will not acknowledge is injurious eftedls on our concerns* No fooner did the Brkilh miniders fee a probability druggie between the Span i.fh patriots and France would be maintained, than they conceived hopes that they might find other fupplicS; and then they thought they imghcgiveto the people an im pulfe by interrupting the nation in the affurs of Spa -, which would render l'ghter the cffe&’s of our em bargo. T his is tne caufe of the change in Mr. Canning’s language j for every gentleman in the houfe knows thac a vry material change took place in it in the latter part of the fummer. Ifthen the embargo has not produced the effects calcu lated from ir, we have every reafon to believe that its failure to produce thefe effects has been connected with caufes wholly adventitious, and which may give way if the na tion adheres to the meafure. If however there be any probability that thefe raufes will be continued lor a long time, wc ought to aban- don it. lam not in favor of con tinuing any meafure of this kind, except there be a probability of its producing fome tffefl on thefe who make it necefiary for us to exer cife this aft of l’elf-denial. When I fird law the account of the revo lution in Spain, my fears were ex cited led it fhould produce the ef fe<st which it has done. As foon as I faw the (land made by the Spanifh patriots, I was apprehenfive that it might buoy up the Brittih nation under the fuff; rings aridng from the effects of their iniquitous or ders, whidi compared with the fufferings which we ourfelves have borne, have been as an hundred to one. If there be evidence thac the effefbs of this meafure will yet be countera£led by recent events in Spain, I will abandon it, but us lubditutc Ihould be war, and no ordinary war-—I fays this notwith ftaading the petitions in the ocher branch of the leg’flature, and the refolutions of a date legiftiture which have lately been pubiiihed. When I read the refolutions called emphatically the Eff*x refolutions, I blufti for the dffgrace they rtfl-tl on rny country. We are told there that this nation has no jud raufe of complaint sgiind Great Britain ; and that all our complaints are a mere pretext for war. I blufh thac any man belonging to the great A merican family Ihould be fo debafed, fo degraded, fo lod to every gen erous and national feeling, as to make a declaration of this khd.—• Lis debafing to the national char ade r. (To be concluded in our next ) CHARLESTON, December 2. Our letters from Columbia inform us, that each branch of the Legifia ture formed a quorum on Monday lad —in the Senate 30 members appeared j that body choofe Col. Samuel PVarren, their Prefident ; and in the Houfe of Reprefsniativcs 107 members were prefent—'Theodore Gaillard , efq. was elected Speaker, and Richard Grants efq. re-ekdied Clerk. On Tuefday, a lengthy communication was made to both branches, by the Governor, on the prefent fate of our affairs j in which in a majlerly manner, he explained the fituaticn the United StatesJiand in, in relation to the powers of Europe j and mojl ably vindicated the meafures pur fed by the Prejident, tofave our coun try from a war. It was fo well re ceived by the Houfe of Reprefentatives , thaty contrary to the ufage of the Houfe, 1500 copies were ordered to be printedy that it may be dijhibuted by the members to their conjlitucnts. At no time , Jays our correfpondenti has the Eegiflature evinced a more deter mined deft re to attend to the bufinefs of the country ; and as but one Jpirit feems to animate the whole , it is to be prefumed that much good will be done. It is a pleafing fight to fee a whole Legifiaturc almojl completely clad in the manufactures of their own country -, andfuch was the profpelt exhibited on the firjl day of meeting—it is true that it is not quite Jo fine as has been ufu ally worn, but when we recoiled that we can be comfortably clad, in the fir ft year of cur trialy what may we not erpell when a few years pafs over . — Indeed I expect to fee the day , fays our correfpondenty (when the efforts of American genius are completely brought forward) that the nations vf the old world willfend herefor their mojl ccjl ly dreffes. ‘lbis idea me to /peak of a very curious machine that is now exhibiting here, and which was noticed in your paper fome months ago , under the name of the Columbian Spinfter. I have not Jeen it complete- ly at work, but tiffs that la vs, and they are good judges, fpeak of it with admiration. It takes the cotton in tbs feed , and by turning a handle, as you would a grindstone, delivers it into fine yarn ; V a word, it is /poken of with rapture , and thoje that have fee’s all the machinery in England, fay that there is nothing there to compare with it. A Mr. M < Bride, a native of this fate, is the inventor—be has ob tained and patent for it, and it will be offered to the Eegiflature. H' r itb a few fuch machines, what could not our cotton, or rather Homefpun Company do in Charleston ?