Newspaper Page Text
How Not to <i«*t Loral News.
—Hear the tinkling of the boll*—
Moffett hell#! 1
'S’hat a sale of alcohol their melody foretells 1 j
How they jingle, jingle, jingle,
la each saloon in town,
And the har-kcepcra a single
Half-dime cannot knock down,
Keeping count, count, count,
Of the pettiest amount—'
♦ If every drink the bnr-kecper across the coun
ter aella,
BYVith its hells, bells, bells,
Hells, bells, bells—
"With its pretty Moflet patent-registering bells
—-Vein York World.
;rr‘"" r Scientific ^merkaw.
■:.<|» * ii.linir my
•ulisfrilifil ior a
H»- c tne in»t» «*••
liaviiitr • is itli«<M'i|>
*• I tro«*sa vn'i ca>i
)|»ip r; “ I’v jii-t
! |iaj»r I int*«l n «»•■♦•.”
I ‘Just s«>.” uc icinrm-'l.
i Il«* |ittilisl a iiapcr Irti.ii his pn.-.ket
i and h:unh*il it to its -or in-)>**«*ti*iii. Tux Scmmnc Amu:icax is u large First
i*»»-»'• "*•>
I liciiijr Iicilllv In i’llcii, ..111:1111 nted 1 tllut rated with r/>Undid tngranngr, represeut-
, * , , mg the newest luvcutiuus utid tbo most recent
Willi a nail m •indy • linr , ve>l iieH'l, I Advances intlioAns aad Sciences; inclnding
TiuMtot cjHilar BcientiSc Paper intbe W«H.
♦Inly $3.20 a Year, inrladlng Postage. Weekly.
52 Numbers a Year. 4.000 Book Pages.
suant. to n >i e- oi the C< un oi
|> 1RTP0NF.D
— 1 1 IM -- c ♦'ldiuar> of Cl,. ke, Will la- -old 1*. fore tilO
C lLARK SHERIFF SALE.—WW bo aold be- Court Hons,- door «t aiid County, «n do
1 fore the Courthouse door in tn« city ot first Tu sday in Ma> next, duriuir t! e
Sheet music—Snoring.
Money-syllahles—I. O. U.
“ Lie still granny ! There are five
more charges to g<> off yet !’’
A netv kind of jewelry in Paris is
called “ Indian rings.’’ There is
nothing new in this; we’ve had them
•>n over Western frontier.
‘‘Just keeping it lighted fornnoili-r
hoy,’’ is the latest juvenile invention
when a mother suddenly comes upon
her little son -with a cigar in his
Wife: ‘‘Well Jones, judging
from your breath, I can’t really tell
whether you have been drinking
whisky, or whether you have l»c*en
swimming in it.” Husband (reproach
fully ;) Hannah, don’t you—hie—
love me enough to gimme—hie—the
benefit of the doubt ?”
“Ho you know,” remarked a
rather fast Newark veuth the other
'lay to a stuttering friend t<> whom
lie was slightly indebted, “ Do you
know that I intend to marry and
settle down “I do-don’t know
anything about it,” was the reply,
“ bu but I think yon bad better stay
single and set-settle up.
Baron Ileichenbac says, ‘‘Always
deep with your feet to the equator.” !
Jes so, Baron. But when a fellow j
gels home al one o’clock a. in , and 1 the bed and inanlelpicce spin
ning around bobbins iu a i;:i!i. how’s ,
he going to know where on earth j
(he equator is? Its a mere question I
of toe-po^raphy.—N. Y. Cota. A>h\
and containing a<>< u\ toriy-eight
column* of read hi.* m it«*r.
*• A v »*ry lair looking paper.” said
we. ■* Bui my near sir, do you find
much news co .eeruing our u-umiry
in i* ?”
“No, he didn’t know that he had
mind .my ”
“ D* yum fi id iiiiytliiug about our
[ “ No, he lu-ver did.
And yet i.ein-er) d 'h it suet t milch
m* re than his country paper.
Snell men ale a bit s-iii„' to a y
cniiiiniiuity W iat enierprisi* w*>uld
flourish without iheti?—Mnorefiehl
Jit limitin'
It was al the second battle of Bali
Run that a cannon liali earned off a
poor soldiei’s ley.
“Carry me to the rear,” he cried
to a tall companion who had been
fighting hv ids side—“ My leg is shot
The eomarde caught the wounded
soldier up, and as he was about to
put him across his shoulder, another
cannon ball carried away the poor
fellow’s head His friend, however,
in the confusion, did not notice this,
blit | rucocded with his burden to
wards the rear.
