Newspaper Page Text
O ’ ‘i'll rhe Shannon, Mr.
W ?%, c ft ft lietr. Mr. Arnham,
i.'.-f i*i*r/cr; Mr. Dunn, captain’s
f le. k, and 13 I cams;'., were killed.
Cup:. Bicke, a m:dfh;paua and 56
fcameo wounded.
On b-> and the Chefapeakr, M-\
Ballard 4. h lieu:.; Mr. £:obir>,
fieut. f nririnet ; Mr. Waste, the
f/’ .sf’ -r, >*"r4l petty <Hi ers, and
sb&u to men, were killed. Capf.
La*r- e. (fhee dead j) Mr) Lui
-1 the id heu.:. fevercly ; lieu:.
X kadi, t l.'eut. do ; ‘Tut Cox-, 3d
Ji-uc. lightly; nr(hipopen Wea
ver, Abbott* anri Nicol!*, feverely,
and near ico ie a men wounded.
Cape. Broke, we underhand, no
bly led the boarders from the quar
ter deck, and was, we are forry to
ft ate, feverely wounded, iti the mo
ment of victory, bv a fabre or the
bead, while exerting himftlf to fave
two Americans from the fury of his
xiten; he : s, however, wc rejoice to
If am, In. a fair way of recovery, ad
we hope will boon be able to return
ro rha- ft .1: far, which ht filled with
* > much ben; ft: ro Hs cnu'trv, and
**orh fuch impetifhable hoaor to
him f? If.
Lieut. Vva.'t was k Ye. 6 after
boardina the Cheftneake—he was
‘3 i
*0 f-xceiient oftic .
On capt. Broke being wounded,
the command of the Shannon de
v.Ovee on the ad ftcut. Mr. Wall’s,
vv of Mr. Walhs of rhe Na■-y
Yarft, who conducted h oiieif m 3
v ery brave manner.
Great merit it dste- to capt. Broke
fcrt this cccaiion, .•*;: oHv for the
: erfevt ranee wfih which he has’
fought a conteft with *r<
Ligate, but for the promptitude a*d
fkfft with which he has decided the
eueftlon of fiiperorky, and put an
ftnd to all the vaporng, with wh- h
the Americas* papers have of T’< w
been filled. In point of fisc and
number of gna the two fhips were
as nearly equal ns could be wifhed.
W hatever ad vantage there wxs,
in favor of the Cbcfopeake, both as
to fize and number of men.
The refpeft due to a brave ene
my was vefterday (hewn to rhe re
mains of C-tpt. Lawrence. The
£#rpfe was landed from the Cbofa
???ake under a diff.barge ©f mifiire
puns, and at ?. o'clock reached the
X;ng’s wharf—the American er.f-ya
w*s fpread as a pall over the coffis,
<®a which ws placed the [word of
the dec*4 r ed ; fix captain* of the
rave offi a rd as pall be;*: rs ; fix
companies of rhe 54 h regiment,
commanded by fir John Wardlnw,
preceded the corpfe ; the offi ers of
the Chefapeake ft flowed it as
01. earners ; the cfirm of the navy
jg'nrraliy tcfinffts j ft.- Sa
timar* s, dr ‘hff, and v-fd ’ers o r the
garrifpr, ad the p r;;rffi,n was
chfed by a number of refpectable
inhabitant.*. T h** i: • L Service
vms performed by the Rcvd. rector
of St. Paul’s, and tljre* vc-ilies dif
charged by tnc creeps over the
From the Augufta Chronicle Extra
From an official report #/ General
Lewis t the Secretary at war, we are
ai loft relievedfrom the fears and anx
iety which the 1000 rumors ft indus
truujly circulated, created in the pub
lic mind fer the fituatien andJafety $f
the northern army which prejfed f$
j'nccefsfully int Canada on the 17th if
.Lav, after carrying ail the military
prfittens §f the enemy between the
.Lakes Gntarii and Erie—Rad this
Juccefs been fellf wed up with dectfion
>+nd energy y Canada was ours ; but
1 fore we pat our army in motion, zve
allow.J the envy h cdfPt his Mat
tered tof\<:s 9.1 to retire auiberately
to f.tch pft.tunc *.r he dvpre \nd —
Gen. y,nsent te*k itre road -o Yrk,
a'id m&i ched ley**'.) a-r g the jhores
of (hitariii umii he reached 40 mile
Chick, where he ook up w’f'ifititn, tn
toe approach if eur army under Gens.
