Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, January 21, 1809, Image 1

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VOL. I.) ATHENS, PRINTED BY M-DONNSLL Cd HARRIS. SATURDAY, JANUARY ai, I*o9. TERMS 0? THS GEORGIA EXPRESS, 1 _______ , 1. IT will be printed weekly, at three dollars per annum ; one halt to be paid in advance, the remainders at the expirad )n of fix months, 4T 2. A ivert'.fem p nts will be charg- - Jed a: the ra r e ot fixcy-two and a s ren:s per fqiure for the firft ; £liS r n>n, aid fLcy cents for each ‘ arion. t . # 3. N'> psp*’s will be dif:ortinn ed v/; hou’ an net to that t fife ft 5 nor then if 11 a rears. £3* All 1 ttt rs directed to the EJuors mold b-* pod paid. The follow’n% Gentlemen are author tlz’d to receive Subjcriptions for this Tap. r: Ci, >rksbo “v’ — Pod- M afte r. j : ftirfvf —.jr-*n. B. Harris. ir.itkUfaille E B. Jenkins, efq. ami v; . S nd. Lexi igton —i J it Mailer, & Capt. \Vrt K;! b. Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields, and. -A \ ! inm Lumpkins, Ji q. V alnut G> ove M;. Adkins. iG>of; pond —Mr. HT. W )dv. G r e*Hdshoro’ C.jpf. T. Dawfon. Sparta -1) 61 r W. Terrell. H'arrenton — Poft-M ifter. jL ?'■/—• P• ft-M ifter. MU ledge ville — Thomas Mounger aui j 101* a Bozrman, EJqrs. /'si?/©. i j#c/z-~'Ciii,ftophcr i> btrong, E.q Flbdrtor~~CA. Wm. Chiflom. . . Petersburg- —AUx. Pope, Efq. & D *ft. Wavkins. Vienna'—*.. B. Shields, Efq. .Wilkes —David Ttrreil, Efq. & Doctor B bb. Lincoln —Cap f a*n N. Allen, and Ca:>t. John Hughes. Louijville— MHT. Day & Whee ler. 1 . . 4 Angufta —j. S. Walker, Efq. & Doft r Smelt....- JVaynrsbohd —Col. John Davies. Sanderfvillc —Mr. Wm. M'Mur ray. H. H. Moun erg, a r d M'. A. W,,S rib-er. CONGRESS. HOUiE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Monday, December 26. Mr, Nelson from the commit tee :o wnom was referred fo much of ,he of the Prefident of the U. S'a/es, as relates to the mi -I,tary and naval eftabhfhmcnts, and to whom was referred on the 17-*h fnft. a refolution for placing the country in a more complete ftate of defence, fubmiferd the following RESOLUTION IN PART, Eejdved , That it is expedient immediately to raife, arm, and e quip, fifty thoufand volun'etrs, to frrve for the term of two vear*. The following is annexed to the report : A Pit’ POSITION FOR RAISING ffFT Y THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS. Will it nor be ad’ .fable to pro pefe railing an anny of 50,000 vo- \G E O R G I:s.V> EXPRESS’ to AND JRO. AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED* lunteers, to be engaged for two years, and to ferve, if required for aftual fervce, any propo.tiofi of the term not exceeding twelve months the term for which they a-e gengsged 1 n n-comnuflioucd bofficer, muficar, jmd: private, to ‘'receive *cn coiU?s b*unt\, and each ”comrn‘(fion< and officff to receive one •ptonthT pay when appomed ; and Jthe wh le to receive p?y and ran*- when as well £as when in a6li and fervi< e : rhenon -con.m:Eicn.’ and ofH ers, *ar?.s A & to be armed and equipped by the public, and to receive a uni form ft, one paft pirfalocns, l-av, two fh ter, one pair of (hoes, ard a blanket; and if called into a 6l ual fervirt, fur any term over three mourhi, to receive oiherarti* eft? of c’c n.i gin p npi r<i< a<o the term of lervn r, not exreer ,i.c in the whH ( ncluding thole fi tr ece*i*v ed) whai -are allowed to /he in the regular *rm < for year - 1 ho whole to le mutterres and ex ceeded in companies foui da* s With in the two fi.ft months alter being ci.igiged, and fix cays ir. ta.h Itic ceroir g year, aid to rand en camp in their refpnfhvt dates and terrirorjes, tiirty da's in