Newspaper Page Text
NO. 25.
. r i -t« » . ft. f
i'Sii , ■■ IU fi
VOL. 62-
First Paok — X ewspn per i Now JSdvei
tisemenli. Communication. Lemons, etc.
Skookd Page.—Side tilanors at tlie Past. The
fall of a .Mountain. Tree FpUihg by
ihincryl* NaVMatkm in tbd Air; Women
Waut to,Vote. Miscellaneous Advertisem*
Third Page.—Col. John C,:Ruthertoffi. A
Colton Picker. Foreign News, ^liscellan
and Legal Advertisement^. .rf ut f
Fourth Page.—Editorial and Phi
Notes. i wv ’»• l ^>aJi ,
Fifth Page— Department and Miscella
neous paragraphs.
SIXTH Pack.—How to Drive Kats Away Without
Poison. The Matrimonial Lottery. Miscel
laneous Advertisements.
Seventh Paok.—Foriy Days. Miscellaneous Ad
Eighth Pack.—Agricultural Department. Geor
gia Railroad. Commercial Market Report.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Merchant Tailors Establishment.
r WsJ TA
i. a -\LoiJ
Local Rates of Advertising & Job Work
Local Notices 15 cents per line, 10 cents for
each additional publication, no display allowed
in the looal columns of this paper.
Marriage and death notices nre published
free of charge.
Obituaries are charged for at the rates of ten
cents per line. . i
Announcements of candidates and communi
cations favoring individual candidate*, must be
paid for in advance.
Advertisements not. marked for any specified
lime, will be charged f.r nidi) pfdcred out,
A >b work must be paid for difen’deli
Li- .ioli tickets, cash upon deliver*.
„„ a Relating to Newspaper feubse!
lions and Arrearages. ,
1. Subscribers who do not give expressnotiee
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tinue their subseption.
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o send them until all arrearages are paid
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directed, they are hold r*sponsible until
have settled*their bills and ordered the:
eontimitnevetoolhcr places without
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8. gtjy person whorefwfcfljsw nowe]>ip*raml
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tinue taking it; otherwise the is
authorized to send it on; and the aubaerffiers
will be responsible until an ex press notice^,; li
pavmout of all arrearages, is sent to t :
' [Late with Lucas Jt WarcJ
IS now opening au elegant <atoyk of Imported. Cloths, Cassimeres
and Suitings, which he will make up to order as low as can be bought
in any market. He will also keep Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods,
Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Sus
penders, and all such articles as arc wanted. Special attention paid
to cutting, and work guaranteed. Call, and examine my stock on
Broad street, next’door to Dr* Cj. W. Long’s drug store.
We tsike pleasure in recommending Mr. Young as a reliable man
and fiist-class Tailor and Cutter, in every respect.
ap2 , XuXTQAS* &
t Hue been removed across the street,
Heady Opposite the old Stand,
' I* * r i > :r ., i t - :t * — >
In the Newton House lihvh, /
.wtj && **.'io*r*e
Three Doors from the Corner
to an older of the Court of Ordinary of
Clark county, will bo sold before the Court
House door of. said county, ou, the first
Tuesday in May next, during’the legal hours of
sale tlie following properly to wit: Ninety
slmrevof the capital stock of the Georgia Rail
I road i£d Banking Company 1 , and Right Shares
immimi Fail—A«..i HaRhiga C.hi.i»
SWraSr ,b -°-
Who.e he will be glad to *eo all of his old
friends and us many new ones ns will call on
Him. Low prices and fsir treatment will be
bis rule, and he only asks a trial to convince all
that lie menus what he says. ''
April 2, ’77-tf. ✓ i f/, | j
. ~*.Z!23&&Z2S$i
legatees of said deei-ased. > a ISAAC ROWI^L, Adm’r.
Internal Re venae Sale.
United States Internal Revenue, 1
Collector’s Offi-e, 21 District, Georgia, J-
Athens, March 23, 1673. J
J. Will be sold before tbe Court-house door in
tile t wn of Danielaville, . ounty of Madison,
State of Georgia, at publie outcry, on the first
Tuesday in May next, between tbe legal hours
1 / j ! of sale, the following property to wit: One
“ - I 1 raer or land in Madi-on Mimlv. (..mtainincrtivn
rrthe Firm of Hood & Stephens has tills day
JLdissolved by mutual consent. The business
will be continued by tbe senior partner, W. F.
