Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, February 18, 1809, Image 1

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Vol. I.) 0 ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY M-DONNELL frf V \RRTS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY :S, :So ? . I TERMS OF THE GEORGIA EXPRESS. 1. IT will be printed weekly, at fchree dollars per annum; one half to be paid in advance, the remainder at the expiration of fix months. 2. Advertifements will be charg ed at the rate of fixty-cwo and a half cents per fquare for the firft infertion, and fifty cents for each continuation. 3. No papers will be difconrmti ed without a notice to that efFed j then if in arrears. {CT* AU letters dire fled to the Editors mutt be poftpaid. The following Gentlemen are autho rized to receive Sub/crip twis for this Taper :— Clarks boro' —Foft- Matter. Jcjferfcn —Gen. B. Harris. Waikinfville —E. B. Jenkins, efq. and M.r. Edward B >nd. Lexington —Pott Matter, &'Capt. W atkins. Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields, and William Lumpkins, Efq. Walnut Grove—Mr. Lee Atkins. Goofe pond —Mr. H. T. Woody. Greencsbcro > —Capt. T. Dawfon. Sparta —Doftor W. Terrell. War rent on —P 0 ft - M aft e r. I owe i ten — ir oft *M*•! tr. Milledgevtlle- —Thomas Mounger and James Bozeman, Efqrs. Eatcnton— Chi iftopher B Strong, Efq. Elberton —Col. Wm. Chiflom. Petersburg —Alex. Pope, Efq. & Do&. Watkins. Vienna —S. B. Shields, Efq. • Wilkes —David Terrell, Efq. Sc D oft or Bibb. Lincoln— Captain N. Alien, and Capt. John Hughes. Lomfville —MdT. Day & Whee ler. Augujla —J. 5. Walker, Efq. Doftor Smelt. Wayne shorts I — Col. John Davies. Sanderjville— Mr, Wm. M‘Mur ray. Savannah —Mr. H. H. Moun ter, and Mr. A. W. Scribner. BaWLING GREEN JOCKET CLU3 RACES , w ILL commence on the laft Wednesday in February next, and continue three days. The fir ft day’s running, three miles and repeat, for a purfc of 300 dollars. Second day’s running, two miles and repeat, for a purfe of 200 dol lars. Third day’s running, one mile and repeat, for the entrance money, and overplus cf the lubfcrlption. Each day free for any horfe, mare, or gelding en the Continent, carrying weights as follows : Three years old, 90 pounds four years, :oo pounds—five years, no pounds—fix years 120 pounds —aged horiirs, 130 pounds. Thrte pounds allowed to mare* and geld ings. By srd-r tf the PRESIDENT. Oglethorpe, Dec. 23. GEORG iix a... “ _ RJ™ MANY ,HALL RUW TO AND F ?.O, AND KNOWLtDG? SKALL SI IKCItJASIB, From Colvin’s Monitor. THE WAR KEY. i he time has at length found * ,n ,, when the good old fpiric offevenfy fix begins to grace t. „• columns of our republican prints, and the geni us cf freedom to enkindle on the ficred altar or liberty in all quarters of the union. Yes, \vc will be free ! we will be united ! and difappoinc the malice of our enemies, notwith ttanding their deep concerted pianr, and dark machinations. The vir tuous and the good, the patriotic and the philanthropise will unite,! and fofter the fair boon from Hea ven, gtven to us as an inalienable right, and gjorioufly fupporttd by our fathers, in all the changes inci dent to time, even unto the preftnt heur. Neither the miniois cf kings, nor me fordid tools of joy il and arbitrary power, fhad prevail again ft the free born foes of Colum bia, and thofe attached to the hrp pinefs and welfare of their f Mow men. The daftardly and piratical nations who have wantonly murder ed cur citizens, and bafely robbed them of their property, Ihall loon be taught to fed an injured nation’s vengeance', and atone, in fomt de cree, for their multiform crimes and cruckiea committed, inhums ;iy committed, by the bafe end barba rous foe, Their cries have at length reached Heaven, and God in his mercy, is about to give us am ple remuneration for the many wrongs perpetrated by their nefari ous hands. Thofe vile and incen diary nerxfpapers, fet up and chc rifhed by our enemies, ftiall not much longer di/gracc the land j by their foul and malicious I'ts, calcu lated to divide seel er.fbve us.—- Their agents ihall be’ the firft that lhall fed our vengeance 5 we know the principals, and the men employ ed to Ratter potion and rebellion through the land. Our caufe is too good to defpair of the continued fmilesjof Hcavc.n? sod we have yet undivided, a phalanx cf warriors reared in the fchool cf freedom, ready to lead our armies to victory and to glory, Several of our old and experienced generals, who no bly led us to victory in the revolu tionary war, and who are now ho norably ferving, at this all impor tant crifis, in the great councils of the nation, are ftiil as willing, and as able to carry us through the dif ficulty of the, times, and to lead our troops to lftih deeds of renown !—■ Citizens ! every where, and in all parts of our beloved country, con tinue to rally round the conftituted authority thereof, ar.d more and more difplay that martial fpirit fo peculiar to Americans, when juftly roufed m defence of their injured rights. Let no earthly confidera tion alienate your minds from the noble -fire now enkindling in all part3 cf the union, nor ceafe to give zeft to your determined refolucions, till ycu have had ample jufticedone you againft all your enemies. That as freemen you will live free } as freemen you will die free in the fupport of thofe privileges which conflitute the equal right of go- verning for and of pro-- g'tiling -‘.r.h the inbuftry of your own *.