each year; no man to be ♦ nidi rd imo any ernn panv, whr fe pU I cof fidenoe Dali not be within a reafonable difancc from the company pitadc to he fh nil belong. A fuirable number o* r ?rfoc£tors to be ; by the -P a fl ier.t if the United Sr* es, to dur ft and ,n ---fpedl the exrrcift of the troops when encamped, and to g vc direc tions f.r the drilling and exercife of die companies, and tf* direct and receive ad rcturr s, milder and pay rolls, to be tram rti it ltd to an adju tant and inspector general (to be anpoimrd by the Pr.Ti lent ot the United States) who (hall g vc gene ral ir-ftru6V.ons to all fub-intpc6Lir?j for the drilling, extreife, and feipline, and policy of the volunteers when not in afhwl Icrvice. ‘The cfficeri to be appointed and comm flio-.ed by the Prcfidentof the U. S a cs. The propoied corps to in luce as rr“ny of the volunteers who have tfF.rrd their ferviccs under the aft o f 24 ? hof F bruary, i SO7, as fliall rngage in the volunteer army now propofrd. Ihe whole to con fift of 44,000 infantry, 3 000 artil lery, anti 3,000 riflemen, to be or ganized into companies of 100 each, in luding > officers, , reg ments of 1000, br gadcs of 5000, anddivi ficins of 20,000 eaon, to have the ufual including fu r geons and mates; trc furgeons and mates to attend the annual encampment and aftual fervice, and to receive pav only for their aftual fervices, at the fame ra'e as alu<wed to regimental furgeors and in the other corps of the at mv. NON INTERCOURSE. Mr. G. IV. Campbell, from the conirmt r ee on <ur lureign relations, to whrm referred the refolution lardy pafTd by this Houfe on the fubj’ ft, repc/rtea a bill to interdift: c v >mmerciai intercoufie beewten the U. S. and G. Biiuio and Fiance and their dependencies, and for o ther purpofes. Twice read 2nd refer. ed to a committee of the whole on Wednrfday next. The following are the prominent features of the non intrrcourfe bill. Exclufion from the harbors and waters of the United States and the ten itories thereof, of ail public fhips and vtfTcls belonging to G. Britain or France, or to any other bellige rent power or powcis having in force orders, decrees,- edffts, or laws, vi. htir g the lawful commerce or neutral r ghis of the U. Srates, excepting velT Is forced in by ftrefs of wca her, pur fait of an enemy, fuch as are rha/gc-d with difpatches, or bufinefs from their governments, or packets having no cargoes nor flitrchand zt on b :ard. The Pre fidenc is authorized to expel by force all fuch veflkls as contravene this regulation,—A penalty not exceeding ten ti.or.fand dollars, nor lcfii than one hundred dollars, and imprifonment for n*t lefs than one month, and not more than one yearj upon all perlona affording afliftance to v< fjf Is entering contrary to the law, excepting in cafe of piloting them out of the jurisdiftion of the Ui ued States.—Authority to ftize and condemn after a certain day, all vtff Is and their cargoes, bearing the French or Englifh fl ’g, or own ed :n whole or in part by any citizen or fubjeft of either, which may tri ttr the ports, See. cf the U. States, tkc. excepting only vtfT..s exprefs lv hired ta con vey difpatches, fuch as put in through difbefs, or chafed ed in by an enemy—Prohibits after a c ertain day, of the importation of any goods or merchandize, the pro duce or rnanufafture of G. Britain or France, or their dependencie* either directly 0? indireftly, from any country whatever—The forfeit ure, and payment of treble value by the owners of any gooda fo prohibit ed, attempted to bt introduced into the U. Statts on board of any fhip, or veil'd, boa* 1 , raft or carriage— Forfti u-e of the fhip, veflfel, boat, rafr, or