Newspaper Page Text
NO. 35
VOL. 02
First Pvok.—Miscellaneous
iBCONB Paok.—l’octry. Bill Arp. An
man. Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Thirty P.\«k.—Mother Arp to her Son,
William Arp. A Half finished Wedding.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Fourth Pajk.—Editorial. Phi-Kappa Noter.
Fifth Paok.—Ixrcal Department.
Sixth Paok.—A Remarkable Career. Georgia
Tea and GeorgiaCorks. Miscellaneous Adver
Skvrntii Pack.—Climatic Influence of North
Georgia. Mlccellaneous Advertisements.
SitiitTii Pack.—Agricultural Department. Mic-
eellaneouj Advertisements.
| K DOllTCH,
Carnesville, Qu.
i;. TT1KAS11EH,
Watkinsville, Gn.
Office in former Ordinary's < ‘tficc.
Mrs W. M. THOMAS, Prop’r
Tliis Hotel, w well known to the citizens of
Clarltc and adjoining countie*, is located in the
centre of the business portion of Augusta, con-
verient to Post Office, Telegraph Office and
Depot, and offers inducements to the public
uneqnakd bv any other Hotel in the Cit*
Spouial attention paid jo criminal practice.
For reference apply to Ex-Gov. T. 11. Watts
and H»u. Daviu Cloptou, Montgomery, Ala.
Office over l*o-l-Office Athens, Ga.
Meriwoth-or c&Few,
One ut tlie old stand in trout ot
Messrs. GANN & REAVES,
The other on the road to the upper bridge and
Livery Stable. We have first class workmen
of every description. i
Plating and Concave Shoes
Manufactured to order.
And all kinds of , r Machines and Ion
plementa repaired on short notice.
How day after day sbe sought to
impress upon my heart the truths of
God’s own word and how I had dis
regarded them. IIow well I remem*
bered my promise to her, just as she
was passing to the “ shining shore’’
that I would meet her in Heaven.
Before me came the prayers and
earnest entreaties ot my wife, and
they were ns burdens to bear my
soul down to the lowest depths.
Her gLiitle tearful face was before
me-^-her* hgonifcing groans for me all
came back and overwhelmed niy sbitl
in utter wretchedness, and as this
new and wonderful gift came more
attorney at law,
Toeoa City, Ga.
Will practice in all the counties of the We»t-
tm Circuit , Hart mid Madisou of the Northern
Circuit. Will give special attuuiou to all claims
a utr listed to ids enrv. oet2<)-lS7(>-l}'.
B**m»v:. O'
Office over Tuluudge, Hodgson & Co.
1>. WILL,
attorney at law,
Athens, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business and
t,.e same reapeclfully solicited. janll-ly
Lamar Cobb. IIoweli. Cobb.
f & II. COBB,
attorneys at law,
Athens, Ga
JOfflce in Deuprce Building,
The woman who rejoice in
and ice cream, hot cakes and warm pie;
IF ,
The Student who eats hastily and sits
down at once to active mental labor ;
MM|a*§ess Man
*wger iiaSre^iWr Wbfries^to his
j p
The Hard Drinker could look at the
delicate glands, swollen and festered
with disease, that cause the troubling
brain ;
The Lawyer, the minister, the mer
chant, and all who lead sedentary lives
and are subject to Dyspepsia or Indi
gestion, Constipation anil Headache;
Ai.ux S. Kiev in. Andrew <T. Cobb.
|^RW1N & COBB,
attorneys at law.
Athens, Gn
jffice on Corner of Ktoad and Thomas streets,
ever Childs, Nickerson & Co.
Attorney set Law,
Hartwell, Gkohoia,
Will practice in the Superior Courts of North
east Geoigia and Supreme Court at Atlanta.
Aug 3. 1876 tf
hell biit**^'! kc>f| o^i infoaii
darkness; add* helbre 1 itie < ttWffl& lake
which burns with fire and'brimstone.
Into it I plnnged atwonjJ 'tlw t^HlIoiw
already there—and fcft.JTCiliijf ,tira£j
was no longer alone with God; true
the hot and‘<Ufchrng flumes -flared up
som as a releif from the hell within
themselves. Myriads of lost souls
were around mo filliiig all that space
with their uriiblc groans As on
earth it was evidence of great rnem
tal of physical agony, so in this netv
and terrible world it seemed to tell
of every shade ol suffering. And
the groans themselves be.'oine a lan
guage too expressive ot utter wretch
edness and woe, only known to
most. ;■ terrible oaths, blasphemies,
and curses,-against Gg:1 aud against
his yminbinted... As I shrank hack
iromftlie midst of sucli fiends one
said,v“ those that cuter here lose all
hoj4>*.and therefore blaspheme the
name of their creator.” Would I
whoever on earth named Him with
respect, and reverenced his laws,
would I blaspheme his holy name!