“ Want are you carrying that thing
tor?’’ Cried an officer.
“Thing,” returned lie “It is a
man wiih his leg shot off”
“ Why he h isn’l any head,’’ cried
the officer.
The soldier looked at Ids load and
for the firs? time saw that what the
officer said was true. Throwing
down the body be thundered out:
“Counfoutid him, he told me it
was his leg !”
Mecnanics aud Engineering, Steam Engineer
ing, Kail-.ay, Minin', Civil, Gas aud Hydraulic
Kngmec ring, Mill Work, Iron Steel and Metal
Work: Chemistry and Chemical Processes:
Electricity, Light,' Ueat, Sound ; Technology,
Piiotograpny, rriutinr, New Machinery, New
P occsses, New Recipes, Improvements per-
taiuing to textile luduatrv, Weaving, Dyeing,
Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal,
Vegetable and Mineral: New and Interesting
Facts iu Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home,
Health. Medical Progrcs-, Social Scieucc, Nat
ural History, Geology, Astronomy, etc.
The most valuable practical papers, by emi
nent writers in all depaitments of Scieucc,
will bo found in the Scientific American ; the
whole presented in popular language, free from
tcciiuical terms, illuiftrated with cugraviugs,
and so arranged as to interest ami inform all
classes of readers, old nnd young. The Scien
tific American is protuotivc of knowledge and
progress in e ery community where it circu
lates. It should have a place in every Family,
Heading Room, Library, C- liege or School,
i'enns, $3.2u per yearf $1.60 half y ar. which
includes pre-payment of postage. Discount to
Clubs and Ageuts. Single copies ten cents,
-sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Postal or
der to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park
Row, New York
I) 4 r n?\T r Tk’ In connection with
|0 v.x, ale sis. Au’nn & Co. are Solicitors of
American and Foreign Puteiits, nnd have the
largest establishment in the world. Patents
are obtai ed on 'he best terms. Models of
New Inventions urd Sketches examined, and
advice free. A special notice is made in the
Patented through this Agency, with the name
and residence of the Patentee. Public atten
tion is thus directed to the merits of the new
patent, nnd sales or introduction often effected,
Change of Schedule.
On and alter Monday, April 12th, 1878, trains
on this road will ran as follows. Trains daily
except Sunday.
Leave Athens..’. .. .. 4.30 P. M.
Arrive at Lula g.oo P. M.
Arrive at Atlanta n.25 P. M.
Leave Atlauta via A. L. R. R 5.05 A. M.
Leave Lula...,*.,. 7.55 A. M.
Arrive at Athens 10.15 A. M.
This train makes dose connection in evening
with trains on Air Line Railroad going both
East and YV eat, and in morning with trains
coming from Snst and West. In addition to
above, a special train will leave Lula every
Saturday at 9.00 P. M., arriving at Athens at
11.15 P. M. and leave Athens Monday ’ at 4.00
A. M. arriving at Lula at f.10 A. M. This
special traiu connects at Lula with trains both
East and West on Air Line Railroad.
je5-tf Superintendent.
• —TO-
before the Court-house iu tins city of Ath
ens, of the county of ClArk, of state of Geor
gia, on the first Tuesday in May next, within
d during the leg.l hours of safe, all tm *b
Arrive at Charlotte
Arrive at Danville
Arrive at Richmond
Arrive at YY’ashingtou, D. 0.
F. & P. E. R
Via. R.,
Arrive at Baltimore
Arrive ut Philadelphia
Arrive at New York
Arrive at Boston
Leave Atlanta
Arrive at Charlotte
Arrive at Danville p
Arrive at Lynchburg 4.00 p
Arrive at Washington City 1.30 a
Arrive at Baltimore 8.15. a
, - , Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a
Any person who has made a new discovery Airive at New York * 9.45 a
or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, | Arrive at Boston ! 8.30 p
whether a patent can probably be obtained, by j Through Tickets on stl* at Union Passenger
writing to the undersigned. Address .or the ’ Depot. Baggage Cheeked Through
Paper, or concerning Patents, j G. J. FOREACRE, General Manager.
,, *V L ,TL N * Park Row. New Y ork. W .J. HOUSTON, Gen. Pass. &Tieket Ag’ 4
Branch Office, Cor. }• «fc 7th Ms., Washington, • -
l>. C\ m’chl$t!i' T 7*tr. 1
“ Newsy, Spicy. 3%elia.ble-”
The Atlanta Constitution.
