Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, June 17, 1809, Image 2

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of irH'.>Tnrp;-j r.r-d cn <: a ftipcrrifo.ery 10 ci fodlors, f < •• tht’v be able 16 Spare a* / ‘•’ a-’ the fuit.ilh lir.iie;.aittThrill i • to fyke, and !>nve c rough ]cft a'.];c the Safety of the fh'p and <r ‘ and d;OVC r.;f, rh. ;,ves o’ us# * .fter and crew. i hey Know I L. ow nirny Lntrn ihu ■> or war \ gn> J p“y m- ! y r r.a, nor how rr.uny al ly ; fj.e cunfdfneeof ■* ich li inenanv \ i/ .Glow him to impreis. For !ir Ik'urcnar.t is to be judge, jurv, ■ fr; r-.i.d jailor, to every {earned i-.\ m an vtflcls. He is to try ’.m v port rat quo ft ions of law ’if fool —V/he-her the Tailor is • ‘.v cf Arr.erica ; whether he f * ! fully naturalized in A inrri 3. Whether he is an Erg ■y ‘nan, I birr?-;, or Scotchman ; 5, * rhe emigrated to America ~ -/ore the r. volution, or Since : In ’ r. “(I, no evidence is to be admitted oj cry vatu'r alization by our laws in ary cf ‘ tte Jit try fines the revolution , if r. op. I ; tor.’ , the doflnne of the i*'‘o:r and i.ndcSafi Me duty of • ifogWi'ce s “mT .oed, To { crerhpto : iW, in ’r ni ‘ •I'imrtion, t!ur the beuc * aar. t ray think r ids duty to impreh; cvify mao who was.born in the Biinfti dcmdii ifri. Ir may r :( the op iron c ■! th sit at. t:d judge that the conn* tWoo between the Ling nod fir. I W, is fo Lcred and ciivdjrn that alfogfonce cannot be Hitblved bv any treaty id r king has made or even by any HI of Pariia v. “nt. /hid this pious fen Ament nay Juijcht us all to imprejjircnt, at once. Ibis, !.: wever, enpaffa.i. ‘ii.o lieutenant is to order the card.d.i of the merchantman to lay I lore 1 sitil a Jiff cf in's vcw; he is then to a mmar.i the crew to be or* eh red or foirmioned, < r irn.nlerrd to j-.d-; in . . Lvv before hi m. A ; r ; ~ him! ‘-git to be created. The !cu • v.m: is t • be the jndgp, p )T ---)v b vl of o'eat. r pmhoritv than the < h ; .td ltiii.h eof any of out dates/ or even than the chirr juft ice Of the H. .'ante.', ‘i'he irftdihipman is to be clerk, and the boat Twain fberff r-tribal. And who are theft* II - ut: i: i: i js ? Com nion 1 y ve r y “■ oun* workroer, the younger Tjqs oj Heair.ii-’ Tamili-s, who have j;ro cured f'udr cc; arts;ffi.ins to give nun honorable living, i nil cad of putting them apprentices to unde, iv ::■ I'.ar.dizf', i.-v.v, phybe or divini ty. ju- ir ctltKation, their expen c W tfiv"( -r: nu'is, their principles?, jTo v I! hnnv/n, that I iba!i fay rocking or then. I. ■;d Keppel iakl, that he knew the maxiin of Brinfh lea men t> be, “ io do no rivht rscave on wrong.” ihe princi j h s of the ofirrers, I believe to be what better j but, in this, they ail bo. m to agree, ohb era and men, fnd tium* pftlcnr. minidry Teem t > be cf the fame ops ion, tht the world was’ made for the Britifh na tion, and that all nature nod nations vo re c reated for the dignity and c.nnipotr.ire c i the i’riidh nav v. ‘ s b: .5 \rpofn*.de to {belire to our- Telvcs in !Mvg!ration, this fblemn tril.uiul .ud venerable judge, with out itoo;:g, till the humdi •t : on of our ecu;.! ty comes into cur thuds, and intimates the bade rd 'ridicule, l>y • tears c f grief or v ‘ogenec. <f r/ifb cn a j'jUndrJjdai, which “ far ontihons u lberry's gJt tub, cr Pkccnds “ lr[.h tho'-c"- H e Lwut i Ti snt cxarni•;;cs f!:> < ..v.m-renance, the prdc and r.Tr cf < very lean'-an. Lika the Lge of i k‘. cotnmauls him to fpc2?<, that i e Ci. % unoW f be pronoun *. s ids ccrc-'Z and ebrberro be that * ‘ ‘ -e Scotch, I nib, Well Countrv, \ - Kfhire, t. HTg jer'Vv, (iiitm i . . U . w.l. 4.. ivij.iy-'ift fb’t: Aniericars an* the dependants cfernigrant.- iron ail the!c countries, and main a tine ure oft'oe language and } rcnuncia-ioo of ti.eir fathers a.-vi grandfather;. Thefe wiil be ■ died to b. the king’s Tubjc6ts.— Many will be found to be emigrants, or the defeendants of emigrants, from Germany, Holland, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal, or Italy.