Newspaper Page Text
Taxi Owafcs Ool-
Bant or Board :
.... 5.00
Per Bay....
Par Week.
Single Meal
Restaurant Connected, Famished with FUh,
Oysters, and Everything the Market Affords.
Mkals at All. Iloi’iJ.
I am now receiving the Largest and Best As
sorted Stock of Liqnora evet brought to The
City, both for the
"hose desiring to purchase ere invited to coll. CAPT. B. H. LAMPKIN.
Umitjjcrn fanner.
Tuesday. October 8, 1878.
Gffioial County and City Printer.
Organ for Oconee and Madison Counties.
I3F* Advertisements »i»f atonyttc handed
in not later than S o'clock on Saturday, "if In
t ended to appear on Tuesday.
Entries Already Being Made.
The attention that the Oconee
County Fair lias ami is receiving is
fully merited by the Fair Association.
At great expenso they erected hand-
somo and commodious buildings, and
beautified the grounds until it would
be hard to find a more attractive
Much iuterest is being felt in the
success of tho Fair by the citizens of
Athens and Clarke county, and we
haven’t a doubt but a pleasant time to
all and profitable to many is in store
for those who attend.
For the guidance of those who have
articles for exhibition we publish be
low the regulations of the Association
in regard to entries.
All entries roust" be made by 12
o’clock on Tuesday except those enter
ing lor the trotting or running races
which must be entered by 9 o’clock on
the day of the tace.
No entrance foe charged for premi
ums less than five dollars. Articles
competing for premiums of 85 or more,
10 per cent, entrance fees will be
Exhibitors arc required to cnreiully
attach their entry cards to the articles
to be exhibited, in order that there
may be no mistake in arranging
No person wT be allowed to see the
entries made until after the premiums
are awarded.
Kutries ca>. be initio at any time be
fore the Fair by abdication to the
' When thorough-bred stock is enter
ed an authenticated pedigree will be
required, which will be judged upon
by the committee.
Exhibitors are earnestly requested
to make their entries Mu have their
articles on the ground as early as
practicable, thereby save confusion
and secure the better arrangement of
their articles.
Whilst every precaution will be
taken for the protection of all articles,
yet the Association will, in no case,
he responsible for any loss or damage
which may occur.
The premiums are liberal and com
prehensive—crops are good and now
we do hope that our people will take
the proper interest in making the
Fair a grand success.
The following extract from the ad
dress to the people of Sumpter and
adjoining counties by Capt. John A
Cobb, President of the Americus Fair
Association is so appllotble to our sac-
tion that we take pleasure in reproduc
ing and we beg our people to adopt
the spirit of the address in reference
to Oconee county Fair:
“ What we want now is to show
other sections what our resources are,
and the only way to do it is for every
one, whether they intend to compete
for premiums or not, to come to the
Fair next week and bring their wives
and children and a sample of every*
thing they raise, corn, cotton, oats,
wheat, sugar cane, rice, peas, chufas,
potatoes, turnips, and any garden or
orchard products in season, their
marcs, colts, sows, pigs, cows, calves,
sheep and goats. Housewives, bring
articles ot your handiwork, all charac
ters of needle wot k, and samples of
your raising and make of hams, lard,
buttor, jellies, preserves, breads, eggs,
chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, etc.
Let the little girls and boys bring
anything they have to exhibit. We
want the world to know what smart
girls and boys we have; and they
will find in Captain Brannon, Super
intendent of their department, a kind
and attentive friend who will show
their articles to the best advantage. _
Let no one come without bringing
something to put on exhibition, and
let us make such a display of our pro
ducts and industries as to demonstrate
to every section that we have a county
that is unsurpassed by any in its cli
mate, soil and great variety of pro-
ducts and the character of its popula
tion. Let no one fail to do his duty,
so that when the Fair is over every
one can feel lhat>the success of the ex*
filiation was in a large measure due to
their efforts to make it so.”
Dare You to Take It.
’Rio Pop and Go Base ball club have
challenge for the State in another
columu to which we invite attention.
They arc the best in the land, so they
think, and we do too. Now let the
cloli that think* they cau catch more
flies, hat farther, or steal more bases
than they can, dance np to the Caps
tain’s office, pull out their weave]
skin and throw down their quarter.
Crowded Out
Lengthy notices of our new adver
tisers are unavoidably crowded out of
this issne. They will appear in our
next Included in that roll of honor
is M. C. & J. F. Kiser, Atlanta, Ga.,
John D. Stocker, Atlanta, Ga.,
Chamberlain «fc Boynton, Atlanta,
Ga., North Ga. Fair, Atlanta, Ga.,
Grand Excursion from Athens, Ga.,
R. G. & J. P. Eberhart, Athens, Ga.
Be sure and read all tlieso adver
tisements. Wc can recommend them
all, and will speak of them more in
detail next week.
