Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, July 15, 1809, Image 2

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HERIFF’S SALE. \ r WILL BE SOLD, Ybiftrft Tuesday in Augufl next, at tb: Court-HouJc in Clark County, between the hours of Ten and ‘three o'clock, the following pro perty, Vl£. One bed, one bed quilt, one blue counterpane, one Jaeet, one fide fad dle, one check reel, one pine table, one fide board, fix fplit bottomed chairs, one large earthen difh, five deep plates, four faucers, five cups, One butter plate, three tea ipoons, two tin ladles, one table fpoon, four Cafe knives, fix forks, two pewter plates, one bed quilt not quite finifti * 1 me pine theft, one fpotted < , one large mug and a number r articles too tedious to rr.en ; . onfifting chiefiy of houfehold rum bore, and one acre lot joining V.A .infvilJe whereon William ’ ng,’) J un. formerly lived, one nfgjo boy by the name of Tom, ■Oil; negro woman by the name of ballv, all of which property was levied on as the property of Sanford L. Ramey and Abfalom Ramey, Efq. to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of Samuel Cunningham, and pointed out by A. Ramey. ALSO. One negro girl by the name of Phillis, levied on as the property of Green Lee, Temple Lee, James W. Armftrong &c Nathaniel Dean, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Jack F. Price. ALSO. One I'm all bay horfe, two barrel and three icrew augers, eight large chifels, ten fmail chifels, lour gaug es, one hand law, two tenant laws, one fee of Bench planes, one fet of molding planes, one fee or bevels, one let or turning, all levied on as rhe property of Elijah White, to fatisfy an execution in favor of O. H Prince, poSted out by the de fendant. Conditions caftu JOHN SELMAN. Sheriff, June 30, 1809. 58- COLLECTOR’S SALE. Will be fold at the Court Houfe in Jack/on County, on Friday the ltitb day of A ugift next \ the following traits of land, or fo nth ch thereof, as will fat iffy the tax due thereon with cojts, VIZ. 1150 Acres, 400 acres of which of the ad qualiity, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three free holders) originally granted to Baz drl Jones, lying on the Mulberry Fork in Jackfon county, joining lands of Cobbs and faid Jones j re ported to be in default from the year 1787 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 38 dollars and 883-4 cents. 7300 Acres, 500 of which of the 2d quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freeholders) wrig : nally granted to Bazdel'Jones, lying in Jackfcn county on the Ap palache, joining lands of faid Jones j reported to be in default from the vear 1787 until the year iBcB, both included—tax due 195 dollars 69- 1-2 cenrs. 7161 Acres, 1000 acres of which of the 2d quality, the balance of the 31] quality, (fo fays three freehold ers) originally granted to Bazdel Jones, lying in Jackfon county on the Appalache, joining lands of F.lhburn and Evans j reported to be in default from the year 17 57 until the year 1808, both included —tax due 204 dollars 72 3-4 cents. J. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1809. Notice. AGREEABLE co the laft Will and Teftamenc of John Malone, deceafed, we the under written fubferibers, do hereby offer for fa!e 127 acres of lasd, lying on the North Fork of the Oconee river in the county of dark, two and a half miles below Athens and immedi ately on the main road leading from Augufta to Clarke court-houfe, 3 miles to the north eaft of faid court houfe, with water grift and faw mills—the grift mill is in a large new framed houfe with two pair of ftones, bolting cheft and cloths, all new and in good order—a well built ftore houfe with counting room and a brick chimney—a fmith’s fhop, dwelling houfe and kitchen with other neceffary out houfts in the mill yard—about 300 yards from the mill on a very elevated fituation on faid land is anew and convenient dwelling home, with four rooms on the lower floor and one above, with a brick chimney, kitchen and other neceffary out houf s, a fpring of excellent water convenient co raid dwelling—-25 or 30 acres under a good in cluding a good peach orchard— alio for fait, a lot No. 52 in the 26th diftrid of Wilkinfon, contain ing 202 1-2 acres of excellent land with two or three fprings of good water, convenient to one of the moll beautiful fixations in Wilkin fbn. Any perlon inclined to pur chafe both or either of the tracts of land above mentioned, will pleafe apply to Col. John Hampton, of Jackfon county, or William Shaw of Clarke county, either will treat for the fame, and make the terms of payment as convenient as the fituarion of the faid deceafed’s tftate will admit of. JOHN HAMPTON, & WILLIAM SHAW, Executors. July 1, 1809. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the Firjl Titefday in Augujl next, at the Court- Horfe in Jackfon County, between the ufual hours , will be fold the following property, to wit : 143 i-2 Acres of land, be the fame more or Ids, on Hurricane cieck in Jackfon county, whereon William Blake now lives, levied on as the property of James Steen at the inftance of Jones Henderfon, pointed cut by the plaintiff and re turned to me by Enoch Rogers, conftable. , ALSO, 50 Acres of land, more or lefa, whereon the defendant now lives, levied on as the property of Elijah Burkes, at the inftance of George Chriftiaii, the property pointed out by the defendant j levied on and returned tome by Jofeph Norman, conftable. ALSO. 90 Acres of land on the waters of the Oconee, joining Watkins, levied on as the property of Jones Henderfon at the inftance cf David Witt, and returned to me by Enoch Rogers, conftable. ALSO. One black