Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, February 04, 1809, Image 2

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u&c J eOablifn merits. H the Senate end [Jars cf Re pm Ant ctl mss of (be United States. I now.lay before congrefs a flate r’ l . Hbri works of defence which < v. £ht neccifary to pro : v ‘ infUnce, for the le <: .1 fVrport towns . r -an 1 ’he progrefs towards •:*. co t icp. i'heir extent U “ii a: 1 to the I'cale of rhe appropria , v.., and to the circuui llanees of she feveral places. Th works undertaken at New- York, ate calculated to annoy and endanger any naval force which fliouid attempt to be before the ci ty. To prevent altogether the en trance cf large vtfTeis, a line of Hocks acrofs the harbor has been contemplated, and would it is be lieved, with the auxiliary means ; ready provided, render that city fafe againft r.r.val enterprize. The expence as well as the importance of the work, render it a fubjeft pro per for the fpeciai con fide ration of ccngrefs. At New-Orleans, two federate fyflems of r defence a.e nectfirry : the one for the rivtr, the other for the lake, which at prefect can give no aid to cne another. The canal now leading from the lake, it cont i nued into the river, would enable the armed vtfTeis in both ftarions to uni re and meet in conjunction, an attack from cVther fide. Half the aggregate force would then have rhe fame tft <fl as the whole, or die f me force double the eflfeftof wh.t either tan now have. It woo'd ri fe cost le the vcfllds Rationed in the Jake, when attacked by a hi crier force, to retire to a fafer petition in the river. The lame confederations of expence and importance render this alfo a queftinn for the fpecial decifion of congrefs. TiIJEFFERSON. January 6, 1809. 1 he fecrctary of war reports that tr e following fums have been ad vanced for the erection and repair of fortifications, and the conflruc tion of gun-carriages during the year 1808. Dollars • For N-:W Orleans, 80,378 Georgia, North 6c South- Caroiira, 204,289 Virginia & Maryland, 111,432 Delaware, Pennsylvania and N. J'crfey, 5,000 New-York 379> 1 33 Connecticut and Rhode Iflmd, 11,000 Maflachufetts and Ncw- Hampfhire, 223,475 . Dollars, 1,014,702 The fecrctary obferves that for completing the works already com menced, and for erecting fuch o thers as have been contemplated or may be deemed expedient, an ad ditional appropriation of 450,000 dollars will be r.eceflary, exclulivc cf the line of block chains, See. a oroL the harbor of New-York. Mr. Coles pronounced the pre sident's having figned the bill for employing twelve additional reve nue cutters. The late Edmund Burke's opinion cf imprffonment for debt. — This par a graph ought to be inferted in every paper, and read by every perjon throughout the united States , at this particular moment. —N. Y. Aurora. “ There are two capital faults in car laws with relation to civil debts. One is, that every man is prefumed A prtjnmpthn, in innume * fuppjitic:! cf ability and fraud, to le coerced his liberty , until he make gayiu.ntC ly this weens in ail cafes f dvii ivhivcniy, without a pardon from his or editors, he is to be itnpri- Joned for ife :—card tons, a inferable r.djiukcn ini snticn cf artificial feu nee , c ‘-iratej to c’> a 4; a oil S it.M a crimi nal judgment and tofcourge misfortune or inufchiicn, wi a pumfoment sold eh the la v dues „ ct irfditl on the treated crime. U w “ ‘i\be next fan is, that irfidling cf that puni foment, u no! on the opintcn of an equal and public judge ; but is referred to the arbitrary diferetien cf a private, nay, intcrejled, irritated individual, ids who formerly is, and ought to be the judge, is in reality no more tkah a mini // trial, a mere execu tive infl rurnent cf a private man, who is at once judge and party. I: very idea of judicial order is fiibverted by this procedure. if tie infolvency be vo crime why is