Newspaper Page Text
* ; The Barber's
■* . A Birmingham barber was cutting them
P r °f use ' oc^s ®f a ya'ung w
some pretensions to being
literary, atto occasionally poses before Ji
his friends as a great genius. S|
With a supercilious smile and words fl
that could be heard all over the room, gi
the young man inquired: “I say, bar- R
ber, what makes a man grow bald?” I'
The barber snapped his scissors once f
or twice and ran the comb through his I
beard. •’ I
“Well,” he answered slowly, “if a man I
has got lots of brains and is a deep
thinker he generally gets bald. That,
they say, leads to it every time.”
Several of the customers looked at the j
young man's luxuriant crop and smiled j
rather broadly. The young man, how- <
ever, did not exactly see the joke. So,
pretty soon, when the barber was run-....,
N ning his fingers over the curly locks,
, \. he tempted fate again.
X “I say,” he asked, ''do you think my
hair will come out and I’ll get bald?”
The man of the scissors paused re
flectively, and then, in a tone as if ha_,
was delivering a judicial decision, an- ■
“No; I don’t think you stand in any
danger of getting bald.” '
’ Then the crowd laughed and the bar
ber looked surprised.— Tit-Bits.
The Feather Duster, which “appears
to advantage” in Act 1., spoke first
“ This tendency toward novelizing the
drama by dramatizing the novel, I de
cry,” said she. ■
The Soda Siphon, who "brings down
the house” in Act 11., agreed with her.
“It futilizes our most strenuous efforts
to’uplift the Stage,” said he. ,
Both turned to the Slap-Stick who
“receives an ovation” in Act 111. The
trouble is,” he said, “that nowadays the
authors do not consult our idiosyncr -
sies and temperaments in writing tfii
plays, but expect us to merge our sple J
did identities in their feeble charact
The Folding Stairs was shut up
New York Times.
She.—And that is what you call
rooter? Goodness! What a jolly cha
He.—What is the matter?
She.—George, I’d learn all about ba;
ball at once if I thought it would ma
hippy as that!— Puck.
Fortune Be « ivcn .
agency that-hotter ’ g stomach Bit
anothSf * «sty „ f our ,
.’»*<• t j fl. F* ’ PMJtaotes
g?s*iou, Ctlrs'!? dyspepsia, regulates the Uvat
'Udk'dpß the bo'wals regular, s.’ao preven.r
belch jig. heartburn or flatulency. Don’t iau
.-■* try it, but be sure you get the genuine.
President Garfield was shot on Satur
day, July 2, 1881, and died on Monday,
September 19, 1881.
Pen advertisement of EE-M Catarrh Cure Hi
0 u«*r column the best remedy made.
The largest locomotive works in the
■world are in Philadelphia.
All goods are alike to Putnam Fadeless
Dyes, as they color all fibers at one boiling.
Sold by all druggists.
Two electric mountain railroads have
been constructed to operate on the French
elope of the Pyrenees.
The favorite flower of the fortune hunt
er is marigold.
Wow’a Thill
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi(
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured b}
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J
Cheney for the last 15 years, .- nd believe bin
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tionsand financially sb'.- to carry out an;
obligation made bv thei- firm.
West A Tbuax Druggists, Toledo
Walding. Kivn’kn Marvin, Wholesale
Druggist®. Ohio.
Hall’s Cats’--i < tire is taken internally, act
ing directly mon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tho sv«t on. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75 •, nc- bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
The man who says he would share hie
* last dollar with you somehow or othci
never gets down to his last dollar.
I.adiea ca.ii Wear Shoes
One eize smaller after using Alien’s Foot-
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tighl
or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweat
Ing, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns ant
i bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores’
125 c. Trial package FREE by mail. Addrest
A Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Every woman who marries feels that tc
a certain degree she is a reformer.
Children Like It.
When your child's eyes get sore use Jno. I]
Dickey's 014 Keliable Eye-water. Itellev s a
/ Don’t burn —feels good. Dicsey Dru,
'°- Bristol, Tenn.
1 There are too manv people who enjoj
wearing borrows .1 feathers.
