Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, June 24, 1809, Image 2

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* Oii 1 -W , H . Ihe fir ft Tift the old cur.grefs, and , ‘'VS CoUft-iy ft. barged, \VI’ - iOMC ’ ‘-tween ten finxSp foeh rigat of im ft /be folio Dunngf 5 * he adminif > H /afnington, whsr.ever <5 nfgro i 3s received cf Any irn ■W'T'l as ‘j mediate orders were \ tsj'f ro kind the men, and the f 4Yen v;efl^promlied to be liberated. . Wafhingron Lot captain Talbot to Weft-Indies, SR an agent to dfc - masd fearnen impreffed on board nov. m cn of war, Talbot dc- them cf the Rr.nlh com- TPj/ ders, captains and admirals, and Me went then on f a3 Te, and detnadtd and obtained of * on c chief juftice of the ifiind, writs habeas corpus* by virtue of which, imp re fled feamen were brought w y v m the king’s (hips arid fee&thh- JyftL v by law, the commanders roc ** ce .ring to difobry the kings writ.— hiring the Adam;, ferretary of (lauds cilice can lhevv what demands were made, and , die fjccefs of the*:. Ihe rein on . tancfs that were trade in confe- of pr ficive inflrudtions, and E * lc ;e memorials prefenffd at court by our fniruftcr, were (onceived in terms as ftror.g as the Englifh lan guage conic! furniO), without vio lating that rtfpeft and decorum r which ought always to be prefeived between nations and government!-, even in declarations ofwai*. The practice was aflerred to be flnt only a incompatible with tvery principle ? of juft ice and very feeling of hu- but v;holly irreconcilable P/Mvith alt thoughts of a continuance of peace and friend (Tip between the two nations. The effect of the me- was, an immediate order ro ft ohe commanders of the navy to H jEberate the demanded rfkn. I Hull *f;iv nothing of Mr. jeficifen’sad- Jnjriftradon, becaufe the ntgocia •‘■ycioni ahead)* made public, fuffi ciently jftiow, that He has not been * behind either cf his predec* fibrs ir; his ze?l for the liberty of American feamen. During all tlvs time,'ex cuff sand apologies were made/ and neceffity was fnmetiches hinted ; but no ferious pretenlTon of right was advanced. No. The lirfi formal claim w.r, the king's proclarradon. With wh’.t propriety then, can this be called a right, cla med and exer- Cifed for aaies* and during the whole of the ad mini ft <at ions o ‘ Yv afh ing ton, of Adams and Jefferfon ? Is there any riaftn why another proelarmton fhotikl fooo appear, all the officers of the army in Canada and Nova-Scotia to go ever the line, and take by force a 1 the king’s fubjefts they can find in our vilhgep. The right would hard upon “the fame principles; but there i:i tliih difference—it would not be executed with fb little dan- JOHN ADAMS. From the Boftan Patriot. JUDGE WILLY 3 ADDRESS. IVe hav j hi Try read , with mingled emotions of ndrgtutron and horror, an addrejs id tne Jtitlge Wild, of South Carolina, tc one John Tcllifon, who was ir:wic'fed before ibis wife sl ing Judge, cf ice crime of murder. — This add refs was prefatory to the meft awful and tremendous [entente which it is in ire fewer of human authority to pals upon a ‘-c't.O'ZV heirg. It ought, therefore, io have teemed with fee; ti me.its of bur: inity : bought to bavt urged fui'o topics only as wire calcu lated to admittijler eon flat ion to the infer ame of men, j- dead of this, , h-mvrver, zve hr held nothing bed the • §/.. *.. •< *♦ t. t . ‘V !,i c>, it, ’•/, tri- Vy * * U’iiph of power over a fallen and wretched crrr.inal. Af po extra As from this adirefs will , we are confi dent, fully jfl fj the above offsrva lions. The Judge begins by pr fen ting to the terrified iinagination of the trenab ling culprit, two piAurcs. In one, be exhibits the quiet and happy death of a good man—in the other, he dijvlays the dreadful group cf horrors which haunts the lafi moments cf the ccr. - vihied murderer :- tc Hung up,"fays he, “ between the heavens and The earth, ne avals eldejl, great eft cutfte fiafnp ‘d on the deed you ‘cave done ■> no friendly voice to bid a long farewell —no friendly hand to clofe your eyes in death. Tou will exhibit an awful but inftrutling JgctdacU to the world, and prove that the arm of avenging juft ice is fzvifr to overtake him who foods a brother's Hood.” Such ranting might f (fifthly be tale ierated by an indulgent audience, in the •very