Newspaper Page Text
{*' ’ * e.m T?.re was a cff'.rcd cr
{• *,cd auJ ii which bmr, 1
p.rhc commi; Gr was—
They took on tn*o rwiTtge, cr hud
p* ■ j!y i.<t fhrir pofisfibir, two
h l j.::k nr ii, .v and be He reaching the
P.iore, but w th Heir wi.o'-e force in
fight and cn advance,
tv: negro?-s were lent forward wi.h
propTiftons from Admiral C ck
burn, rhae if the nrfiliua would not
rule * ‘e, that he would only
bnrn the veftels and fome houfes.
Un:nr th s ftatcroent, which is 'i
>>rdl* the fact, how.could Coland
V azey treat with negroes, thofe
regroe* alone, atd the enemy con
tin .- mg to a.dvs.nce —he w#asd not,
ad by his refiftance he faved all the
valuable rr.ills and cr*fc a: the heal
ofSaffafras, at which place nearly
a* miny vcfTds were anchored as
would pay for the destruction in
Fredericktown, to Ry nothing of
burning the mills and plundering
the houfes at that place. 1 They
did not range far into the c©utry
on Georgetown fide. Their pro
grefs has been that of an enemy at
toe lacking of a town* except that
they had not in any cafe violated the
refpeft due to the female lex; I
have heard of bat few cafes in which
r en them language has been un
r, ;„nly. The general isupreffion is,
I : it is the Tailors who plunder
i and Amirtl Cock burn Items
i be as much defpifed by his own
< iil :ers as he is h ted bjf our citi
zens. A lady ruila n. by rn officer,
he flopped her, laying where are
you goi r -g Madam ? iam
to the Admiral to erg hit* to Jpare
ray home; lave yourfclfth* trou
ble Madam, that man won 1 burn
his own broih rb-f houfe if he csula
receive any benefit trom it. At a
nother place, a lady obfervet! that
all the officers ft piled to he*, yes do
fo Madam — fpaki to the Ad
miral, he anfwered, I hve nothing
to fay to you woman. There is no
describing the feenes cf cnltrcfs
which I have ficcn ; dining our re
voludonary v?ar it falhionablc
co blame the Heffuni far the plun
der roenmirred, but here were none
but Britifii foldiera and Teamen.
At one place, a young lady en
treated for the hou'e Ills lived
and add-effing herlclf to n officer,
obferved “ aid it been Frenchmen,
Spaniards or Portuguese, 1 lhauid
not have beer furprized, but or En
gii(hnen, nothing ftiort of my fee
ing luch vranton and lavage dc(true
now, could have induced me to be
lieve them capable of it.” „ Tns
officer humbled by her remarks
pronufed to lave the houle, but as
tl ey approached it was diicovered
in'fiames. It is to® I ate Madam,
wn cannot fsv it, Weil fir, 1 *x
pcS: that you will efcort me back ;
but making a psutc, the added, af
ter what 1 have witntfled I niufl
have two of you, when another of
ficer in hearing ©ffWed his fervices,
and ths two rc l pebt fully conducted
the lady t® the heufe ihe Ccfired.
It does not appear that the rockets
car. be cwrredtly directed, and *n the
Tcattcred fiats nf the buildings of
the towns which’ have been burnt,
net one has been fired by them ;
they are not as dangerous at a bomb
in exploding. Tneir netfe in the
air is indeed terrific, and it is only
in very clofe built towns that they
can be *f ufe. At Fredericktown
one man was wounded, now per
fectly recovered, and a horfe had
his heat (hot off. After the fore
going detail, I can with great truth
a allure you that the brave men of all
’ policies! parties are well diJpofed
i defend their country from the in
vider?i lea. i fu.'h h the rc r nt
mentof the pe f )f If,
enemy ever make anocacr
tie reiV.k w.*; be very and If-rear.—
Sharp ffiooii -g is n>w the w'y; ,
arid while cur tn litia admit that they
could not oppofe an equal force tus
a plain, yet they recoiled u;e th y
a e all expert at tke gun, and h.i-vvr
how to prefit b a tree, a Tg, a
gully, our Ijsamps and our me ui s.
Some ito- >r-.s have gone a bra ad tnar
they attended our p . :-a. diffe
rences. Ont i ffioer a: French
town and i afk if a cerain per fan was
fur the war, but t* rebut this, at a
nothcr place a lady produced a cer
tain high toned federal paper as an
evidence that her braiher was not
for the war. Damn your paper &
ync politics cue, lard the effiuer,
and the home was fired, but happi
ly faved bi the exertions of tjie ia
dy. I have not laid any thing cel *
pedting the iron works at
This valuable fouodery with the
admirable machinery for burl .g can
non is whclly dtftroyed. Tn.s caie
however I call legitimate war.*’
-tasKityt:- '■
GlivJ K.GIA F.XFi\liSb.
