Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, January 28, 1809, Image 2

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POET K r. o*l Female ncatoth after marriage. Why, Celia, is year fpr ending waift So loofe,fo ‘negligently lac'd ? IVhy mufi tbs wrapping bed gown bide 0 our findvey bfiem's fiwcliing pride ? !hw tit that drejs adorns your bead, Difdain and and rumpled from the bed. Thcfe clouds that jhads your blooming Ja*e t A little water might difplace ; sis npture every morn beflows dbe cbty/iial dew to clean;: the rrfe. Tbofe treffes, as the raven black, l.ncsub'd and injur'd by nrgltd, Dfiroy the face which once they deck'd, lb hence this forgetfulnejs cf drejs f Fray, madam, are yen married?— Tcs— f ay, then indeed the wonder eeafes , A o matter how lofie your drfis is ; The end is won, ywr fortune's made, Tour ftfisr now may take the trade, silas ! what pity ‘ tcs to find This fault in half kind l From hence proceed averfion, fir He, Sind a{i ibat /curs the wedded life. Beauty can only point tbs an d i, ‘’Bis neatnefs guides it to the Be art ; lit neatrfs then and beauty jlrive To keep a wav'ring alive. ‘his harder far (you'd find it true) Bo ketp the than jut due. Admit us cnce bfiuind theJcreen, libel is there far fa to bejeen A newer face may mile the fane. But elcery woman is the fame. Then fludy chiefly to improve The charm ibat fix'd your hufund's love ; Weigh well bis humour. Was it drejs Thai gave your beauty power to blej i ! Purfue it ji id, be neater Jeen ; ‘Tis always frugal to be clean ; So /ball you keep alive defire, Sind time's Jweet wings fie ail fan the fire. A WML From a crojs neighbor, end a Jullen V s y A point l fis needle, and a broken knife , 1 romjuretyjhip, and from an empty purje, A Jmoaking chimney, and a jolting borje ; from a dull razor, and an aching bead, From a bad confidence, and a buggy hi and, A. blow upon the elbow and the knee j From each of thfic m y l continue free. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firft tufiday fa March next at the court bou’e in Lglelborpe coun ty. between the bvurs cf ten and m three, w WILL BE SOLD OnE likely negro woman, Lu cy, levied on ?s tne property of William Strother to far sfv an exe cution in favor of Wm. H Claw ford, \a. William T. Rcneau and William Strother, and pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. ALSO, ’ One hundred srd fifty acres of land, more cr Efs, j inu.g William M. Stokes and -th<rs, 1 vird on as the property of Rjchard Wright to to laufy fundry enerutions from . the J ult.ce’s cr urr,’,!! layer c f Har £y Jones, and i t turned to me by Jofhua Stephens, Conftabh:; alio, to iatisfy an execution from the Su perior tour:, in favor of James Clive. ALSO, Sixty-eight acres of land joinirg Cary Jchnion Jofiah Bunder s’ and, levied on as ti e preptitv cf Rithard Gregory, Sen. io latisfy Court in favor or Francis MHon, and returned to me by Jofhua Ste phens, conftable, aifo to fatisfy an execution from the Inferior Court in favor of Dent and Booth. ALSO, 93 3 4 Acres cf land, more mr left, j ining William M. Stokes and others, levied on as the proper ty of Harvil to fatisfy ex ecutions from the Jufficcs Court in favor of Letter and Locker, return ed to me by Jofhua Stephens, con ftable. ALSO, 1 5 3 1-2 Acres of land, more or lefs, joining Thomas, Boman and others, alfo a crib of corn fuppofed to contain fifteen barrels, levied on as the property of James Allan to fatisry an execution in favor of Letter and Locket. ALSO, One lot in tne town of Lexing ton, well improved, whereon Geo. Pafchal