Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, May 13, 1809, Image 1

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Vct'L I.) ATHENS, GEORGIA s PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M'DONNELL, SATURDAY, MAY ij, iSo ? . np T? T-* 7> T o ! I*. • ’ .M O OF THE GECMvjIA IIA. EivE 33 . t. IT wHI be printed wet Id 7, at t ’ rce do I !ar3 per annun 1; one halt to hr nai , in advance, the remainder a: the ? •<p 1 rat \ on ot fix months. a. Advertisements \vi:i he charg ed at the Tfete of fix tv-two and a halt cents per fqiurc for the fir lb rifrrt’ion, and fifty cents for each conti ion. 3. No papers will be difi'ormnti ed without a notice to that cue ft j nor then if in arrears. Np All letters dire fled to the Editor ou-i bepoft paid. ‘!'hi following Gentlemen an autho rized to receive Subscriptions fsr this J c 11.‘ : r : - Chrhhr?'— Poft-Mrfter. ’ Jeff erf a t —Map Edwin L. Harris. ‘ 'iVqikiiipytik —E. B. Jenkins, efq. and hlr. Edward Bond. Z,rA7?;.r/s—-Foil Mailer, & Cap?. V/ ‘ki: Oft thorp —Mr. Sam‘ret Shields, an ; W • li ’tn Lumpkins, Efq, dhrri Crone —■ Mr. L j e A kins. Goof Pond— Mr. R. T. Woody. Mad fen —J -mars G. Sim-, Eq. Greenes,k ra r — C j dp. T. Dav, fun. Sr-c.z -Pod v- W. TeirelL IVarri nton — P< .ft-Mader, ih:^dc;;-™F ( hd : Madvr u A ,77 h -dgeviile —j ames Bose man, ca- . . > ; Latent on —C hr i ilophe r 13 . Stror g, 1 dq. MLrrfbn— Col. Wm. Chi Horn. PetcrsLirg —Alex. Pope, Efq. & DoE Wuie q. . Vienna —S.. Ik Shields, Efq. if'ilkes —David Terrell, Efq. Sc Itor BEE Lined 7 —Captain N. Aden, and Cm;. J ohn iJ n cnos. i jLouifinilß-~'i\ii- fil Dav fk Whee ler. AiizuGn —J. S. Walker, Efq. & CM ■ •- ■ •?.. ■. • . ■E- ■ Col- T >hn Davies. Sauderjviile—’- Mr. W m.- M‘ M ur r v, Savannah —M-. IT. IT Moun g?r, a v:. Mr. A- W. Scribner. FROM TH t Ni- W V O RK EVEN! N G POST. T- IT E DUKE ( r Y6X K. ’ ’ e i ■• i a Hair between the Wki o'. Ylk and M rs . Clarke, or; , o as rriuch inrerefl: prn S L: ri .ders here as it has in f- E•- c h;n irg the papers . vy ß<Ji the charge as it. was .fonn, ; .y pt rrrrd again# the dike in t ■.: hoiTe of commons,; it can < l l u vpa cc < i -v <!.;• • and from the e vi dene, v, hich marly cngrofll a four teen pa pvrs betW is. The ft: 1! owing ’ina? be ct c ud- fed a pretty correct iuu-mary nt, i he dike c f \ ork hud funport— f-:i as am ‘Vn--. Is dun g-three years, a h , l. s * be, v.; ■ ; f'd , tore frparu and from her bofband, rr.d is reprefenred as a fafei ad - O GEOR GI A E X PRES S. MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL EE INCREASED. cs a moil artful and extrava gant woman. She lived at Giou ct tier houft*, in a ilyle of great ex pence ar.d ipkndor, had her town houle and country houfe, kept two carriages aid nine fervancs. At length the duke became weary or difgoflc.d and left her. She.appli ed to him ft;!l far more money, and intimated l-.e was in her power if he did not ewippiy., Me gave more.— She repeated her demands fo often, that he found it would be impracti cable to continue to fupply fhm, and determined to (lop where he was and brave the confeqyences.*— She then t If'red, that ir he would pay all ho/ ckMr, and fettle arvan nuity Mr life, of 400!, upon her, foe would remain flent and give up his letters. Me rtfufe > : fiie went to a member of the hsnife of commons, aid u cuf;d the duke of .Y-o:k as coninoander in chief, with and lpofing of appointments in the army through her influence, for which The received pecuniary pre den rs from the applicants, 500 gui neas from one, 400 from another, &c. adding that it was bv.diefe fums of money, thus received > (lie was en abled to iup port her ; the duke only allowing her iooola year, an 1 that this was done with his knowledge and approbation : a charge that certainly involves the duke's chaiafier very deeply, as it imputes itiotivrs the moft mean and f andalcis, if not corrupt and mer cenary. But finding himfdf in the power of this abandoned and firme lefs woman, he , fefofved to abide all the conkquenct:s of a public in veibgation; humbiing him fri fby a con ft if on of the connection, hut denying the whole cf the charge.— She accordingly earn o forth: in the face of the nation, preferred the accufaeron at the bar of t he houfe of commons, anti t fl’ red he; fjf as the witneis to criminate hirn. Many days have been confurried in her examination, as well as of fome o ther wkn files called in to fug port her, Witnc iT-s have alfo been ex amine.! on the other fjde, to invali date her tdl.monv, ro Hiew, that i’ ftead of three thoufand, twenty five choufand pounds have been la v fhed on her, btiides valuable pre fents ; and that, therefore, the pre fumption fet up rgalnfl the duke, arifing from the inadequacy of rhe means he allowed her, rnuft fail j and laltly, that fhc was fo very wortKlefs, that While proftfling ede- Ut-y to'the duke, Hie bellowed her favors on fome others, through whole-influence over her, the pro mo.tiors w*re obtained. The pro ceedings have dof.d before the houfe of commons, but their deci sions has not yet tranfpired. It is laid the duke has determined to re fign the ofnee of commander in chief, and have the matter brought folemnly before the houfe of peers. For the amufement of our fair