Newspaper Page Text
i ’c?C iS
NO. 87.
VOL. 62.
CONTENTS. Paok.—Business Card*. Lant and Mis-
ccllaneou? Ad«ertlttmioti. Shanatopa!*—
Poem. Bill Arp. Communication, Ac.
Skcokr Poae.—The . Doel. Miscellaneous Ad*
Third Paok.—Some of tha Downs in Ufe.—
Peeps at the Planets. For Fighting H uibsnds.
Miscellaneous Adrei tlsements.
Fourth Paok.—Political Calls. Editorial.
Fifth Paok.—Local News an 1 Local AdrerUse-
Sixth Paok.—News luma. Strength of Greek
Soldiers. Every Year—Poem. Items. Mis
cellaneous Advertisements.
Skvkstii Pack.—Voltaire’s Day and Our?.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Eighth Paue.—Agricultural Department. Mis
cellaneous Matter, Miscellaneous Advertise
Citizens of Athens
Azxd Vicinity.
The undersigned baa this day purchased from
his brother, Maj: THOMAS A. BURKE, his
entire Internet in the BOOK AND STATION
ERY BUSINESS AT ATHENS, and intends to
run a
First Class Book Store,
nj which the Best Goods, latest and most popu
lar Books, and indeed everything usually kept
in n Good, Wtil Appointed Book Store, may be
found. Being connected with the well knowu
and extensive wholesale house of
Carnesvilie, Ga.
attorney at law,
Watkineville, Ga.
Office in former Ordinary's Office.
attorney at law,
Special attention paid to criminal i>ractii
For reference aiqriv to Ex-Gov. T. It. Wut
slid Hon. DuviiV Olopton, Montgomery, Ala.
Office over l’o-t-Ollicc Athens, Ga.
Tocoa City, On.
Will j^*ctioe*»jaU4«-«ountmi, of the West
-wm Cinmit, H&SUtd Madison of the Northcrii
Cirouit. Will uive upccwl uttinion to nil claims
He Dwells A Season Among
The Patriarchs.
Lowest Kates, and lie intends to give bis custo
mers the full benefit of it, by
He asks his old friends in and around Athens,
to give him a share of tho patronage. To all
lie extends a hearty invitation to come and buy.
Maj. T. A. Burke trill still be connected with
the bouse, and will have charge of the business,
and lie asks his fre-uds and the pnblic to con
tinue the patronage heretofore bestowed on him.
G eorgia, clarke county.—whereas,
Howell Cobb Davis, applies to me for letters
of Guardianship of the person of Emmie Davis
of said county, orphan of Middleton P. Davis,
deceased, under fourteen years of aee. These
are therefore to cite and admonish all concern
ed to show c.mse at. nty office on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my baud at office this fith day
of June, 1878.
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
June a 11.80 I.
N OTICE.—All persona having demands
against Mrs. Eleanor Moore, late of Clarke
county deceased are hereby notified to present
the same for payment to my agent, Wm. L.
Mitchell, Esq., at Athens, within the time pre
scribed by law, and those indebted to said de-
cvoscd^ire,jygHjMdgW^^^^|{tH»>«diale pay
* nMrt ^ - 1 Wm/C.'M^RETEe^n'ot-
vutrusted to his cart. oct2l*-lS75-ly
1’OPK Barrow. D. C. Barrow, ,
gar row ltros.,
attorneys at law.
Office over Talma,Ige, Hodgson <fc Co.
Athens, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business and
t he uurac respectfully solicited. janll-ly
Lamar Cobb. Howell Cobb.
ii. com*,
attobnkvk at law,
Athens, Ga
|Office in Deupree Building,
June 11.30,1
{IJ.EORGIA.—Oconee County.—
Whereas, Weldon Price applies to me for
letters of Administration, de bonis non. witli
tlie will annexed, on the estate of John O
Thresher, late of said comity deceased.
These arc therefore to cite mid udn onish all
concerned to show cause ut m\ office on or lw-
tore the firs: Monday in July next why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, June Srd,
1678. JAMES R. LYLE, Ord.
tune 2,1878, 4t.
Ax drew J. Cobb.
Alex S. Erwin.
Athens, Ga
Office on Corner of Broad and Thomas streets,
ever Childs, Nickerson & C«>.