We call the attention of bur city
readers to tho “Supplement” to the
Banner which is an advertisement of
that most excellent Idle In«ce m * T Tm* * ven, "f’ “ » f 100 *’
Qutnnanv. tlTMiJLm S3 Mls * A^* Bennett, Her ifcneral
Company, the Northwestern Mfttual.
Being operated on the mutual plan
policies in it are not only safe invest
ments but yield dividends. Please
notice those who have received divi
dends in Georgia, among them Gov.
A. II. Colquitt, Judge Geo. Hillyer,
Gen. Wir. McRae, Hon. B. H. Hill
and Col. G. J. Foreacre, and who
vouch for its great strength and ads
vantages. Dr. Wm. II. White, the
popular Agent of the Company, is at
tho Newton House and will remain
for a few days.
Bascbalt Players take notice
That the “ Pop and Go ” Club of
Oconee, hereby challenges you to a
match game to be played on the Fair
Grounds during the Fair, which
begins Oct. 14 inst.
And to stimnlate tho boys tho as
sociation has offered a premium of
fifty dollars to chnmpiuin club.
This challenge is not confined to
tho State, bnt extended to any ol the
Southern States.
J. T. Jackson, -
_ Captain “Popand Go’s”
—Wo are pleased to see Col. Aleck
Wallace, of Atlanta, in our city,'not
withstanding, he ar.d his friends have
our heart-fell sympathies in the sad
Albion -'f Mrs. S. D. Mitchell,
which calls him here at this time.
Col. Wallace haa a host of friends in
Athens, who are glad again to 9bake
him by the hand. We are glad to
state that Mrs. M'tchell is somewhat
improved. Wo hope soon to be able
to note her entire recoverv.
—Prof. White, ol tho University
has retunied to Athens after an ex
tended Northern tour. We learn
that he purchased the machinery
necessary for the manufacture of ice
for the Albeits lee Manufacturing
—Mr. A. S. Mandeville is in New
York purchasing a slock of jewelry.
His patrons will bear from him
tbrongh the columns of the Banner
ot hisieturn.
—Yesterday all the Israelites of
the city suspended business, it being
the annua] commemoration of the
Day of Atonement.
—Married, on Thursday morning
last by Rev. C. D. Campbell, at the
Baptist church Mr. Key, of Harmony
Grove, and Miss cooper, daughter of
our esteemed citi|fen, Mr. J. Z.
—Dr. H. H. Tucker, wife and
daughter, left our city last Wednes
day for Atlanta, having decided to
make that their permanent home.
—Maj. Robert Thomas is now en
route for Enrope.
—Died, at her residence, in this
city, on Sunday evening, at 5 o’clock,
Large sales indicate the merits of
all good articles. Druggists sell more
of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup than of all
other remedies for the cure of Baby
was preached on Sunday evening by
Rev. C. D. Campbell, of the Baptist
Church, and her remains followed to
the grave by a large concourse of
sorrowing friends. A loving husband
and seven orphan cb'ldrcn mourn the
loss of wife and mother.
—Athens is furnishing the mer
chants on the line of the Elbcrton
A : r Line Railroad with their goods.
—Wc are glad to note the acces
sion to our population of Capt. Snead,
of Atlanta, brother of oar popular
s oc merchant.
—Larry Gantt spared enough time
from his farm to visit Athens on
Friday evening last. He had combed
tho cuckle bora out of his]hair,had
blacked his shoes and donned his
Sunday clothes.
—Col. Huggins was afraid that
his advertisement was in too small
type and would not be read. We as
sure him thatifhc were to take time to
make a memorandum of all those who
have read it he would not have any
time left to sell goods within the
next week. However read it again,
and then go and tell him you have
read it. Ilis stock is unsurpassed by
any in the city.
—Hurrah for the colored people 1
The colored working committees of
the different wards for the benefit of
the yellow fever sufferers have deci
ded to hold a Fair on Friday night
next. We like the idea, and trust it
may be a grand sucecss. The fair
will be held at the City Hall.
—Everybody is going to join
Reid & Harris’ excursion to Atlanta
during the Fair.
F. B. Lucas, Tax Collector, has
Mtooldiolder’a Mooting-
We direct attention to the adver
tisement of the meeting of the Stocks
holders of the Nor thseas tern Railroad
to be held at the Company’s -oflico- in
Athens on the 17th inst.
Local Blendings.
—The Kirkpatrick property sold on
Tuesday last for S831. Mr. J. 33.