readers, ’whole curicfity, rnuft, ? am fure, be bread awake on a lubject thar agitates t u e whole Britifh na tion, 1 nc'W prefen? two of the love letters v ii'ch Mrs. Chirke offered in evidence to the houfe of corn mens. * I t :ir, however, that our American laoirs, tfpeciaily if they iecoi'tdl the duke of Cumberland’s Jove ie tcrs roiady GrofvcnOr, will form but ac m atm nous opinion of the talent of pnec j, in this wav, and cl at they will further tlknk that M s. Clarke mu id a* any rate, be but a foohih hufi■ y, if fhe could really Hi uni Jo very weak a man as the wi her evidently is. IVcrthing, 1805. <( How can j < xpi cls (uliiciently to my lweettft, my darling life, the t’el ghc which her darling, her pret ty letter gave me, or how much I . fee 1 all the kind things fhc fays to me ! {ca t only lay millions and millions of thanks to mv cleared: angel ! My heart is fo fully bis of your afF-otion, that up >nic depends my life. 1 am however qmte hurt that rnv li e did ret go to Lewes to th nk of me on this occafion * but f. truff file knows me too will not to be convinced that I cannot bear the idea of adding to her the facnfaces, which I am too fenfijle fhe.has made for me. News, iny angel, cannot fe par ate nie from hence, and the life I lead here in the family has fuch a tirefbme famenefs about, that it is quite pro voking. Except Lord Cherter -5 Ms’s family, tli-re is not Tingle perfon here of note, which contri butes to the tedium. Dr. O’JVM.ra called upon me, and he w fh's to preach before royalty. I fhall en deavor to favor him in this rebut cl. What a time it appears fince we par?ed ! How impatienriy d> T lock forward to next Y/cdnefday, when I fhall cJafp my angrl in my arms ! In the‘mean rime God bit Is vou my life ! I muft now clofe or I flaall lofc pofi. Adieu my dear love, and believe me ever yours, and yours as long as I breathe. t ( <c Sandga!e> Augujl 24*b. et How can 1 fufliciently exprefs the chanksof my heart to my angel for the allurance < t her love ! Oh ! my angel, there never was a woman adored as you are. Every hour convinces me that my happin fs depends upon you. v 7tth what im patience do I look forward till to morrow, the moment’l fnall ciafp he* J love to my heart ! J low hap py I am to hear you are vvcli ! CL* vering is miflaken, my angel, that any hew regiments are to be raifed ; only the lecond battalion is to be completed.. You hari better tell him le. Ten thoufand thanks for the handkerchiefs ! How much I prize them when I think of ti e dear hands that made them ! 1 have no thirg new to communicate to you. I find every thing here in a fine (late of order. Yeflerday I was re vie v/- (No. 51. irg the troops rnd examining [he ct all here. I had a fine view of French camp at Calais. Ytftcrday I firft reviewed the 14th ]jg!u dra goons. Tiie troops were in h’ fpirity end in excellent order ; a> thfcn I went to Braburn Lee whei I reviewed fomc regiments of mili tia. I am now letting out for Haftings, along the coalf. Ad : till the. day after to- be a flu red, my deart ft angH; the laft hour of my life I v yours and yours only. Theft and the other letters t vll > cd, in ahnr ft every part of the houL, a meft extraord.nary V'.ft of laughter and merriment. AUTHENTIC NEWS FROM K A Utter from Port au prince, of ‘ 2id of February to a gentlman m New Tor k, contains the particular s which follow r “ We are in this city (FTayti,) torn by convulftons, and ail thub ; difafters infepatable from a fta'’ of energy and moral principles.- 4 Our worthy prefident certainly in a phcs .omrnon, otherwife it would be inipoflible for him to govern fuch a heterogeneous race. -Some weeks fince, we -were alarmed at a report .hat a plot agair.ft hi > life was difeovered, when we rflrangera found that lie believed if, and was taking precatxions of an unufual kind, fuch as planting extra Cannon before his door. We began to think v/ith OT3r’en, of Algiers, that matters locked fqually. Many perfons of high corfequence were named among the confpirators, perhaps falLlv ; but I allure you thae v e thought of nothing lefs than a f'une of anarchy. The mild policy and forbearing virtues of Potion,- has caufcd the (form to fubfide, and I think we fhall not for the prefent hear any thing further of it. Extra zeal among the foldicrs has been excited by this event, and perhaps, it is one of thofe revolutionary evils that terminate in real good to the head of government, as all parties now are emulating each .other in fupport of Petion. La Marre pre ferves his pcfl ion at the Mole.—. Not with (landing repeated attacks from Chriftopne which, thoug’i bl )ody, always terminate in La Mar re’s favor—ChrifUphe’s fnip, brig- and two f chooners have kept the maritime preponderance ; and for fome time pafthave blockaded the Mole. c< Petion, in order to meet his rival at fea, fent down to Jamaica, and purchafcd two fine llaips, bu? they were io long getting here, and the firuation of his army at the M01e.., becoming.perilous, he wan compel led to the meafureof taking Britifh vefiels here into re~ cju finon. He took a ftnefiiip, the Queen, and the brig Kate j the lat ter he has fince bought. We nr ?,* therefore, ad. in a buftie embarking f .he troops, and prepairing (or \i