Newspaper Page Text
testier* will
ftirr / *l ,e r> * ®P® n,n 2 *” scnoor.
$ ’jA B who has been
‘ 811 ~.ring at Ltthia Springs, is
bonis soon
£>t forget 'hat Woottfn,s
[j oo rßOßJt is tiie place io buy
v v :hoo| books.
R A R Spivey spent last
v>< ipat Center assisting in a
£ ta revival meeting.
Melvin Sapp, who has been
M .. (l mg some time at Tallulah
pyj s tyack in the city looking
* r
Andrew Pierce closed
’ns i( c Hstirg revival meeting nn<l
next week ‘or the
:mo< J»n.
MtCtß Jones ha-. returned o
Atlai 1 / l s •* regretted ’hat (ir
cunl o /es compelled her to
rettf\/> soon
Lne wl o wishes tc by
Hair Tonic anywhere io
j cihited States, nrtv write H M
<» K< ese street, A then-, Ga.
Cora Jones, of Nashville,
. ct*; the sister of Mr VV 1
IjXon, * vi-i’ing net brother
aada -.o her grandmotner, Mt*
' Vfe Bat nett.
Mb I c Jackson, who has her n
sninmeyng at Li’hia Spiirg"
retur ,e home this week and i«
loo) n ' II
I’s Nira Thompson, who ha-.
b»o>* visi* is, in Atlanta, has
retried ho ne. She was acenm
prr’ed by ner popular daug er,
M s Lizz e West.
Mr tn ! Mrs James G Traylor and
so-, 1a /e been visiting relative
»nd riends in the mounta
'Th'"' have returned home mnc.
be.c.fitted and report a plea-..t
The popular Miss Hattie 1J
Hardwick of Macon, who h;.» bee#
spending some time hete
Mr and Mrs Derricote. return ■.!
home lbw week nun. h debts***
• with her stajfTfi" Xlh« .».
You have the feet and I have th
the shoe*; W hoadqarlti
and get a pai’UJy ter»—new o J .
I. T. Dbrhicot e i j
Mra MahaU Whitfield Coh? . f
Savannah ard her aLter, Mi»» Mh
th V litfie d of Macon, who ha •
beer visi* tig Mrs B S Heard, ha ;
ret irne ’ home. Little Fred, son I
*I.» Cohen, accompanied them ’
Mrs, Maria *' Heard, of Wa-I
ing ton, I) C who has been -pen|
ing some t ue here, went over
Macon ’m week to visit Mr .’,i
Mn Janies Heard, and repoi s<|
delightful trip.
Mrs Mary Brav. one of thv bti
and leading ladies of Cainesvill
has b»*en spending awhile I
Athe.;. Mrs 3iay is the mothr
of Prof 1 A Brav, the able prinq
pal o the West Bioad llqji
It should have been stated in ol
last issne that Mrs Nellie Smiji
!, assisted Mrs I T Deiricotte in e|
tertaining Miss Hattie Hardwil
and her guests in a compliment. I'
given on Fridi
August 23
Deacon Thomas J Jarrell and It
*fe Mrs Martha Jarrell, paid 01
'y ‘ice a visit last week. Ms
fe r rell is q lite a good woman aifl
admited bv all for her kid)
Wpitaiity. We were glad to si-
I ■ and hope she will call again.!
uWnose who are troubled wife
Jfcr, itching in head or sea »
,es - short stubby hair, will •
Jglertu ly benefitted by uslt
tJfce’s Hair Tonic, the best this ■
~>be above named ever di
*I , J. Price 25c a bottle
r .v Benjamin F Thomas, <
~ was in the city last wets
' est of Ifelr Robert Lewi.
j been quite awhile sinlt
t"\ icre and it was a pleasu
A > see what an iniprovemei
j.l |f Athens had made. N
ai l >as a host of friends het
J were certainly glad
** 4 'okittg so v Hl.
{ -‘‘tentifm Is called to tl t
i ei ,c s nothtr column of tl»
u^, w ? Ist Sunday school CojJ
, will .onvene wifi
enut ch, Crau
< K ’’ ■!>» Thursday nig#
- St- 1 V® S.,nu«yrn S«p-
• <wr * ‘ Vi Oenttuu
P r «*Ureqomji aU 2
< V ;t
T3Joo‘t furg<y®t
J Mra Nat n»« Auk * who has
been aenovsly tick at t howe on
Reese street s rapidly
Misses Sarah V\ illit Thompson
aid Nellie Smith arc at IpTC
alter a del gh’iu/ v s t to W ter
Go to the N wtown Cosed
Enterprise grocery store to let
c’ e,p good*. It b owned gid
controlled by Mr L Hicklin |io
wM tiea y<a right.
