Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, April 08, 1809, Image 1

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VOL. I.) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M’DONNELL, SATURDAY, APRIL S, iSo-j. T ERMS OF THE GEORGIA EXPRESS, i. IT will be printed weekly, at three dollars per annum; one half ?) be paid in advance, the remainder a: the expiration of fix months. ■2. Ad verb foments will be chars?- % O ed at the rate of hxty-two and a half cents per fquare for the fuff in fort ion, and fifty cents for each continuation. 3. No papers will be difeonunti ed writ Hour a notice to that efft<ft; nor then if in arrears. ifij 3 Ail ’“tiers direeled to the Editor mud be poll paid. 7 be following Gentlemen are autho rized lo receive Subfcriptions for this Paper :— Clark sboro' —P c ft - M a foe r. Jeft erf on —Maj. Edwin L. Harris. Watkhifville —E, B. Jenkins, efq. and LL. Ed ward Bond. Lexington —Pod Mafoer, h Capt. Widens. Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shields, and William Lumpkins, E;q. Walnut Grove— Mr. Lee Atkins. Gocfe pond —Mr. IT. T. Woody. ’ Greene sboro —Capt. T. Dawfon. Sparta i ') <ft 0r W. Terrell. Warr enter, — Pod- Mafoer. Po melton —P oft- Made r. Milledgeville— ’ V bora as Moursge r and James Bozeman, Efqrs. Pat enter, —C hri ft 0 phe rB. Strong, Eiq. • Elbert on —Col. Wm. Chifiom. Petersburg— -Alex. Pope, Efq. ct Dod. Watko s. Vienna —S. B. Shields, Efq. Wilkes —David Terrell, Efq. Sc Dafter Bibb, Lincoln— Captain N. Allen, and Capt, John Hughes. Loutf-vilie —-Mt ßl Day & Whee ler. , ■ Augl4.fia —J. 3. Walker, Efq. & Doctor Smelt. Waynesboro' —Co), John Davies. Sahderfville —Mr. Wm. M‘Mar ray. Savannah —Mr, H. H. Moun ger, a B Mr. A. W. Srrihner. NO nCE. PTI :.JL HAT the Planters Com pany of the County of Clark is by mutual con fen t and Solved; and that the book and other papers belong ing to the concern are deposited in the hands of Meffrs. Thomas & Reuben Hill for fettiement; to *hom perfoiis indebted will be pjeafeci to make payment, and all thofe to whem payments are due will alfo be pleafod to render their accounts in, in order that provifion may be made to difeharge them. HARMON RUNNELS, . WILLIAM WRIGHT, JONATHAN MELTON, STEPHEN CROW, JOHN STROTHER, ZADOCK COOK, THOMAS HILL, BENIAMIN HAGOOD, PETER RANDOLPH. March 4, ISo 9. georg ia : e x frits. \ hIAh * SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL HE INCREASED. THOMAS J. MOORE , I JLj ATE a pra&ifiog attorney in the dates of Virginia and Norch Carolina, has recently fixed his Of fice in the town of Greenlboro* and commenced the practice of LAW in the Ocmulgee-eirtmir, and ;n the counties of Oglethorpe and Clark in the Weftern circuit. His atten tion on the above courts will be regular, and any application to him in the line of his proftftion will be fori 6ll y attended to. March 4th, 1809. I N O T I C E. O N the firft day of January, 1809, fo ,e copartnerlhip of Young & Archibald Stokes, was difiblved by mutual confont ; all pesTons having any demands a gainfo faid form will apply to Y oung Stokes, wiio is legally authorized to fettle the fame. °Ttf bufinefs in future will be carried on by YOUNG STOKES. Walnut-Grove, } Oglethorpe county. J N O T I C E. ALL per Tons who intend to tra vel through the Creek nation, muft keep the Mail path, and crol’s the Chatahouchee at Mr. MTntofh’s fer ry, by order of the chiefs of Coweta. It they crofs at any other place, the chiefs are determined that they Thai! pay one dollar a man, and per form are placed at the Coweta town to collect the money. Mr. M'lncolh is well furnifned with every neceffary to accommo date travellers at the river. EAGLE TAVERN. G R EE NS BORO U G H. The fubferiber refp.eftfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken the Eagle Tav ern, formerly occupied by Thomas DaWfon, and allures them that his Tables are regularly fupplied with the be ft provisions the country af tords-—3rd his Cellars abundantly provided with liquors of the ford quality.