Patman was the purchaser.
—The new students who have ad
ded their names to the University roll
are all fine looking young men.
—In obedience to an order from
Southern Express Headquarters Mr.
Williams, the popular Agent at
Athens has his office draped in mourn
ing for the death of those in the em
ploy of the company in the plague-
stricken districts.
—Union Point on the main line of
the Georgia Railroad had shiped 34
bales of cotton to Athens on the 3rd
inst. We advise that it all be sent
—Night Pedestrians are indebted
to the Athens Gas Company for better
gas than has heretofore been fur
nished them.
—We have bought a “ blow gun •*
with which to shoot the roan who says
that Joe Browning is not -the best
Sheriff in Georgia.
—A great mtyiy arc under the im
pression that Col. Billups will speak in
Athens on the I8th inst He is not
yet positive. We will advise our
readers positively next week.
—Yesterday at 9 o’clock a niecfLig
was held at the first Methodist Chnrch
which ladies only were invited to at
tend. Lost night the meeting was ex
clusively for males and Dr. Potter re
quested that they rttend in their
business suits. This, we think, is
practical devotion.
* r Old Tub’’ has not succeeded
in swallowing the nickle alluded to
in tho Chronicle of Saturday last.
« Tub ” will yet have to cut the hair
from the tail of a dog, place it ui>
der a door step and let his enemy
walk over it. Reliel cannot come
in any other way. (Ye gods of
milhology, come to the rescue of your
supertitious subjects.)
—Rev. Mr. Ingle, pastor of the
Episcopal Church accompanied by his
wife, ia rusticating in Virginia.
—Married, on Thursday, the 3rd
inst., Capt. J. N. Montgomery, of
Madison county and Mrs. B. Ware,
of Athens. We are glad to know
that Capt. M. will become a citizen
—Dr. Smith Lyndon is having new
shelving put into his Drug Store.
opened his books for the collection of
the county taxes.
—Rev. John P. Duncan, the blind
preacher, delivered a beautiful lecture
at the first Methodist Church, on
Sunday night last, to a very large
—Clocks, Clocks! Well, what
about clocks ? Mr. Collins has them
from $3 up. Warranted to keep
good time or no sale.
-The dinner horns in all this
country are blown by the time marked
by Collins’ Clocks.
-Collins’ Clocks mark the time so NZJEORGIA, Oconee County,
accurately that a young man cannot ' , 0»nnrx*T'.Orncx.-reitappearingthat
possibly remain longer than th6 proper
hour. Parents are advised to pur
—Mr. J. C. Jlardio, has just re
turned to college with his heart and
all his energies, from South West
Georgia. He says the county and the
people of that section in every partic
ular is hard to beat.
ThatureGotogtoDaahthe Old Ship of High Price* to Pieces
Senate in the Uraud “ Cuh System ” Smiled at the. Fniy of the Storm, and ■ care in a safe
Harbor Nobly Won, aatonkh the City with
■ EYery department is foil to overflowing, and Athcu has in tho Store of
Tho best rSlowed Stock of D y Goot* in Gomya, We hare K’«k Alpac.s. Black all Wool
Caas-merea, Black Br li'anUnea, t'aek Mohalre, Hack Austrah-o C.aocs, J’ack 8-lk Warp
ire do for House* in Augusta and Savarnah, aa well a- in Athens^ is no wonder our
-nice :i7S cm pwoacbab!c.:ln waste gooda and houraxeeping »ock)i wehave m immense *;<>«
,S.* Crash* Towels, Boyles Kapkirs, $D.«see, -»vrj», Handkercbi =-*, Blcsehen
Shi Ji’ci, Slier I * g*. a c » dtc>
Not by Favor, but by Merit h ’oce do we intend to mrnUin our um .vailed reputation. Look
at oer aplend?d :iaea ofHoafevj, Lvdiea and Gemlemen^SUckinga and Socks from the cheapest
American to the finest German, UU and B*’.bri»an make*.
Gold is a good thing, hat rive Ill gen'.as and am fitton, and Lien an energy that never tires a
mind tnat never warderc*. Hrel'ii instead of cheek,
Ladies and Gentlemens Under Shirts, Gentlemens Dress Shirts, Lanndried and Unlaundried,
Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Caarimeres and an immense Stock of Notions and Fancy Goods.
Our couiso can’t be stopped. Clear tho track, for a revolution m the prices of
L our prices come
And *11 Planters Supplies. Opposition is swept away like aBott in a Storm, and
with foroe irresistible to the common sense of the people.
^ James K. Gray & Co.
LOCH n E "5T ’ IS
Tbe Largest and only Complete South of New York.
