Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, May 06, 1809, Image 2

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Confide rat ion^ Sir, ~ Your mnft obt. fervt. (Signed) D. M. ERSKINE. Hon. Robert Smith , (Ac. (Ac. (Ac. (No. VI ) Mfc. sH|i¥h to Mr. Erskin*. department of State , April, 19, 1809. Having hid before thePrefideht your note of this day, containing an affurance, thaw his Britannic Maj-fty Will, on the tenth day of June next have withdrawn his Orders in Coun cil of January and November 1807, fo far as relates to the United States, I have the honor of informing you the Prffident will accordingly, and in purfuance of the eleventh f*£bon of the ftatute, commonly the Non-Intercourfe adfc, ilTue t Proclamation, fo that the trade of itiV United States with Great Brit ain may on the fame day be renew in rhe manner provided in the bouftftion. nave the hoaor* &c. See. /d’gned) K. SMITH 1’ 11 ■ ■ QO-O-Oo—i —*■ CHARLES l ON, April 22. Extract ef a letter from a gentleman in Havannab to another in this ‘city elated March 22. “ I wrote your houfe mentioning that Untended embark ing laft night ; but she commotions now ex.yfting in this city ; which render it unlafe for any foreigner to be feen in the ftreet, have prevent ed me from going on board. It is, however, the general opinion, that the dull will blow over in a few days j for, tho’ they have th?3 morning again began plundering every houfe occupied by Frenchmen, they kil led but three perfons laft nighty and as the reft of that nation hive taken refuge on board the Fr.gjjffi and American (hipping, there is reafon to fuppble that not many more murders will be committed.— The beff way, however, is to ftay at hot^efor to venture out in the ftreets would- be expofing one's life in a wanton and fooh fh manner j for to be to be a Frenchman,’ is cerran deaths “Such is the situation of affairs here. The gates of the city and’ public offices are (hue,'and will not be opentd untill the tmubl s fub fi le ; we are therefore literally prifoners. The Governor has not yet ordered out the military, but it is fuppofed he will do it before night. Some of your countrymen appear greatly alarmed, but I truft vuthout rcafon as the hatred feems chi< Bv dire&ed againft the French ; for although fume Englifhmen and Americar* were going to be ill— ufed it was bccaufe they looked like Frenchmen j* but as fooh as it was known that they were not, they we e fuff red to pafs....Thefe mif takys make it dangerous to go out. Twelve o'clock at noon—l am happy to inform y*u that the Go vernor having at laft titought fit to crdf*r out the volunteers, they have quelled the riot, and the city is now quiet ; but the accounts from the country are truly alarming—at the village Salud, (one mile diftance from this) feventeen Spaniards have fc£en aflaffmated laft night, merely bccaufe they were fufpeifted of hav ing French property in their pof feffirri, ahd it is feared that ail the French planters will lharc the fame fate. * c Martial latf was proclaimed a bout an hour agh, and all the pieces on the walls ordered to be loaded with grape fho—This proves that government itfelf is apprehci fivc new diftui bauces. 1 am this •Tr.i■ r. uhderftqnd tkat the Q r. -ny and muft there fore not loofe the opportunity of brine off.” mmmmmmammumammammatmmmmim GEORGIA EXPRESS. ATHENS , MAT 6. Anfwer to the Mathematical Queftion ift our lajl number. As the proportion between the diameter and circumference of a circle can never be exa&iy expreff ed in figures, the precife length of the ftraight line which is requefted, cannot be given—but a line of 36 chains and 66 links—or of 806 yards 2 feet and 88 hundredths of a foot in length will cut eff the quantity defired within the 100th part of an acre. Da IS. M. Franklin College , ) Athens , May 5, 1809.3 Another Queftion. Admit the National Debt of Great Britain to be 600,000,000 pounds ftoling, what will be the diameter of a fpherc of filver of e qual value i and how many waggon loads would it make, each carrying one ton ? Athens , May 5. communication. . , DIED at his refidence in Jackfon county, on the 21ft ult. Mr. Philip Awbrey after a long and painful illnefs of nine months which he bore with chriftian fortitude—His death is much lamented by all thofe who had the honor of his acquaint ance. We find from the London pa pers verges of a fenows nature have been brought againft ha rbval highnefs the duke of York/ and that an examination was going on in the houfe of commons.’ 1c is impracticable to give here even an outline of the evidence produced The Courier of February 4th, is almoft entirely occupied with the details no left than eleven columns* The accufer is a Mr. Wardle, member of the houfe, and the prin cipal wtenefs a Mrs. Clarke, a mar ried woman living in a ftate of rep aration from her hufbind, and in habits of intimacy with the duk>. This Mrs. Ciark has charged the duke before the houfe of com- y mons, with having appointed and promoted offLers m the army from* corrupt views. The defence is that the whole is an infamous mn fpiracy to extort money. The affair is (aid to be almoft the exclu fiv fubjeft of converfation in Lon don. Parties are already formed, the one violently miftrufting the guilt, the other the innocence of the Duke, and defying the accu fers. (The air of importance given to the affair is fuppofed to arife from a trick of the miniftry, who arc de firous