Hood, who will settle all the business of the old
Firm. Athens, Ga., March 13th, 1378.
Owing to my protracted illness and Inab lity
t-> attend to niv business in person, 1 have this
day sold my interest in the business of Hood &
Stephens to my partner, Mr. W. K. Hood. My
friends and the public generally have inv
thanks for their liberal patrouags nud 1 bespeal;
tbr my successor a continuance of the same.
Linton W. Stepui es.
us, Ga., within the ns
hours of sale, the following property to.wit :
Three (8) wagons, two (2) mules and three (8)
horses, 141 gallons of whiskey more or less.
The same having b.-en seized for violations of
the Internal Revenue Laws, and no claim and I
and bond having b-on filed ns i enured
April 2, ’ Collector.
tract of laud in Madison oouuty, containing two
hundred and fifty acres, more or less, adjoining
lands of T. J. Scot , G. C. Sanders, James
Hall, and others, beiug the place on which G.
H. Bird now resides. Sold as the property
G. II. bird to, satisfy a fi. fa. issued f—**“
irewSKg6li»4^u4.asMH.*dre. H. £*M
J. M. Mathews security, in favor of
C. Matthews. Property- pointed out by plain
tiff* mid leiral notice given to tenants in pos
session. This March 23, 1878.
ap2 td Til OS. F. BAKER, D. Sheriff.
tiissionul visit Monday, April 1st, to remain
until Wednesday, May’ 1st, and continue to
spend every third month with von. Will also
state that 1 have u new plate of my own make,
for artificial teeth, that is far superior in every
respect to Rubber or Celluloid, and in some re
spects preferable to gold, that I can make at a
cost very little above that of the cheapest mate
rials, and 1 warrant every plate to be just as
represented. Respectfully,
ap2-tf Dentist, Atlanta, Ga.
T IIE FREE PRESS is one of the very few
Northern papers having any eonsid -ruble
circulation in the South, or w. ich desires and
publishes Southern correspondence. Toere is
hardly a locality in the South wi.ere this paper
is not taken, ami where it has Dot secured
warm friends, for the interest it has taken in
Southern atf.ii-s. IF lias advocated all meas
ures looking to the development of new indus
tries, the establishment . f permanent peace
aiul friendship, and the election to office of
representative men vyhosetadministrations mg t
be prolific of pence and harmony.
During toe present year The Free Press
will publish articles from the pens of various
State Governors in the South, letters from ceu-
tern of business, and communications from
those in positiou to kuow- the needs of their
State amt can suggest beneficial changes. Jt
Wanted jbo Purchase. for
- Pauper Farm.
within about four miles from Alliens
Must h. ve cither convenient springs or good
wells, and timber enooglFlbr’flre wood. -Eithei
with or without buildings. The Coiimiissioi ers
will meet to decide on a i urenuseon April lath,
and all otfer* must be before that day, either to
tlie undersigned or to any one of tlie Commis
sioners, Allen Johnson, Win. F. Matthews or
Jonathan Hampton. W. B. THOMAS,
ap2-2t Judge County Court.
Cow Wanted.
Clnss Cow, hy
CJ be lore the Court-House door, iu tlie city of
Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tues
day in Mnv next, w.thin tlie legal hours of
sale, tlie following property, to-wit: All that
lot or parcel of laud, with the dwelling mid all
other impr 'Yemenis thereon, lying au t being
iu the county of Clarke and in the State of
Georgia, and lying w.thin the corporate limits
of the city of Athens, and being tlio Northern
half of wiiat are known as the lots numbers
twcuty-one and twenty-two (i-os. 21 & z2) in
tiie plan and survey’ of the city ol Athens.
Said lot bounded on the North by Market
street, and on the East by Foundry Street, and
on the South bv lot of Reuben Nickerson, and
on the West by Thomas street, and containing
one ui.d one-half acres are more or less; ana
• aid lot and premises now occupied by Peter A.