Rev C S Haynes, M D, pci
famdv, who h.>ve been visjjg
relatives and friends in Ral|h,
N I have Ktiirnt ’ home Och
4lleli/ited u itn men up. V
Mr A Walker b s movechi
fatally <> Winder, where lie, 11
mr-ae ii s future h. me. He a
. leading >h<'<.mak ** and will eet
< the approval ot tb< people.
ViitfiotK; Aleetmiz
The I’atnuti meeting he a’
Pierce*- chapel A M E ch c'l
last W • fi>e«<lay ught wl a
grand success. The intrchc
tory *»y Rev. L ‘ 3 yk
land weie timely ano to the IF'f-
A beautiful solo was 1 eiidereitoy
Miss Cola ;ohnsom afterwfch
Miss S. rah Ailhe fhumpsojin
her eh cotioiia y style, 1 icited f ie
Colon d Srd-lirr.’
Pro . L. S. Ciaik, in a schotly
mi’iin , ’ell/eied an able adigss
' on otisrn ani Patriots.” J|n.
Ma-.r-o Davis, one of thellU
, lei da: ci the race, made a sgrt
. a k’ 1 tactical talk. Then RevW.
. T ) Johnson, D. D one of the test
. pr< 10. ind thickets in the A. ML
I cm rse-tion, spoke on “The opyr
. I ii 1 ties for the church in our >w
1 p ».“essions.” He is a lovet of
Ull jc and closed by mgifig “be
cliur'*') is moving on,’ Prof. J.A.
Hi ay, who is a horn orator, dehvted
I hi address on ‘‘Our young pairin'.”
Prof. Bray need-. no comment
1 lie is well known as one of he
♦ leading educators of the str.te. S
£ very beau'aiul music
interspersed thrVughovt the Rfjr-
The honored patriots * re
II Messrs. John and R bert campod,
i I Thoms- Pope, Jacob W llituns ad
i i Win. . ’ Vash.ngton Messrs |on
Camp’ tell -nd Thomar
t ..e’ countries wmch tliev had
visited Time would not allow u
to hear from the otbe », but i‘ is
hoped hat they will iav<- a change
to speak in the nea • future.
The church was beautifully dec
orated with choir..- and costly
fl »wets by M*isS Marine E. Dodge
Johnson, the -ccornp.i.-'ied daugh
iei o. Dr. W. D. Join on. Miss
Laura V Div.m, w io has been en
dowed with unusual skill,
furnisht 1 music so the occas on.
Prof. J. A. Bray and Rev. D
Strickland deserve much credit to. I
having planned such an important '
rfdr William Brown, alter being
feeble a long time, dej arte i this lite
on Wedne'dai, morning. ugust
18, at the home <>l Mis. E W.
Biydie I’he tuneial exeicise were
conducted on I'liuisdav afte. 10011
by Rev D Sti icklamt. Th. de
ceased was for many jear* a con
sistant inenwer of the A. M. E.
church. He leaves relatives and
numerous friends to m-uin his
* • •»
After a long illness, the infant
son of Mr and Mts William Hol
brooks was gathered home on
Friday afternoon, August 30 Rev
A. R Spivey conducted th*, fun
eral exercises at the residence
« « *
Mrs Liz e Fields, after a long
illness died his week. She bore
her affliction - with great p, ence.
The deceased eaves a husbai. I and
several chi I en to mourr/ her
de .th,
Putrefying fov i in the inttstines
pro ice* efltcts like th >se o arse
nic, o' t Dr. King's New L » Pi Is
expel the poisons ‘ om Cogged
bowel*, geitly, eas-.v hut surely,
curing constipation, Biliousness,
sick headache, fevers, a'l ’.iv-r, kid
ney and bowel troubles, Onld
25 cents at
W. J. Smith X IpYB H. R I
Palmer Jt Smw, lit ugr iau.