1877. NEW YORK. 1877
A Dm bury buy *if u |iii<vnacio>i--
Uun was taken toia-k by bis mot bur i
lor striking a companion. Sbe tolil l
A Shocking Tragedy.
We are paiuori to u*aru from Hen-
bim lie, must «sk tlie tongivness ot’j *'.Y IVf’.v, lvq , wl«o bas j mt munied
fiom Lmiqikto County Court, that
Mr. John Rome, who lives in tbe
lo.ver part of L impkin comity, lias
lost two children, in a manner 'veil
caV.tilaied to excite llie deepest
syropalliy. ?
If ap|ftj:trs that a lew days sin re
tin* children were pUyinji in the yard,
and the* mother wa< drawing water
from the well. In some un account
wav the elder child, only six
ot n*;«\ struck the yoimiier,
three years old, in the head
barge, but j very sharp hntebet, and tail ,
He kept o» j lo j Vs m .,t4ier to inform her of what
bad occurred, leaving tbe batehet
buri* d in the chilli’s bead, just as the
bucket ha l reached flu* top of the
well In her terror and excitement
tin* mother let j»o the handle of the
wir.diass, and the ivvyjviiijf crank
struck the little boy oil ti e le ad and
killed him instantly. When tbe
terror-stricken mother icached tbe
younger child i» was also dea l. Oar
pen fails to depict the grief td the
the wronged one. He went up to
him, having his back to his mother,
and whispered through his clenched
teeth; “ I’va got t« ask you to for
give me for l ilting you, and you’d
better speak light up at ouee lh:v
yon dnjor I’H give you sumething
to remember.” The victim sjioke
up.— Datih. .Veirs.
A buy got 1 is grandfather’s nun j a j,j 0
and loaded it, but was afraid to fire. I vears
He however, liked the fun ofloading ! on j v
:unl so put in another
was -till afraid to fire,
charging, but witliont firing, until be
got six loads in tins old piece. His
grandmother, learning bis timidity,
disclmged it. The result was tre
mendous, throwing tbo old lady on
her back. She promptly struggled
to regain her feet, but the boy cried
Linder its new iiamagemeu , The Atlanta
CoNSTrrirr.GN lias won for itselt 'be title of the
leading journal of the south. Its enterprise,
during the recent election excitement, iu send
ing coirespondents to different portions of tho
-country, uud its series of special telegrams from
Washington while the electoral commission was
engaged m comminuting the fraud that placed
radicalism once more in power in our national
covncils, are evidences conspicuous enough to
prove that uo expense will be spared to make
f ii k'Constitution not only a lender in the dis
cussion of matters of public concern, but a
leader iu the dissemination of the lutest and
most reliable news, fiiis no better time
than now to subscribe '•*-
A Fresh sail V tgoroux XewsiMixo . ’
Albeit, there lias been a q u»* settlement of
5iie of the most difficult and dangerous pro
blems of modern federal politics, the discussious
spring therefrom and the results likely to ensue
have lost uolhing of their absorbing interest.
In addition to tlii-. ; he people of iJcuigia are
uow culled upou to settle
The ('imrcutioa lluesliur-
and in the discussion of this important subject
fin which TurCoxsrrmiox will take a leading
part) every Georgian is interested. If a conven
tion is called its proceedings will find their
eari-?st and fullest embodiment in the columns
of The Constitctwn, aud this fact alone will
make the ]«ner indispensable to evert-citizen of
the state. t To b; brieif,
fhe Atlanta llallj <'oastituiii)b
will endeavor, by uli tlie means that the pro
gress of modern joarnulism has mad *'
ind necessary to hold
soiitiiuru opinion and usu purveyor of the lutest
new-. Its editorials will lie thoughtful, timely
and vigorous—caiin and argumentative in theii
methods and thoroughly southern and demo
cratic in their sentiments. Its news will be
fresh, reliable nml carefully digested. It will
The different editions of Tut Svn during the
j next year will be the ftme as during the veal
' liiat has just passed. The daily edition will
week days he a sheet of four pages, and
Sundays a sheet ot cigfiu pages, or 56 broad
columns; while the weekly'edition will be a
sinet of eight pages of thj sumo dimensions
and character that are already familiar to our
friends. 1 { •
The Si n will continue To be the strenuous
advocate of reform and retrenchment, and ol
the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and
integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and
fraud in the administration of public affairs. 1 It
will contend for U»e government of the pconle
Athena, Clark county, Ga., on the fir-t Tuesuay
in May next, the following property to-w ii: All
that lot of land iu said county of Clark eon
tabling three acres, more or less, adjoining tue
lands of Florence YV. Mitchell and h r chil
dren ; also adjoining lauds of Robert Thomas,
Benjamin 11. Hill aud John Eberbart, ami
fronting on Baroer street in tue city of Athms.