Suddenly a hush more dreadful than
the blasphemy fell on that terrible
assembly. The lambent Dames them-
selves darkened under the great
daykness that shrouded all. Wliis-
ps«Rt of, horror passed from soul to
send, “ Satan comes.’’
M the traveler in the midst of a
burning plain, almost exhausted by
tbe heat and crazed by fierce thirst,
forgets his past misery as the blasting
libat of the deadly Simoon passes
over him burning his very sonl. So
,now the horror ; of hell was bright
ness compared to that fearful dread
which -now- fell on us. Iiell itself
.shrank into quiet in. the. very pres
ent* pf. the God of hell, himself.
“ Ha’’ he cried, “human souls.’’ how
Gn you?/.often in.> nppfer life,
'that life which God gave you to pre
pare;. for happiness with iHim,. JOB
the Devil > tempted yo.urio
aud lied to your Creator, you
These only knew what Herrell’s IIc-
petiue for the Liver will do for their ! thus * in hell. Should there be no pe
ways open and the throngs of bright
beings on gorgous wings would glad
ly fly with the speed of light to do
llieir Father’s bidding. My wife
and loved ones of earth I am happy,
supremely happy, and even amid the
blackness of the untold anguish I
suffered, one ray of light came to my
soul. None that I loved were in
this place of torment. A gracious
God had spared me one pain before
which the agony I suffered, would
have been as nothing. I saw the
battles between the powers of heav
en and hel), and all hells vast hordes
discomfitted and beaten back were
shut-up fora thousand years. I saw
the glorified of earth, and the glori
fied of heaven, with the descending
New Jerusalem meet in mid air.
I heard their songs of joy and love
and the Lamb. I ' 4 saw
the years of untold happiness, spent
upon. £he earth. I saw all the world
at Christ’s feet, and his mark in all
their foreheads, and hell in very ag
ony of hatred, envy, and malice, burst
its strong bonds, ami again the devil
and his fearful hosts were on earth to
do their hellish will.
Rutaiow tbe earth trembled as if
beneath tlie football of God himself
I heard the 7th angel sound, and I
heard the angel who stood one foot
m set and one on land, proclaim in a
James R. Lru,
A Lire. S. Erwin,
Athens. ‘
Will practice in partnership in the Superior
Court of Oconee County, and attend promptly
U> all businesa iutrurted’to their care...
Athena, Ga.
Office South West Corner of College Avenue
and Clayton Street, also at the Court Houze.
All parties deMring Criminal Warrants, can get
them a', nny time by applying to the County
Solicitor at this office. decl6-187-1-tf
relief, and how quickly it cures—there
would be much less suffering than at
The great Liver Medicines for sale
by Dr. C. W. Long, & Co.,
£SpXonpnreil black silks at -51.00
a yard at M. G. & J. Cohen’s.
Nctr Firm.
Having associated with me in the
manufacture and sale of furniture,
Mr. I. A. Madden, so well known to
our people, the firm will hereafter
he known as Low ranee ofc Madden.
We will continue to manufacture and
sell all kinds of furniture at the low
est prices. Repair work of all kinds
neatly and promptly done.
H. A. LowkanCe.
L A, Madden.
Gainesville, Ga.
•Real Estate and General Land Agent forthe
aiicehase and. sale of Mineral and Farming
Lands in Hall, and the other countiesof North-
e»st Georgia. Mineral ores te-tad and titles to
property investigated. Special attention given
•o the purchase and sale of city property,
mayi—6m J. N. DOIt-Rr. Attorney.
sttshtb^s c. ..acs.
•jft v. iler.
■Wa.-b3la.tx1-a.Ts3r & Jowolsr,
At Michaoi’atore, next door to Reaves & Nich
olson's, BroaJ street, Athens, Georgia. All
ivork warranted 12 months.
£@f*M. G. & J. Cohen leaders of
low prices.
M. G. & J Cohen’s specialty.
Gents fine white all linen duck vests at
81 50 each. Try them. They are un
G. & J. Cohen leaders of
low prices.