~ }
Don't forget that M -ttxj ‘s 1
■ <%.. x..k, ...... • , ar J
*-Lr y*’ -&Ui B -.,
1 b.ctistaSJwducation-
. /Vei.c6Nvj»br6FGKr— rj
To ChurJLs and A-socia f
tions of WiiT **£fieral Missionary |
Baptist and Educational Convert
tion and to the faptist of Georgia; I
Sendeth Ch >stiln Greeting. L
Dear hr- ( Jn: —We herewirhf n
submit ’o y ne following state
ment o # tion, touching tb<l‘'
Baptist IF ‘ the state of Geor I
gi ? . * % z |T because so matM|«
I errors t ud m; presentation - iiavt
opt intc puhiic notice, our rno J '
r. .es have bersftjiiiisundei.--vod ami '
oecause of ouf * intense desire ’< f
ve the people the whole truth
, and further to to do wha (
1 we can to allay bickering, better ‘
the condition-ot our people and ’
harmonize all who wish nartnony '
In taking this course, we are
conscientious and Mod fearing—
and wt.h only to accomplish the
highest good tot our great denorpi
natio 1 nd G«d We feel t.iat
theie as been already to much
bickering, strife and confusion in
in t’ is state, and that our gur.s
ou< ht to be turned on out common
*i.emy. The'«'ore, we -woulr’ call
the attention 01 all »h< wise and
sober mint ed Brptists ' a few facts
with reference o our pre,er status
and what shodd be o’’ zuture
actions. #
On the 29th dav H-t January
(1901), th ire wi* hel> in the city
of Atlanta a Coifere ce of ah the
Baptist f 'tate frgar izations white
and c<? >rec:—’e Southern Baptist
Convention id Home Misssion
Society, with t.e view of harmo
niL'ng preset’ differences and
a <’ uniting in me body all of the
colored Baptis forces of the state.
I will state th<se bodies set in con
ference from/’ a. m. ’till 12 o'clock
that night, toping, praxing and
debbetating. Finally, the follow
ing conditions wet reached: First,
to retain the name, onstitution and
charter of the Misionnrv
.. f z- J£ia; second, tne
Convention of Ge/ * ’ ,
. on tne co
oTlte*".;!°4° be agre ~‘ upon
by the fo’dowinaorganizations, viz;
The Southern Convention
1A Ml -\A Lwi• Ci* -■ Mfrjß'JP “
Baptist convenbn (whitey and
the Missionary aptist Convention
(colored); thin i the placing ot
all Baptist schlfs in this state on
•qual basis ar allowing any of to have sjcial representatives
or gents. - ' i . veNk
J ]K
Fc all these Conditions the re
prese. dives f all the above
named voted solidly,
except ti Mishnary Baptist Con
vention Gt rgia, Even this
body x >teu n i t. The then Pies
ident, tev. I<S. Wilkins, D. D ,
1101 resp -> iding cretary, Rev N. B
‘ Williams ri, ais he treasurer, Rev
R. Munstn vie f< the above
conditio is; lelin r 1 of. W E.
Holm-s, A. 4, Jev >. A Me
Neal, D D , Rr W. R. ’’’orbs and
Rev. \ L. Jones v. > voted
against. We 11l beliti ? hat we
believed 1 t J;i uarx, tha . e col
ored Bapti; . o Geo gia s < i d be
unified, and 1* staid pledged to
labor to that-ei| .
wh \t -‘fALL wl, DP ?
Unify ail bjilies possible. In
order to carry Lut the desire ..m! j
spirit of tlimAit all the Baptist
organ’zatiot * think it wi-d.mi
to urge all B ipßt ch ircnes. Bip
tist convert ifis. District Baptist
conventions nd associotions to
send tepi to the Annual
Meeting-'t' th'General Missionary
Bantist a 1 Educational Society
which mer the Eighth sti ?ct
Baptist ch sch. Gr ffi Georg a,
Thurs-lay b, the f urth Lord '
day in Octi let 1901. wth th--
view c‘ unijng ail the Bap'i't
forces 1 Ctorgia upon
Weai -o f-| that due a iprecia
tion and • atio<de out ht to I<• given
the white I retlten of Georgu—‘he
white bre r<h of the southern
Baptist Con and th Amer
ican Baptist 'tome Mis<»ion Sociel
ty tor the manifest ition of theifi
love andinte.ot in u . not only til
time of peac4 but r. the time ofj
war and contusion.