The same bring a lot of land conveyed, by-
deed, from W.M Reese to Florence YV. liiuhetl
and her children. Thh above pronerti levied
upon os the property of said Ftoreuce YV.
Mitchell and her children to sutisiy two State
and conntv tax fi. fas., one issued by John YV.
Johnson, Tax Collector, for 1878, oue by F. B.
Lucas, Tax Collector for 1877, and two city tax
fl fas., one for 1876 aud oue for 1877, all vs.
Florence YV. Mitchell aud her children. Atl
sold to s tisfy the above fl. fas. YVriteu no
tice of levy served on defendants March 30th,
1878. J. A. BROWNING,
April 2, ’78»30d. Sheriff 0. C.
lowing property to wit: All ihe interest oi L.
Schevenell & to., in and to fitt\ (50) silver
watches, seventy-four (74) brass w tciies lour
(4) silver cases, two (2) brass eases, ten (10)
clocks, one lot of jewelry, eonsistiug of ear
rings, breastpins, dec. bind interest being a
Silversmith’s lien or claim on said property for
work done on same iu repairing, cleaning, &c.;
Also six (6) Remington hewing- Machines uud
one Sewing Machine l\ agon; and all levied
upon as property of L. Scheveuell & Co, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Weimer & Bn e., vs.
L. seheveuel & Co., issued rum Clark Supe
rior Court, Februui y Term, 1877, and - al. o to
satisfy several other fl. fas. issued against L.
Schevcnell <fc Co., iu favor of vunous plain
tiffs, both frum'the Superior and County courts
of Clark county. J. A. BROWNING,
April 2, ’78-30d. Shecin, C. C.
leva’ h»n s of sale, t.i. l«l owing pio;*rty
tnw>t: One house aud lot on the south si'io
of Broad street, iu Athens, G>*.. adjoining Jo
seph Embr.ek an.: others, .-aid house being a
four-room fram d oust*, and said lot contain
ing about one- utf acre « ore or less, also three
lots on tile north s de of said Broad street,
adjoining each other, containing om-l.alf :-t re
more or le-s eae , with a cab'-ii on each, nil of
said property qeing pur' of what is Known ns
the Isaac Y\ ilKerson properf All to be sold
as the propelty of VVillia.o Kittle, deceased, for
the payment of debts oi tie Kst-teet r-iiiil de
ceased. Terms cas). Match lltb. 1878
umrchl2 3 d. Whit F. Hood, l'.x’r.
C LARKE SHERI F ?*A»-E.—Will ,» sold
before the t ourt-llouse door, in the city of
Athens. Clarke coun.y, G-i., on the first Tues
day in May next, within the legal lours of
sale, the followitig prop, rtv, to-wit : All that
tract «.r puicel of land, situate, lying ms. I ciug
iu the city ot Athen , Clarke county, Ga., with
nil of the improveme ts uiereon—the place
whereon Joliu C. Jackson and Jane E. Jackson,
the de'endants. now liv , known as ti c Ch.ncy
lot—with the exception oi seven-eights of uu
acre heretofore solo to Hartwell Jueksoti. Said
lot being situated iu the city of Athens, on tho
north side of Hancock uvt-nuu, ad jo n mg lot
known as Mrs. Gcucral Smith, and continuing
two acres, leas, the seven-eights of one acre
sold off of stud lot to Hartwell Jaeksou, nd
levied on as the property, ot tbe (ieleiidi-iits,
and for the purpusi of making of this levy, a
deed was made and filed iu t. e Cl- rk’ office of
the Superior Coup of Clarke county, and deed
recorded from YY’. B. lluigood to John C.
Jaeksou and Jane E. Jackson before this levy
w-s made. II levied upon by virtue ofufi.
fa. from Clarke Superior Court, August lerin,
YV. B. Ilaygood vs. John C. Jackson and
June E Jackson, all to satisfy the above stu ed fi.
ta. Nov. 6,1877. J. A.’BROWNING,
mar5-3cd. Sheriff.
bclore the Court-House door, in the city of
Atbeus, Clarke county, Ga., ou the first Tues
day in May next, within the legal hours of
sale, the following'property, to-wit: AH that
lot or parcel of luna, with the dwelling and all
other improvements thereon, lying an being
in the county of Clarke and in the State of
Georgia, and lying within the corporate limits
of the city of Athens, and being the Northern
half of what are known as tho lots numbers
twenty-one nnd twenty-two (Nos. 21 & 22) in
tiie plan und survey of tbe city ol Athens.