No. 45 East Hunter Street, Atlanta, Ga.
blished 1
■ oCIO'
^ dAMIS TiOCUREY, Proprietor of the old-establish(wa.n* M «.^ M -«.» WMMHU ^
n if* Hunter Street, A lanta, Ga.. resnectfjlly announces to h’s easterners and friends gener
ally that no h now prepared, with tho audition of now raaebiue-y * nd increased facilities, to
ecuto fll kinds of worn in h's l*.no in the very belt stylo and with tho utmost promptness.
IN vow ofpresent reduced values -nd tho a Cogency of tho times, lie has concluded, while
do;ng alli work ?a the mwt perfect and approved manner, to put down the prices of cleaning and
kind reliable Steam Dye Works, No.
* d frji
dyeing all classes of goods.
Cleaning Coats, from..
Cleaning Pants
Cleaning Vc :ta ....
DyeirgCoUa, from ...
Dyeiug Pants
Dye s ng Vests
....$1 00 to $1 £5 I Dresses, from
75 | Shawls ....
501 Skirta ....
....1 oatol 2 00 I Ties
.... 1 00 to 1 25 Kid Gloves, ..
$1 00 to (2 00
25 to 1 50
75 to * ?5
.... 10c cuch or 3 for 25c
. 15o per p»’r, or 2 for 25c
Oct etli.Sm.
(Fames Lo€hrey s
At'unta Steam Dye Work*, No. 45 F st Hi iter Street.
85 Whi.teh.all <& 98 Broad Sts.
The Cheapest—The Cleanest—Tho Newest and Latest
Styles of
in the City
Pair ted ReJrooirTStnts, t> pieces $22.50to35
Walnut Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces 25to30
Walnut Bedroom Suits, 10 pieces 30to40
Walnut Full Marble Suits, 10 pieces 50toC5
Walnut iaj Marble Suits, 10 pieces S5to45
Elegant Dressing Case Suit, 10 pieces 50to200
Parlor Suits 7 pieces frfrfr 40tol50
Marble Tables, 5 pieces ]§qq
Mattresses, Chairs, Tables, &c., at correpponc’’*?** prices, for
For Cash. and. Cash Only.
Competition (hj,3d—Satisfaction guaranteed—Goods promptly
delivered—No Charge for Packing or Shipping.
85 Whitehall and 22 Broad Sire, between Hunter & Kitchc’l St?.
66 and 68 ‘Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Georgia
We have this Full made unusual efforts to
place before the nublio in oov several stoics
.pood and desirab.e goods from fret hands, end
in addition to a great many imper td fapuiaUy
for ni oi*o of our firm spent several weeks at-
tending Avetie* tidu, visiting Van.faet.ri.j,
Importing and OoMniUiUm houta. so that every
advantage that ce.ih can commirad has been ap-
propriated. Toe result is no such stock of
good* can be shown to this country. Weoalt
attention to a :'ctv of orf leading depmtments.
DRESS GOODS.—We have evet/ Jt—t new
in tii> department. Colored Silks all snsdes
and qualities Camels Itair, Debtges, Lusters,
Suitings, Mo lain,. Bonrettes, Brocades, French
Novelties, etc. T o house in this city can show
as large a stock of dress goods.
BLACK SILKS!—We make a specialty of,
and v 'U in eveiy ' .-.lance sell as low as the
lowest New York retail price*.
HOSIERY 1—The largest stock of Hosiery ra
the SUte, great many new styles of reccDt im-
than doable our .-sual stock of these goods and
oil at lowest tttiees.
Doyles, Towels, Irish Linens, bed Spreads, etc.
—As low and in manv iesAnces lower than
manufacturers Ageu* mric. by bale.
ths advantage or the imm-mse mid summer sale
ot Blankets In New, York, we are prepared to
sell thmn as low as they usually cost at tbe
manufi ctory.
. Baigrins in Flannels, Gents, Indies and
M-saes Underwear, etc., etc.
Samples of Dry Goods tent on application.
Our Carpet Store is equal in size to our iTry
Goods Store, and contains more than double
the quantity of Carpets to b. found in any other
Carpet Store 'n die State.
Having dcterm'ned to avoid the middle prof
it of the Jobbers, we have bou~hl enr Carpets
this Fall d’reci f om the maurjeturer.
We hate borqht in such quantities rs to get
bottom prices aud.biggest ducourts.
We now have m elore the la-gest stock of
Velvet A- m'uiste;-, Body Brussels. Tapestry
Brn-ese J. 3-plys, Ingrains. 2-plys, and cheapest
Ca.oeis over exhibited'in one house iu tho
S; _-te.
Oil cloths for floors from 3 to ifl fleet wide.