Cl hiditr and Winder—the Britijb
retreated 20 miles where
fb y entrenched , waiting ejftnftbly fir
tbe approach if far army y but in faff
for the junction of the army from Mul
der. under Gen. Procter, which pro
probably icsk fias* on the. sib if June
—on that evenn,g our army had taken
up a pafttion . jor the night within
15 miles if the enemy's camp, deter.-
mined on brinrivv him to battle if
fojfible next day. Bui the Britijh Ge
neral, a. ware of eur intentions (fir
there eye few ferrets in our army)
and in pojjcjfiin if the count erfgn for
the night, put his troops in motion and
by midnight reached eur camp , and
after killing and feeding the guards ,
at the bead if 500 regulars , ptnetra*
ted into the centre of our camp, mak
ing both cur Generals pr if oners and
turning the guns of our Lighi artillery
again ft our own camp. At this aw
ful and important cßfis, when every
thing was giving way to the imfetu
iftty if the enemy, when esnfufion and
death were in every pari if the camp ,
and nothing ~bnt defeat expefied, the
genius of America interptfed in fir
favor —the gallant and intrepid Mi } -
ton. Col Homer Milan of Georgia,
fa yed eur army and honor, and in the
verge of irreparable did after, gained
a brilliant victory the head if his
even regiment ; for the General fates,
that every man of this fins corps was
at bispoft, and what part vf the 25 tb
he could collect, in a gallant ftyle
charged fmmufly into the middle of
enemy's column, and not only flipped .
their p-ogrefs,: hut fucc-etd.d a: taking
all the pi for,ers tbs.l fell die c r
hands on that §cc*fan This b> iili
exploit enabled on r a* my to coll-If and
form, audio- charge the enemy m f u n,
who [con gave way and :jsre purji>*d
fome di/iana by Lj dr agism under
Col, Burns.
Our army returned to 40 mile creek
and the enemy to their encampment.—™
In confequence of the capture §f sar
Generals, Gens Lewis end Btyd wc r c
difpetched from Fort George to ssee
the command of that part vf the army
end joined the troops at 40 mile creek,
on the evening of the fth and conduc
ed them back to Fort Geer??, with the
hfs of fome firaggkrs and 1% boats
landed principally with the baggage if
the officers. . At this peft eur army
t r e again concentrating and it is
probable the next mail will inform us
whether ofexfive operations will be
immediately re fumed *r whether iur
a"my wilt remain tnaSHve until the
command of the Lake is decided be
tween the hi file fleets.
The defiruftion of tur naval ft ires
at Sackett's Harbor, is no doubt she
caufe of our fleet remaining in port ;
and the caufe cf the return of our ar
my to Fort George—waggons could
not be procured for the trar.fportation
if tide neccffary ft ores and ammunition,
neither can they be Uaw per ted by wa
ter, fc long as the enemy command the
navigation of the Lake.
Clerk Court 7.
WL the Grand Jury for th?
Countv of Ca:k, havirg viewed
with <he >rtmdt regret the dire ef
fects already produced by what ■!
called the Alleviating Lew, puffed
iail ieslLn ; j. Stare Leg IhtufC,
and fc? tng ?} ~t greater evil* roay
ft H arift U-i La* ‘hov * fir con-
. tinu:d in k f'e, kwl >.< Li, a
1 to ai subvc fi .• :% of ail La-o* to zi
fcst, and tlnnitiog that the prefent
Cini4 is acrifti ,0 wotch the ftrictelt
a.tertuon fhould be p3id to every
branch of our Government, to fay
nothing >; the uaconftitutionality of
U.d Liw, aeicher to animadverc on
coadud of our filter ftaces*
(laboring under ftmilar cufficulties)
ia not palli.ig lud an a<ft, nor yet
to ca/l any refteCtion* on our laft
ft-iture : Do neverrheiefs pre
fect it as a grievance, aim eft roo
intolerable to be borne, in a civi
i'aed country, and specially as faid
act now ftands.* And do tn >ll car
nrltly recommend to all our fellow
tit.xens enticLd to at the next
enliimg deiftion, not to vo:e for
any man that ftuit declare his lenti
mtnt onor to the election *3 being
its fa or of the ceetinuadon of fa;d
We recognize with fatisra&ion
the noble (pine of our citizens in
having erected bridges over the
water courfes leading to this place*
without embarrafling the county
w*th a* extra tsx for that purpofe,
and recommend to the County
Court to rake them under their di
rection as Public Bridges and keep
them in repair.