ATHENS, July 9.
The /.wiiverfary of American In
dependence was celebrated in this
twn 7it tie'ysdty luji in a manner
which afforded delight and Satisfac
tion to tbe trcsjl of every pah let and
true lover of his country, Agt stable
to previsus arrangement Mr. Thos.
Walt-n delivered in the Voilegs
Chapel it ? every reJpeSt able audience ,
a bandfome.j energetic. Cf? very appro
prints Oration , preceded by Captain
J. F. Cary, who read tbs Bet la
tahtn of Independence.
ii Urge cam ferny partook of an
elegant otruter prepared by Captain
Samuel Brown, where Col. 1. F.
Carnes ptefided as Pr eft dent, and
John R. G< lding, Efq. Vice -
Prejident. The following to:, Its were
dr sink on this occafion, in erfperfed
-with many humorous and patristic
r. The day we ‘celbcxate—.
May it be ccmmsmerated with a zeal
commenfurxte witto the energy which
dignified its name, and gave birth to
a nation.
2. l'he Memory of WRfhingroft
—ln war the deliverer of his country
—in peace he guides.—lVe have no
better Statesman, or a truer Joldur.
3. The President of the United
States —Contending again ft internal
diferganizers, and external ruffians,
may his plans and ref auras be compe
tent to their complete dijeonfiture.
4. The Vice-Prrfi.ent of the
United States —We congratulate him
upon the Uie proof of his country's
veneration —as it evinces that ingra
titude u confined only to his native
5. The Navy of the United
States —formidable only to foreign e
names —an encreafe ofjbips—and the
deeds of its manhood jhall cor ref pond
icub the brilliant achievements of its
6. The Army of the United
States —Oppofed to feuagss and mer
cenaries ; the contejl will be between
honor, humanity and jujiice on the one
hand, and ignominy , cruelty and ra
pacity on the ether.
7. Wrn. H. C*awford—~ JuJily
rejpefted for his talents and integrity
we are affured that he will *ot df
grace his political Jlatiding.
8. The American Farmers,
Merchints and Mechanics— May
they cherijh and fupport each other,
and frown upon all attempts to divide
9. The Liberty of the Frt.r—
While all true friends to ibe govern
v. ni confider it as the Ark of that ‘
Rlgjis —may they equally dei ji t:t
10. May all civil diJUnfticns a
mens Americans be founded or. pul He
11. May religion and policies flow
from upright and liberal principles.
ii. The Memory of Gene il
Pike —Tbtcgb deed he can never be
loft to his country---The example of
his glorious fate will have its pecuTar
force in our prefent righteous flrv?g V.
13. The Governor of Georgia.
14. I'he Univerfi• y >f G <-> g<a
May its encouragement In future be
equal it its paff difcountenance.
15. G-neral Thomas Fifrurnoy
—Abe citizen of our State—may h'.s
military exertions rank her high 0* the
lift of fame.
16. Coi. John Mi Hedge— the op
ptfer of Yazoo Corruption and the
friend of )deuce.
17 Our D .medic Inftituuona—
in proportion to theirfuccefs, do they
-itffen our dependence—:nty they be
Tiber ally patronized by the government.
18. The American Fair— Next
to the love of country, they afford the
ft rant, ft ftimulous tv worthy atiions.
B v th c Pn- fi dent. —7 he P ref dent
of the Unvaerfiiy , (he having retired )
B-/ tne Vice-Pr( fi Jem.- —French
morality and Brill ft corruption — r.iay
they never meet & fmih in this land
of freedom.
Bv Caut. Clay tori.— War nsotihout
end, fester than peace, without honor.
v Cap:. Cole.—- The orator of the
duy, (bs. having tetired.)
8; C>.p . Cobb.-— May the Oliv
er that can dejlroy the Armies of Bo
naparte be fujjidently Jlrong tv jink
the navy f Great- Britain.
Mr. P.o T fT r Green.— The he -
vies who h ive died defending the rights
and liberties of America —Let us c-se
rifh their memory and at tbs call of
cur country emulate their example.
B; Mr. Profelf r Greene.— The
Ameruan higle—darting forward in
. his northern eouffe, way he fat ter
Lfut cv:d dlfmay among the miff ere ant
in my, who expifs ten hr infancy,
helphfs woman and tbs deferedefs
pr fatter to the fealping knife and tom -
ahdwk of the mercilejs favage.
By Mr. Profdl r G :cn. —Our
abfeni frusta Br. Henry Jackfin.
By Mr. Thomas.—- laws
and free commerce.
By Mr. Cufcb.— Mr. Prafefrr
Golding—be prfiles with equal tri
nity at the facial beard as hi does 14
a literary injiituticn.
