Newspaper Page Text
NOUrviMt* liWXKll. MAT 7, 187S.
JL Z/Lo. la.or'a Drears* of *£..,<
dSki-x^ol SI oooacx.
1* there wot more truth in dreaming
Than the critic’* login knows?
W no can tell the wonders teeming
In a gross blade or a rose ?
And the curtains dense suspended.
O’er the drama of the soul
Who ahall lift, till life is ended,
And its mysteries unfold I
As 1 lay thus, thinking, sighing,
Wondering, weeping on my bed,
With a feeling light as flying,
Once 1 dreamed that I was dead,
And no tongue can tell the feeling
That o’er my being crept;
It was like an opiate stealing
Through iny veins until 1 slept.
There was music ringiug o’er me,
And a cherub near me drew,
And a scene of summer glory
Burst upon my ravished view.
It w»s like a rainbow broken
Iuto Islands for the blest,
And each color was the token
Of the sphere where each should rest.
I beheld a shining river,
That through vernal va'.lej s rolled
Streams and fountains sparkling ever
Over sands of brightest gold
Lakes und landscapes on my vision
Dawned through avenues of light,
And amid the scene elysinn
My lost darling mot my sight.
llis cherubic voice of sweetness
Melted through my yearning heart:
••Mother, tor tny soul’s completeness
Gotl lmtli sent me. Do not start,
I have long Kept waten beside then.
1 am sent ..o be thy guide.
Grief hath chastened then and tried thee
Thou art "snong the glorified.”
Then my darling, like a faity
In tiiat rose embowered isle,
Straightway sped on pinion airy,
And a sigh was in his smile ;
Aud he said: “I came to meet you
With this lily-garland gay;
All the White-robed angels greet yon.
Strewing rosebuds on your way.”
Then by margins green he led me,
Where the blossoms kissed my feet,
And with thoughts divine he led me,
And with longings new end sweet.
And the True of l.ile Immortal
Fanned my forehead fresh with dew,
And to every bliss the pjrtd
Some kind angel open threw.
•'Mine thou art,” I cried forever!
God be praised ! And oh, the bliss !
Changed in heart, love, I’ll endeavor
To be worthy of thy kiss 1”
Flowery vistas open botoro ns,
Streams of music flow ed alar.
And tho new ungdiu chorus
Roll’d along from star to star.
Oh, how thrilling! Oh, bow tender!
Oh, how beautiful and wurtn;
With thair crowns and robas of splendor,
Beamed those umjesties of form.
And my child there ’mong the fairest,
’Mong the brightest of them all,
"Mong the blessed, ’mong the rurist,
And obedient to my cnll!
Aud I heard sweet music swelling
As 1 woke with morning light,
And the dream tlmt I am telling
1 remembered with delight.
OVr the riv-r wildiy tossing,
Still, metli nks, 1 see him rove,
Whitlo-r thousands more arc crossing
On tha rui..bow bridge of love.
The Preservation of Mount
Vt*i non.
A priviilt* Ii-ticr from a membor of
<-Iic* Women’* Association for tin*
Ludios Column
Silver co-t art* in vo •lit*.
White if srointr to be worn a great
deal thin summer.
Looped tip back draperies an* m»
longer fashionable.
Clair De Leine conibs are atMoiur
the latest novelties.
Some of the imported dresses are
just loaded with beads.
Wax beads are to be fashionable
trimmings f»r straw bats.
Silk sunshades, hearing the owners’
monogram, are a novelty.
Lawn ties are Embroidered pro
fusely with variegated silk.
The kilt plaited skirt, now so fash
ionable, is becoming to most every
Lace sets are now made up with
ban Ikcrdiiefs to match the collar and
For evening the hair i- wo n high,
with a prolusion of curls, frizz.** an 1
Pin-head check's! boiire.tes are
among the most, popular withe spring
Silk stockings come in all of the
pale simile*; embroidered e.»st only
4>l0 a pair.
The lace collars and cuffs are a
pretty* ornament and are u*oin to a
great extent.
For trimming, fine French lace is
used in great (piaTHUics, but to look
pretty it must not be used sprnigly.
Kibbous in two tones of color,
watered on one side and satin on the
reverse, will be seen on summer bon
The new style of bonnet for eliiis
dren, which is destined to become
popular, is called the *• Mother
liordered percales are largely im*
j ported* Some ot these are gay
bonielte filmed borders, while others,
j *uv iiist tiie reverse.
Si.Hiding liaises, held in place with
i fine wire, are placed in the low
I square-necked co*s-iges of the most
j fashionable evening toilets in Paris,
j Willow pompons, the ends ter
minating in seed pearls and tripped
with an aigrette, are shown i» all the
light aud beautiful new shades of
In hats there are till shapes, from
the wide brimmed iiat down to tin
small C. pole. Tne Era Dtavolo i
one ol the prettiest and most becom
ing to every one.
The Atgaudies and lawns are sim
ply beautiful, most of them in the
pah*, plain shade* of K.-rne, Blue,
Lilac, Green or Pink, with a profusion
off! overs strewn over them.