I ineolum in ali the new patterns.
Wall Paper, Window 8hades, LanAreqnto
Materia], Lace Cm Dins, Hair Clrth, Coooa and
Juae Mnttbga alwavs on hand in Urge qoanU-
Wo invite an inspection of the department,
and inform all iu advance tnat wo cannot no
undersold In the Carpet line.
Onr Shoo Store does not con-ist of one corner
in e D./ Goods loom, bnt U a reparato storei to
itself, sue u F samo s'-u* as of on. omer
stores coula uiuq Diy Geods and Carpets.
We have 1 tuts store all the le-id-ng makes
of the b-rt and moat favorably known shoes
saoli es Mil’s, Bert’s freeman s, Canfield r,
Dunbar’.-, Soller’e, and numerous other well,
known makes of Boots and Shoes, \\ecan
safely say that no shoe house in Georgia pan
show so extensive a stock of Gents, Ladies,
Misses, Youth s and Children Shoes, as we now
offer in onr Shoe Store.
Eveiy pair of Boots and Shoes wo have are
made expressly to our order, and of scltctod
"weft'cl confident that it is to tlic interest of
aU in want o' goods to examine our immense
slock before making any purchase.
HL.ACK CA--IiaiEItE8! We have arranged with in Importer to use Black Cr*hmeres iu large quantities, and it will 'ay each
and every one : n want of these goons, both wholes.- c and rota' 1 , to examine these goods before purchas-og elsewhere. No Now York Jo (her wm
do better on them than we wi'!.
osambbrxiHt, soyutoist & co.,
Watcli Mattfr aSd Jewel<St
Athens, Georgia,
Dr.' Smith Union's Drug Store.
Having servcil a regulai apprenticeship
Watch Factory in Germany
I flatter myself that I understand the
business having been 25 years at.
My Work is my Guarantee
Prices Lower Than Any
FALL 1878.
’Wholesale Pry Goods.
FALL 1878.
i and 3IorpliIno habit eared,
I Opium Eating, te \t. B. Squire;
t Wc,rtulncun. Green* Co., Iud*
are invited to call and see, at the Office, next
door to Wm. McDowell’s, College Avenue.
Sewing Machine Needles and attachments ot all
kinds for sale by
appeal in j that the
estate of Luanda Ilsrier, deoar-ed, ia not rep
resented, or likely to be, therefore tl' person*
concerned are required to show cause (if any
they can) on the first Moidav in November
next, a. 10 o’clock, Am., et my office, in V r>
kiusviPe, State and ooumy aforesaid, why the
Cie-k of die Superior Conii of said county, or
some other fit aud proper pei son, be appointed
to adm s n:stor on raid estate.
Oc!, 7th, 1878. 4t. Ord’mc /.
As a reliable and cheap remedy
for the various affections of tho throat
and lungs, we heartily recommend
Dr. Boll’s Cough Syrup. Small 25,
and large bottles 50 cents.
GEORGIA, Oconee County.—
Whereas, Joseph B. Lang.ord, executor of
Eecfo -d LenySxd, deceased, petitions' * eras
of the law, m be ("-ebs-ged .Com sa’d cxecn
toraYo. T'lesc rre, there o-e, to eke and rd-
mocisf a' persons concerned to sl-ow cause r.t
rav — -
of Ssp-cm'.-rr, 1878.
Oct. TtV -Sm.
No Middle Man.
Fully realising the commercial advantages
that the prosperous city of Athens has over the
whole or Noith-east Georgia, and with special
regard for the fact that ail Leading Merchants
are working for only a small oomm’ssion,
leaves no “Middle Man’s’' profits between his
customers and himself, bnt has knocked out
thi “Middle Man” and taken in the ‘-Ring
Leaders” by purchasing Us immense stock of
Fail and Winter Goods direet from the Manu
facturers in Ba ttmore, Pittsburg, New Yoik,
Trenton and Beaton. Having visited these
Msnnlsctories iu person, and sell cred the beet
goods for eveiy branch of his buainess, he now
defies competition in offering to the people of
North-east Georgia a stock ot goods unequaled
in variety, unexcelled in qnality, and unusual
ly low in prices. Ilia stock of Domestio and
staple dry goods is fall and complete. He has
tbe beet stock of harness, saddles, whips and
aaldles in the city, bargains for every body can
be fond in his large stock of hats and shoos.
Family and fancy groceries, are among his spe
cials. He keeps a large stock of wooden,
willow, and tinware. Ilia well selected stock
of flue and common table and pocyet cutlery
table and teaspoons, britania and silver ware,
exceeds anything of the kind ever offered iu
this market.