l aft fcede of the very l aft a& of a fufilian tragedy. Conftcderhig it, hew , ever, as proceeding from the bench of juft ice, on tbs m fpfoie mn of dll occa fions, we kno w not what to think of it. IVe can only Jay with Shakefpears, c< It is a cruelty to lead a fallen man.” * The zealous Judge proceeds with his wonted enthuftafm cs follows : u Think not to find a palliation for your (fence, in the intoxication under which, it is [aid, you labored, nor hope to extenuate its horrors in the Irritation of which you endea vored ts eftablifh. Tour drunkennefs but aggravates your crime. “ IVe have frequently heard that drunkennefs was no euufe for a crime committed under its influence j but it i; to the ingenuity of Jfftdge fVHd that we ere indebted for the truly r. Aid idea that fitch a circum fiance would avrravete -a crime like that cf mur dor. We have always hitherto fup p ftd that Us turpitude was confiider ed greater or lefs in proper fen to the deliberation or rafhnefs with which it was commuted. Hence murder, by p jifoning, Is perhaps cf all others the mo ft dctefiabl* bee ante there is m mode of taking life which, of iff elf, fnrniffses Jut b clear ,t id forcible proof of a deliberate intention. The judge next indulges his genius cn a tevic which he ourkt to have i >J4 touched with the great eft p'Jjwls deli cacy and tendernefs —inftead of which he bandies it in the me ft abrupt, the mofil rude, the mofl profane manner. The culprit was both a hufband and a father —his miferies on that account waft Lave been tenfold mere pungent than what they would have ether wife been. What <c though his offence was rack and fir.ek to heaven,” ought nep his m [femes in fane fort to have jhislded him from the infoUnce of reproach ? Yet the Judge fays tc him. tf Tou. have a wife who tenderly loves you—Tou are a father cf children who took io you for bread. Cruel , thought befs man, what have you done ! Be- Juft: robbing theft objefls, jufily dear to your heart, of their only grot eft ion and [uppert j bejides turning them on a wide and frh'.ndlefs world, exprfi'ed So ail the buffet firry of ft off and ad verftty, you have unkindly loaded them with dijgrace, which though they do r.-J merit, they mu fit forever feel.” H e know not whether Judge Wild las ever felt the tendernefs cf connu bial or parental love, if he has, we Jbsuld tbtrk he aula not have avoid ed ccmpajfiomiing the prifoAtr—and inftead of finch cold arid barren up braiding >, that he would have con foled him with the afturanccs cf that kind and merciful Providence who is ever a father to the fatherlys, and a God to the widow. P’ft ‘X” :• arable, and humane, end ebquent judge refer ves * the hrrculedn enofgUs cf his mind for the following truly jublime perrcation. “ Your days on earth are now run <{ bered. ‘lbs fiver and cf death which “ hangs uplifted over ih/frail thread << of your cxiftcncc, ready to drop,will “ quickly cut it in twain, and theft “ who have known you fto all know you tc no inert. . But though you feel the c: fatal firoke, hope not in it to find a termination of your woes ; it “ will be the mere prelude to another “ trial awfully terrific, again you “ will be arraigned at the bar of jufi i( lice, and record of a “ thoufand crimes Jpread in your “view. —Again you maft raft your trembling hand, but before a Judge t£ whole penetrating eye wilTfpy the <f jeeret corners of your foul, whole “ power is fearful indeed l Again “you will be confronted l with wit t: nefs, and horrible thought ! the ‘ f bleeding murdered Mathis, pro (i buddy dragged from the howling <c regions of defpair, will appear in £ * the number; fhould* you again be tc found guilty, your doom will be i>i tc terminable wee /” IT ho ever heard or dreamed, efjuth eloquence! “The bleeding niur deicd Mathis dragged from the howling regions of defpair,” cannot but be confidered as the fublime offs pring of a really fublime fancy. The appearance of Dido to IJneas in the ftd is cf Tartarus is compeftd with the tc melancholy madnefs cf poetryno thing mors than the crude prcduftion of a raw and undifeiplinedfcbokl hoy. However “ De guSTbus non ciifpu nn dum eft,” all mull readily never tbelfts Jidftribc to the humanity cf a Judge who could thus fuCceJsfully ad mhifter conftlatim to a wretched felon. H r e third: he mu ft have