>: t.* ?.il part* of the globe, f r te ?.o < on iitturbed, whether you cnooie tv travel by land or by wa ter. A PATRIOT AMERICAN. Fiom the Button Chronicle. War xti , h England.— -If we were ®t war with Great Britain, we ftiould take Canada ar<u Nova-Scoria j this would, poc only materially weaken our enemy but would greatly add to the power and revenue of ch* U. Starts. I: would render rhe Weft- I. id'a Ifiand* wholly, far.d Britain in a grct’C measure) dependent on the IJ. States for their timber and fpsru ;it would give us all the ffke r es cf Newfoundland, and would inrreafe the dependence cf Britain open m, for wheat, naval ftorcs, put and pearl allies, and furs. if re were at war with Great- Britain, we ftiould have trade with all the world, the Britifh ifiandsand dependencies only excepted. This trade world be amply fiiflirient for the exportation of ad our furplus produd's a: high prices. There doub hTs would be fume of our veftl h captured, but we ftiould be well remunerated for their lofs, by the irrreafed pr• s v hich would be obtained by thofe which go in fafety ; arid when v/e take into cor, fide radon that England would have no arfenal or naval dock yard within 3000 miles of cur ccaft ; thit foe is a- v ar with mutt of the powers of Europe that we may Have a con fiderable ravv, which may be fpec diiy increaled; when v/e rcflrdt on thele circumftance?, we may pre- Inr'e the capture* that would be made by the cruisers of EriiSln would not be numerous. If we xvere at war with Grect- Britain, the numerous pr vate ftftps of war, that would be fitted out by companies, and individuals, would give buftnefs ro the various artizar.s employed in naval equipments, would give great profits to rhe ow n ers ar.d crews, would fupply the country with Britifh products, and would greatly annoy the enemy. Our manufactures would multi ply znd thrive. The fortifications cf ourfprrs, & cur navy, would fecurc cur coafts from infulr. But above all, vre ftiould force Great Britain to do us juft ire ; vre ftiould raife our national reputation, even with her ; we ftiould wipe away the ftain on cur national cha radler which the long and patient endurance of the wrongs fhc has done us, has placed upon ic we fhould rid ourfdves of a few eld to fits who now infeft us ; and ftiould become an united, brave, and hap py people. ’76. FOREIGN NEWS. On the 24th ult. arrived ar New- York the Britifh Packet Princefs Amelia, Morftm, from via Bermuda, having left England on the Bth of December ; a*.J the ftiip Philipfburg, Lcftingwalk from Liverpool and Cork. If hr. latter left Liverpool on thr 27 b of No - vember, and Cork on the i 2th of December. By rrlT’s London panrrs to the* 3d and O rk pipers to tl o Bth of December have been re ceived. Mr. Purvianee, paft r- > g"r in rhe Phi!piburg, is the bea cr of dftpstch. s to our government. i*wo ‘Bir.fh regiments of caved - ry failed from Falmouth for SpsG on the odh of December. On rh ? 24th of Nov. the Lavinia faihd from England with the Spanifti de - puties, and i,500,cc0 dollars cm board. The accounts-of military ope ra tions in Spain an? cortfufrd.* Of tho r e, however, received, the ft !- lowing is a comprekerfive fketch. Cn the 2d of December the fol - lowing bulletin wis publiihed at London : (< It appears by difpitches receiv ed from Coiunna, dated the 2 2d, and from San Vincente de la Bur-, quern, dated the 19th ult. that rhe account of Gen, Blake being ,-] e , Laced is cor.firmed. He was en gaged in continual a Lions from rhe 4tr till the 13th. On the 1 ith the Auftrians having hern worfted in the left, the French got po§effiom of a height which covered the toad on which they re:rested,* :>?.d tlw* were thrown into great copjuiWn, and Gen. Blake retued Cos Eevr.o- ’ fo j but a French column appear ing upon thi:i road from Benges, he recreated by Solo to San Vincente de la Barquera. There upon the iych, !\? had colJe£brd near 20,000 of his troops, and the Marquis dc la Romsna had taken the command, and they would foon be in aft ate of advance ogam. 4< The French had occupied St. Andero and Sr. Antonia*—-che for mer on the i£.h, and the latter on the 29th. But by the exertion* of Gen Leith, ail the proviftcns, am munition and ftores fmt by this country had been .removed. “ It appears that parr of the ar my at Eftremadura, had been de feated near Burgos by the French; but there are no accounts of their having advanced beyond if. Gen. Moore arrived on the 10th at Sala manca—General BErd was at Af torgo.” The following letter d-ted Ports mouth, December i, gives a ftate inent of fubfcqi er.t events: “ This afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the Bonne Citoyenne (loop of war, arrived from Corunna, fra/n whence flic failed on Saturday la ft, bring ing account* from Gen. Blake’s ar my up to the 24th ult. f( The ciifpaechcs ftie has bro’t will be found to rtlatc to feveral rh- ft dreadful ba ties between the * armies of Marftui N y and Gen. Biike. The Marquis Rorr.tea’s troops (from the Baltic) by ad vancing too Ar ahead of General Blake’s army, were fe ye rely de feated i one of the n-g'meets of Catalonia has been cur to pieces. ct The fighting on both rides was moft obftma:** ar.d defperaie. Too Marquis of Rotnana’s rav’ih*” w* 1 preftrved. Jo the Ijft atr-jck, Blafeo (No. 40.