Snmmey and lais wife, Jane P. Sumuicy, and
lovica upon to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of John
A. Hiiumcutt, v*. Aeter A. Summey and John
tl. Newton, eomjiosing firm of Bummer &
Newton, issued irom Clarke Buja-rior Court,
February Term, lb73, as the property of Sum-
mi-y <fe Newton. Notice given to tenants iu
possession, ami lew made March 30th, 1373.
Yprii 2-3ud. Bheritf C. C.
Athens, Ga.
.'ill be sold before tlie Court House door in
further desires to bear from punters, fruit- | *-* ,c towu oi \\ atkinsville, between the legal
growers, stock-raisers, miners, and mauufactu- I * l0Ulrt 8a .i 011 l " e " r<t 1 uesday in May next,
rera. Its communications will interest tlions- j lollowmg property to wit: Eighty-five
unds in the North who ore restless for a c-liuuge uvr 4 -’ 8 °1 laud, more or less, situate, lyingand
of abiding plane, and must be of benefit tb the being nfiar. tlie town ot U atkhisville, *m the
South. Wider* ot Call s citck, and between the Ilog
All departments in the Free Press will be
maintained and made full of interest to all
readers, and it hopes to make many ucw
friends. J ) ?/■{*!
Detroit Free Press Co.,
Detroit, Mieli.
M adison sheriff sale-wui be seid
before the court house door in the town
ot Daniclsville, county of Madison, Slate of
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April - ext, be-
tvvecu the legal lion s of sale the following
property to-wlt:
One tract of land in Madison county contain
ing two hundred and lUtv iuireiemore or less,
adjoiniifg lands ofT. J.- Bbott, G. .Suiitlers,
James Hall and others being the place ou which
G. H. Bird now resides. Sold as the property
of G. II. Bird, to satisfy a li. fa.!—tied lYom
Madison Superior Court against ;. II. Bird
^rinoip^dj’/.M. Mattlicyfb sictl'
Mountain and Atlieus roads, said land known
as the fork field. Also the borne place, con
taining eight aere*, more or less,;e s,
William Murray resided for many years. All
of tbe above described property lying in and
near Wutkinsvillc, and levied on ns the property
ofjuiid MiHiaui Murray, to satisfy a fi. i‘u. issued
frotn OConceeujiWiar Court; returnable tojffiv
T<*mn*7T, !!i firtbr of C. IF. Phintzv & Co.-fs.
said William Murray. Property pointed out in
said fi. fa. March 30th, 1873.
, W. W. PRICE, Sheriff.
fcp2.tft (lif a n< - * i r i } tv
. MattllC
. fc l.. c. Matthews'.
ojieFty p :
by plaintiffs and legal notice given to tenant
possession. This February 22nd 1873.
THOM AS F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff.,.
ftb2«-80d.. * W »V p’U
r IOSE persons who wish to have their Pia
nos tuned by me will please leave tlieir or
ders at the Book Store of Burke & Fleming.
I shall remain In Athens bnt. a few davs lon
ger. av.cueatAam.
Athens, M\h, U78.
•ViU*' - IA ^-iOW aOT '
ytSto ■: -j.. mod . ■ wintfi 1«
O conee county sheriff’s sale.—
Will be sold on the first Tuesday iu M y
y|ti oefi^Ljthe Court-IIonsJi door, iu tlie toi^n
jfHYattotriUy I«>Wefn the lepd Jiuuw of
stoe, thefdllowitj|»|*ro«eriy', *o wit? Six lithi-
dred acres of land belonging to the estate of
John Wiliiuuis,, deceased. Levied ou bv A.
Crow, bailiff, to satisfy a tax tl. fa. against J. M.
Williams, i xcciimr, cte., uud saidX fa. turn d
over to me.Xe&ua*y Sfii^.wrA *7 j.