Said lot bounded ou the North by Market
street, aud on the East by Foundry Street, nnd
ou the South l» lot of Reuben Nickerson, und
on the YVest by Thomas street, aud containing
one and one-imlf acres are more or lass; and
said lot nnd premises now occupied by l’eter A.
Summey and his wife, Jane P. Stuumey, nnd
levied upon to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of John
A. llunuicutt, vs. Peter A. Smntnoy and John
H. Newton, composing firm of Summey &
Newton, issued lrom Clarke Superior Court,
February Term, 1878, as the property of Sum
mey & Newton. Notice given to tenants in
possession, und lew made March 30th, 1878.
April 2-30d. Sheriff C. C.
i ’EOB< j 1 A—Cl.A UK K CouNTY—
" Ordinary's urn e, February 25, 1878.
Thomas Langston, colored, lias upplioo lor ex
emption of personalty and setting apart and
valuation ol 'lu.-tucsteud, uud 1 will pass upou
the same at 10 o’clock a. m. on the 2zd day of
March, 1878, at ray office.
mh5-3ud ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
following seizures mudeliy tne for violations
of tie I: ternal Revenue laws, to wit: One
mule, one wagon and six gallons e>f whisky,
the property of Thomas B. Garner. One wa
gon, two horses, one mule nnd 12<> gallons of
whisk j, the- property oi Thomas S. Collins, B. 11.
Oliver aud M. Swayne. Also, one horse and wa
gon and l5ei!l’*T:- f whisky, the properly ol YV.
A. Scroggins, pt rson or persons having an
interest su said , -iperty must make claim aud
give bond, us leqmred by law, vvitliin thirty
days, else tlie same will be sold arm tlie net
proceeds deposited to tho credit of the Treas
urer of the United Stales.
I mcho-SC-d *• .'olleelor..
by the people and for the people, p.» opposed’ 1c.
government by i:. the uallot-l;ox and in
body now not far from a million of
with the most careful, complete, aud trustworthy
accounts of (urrent events, and will employ for
this purpose a numerous and carefully selected
staff of reporters and correspondents. Its re
ports from Washington, especially, will be lull,
accurate, aud fearless; and it 'will doubtless
continue to deserve and enjoy tlie hatred ot
those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or
by usurping what tlie law does not give them
while it willendeavor to merit the confidence to
the publie by defending the rights of the people
against the eneroachmeuts of unjustified power
The price of the daily Stu will be 55-cents a
month or $0.50 a year, post paid, or with the
Sunday edition $7.70 a year. •
The Sunday e litiou alone, eight pages. Sl.Lo
h year, post paid. <
The Wezkly Sts, eight pages, of 56 broad
... . colwmns, wi'l be furnished during 1877 at the
possible : rata of $1 a year, post paid,
laec as a f ader of 1 The benefit of this large reduction from’ th
previous rate for the Weekly can be enjoyed b
individual subscribers without the necessity o
making up clubs. At the same time, if any ot
our friends choose to aid in extending our circu
lation, wo shall be grateful to then*, and every
such ,person who sends us ten or more snF*
to an order of the Coart of Ordinary of
Clark county, will be sold before the Court
House door of said county, on the firs*
Tuesday iu May next, during tlie legal hours of
sale the following prondtty to wit: Ninety
shares of the capital stock of tlie Georgia Rail
road und Banking Company, and Eight Shares
of the Central Rea) road aud Braking ComuanV.
All to b • sold us the prop- riy c-f George \v.
Ceuter,-deceased, for a division among the
legatees of sniff deceased. .
ai&fa ’ ISAAC POYV ELL, Adm’r.
\ " . . .* . .* , " i such person sends us ten or more snr-
be a. ert and cn'erprising, and no expense will j senbern from oue place will be entitled to one
01 tbe nl * ; ^I copy of the paper lor himself without eliarge.
j At one dollar a year, posts" paid, the expense
A colored preacher in Floririu thus
held forth : “ My brudring, the Is-
raeliles went over the Red 8e:t on
and most important intelligent- .
The Weekly Constitution.
Be-idea embodying everything of interest in
the daily, The Weekly Coxstitcticn will con
tain a Department of Agriculture, which willbe
I in charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well-
known Secretary of Georgia State Agricultural
Society. This department will b- made a spe
cially, and will l>c thorough and complete. The
farmer vvilt find in it not only all the current in-
tor,nation o*i the subject of agriculture, but
timely suggestion* and well-digested advice.