JLtrbomay a* Law,
Hartwell, Georgia,
Will practice in the Superior Courts of North
eastGcoigia and Supreme Court at Atlanta.
Aug 8. 1876 tl'
Time, Health and Economy!
It is the moat complete arrangement for cooking,
on a large or small scule, ever invented.
Meats, Vegetables, Puddings, Bice, &c.
Athens, Ga.
Office South West Corner of College Avenue
and Clavton Street, also at the Court House.
All parties desiring Criminal Warrants, ban get
them ut any time by applying to the Oonnty
solicitor at this office. deel(5-1874-tf
T HE next term will commence on the 82d
day of July, 1878.
1st Class, .1 • J*®?
2d Class,
Srd Class I*-***
There are rooma to rent at low rates to those
wishing to tonu messes and board themselves
For further particulars, addiear,
T. B. PASSMORE, Pwncipal,
Cllreeiviile, Hadebsham Co., Ga.
jane 2, ’78, 8m
The KmmAj .r Ik* talk r«*<«7.
Barham's Infallible
Manufactured by the
E ttMa Ti!« Cus Sa., Sukta, B. fi.
HrmrMkto nr* ll.morrbotdi
tr t-Hrs vbn a «*r* U IKHlblL
1’,-lrr I M and boaa fl.le bitluoaUh
(uriCUicd ca apkllcaUM
Are thoroughly cooked by steam, without rain
glingthe flavors; and several different kinds of
food may be cooked at one time, and only oc
cupy one hole of the stoic. It can be used on
any cooking stove, range or fhrnace with per
fect sue css. Each section is separate in doing
its cooking— nil the different sections being snj -
plied with steam direct from the boiler.
Most of the steam is condensed, thereto* but
little escapes into the room, and but little odor.
Only a few quarts of water cook for* family,
thereby oaving fuel and the excess 0i kitchen
heat, especially in summer. It perform* like a
charm on a gas stove.
The superior excel'.enc and heaUhfulntss of
steam-cooked food need only a lew trials to
satisfy all.
A supply of water being kept in the boiler,
the food cannot be burnt; needs no careful
j watching as ordinarily, and may be kept hot
I far hours when needed, without burning, drv
' ing, or loss of flavor. Steamed pot-pies are
simply delicious: aud corned-beef, potatoes,
dimpling?, puddings, onions, parsnips, etc.,
are cooked at the ?nmo time without mixing
flavors in the least. It is just the thing to pre
pare fruit’for canning or other purposes.
No dirty pot* or kettles; No filling thb Toom
with steam and odor irom food; no heating o
rooms in summer when they sliouUl be kept
cool; no burnt food when not carefully watch
ed : the food kept ready and warm for hours ;
and the saving m care, labor und fuel in one
season will pay the cost of a Cooker, to say
nothing of the excellence and healthtulneas of
the cooking. Very little steam escapes, there
fore all the flavor and richness is retained, and
this very feature gives universal satisfaction.
It saves one-sixth of everything, compared
with boiling or roasting or baking in the or
dinary way It docs not need half the atten
tion to oook as by any other method.
It cannot destroy or injure the food by burn
ing or neglect. It furnishes more pala'able and
nutritious :bod. It saves the handling ot num
erous cumbersome iron pots. It furnishes the
most simple and perfect method of cooking by
steam. It cooks meats aud vegetables so ns to
retain tbeir original flsvur. We can give many
thousand testimonials bnt prefer all to give it a
- The Cookers are mndo of any sire desired.
Price of common sire, |5to *6.
It aave« more than it costs in time. It saves
mere than it coats in health. It sayeq more,
than it costs in labor.
No more useful or indispensable article for.
household comfort, household convenience, or
household economy, ‘as ever beeu invented.
This is a patent of real merit, use' af.d conveni
ence, and one of those improvement* that are
com ng into general use wherever inttodnccd.
A plain common aeiise article^ praised by every
housekeeper, used in e\ery household every
day. - .
State and County E'.-.-lita for sale in the States
of South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana a d
For further par'.ic .’.urs address
C. W. STL1MCK. or
JAS. O. LAIRD, Gen. Agent, ir, Ga.