We approve highly of the impar
tial and. diftinterefted manner in
which the Judgi has conducted bu
finefs during thus term.
We recommend that the above
be publifhed la the Georgia Ex
HOPE HULL, Foreman.
Th* Court took up the Prefcnt
ments of th-s Grrvi jury a,d or
dered them pub!ikied purfuam to
their requeft.
A ire extra™ from the minutes of
hid Court this stb day if July, i3tj.
v v Clerk.
,\ , .
■ It appears from this exprrffim
that the G r nd fury do not wi/h an
abolition o> e the Alleviating Alt tn
tot 9 5 hut t hat it jfjould be jo amended
otd mcdijed as to Juit exigencies.
• ‘ SD IX.
rr.-nrwno tn* .rzcir.-rnw*. kmiwuh i wkim hm. aw, mi i<W~til
A Lift of Letters remaining in the
Pift-Office at Athens gmth tf June
A. David Allen, Stephen Al
3, Jacob Bankfton, George
C„ Mrs. Eliza Cox, Mr. Clay
ton, George Clifton, Randolph
D. Ifaac Darneille, Mrs. Re
becca Daugherty, Lieut. Otis Dy
H\* Mrs. Lucy Hill, Mrs. Bet
fey F. Herring, -.Mifs Martha G,
Harvey, Rev, Hope Hull, Samuel
Hughes. -
j. Mrs. Nancy. Jones, 2.
L. Thomas Lowe, John R.
M. Thoro?s Mitchell, Gabrael
Matthis, John Matthews, Jeremi
ah Matthews, Jofeph Maddox, J.
G May DC-.
N. Mrs. Cat? Newton.
P. Rev. Joan Peoderga's, Thom
lcn Pitcard.
R. Lucy Randbph, Gaixham
S. ,Rev. B Scott, Warrington
and William Spellers. .
T. Giles Thomas, John Thom
W. Thomas White, 2, Robt.
V/atkins, William Whittemore, be
Cary Wood.
IRT vvL are .a:\Ud to / -
nnun. c Capt. Zidsck Cook a c? v.i -
date for the Senate of the
tore of this State fur Clark county
at the enfuing eledion.
We are authorifecl to an
nounce Capt. James Meriwether s§
a caadidate for the Senate of chli
Stace for this county at the enfuinac
& We are authorised to an
aounce Major Thomas Mitchell as a
candidate to repre-fent thus county
in the State Legiflature at the cn
luing election,
|L/* We are authored to an
nounce Capt. Reuben Hill ss a can
didate for a feat in the Houfe of
Reprefentadvcs cf this State for
this county at the enfuing ele<stion.
fc? We are authorifed to an
nounce Nicholas Baker, Efq. as a
candidate to rep relent this county
b the State L.cgifiature at the enfu
ing c-le&ion.
fc? We are authorised to an
nounce Capt. IVbitc Roffeter as a
caHdidato to reprefent this county in
the S ate Legiflature at the enfuing
fc? We are author)fed to an
nounce Capt. Laird IV. Harris as a
candidate to reprefent this county
in the State Legiflature at the en
fuing eledion.
fc? We arc authorifcd to arj
ncimce Capt. —— Clark as a
candidate to reprefent this county ia
the State Lrgifliturc at the enfuing
Agreeable to an Order of the Hon,
Inferior Court of she county of
i ■ ■ *-
to Foe Nigheft Bidder , cat the fir ft
Tuefday in November next, at the
Court Houfe of Burke county, be
tween the ufual hours—
■ * • v \y - m
150 Acres of hod in faid county,
on the adjoining Pierce
and others—34 acres faid county,
joining Scott—and two 50 acre
trafts, one joining Pierce and the
other M'Cuilerv being the real ef
tate of David M‘Cullers, deceafedv
To be fold for the benefit of the
Guardian and Agent for
Robext Cummins.
July 8, 1813. ...
That after the expiration if
nine montha application will be
made to the Honorable Court of
Ordinary in and for Clark County,
for leave to fell one traft of land
belonging to the efta'e cf Drury
Spullpck, dcceafed; fuppofed to
contain two hundred aery? more or
lefts, fi ing on the Appahchee river
in faid county, adjoining lands of
L. Mapp and A.
e part, of a traft of 1725 acres ori
ginally granted to Elijah Clark, fen.
deceafed, of which all liuerefted
will take doe notice.
December 3, 1812.
TftvvTurs -
/ ‘ N S —S