learned his pathos from theft great mafters Ot way and M‘Kenzie. He mufi him ftlf be a very Harley, bette r fitted to weep over the mifcries, than frown at the vices cf poor human nature . NEW-HAVEN, May joE Farthquake —On Thurfdiy mor ning kftpftat five minutes be fore io, a very sedible fiiock of ah earth quake was felt in this town and neighborhood. The firft notice of its approach was a diftant rumbling found, fimilar to that of fevenft loaded waggons palling over firmly beaten ground, advancing from the weft or north-weft lor about ten ie conds, wh?n the found was appar ent])’ neardt, and at the faaie iriftant a fevere Ihock was experienced much refembling one produced by the ccncuflion of two vt flels, and for a few feconds after the fame giddy motion was experienced.- The found continued about as long after as before the ftiock, and paffed cif to the caft or fouth eaft. In many heufes the giafs and other wares were obferved to ring with confid erable force. The (late of the atmofphere had been feme what variable during the morning; although for two or more hours the fun had fhown blight with a ferene iky, and frefh breeze a: weft. This weather has com lu lled, with little Interim (Hon* ever ftnee } except that on Sunday eve ning we were viftted with an unti lual thunder florin. To v hat diftance the earthquake was is yet to be afccriained,— We learn that upwards of co miles to the weft and north and nearly as far to the eaftward, the convulfion was diftic&ly noticed. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE SHERIFF’S BLANK TITLES. LONDON, AMJo. S y? ‘ft -a /V. DtJTCnr DECRJB. From the Royal Conran! of the cft infant. Louis Napoleon, by the Grace of God, c ?c. The following is a lift of good=i which, from the tft cf April ißoc, are permitted to be exported and imported to and from allied and or neutral dates, in Dutch veiTrlss or thofe of allied or neutral pa r ers.. to and from tne harbors of Amfter narn, Rotterdam, Dord, Hariington, V re re, Zier ker, Dalfzyi and Bronvverfhaven. Exports —Books, brans, butter, brandy, bricks, cheefe, cambrics, copper manufactured, clocks, clo - ver and garden feeds, teh, Sower roocs, fiuir, geneva, gauzes,.glue, hoops, hides dried, iron manufac tured, leather, linen, linfeed, mad ders, mili-ftonfs, oak bark ground, oats, oils of feeds, pottery, powder blue, peas, paper, perfumery, plants pipes, playing cards, mills, ruihes, fiik manufactured, fach facurni, ftarch, tins, thread and thread tape, tobacco, tarras, turf, vinegar, watch js, white lead, wine, wood manu factured-* Imports.*—Afhes (pot,) candles. Copper, corn, rAffi oil, ifingSai?, hare {kins, hemp and hemp feed, hides, (rough) iron, leather (im~ manufactured) lead, linked, mer cury, mats, pitch, Rcilia fkins, rape feed, flock fifh, fodc, far, tallow, tobacco, timber, wax, wool, and wine, The decree ispeifieftiy adapted to pleale America. The articles which are permitted to be export , ed, are thofe which France and Holland have in abundance, and many of which America Hands in need of, fu ch as pottery, linen, mercury, ironmongery . &c. The articles permitted to be imported, are thofe which America abounds in fhch as grain, hemp and hemp feed, timber, pot afti, tobacco, tar, &c. The decree h alfo calculated to relieve the commerce of Russia, by the permission it affords to im port hides, hemp, tallow and other things, N O T I C E. In pur Juan of an Or deref tbs Honorable Inferior Court of Oglethorpe County, WILL BE SOLD, Qn the firfi Tuesday in September next, at the Court-Houft in Ogle thorpe County A Trad cf Land containing one hundred and feventy-fix acres, on the waters of Troublefome creek in faid county adjoining lands of Noah Freeman, Thomas Fletcher and John Leggett, the fame being part of the real eftate of Benjamin Wilkes, deceafed, and fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.- The terras of the fale will be credit for twelve months with bond and approved fecurity. SARAH WILKES, Adndmflratrix . AARON WILKES, MO $E S W i LKE S, Adminiftraiors . June loth, 1809. N OTIC E. WILL BE SOLD Qn Saturday the iy(b sf July next, in Athens, at the former rcfidcr.ce of James Stewart, dececfsd, ALL the perfonai property of fald deceafed. —Conditions cafli, SAMUEL STEWART, RICHARD STEWART* Adhiiniftraiors . Juste 24, 1809.