To him who iu the love of nature holds
Cominnuhra with her visible forms, she speaks
A various language; tor his gayer hours
She has a voice of gladness, and a smile
And eloquence of beauty, and she glides
Into his darksr mueings, with a mild
And healing sympathy, that steals away
Their sharpness, ere he is aware. When
Of the last bitter hour como like a blight
Over thy spirit, and sad images
Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall,
And breathless darkness, and the narrow home^
Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart ;—
Go forth, under the open sky, and list
To Nature’s teachings, while from all around—
Earth and her waters and the depths of air,—
Conics a still voice—Yet a few days, and thee
The all-beholding sun shall see no more
In all his coarse; u .r yet in the cold ground,
Where thy pale form was laid, with many tears,
Nor in the embrace of ocean, shall exist
Thy image. Earth that nourished thee, shall
The growth, to be resolved to earth again,
And, lost each human trace, surrendering up
Tbine individual being, ahalt thou go
To fix foreve* with the elements,
To be a brother to the insensible-rock
And to the sluggish clod, which the rude swain
Turns with his share, and treads upon. T£e
oak _
Shall send hi* root* abroad, aud pierce thy
mould. # S
Yet net to tliine eternal resting place
Shalt thou retire alone, nor oouldst thou wish
Couch more magnificent. Thou alislt lie dew t>
With patriarchs of the infant world—rrith kings,
The powerful ot the earth—the wise, the good,
Fair forms, and hoary seen of ages past,
All in one mighty sepulchre. The hpls
Kock-jahbqd eH^.|nnien; M bhf! Wil7
Stretching in pensive quietness between;
The venerable, woods—rivers that move
In majesty, and the complaining brooks
' .’hat make the meadows green; and, poured^
round all
Old ocean’s gray and melancholy waste,—
Are hat the solemn decorations nil
Of the great tomb of man. The golden sun,
The planets, all the infinite host of heaven,
Are shining on the sad abodes of death
Through the still lapse of sges. All that tread
Thj globe arc but a handfcl to the tribes
That slumber in its bosom. Take the wings
Of morning, traverse Barca’s desert sands,
Or loose thyself in the continuous woods
Where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound,
Save his own dashing*—yet—the' dead are
And millions in those solitudes, since first
The flight of years began, have laid them drwu
In their lost sleep—the dead reign there alone.
So shall thou rest, and what if thou withdraw
In silence from the living, and no friend
Take note of thy departure ? All that br. athe
Will share thy destiny. The gay will laugh
When thou art gone, the solemn brood of care
Plod on, and each one as beiore will chase
llis favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave
Their mirth and their employmei ts, and shall
And make their bed with tbee. A* tlie long
Of ages glide away, the sons of men.
The youth in life’s green spring, and he who
In the fullstreugth of yean, matron, and maid
And the sweet babe, and the gray-headed man—
Shall one by one be gathered to thy side,
By those, who in their turn shall follow them.
i-. v. Sf
[Specif Correspondence Constitution.]
Me. ISditur :—This ' is a most
fix up a3 fine as other boys. They
woh’t let him go barefooted nor wear
a patch behind nor before nor ride
bareback nor go dirty, and so the, [communicated.]
domestic pressure at home becomes ,
treraendious. Jesso with bonnets and Decline of the CJni\ei.sity of
parasols and kid gloves an silk dresses
and ehanyware and carpets and win
der curtius—and a thousend things
that cost money and run up the outgo
a heap bigger than tlie incum. Gen-
One or two articles have been
written and published in your valua-
e rally speakin’ the home pressure ain’t 1 ble paper> in regard to t j ieve being
a noisy one, but, on the contrary, is BO f ew students at this “ time honor-
very silent and sad—so sad that a e( j >> institution. Some seem to think
body would think there was sumbody I that, the abolition of the secret socic-
dead in the house, and after awhile tj es has caused' this decline, while
sumhow or sumhow else finery comes others attribute it to tlie hard tinier
and thus for awhile all is sereen. But | We agree with the gentlemen, but
j some other college.
There are students in college now
who will testify to the fact that some
of tlie trustees tried to persuade them
So live, tl at when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, which moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the aileot halls of death,
Tbou go not, like the qnarry-slave at (right,
Scourged to hi* dungeon, but, sustained and
By an nofnltcrin jr trust, approach thy grave,
Like one who wraps the onipery of liia couch
Al out him and lies down to pleasant dream*.