carriage, which fhall receive prohibited goods on board, know ing them to be fuch, and the owner And maftcr mulfted in treble the value of the article—Provifion, that if G. Britain or France, revoke or modify their order* or decrees fo as to render our commerce fufficiently fare in the opinion of che Prefident of the United States, of which re vocation or mod fixation he fhall give public notice by proclamati on, the operaron of this aft and of the embargo afts, lhall fo far as re lays to the nation making fuch re vocation or modification, and to rations in amity with her, and hav ing no orders, decrees, orediftsin force, violating the lawful com merce and neutral rights of the U. States, forthwith ceafe and deter mine ; without, however, any re miflion of previous fines and for feitures. Vcffcls bound to any fo reign port or plare with which irf tercourfe (hill have been thus re ftored, arc to give bond and ap proved fccurity, in fix times the value of fuch veflr.l and cargo, not CO proceed to any foreign port, nor trade with any country other than thofe with which commercial in* tercourie fhall have been thus per mitted—The Prefident vefted with power to extend the prov flans of the bill to any nations having in force edifts, &c. fuch as ihofc of G. Britain and France ; and aft the penalties, See. of the bill, made ap plicable to th^m. • December 28. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. J 1 The Speaker prcfentvd a petition of 156 inhabitants :ofi Pcpperel* Middlercx, Muftichuletfs, ftaiug the Elcftors of Prefident and Vu e- PrefiJent of the U.* States hive been illegally: chofen by the Leg's lature of Maflachufctt*, and pray ing that Congrrfs will take the fub je6fi into and prevent the eftablifhment of fo dangerous 4 precedent. LAIE FOREIGN NErVS. CHARI.ESTON, January 4, Bv the arrival of the BrjulVftrp Annt, Cape. Kermod, wc have re ceived Liverpool papets of the 1 zih Nov. and London of the joth. Thefc paper* enable us to lay befofe our readers a corueft copy oft B onaparte’s Speech to the g flative Bodv, after his return frofb Erfurt 5 as alfo their addrefs oq that occafion and his reply. They will be found iiiterf fling. , , From the theatre of war ouf ac counts are-not very Impnrrant t On the 26th of Oftobcr a fh *rt but fmart aftion took place between the Spaniards under gen. Blake, ami the French under gen. Nty ; the Spaniards acknowledge the lefs c f 2000 men, but ftate that of the French to be much more confident ble. A French corps of 1000 in fantry was cut off, and compelled to furrender. , Bonaparte had left Paris, for Bay onne, to put himftrlf at the head of the troops deftined for Spain. The reinforcements which would prob ably arrive in that country by the 30th of Oftobcr, arc ftated, in the French papers, to amount to ioo>- 000. A warfare is about to com mence, more bloody, deftruftive and ferocious, than perhaps has ev er been known in any age. The refult of the cor.flift is dubious ; but when we cor.fider the immenfe refources of Bonaparte, although oppofed by the arGent and undaunt ed bravery of the Spaniard*, we fear the war will eventually terminate in their fubjugation. The fhip Union, of Philadel phia, fent out by our government w ; th difpatches for England and France, arrived at Penzance on the 3iftofOftober, and having landed Mr. Gibbon, the meflfenger, char ged with difpatches for Mr. Pink ney, failed immediately for France, with an intention to make the firft harbor. Her return to the United States, may daily looked for. PARIS, Oftober 16. Yrftfrdav h s M jrfty the Em peror and King went in great (late to the Palace of the LegifiUcivc Bu- (No. 36.