All Wool Bunting, 16 2-8 cents at
the new store of James M. Gray &
Co, June 11.
All Wool Bunting, 1C 2-3 cent#,
at the new store of James M. Gray
& Co. June 11.
Cacrlagcs, Buggies horses
•or hire. Terms reasonable.
Washington, Wilke.-eonnty, Ga.
j; Elegant Fuminer silks of .latest
designs just m «-ived and (dr sale at
M. O. & J. Cohen’s. *
CapM. G. tt J. Cohen leaders «»f
o\v prices.
riod to this suffering? I asked a
soul whose utter, hopeless woo was
dreadful to behold, and lie replied
with groaus,” I am-that Cain who
took his. brothers life. With bod’*’
mark on my brow, bo that no tnihn
should slay me, a wanderer o’er
earth’s surface, I sought death as a
relief from that misery and though
I toiled and sought it from year to
year, it came not until age had en
feebled my frame, fi tends had de-
sorted me and I died alone with
God. Year by year in all the ages
I have been hero, the dark black an
guish of my soul has become darker
and now none feel this hell so much
save the fiend of hell himself.
But oh! lost soul, if I had only
heard of the Saviour you have rejec
ted, I would have accepted Him and
found peace and pardon. He told
those of Cajiernauiu that it would be
more tolerable for Sodom in the day
of judgement than for that pit;
wiil it „ iliuaqed l>eft
any knowledge was in the woi
you h iv e sinned deliberately agaii
light and knowledge.” The groans
cease and the anguished spirit de
parted from me, and again came
before me the opportunities I had
neglected. The often calls of con
science, had stiiled into quiet The
prayers, tears and entreaties of those
I bad loved on earth; nntil the very
flumes en which I rested seemed a
bed of roses, in comparison with the
mental agony which swept over my
souk No hope! not one ray of
hope, that r.t some time in the far,
far, future, I would he purified and
relieved from this dreadful torment.
Oh ! the horror of that hour. Then
,-i^puMM-YaM.r aw*. l**u, you „-fairb reeo
f! through yoor own hearts. Fonly very arehcB ofH
left yon to yourselves, and as the God
of Heaven strove from year to year
to draw yon to him. In your human
wisdom you thought only of your
own pleasure, and thought that in
time you would turn to Him. But
time the treasure has gone, lost to
you forever, Oh ! how I hate yon for
you were made in God’s image and I
hated and strove with Him, ere the
morning stars sang together.
But you are mine now, mine,
through all eternity, the hate I feel
for Him shall be spent on yon. I
hate yon more because you came
here by your own will. I had no
power so long as you trusted in Him
and helcived on the Son of God.
Realize the hatred I feel for you, and
as the weary, weary ages of eternity
roll on you learn to hate your God as
Ido. Yes hate and blaspheme that
God who waited so patiently for you,
But these cries were stilled into
silence by the heart rending anguish
of those cn the left, who saw their
loved ones with them. And they now
realized that by llieir e.\; tuple and pre
cept, the}' were lost forever. Faith
less, worldly Christians, saw thd
young whom their course had do
destroyed. Father’s and mothers
were there who saw their children
were lost by their precepts, examples
and carelessness. And uo such an
guish WUs ever seen in the deepest
depths of hell, as was there, before
that vast assembly. For then was
given the power to “ know as they
were known” to “ see as they were .
seen.” All saw that the doom of the
damned was just. A thousand ex»
cases framed on earth were as until
ing in that dread day. Then Use
voice of Hi n that was slain, spoke to
those on life right, “Come ye bles
sed of my Father, inherit the king
dom prepared for you from the fo il -
elation of the world.’’ To those on
his left, and though Ins words were
full id 4 woe, he Mraed* as if he yean-
ed over iib, eveil Would have
saved us if it had ; lied possible; to
us he said: “ Departye cursed into
everlasting fire prepared for ihc
devil and his angels.**
Then that power which not even
the hate of hell couM resist, forced
jost sonls from his pfc>ei ce; As I
Avho strove so hard to makd yon
love Him, who gave you ai much of
earthly happiness, who more than alt
gave his Son to die that all your sins
might be easily pardoned.’^ Yes
hate him. Then you shall be fit corn-
company for the devils of hell. Fit
company do I say, and yet what
devil in all my wida dominions had
such opportunities as you have?
