Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, February 11, 1809, Image 1

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Vol. I.) „• % ; 1 v, , ■,, .. , „ . ATHENS, GEORGIA : PRINTED BY M‘DONNELL & HARRIS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY n, ISO 9. TERMS OF THE GEORGIA EXPRESS. i. IT will be printed weekly, at tbr e ‘.ollars per annum j one hall” be paid in advance, the remainder at the cxpuatlon of fix months. z. Advertisements will be charg ed ac the race of fixty-two and a ]. cents per fquare for the fir ft 5 (V.raon, ami fifty ceins for each cork filiation. 3. No papers will be difeontmu e i wlthouf a n* rice to that efftdt j nor then if in arrears. (Cjr* AM letters to the Edi. *rs muft be poll paid. The following Gentlemen are autho rized 0 receive Subscriptions for this t&P'r Cl ‘ ksboro' —Poft Maft er, jeUtnbv-— G*n. B. Harris, WadiinfoilU- —E. 3. Jenkins- efq. and M . Edward B nd, . Lexington —Puli Mattery & Capt. W*-ku>. Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields, and Wd\ m Lumpkins, E r q. Jr’alnut Grove —Mr. L< e Atkins, Gr-ofe pond —Mr. H. T. Woody. Grecnesbof V- C2p ‘. T. Dawion. Sparta —D offo r W. Terrell. /’ ‘drrenion —Poft- M iter, Po wclicn Poft. M&fter. jM tiled Seville- — I'homas M ounce r <5 an Janes, iizi man, Efqrs. h font on- —C hr; ft op t. erß. S tror>g, Eic Jilberten—Co 1. Wm. Chiflom. Tti^rslu-g —Alex. Pope, Efq. & Dor . V. ai k). s. Vienna- - •*. B. Shields, F‘q. / ll ilkes —David Pencil, Efq. & DodP-r Bibo. Lincoln— Captain N. Allen, and Ctw'. lohn Hughes. Loudfuille—SAc ff. Day & Whee ler. Jtgi'/la—] , S. Walker, Efq, & Dod-.r Smelt. PFaynesboh*— Col. T>hn Davies. derfv tile —M r. Wm. M’M ur ray. Savannah —Mr. IT. PL Moun g r, and Mr. A. W. Scribner. BOWLING GKKJ'M . JOCKET CLUB RACES, TV y v ILL commence on the laft \VeJnefday in February next, and continue three davi. The day’s running, three rrcirs and repeat, for a pur ft of 300 doiia-.s. Srcond day’s running, tv?o miles and repeat, for a pui k of 200 dol lars. Third day’s running, one mile end repeat, for the entrance money, and overplus of the fubfcripcion. Each day free for any horfe, maie, or gelding on the Continent, carrying weights as follows : T hree yean old, 90 pounds— /our years, too pounds—-five years, lio pounds—fix years 120 pounds —-aged hortes, 130 pounds. Three pounds allowed to mares and geld ings. By order of the PRESIDENT. Oglethorpe, Dec. 53. G I MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND K.NCWLSDCI SHALL SZ INCRIASZD. Insurrection—Retellion ! i There never was a more defpi cable conceit engendered by fickiy brains than that which has been born of the federal party, or rather Eltex Junto party, refpe&ftg an inlurre&ion againft the cciifli uttd authorities of the U. Stares. When men. rebel, they muft have a iub ftanual motive ; fomething that nor only ftings them, but ftir*gs them to the quick, which has its ongin in wickednefs of heart as well as weaknefs of head ; and lomething, too, which can be remedied by the rulers againft whom rrbdlt’ n is mainrained. Well, have the New- EngLnd federal:fts any fuchmotive ? Does the embargo fling them too the quick ? Do they not talk a freely, eat as much, and ft q> as f undly at they did before the em bargo was * nailed ? Are their churches fhut up ? IDs govern ment afked them for taxer ? Has it feized and thrown aly them into dungeons ? The KIP’ Junto talk of tyranny 1 In what does it confift ? Where is it to be found ? Tyranny ! Stra ge perverfion of hu man reafunJ Will my countrymen forever be. the [port of idle phanta citr’s ? Opprcjfion ! ‘What do they mean by opptcifion ? We fee the g avermnent libelled in a thoufand filly which are uttered by the prefPs every day we fee met lings collected to defame the aumindtra tion, whenever two or three knaves Or dunces can begot together—one appoints hifnfcif chain:,an ; ano ther ft-cretary ; and away a firing of relblurioiis go to rh? newfpapers; the government is blamed in ail que-ters by every wiftacre who has a memory for parry cant j and the prefidenc, his mmiftcrsand the con greig, are befmtartd and bedaubed in the ifif.ft pert ftnd fcurrilous ftyle imaginable.. And yet we are con tinuallv told of thr tyranny of the admin tft ration, or the xfls of the governr ent ! Veniy this is a ft:a ge world we live in 1 and there is, beyond all queftioo, no fuch thing as pleaftng the taft-rs. \>f fome people. Vvhar, I pray q.ena, and they crave ? Trade, you will Gy, Well, trade kr them have v hen it can be got. Put trade (iky tne Junto of EfTcxJ at a:l events —- There we differ. We who are for the government and for the country, and for the embargo rather than war, snd for war in preference ro lubmifiion, we fay, trade upon hono rable terms j vve ft ie for no (mug ging, ineaking traffic. Fairtrade is our right and w.ll have it.