—- Thefe will be adjudgecTby the lieu:, not to be native Amcricanr. fl o be conttnucci . . MEW YORK, May i 9 . i .a'cil News from England; By the SpanijhJchooncr Good Voyage-, in 40 dais from Liverpool. IVe have fdefted the articles that follow from London papers to the 1 pth of /Iprily and a Liverpool pa per of the 15 th. Vvpp has Jurrcndered io the Anglo Spanijh force: No confirmation of the report that hojhlilies bed commenced between Lranee and Aujtria is given in t kef's papers. London April 15. Lx trail of a letter dated Stockholm, March ?.y, o J\ M. Tire king has this after kook been re moved under aftrong ejeori from Dort mlnghahn to Gr ifholm, a palace about 4 5 Englifb miles from Stockholm . He has hitherto been kept daftly con fined, and has not bean permitted is fee the Qjueen. About 600 Cojjacks , who bad come over from Aland Grejlehamin , being a part of the army who had taken the former JJland, were on their march to Stockholm : when they were met by a flag of truce in the name of Luke Charles, and an arm:dice ■was imme diately jlspied to wait the Emperor of R A fa's cinfover. By two Got ten burgh mails which arrived Icjl night, we have received ‘ from that place to the 1(l i -if ant , and from Stockholm to the afh nil. The report of the rijing of the Dcilecarftam, for the pmpofe of cf Ailing the liberation of their dethron ed and imp")[oned Monarch, appears although unworthy of credit. The unfortunate Gujlavus has Nen iranj- J erred io a fortrefs fifteen leagues more remote from bis capital, where he con tinues clojeiy confined , and add inter cougfe between him and Ids ifusen is carefully prevented. ‘Noe Lake of Suder mania exercifs the fundi ions cf royalty with uncontrolled power, and Adkrfparrs , who fir ft give the fignal fer injury sAien, is arrived at Stock holm with a divifion of the weflern army. The inhabitants a: s fated to have conferred upon tkcje tscops every pAlible nark of apptelution andre gard. h appears tout the Ruffians had made conjiderable progrejs in their op erations, when a fag of trues was font by the Luke of Suder mania,, prop efing an armifice. The propofal was ac ceded to, the armifice concluded, end the terms djpniched by Lee Ruffian General to the Emperor Alexander. —• l Abet her S Sweden is to cvfy tranquili ty, and we are to be excluded from the Srwsdijh ports, will, hr soever depend upon ibs deeijion of Bonaparte, to whom the quejiicn of peace cr war is ultim ?:ely referred. (Jar port letters of this morning cvni. i t Utils of importance. VAe re gret to Earn that Sir Arthur // Tlefley bud not fo lute as yeferday embarked for lif k. The Surveillante frigate, which is to take him cut, is raid lo have received counter- orders. IVe under (land that an unhappy did has arijen between Admiral lard Gambler and Rear Admiral l:a : 'vey. If-* Utter is in.confcQuencs tt’V.s “"Vic ,_v. IVi j. oaUa.-a , -ad Li,i,lr jlrikt his fag. At 11 ‘o'clock this morning, a Ga zette Extraordinary was containing official details oj thejurren- Ter of Vigo to the gallant per fa try of Galicia , “and the cor. Acts reduliion oj the Jjland of Martini fit. Vrgo ca pitulated on the Tjth op March. lif g-xrrifon were allowed to march out of the forts with the honors (A war td the Glac is, where they Jurrcndered them [elves prifoners of war, raid were to be conducted to an Englifj port, they corjifed of 46 officers, and 958 inferi or officers and privates jit for duty, goo jiik ; toted 1304 men. The cap tors found 447 horjes, 62 carriages, covered waggons, and carts , arc the military cbefl, containing 117 A S3 )r ami in Trenchfpecie. Price of St setts this day at one o'- clock, g per cent, corf As, 67 7- S—s per cent. 98 1 8. rtrrTTl-rvrtir* I IVERPOO2,, April A cor.Tiderabie degree of agitation prevailed in this town yefierday, in conk quencc cf n report that was cur rently circulated, that an exprefs had reached Liverpool the proceed ing night, with accounts that the ait for a partial repeal of the embargo had paiLu the American Leg.flacure. By Tome perfons, however, re was confidently affirmed, thee the incell?.- gcncedn queflior, was of a contrary nature, The rumor had Tome tem - porary effect on the price cf Amer ican produce, but we could not trace it to aiy authentic fount. A vari ety of accounts have been received from Spain during the prefent week, but none perhaps which can be im plicitly depended on. The news which has arrived is very various in its complexion, fome of the derails being highly encouraging, and eth ers very unfavorable to tie patriot ic caufe ; but unhappily that pare of the intelligence v hi eh has the great eft appearance of authenticity, is the an oft dijaftreus. The Spanifh army in Catalonia, it appears has been ex po fed, ftnee the foil of Srragdij, to the whole of that part of the enemy’s force which had been rcleafed from the arduous duties of that