Newspaper Page Text
NO. 36
VOL. 62.
First Pvok.—Miscellaneous Advertisement-.
Second Page.-The Mischief of a Phonog radii.
Poetry—Another Confidential Letter. Mi‘-
e|laneous Advertlrtmenu.
Third Paoe.—Bill Aarp. Miscellaneous Advei
tine menu.
Fourth Paok.—Editorial.
Fifth Paok.—Local Department.
Sixth Paok.—Ben Kill on tha Situation Mir*
cellancous Advertisements.
Seventh Pack.—Lsfittc the Pirate, Miscella
neous Advertisements.
Eighth Paok.—Agricultural Department. Mis
cellaneous Advertisements.
Mrs. W. M. THOMAS; Prop’r
This Hotel, so- well known to the citizens of
Clarke and adjoining counties, is located in the
centre of the business portion of Augusta, con
venient to Post Office, Telegraph Office and
Depot, and offers inducements to tlio public
unequaled bv any other Hotel in the Cit v
attorney at law,
CarncsviUe, Gn.
IVutkinsville, Ga.
Office in former Ordinary’s Office.
Special attention paid to criminal practice.
For reference apply to Ex-Gov. T. H. Watts
.ml lion. David Olopton, Montgomery, Ala,
Office over l’o-t-Oflice Athens, Ga.
Tocoa City, Gn. dFew,
One at the old stand in front ot
Messrs. GANN & REAVES,
The other on the road to the upper bridge and
Livery Stable. We have first class workmen
of every description.
Plating and Concave Shoes
Manufactured to order.
And all kinds of Muchines and Im
^ plemcnts repaired on short notice,
sntrusted to his cure. ootSO-1875-ly.
Popk Barrow. ». Barrow, Jr
( JJiu-row Jti-oH., .
Office over Talmadge, llodgson & Co.
1). II1 TjIj,
Public School Notice.
A Word to tlie Wise.
part as Cen
would hardly
Suddenly a
him—the wofljj
struck him befc
course all the
A LL persona desiring to tench in the Public
Schools in ClSrke county during the Fall
Term, 1878, will make application for license to
the undersigned at the Cenrt-honsc in Athens,
on Suturduy, .Tnue 28th. Applications must
be accompanied with the required recommen
dations. H. R. BERNARD,
j 1 l--t. c. 8. Com.
_■ •' - ■. __
Being an old time planter’s wife,
and having had, consequently, a pret
ty wide and varied exporience of the
ups and downs inoident to that posi
tion uuder the present fallen dynasty,
we feel constrained to sympathize
with good Mrs Nancy Arp in her very
natural solicitude as to the future
welfaie of her grandchildren.
Though not exactly prepared to
endorse her statement that men and
boys are of no account, we, neverthe
less, go so far as to say that not all of
them are born farmers. In illustra
tion of this truth we call to memory a
young man ot our early acquaint
ance—one who had lately graduated
with the very highest honors at a first
class Southern University, and more
over been distinguished by a public
tribute to his profound talents and
acquirements by the learned Presi
dent of tlie Institution himself. He
settled down soon after on the fine
plantation left him by bis father, and
commenced experiments in husband
The idea of keeping an overseer he
could not tolerate for a moment
nay ! the very prints of their cow> ,,Urt y ,n 9W
liiiln 6linA9 wewitniihllow snnH effimail. dfd •’
Here our young Scipio (iE-uili-
anus) grew rather nonplused as to
future tactics. Even his confiding
disposition could* scarcely expect in
raw recruits, impressed on the spur
of the moment, the discipline of Ro
man veterans. "jPo nod at their post
was the rafidesVfijjrm of irregularity
to be anticipated, and as the chinq
uapin switch, stretch it as he might,
could never reatyi along the whole
line, the loss of a flights sleep on his
n of the guard
je the end.
lit thought struck
was it had not
L Asa matter of
tie and horses, the
sheep aud swine would he asleep, or
resting on their beds, as well as the
little darkies,iW&he had only to give
orders that the jjatter be awakened
betimes on theihorrow, and march
ed to a renewal of duty. Had he
been as conversant with Scripture as
with the classics and sciences, David’s
assertion that night is the time where
in all the beast8.$f the forest do creep
forth, would live occurred to him.
Bnt as the Psalmist referred mainly
to wild beasts and nobody ever
heard of their rearing after vegetable
Athens, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business and
•.tic same respectfully solicited. junll-ly
Lamar Cobb. Howell Cobb.
k Ait II. COItB,
attorneys at law,
Athens, Ga
JOtllce in Dcuprce Building,
Alex S. Erwin.