Also at the same time and plnce, the follow-
in r property t o vvi : Eigbty-flve acres of land,
/ lLA
V7 before tnu Court-house in tiie city of Atb
mis, of Hie eouuty of Clark, of State of Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in May next, w.ti.iu
and during the leg. 1 hours of sale, all tne fo -
loaiug projicity to wit: Ail ilie interest or I..
acheveneU Co., iu and to tiftv (50) silver
wa e cs, seventy-four (74) brass "w tehes lour
(4) s.lvcr cas.-s, two (2) brass eases, ten (10)
e oexs, one lot of jewelry, consisting of ear-
lin.s, breastpius, Ac. Bad j me real being a
Bilversmitu’s ucu or claim on said property for
work done on same iu repairing, cleaning, &e..
Aiso six (ti) Remington -sewing Macbiues aud
one Bewiug A aclmie viauou; and all levied
u 4 on as property of L. Sc evciu-ll & Co., to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of NVoiintr it Brogi, vs
L. Bc-beveoel <t Co., issued rom C.aik .supe
rior Court, Febru.ny Term, 1877, and el o to
sati-fy several other fi. fas. issued against L
Seitevencll & Co., in favor of various pluin-
tiffs, both from the Bupcrior and County courts
of Clark county. J. A. BRU W .MSG,
April 2, ’73-SOd. Bhetiif, C. C.
/ \LAKK SHERIF F SALE.—V» ill be sold be
Vy fore tne Courthouse door hi the city of
Athens, Clark county, Ga., on the first Tuesday
ia May next, the billowing property to-wit: All
that lot of l;4)d in said Ooiimy oi Clark con-
tuiuiug three lUgiip, more or leas, adjoining the
lauds of Fifrence AV. iMi.uhell aud h r chit
drcii; also adjoining lands of Robert Thomas.
Benjamin il. Ilcl.and Johjj • Kberliari, and
troniing on
1'iiO Same beij
deed, from W.l,
aud lier childie:il
upon as-the
and com
Luoi.... T
irty levied
nee AV
siitisiy two State
by Joiin W
lnr lb76, cue by F,
^^^Tmertwo city tax
Jn Watkinsv/lle.. Levied omas the property of
the estate of AVm. Murrav, deceased, to satis-v
an exeention against R. R. Mnrrav, Tax Coked
... , o city tu
fi fas., o e (or 1876 and one for 1877, all Vi
F'lort-nce AV. Mitchell nud her children. All
sold to s tisly the above fi. fas. Wri teu no
tice of levy served ou defendants March 80th.
1873 / J. A. BROWNING,
April 2, ’?8-80d. Si.enff C. C
Ho\^e aad LoVfpr gale» t
’|’h ! i acre - a—one of .the mo»'. dcsi.abfe . .* *
X city—occupied at present by ihe subscribe!
"V'A v «“*»• i —situate on Haucqgk street. The house has six
tor of Oconee county, and^ AViu_ Murray ns s - good rooms, pann and all
cunty, issuetl By County CtmiHiissioners of said iugs. A well of-Virv sir
B. O.VKRBY, D. Blieritf.
caunty of Oconee.
, ap3-,td ,
' ,<S Am
necessary oht-build •
fugs. A well of very superior'waL'fiku g ; ud
piace' For price auu terms, npply’to
di*c 1.. C’ iLMT I1EAV
-7 - T. ' I r ' '* '
TOR.—Iii your issue of .the
tere are two cotninunica-
from H 1 '- Edwards, the
other frofal a.“Memberi of Council,”
which Lpwyose to consider/together.
I beg tStve to say to Mr. Edwards
that IdiSuiot “assume gossip.” My
inforni.’giDn was derived from a gen
tleman .who misunderstood the exact
terms used. Mr. Edwards thinks
it to have asked him what
were before making niy
I v do rot agree with
c had uttered a personal
ligand that insult had
:ated to me by a third p ir-
^ihen have been proper
|)| ; .op him for a statement,
•, 'Of |J»e language used,
o present case, where his
.^.T|>eeu directed against uo,
icujutr, and I w^s sjmply
his f nctions in th^ matter of
petition, it was not in
tne to Fitfjsfy myself as
wprds used. X obtained
.tion iVqm, a source satis-
myself and used it pru>
ing, however, “that if Ins
been correctly reported
e and leaving it to
words through the
sucif^c&aracter as woul
press. But now that I have from
Mr. Edwards tlie very words uttered
by him, I am only further convinced
that tlie criticism made by me in my
ist pommunicalion was, and is still,
properly called for. Mr. Edwards
said that “it would be belter to sprin
kle cologne around their doors every
morning,’’ and he also states that lie
aid il “in jest.’’ I can only repeat
that Mr. Edwards should have re
membered that t7e question was a
ser ous one, affecting net only our
property, but the health aud comfort
of our families, and that the ill health
of one ol those about whom he made
his untimely jest had been seriously
aggravated by the smell from the gu
ano. The whole animus of the re
mark was an attempt to throw ridi
cule on a complaint made in good
laith, and grounded on co-existing
facts, and hence was in exceedingly
had taste.