Subscriptions should be sent in at onec.
Terms for the llally:
of paper and printing are barely repaid; and
coi siuering the size oi the sheet and the qttolit
of its contents, we are confident the j^ople will
consider Tiie YVeexly bux the cheapest news-
pa er published iu the world, aud we trust also
one ot the very best.
decl9. THE SUN, New York City, N.
1 Will be eold.before the Court house door in
the town of Danielsville, minty of Madison,
State of Georgia, at . public < n*-*Yy, on tbe first
Tuesday in May next, between Use legal hours
of tale, the following property to wit: < >ne
tract of land in Madison county, containing two
hundred and fifty acres, more or lees, adjoining
lands of T. J. Scot , G. C. Sanders, James
Hall, and others, being the place on which G.
H. Bird mow resides. Sold as the property of
G. H. bird to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Madi
’•on Superior Court against G. H. Bird principal,
J. M. Matthews security, in favor of J. K. A L.
C. Matthews. Property pointed out by plain
tiffs and le nd notice given to tenants in pos
session. This Marcli 28, 1878.
np2 td THUS. F. BAKER, D. Sheriff’.
M adison sheriff’s sale.—whi be sold
at public outcry, before the Court House
iloor, iu the Town of Danielsville, Comity of
Madison, State of Georgia on the first Tuesday
in May next, between tlie legal hours of sale
the following propt rty to-wit: one tri vt of land
in Madison Comity containing four hundred and
thirty i ores on South Bro d River adjoining
lauds of Margaret Griffietli, Snead Bulloch,
Madison M. Hodge and Jesse YV. tiriflieth.
Sold as the property of Lindsey J. Cunningham
to satisfy a ti. fa issued from Madison Superior
Court in favor of Robert P. Griffietli Property
pointed out by plaintiff. Notice given to tenant
in possession. This March 16tli 1878.
THOS. F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff,
march.26.30d.— pd$5.
Oconee Ccranny.
O conee county sheriff’s sale,—
YV ill be sold on the first Tuesday at M f
next, Before the Court-House door, iu the ioiyp)
of YVatkinsville, between the legal hours of.
side, the following propartv, to wit: 'Mr i.urt.'i f
dred acres of land belonging lo ;'.e yslute of
John YVit-iums, d.cease.i Levied' ui'. by A1 !s
Crow, hnililf, to .-at sly a tuxdi t . a^-.uist .1. M.
Williams, exeen'.or. <-:e., and said 15’fa. itirn d
ov* r to me Fobroary 23tli, 1878.
Also at the sa'i.u time and place, the follow
ing property to wi v Eighty-five acres of land,
more or less, known ns the’ Fork Field, lying
bclwetu the Athens and llog Mouiitaia Roans,
in the fuiburbs of YVatkinsville. Also, a
dwelling houae with eight acres,' more, or less,
in Wnikiusvilie. .Levied on ns thep-opitt of
lae estate of Win. Mutniy, dee-eased,*lo satis y
an execution agidust K. K. Murray, Tax Collec
tor of Oconee county, Mid \\ m Mniruy as a-
eiirity, issued by County Coiomissionera of said
county of Oconee. B. OVERBY, D. bheritf.
Will he told before the Courtjlov.a. door in
the town of YVatkinsville, between the ;egul
hours of sate, on the first . uesduy in May next,
the following property to wit: Eighty-five
acres of land, more or less, situate, lying and
being near tlu* town of YVatkinsville. on tho
waters of (‘airs cteek, and between the Ung
Mountain aud Atliei s jouds, said land known
as the fork field. Also the home pi; vc, con
taining eight i.eve*. mote or less, wi eieas,
William Murray l* sided for many years. All
of the above (’escribed properly ly ing in and
near YVutkiusviilc, and levied on us the property
of said YVilliunt Murray, ti satisfy u fi. in. issued
from Oconee Superior Court, reliir: able to July
Term, 1877, In favor of 1 .11. Phiitizy <& Co. vs.
said YVillinm Muiriiv. Propel ty pointed out in
said fi. fa. Match Sffili, 1878.
YV. YV. PRICK, Sheriff.
8 months
... 3
6 mouths
... 5
12 mim'Jis
... 10
Tcnns for the iVwliljr:
months ......