While in Northern end Eastern markets he
made sneh large purchases of crockery, giasse
ware. Lamps and Oil on snob terms rs 'to ena
ble him eo sell twese goods rt wholcss'e and
retail cheaper than any other boose in the
State. Ae ia determined to sell these goods
lower than they can he bought in this section
and not to bo underaoldion northing in his line.
Remember tbe place. J. II. Huggins is st his
old stand, No. 7, Broad Strce , Athens, G.
EORGIA, Oconee County.
” Wheicrq H. G. ltrrt'gree, Adm'ulatrator
ofDev-d WiUonjhbr, deerased, applies to me
fo- 'erve to ee'i r'' ..-at tract ot Isnd, or which
decor sc d lived a. (he dire of j’t death, belong
ing iothe cs'sto of ar'd deceased. Thereforr.
all persona into eov d are hereby notified and
cited to show cause at my office on or before the
first Monday in Novembor next why sa’d leave
ahouid net beg ltsd,
f Given rode- my band at office tliU 30th day
a Esptei-lxr 1678. «
Oct. 7tb,4t. Ordinary.
of Athens, leaving his tanning inter,
eats in Madison county in charge of
his eldest son.
—Our friend Charies Reese, Esq.,
left Athens for California on Wednes-
day last. Charlie leaves a host of
friends behind him,
We are authorised to anaonnee J. B. DORSEY
as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of
Clarko County at the earning election In January
Wo are authorised to announce JOHN W. WIEB
aa a candidate forth* office of Tax Collector of
Clarko county at tho ensuing election in January
At tbe solicitation of a number of friends
hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax
Collector for Clarke Comity, at tbe ensuing
election in January next.
^ Will be told before ibe Court House door
in the city of Athens. Clvko county, Ga., on
the first Tuesday in November next, within tbe
legal hours of'sale the following propel .y to
wn: All that tract or parcel of hind situate iy-
' Dg and being hi tbe c:tv of Athens and conuty
jf Clarke, State of Geoig’r, known sa the, co..’e . No. 0, Meriwether sn-vey,
and tho p'aea wlierso.- Job * Q. A No:.ia resid
ed r. the’t' lie of ir's dea*h. oo rts" -ioq one half
acre, tre e o. ><.-*, fout'ngor Newton street,
in.-u i .-{ Nor.h to a l'ue seprratlxg it from Mad- fJJJL.
ison Davis’ lot; bounded on the South by the I ,
Will be sold before the Conrthonse door in
the oky of A.liens, Clarke eon-iy, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in November next within tbe
le^rl boo., of sale, the fol'owing prouer.y, to-
w»t: one lot of I nd. situated fvlagand being
in eom.v ofCia -ke mid Ste'e of Georgia, aiott
trree mile* from At.tens, on the Clarksville
Ra:, aud rnuulm; from said road to the Oconee
riser, the No-th Eastern B- B. running through
i*, aud huv'i -j a sma'i house and -.ood well on
it. Cot-sis ug o. about seven acres of forrest,
about five of pine timber, aboat tweutv acres of
river bottom, and th!r,y-two seres of good av
erage upland; containing in r’l sixty-four acres,
by survey of E. K4Iu nnkin. Bounce 1 on the
North or M. 1. Kendrick, on tie East br the
road era by Joe Comer and otners. ou South
by Joe Comer and bv the tivtr, aud ontue
Wes. by tho B've~ rue by M. I. ke ulrlc'r.
A.rc i t tbe ■ ime time sod j lrc; one bay more,
io yoke of oxen and ox w -. d r td'a one-
horse wt jot and -ltness, t‘ieojo.."oi'..u -Ue>
es. io sixreen acres of cotton ii tbe field, and
one iou th ijtores. 'u six thousand xu-rt's rf
seed eoatm, rnd one-fourto interest in eight
acres o r eora <n tbe field, all -Ciied upon is the
piouei tv of tbe defeadan', *■. J. Kendrick, by
vi-.ue of a fl. fa. ilom Clarke Supr ric- Court
Apput«r.mvs7S. Wi'lifm Caidnei' v s . I m .
manual T. Keudrirk. Ail eold to s-jt'.f-r su'd fl
fa., and sr'd propsuy pointed out t>y defen
dant, M. T. Kendrick, nee She-iff for plat of
property. Tbis, October 5tb, 1878.
oct 8-td. J. A. BEOWN1NG, Sheriff.
Low Prices, Quick Sales.
40 to 60 Per Ceitt. Discount,
From Catalogue Prices of the following celebra
ted makers:
Ch*ckering, Mathushek, Kr abe, Stienway Hal-
let and Davis, McPbail A Co., Simpson A, Co.
Haines Bro., Billings A Co.