MARCH 1873.
We have received, and are now opening, *n large and new stock of
limits, rdioes andLTrunks,
Order* promptly tilled, and all goods with one brand warranted.
3D. F. TLWnre <& CO.,
No. 2 Hayne street, cor. Church street.
Charleston, S.C.
Cheapest Furniture Bouse in Georgia.
No. 15, Marietta Street. Atlanta* Georgia.
Dres-i «r Cas.- Saits, 10 iri- ces, only 875 00 j
Full Marble Bureau Suits, (W .hint) 58 00 j
i \ M irtile *• “ 38 00 !
All Wa’uut S lits “ 30 00'
P rl..r Sui s. 7 piece* 845, 850, §60 00 |
S.* i I Bfick Walnut Wardrobe, ornamented top A15 60 !
allillt Pull* I Bedsteads 8 00 j
Ext ii-ion Ta le 1.1 0 j
Walnut Bur. am* 811; \ or 1 Marble 815 00 !
Full Marble B reau, otilv. 20 00 j
Fancy Folding Chairs (handsome) $3 50 J
aple Cano Seat Clurir* 86 00 set j
Map e Cane Seat Xmso Rocker 8*2 00 each
Map!c (Jam* Seat Full Ann R.cker 3 50 each j
Wall Brace Arm Chairs 1) 00 set j
Co'toti an<l Straw Mattresses 83 00; Cotton and Shuck 4 00
Wardrobes, Sideboards, Marble Table Ettegene*, Fancy ltockera, besides I
in endless variety of all grad, a of Furniture. Ketne nber that I am the
ORIGINATOR of LOW PRICES in Furniture, :md believe in short profits, j
All inquiries cheerfully and*v. «•:*• !. SEND AND BUY. i
50 Bedroom Sets, 0 pieces; Walnut Bureau, only 820.
teb2-2m. No. 15, Marietta Street, Atlanta, (4a.
I will undersell any house in the United States. There is but one way to
test this, which is to address J
a. p.
53 Whitehall Streat, Atlanta, Ca.
Was^The only Kxclusived Dealer in Pianos ami Organs in the South.
Over Furko’s Doofc Store.
NB"STST Jk.\ R _£L C3-E33V2;3S33NrT-
Hates Reduced to $3 per Day.
j upou its management by Reducing Rates, and asking ot the Travel
ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a contiuu
ante ot that liberal support they have always given it.
Wc have just completed extensive anangements for furnishing the Farm with all si y les* of beat j |atu>
tul day iit Mount Vernon was spent
with tl*e sti|»- rintendent, Colonel,
Hollingswur It, wlto,without < nr sug
gesting it, hr •nglit in bis account
book* and asked it ue would like to
examine t»*. ni. I • an tissute you that
the hour sp ot there was tall of
interest and s:itista.*tioii. Colonel
Hollingswoi tli’s aim has been to re-
For very dressy basques one of the
eitiest fmcics is to have the neck
cut high, lini-hcd with standing En-
Preservatiqn til Moon.* Vernon, who preiti. st fmcics is to have the neck
rceenily. tinted bisioric spot,
eOttlains an intt testing account on the
reforms mid improvements in the
management ot the estate under the
now superi'iteodent. The writer
ways ; •* The evening of our de'ight-
glish collar, and below tliis .c'lt out
the dress huv on the bosom and fill it
in with tulle, lace, or white lisse.
The new pni«s„ls prepared for
spring have round tops in-tend ofthe
pointed canopy top of last summer.
The sticks are long and slender, and
the op oi ce is of simple shape, and
only two ail'd a half indies in
A pretty white .suit which was
duee expenses to the miuutniim, to .
cancel all ind. hi* dness and to in- "tuaotmg attention,
crease the in mm-. The sab* of pho
tograph! views: togethel with articles
made o. Mount Vernon wood, such as
canes and pap -r kniyes, P riiislied
small additions to the ncoiuc; larger
receipts « ere obtain* <1 I'rtitn the
choice boiiqu-’tH and cut flowers from
the gre-nhoum*; but most profitable
of all has In-en the lutu-h table spread
daily in Mrs. Washing'«<ii’s kitchen
for the r. eslmient of the noon-day
visitor*. Fr nn the beginning Colonel
Hollnigswoi lUhn* made it. a principle
to puivltas • nothing t at could be
raised on the estate, and his lawks
reveal toe change of management in
this resjMvt. The debts, which were
nuniemu-, mid some of t hem ot long
titaidmg w-p* all paid |*ievi*i"8to
187 4, so thfh jUft k^gednrsvneot that
r* ttr . Y”. -IWT*
t-o the ' iiili-n'MiiMiu t>u
safely, i.a
_ eu added.
fund—in voated
Uieiit (mnd*.
was of fine French muslin, made
prim**ss mid trimmed with insertions
ot Vah neb-rues with colored ribbons
uudeiiieai.b, making a pretty and
simple suit.