Mr. Edwards states that it was ful
ly as proper and delicate in him to
prepare the paper he did, as for me
to advise Council and himself ns to
the manner in which they should con
duct their business. While I ex
pressed my views as to the manner
in which Council should have treated
us, and I hold that I had a right to
do so, and that I exercised that right
with perfect propriety, I am not
aware that I, anywhere, attempted to
advbe Mr. Edwa.ds as to the man
ner of conducting his business. But,
I shall now stafe plainly’, what in a
former communication I only left to
be inferred, and I state it not in the
shape of advice or council to Mr.
Edwards, bnt as my opinion, that the
preparing of any counter petition
was riot and ought’ not to have been
made his business. A number of cit
izens respectfully complained of a
nuisance; it was in bad’taste, and
out of place for Mri Edwards and
for tlioke who signed his petition to
declare that the nuisance should not
be abated. i’ * ■
’If Council bad ordered the abate
ment of tlie nuisance in
Edwards to exert ajl bisj powers lor
the protection hh ijoa*}. A-
I have thought pro)$i[ to vgffy : .’thia
much in answer tp ^r Edwards’
ciird^ and I npvy dismiss jt^, leaving it
to the reajlgrs. of the Banner to
j.ndge whetherpMr, Edwards has fully
answered or not my previous com
ments upon his countey petition.
Now, I shall say to “Member of
Council’’ that I jiave read his article,
and I remark That a.’ gent le explana
tion of their conduct, a disclaimer,
for instance, of any r ,intention to
treat us discourteously would have
been kind and neighborly ; bnt, I
ask, is it humane to Iaunch.’at me a
whole broadside pf legal opjnions ? I
shall attempt, however, to survive it,
Not being a lawyer, I approach . this
gingerly ; and I am half tempted to
think that “Member of Council’’ in
tended really to scare me off with
the supreme; majesty of the law ;
i^t im'yever, j; shall venture a few
.^anarks,: .. ;. < } :. Uil
The decision of the Supreme Court
declares that a publie or a private
nuisaneg tufty be abpied upon proper
application. It docs not declare that
a gpano depot is not a nuisance The
learned Judge ventures only to say
that he does not think tljat tbe ordi
nary use of a gunso depot is a serious
He' p¥dbiibly ‘ 5 bevW lWefi
Hear one. lie states th*t “tQ ujake
a thing a nuisance it oug^ he of
urt qr 'an
noy ordinary people—n«t nico, sus
c'eptible, sickly people.” I am sure,
speaking for myself, I am neither sus
ceptible nor sickly, and yet I am se
riously annoyed by the smell.
The last clause of the decision
says: “ * * the judgment * * di
recting the removal of the house and
affixing a fine was beyond the neces
sity of the case. Why should the
house be removed ? Cannot the nui
sance be removed by removing
storage? Nor had the Court * * *
power to fine. * * Now, does
not this, taken with what proceeds
in the full text of the decision, ad
mit that in the case of this guano nui
sance there was a necessity for doing
something ? and the decision even
suggests that the nuisance could be
abated by actually removing it. But
the judgment is reversed. Why ?
Because, iu addition to other errors
in technicalities, the court below
erred in ordering the removal of the
house, and not of the storage, and
because the court bad no power to
I fail to see in this decision any
thing that warrants Council in its
course, and I stand by the views ex
pressed by tne as to iis action.
I am only sorry that I did not, in
the first instance, present our case to
the Directors of the N. E. Road. In
private conversation with many of
them I have found them entertaining
on the subject extremely fair views.