Pablok and Church Organ!
Mason & Hamlin, Pleoubet & Pel ton, Prescott
Organ Co., Clougli A Warren. Attracting Purch
asers from the Mountains to the Sea. Testimonials
from parties who have corresponded with several
of the largest Piano and Organ dealers, established
the fact that prices are lower iu Augusta than
^ be sold before tbe ConA-hunse door
iu the etty of At -ere, CV. ke Ceruty, Geor-ia,
on the fir* Tuesdry in November a"«xt, w't .in
onvhe Oeocre river, 1;’ey 'back l e res!
deuce, eo.'Uirl.-g fo ,y-four sc es, nonnded as
follows: On tne North by tbe Oconee Ccj.ete-
iy, ou the West by a street bc.ween •a’d land
and Mias klritha M. pumpkin’s, 011 the South
by Co'. Yancey oa the East by tbe liver end
by a Sirin of 1; cdoi four tevi reserved With
the s' '' '
of L--G. Lc.ipkla; Esst by Csarlio
.'os.e-’J, on toe Wee; by Ne»ton e.reet. Sr’d
) >vv br'--g ir.fe fr.r .he pnreheso money oT the
above desc-'b:d lot end .or .he rrrnose of ma-
k'r g th'» 'evy. Deed has bee - mane b» A. A.
Bei ; ‘5 Con', luev W. Bea', iilsd a -d rejo-ded in
the C'e-k’s eloc of t jo Sayre lot Con k of
(Tartce Coeuly, Gr., ctfoie'.ho levy was ntrdo
for ti e Inline* cf pure -sac nontv of the above
described Io. all a* tne pro Deity of defen
dant, A. A. Bell, vs Cdorioey W. Bsa’, all to
be sold to earisftr tbe above stated fl la. Sep
tember SSth 1878 J. A. BROWNING,
oct. 8-td. Sheriff.
Male of House and Lot!
of Clarke
Hons* door ol
November next, daring .
House tad Lot, lying uul being in the City eg
Athens In said county known ai the Wilson Lot,
west coroe:.'-vr out to strike _ujriok : n
sheet,-ear asmrll ot of John H. t’ewion.
Anon, terertv-five seies o. it'd '*ud heevily
fambre-ed e.-u the Ix-.ltn.e opee land. AUo at
the same * me rod place, *R of .he snoal axd
ws.eryriv’ rge on ;be Sou.a-west side of Oco
nee Bivcr and at trip of lend (rod 'ocalion for
Factory with seven Teet laV in said shoa's, ton-
ta'ning yboct .bur ac e*, runu'03 av b. lit of
r'ver, w'u* a s; set lesd'og out avn lower erd.
All leyed npoa by *' .ne of two fl }* from
CIr-ke Superior Court, August term, 1878, both
IP Si % N. J. Dong, surviving partner of
C. W. A1H. B. J. Long, vs Mrrtha M. Lump-
L-x- All rold to •a'isq> the ebove staled fl fits.
Bee Slierff tor plrt of propo; tv. Tide Oct it'
1973. J. aTbBOWNING.
c:t 8, td. Sheriff.
coaudaiag about four (4) seres, au>ra or leas, lying
in front of the residence of 87 P. Thurmond, Bw.
Tabs sold as the property ofMatthew U. Hender-
soa deccSMd for the ben. flt of hli legatees. Terms
Ws are authorized to announce the name of
DAVID E. SIMS aa a candidate for Be-elsctioo
to tho ofliee of Beeelv of -Tax ffetnme of
Clarke County at the election in January next
Georgia, deeersed, tie hereby notified torre-
ser; the lime for t>»y rent to my Agent, Wm.
E. Nations, ai At eix, (ii_ | 0 Uie time a-d
mannerreqj-red bylaw; and tbore indebted
to vaU dgcapAd a^reqMotod to nmkp imme
diate payment to me. Oct. 6 th. 1878.
octWod. MALAC1HB. DAVIS, Adm’r.
MY Books am now open for the collection of
■Stata and Coanty Tex for WS. Office over
Mathew’s * Jackson’s Store.
oct 8-2*. Tag Collector Cls-ks Co.
StocMiolder’s Meeting.
The Eighth Annuel Keeling of the 6»tck-
holders or the He- tbesstern Balirosd Compenj
will be he’d at the Company’s office, In Atoms,
on Tuursday, October frth, 1878, at 11 o’clock,
Stookhblden and their families will bo passed
free. By order of the President,
oot. 8-flw. T. A. BURK)
JE, Secretary.