— We have no difpoficion 10 beat tke bujh , as the adage goes. We claim our own, and we muft have it be - our foreign aflfdrs are adjufled. Trufi to the merchants , one frge po litician wiil teii you : and w hat does that imply ? Why nothing iris and nothing more than to profecute a ckndeftinc trade, fkulk along ftiore, run away from every thing we meet on the ocean, go juft where his Britannic msjefty pleafes and no where elfe, turn tributaries to Eng land, and pay for the privilege of beixg kicked ar*d robbed, and Hog- ged into the bargain. Make peace with G. Britain , lavs another ftio par.t gen r kman. There we difi'Vr again. Y our Eft ex J ir>co men want to make up differences with the Fin ghfh without reparation, and with out lecurity for the future. Now we want both ; we want reparation and lecurity too. We will adjuft matters upon terms of amity with her, provided (lie lads lies our meft reafonablc demands. We do not afic of her impoflibilme*. We do not require her to reftore our mur dered citizens to life 3 we do not requeft her ta violate the laws of the grave—and thole crc the only laws, perhaps, fne has not violated •—We,do not alk her to tie Mr. Canning to a whipping poft, altho* he well debrvfs it ior his official; None of thele things are required of her, Wc merely demand common hor.efty ; the gift of ‘ what belongs to us—Wc only deft e her not to pillage our fhips and not to ileal our leamen. But let us return to this faid rebellion. Let us fuppofe Mr. Pickering, or Mr. Hillhoule, or Mr. Floyd, at the head of the whole Efl'cx Junto —one, two—fay three nundred per fon^ges—clad :n fteel, or juft what you pkafe—their ’pockets full of pancakes, or other eatables. We will imagine them all tiained and marfballed for a furious attack up on the democratic part, of the na tion. la this cafe it would be but common benevolence and chriflia niry fuavity of thought to fuppoic Mr. Pickering would fay prayers before he went upon death doing bufinefs of Rattle, Mind 3 I far nothing about cowardice—l know nothing about that-—I leave that to hiflory. Bur, we will fry he is at prayers ; he rolls his eyes towards the Heavens 3 he invokes the be ne fience of the Deity upon his un dertaking, acJ all his followers, putti: g their hands upon their hearts, with moft devotional coun tenances awaitthc fignalof their lead er. Ac luch a moment, Common Senfe tteps up to the hand of rebels, and demands the object of hoftility. What, think you, would rhey anfwer l They could only Hay, if they faid any thing at all, that they were about to attack the government of the union—that go vernment, under which fer twenty five years they had lived profpe roiiftv and happily; increafed in their hoir.rfHlia and in their exte rior refpe&ability : that govern ment which tolerates every thii g, forgives every thing, except infec tions of the laws. Such an anfwer would Fad to folemn and impref five reflexions-—every man would perceive that he was gchig upon a very foolifh and traitorous expedi tion—that he waa net about en gaging for his own rights, but ef pnufing the caufe of a fore gn pow er ; tne murderer of his country men ; the author of mighty wrongs j terror would ftiake his foul fear would agitate his limb; ; in every fhadow, he would think he Aw the gholl of Warren j in every mur mur cf the breeze he would be lieve he heard the reproaches o l Montgomery’s fpftit. Pr-ftra-e on ti;e earth the wretched dupes would fall, imploring God’s forgivenefs and their country’s clemency ; and fifing up in hafte, fly fir away front the iiaiefu! and contagious prefence of their Rader. If the adminiftra tion could> indeed, better the con dition of the nation, and llubborniy refuted to do it, why, then, really, there might be a reafonablc app;c henfion entertained of rebellion j but men v;ill not rebel for nothing; for mere clamor ; for a politician’s drearn, or the crooked views of ao ariftec atical fa<slion. - The govern ment Hus not, by its counceis, or by is a&iona, bro’t this nation into its dirfteultits, and the people know it: they fee it more more every day j ihev know the cattfe is in Eu rope, at St. James and St. Cloud ; In the heads and in the hearts 0/ that wicked old man George the thirds and that ambitious: young one B arap trtc. To tell the truth, however, I do riot feel half fo muefi ei;mity co the latter as to the fot> mer. Nape Icon has nor, like a cowardly call fF, difgra cd our flag; nor in the unit ‘piling moment of peace, fricndfliip, and typicality, poured abroadfi ieof bullet into a national fti'p of war, God knows, he is tyrant enough 3 but he is noc fo bafe, ■ fo barbarous, fo treat hc rou?, fok'ndlefs, fo vile a tyrant as his brother king, who Iks upon the throne of Britain—Compelled td refort to an embargo, lorclv agaiikt their wifhes, cur executive ha 1 ! for a / ear boldly braved the unthinking curfs uf a horde of mercilefs po litical Jan’zzaries. But the people —-the fovereigq pt ople, have Ipm ti ed thefe daliurdly dtludcrs ; they have beard —they have feen —and they under fl and, llow could they for a moment believe that a man refigning the rcirs of power, going to private life, could have a difpo fition to tyrannize ? Flow could they think, that a man who is juft coming into power, to whom pop ularity is precious, and * good name more fo, could court public ind.g nation by a flagrant dereL&ion cf national profperity ! Away with fuch contemptible thoughts. Far hence let fuch vile abiurdities be baniJhcd. Colvin's Monitor . *. CONGRESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA* TIVES. January 24. Mr. Nicholas (aid, that there ne ver was a period in any country which more required the union and exertion of a!i its c i iz- ns to extri cate it from its difH. ulties, than the fuuation of this country required at the pretent time. The two meft powerful nation*'of the world (Od he) are in a ftacc of war # gain ft this country. Their aggreflions aga*r.ft us have been continued for twelve months ; whiift we have ufed eve ry honorable means in our power to avoid war. I have rtp a edly declared my determination never r > fubirnt to the wrimgs rcccit'ed; (No. 39.