CO (fcXRATIO!' -
The Co operative Wcr ; that has
been done dap*ig the rst thre s
iMructiv perhaps,
k ng t .ec.og cit’
1 n*- * nsciit
Knowles Building. Boys’ Hall. Stcne Hall Girls’ Hall. Mode! Home.
An unsectarian Christian Institution, devoted especially to advanced education. College, Nor
rr al. College Preparatory and English High S< :hool courses, with Industrial Tr- i.r g. Superior
advantages in Music and Printing. Athletics for boys Physical culture for gi: s Hoir.e life
and training. Aid given to needy and deserving stud nts. Term begins the f st • Wednesday
in October. For catalogue and information, address
President HORACE BfJMSTEAD, D 3.
- — 1
to attend -cl 00l Pieachris have
been enl'gh’ened. rhurche* -tength
er e<l am! manv libraries Have been
• cattered through: u’our state. Io
cease this great worn wou d be
di-grace that would take cemn : e< to
erase. And then al! of cut
inational -cho ,ls h ive been morel
bent-fitted tnan ever before ir their i
history. Hence co-operation on
this line ought to live.
At the last session of the Mis. I
sionary Baptist convention thevj
threw to the winds all the proposi J
tions of the Atlanta Gon!erenc«fl
and set themselves aga : n«t th»|
work of co operation and now it re
mains for us as a convention of God
fearing ministers and brethren
unite all forces possible and giVi,
Georgia bleeding Georgia— sui
feririg Georg.a—starving Georgi
the gospel of Jesus Chais’ who i,
in co-operation with the Fathei am
and His Spirit,
A B Murden,
Corresponding Sectetary. Gen
era! Missionary Bipti-t and E Juc.ri
tional Convention of Georgia.
To Hie Baptists oi Geori
jria and the Friends of !
the Late O. FL.
Lyons, D. L.
Dear Brethren:-In tne myfe
terious providence of God the lafi
c H Lyons. D. D , was but a fel
■ vears ago called to his .reavenl!
1 reward t a ?-%*iv n to '»e V 1 <.. C
■ gotten. Though short lived, hi
powerful efforts lor good -emaii
1 He needs no encomium; Georgi
1 delighted to honor h>» g G, !|
n preacher and scholar. But hi* lilj
Vc'WAf *!. l ff. t ’s3P
means for the support and ed-uL '
tier ol his two boy-. Whatever
was accumulated ha- scarcely dont
them any good. There i« lit! e
hone for any substantial help from,
his estate. .
His son, C. H. Lyons, jr., is a.
good type of his father, and/i
struggl'ng to educate him- if I* f
has finished the comse at JerurJ
Academy and is anxious to nnt"Ci
late at the Atlanta Baptist Colleyd
the ALMA mater of his sainlyfe
Knowing his needs and purpose#
in his behalf, and in behalf o h»
lamented father, 1 make tins npej
appeal to the friends ev|rywhej‘
to assist this voting man in outsui’j
a course of study at the Col ege ,
At the recent session ol t..e Surj
day school convention at Athens
liberal subscriptions wett give
payable October i-t , 1901, whet
the young man is to enter tin
Atlanta Baptist College. Mam
more pledges are needed to insuit
his suppott in college. Those wh<
will aid in this effort are rtque.<4<
1,0 no’ify me at Atlanta Bapish
I College by October rst A!
subscriptions will be prompt v ay,
)• n.iwledged fio-n the office at
college = llow MUCH WILL Y *
I’lie :hurc' e and Sunday sc -o
of the Jeru 1 as- c vion and 01
vention are hereby ; ske i to m k|
a special contribution to be kn >w
as the Lyon- Scholar-h (». Ihi ;
to be at your meetings in per-<>njj
by proxy for the purpose ’ reef
ing substantial help f 1 orn v o r mv
( n i Iron individuals.