FITS permanently cured. X' - fits or nervous
< ness after first day’s use of Dr. /.'line’s Grea
Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and ti yotise fre«
j Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd,, £3l Arch St., Px.P<
grows about half the coffee crJf
I or ine world.
«• . Winslow's Soothing Syrup for childrsil
» teething, soften the gurus, reduces infiammi-1
J tlon.ahays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a oott> |
The greatest railroad in the world ic 1=
the United States.
< Piso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken o'l
las a cough cure.—J. W. O’Bnw, 922 Third
Avenue, N.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jau. e, iyOJ.
i The number of enrigranU who left Gtr
tuny in 1900 was 22,309-
j J) w j
Removing Mildew Stains.
: This is the season when inlldeV
stains are most troublesome, but the'
can be easily conquered, even durini
1 the “murky” midsummer days. To |
remove mildew' from linen mix togethj
era tablespoonful of soft soap witji
enough powdered starch to make $
rather thick, a teaspoonful of salt an '
the juice of a lemon. Apply to tlihj
stain with a paint brush on both Sidell
of the linen and leave the stained arti’l
cles out on the grass a day and a '
-night, or until the spot is removed.
Repeat the process if necessary, but
one application will generally prove |
.su/iicient. After the stain has disap
peared have the article thoroughly
washed and dried.
» . , ——————
Embroidered Centerpieces and Doilies,
The custom of serving breakfast and
luncheon on a polished table with the
embroidered centrepieces and doilies
taking the place of the usual cloth is
more in vogue to-day than ever be
Among the most highly appreciated
gifts to the housewife or bride con
templating housekeeping nothing riv
als the embroidered sets consisting of
centrepieces and doilies of various
shapes and sizes that are exchanged by
intimate friends. For this purpose
the favorite blossom of the recipient
is usually selected as the motif for
all of the principal pieces. ■
For dinner the edict has gone forth
that white embroidery alone should be
used, but there are many housewives
who refuse to give up the exquisite
colored embroidery that has been a
feature of table decoration for so
many years.—American Queen.
Modern China Monograms.
Much of the handsome china used
nowadays is marked with the mono
gram or crest of the owner. It is a
distinctive mark that differentiates
the china from all other ware, and the
lettering is an ornament in itself. It
i is usually the more simple china that
it ornamented in this way, and an at
tempt is being made always to put the
lettering upon the side or wing of a
viatt, US lilt- A nv. . *
prevent wear. Old-time china was I
e frequently marked in the centre of the j
date, and the marking was worn away j
’ jy the knife and fork.
. In some instances entire sets of chins
i. or different courses are marked, am
each piece of a dish—the cover,
: the dish itself, and, if a soup tureen,
1 the piece upon which it rests. The let
j ters for the marking are always the in-
I itials of the mistress of the house and
, are put on in script in preference to
the block letters. The lettering is usu
ally in gold, but occasionally one let
“ ter will be put in in color and the oth
ers in gold.—New York Tinies.
, Green Pea Soup—Cover one quart I
fleas with water, boil with one onion |
juntil they will mash easily. Mash and I
K Jidd one pint stock or water. Cook to- ;
J gether two tablespoons butter and one
‘i of flour until smooth but not brown. ■
. j Thicken the peas (which you may put
1 the colander if you like) and
i-add one cup milk or cream. Season !
■ dwith salt and pepper. Strain and >
, iserve.
k Coffee Creams—Make one-half pint j
e lif very strong coffee, cool and add to .
;-»t one-half pint thin (coffee) cream, !