now lives, levied on to fa tisfy an execution in favor of Rofs Brown Sc Cos. vs. George Pafchal, Samuel drror.g, James Kidd, and James H. K dd. ALSO, aoo Acre* ofLm.d in o'i-Vthrr r> e O * countv, on B ad River, uf\ fining James Deavcnport and others, re turned to n e by Thomas W. Scott, levied on to fatisfy an exrt u ion vs. Wyatt Hewel and Abel Howard in favor of James Woods. ALSO, Or.e negro man Butler, levied on as the property cf Luke Boulton to fatisfy an execution in favor of Letter and Locker. ALSO, 58 Acres of land, more cr lefs, in the county cf Oglethorpe, ad joining .Charles Mattin and others, levied on to fat’sfy an execution in favor of Samuel Colquit, vs. W.l liam Hewcl, and pointed ouf by the defendant. ALSO, One and five horfe*, three feather beds, half a iloz- n chairs, one table, one chtft and buf fet, levied on ro faiisfy an execution in favor of Abner Ponder, admL niftrator, vs. Wyatt Hawkins, Ste phen Allen and fames Roberifon. ALSO, 154 Acres of land, more cr lefs, in the county of Oglethorpe, on the waters of Brufhy creek, levied on to tadsfy an execution in favor of Abner Pander, adminiftiator, vs. Vmirg Cooper, William Hitch cock, jun and Hitchcock, fen. pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, 200 Acres of hud, more or lefs, joining Will am C. Humphries and others, levied on to fatisfy an exe cution in favor of John Billups, vs. John Stewart, juri. and Benjamin Hodnett, ALSO, 287 1-2 Acres of land, more or lefs, in the county of Franklin, joining Samuel Hendcn and others, lying on Stephens creek; Alfo 500 acres, more or Ids, granted to J Teph Rvan, lying on Broad river, joinit g the laid Ryan, levied or to fatisfy an execution in faver of Wil liam HHlir.gtr, vi. James H. Kidd. THOMAS 3. BATLEY, Sheriff. January 24th, 1809. TO SHERIFFS. Executions win be for ward’d from this Office, by every mad between the date of this and the fu ft of April next, to feme one or m cof the Sheriffs of this fta:e. Lney wiii coniult their own intcrdt> the Pott Off ■'es in t. 1 ir rrLective ‘ T V T vJ hundrta counties, and receiving thc r letters a halt of land lying on both as earlv ai poffible after the arrival ft *es cA inc f r nnldm and Jackfon of each mail. dividing line, granted to Sneifnn, CEO. R. CLAY TON, whereon Richard Anderfon lives, Trcafurer. (that is, the part lying in Jackfo.i Treafury Office, Georgia, ccunry) be the fame more or lefs, Milledgcville, 2d fan. 1809. levied on as the property of f*ij fffif fhe Printers in tne Middle Anderfon,atrheinftanceofthecx and Wf ttern Diftriifts are requeft- rcutorspf John Gilbert, cieceafed j ed to infert the above in their pa- the property pointed out by Daniel papers two or three times. Johofon. ——■—-——. Conditions C.<lh. NOTICE. WM. porrs, Sheriff. A LL perfons having any de- X iL mands again ft: the etta'e of ——**——— —-—— — Ifaac Williams, deceafed, arc ear- SHERIFF’S^ALE-, neftly requefted to exhibit the fam ft ai within the rime prefer!bed by law. WILL i’K SOL D And all thole incebted to laid ettace At the Court If. fie in Clarks-aunt? are defired to make payment as I on the fh l Tufiday U February wifti to makeasfpeedy a fettierrmne nfxt, the following prefer ty, viz: as the nature of rhe cafe will adjiic. ONE hundred and eigdt-.