They acknowledge frankly that the
guano, must be aruiisance, and they
seem favorable to the project of mov-
iug the, guano further off, another
season, provided, of course, the city
gave them access (,9, theii; new depot,
and they freely discuss several proper
sites for it. I am .only sorry,?I re
peat, I did not at first lay our case
before t lbera; as I am certain it
would have obtained a,ipore respect
ful hearing. At one time, indeed, I
thought of doing 6p^ but Rowing
very u'ell that it would be a serious
matter to ask them to move their de-
a manner in- , )ot t0 all inaccessible’ place,, and
juriotfs to ti e 1 N. ! E. Road, thin
would have been the time for Mr.
open streets, and having besides,
then, the deceitful thought that Coun
cil were our natural protectors, I car
ried our humble compl.rnt to them,
when instead of bread they gave us
a stone. 1 >> *. li i-I u . j...
I thank you, I Mr- Editor, for your
space. Respectfully,
L. H. Charbonnikr.
The Lemon.
Few people know the value of lem
on juice. A piece of lemon bound
upon a corn will cure it in a few days;
it should be renewed night and morn
ing. A free use ot lemon sugar will
always relieve a cough. Most people
feel poorly in the spring of the year,
and so take medicine for relief; but if
they would eat a lemon before break
fast every day for a week—with or
without Busin’ as they like—they would
find it bettei 1 han medicine. Lomon
juice, used according to this recipe, will
onre consumption, even after the doc
tor’s have given it up not to be benefi
ted. Put a dozen lemons into cold
water and slowly bripg to « boil; boil
slowly until the lemons are * soft, but
not too soft; then squeese until all the
juice is extracted : and sugar to your
taste, and drink. In this way use one
dozen lemons a day- If they cause
pain,'or loosen tlie bowels too much,
lessen the quantity, and use only five
or six a day until you are better, and
then begin with a.4o*eaaday : After
"usings(nlf Mozeri tift ’patiefit tifH
begin to gain flesh and enjoy food.
Hold on to the lemons, and still use
them several weeks more. Another
use for lemons is for a refreshing drink
in summer, or in sickness at any time.
Prepare as directed above, and add
water and sugar. But in order to
have this keep well, after boiling the
lemon squeeze them and strain care
fully; then to every half pint of juice
add one pound of loaf or crushed sugar,
boil and stir a few minutes more until
the sugar is dissolved ; skim carefully
and bottle. Yon will get more juice
from the lemons by boiling-them, and
tlie preparation keeps better.—Londoh
«t aa*:U (...
< il t:
- V
a ; :r,r.9 j
* blm* /
knowing that the City Council was
tbe only body that had authority to
1 -ih
On Tuesday last as Capt. W. \V.
Montgomery, of Rome, Deputy United
States Marshal, was conveying to At
lanta two United States prisoners, one
of them leaped through the door of the
car while the train was going at full
speed. Captain Montgomery, not
taking time to stop the train, immedi
ately followed his prisoner’s example,
and leaped out after him. The traiu
was on a down grade at the time, and
could only be stopped with difficulty.
When it was stopped and backed how
ever, much to the suiprise of every
one, who expected to find both men
mangled and dead, they found Mont
gomery seated on the track with his
prisoner, haviug chased and brought
him to with a couple of pistel shots.
Neither party was seriously hurt.
Certainly such remarkable instances
of pluck apd good, luck combined ar.e
rarely ever recorded in this World.
tVrite, we know, is written right
When we see it written write :
But when we see it written rite
We knoW)t,is not written right:
For write, to have it written right,
.SliouRl not be written rite, nir wrigUt ,
But write, for so its written right.
’ ——— : . •
The with of a sexton belonging to
one of the churches in a very healthy
locality was last weck iqlei ruptcd in
the middle of 9 harangue uppn the
hardness of the liipes by a person .who
desired to sell, her a couple of ducks.
“ Ducks!”'exclaimed mhe, “ How.can
IbuyMucks or anything..pise? ,>Ve
have not buried a living soul .this six
months.” »•* ------
wot hahwim cMwfi tihotnedi b.
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