% 'William Cnllen Bryant.,
Prices Reduced.
A Gentle Hint.—In our style oi
climate, with its sudden changes of
temperature—rain, wind and sunshine
often intermingled in a single day—it
is no wonder that our children, friends
and relatives are so frequently taken
from us by neglected colds, half, the
deaths resulting directly from this
cause. A bottle of Boscnee’s German
Syrup kepi about your borne for im
mediate use will prevent' serious sick
ness, a'large doctor’s bill, und perhaps
death, by the use of three or four doses.
For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages
Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or
any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its
success is simple wonderful, as your
druggist will tell you. German Syrup
is now sold in every town aud village
on this continent Sample bottles for
trial, lUc; Tegular size, 75. For sale
B. T. Brumby & Co.
blessed land—where everything grows
that man* is obieeged to have, and a
power of good things throw’d in just
to minister to his pleasure. The sum
mer sun Js now ripening the fruits of the collapse is shore to cum sooner or there is yet a greater cause to which
the earth, and when 1 see children and later, and the children ain’t to blame we are confident, wc can 91 tribute
grand-coddren and nefews and Deeses j for it. Sumtimes when Ij ruminate j the small attendance of student®,
rejoicin’in their wonderin’s over the upon the meanness of mankind L wish The cause to which we refer is the
field and orchards, it carries me back the children never got grown for they f ac t t that >■ me of our most intluen-
to the blessed days of childhood. The j don’t get mean or foolish untill they I ti»l trustees are in sympathy with
old-field plums and the wild straw- do. Just think what a sweet time of other colleges/ It certainly is a bad
berries and cherries, mulberries and J it old mother Eve and Mrs. Commo- showing for any college to have tru«-
blackberries were worth more then dore Noah and aunt Methusaler had j t ee8 w l l0 use thair influence for
than gold, and it made no difference with 30 or 40 of’em wearin’ bibs and
who was priest or president, or how aperns untill they were 50 years old,
rich was Astor or Girard or any of toggin’ along after their dadies Juntill
the nabors, or whether Sal Jackson’s they were a hundred. I don’t think
bonnet was purtier than Melyann I old Father Woodruff could have stood 1 not to C ome here, bnt to go to Emory
.-fj.Tompson’^or not. Wha[ a gloriousI that. When a man who ain’t- JiqLod Mercer. Now, is this right? It
wade in-the branch and go a saining dozen of em cum right straight along J j n gheep clothing. Do not misur,*
an4 climb trees and hunt birds’ nests in a row, and by the time he gets on derstmul me. We do not mean that
and carry the corn to mill and leave the piazza, tired and grunty, they persons should not work for thove
it, just to get to run a hoss race home begin to climb all over him and under colleges toward which their sympi-
again. I that those days him and betwixt him and the back of thies are turned; but we do mean that
were the happiest, and so I wont to his chair and the top bis head, its a persons should do privately what
rob my posterity of the same sort, if little more than his venerable nature they profess op* nly.
I can help it. I want’em to love the can stand. On such occasions, it ain’t When a person accepts the pos>
old homestead, and I want childrens’ to be wondered at that he gently tion as trustee of the college, it is tl e
to gather about it and churifih its shakes himself aloose and exclaims, universal opinion that he is going to
memory. What a burlesque on “ Lord have mercy upon me.” Bnt represent the interest of that college;
childhood’s joy it must be to visit then, the like of this must be indur- that lie is going to do all lie can for
grand ma find grand-pa it) a crowded ed. Its a part of the bargin, implied its advancement. And if he real’.y
city, penned np in brick walls with a I if not expressed, as the lawyers say, I has not the inteiest of the University,
few sickly flowers in front and a gar- and no man ought to dodge it. Hu-* of which he is trustee, at heart, it is
den in the rear about as big as a wag- mor’em, play hoss and frolio with’om his duty to resign, and let some ore
on sheet. But that’s the way the | wash’em, undress’em tell’em stories fill his ptsitiou who will do all he
thing is drifting. Them calculatin’ about Jack and the bean stalk, and can for the college, both a* trustee
yankees have long ago done away with I what you done when you was a little and as a private individual,
the ‘old back log’ and the blazing boy, scratch their hacks and put’em I Moreover, those trustees, who are
hearth-stone and substituted a furnace I to bed, and if they can’t sleep, get j not working for other colleges, are
in the basement and a few iron pipes up with’em away in the night, and altogether dormant. If they will not
running around the walls and a hole I no( i around in your night-gown untill J say anything against her they will
in the floor to let the heat in. All they can. Let’em trot after you a'j say nothing for her.