it puntfhed wit is ar bitrary imprifonment ? ij it lea crime why is it delivered into privrte hands, to pardon without diferetien, or to punfh vd.hcut mercy and without me i furs? it * Ji the anterior ‘'.art, but next county. RULE NISI. GILES TGMICINS, vs. HENDRICK LUMKINS. X.J POM rhe petition of C. B. Strong, counlei for the plaintiff, it is ordered, that urdtfs the find Hen drick Lumkins pay into die hands o; the Clerk of the Supericr Court before the expiration of twelve iv .nhs the principal, ihrntft, and coil of hold iw “, the laid Mortgage to Is and is hereby force Fifed, and that this ride be inferred in one of the public Gaze! es of this Race, at Icrdt once a for the term of cne year, or 1 rved on th.e mort gager, or his fptcial £g n ! , at leaft fix months bef rt the money 13 di rected to be paid. Extra sl from the minutes. IVM. WILLIAMS, Clk. Septemb.r 17/.•), 1J -j 8. N O T I C \L. Oh! the third Saturday in March next, at M rticcdlo in t! c county of Randolph, will he let the BUILDING OF A JAIL, cf the laid county, to the loweft bidder at public auciion—the def cription and terms made known on the day.——Alio, a parcel cf loti newly laid of 4, and z ] \ tl>it have not complied with the terms of ine for mer fales cf lots, will be put up at public auction on the fame dav and fold under the penalty of the form er fain. JOHN MARTIN, SOLOMON S TRICKLAND. JOSEPH CARTER, JOHN CARGIT., & C. CRAWFORD, Commijftoners. January nth, 1809. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR SALE The tra<st of Land on Chandler’s Creek, (near the Oconee) Jackfon County, whereon the fubferiber now lives; a good plantation is o pentd U]>on the premifes, cn which ere good orchards, and the place well unproved with buildings j it is a moft excellent ftand for an Indian and fettletr.ent flore, being dole to the boundary line. OWEN J. BOWEN. December 24, rBcB, GEORGIA EXPRESS. Al HENS, FI3 A UAL 7~ 4. Two mails due from IVafningtcn City when this paper was put to prefix. We extra It the fell owing fu ran ary from Colvin's Monitor, which may not be uninter efing to cur readers : Martinique aud Gaudaloupe sre clofely blockaded by the B ittfh, who are expected to make a a at tack upon them. It is mentioned in the Baltimore Federal Gazette that Elli.ccrtG va luable mills, ficuatedon the Freder ick road, have been confumed by Pi re. Judge Tallmage, of the New- York aiffridt court, has removed Edward Dunfeomb, efq from tlje clerkfhjp of that court, and appoint ed Mr Charles Clinton in hL Lead. The government fliip Wafp was a: New Lcndun on the 3 1 ft tilt. A fmuggling has been feiz ed by a revenue cutter off V7ind~ n ; : H Poin*-, (Vermont.) The Albany Gazette and a Keene (N EJ) paper mention the de fertion ©f a large number of the U rdted States’ troops Rationed near the lines, The Britifh packet Manchefter, captain Davis, failed on the 7 .h inft. from New-York for Falmouth, (England.) The French privateer fchr. Su perior, captain Brevard, of 4 guns and 80 men, arrived at Charlrflon on the 23d ult. from St. Domingo and Martinique. A fevtre thunderfiorm was ex perienced at Tolland and at Eafl- Eladdaro, in Connecticut, about the middle of December lafb. The houfe of Mr. Azcl Ciandal was ftruck at the former place, which wa.a attended with the death of his daughter, who had been but a fhort time married. The deaths in Philadelphia for the week ending Jan. 7, 1809, a mounttd to 33- — 17 aduhs, 16 chil dren. Six perijhed of the natural finall pox. Active mcafures have been ta ken by his Excellency Governor of Kentucky, for organizing the quota of the 100,000 minute men which that Late is to furnifh. A corps of artillery, under the U. States volunteer aci, has been organized in Ontario county, (late or New-York. Ihe hon. Samuel Huntington, has bren defied governor of Ohio. The death of John Horn Tooke, well known in the literary world, has bren announced ; but has, like wife, been contradicted. Recent accounts from Africa ren der it probable that Mongo Park, the celebrated explorer cf that country is not dead. A bill for the fufpcr.fion of exe cutions palled the Virginia houfe or delegates on the y.h Jan.