Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, July 08, 1809, Image 1

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VOL. II.) ATHENS, GEORGIA : PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M‘DONISELL, SATURDAY, JULY 8, ISO 9. TERMS OF THE 1 GEORGIA EXPRESS. i. IT will be printed weekly, at tjree dollars per annum; one half to be paid in advance, the remainder at|the expiration of fix months. J 2. Advertifements will be charg lat the rate of fixty-two and a f cents per fquare for the firU irtion, and St: y cents for each itinuation. 3. No papers will be difcontinu wirhout a notice to that tired ■ then if in arrears. ‘CA All letters direded to the itor rnuft be poll paid. The following Gentlemen Are auiho ed to receive Subscriptions for this liar ksboro'—P oft- Mader. Jeff erf on- —Maj. Edwin L. Harris. IWatkbifviUe —E. B. Jenkins, efq. and Mr. Edward Bond. Lexington —Mr. Miller Fleming. Oglethorpe— Mr. Samuel Shields, and William Lumpkins, Efq. Walnut Grove —Mr, Lee Atkins. Goof e-pond Mr. H. T. Woody. Madijon —James G. Sims, Efq. Grcenssboro ’ —Cap?. T. Daw fen. W. TerreiL Warrenion —Poll:- Matter. || PoweLon —P* ft-Mafter. M Monticdlo —Thomas W. Harris, I MilUdgevUU —James Boseman, Chriftopher B. Strong, Elbertsn —Col. Wm. Chifiom. Petersburg—Alex, Pope, Efq. & eft. Watkips. Vienna —S. B. Shields, Efq. a ‘Wilkes —David Terrell, Efq. Sc Roftor Bibb. | Lincoln —Captain N. Allen, and tap t. lobn Hughes. I LouifitH2&~*Mt fif. Day & Whee ls Augujl a—]. S. Walker, Efq. & fpoftor Smelt. I Waynesboro'— Col. John Davies. ■ SaderfviUe—Uh. Wm. M'Mur- I a Savannah —M r. H. H. Moun ter, and Mr. A. W. Scribner. ■ £ LITER T A IN ME NT. HWe have procured the heufe in 9 this place, Known by the name U cf'the Eagle Tavern (for merly occupied by Mr. Thomas Mounger) and hnve furnifked it with the articles necelLry for the Comforta ble accommo dation of travellers and private boarders. The patronage of fuch perfons as may be di(poled M t; > promote the intereft of I thiseftabiifhmenr, v/ill be great fu ly received by Edwin Mounger. Sterling Grimes. BiMdudgevilie, May Ist, ISO 9. G E O R G I A EX P R E S S.’ Many SHALL RUN T3 At!v T ?> FRO, AND KNOWLtDGS SHALL- JBE INCREASED. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the firjl Tuesday in Augujl next, at the Court-Houfe in Clark County , between the bouts of len and Three o’ clocks the followin'* pro perty, VIZ. One bed, one bed quilt, ontf blue counterpane, one fheet, bnefide /ad dle, one check reel, one pine table# one fide board, fix fplit bottomed chairs, one large earthen d.fh, five deep plates, four faucers, five cups, one butter plate, three tea fpoons, two tin ladles, one table fpoon, four cafe knives, fix forks, two pewter plates, one bed quilt not quite finifh-. ed, one pine cheft, one fpotted trunk, one large mug and a number of other articles too tedious to men tion, confiding chiefly of houfeheld furniture, and cue acre lot joining Watkinfville whereon William Strong,! Jun. formerly lived, one negro boy by the name of Tom, one negro woman by the name of Sally, all of which property was levied ©n as the property of Sanford L. Ramey and Abfalom Ramey, Efq. to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of Samuel Cunningham, and pointed out by A. Ramey. ALSO . One negro girl by the name of Phillis, levied on as the property of Green Lee, Temple Lee, James W. Armftrorg & Nathaniel Dean, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Jack F. Price. ALSO. One final! bay horfe, two barrel and three ferew augers, eight large chifeis, ten finall chifels, four gaug es, one hand faw, two tenant laws, one fee of Bench planes, one fet of molding planes, one fet of bevels, one fet of turning, all levied on as the property cf Elijah White, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Q, H. Prince, pointed out by the de fendant. Conditions calk. JOHN SELMAN. Sheriff, June 30, 1809. 58- THE CELEBRATED IMPORTED PIORSE WHIP, Commences a feafon at my flable near Athens, the 12th of July next, which wdl continue until December following, at twenty dollars, paya ble by note the 25th of December next, which taay be difeharged by fifteen dollars if paid within the feafon, with one dollar to the groom in each cafe paid down. I have the ben: of paftursge for mares gratis, and will have them fed as direfted a: a moderate price. JOHN BILLUPS. June 20, 1 £O9. NOTICE. BEING about to leave the State a few months for my health, 1 have conftituted Edward Paine and Ru ben Hill, my lawful attormes to tranfaft my bufinefs in rnv abfence. Charles Stewart. June iotia, 1809. * NOTI CE. * P AGREEABLE to the Lft Will and Tefiament of John Malone, deceafed, we the under written fubferibers, do hereby offer for fale 127 acres of had, lying