Anokew J. Cobb.
Office on Corner of Broad and Thomas streets,
ever Childs, Niokcrsoa & Co.
tr» V IIU11Y . MoCUBBY,
Citizens of Athens
iLsacl ’Vicinity.
1 lit uiulcrsi^iit'd Inis this day purcliuspd trom
h'm brother, Mnj. THOMAS* A. BUKKE, his
entire interest in the BOOK AND STATION-
KKY BUSINESS AT ATHENS, and intends to
run a
First Class Book Store,
InJ which the Best Goods, latest and most popu
lar Books, nnd indeed everything usually kept
in a Good, Well Appointed' Book Store, mav be
found. Beiug connected with the. well known
and extensive wholesale house of
Ills labilities tor keeping up stock and keeping
everything at Bottom rriees, will give linn u
decided advantage in buying Books &c., at
Lowest Kates, and he intends to give bis custo
mers the full benefit of it, by
lie asks ills old friends in and arouiuLAthens,
to give him a share of the patronage. To all
he extends a hearty invitation to conic nnd buv,
Maj. T. A. Burke will still he connected with
the house, uud will liuvo charge of the business,
and he asks his friends and the public to con
tinue the patronage heretofore bestowed on him.
stood nnd limi;
fair lor him to take her place at the
cradle, and in the kitchen. With
her acknowledged versatility of tal
ents, woman has not yet, we believe,
acquired the art of existing in two
plaees at once—though she comes
nearer it than any other being and
we have known her in late years to
pour out the coffee, serve the differ
ent dishes brush off the flies, feed the
baby, and eat her own breakfast at
one and the same time.
We would suggest Jlurther that he
secure the co operation of his wife,
with that of tlie big wash pot, before
lie inters another lot ot cotton seed.
The three hard frosts predicted for
July may render them rather scarce
next year, and planters would do
well to hoard those on hand with
miserly cure.
Women can generally give good
advice and pienty of it, but it un
luckily hath happened to them as to
Cassandra of old, men will not be
lieve till it he too late. Then un
grateful, weak minded mortals that
they are, forget she advocated the
opposite side, and you know it is con
trary to the principles of onr sex to
say “ I told you so!’’
prey, our hero’probably so under- That the individual now at stake
ik-fc-fco=-noy sub Da-wr,
Hartwell, Geobgia,
Will practice in the Superior Courts of North
east Geoigia uml Supreme Court at Atlanta.
A ng 8. 187 8 t f
attorneys at law,
Athens, Ga.
Office South West Corner of College Avenue
and Clayton Street, also at the Court House.
All parties desiring Criminal Warrants, can get
them at any time by unplyiug to the County
Solicitor at this office. deel6-1874-tf
T . A '
a-feo'ivso.-xlEor 8e Jowalos,
At MicUael’store, next door to Reaves ifc Nich
olson’s, Broad street, Athens, Georgia, All
ivork warrautod 12 months.
G eorgia, clakke couNTY.-wherens,
• C'ffib Davis, applies to me for letters
ot Guardianship ol the person of Eonnio bavis
of said county, orphan of Middleton I\ Davis,
deceased, under fourteen years of age. These
arc therefore to cite and admonish all concern
ed to shoo - cause at my office on or before the
first Monday iu August next, why said letters
should not be granted.
• Given under my hand at office this 5th day
of June, 1878.
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
June 11.80J.
N OTICE.—AH persons having demands
against Mrs. Eleanor Moore, late of Clarke
county deceased are hereby notified to nrcsent
V.'® f""? e for payment to my agent, Win. L.
Mitchell, Esq., at Athens, within the time pro
scribed by law, and thoae indebted to said de
ceased are requested to make immediate pay
ment to my said agent, or mvsetf.
WM. C. MOORE, Eexcntor.
June 11.Eftd.
T HE next term will commence on the 22d
day of July, 1878.
1st Class,
2d Class
:>rd Class,....
$ 5.00
There are rooms to rent at low rates to those
wishinj to form messes and board themselves
For further particulars, address,
T. B. PASSMORE, Principal,
Ct.viiKKSviLLE, Habersham Co., Ga.
june 2, ’78, Sin-
Q.EORGIA.—Oconee County.
Whereas, Weldon Priee applies to me for
letters of Administration, de bouis non, with
the will annexed, on the estate of John O
Thrasher, late of said county deceased.