-—His Stables are exten five and airy, and attended by a careful and experienced Oftler. BENJAMIN WEAVER. March 18. NOTICE. HP # • X HAT having beer, appointed Treafurer and Land agent of the Board of Trufoees of the Univerfity, J am requefted to notify all perfons who may be indebted to faid Board, whether for tuition, Tales of lots, or arrears of rent, to make immediate payment to me, and to me only; in default whereof, fuits are ordered to be fpeediiy commenced. A. 3. CLAYTON. January 21, 1809. BLANKS MAT BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE THE HIGH BRED IMPORTED HORSE SIR WALTER, A XjL Beautiful mahogany bay, fail fixteen hands three inches high, full of bone and mufcular (Length— Let it fuffice to lav that his equal for elegance and great (Length has feldom been Teen, and it is pro nounced by all good judges who have viewed him that he will be the g reate ft improvement to our ftock of horfos that has yet been import ed to America. A number of Gen tlemen have examined the General Stud Book bate I got him, and fond him to be as full bred as any horfe that nbw founds in the King dom of England, having the ad vantage of the bell croft; that could be made, This famous Horfe will com mence the firft of March, and will ftahd the whole of his time at my ftable in Clarke county, eight miles below Athens on (he road near the Big Shoais of the Oconee river, and wdi be let to mares at the reduced price of twenty dollars the foafon but may be by the pay ment of fifteen if paid by the fi:ft of September--thirty dollars to in fure a mare to be in foal, ten the fmgle vifit with one dollar to the groom in either cafe, paid when the mares are fu 11. put. The bell accommodation for marcs that are- left with the horfe, and will be fed as directed at a mo derate price to be paid when taken away—every poftible care will be taken but will not be liable for accidents or efcapes. Cotton will be taken in pay ment delivered at any gin conve nient, and the cuftomary prices allowed. CHARLES A. REDD. In the Supenor Courts Putnam county, RULE NISI. GILES TOMKINS, VS • HENDRICK LUMKINS, Ij PON the petition of C. TL Strong, counfel for the plaintiff, U is ordered , that unit ft the faid Hen drick Lumkins pay into the hands of the Citrk of the Superior Court before the expiration of twelve months the principal, intereft, and cod of faid fait, the (aid Mortgage to be and is hereby foreclofed, and that this rule be inferted in one of the public Gazettes of this (late, at lead once a month for the term of one year, or ferved on the mort gager, or his fpecial at lead fix months before the money is di rected to be paid. Extra A from the minutes. IVM. WILLIAMS , Clk. September 17/A, i3cß. SHERIFF’S BLANK TITLES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ALMA N A C S FOR TlLii TEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINE > FOR-SALE AT THIS OFFICE, (No. 46. SHERIFF'* SALE. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court-Houfe in Clark County 9 on the Firji Tuefday in May next, between the ufital hours of ten three o'cicely the ft! lowing prcper-A ty, viz :■— . One houfe end lot in the town of Wackinfviile, levied on as the pro perty or’ William George to fatu/m tw executions, one in favor of l-A Mapp and the other in favor of H. B. Runnels, levied on by Richard Die kins, con ftable, and returned to me. ALSO, . - 400 Acres of land, be the fame more or lefs, ficuate, lying and be ing in Clark county on Big Gree;- 1 Brier creek, it being the plantation whereon Roland Taylor now lives, on which premifos is a valuable grift mill, the faid land adjoining Day’s land on the fouth-wtft and bounded north weftwardly by Felps —which was levied on as the pro perty of faid Roland Taylor to fa tisfy an execution in favor of the State, vs. faid Taylor as collector of the tax for the year 1806, and! pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, i 45 Acres of land, be the fame more 01 lefs, in Clark county, ori ginally granted to Laurence Bryers, joining Strong, Wright and others, levied on as the property of James Martin to fatisfy an execution in favor of Martin & Brown vs. laid James Martin, and returned to me by Ifaac Middlebrooks, conftable. ALSO, One houfe and lot known by number thirty-four in the town of Warkinfville, levied on as the pro perty of Obadiah Echols to fatisfy an execution in favor of the,State vs. faid Echo’s as collector of the tax for the year 1807, and pointed, out by Edward Bond one of laid Echols’s fecurities. , also; A forrel horfe the property of William Halloway, an attachment, B. Brown vs. William Halloway. .. ALSO, One cow and yearling and one (Loot, levied on by virtue of an attachment, B. Brown vs. William ,Smith, and to be adyertifed and fold bv order of the Superior Court. Conditions Cafh. JOHN SELM AK T ANARUS, Sheriff, April r, Too 9. NOTICE. INE months from the date hereof application will be made to the Inferior Court of jackfon for leave to foil 200 acres of land, lying on the Pond Fork of the Oconee river, the property of Thomas Morgan, deceafcd ; to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faidde ceafed. MARY MORGAN, Adminiftratrix, JOHN CARMICHAEL; ROBERT MORGAN, Adminiflr-Uii. Augnft 6, iSo3.