protracted ftege. This force having been ft to eg! y reinforced, has attacked the •patriotic army and completely rout ed it; the confequence cf which is, that the French will obtain undif turbed pefftfoon of the fertile prov ince of Valencia, where their various i-ad prefling wants may be amply lappl iecl. To counterbalance rl is mifortune, we are informed that the Gaillcians are again rouled from their torpor, end are acting with fuch energy, that the enmy can hardly maintain his footing in that province. From other parts of the north the accounts are not lei's favorable. Dispatches have been received by our govern ment, announcing that the pert of Vigo has been taken by the united Engldn. and Spaniards, with 1500 prifoncr.% and a large quantity of Lores. In the South no difoonden a cy appears either in the people or government. The Seville Gazette contains fome fpirited ob for various on the coiidudt of the French, and the prefent Hate of the campaign ; and a calculation is made that not Lis than 1-63,000 cf the enemy’s troops have fallen victims to the fword, chieafe, and the fury of the people. 1: would Teem, neverthelefs, that the forces cf the enemy, reduced as they,undoubtedly mull be, are, how ever, not completely occupied by the co. quell cf Spain, for they have beer* able to detach a large force a gwfoft Lortugal. A considerable F;-tnca army has aifoaoy entered \ thrt country, and is aj prcachinp’ to* ‘1 wares ths capital, To coat uniris th * Brirfti a:my, which, ia row very ftrong, fhould judge it expedient to quit the country, a ievere conttft may be cxpedled. V/e are afraid tl c Sir A. Wtllcsley with his pow erful reinforcement, will arrive too late.” Stockholm Gazette, of March 24. , The following circular letter, ad- dreffed to ths Public Beards, Courts \ of Juftice, and Ccrff erics, has ban lately ijfued: — tl Charles, by the grace cf God, (Ac. Whereas in confequence of the events which Lavs lately taken place, his Roy al Majcjly is not able to fiiperintend and direct the affairs cf the realm ; therefore, we being tbs only Prince of ths royal Family who is of age, have found ourfelves obliged to ajjume until further notice the reins cf govern ment, and foal! endeavor to acquit ourfdves of bis arduous trfl:, in fuch a manner that the empire may regain its former tranquility and peace , both abroad (A at heme, and trade and'ndnj- ‘ ivy be revived it being our firm de termination to deliberate jointly with th ’ other Strifes of the realm on the means which jhall appear bejt calcula ted to promote ths welfare of the Swe dtfh people ; we the: afore charge and command you to evince towards us that fidelity and attachment which our fncerity cf heart, and the prof verity of the country, implicitly demand at the prefent time. Tour official reports are to be addr fifed to his Regal Majef ty in the fame form as when, during the minority of the King, we prefided over the management of the concerns of the State. ITe, (Ac. (Ac. CHARLES. ‘ • M. ROSE NS L AD. ’ ’ mmxszcrA'E® ssaiciaasm'ssastf^EsaasEsasaai GEORGIA EXPRESS. ATHENS, JUNE 17. Extra 6l s from CONGR E S $/ HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Mr. Montgomery preferred a peti tion from difiillers and ethers, citizens of the United States, praying congrefs to prohibit the importation of Jpirits difizlled from grain, and to impofe much higher duties on dif illation from other materials.—R cf erred to the com mittee of commerce and manufadf-urcs * Mr. Bibb preferred a petition of Sundry inhabitants of the ftate of Georgia, who were employed as cavalry in the expedition to the Sa bine in 1806, praying compenfattCn for their Services in this expedition -—Referred to the Committee of Claims, Mr. Bur well reported 3. bill ma king further appropriations to complete the fortifications already commenced, and to ere 6l Such fora’ - fications 2s may be judged neceflary for the fecuriry of the northern and weftern frontiers of the U. States. Twice read and referred. M r.'Danr. reported a bill for the benefit of the Teamen of the Lb Slates. [This bill requires the male, and at lead a majority of th mariners on board any vefTc), to be citi 7 ensofthe United Srates, in or d;.r to entitle the vclfoi ro the bene fits of a veffol of the United States; and preferibes various .amendments to the navigation laws of the United Stares, To as to accommodate thru to the propofed regulation, j Twice read and committed.