What fiend was ever pointed to a
bleeding Savior, able and. willing to
blot out all liis sins. Wiiat - devil in
all hell, haa tre ited me their Lord and
Master with the neglect and scorn
you have exhibited to yours? Not
one. Yon are worse than the very
devils, away, back to the very deep
est depths of hell; you have sinned
against all light and knowledge ; you
have rejected, when even devils ‘ be
lieved and trembled.’ And with those
w i>rdn the very waves of flame seem
ed to mock and leap over ns, and
down, down we sank into more rin*
utterable woe, and the dark vaults of
hell resounded with groans of agony,
wrung fiom souls, who felt the truth
of Satans words. I took no note-of
time, each moment seemed an age of
agony. The lost time in life was ev
er before mo, and all its opportuni
ties, ever and ever. I would see
; as the flames waxed hotter, I heard j light above from the pearly gates, al-
was but time shall be no
The firmament and earth were wrap-
|>cd in fire and smoke and in the
midst of this dire seet.e, Hell’s in
most chambers gaped and from them
came the damned souls of many a
thousand years, who with the speed
of light, yet all unwillingly were
driven to the presence of their Maker.
Countless My raids were- before that
awfij throne. Unbroken silence was
over all that vast assembly. Many
were there arrayed ip robes made
white by the blood of the Lamb.
Bnt oh, the countless millions who
stood confused, abashed, confounded
m that august presence; Their
robes were soiled with sin, cursings,
and revilings, drunkenness and mur
der. But oh 1 our sins are blacker
than all others, covered us is with a
pall of blackness, and while no letters
were written, each could read on his
own soul, as if t raced in lines of living
light, “ rejection of Chris:.” This
at last was the sip of all sins, the sole
cause of our damnation. With
Christ accepted, all sins no matter
how deep their dye, were blotted out
and remembered no more. With
Christ rejected, no deeds of love, no
acts of mercy, no actions of our lives
were acceptable to him. And as we in
wonder-and awe looked, w c saw the
Lamb of God on the right hand of
the Father, with his bleeding hands
and gaping sides. With the trickling
blood beneath his jrown of thorns. As
we remembered his groans of unut
terable anguish \vhile a on Calvary’s
summit, and knew that all this was
for us. We turned to flee back again
to the deepest depths of hell, that ibis
last agony should not come upon our
overburdened souls.
But the power we could not resist,
held as before the judgment se>t.
Then that voice which I had heard
once before, commanded our separa
tion right and left. We knew but
too well our stations, and esicii with
scarce an effort stood as commanded.
Then wails of irrepressible anguish
went up from those on the left as
they saw the separation from many
they lud loved on earth, and i-n«, n ::
was eternal.
^niiiiged dowuwaf.l8, glad Ulescape
more.” reproachful presence, I'.heard
the voice of 3:itan cry, “ ye fiends of
he 1,’* wherefore do you fly. ‘Now
conies the age, the last, the only
time when by one mighty effort, yoffi
may wrest, heaven from the hands uf
“Jehovah.” But as they turned to
obey bis bidding, tbe mighty hosts
of heaven rushed upon them, and
threw them each in dunking chains
from the battlements of heaven.
And as our dark forms passed
through space these bright angels
like streams of living light followed
and scourged the fiends with tho
lightnings of God’s holy wrath.
Driven through the gates of hell, a
terrible throng with which to
spend eternity. I heard the clang
of tho closing gates, and knew that
they were sealed for the countless
ages of eternity. In utter agony ot
souJ> I strove against my fate
dashing myself against the hard
fastened gates, I shrieked in very
woe. Then I woke, my limbs in
agony of pain, the cold sweat of
hciror my brow, my whole
body weakened l»v the mental
strain. But my heart wa- filled with
gratitude to U>«1, that this was all a
dream. And as the bright light of
the Holy Sabbath morning beamed
in my room, with streaming tears of
repentance pouting down my face,
with my gentle ami loving w ife, I
knelt and uttered words of deepest, penitence, and suV.h
mission to God’s holy will. Then hi
my heart there mine that thrill of
j-y, whirl' pan ' e fell but once until
we pass through the pearly gates in*
to the city and Temple of our God#
My carelessness gone; my coldness
warmed by the kindly love whiib
had sent this warning dteam- That
Sabbath morning, which shall be the
brightest to mo of all life’s journey,
as I look back from tbe ages of eter
nity, saw ina with bumble thankful
heart give r.p all f >r Christ.
tSFCashmere-*, CoU'm i us, linen
J drills, cluck# end sl iirings lower
(thanever :il M. G. &J ' .hen’s.