—Ayes 109 —Noes 54. The federal papers have belied his excellency the governor of Del aware, by faying he had refufed to organize his quota of militia re, quired by the executive of the Uni ted States—— Rhe governor is doing his duty in that refpeefc. It is Laid Mr. John Randolph, now a member cf congrefs, will have a conttfled election at the approaching choice o: members of congrefs in Virginia. Mr. William Du-Val at prefent offers againfl him, but premifes ro give way to sny more fuitabie arrangement. — {4r, Du-Val is an old man—he is Anew patriotic paper has bc-'r)‘l recently eflabl-fhed at Windfor,! Vermont* by Air. Oliver Fainf-I worth, entitled the c; Vermont Ru I publican.'’ Iris neatly printed, and I will be very ufcful in that quarter I in dfiTcminating correct information I among the people. 1 Anew and very valuable Coal I Mins has been lately difeovered in Rhode IHand, near the new ftone bridge. Theftratum is fuppofed to bo of gn at extent c.s well as depth, and is found to be vv thin ten feet of the furface cf the ground. Died, lately, on Pcndbfoot riyer, Madam, Orcno, Alt. 115 years, re-. licl of Crone, late chief of die Pe nobfcoc .Tribe of Indians, who d:ed a few years fmee, Mi no. She retained her natural taculties until a Iliort time before her exit. Ex trail of a letter from an American in St. Bartholomews to a rentleman c J m Hartford, dated 2sib o Huber, ißc?>. Ci How long will che embargo continue? I allure you it has oe ftrdjyed >1: buiinefs in the Weft-In dies ifhnds. Although it cannot ftarve us, it diftreflea us cxtremdy > and poverty begins to ft *re all 1.1 the face. The rich can live, fay at 300 per cent higher thm former ly—the middling clafs of people are compelled to foil their jewelry* furniture, &c„ and which you will obforve is the Creole’s god. The poor laboring clafs of people are differing for bread, they can’t get ersploy, and are compelled to beg and fteai. “ Ism confident that no planta tion will be v/orth holding in the Weft-Indies if your embargo’ con tinues twel /e months longer. lam yet fully of the opinion, that it was a wife ilep taken by your govern ment whether it has had its ck fired eftlct or not, and I hope it will bu continued until England and France will do youjuftice ; ualefs war fu percedes the neceffity.” T he ill and of Capri, at the mouth of the Gulph of Naples, which the Bricilh took about two years ago* was lacely attacked by a detach ment of 2000 men from Naples, and tsken with the exception of one fort into which the Britifh com mandant threw himfelfl All the’ BHtifh magazines,. and nine hun dred prifoners,. were faid to have faiien into the hands of ihe French. iron. T. Amer . Cn Wedncfday lajl ihe Ccmmifjien ers of Fortifications accompanied by colonel Williams and feveral gentle men from this city and Richmond county, proceeded to lay (he foundation fi one of a marble work cn the Beach near hignal Hill, at Staten’ Ijland which will mount about thirty heavy cannon. On this occaficn a faint eof 17 guns was fired, and the work was named [fort Richmond, in compliment to the county in which it is fituated. N. Y. Paper. French influence.— What are the’ means of French influence in this country ? None -, the idea is ah- Jurd. Britifh influence.— lVbat are the means cf Britifh influence in this coun try ? . The following amongst others : Language, jut if prudence, law books , literature \ tones and the defendants of tcry families ; blood ccnneliions,- intermarriages ; mercantile capital, mercantile partnerfhip newspapers, (Ac. &c. <£c. Thefe irfluer.ees are interwoven into fociety, and if wet mean to prefirvt cur independence, de+