■ii’fr hfr Jpfrt tiri: ; j •; 'L'. .. ;
M. C. & J. F. KISER & CO ,
- re- . *.*: .re . • - > t ; i
. -Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and I>omestic
Hoots, Shoes, - Hots and Moos,
Corner Pryor and Wall Streets,
. ^ ,,0T,r °ffcrn * to ’ *e trade tlio largest ntoek of the above goods ever offe.'cd iu our
cdy. ana dej-e to c * Inc special attention oi the ^radc to the following
Goods of our own Importation.
Our Comppsa Fraud Double-warp Black Alprcas, Pure Mohairs, LuFtrcco and Briliirntccns.
op'»o goods are regr’air in point oftnak* and unequaled for color, bi'H’ancy of flni&n and dura-
bthtv. Also to our large lino of Piencb Casb*nerca, Ital'an Cloth*, Veil forego \ Parisicnne^,
Cor* uroys. Black Velvets, Jrcojet Na’iisooks, Swiss and Mull Mrsli is. Freich, Swiss ami
xjottinglirT 1 Laces r idCu tfr 1 Embroideries, Hamburg ¥ ' in b t id InseHin^s, washed and
Bleached ^ftblo L nen Demasi, KopV’ns and Towels, i *ont’ ■ ' *nens t Ladies’ aud Gents’ Linen
and bilk Band-te:cK“*fs.
Tb.o ATootre goods cure XTe-utr and Freslx and of our
Xmporta-tion "Witnin -fcfc.o last sin-by
material. Our Cotton Goods and Jcars were bought at the
Low Bill Prices of Mid-summer
Our Notion Slock, Boots and Shoes, Men’s aud Boy’s Fur and Wool Ilats, Ladies’and Misses’
1..mined Hats were never more comp'etc. It is well to add we have an immense stock of Jeans,
both Eastern anu Western, with our usual supply of the celebrated
e 33, © © s' & <3P © a. n g &xx<d ©assi sa© © sr © s,
Will he Offered and Sold at the Lowest Prices.
Our business lias increased so rapidly, and has grown so large, that now a bare commission
on onr sales is quite satisfactory to us for a profir.
|57~ We extend a kind invitation and a hearty welcome to all Merchants to examine onr stock
and prices. oct.8.2m,
Of Leather, Boots & Shoes.
Constantly on hand a large stock of Broganr, Men’s and Women’s Balmo
rals, Boys and Misses Shoes of same styles. Their stock is of the host ma
terial, workmanship superior, and prices to suit the times. They offer
their manufacture both wholesale and retail. Give them a Dial.
oct - 8 - 8m - k. r. & J. G. EBETHABT.
$50 to 1100 saved in purchasing from G. O.
Low Prices Quick Sales, la the motto of the
Munlc House of the South, which is Competing
Successfully with Now York and Boston.
Goods rent by Express anywhere in the South,
O. D.« ou receipt of advance Express Charges
one way, with privilege of examination given ii
so requested.
Tuning and Repairing.
Foundry And Machine Works,
170 Fenwick Street, opposite Water Tower,
Augusta, Georgia,
txEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors,
Manufacture Portable and St itioucry Steam Engines, and Boilers,
Saw Milla, Qriat Mills, Shafting Pulleys, Gearing, Hangers, etc., Iron
•ud Brass Castings-, Plantation and Mill Work of any kind, Cane Mills
and Kettles, Horse Powers, Graham’s Improved Solid Rim end other
styles of Gin Gear. Special attention given to Repairing and Over
hauling Macbincph Promptness and good work guaranteed. Send
T*I Gearing. Agents for the Celebrated Elipse
Donbic Turbra Water Wheel, the Jndson Governor, tlie Niagara
Steam Pump and Nordike, Mormon & to’s Plantation Mills.
Send for Circular., GEO. B. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors.
Ii, Pipe and Seed Organ., and all
1 Instrument. Toned and Beudrep
YLOR, the only authorized Tuner
Pianos, Church.
kind, of Musical I
*>, Mr. C.H.TAYLOR, the only authorised 1
for tho ini -
Augusta Music House.
Cottoi Factors & Cohmissioh Merchants,
Clayton St., Athens, Ga.
Advances made on Cotton consigned in Store.
n. j™tj «r tv. lttv cwtary.
Barham’s Infallible
ExrUaHlshraCx? DuUxl R- &
It .me tklls to «re ■rewrk.lfo
TT.H, 3ST X T TJ Tl JB ,
Our gqofjs.nre all NEW cad as wo are selling for Cosh wo guarantee
Our Goods Lower than any House in North-East Georgia
Call aud exnmiuo our Goods and Prices before buying olscwhere.
Giileiand, Wood & Co’*., old Btand
scpt,3,2m. ATHENS, GEORGIA,