Fiease be prepared to mee te
' reque-t Let all who read its
■to give something. Any amojit
! will be g-a e’uTv received fd
promptly acknowledged.
i Remember to -end pledge<jr
leash to me at tne Atlanta oapst
college, by October ■*».. 1901.
i Fraternally, t
7. A. GooDwii
S Instructor of 3i'n e and Chub
Wiistory. Atlanta Baptist Colße,
-August 32 1901 ;
-- —— •—ssHsat
Fresli Hot Bread..
Tlm-turned has on ha.,
H,C' n 33 elverv tnorniu^L: u
5 ?'¥:e
Ev .*rv y-ar a large num.’-er </
poor sufferers whose tu-igs are -ore
■nd racked w th coughs ate urged
t 1 g > to another climate. But this
ns' 'c .sdy and not always sure.
Don’t f>e an exile when Dr.
j King’s New Discovery for Con
1-um; tion will cure you at home.
1 It is the most infallible medici le for
cough', colds and all throat and
I lung diseases on earth. The fir-t
j dose brings relief Astounding
y cures re-ult from persistent use.
J Tria bottle- free Brice 50c and
$1 00. buttle guaranteed at
W. J. Smith & Bro., and H. R.
Twelve v:ars ago J. W. Sullivan
of Hartford, Conn , scratched his
leg with a rus’v wire Inflamma
tion and blood po -oning set in.
For two v ears he suffered intensely.
’ Then the best doctors uiged
amputation, “but.” he writes, ‘I
I used one hot le of Electric Bitters
-£ boxes ot Bucklen’s Arnica
| Salve and my leg wa-sound and
1 we'i as ever, 1 - For eruptions, Ec
|zema. Tetter, Sdt Rheum, Sores
"md all blood disorders Electric
Bitters has no rival on earth. Will
fguira tee sati-faction or refund
money O.ilv 50cents; try at
* W J Smith & Bro., andft
o Palmer & Sons, Druggist s
I D 0N ’ T LET THE 4 SUFF >jfa’etica
' <.h-
i V.O» bn. Butf.en’a
the Akin without a -car. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there’s no salve on
eaith as good Tn it. Cure guar
anteed; Only 25c at
W. J. Smith A; Bro . and FI. K.
Palmer & Sons. Druggists.
The Seaboard Air Lit e has on sale
from al. it' its sratimis very low rate
i sui. tner e ctrsion tickets rr the mouli-
I ain and easide resnris 1 North i
S >utli Can ina, V'"gii a, and to
Washington r ). C., Bd m ore, Mary
land, New York ci , .y, ind Mass,
and to Bufl'afo and Niagara Falls, X. Y.
Tickets to Buffalo and Niagaaa Falls
give a splendid <mport uuiry for side trips
to the various attractiv * coast resorts of
New Jersey and New York.
Tickets are on sale daily, good for re
turn trip until 0 -tob'-r, 31s:, inclusive.
’’’he Seaboard Air Lme Railway in
vit s your attention to the excellency
of its fast double-daiiy train 8’ rv'ce
b tween Atlanta and all’ point- East.
AU trains are snni>li'-d with tmurniff
ee-i vestibule,’ Pullman Drawing Room
and beping Carr, as well as com’orr
abh day coaches, which rim through
to ''histiing-on and New York and also
to R'ctiinond an 1 Norfolk. Connection
•' mac at Norfolk vith Steamship
I'res to Va-hington, 1 'lt'tnore, New
Y-o-l- amt Bog’on.
Tim Hirer mu'e ’urnislms a rate op
;> > t, v for a cool suuituer night’s
Uriii on wafer
Wri e .01 inform uion to any agent o’
the line o 0
Wn-.‘B C -meet-, Traveling Passon
hfe Aren’, H pi cibl*- Building, or No.
!2 Km ba I 'Tmise. Atlanta, Da.
R. E 1 Bunch, G. I’. A. Ports
n ■ mii, Va.
V.E.Ch -tian. A G. F. A , Atlanta. /
LI PS COM 3 & CO.,
FRE INSLr-/wNCE alts.
Oilice with K tUr JV «*aHgi:li C«-
y ojkEM.
1 ispV ‘ our ,ro P ertJ ' anv toe on tl ''
e Sin ♦
and hair CUTTER-
I No. ;J Thomas Street, ;
UxTtKAS, - ' ,•
Shnu in |G*tn.