•Ifour eggs beaten lightly, four table
['lppoonfuls of sugar; strain into small
I ups and place them in a shallow pan. (
’ut boiling hot water into the pan un
il it reaches half way up the cups. I
let in a moderate oven and cook very ■
ently until the custard is firm. Serve j
:e cold, with little cakes.
l, i Apple Ginger—Take a pan full of
,®oft summer apples, pare, core and
s*ehop fine. Boil with nearly the same
'tweight of sugar and half a dozen
Ipleces (or more if it is liked strong) ;
4of white ginger root from the drug
• itore. Two lemons, juice and rind cut
Ijato small pieces may be added. Cook
wwowly several hours until very thick
Jam! of a deep red color. It will keep
Tin a jar for a number of months. An
lold-fashioned New England preserve.
i Rice Muffins—Separate one egg; add
to the yolk a cupful of milk, mixing it I
well; then a cupful of cold boiled ricel j
beating ail together until thoroughly! <
'mixed; one cups ul and a half of flour?
with a rounding teaspoonful of baking
f powder, twice sifted; add to the ri<l i
g'butter, beating well and perfectly
1 smooth; then fold in the well-beaten
whites of two eggs; have gem puis
'.well greased; bake In a _tjuick
twenty minutes. / ,
jehau>l’-'’ : /"'b '•ymb ’he 1
pionli i-r/’■
Fargen—l hear yfit wife was over
come by the heat, I “
Bargen—Yes, Slid ties not over it b
yet.. B
Fargen—How did: happen?
I Jwrq;en—She '°ut for T
next year’s - *'
adelpliia Press.
Childish Curiijflty/tllayed.
Child —Oh, mothJr, stopx, I want to
look at that man jtlst run over by the
car. I
“Come along; doMThere will be an
other presently, a further on.”—
Life. m
Beat For iftßpwela.
No matter what headache to a
cancer, you will well until your
bowels are put right. CAcabbts help naiure,
cure you without a .‘-io or pain, produce
easy natural movement coet you ju»t 10
cents to start getting yc> health’back, Cas
oabsts Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up
in metal boxes, ewj, tablet has 0.0. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
Etymologists declare that the sugar
cane has 227 varieties' of ineect enemies.
0 1 was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayei’s Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect health.’^— X 2 E. Hart
man, Gibbstown, N. Y.
It’s too ifeky, playing
with your qough.
The firsa thing you
know it will be down
deep in yoir lungs and
the play will be over. Be
gin early with Ayer’s j
Cherry Peroral and stop I
the cough. f
Three sixes: 25c., 5|., sl. All dnifiisti. g
■ Consult your doctozi If he nayn take it, B
■ then do as he says.Mf he tells you not M
I to take it, then donrt tf ™-« it. He knows. ■
B Leave it with him. V,® a™ willing. N
fi J. C. aY? b Lowoll, Maes. ■
A B|d Breath
A bad means a |, a o i
stomach, digestion. «
bad liver. rids are
liver pills. They cure con-
sick ladache.
2Sc. Allruggists.
Want your raoustacor beard a beautiful
brown or rich black? hen use
50 era, or Owuasirrs, o« R. a C*.. nmhu» l h.h._
1 Is the oldest and only btnesscollege in Va. own
> ing its building—a graniew one. Novacations.
Ladies & gentlemen, .okkeeping,Shorthand,
; Typewriting, Penmanip, Telegraphy, Ac.
“ Leading business co-oe south oftne Potomac
river.” — Pnila. Stenogtiher. Address,
G. M. Smithdeal, lesidetit. Richmond. Va.
| > Efe3?
in ' send ro *
H by urlng my Standard "'nt Seif Jle 'lmf. »«“•
WaxStrlnkra. economical and ►•asy to
•pply- Valuable rru’t Inf< ination, and 100 atrtnga by
BudL for 4A cent* in »tamp. . ....
C.O. FOVTK Msddlslowa. Ohl*
UgX ■ ack relief and curas worst
eases- Loos of terniuonial *nd I<l du rt’ treatment
Free. Dr B H. GSEEK ISONS. S. Atlanta, es.
“The Raacsthat Mad'West PatatfaMsweJ»
Mention this Paper
y®sißnnßnp£fAiLs. Pa
W Beet CMgh G-xxl. Use M
Botanic Blood Balm (B. B.
snd ikin humors like ulcers, eating sores,
icaena, itching skin, aching bones and joints,
>oils, scrofula, blood poison, caneer, etc. B.
B. B. euros all malignant blood troubles, old
!eop-si ated cases, heals every sore, makes
he blood pure and rich. Druggists, SI.OO.