that may be economy, but in my op- heap in week days and all day of a No complaint can be made against
inion a man can’t^raise good stock in Sunday, and don’t try to shirk off our Faculty. A better set of tnta
no such a way. They’ll be picayunish J the trouble and the responsibility on J could not have been selected Only
and nice and sharp featured and gim««| the good woman who bore’em. Solo- one exception, at the least, can be
lety, but they wont do to bet on like I tnon says: “Children are the chief found among the Faculty, and tba
them children that’s been bro’t up* end of a man, and the glory of bis general opinion i* that he will not,
round a fire place on a hundred acre j declinin’ years,” and raisin’ of ’em is J hold his position auother year.: >
farm and had plenty of frech air and I the biggest bianess I know of in this We do not write this for any dis-
latitude. . J life, and most responsible in. the life play or any thing of the kind, (for we
Mr. Editur’ pleasin’ the children is to come Yours, Btll Arp. I know it is a feeble effort:) We write
about all the majority of mankind are I p_ g—Harris keeps on axen me J it just because we are urged on from
livin’ for, though they don’t know it; J a b ou t the Bumble bee’s gimlet. I a sense of duty to do something for
and if they did they wouldent ac J rec k on )| C must belong to the hug the interest of our “ Alma Slater.”
knowledge it. It is emphatically the I bnro, or maby he’s been stung by | Junior.
great business of life. We look on one 0 f them insects, and wants to
with wonder and amazemeut at the find ont wh ether it bit him from he-1 Yes, we can change a fifty dollar
busy crowds in a great city that are fore or bored him from behind. If bill if you want a bottle of Glob*
ever goin’ to and fro like a fiddler’s j, e l.adcnt been raised a town boy he Flower Cough Syrup, the greatest
elbow, and eight out, of ten of’em are wo „i d have known that Bumble bets Cough and lung remedy in the world:
wurkin’ and strugglin’ to pleas and m*^ t | ie i r ne8t8 j n the ground, and or if you want to try it first and see ii
maintain the children. Its the excuse Carpenter bees in wood. Them last what the Hon. A’ex. H. Stepens, Ex-
for all the road rush of business that 0 in pair8 and ^ got gimlet, g ov - Smitb^E* Gov. Brown and
tnrrim mftnhlntl tlirnuoh tho wnrld f . r i * i J b Hon. Kohert loombs of Georgia, say*
homes mankind through the world. bu t gnaw the hole out with a gouge. about ig true ; you get a Sample
It’s the apology for nearly all Ae The? **e all called Bumble beea Bottle f*>r ten cents at Dc C. W.
cheatin’and staalin’and lyin’ in the because when they fly off from a I Long, & Co, Drug Store, Athens Ga,
land, and in a heap of such cases I have ya |i er blossom they make a noise like that relieves an ordinary cold. Tb«
thougbtfa.good ■OlJ. tal , thro ll>« ,ir. 1 C 2 U °''.gj
tears enuf ou the big book to lilot'em | « „x me lumthin hard.” - | Lung A (lection., '’it* pneitivel,
N. B.—Ax Harris how a ground cures Consumpton when all other
squirrel digs his hole without leading boasted remedies fail. Sample Dottles,
any dirt around the top, and how | ^ e 8 u * ar s,Zft ’ 11 oses ’
big was that girJiff’s egg that lie said j ‘ ’ -—~
he saw at the Smithsonian -institute ? I G. & J. t oben s specia tv.
I Gents fine white all liner, duck vests at
CSyNonparcil black silks at 81.00 ! $1 50-each. Try ihfrn. They arc ur-
a yard at M. G. & J. Cohen’* tuqaesed.
out forever* The trouble is Mr. Ed
itur, that most people are always livin’
on a strain tryin’ to do a little too
much their children, and scufflin’
against wind and tide to git just a
little ahead of their nabors. Some of
’em won’t l**t a tou year old bey go to
meetiii’ or to Suuduv school if he can’t