An imported bonnet, from Madame
Virot, of Paris, is a Tuscan bride,
profusely trimmed wiili puffs oftlu*
olil gold stain; a wreath of violets
encircles tin* crown, aud on the left
side a hunch of wheat in its natural
ripem-d color. The back is open,
with a bunch of old gold ribbon, which
terminates in long ends.
Steam ’: i n s, Threshers, Separators, Fan Mills, Reapers and Mower. [
Turnin-/ Plows, Plow Stocks, Sweeps, Scoot civ, bliovulu, Single and Double Trees, Steel Tapcred-
iumdled Hoes, Garden, Field and Tree Seeds.
Fertilizers the L. and R.
Annnoniatcit and Acid Phosphate!', &e. Seeds uiailed free, at 60 Cents per Dozen Papers.
A LL who have tried the experiment have obtained
ready money by advertising in iheJIartmlt Sum.
A spicy newspaper. Sparkling with wit and humor,
.Keeps up with the times in everything. It is the pa-
Tndian Compound Cough ]VIixture
x ‘ r > * .T, f t «( f , $
Kor the core of Consumption and all diseases of the I.ungs and Throat, I say Ilia*, nothing surpasses it
for Co ds nntl Coughs, and can tie taken from old age down to the cradio with, impunity, and without
danger. But the professional world is so full of Auildguousness and Egotism, lliai anything put be
fore tho public- as a safe and reliable Remedy for cerfi it diseases is .sco%cjpU ami-pronounced worth
less and a humbug. 1 say try it before you condcmudt,' as I will give you flu-,ug|peiof cvejyr licrb,
Ac., that it Is composed of, whic you can examine at your leisure:
VLollusOvl, Amydalus, Met. Pinus l*aiustris, Andromeda, Arborca, Arctium Leppa, Inula Ilele-
nimn, Marrubium Vulgarc, Antennaria Margaritaceum, Durcliwaeh.sliener Wasserdost, Cephalantnus
Occidentals, Sympliytuiu Officinale.
It is prepared at my office, No. SO Peachtree St., Atlanta, fia., where it can be had in any quantity.
If any one usiog it will say that it has done them no good, return the bottle and -get yqur money re
Life and Money Saved by the use of the Southern Remedy !
Dysentery, Diarrhcea, Cholera Morbus, and (hitting
Teeth of Children!
And no mistake. Examine the following certificate-', which sre enough to satisty any reasonable man,
woman, or child, that it Is not an imposition palmed off on the iieon'e. To prove it. get a bottle, a* d
use us directed on the bottle, and yon will be satisfied that it is ail that is claimed for it. It is pre
pared purely ftwor regatables a medicinal property.
. ->V. ATC-akta. July 1st, 1874.
DR. B’GGEKS—Dear Sir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in niy family, I have inund it the,
most pleasant medicine for children to take, and the moat satisfactory to cure I have ever met. I have. « _
used it now for several yean, and never allow myself to be without some of it on hand, and its Imme»
diate use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt if you had no other Isitn to the public eon-
fidenye tbinAhis upcific. it *lnno should give it to you, and both, fame and fortune added, if you*
sufficiently advertise it to let the world know its healing powei and benefits
Respectfully, ^ O. O. LOCHRANR.
^PUING 187.8.
,OX and after April labour SPRING OPENING trill take phice, when wc will he prepared t<>
exhibit tint finest and most extensive Stock of MEN’S, YOUTH’S BOY’S and CHILDREN'S'
ever before exhibited in this eitv. Our stock bus been purchased under the .present decline ot
— - * d to our numerous patrons. Wc ennmerato prices of a
15. 300 BLUE FLANNEL (Genuine Middlesex)
from $10, $1350, $14 and $15. In ont Dress Suit Department, we are prepared to aliow genuine
Engiiati und French DiAGMjtAI. SUITS, ranging from $12 50 up. Worsted suits in endless
variety. In addition to the above, we have a first-class Stock of '' «
tlrnlsUlng GooOjs,
which for prices and quality cannot b» excelled in the Stfto. We still continue to offer onrspe-
eialtv, UNLANDRIEI) SiilRTS, a* $5>)e.. next grade 75c., extra fine $1. Hats and caps in all
the latest styles. TRUNKS, U HBRELLAS, etc, etc. Extending our thanks to our patrons for
tiieir generons patronage in the pas’, aud-olicitii'g a eontiuuuni-e of the same, when we phall
endeavor to oiler them inducements which wilt surpass all our foMner efforts.
Y Very Respectfully,
Tlle ClotHior.
< IHI.IU JtdiMk tifttJrw3laVcf-tlJhg Department, wo iinve.tnado arrangements with ouf.
;'|Ncw York Custom Tailors l-> nutc su-- to oruernj*)U short t.oticc: Guaranteeing a saving o’
2.* I«*r ceut.*from the regular pf-ces elmr-ed lyr tailors. ■» . CHAS^STERN, ,
” ,, 9-3-n Brou^i street, op, osito College Campns, Athens, Ga.