on the North Fork of the Oconee river in the county of Clark, two and a half miles below Athens and immedi ately on the main road leading from Augufta to Clarke court-houle, 3 miles to the north eaft of laid court heufe, with water grill and law mills—-the grift mill is in a large new framed houfe with two pair of Cones, bolting cheft and cloths, all new and in good order—-a well built ftore houle with counting room and a brick chimney—a lmith’s ihop, dwelling houfe and kitchen with other neceffary out houfes in the mill yaid—-about 300 yards from the null on a very elevated fituation on faid land is anew and convenient dwelling houfe, with four rooms on the lower Boor and one above, with a brick chimney, kitchen and other neceflary out houles, a fpring of excellent water convenient to laid dwelling—2s or 30 acres under 2 good fence in cluding a good peach orchard— alfo for fale, a lot No. 52 in the 26th diftrift of Wilkinfon, contain ing 202 1-2 acres of excellent land with two or three fprings of good water, convenient to one of the moft beauiiful fituations in Wilkin fon. Any perfon inclined to pur chafc both or either of the tracts of land above mentioned, will pleafe apply to Col. John Hampton, of Jackfon county, or William Shaw of Ciirke county, either will treat for the fame, and make the terms of payment as convenient as the fituation of the laid decealed’s tft ate will admit of. JOHN HAMPTON, & WILLIAM SHAW, Executors. July 1, 1809. *ff The Editor of ihe Georgia Argus will pleafe to inj'ert the above notice four times in his paver — by fending his account for the fame to this office it will be difeharged. NOTICE. In purfuance of an Order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Oglethorpe County, WILL BE SOLD, On the firjl Tuesday in September next , at the Court-Houfe in Ogle thorpe County A Traft of Land containing one hundred and feventy-fix acres, on the waters of Troubleiome cieek in faid county adjoining lands of Ncah Freeman, Thomas Fletcher and John Leggett, the fame being part of ihe real eftate of Benjamin Wilkes, deceafid, and fold tor the benefit of the heirs and cred.rors.— The terms of the fale will be credit for twelve months with bond and approved fecurity. SARAH WILKES, Adminijlralrix. AARON WILKES, MOSES WILKES, Adminijlrators . June 20th, 1809. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the Firjl Tuejdny in Augujl next, at the Court- Houfe in Jack Jon County, between the ujual hours, will be fold the following property, to wit : 143 1-2 Acres of land, be the fame more or lels, on Hurricane creek in Jackfcn county, whereon William Blake now lives, levied on as the property of James Steen at the Inftance of Jonts Henderfon, pointed out by the plaintiff and re turned to me by Enoch Rogers, conftable. ALSO, 50 Acres cf laud, more or lefs, whereon the defendant now lives,, levied on as the property of Elijah Burkes, at the inftance of George Chriftian, the property pointed out by the defendant levied on and returned tome by Jofeph Norman, conftable. ALSO. 90 Acre: of land on the waters cf tne Oconee, joining Watkins, levied on as the property of Jones Hendeifon at the inftance of David Witt, and returned to me by Enoch Rogers, conftable. ALSO. One black gelding, levied dn by Jofeph J. Scott, I). S. as the pro perty of Solomon Carter, at the inftance of Thomas Black for the ufe of Elijah Raggfdale i the pro perty pointed eut by Thomas Camp who has the centroid of the execution. Conditions cafii. WILLIAM POTTS, Sheriff. July 1, 1809. rWMJWUMWTf n r--r i~. fin 11 I iHIW • .1 - ‘• I NJiJM I THE SUBSCRIBER, Having commenced the practice* of the Law, informs his friends and ihe public in general, that he has fettled himfclf in the town of Peter f burgb, where he will receive and diligently attend to fuch bufinefs in the line of his profdlion as may be committed ro his charge. He in tends practicing in the counties of Oglethorp, Clark, Franklin, Elbert, Lincoln and Wilkes, and may be found at his place of rtfidence at all times except when attending the Courts in the above counties. John D. Bibb. June loth, 1809. ENTERTAINMEN I*. WILLIAM OLIVER respeft fully acquaints his fiends and the community generally, that he keeps a House of Entertainment, in the town of Petcrfbir g, (the one formerly occupied by Mrs. Rag land.) He will be thankful to thefe who may pleafe to favor hm with their cuftom, and affurts them they v/ill at all times find the beft ac commodation and the utmoft good order and regularity in his place. Pcterfburg,* June iorh, 1809. A FEIV COPIES Of a Sermon Preached in Vindication Of Revealed 7 ruth, and in which is’pr educedfonie of the Jlrong ejl arguments that re ligion admits cf FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE (No. 59.