CresJzsdiit free and prepaid by describing
toultrouble and writing Dr. Gillam, 12 Mit
hel St., Atlanta, Ga.
Antury ago Glasgow had a population
of 735. To-day it nas nearly 800,000.
. T largest drug house in the world is ;
m ; Louis, Mo.
See/t. of Smithdkal’b Business Collxgs | J
greatest marble quarry is in Ver- |
* i i—
cue s t ip
are used by the best shots in the country because they are so ac rat 2
uniform and reliable. All the world’schampionshipsanarecordshab ee n
Won and made by Winchester shells. Shoot them and you’ll sho^]]'
"he Cable Company,„ lsh S-prx. os
World Renowned CHICAGO COTTAGE ()I\NS.
O -250.0C0 sold. Write us for catalogue and prices. We make easy payments to jtw cu .
Africa's Greatest Piano Hoose, 96-98 Whitehall St., Atlas; |a.
Aliploma From it is High Honor. Its Graduates are
One of the few high grade Institutions of the South. A quarter of a mHlio ( )ollnr»
lasted in buildings. All modern conveniences. Ideal climate. Proverbially
ALiterary Courses of a high order, and Conservatory advantages in Music Arvantt
Icution. Literary Tuition anu board, including laundry, only $200.00 per ear. Fall
'lm begins Heptember 18, lUOI. For catalogue and full information, addrns
J. W. ROBERTS, A. M., D. D., Resident.
And every Distressing Irritation
„.k ,<». •.» - , .- „
Relieved bya Bath with
I / U '
«SOAP ■*
And a single anointir* with CUTICURA, the
great skin cure and p rest of emollients. This )
treatment, when follow ed in severe cases by mild
doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool
and cleanse the blood, s the most speedy, perma- i
nent, and economical ure for torturing, disfigur
ing, itching, burning, 1 ceding, scaly, crusted,
pimply skin and scalp Tumours with loss of
ever compounded. A
Millions of Womef
USE CUTICURA SOAP assisted by Cuticura Ointn#'
for preserving’, purifyii >, and beautifying the
cleansing the scalp of crusts, j ales, and dandruff, and the Nr”
ping of falling hair, for softe mg, whitening, and soothin WJ**
, rough, and sore hands, for b< ;y rashes, itchings, and
/ -4he form of baths for annoying irritations and
free or offensive perspiration, fi the form of washes for
wga.knr.ssrs, and many sanatae antiseptic purposes
suggest themselves to women aid mothers, and for all the
©f the toilet, bath, and nursery! No amount of
duce those who have once used great skin purifiers
tifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP
emollient properties derived frm CUTICURA, the
cure, with the purest of deansinf ingredients and
mg of flower odours. It unitesm ONE M to^£ |nd
the BEST skin and complexioi soap, and the H V
Ibabjr soap in the world. Humour
Complete External and Interval Troatment Tot, n of cniM> at .<t
. e Cor«i»tinir COT’XBx AOAF.W OixtmejT »®
inil7Q Kcal- ~ an«l m: th:ck«De<i * e •tr u. and • '--ba
Illi "CII 4/I instantly allay itojnir. * >B<l ri . ar _.
iUIIvUAU and h Jj. an ,j t i ~ ,->•.< *■ >.. y . r-, • -tcr-
bkxri. A SrsoH -I'V Boften at. ■>«!
THE SET Inz 'liifigarina. lining, baming. an-. Brit.»h Dipot:
tamln w"n iota o' ait f 4 •-
• A -on- V ar.u «4-.
The EE=M Catarm Can
A pleasant smoking P •epataUiL.. ch
tively cures these diseases TW,.' T
leal discovery of the nirit. WiM,.,. ‘ ’’’“T
Catarrh ami the only k-\own "I*
for Hay Fever—purely vk-etafl^ In ,, u .?, !At
tobacco will find this a snlflsla.®'„, °
For persons who do not/use tS ,t,„ . ™'
pound without tobacco is preß,
same medical properties and iB, ~,., ’
results. Ono Box, one month’s
Dollar, postage prepaid.
57 fit. llroHti street, AtlnuituA ’’ *’
Use CERTAIN Hurell