2 months
the. i,x They, got over all salu; ami | Wi »"" he!irtt ll * c
tint’s tie reson why Alettes atrtig dc only express , deepest sympathy
Money may be sent by postotfico money order
Atlanta, Ga. expense.
ob praise. In de morning,
when de sun was up hot, Pharaoh
and de ’Gyptians come tvid deir
great lumbering chariots of iron.
IX y I •rokc through de ice, and went
to the* bottom of de sea.’’ “Stop
dorr*! ’ exclaimed a hearer. “ I want
lo a-k a question. . I've read Geog-
rapl.y, nnd Egypt’s a hoi country
It’S under dd Tropics, ii* near tho
*Qu it.a-, and dare aiiq iu> ice dcrc.
J low could dey go over .. i de icg,
mi’ den* no ice dere To •" inch the
premheT responded : “I Hin ;':tdyou
rske.i that question. Now I enn
’splain. That comes of reading G’og-
rapliy, instead of de Bible. Aly
hrudring, when de cliillen of Israel
go oher do Rod Sea, dat was :i great
while ago; before dero was tiiv
Tropics, beloro dare w:rs any ’Quo-
tor. Dat’a de reason dere was ice,
my hrudring.”
and advise tho par* nts to serk relief
from Unit source whence only true
comiort e>n be derived. — (i'oi)nnviUe
Ko. 12 N. eighth st.
St. Louis, Wo.
W no hns hntl |?rea't-r rxptrlwce m tlie treatment of tbo
troubJcs of bt»:h irn!e «n3 ftniale than csir pliyiidan
in t!:» Wctt. ffives Hie Faults of his 1-jii‘f mud rucccsiiU
pruciice in hi* l*f • nt»7* tterk*, J:tst pubUabcd« entitled
Dealers Monuments
1 \ Marbie and Granite Box Toombs.
A Great Redociion in Prices.
Spivimons of Work always on hand and for sale.
Prices ui.d designs funushed on application at
the Mur'd- Yard, adjoining Reaves & Nich
olson’s cot to , warehouse, Athena, Ga.
New Books!
DIANA, by the Author of “YVide, Wide
PAKMAQU1D by Author of “ Stepping
BOUNDIN’ HONOR, or a Harvest of YVild
ELYVIA, bv Elsie Leigli Whit'leaey.
W. Memmiuger.
DOLLY, a Love Story, by Mrs. Francis H.
Rum tt. ,r. .
YOUNG MULGRAYE. bv Mrs. Oliphaut.
A JEWEL OF A GIRL,’by the Anthor of
“ Quoenie.’*
For sale bv
feb56m. ...
M adison sheriff sale- w»i be *«id
before the conrt liouse door in Hie town
»t Danielsville, county .of Madison, State ot
Georgia, ou the first Tuesday in April i ext, he-
ween the lo^al lion s of sale the following
property to-wit:
One tract of land in Madison county contain
ing two hundred nnd fitty acres more or less,
adjoining lands of T. J. Scott, G. C. Sanders,
James Hall and others being the place on which
G. U. Bird now resides. Sold as the property
of G. H. Bird, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued fram
Madison Superior Conn against G. II. Bird
S rincipal J. M. Matthews security in favor ot
. U. & L. €. Matthews. Property pointed out
by plaintiffs and legal notice given to tenant iu
possession. This February 22nd 1878.
THOMAS F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff.
fcb26-30d.- , >d.
A Newspaper pul/in'ied rtf No S3 {up stairs)
troad Street, hi the
Cit.y of Atlanta,
Every morning (Mondays excepted) containing
the latest news from ail parts of the
world, by mail anel lelfgrapli vvitb
Up to the time of going to pros*.
Its dispatches will not be surpassed by any
newspaper in the Gulf states, ini'* no pains
will be snar.-d to make its general news col-
umtta of the utmost interest to iis readers.
will be conducted in the interest of the Na
tional'Demon: trie parly, hut spec a! ref
erence to the rights of the South and the State,
e Georgia.