Bv Mr. D. G. Campbell— The
prejident of ibis Beard — ccrdie'ty
without referve, integrity wit boat bU
B f Mr. Scoggins. The Frank
lin Independent Blues—The lovers of
liberty and fcience, may their patristic
example meet the appUiufe which they
fo jujily merit.
By Major Wiliiatnfor —General
Harr if on—may bis fuccefs be equal so
his courage andfkill.
By Mr. M'Donncll—■>' Sailor's
Rights—Mcy tbofe who would bafely
Jurrendtr them receive the execrations
of every true American.
University or Georgia.
JL HF fi ft Qijirrerly O. ation of
tne Dialectic Adelphic Society will
be delivered in the College Chapel
bv Mr. John IV. Campbell, on
Monday the 19 hinft. at 5 o’clock,
P. M.
July stb, ISI3.
By r;-:u . r„ p
From the Rift on Gen iiul of fun..’ uv,
ski nsH ACCf>-;;c r ; ?
Of the Capture of the Cbfup: t:e
Ycfterday the Spc.nTii fi y; Ju
ana arrived here ‘cocci HR in
feven days, brii g : .-g tiit pay*e af
£ at city to th-’ 9 •, co:ita'rs
th * folioiCV!n:.;t 41 the 1 re
fauguine contli a ort -veti C-tt? a
and ihaoo o tßg*.<:?. Nr.
le .era have bre'n received ; rior an 7
other remarks than the loKu'.r;
L 1 i l
on tne event.
H / l 1 pav, June g.
On Sunday arrived h re. his rna
jefty's Slip Shariijcifi from Briton
bay, with (hs American frigate
Cnefapeake, late capt. Lawranci,
h?f prize.
It ig with pie a Grs we congratu
late our readers on the capture of
the American f.-fgsee Chefapeakc,
commanded by capt. Lawrence, by
his Majsfty's ’hip Shannon, Capt.
Broke, after aa a<sl:ion of eF*en
‘[he following yardrTaH e? th s
plc.sfing evect .v; have colledf 1
from converlathms wi.-h Gras of
the effiuers vi the Siiaunon, a,-.i
have rsafon to ihctti mau ri
al! y correct %
O.i the 2yh kTf, N's
fhip i cned rs, which i.u f ro near
1/ Uir;e mouths, been cruizing hi
B .Aon bay, with the Shannon, k~
v .'J'rurj *rotn her, and capt. Barker
**3* not to rejoin him uc •
th ?.bun-; t e 4th June. Th a was
do* t in t- e hupt and rxpcdtiti,.p,
tnat the Cfiefapeake frigaie fi-dic*-
tYe Skaonon was cruizirg oiF
:.s ju. .‘ft, waul * L’ne out anti giv ec
her battle—nor v-re cur car; d.. { a,>
pointed. Early In th? m: roi&g -f
the iil ieft. the Shannon It aO4 cl,fe
la to Boflon light heufe, and t,Q~
fervtd the Cheupeake Ivir-g at an
chor, with rovß yards acrols anji
apparently ready for fea. The Bri
d(h colors were then ho (led on
boaH the Shaatjon ad fee hove t. (#
near the laud; a i 9 X !\l. the crie
ns; ’s fnga.e v>:.s to la Ra
her faffs, and T a gun; at half
p.ift 12 (he wtifif.i-A anchor, and
flood ©ut of the ha:bor, when rl;e
Shanaoa filled,,and under ea r y fad,
edged cM? had, followed fey the
Cuelapeake at four fiioi tened Ail,
*c 5, hove tv/, with the rop-fRh a
ba-.:k, • for har the enemy would not
bring her to attiun before da k; in
20 idiauus after, the
ncered wiihio mGk i ihat of the
->:.*nnon, It: 11 ftanduig towards her
>n fuch aw ‘•}* ns left our tars in ur.-
cei alrny which fi ie of their Gip (lie
i-osesided to e: g'gr; at half paft 5
however, fhc luffed up on the Shan
ti off s weather quarter, ard on h.’t
(art m -ft ccsn ; ag on a line whh t!>e
Sannun’s rr. the latter fired
the after gun, and her ethers, foe
cedi tl ; , l nil the enemy came di
rectly abft.ft, when the Che fa peake
fired her whole bradfide, which
the Sham.un immediately returned;
4ttu here,- broadfide to broadfidej
the affciac conimcnced; ia five mi
r u £2 th Cheldpeake fell along file
the 8h .anon, and was boarded
ii€rr taps as well as on her decks,
by our gallant countrymen, and in
11 cniautes from the commence
ment of the action her three cr.figos
were hauled down, and foon alter
replaced with the Euglffn over
them. Her decks cleared of the
dead, and wounded taken selov j a
grcit portion of the priioners re
ir.oved out of her—and,
£i•: i by te Shannon, ihc wxs fitcr
td Hr this pot*c.