gelding, levied ©n by Joleph J. Scott, D. S. as the pro perty of Solomon Carter, at the inftance of Thomas Black for the ufe of Elijah Raggfdale j the pro perty pointed out by Thomas Camp who has the controul of the execution. Conditions cafh. , WILLIAM POTTS, Sheriff. July 1, 1809. NOTICE. J OFFER my land and its im provements, FOR SALE —a good bargain may be had by a purenafer who will make fuch payments as will anfwer my intended purpofes. There is in the laid trait of land between leven and eight hundred acres, lies in tolerable good ftiape, and level,** except on the water courfes which run through it, and none fo broken but may be culti vated—a large proportion of very ftrong up land, about fevemy-five acres of open land and under good repair, out of which about thirty five acres are entirely frefh. The buildings but moderate, rhe other advantages are as follows; A grift mill in tolerable repair, fufficient, with proper attention, in ‘its prefent fixment and cuftom, to get by toll from twelve to fifteen hundred bufhels of corn per year and three hundred bufnels of wheat—bolts in good order and runs by water —a handfome diftillery on a fmail fcale which may be extended to any fize with fuccefs, the whole entirely fe cure from the attacks of water that might injure it—a good fhoal below the grift mill about 4CO yards, where a faw mill might be put that would run with fuccefs fix months out of twelve, with very little trouble and expence, and a plenty of the heft tifnber that chis country affords clofe at hand on Cloud’s creek— another advantage, it has one of the b ft ftands for a country ftsre and public houfe that the up country produces, immediately between Lexington and Athens ©n a large road that runs from one to the other place and the main road from Lcx ingtoh to Jefferfoit in Jackfon county. The mail has frequently travelled and does frequently travel this road from Athens to Lexing ton, it is about ten miles from the former and 7 irom the latter. The whole land is well watered, is a very healthy fituation, and in a:i excellent neighbourhood for a well difpofed perfon to live. My motive for felling is created by a propenfity to go to the weft ward, and am anxious to fell as quick as poftibie. Terms may be known ‘by applying to me on the premifes and where the whole may be feen. THOMAS W. SCOTT. July 8, 1809. COLLECTOR’S SALE. Will be fold at the Court-Houfein Jack - Jon County , on Widnesday the 20 tb of December next j the following traits of Land, or fo much thereof, as will fatsify the tax due thereon with cofis , VIZ. 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo fays three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in Jackfon county on the waters of the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 until the year 1808, both included—tax 2 dollars 37 cents. 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Allen’s Fork, 5© acres of the 2d quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freeholders) granted to Lamar, join’Tg Hick man and others ; reported to be in default from the year ISO 6 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 1 dollar 94 1-2 cents. J. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1809. 56 iw 6m BLANKS MAT BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE the celebrated IMPORTED HORSE WHIP, . Commences a feafon at my ftaole near Athens, the 12th of July next* which will continue until December following, at twenty dollars, paya ble by note the 25th of December next, which may be difeharged by fifteen dollars if paid within the feafon, with one dollar to the groom in each cafe pa ; d down. I have the beft of pafturage for mares gratis, and will have them fed as elirtdted at a moderate price. JOHN BILLUPS. June 20, 1809. ENTERTA IN ME NT. We have procured the houfe in this place, Known by the name of the Eagle Tavern (for merly occupied by Mr. Thomas Moungsr) and have furnished it with the articles neceffary for the Comforta ble accommo dation of travellers and private boarders. The patronage of fuch perfons as may be difpoled to promote the intereft of this eftabliftitnent, wifi be great fully received by Edwin Moungsr. Sterling Grimes. Milledgevilie, May \st, 1809, ENTERTAINMENT. WILLIAM OLIVER respect fully acquaints his friends and the community generally, that he keeps a House of Entertainment, in the town of Peterfburg, (che one formerly occupied by Mrs. Rag land.) He will be thankful to thofe v/ho may pleafe to favor him with, their cuftom, and allures them they will at all times find the beft ac commodation and the utmoft good order and regularity in his place. Peterfburg, June icrh, 1809. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Elbert County, will be fold at El bert Court-Houfe, on the Firft Tuefday in September next, three hundred nineteen and one half acres cf land, more or lefs, lying in faid county, joins Jofeph Terrell and James F. Nunnelle and others, be ing the real eftate of Ilham Thomp fon, late of faid county, deceafed— Sold for the benefit of the heirs of faid deceafed. Terms, twelve months credit the purchafer giving bond with approved fecurity. GEORGE COOK, Adminiftr&tor. June it, 1809, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA . The annual commencement will take place at Franklin College on Wednefday the fecond of Auguft next, at which time and place the Truftees, and the friends of feience and literature are refpe&fully re quefted to attend. The Senatus are to meet on Monday the 7th of the fame month, at the Collega, of which the members are folicued to cake notice. * J. HAMILL, Secretary tf J the Univerfity, j June 17. I v ‘ I