of drawiug off public atten tion from the blunders in Spain to a lefs Important affair ) Monitor. It was reported at Gibraltar that the Auftrian minifter at Seville had informed the Junta officially, that Auftria was to declare war againfF France the 20th of February. Re ports from the Adriatic, brought to ; Gibraltar, dating that the Arch duke Charles had advanced with a large army in the Tyrol, feemed to’ confirm the report. Turkey had a&ually made peace with England* Ah infurreftfort had taken place at Cadiz about the 24th of Febru ary, in cenfequeoce of the Junta having propofed to garrifon the city with Poles and Italians, faid to be defeiters from the French army. This tlrcumftance excited a fufpi cion of the purity of the Junta's in tentions, and the people affembled before the houfe of the governor and demanded information, they proceeded to ads of violence and killed one or two general rfficers who were fufpeded of being French parcizans-—the populace have cho fen a Capuchin Friar for their lead er. A meft myfterious filenre. has been preferved by the General Jun ta, (and indeed all the provincial ones) rtfpe&ing the actual ftate of the country, and it appears to be their policy to keep the people as ignorant as poffiblC; So complete ly were they in the dark, that in one part of the province they knew rot what waspaffing in the other, —- This < ondixfl has for fome time ex ceed ftrorg fufpicion of their patri otifm, and the people of Cadiz have dt manded an account of their proceeding s , and t!> Governor has promifed tnat they ftiouid be fatisfi- Cd. , Evening Toft. , SHERIFF’S SALE. t . On the fir ft ‘ Tuejday in July next, at the Court-Houfe in Jackfon County , between the ufual hour j, will be fold. , the following property, viz: • Two ntgrres, Ned, now called Sinv>n, a*d Peter, now called Bob, levied on as the property of Willi am Adams by virtue of a fifa iflued on the foreclofure of a mortgage on perfonal property .at the inftancc of Francis Adams / the property point ed out by the plaintiff. Ned now called Simon was levied on by Robert Paxton, Deputy Sheriff, a* and Peter now called Bob le vied on by Daniel Johnfon, Deputy Sheriff. Conditions Cafh. , WM. POTTS/ , Sheriff. May 6, 1809. SHERIFF’S SALE. On The Firji Tuejday in June next, at the Court-Houfe in Jackfon County , between the ufual hours , will be fold the follo wing property , to. wit : One negro man named Peter, lev ; cd op as the property of Eld ridge Ha-grove to fatisfy fund-ry executions, (ko wit) James Wright aid others—the above levy was made by Jamrs M'M n nrgomery my predc. eft r in tffice, the laid ne gro was ila-med by Polly WilLam lon now Polly Moore, the claim is now difm ffed and the Sheriff or dered to proceed. ALSO, 3131 Acres of land, be the fame more lefs, it being part of 9487 1-2 acres of land granted to J ohn P. Wagnonon Curries Creeks adjoin ing Count D’Eftang including the fettlements attended by Phill p Shavers, Paxton, Henry Bradfhaw, Fhompion M*Gu re, David H. M‘Cl<fky, James Ap pleby, Holt a Carl, lie and Joleph Cain, levied or. as the property of John Cobbs at the inftancc of Elea zer Cummins, the’ pr pointed out by David Crc'weli who fays he has the controul of the execution. ALSO, 143 1-2 Acres of land, be the fame more or lefs, on liu* icane creek, where i.. W ibaro B .ke r w lives, levie c-r* •> epr pert* of Jamci Suin she 55; J m Henc out 1 and r gers, 50 more now 1; ty of I Georg pointed and retu man, com. One negro levied on- as th am E. Kenady. Jofiih N. of Edwin Lewis. AI.SO, One grey mare, lev, property of Maxfield th* inftance of John Bo vivlng Copartner of Root.. John Bolton. Conditions Cafh. WILLIAM POTTS, Sheriff. May 3, 1809. SHERIFF'S SALE. v” WILL BE SOLD, At the Court-Houfe in Clark County on the Firji Tuejday in June next , between the ufual hours of ten and three o'clock, the following proper ty, viz 84 Acres of land, be the fame more or lefs, in the county of Clark, on Ihe middle fork of the Oconee, originally granted to Webfter M c - Donald, adjoining Hays and others, levied on as the property of Jamns Ilhams, to fatisfy fundry executions, and returned to’ trie by Allen Rgs bey, ccnffiblco ALSO/ 108 1-2 Acres, be the fame more or lefs, ip Clarke countv, granted to Williamfon, adjoinug Dobbins and pthcrs ? levied on as the property of Jacob Burgar to faiisfy fundry executions againft faid Burgar in favour of Robert Grim mitt, and returned to me by Rich ard Sundficld, conftablc. ALSO, 250 Acres, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, on Rofe cretk, originally granted to Willi amfon, juining Beardin and others, executed as the property of Samuel’ Bridgwaters to fatisfy an execution in favour of Daniel Allen, and pointed out by the defendant. Conditions Cafh. JOHN SELMAN, Sheriff, May 6, 1809/ FINAL NO TICE. ALL thofe indebted to the fub feriber are requefted for the laft time to come forward and mak* immediate payment, or fuita will be commenced againft them. ARNOLD ATKINS. Watkinfville, April 29, 1809. . , - ... 1 —-■<■*** NOTICE. INE months after date appli cation will be made to the Inferior Court of Greene County, for lea-* to fell a traft of land in laid county,’ Cfrthe waters of Town creek, con taining five hundred acres, beirg the rr*i’ efta'e of James Saolom, deceafed—to be fold for the benefit of the hers and creditors ef faid deceafed. EZEKIEL PARK, JUIiN LAMAR, Exiouiovhk April j, jSogu