-two WM. M. S rOKEb, acres olland, lying and being in Executor. the county of Cla.k, originally January 21, ISO 9. granted to’ Partin, joining Billups ; —"q— on the waters of B*g creek j four EXECUTOR’S SALE. negroes—Peter, A?.ram, Tom and ON Thu flay the ninth day cf March Sally, all levied on as the property mxt, at the due refidence of Ifaac ofObediah Echols to f cufy &r\ ex- Williams d-ceafltd, near the Bea- rcuticn in behalf of-the-State againlb verda n Meeting Houfe, Oglethorpe Lid Echols, and pointed out by county, will be j fid, Milner Echols, one 0? the ford Obe- A dnih Echoi’s fecurities for the cci il LL the perfonal property of led ion of Taxes for the year 1807, the laid decealed, confining of r*e- Ai .SO, gro: r, Lotfes, cattle, hogs, houfe- FIF TY acres of land lyirg and Bold and kitchen furniture, and being in the county of Cla ki on the puin'atton tools. T erms will be O once river, originally granted res made known on the day of Lie. Patrick, jo-.rprgii'udlon ad othc rs, WM. M. SI ORES, to fatisfy an exc ut.nn in I#-our of Executor. Greelbrirv Revi,olds, levied on by January 21, ISO 9. iLac Midakbrook, CohttabL, and returned to me. NG i ICE. Conditions Cifh np JOHN WAC DEL, Ji HAT cn the third day of D. S. March next, will be fold to tLc January 1809. kigheff bidder, part of the perfonal —— —— ——— property of If. a; Phillips, la re of WILL BE SOLD, L'd conntv, deccafed, at his.former ON Saturday the 2 fib 0/ February refiden-'t cn ihe Okmulgee river. next, at the late cf Mi - JENNY PHILLIPS, chart Baders, decs fed, to the Y> ;i LIAM PHILL IPS, highefi bidder, /cr the term of on: . WILLIAM HAMMETT, year the Admin ftratrix Sc Admindliators. PLANTATION Randolph county, Whereon the dccrxfed formerly I January 21, 1809. occupied, in the county of JackfonJ ‘'■ ——. —.—containing 50 o< 60 Acres of/ ltaredl NO 1 ICE. land, of & good quality, u dsr a to- 1 ——■ letable fence, including aa apple j WILL BE SOLD, orchard, 3 l snail peach orchard, *J Ogocd dwelling hc/ufe and other ne-| N- Thurfday the 23d of. Feb- cellary cut buildings, anu a valuable ruary next, at Madifcn (Morgan griftrnill in good repair. Aif), at Court-Houft) all the Public Lois the fame time, will be fold, a quan- Rt laid place ; the fite is now per- tlty of corn antT whrau. Terms cf manrntly fixed near the centre cn a lale, twelve months credit with beautiful eminence, and excellent fins!! notes snd *OS--rovede curity. water —there is no doubt but it will MAR 1 808 DERS, Executrix. | be one of the moft flourifhing vil- JOHN BORDERS, Executor, j lig* s in 2ft the up country.—The January 14, 1809. terms of fa!e will be made known ———— —— -- I on the day by the NOTICE. COMMISSIONERS. r p January 21, 1809. ± HAT having been app J —— ——— Treafurer and Land agent • SHERIFF’S SALE. Board of Truttces of the Univ I am rcquelled to notify all p On the Firfl Tu fiday in February who may be ii debreefto fa dl’ | next, at the Court-Houfe in Jackfon whether tor tuition, idles of h I County, between the ufual hours, arrears of rent, to make imen >'■ I will be fold the following property, payment to me, and to re f \ to wit : in default whereof, fuits are o cm- I TWO hundred eighty-feven and to be fpeediiy ccmmenced. a half seres of land, be the fame A. S. CLAY H > J more or lyiiJg on the waters of January 27, tßoo the Oconee, on Hurricane creek, —.- ■— 1 granted to William Mote, joining FOR SALE, I Offo'rd’s land whereon LaymafE-r A good trafl of land co formerly lived, and levied on as the 202 1-2 acres, lying in old * J property of laid Mote, at the Yn- fon, within half a mile of ti J ft.incc of Robert Middleton, for the Bluff, on the Oconee riv the of Nicholas Long ; the pro- ber 32*. i h.rrermsmay j_ ......i pefty pointed cu: by Buckner Har- fully known by Applying to Obed I ris, who has the coatrcul o: the cx* Baker in Clark counrv near J ccmEm Dec. 8, iBc3 B