—I will ex any ne it attentively in a day o'~ two, ami will give you the be ft defer:pt ion of it in my power. constitutional court, No vember Term, 1808. At the Unanimous requejl o r /’><? bar, the Court ordered hoe rule, w'dth re quires the members to appear -: C urt with black coats and gowns tqbe Jo Jar altered , as to permit any ct ! 'cr co lor to be worn , provided it fhould be of the growth and manufacture c f the United States. The members of the bar thereupon agreed to appear in Court in future, and fffei in fullf vis of dome flic manufacture, and recommend ed the adoption cf Dark’ G- r cy, as a co lor the mofi grave and eafiefi to be procured GE .-TGIA EXPRESS. ATHENS , DECEMBER 24 No Mail had arrived from Wa' 1 !- ing:on city when this pap r wui to prefs. This day’s Mill fom Mii . ledgevillc brought no papers. We underdand the Leg fhture have adjourned, and the Alleviating ad has underwent a change, wfveh, we are informed, is, that debtors can day executions twelve months by paying one third, and g ving freehold fecuricy fnrthe refidue. Columbia, (S. C.) December y. Th following ge ifiemen wore yedcrdiy el-Tied G-dors of Prefi dent andV ct-PrcfiJent of the U tiiied Spates i Joh*pin G fr, John Wilfon, Jhn M'Morries, Wo. S roih r, Wm. Zimmerman, Jofph ILllenpy r, Largdon Cheves, Pml Ham i 0, , Samuel Maysj and William Route. Thefe gentlemen will g vr an unanimous vote for James Mad lon as prefident, and George. Clinton ‘ vLe-prefident. Dean, the perron who was co 1- vided of fi ng on the foldicrs who were executing the embargo laws, in Vermont, has fuffe-ed the fen tence of the law. He appeared perfedly compofed and hardened , denied his crime, kicked h s ha 1 n --to his grave, (pit upon his coffin • and pulled his cap over his eyes himftlf. No perfon prayed with him at the gallows. , Rofion Centinel. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR SALE The trad of Land on Chandler’s Creek, (near the Oconee) Jackfon County, whereon the fublcriber now lives } a good plantation is o pened upon the premifes, on which are good orchards, and the place well improved with buildings; it is a moft excellent (land for an Indian and fettlement ftore, being clofc to the boundary line. OWEN J. BOWEN. December 24, 1808. BLANK SUBPQoNAsj For faie at this office. BOWLING-GREEN JOCKtr CLUB RACES , W ILL commence on the laff WedoelJay in February nexr, and continue three days. The firfl Clay’s running, three miles and repeat, for a purfe of 300 dollars. Second day’s running, two miles and repeat, for a purfe cf 200 dol - lars. Third dav’s running, one mils and repeat, ter the money, ard overp) 3 of ‘he fubfeription. day free for any horfe, mare, or g* klirg on the Continent, cairyirg weights as follows : Three yUrs old, tjo pounds—. four years, 100 pounds— fivevears, iio pi-nrrL— T vears 120 pounds .'t- * \ , 130 pounds. i hicO } < .vv.u to marcs and geid r . • by order of the PRESIDENT. Ggie.horpf, Dee. 23. CAUTION, I For warn all pirfons whatfoe ver from reading for a certain note of hand, figneci Lyons and Mo r s, made payable r 0 John Tarply for rho kim oi fifty dollars the twenty-fifth of this fhohth ; as it was fraudu lently cb’ u etl, Icm deferiLned not to pay the lame. NCR IS LYON, I.ex'ngron, 20, 180S. TEN DC ; / <S REWARD. ON th ; sr.5 r. nf Sft Mir h, cd f r cf) id:t iubf t; i’ (ii ving ’ . . ’hr. r ad leading h< ; Mi kdgev.lle to the Federal Gairiim, 1: miles from the former place, a biown bay mare, about feven years oid, fur feet Bor 9 inches high, Iv-.r.df me and lengthy made, a fniall ffnr in her forehtad, fwicched rail, bind in the r ght tye but the eve full—flu* had on a f'mall bell—no brands recollected.— Ir is fuppoled fhe will go, if n:>t (topt, to Elbert C untv. The rewarti will be paid to any perfon that will de liver faid mare at the piace ffie It ray ed from, or to JiLic Newton near A<hens- and if ported, fhe will be proved a ] c’ ages paid. JAMES JACKSON. December -24, 1808. In the Superior. Court, Putnam count y. RULE NISI. GILES TOMKINS, , vs. HENDRICK LUMKINS. PON the petition of C. P. Strong, ecu ifel for the plaintiff, it is ordered , that unlefs the faid Hen drick Lumk'hs pay into the hands o ( IHe Clerk of the Superior Court b-fire the expira ion of twelve months the principal, ink reft, and c< ft ci laid li./if, the faid Morrgsge to bv and is hereby fcreclofed, and - r this rule be in one or the publir iff this ftare, ac leaft once .• month for tiie term of one year, or lerv -d on the mort gager, r fpecial agent, at ie-ift fi< tn.inrhs off re the money is ai reeled t r bv o id. Extra! from the minutes. IVM. tv (LEI tilf Clk. S epic mb r \pth , 1808. WANiED A: rJiN Office, an Apprentice— a lad ml4ro 16 would be moft accepted N. A vi \ N A C s FOR THE TEAK EIGHTEEN HUNDI ED AND NINE, FOR SALE AT ‘iHIT OFFICE