These me therefore to cite and admonish ail
concerned to show cause ut no office on or be
fore tlie first Monday in July next why s;> : d
letters should not bo greeted.
Given under my hand at office, June 3rd,
1878. JAMES K. LYI.E, Ord.
(Vine 2, 1878, 4t.
Legal Blanks at Low Prices
A full supply of J. W. Burke & Co’s. Legal
Blanks—the best that are printed, always on
Hand. Price reduced to 75 eentr per quire, at
College Avenue, Newton House Block.
tion u«utly Jone at ibis oftice. J}
G. & J Cohen’s specialty.
Gents fine white all linen duck vests at
§1 50*each. Try them. Ihev are un
hide Shoes were doubtless soon
from his »premises. “An igno
rant, narrow-minded si t they were at
best, and lie was in for reform and
As might Vie expected many queer
stores of his saying’s and doings got
abroad among tlie neighbors (them
selves ignorant and narrow-minded
it may he, and who knows but envi
ous to hoot!) One of these was to
the effect that, some hours alter a vi
olent wind storm had levelled all tlie
fences and n o it of the timber in its
route, a farmer rode by the young
planter’s fields nnd was astonished to
see no signs of an intention to repair
damages. The laborers were turn
ing the soil as usual, while the rails
still lay scattered about in every va
riety of eccentric position, wherever
the sudden frenzy of old E ulos had
deposited into them. The owner
himself sat on a high stump that com
manded a somewhat extensive view
of his domain, his legs hanging down,
(he was a short man) flourishing with
an air of maj ester ml serveity, a long
chinquapin switch in his hand. Sta
tioned at regular intervals where the
fence ought to have been, acre after
acre was a sentinel line of all the lit
tle wooly heads on the plantation foj
the purpose of repelling any unwar
ranted foray of stock, etc
To the good humored banter of the
farmer he replied with sufficient
dignity, considering the fact of his
elevated perch not being very favora
ble to the expression of ihatr august
“ The hands were busy finishing
the day’s task interrupted by the
rain. The little negroes had nothing
else to do, and might as well earn
their salt.” (The latter clause, being
too inelegant tor a collegian, is to he
taken with allowance. The honest
farmer must have thus purchased it
himself lor the benefit of the un
However, night drew on apace;
the good man rode forward, and sot n
the laborers were dismissed — lather
unwilling to leave, it must he con
fessed, in the present unsatisfactory
misty mq^uilnm tups/’ however, those
'day them down
may' not err from lack of enough
Whei* jotm^day stood on the warning, we append our own to
to tliosu lie has already ^received
in their dens, ,bnt, when man came
forth to his> work and to his labor un
til the evening, there they stood
their ground every horn and hoof of
them from five miles around, or so
doubtless blessing inwardly, the wind
that had blown them such good.
Bnt of the springing eorn of that
bright yeter-inorn, not a blade or
stalk remained to whisper of its sad
Noiv this young gentleman had
been a frequent visitor at our house,
hut the next time lie came father
took us aside. “Daughter if that
young fellow (think of the irrever-
auce!) is coming litre to see you,
you had better send him about his
business. Learning is all well
enough, hut a man who hasn’t got
common sense is not fit to take care
ot a wife.’’
On re-entering the parlor, we
glanced at his nobly formed head
and brow, the ixact counterpart of
Melancthon’s, at his deep-set hazel
eyes, beaming with intellect and feel
ing, and felt disposed, for once, to
doubt whether Fathers (blessing’ on
his dear old grey head), knew every
thing so much better than Ins daughter
did. However we were not in love,
though admiring him greatly, and |
besides had been taught to reverenoe
our parents, so the young gentleman
did go about Ins business, and con
tinue to conduct it too, in a manner
that excited the wonder and delecta
tion of the country people fin* and
nea,r. Of the sequel we know
naught, nor is it to the purpose.. The
incident was brought forward to
point a moral not to adorn a tale,
and we think we hr e fully estab
lished our position.
As to its personal application, we
trust Mr. Arp will not take offence, if
we say that his good old mothev’s
fears argue ill for bis succos. As
she justly observes since all her ef
forts to heml the twig proved una
vailing, what can we expect of the
tree*, grown stiff aud unyielding by
time? Of the propriety of his turn
and to render it* more impressive
repr&dtttte rhyming •- prophecy
written a short while ago for some
one else, who shall lie nameless.