The Daily Tribune
wW\ contain t'.c tVcwionR of the fcnpretihi
Court, tlu* f roccotiinpN ot* tho I«e^iRlature
when iu pension, ami at a!! tiau’ii eor-
n*ev reports of matters of inter*st
jtnguftpc^ etiny L»id* rn‘ooil. r .fhe ttro book* embrace MJ
peer*, Mad contain for t*oth married end
P i:r tic, irltli all the rmr t imnrovpotent* Jn medical treatment
Kvari whofour home pcih rn eay: “Tneknowledge impo rted
in Or. Bail*' ikyt v orka la In no 'ray of quw>tion®o»e eiiar-
crt»r, but l* *onie!h!i»2lh:it rt*ry sm> abcaM krow. The
loath. Ihe victim of car!y indirrntion; tbr ■«», otherviso
porfrctly healthy maybe, out wi :h waring vigor in the prime
of life, tad tbo Woman, in r.Ufc*i vW « ■ ■
fiom tee many li!a her aex in 1
to.”—St. Louis Journal. __
rorciaR i*rk - no chi. rach
both Xo one volome, fl; in doth m
eiJt. 25 et*. eatiw. tfent under f^a!,
loceipt of price in money or atastpa
For the sneedy Care of Scannat YY eakiiess* Lost
Manhood ami alt Ulsor.n i* hronght on oy liulis-
cretion or excess. Any tinigcist hxs the tnzre-
(lleuts. Address. *>r. W. Pi A ««..
130 tVeat Mlxlli Wrrft, (Iwunti, O.
lias bcec. renvivSl across tl*e street,
HearSy Opposite ihe old Stand,
In tlie Newton House Block,
Three Doors from the Comer
\Y nc.v*. l>e win be glad to see all oi his old
friends and us many new ones as will call oc
iiim. Low prices and fair treatment will be rule, and be only asks a trial to convince all
that he means what he says.
April 2, '-77-tffl
W. T. PARK, M, D.,
Oi Atlfti'lu, Ga., w ith 25 years unexcelled huc-
cusr, forwards by uuil and Express ADVICE
and M..DICINES f..r any CHRONIC or long
standing case »•' sickness or : ffl'ctiou o any
kind ill males and femsles—also tor the
Opium and Morphine Hahii
drunkcueas, nerve exlia a ion, etc., on recep
tion ot five dollars and a full statement of all
the pwrticu-ar* of the case, und wi 1 guarantee
WT" Le’ters of inquiry must contain postage
for reply. j»u5-2m.
C%r K1 EGANT CARDS, no two alike, with
JZitJ name, 10c.; or 15 Comic Photo* or Ac
tresses, 10c.; or 20 Fiue Scroll Garde, 20 styles,
no names, luc. no*: paid.
nov20-2t J. B.1IUST D.x»H«s»a,N.Y.
ocem nna
a mil
T Uri FREE PRESS is oue-of tbe very fi-w
Northern pupers having any considerable
'.••reulatiou in the South, or wcich desires and
publishes Southern correspondence. There is i
bsrulv a locality in the South wncro this paper ■
is not taken, und where it has not secured >
warm friends, for the interest it has taken ini
Southern affai*s. It lies advocated all kicks- '
ares looking to the development of new indns- |
ries, the establishment cf permanent petoc :
and fr'Chdship, and the election to office of j
representative men whose administrations mu t I
be prolific of peace and harmony. j
During tbe present year Tbk bsr.r, Pnrj>s!
mil publish articles from tho pens of var.otw j
**tate Governors ! n the South, letters from ecu- j
ters of business, ’and conunnniearicns from ]
thoso in position to know the needs of their ; Ad'll
State and can suggest beneficial changes. It!
further desires to hear from planters, fruit- i
growers, stock-misers, miners, and manufactu- ! ^
rers. Itaeommnnkation* will interest thoue- ^rvG'UYrSi.XCt.
anda in the North who are restless for a change j ««ri> j BF l'A’l> FOB '1'llEi Al’FREHEH -
of abiding place, and must be of benefit to the ! U' /{on and di i:.M ■ I.u;!*-: ■ Thor.'a- coi-> -Said frcedinan : * tosgsisold, ffv*
U.\. ct
1 P T : O N
Dai'* —One Y.
SlX !(«'
One in'
JL VV 51. LIAMS, Matirvi",
scripti»n done at tbia offic®
tit'U neatly done at this office.
AH departments iu the Frkk Putts will be
maintained and made full of interest to all
readers, and it hopes to taake many new
Detroit Fkek Phew Co..
Detroit, Mie'...
»l’e-t, tight t-r If:
, 17'. pounds, is in'
I spoken,and tu
! lto is guilty of n
. vest.
I bp!'-'f
Ugii, weighs tCT* or
u’ •. st-t. '.iath, rather pleasant
•« ho a great wiestler,
'V-fonv and iW-D eaeapo w-
•iM K M. 'SMITH. -
YVintcrviLV, Ojl -Yboriw LV
tion a?atly done at th» offim
^>ir;i. heads and letter
AH*ad» done on .-l ouoriil «•«.