Though it failed to produce the
salutary effect we hoped for in that
case, we still have faith in the lat
ent power of truth and poetry to
softeu the heart and unseal the ear
to instruction.
the cotton planter’s bill of
corn dodgers
For breakfast you have coffee,
and grits
With a little blue uiilk from Pharaoh’s loan
But hominy unseasoned will give you the fits
Of either blues or dyspepsia, aa your case
may incline.
That Rio coffee without sweetening is most pit
iful stuff,
St. Simeon Stylitcs himself will agree;
Then you have white, frothy butter—would
there were only enough
But for one u cal you have it, you 6kip ever
At dinner {you .vary with fried bacon and
_ At supper alas! you’vej the breud by itself,
Such diet breeds goblins ever haunting tour
While the night mare you ride, a lean, star
ring elf.
W>11 whisk you o’er ditches, through briers
and bog
To a sumptuous mansion blazing with light;
Whose landlord and servants and guests all
With mirth nnd good cheer, are feasting the
They’ll welcome yon in, bnt think not to taste
Thair boned turkey, roast pig, scolloped
oysters or steak,
Though sauces and jellies and creams ran to
Amid islands of pudding, and mountains of
For just as yon raise the sweet cup to your
Or deride tlie rich morsel you hasten to
The shrill neigh of your folly all your joys wil
That summons no mortal ever dared to re
Mr. Editor:—Knowing that a lit
tle space in your mest interesting col
umns is jvery piecious, T would not
thus trespass if I did not feel it my
duty. When the Deniosthenian So
ciety arrives at such a point that it is
compelled to select for tlie editor of
its notes, a man whose narrow intel
lect and limited information will per
mit him to write on no other subject
than that of exposing to ridicule the
“ Soph’’ class, I would advise them
to give up their columns in the
Chronicle. DuBose,. their present
editor seems to have had two objects
in view. The first was to try his
hand at newspaper squibbing, and the
second was to stimulate some member
of the “Sopli” class to write his dis
tinguished life. Courtesy requires
that it shoti u he done. Dubose ven
tilated this world by his advent into
the Galpliin territory. George GaL
phin was a licensed trader with the
Indians prior to the Revolutionary
war. He sold the Indians blankets
red handkerchiefs, and lots of good
red whiskey, &c., and in this way he
became tl e owner of a large tract of
country of which Wilkes county is
now a part. This territory has pro
duced one of the greatest minds in
the an nls of time in the person of
Gen. Robert Toombs. I am appre
hensive however that the soil was ex-
TiniiiBtod tieFore DdBose
world. To say that he is genuine
would not he doing him justice. As
a mathematical genius he stands far
ahead of any man of any nation.
Even Pythagoras would he ashamed
of his ignorance in the presence o
this learned gentleman, DuBose.
But I understand that on account of
the weakness of his eyes he has been
udvised by Prof Rutherford to take
his junior “ math” in his senior year
He said nothing about the “ Sophs,’ >
in his last paper. Some of us are
teeling badly, because lie has not
written cur biographies. He prom- ,,
ised to write the biographies of tlie
class, and we want to hear from him
in each number.
A Friend to the Sophs.
& J. Cohen leaders of
it J. Cohen leaders of
Away over pitlalls and,morasses again,
Where the rattlesnake raises her venemous
Then shaking you looss from your held on the
She’ll tumble you buck on voar snpperless
E. M. W.
ing over his lesser crops to his wife, {
£i2h Non pared lilac-, silks at tl.00 | stale ol affairs, but “master’’ allowed | it become, not us to pass judgement. !
a vard at. M. G. J. Cokei’s. i no dictation.
asemeres, cottonades, linen
drills, checks ami shirtings l >wci
Iu that case, though, it seems hut I than ever,at M. G. &J. Cohen’s.
ow prices.
low prices.
X-list ot" j fi.
The following list of letters are
advertised in the Alliens Post-office,
June 2nd, lfc78. Persons calling for
said letters will pL-ase state* they are
advertised and date:
C. II. Andrew.
Frances IlazzeU-
C. P. Bond-
Eliza Birdell.
Jackson Davenport, (co!.)
Dr. Chris. Hulk
G.n. Hope.
George Johnson.
A. E. J rdiu.
Jennie Leion.
C. Lamhur.
M. J. Motim-e.
Gabo Moore, (col.)
Seymour Peck, (col)
Rev. Andrew Pierce.
Simon Rouse.
Aron Roebuck, (col)
Mary C. Thomas.
Milton Epps.
Louind.-i Elder.
Harriet Jones.
John H Jones.
Joseph Shields
J. J. Smith.
Mit. Ada We ed, x