Newspaper Page Text
LONDON, May 13.
“I he French government have
as proprietors of Venice, claim
ed of the Porte all the poffi fllons
in ‘lurkifb Dalmatia and Albania ,
which belonged to the republic
of Venice.
—— 000
New-york, July 7.
A letter from an officer on
board the Pomp'e, fir S. Smith,
dated off Gibraltar, April io,
intimates, u that the Pompce is
about to repair to Mcffina, for
the purpose of bringing the
King and Queen of Naples to
England without delay.”
A letter from Gibtalrar, da
red April 9, fays “ The Swift -
lure came from Teruan, where
she had been to water. The
Moors knocked down and f*iz
ed one of the lieutenants be
iongmg to the ship employed
on the watering party, and car
ried him off prisoner to Tetuan
because captain Rutherford re
fufrd to give them a certain
quantity of powder, which thev
dt manded. The insolence and
extortion of both, the emperor
of Morocco and the dey of Al
giers, daily increase, and our
government ftiould take fomc
determined mealures with the
Barbary powers to render the
British flag a little refpe&able in
their eyes, which certainly is
not at pri fenr the case.”
CHARLES 1 ON, July 24.
The United States armed
vefirls, which have arrived from
the Me diterranean, are ordered
on to New York and Norf >lk,
except three of the Gun-Boats,
which are to be laid up in this
Extrasl from the Minutes of the
Conferences of the Metbodift
Episcopal Church in America>
for the year 1806.
The addition of 10,625 mem
bers to one branch of the Church
of Chnft, in one year, rnuft af
ford particular pleasure to every
man who knows the value of
genuine religion.
N. B. Agreeably to the re
turns publifhtd in the said Mi
nutes, there are more than 130,
000 members of the Mcthodifl
Episcopal Church in America,
t'xclufive ofthofein Nova-Sco
tia, New-Brunswick, and the
various Weft-India Illands which
if added, would make about
150,000 in America.
It is reported at Pensacola
that the two Floridas have been
ceded by Spain to France in ex
change for the Dutchies of Par
ma and Placentia, which will be
re-united to the kingdom of
Etruria; and that France has
fold the two Florictas to the U
nited States for about four mil
lions of dollars. It is added that
persons of refpe&abdky at Pen
iacola arc inclined to believe
this news, which we believe to
have been taken to Pensacola by
individuals who took their leave
of this city but a Ihort time ago.
Sheriff’s Blank Titles
For Sale at this QlEc^
From the American Citizen.
It is a fid jell of congratulation
to our fellow citizens that aJyftcm
of defence is now in operation fir
the city and harbor of New York.
The survey made by Cel. Williams
has for Jane time been under con-
Jidcration at the war office. A
plan of repairs for the works at
Fort fay has been agreed upon
and contrails have been made un
der the dire dial of general Dear
born by captain li hiley Jor the
Jlone and other materials necejfary
for the work. A large quantity
has already been delivered on Sta
ten ljland. ihe undertaker of
the masonry and his labourers are
expeded to begin their lab urs
within a jew weeks. It is under -
flood that the whole of the ram
parts and parapets are to be fac
ed with hick and Jlone. New
ravelines and curtains are to be
added to the Salient angles of the
fort. ‘The original dejign of the
engineer is to be completed or im
proved upon, and every additional
repair and enlargement made that
J, kill and labour can give it. In
consequence of these detenjive ope
rationSy it is affirmed by competent
judges that both the eajl and weft
sides of the city will be protested
by the cannons of the fort Jo ef Ac
tually, that an hojiile feet will
find it impossible to lie at anchor in
cither of the rivets. Fort Jay
will thus be made a very formida
ble work ; capable of giving J'ecu
rity to the city and of dejtroying
the ships of an enemy.
Orders are now in execution at
Wafbington , Philadelphia and N.
York for mounting many pieces of
heavy cannon.
Proposals for contrails are like *
wife in circulation from the navy
departmenty for the conflr uftion of
a number of gun boats upon the
mcfl modern and improved plan>
at the ciy of New-York. Mr.
Smith's agent has forfome weeks
been engaged in receiving proposals
for building these powerful engines
of offence to an enemy.
II itb such rapid and aufpicicus
beginnings we may exp est that in
the courj'e of a few years , our city ,
under the aujpices of a wife and
provident adminiflration , will be
placed in such a Jlate of security
that no cue need be afraid of hef
tile invafton \ but all the inhabi
tants pursue their occupation in
pcacir y under an assurance that
there is nought to make them
Thursday, Aug. 7, 1806.
We are authorized to Rate,
that William Barnett, Esq.
is a candidate for Congress at
the next General Elcdion.
Col. Joseph Colhoun, of
South-Carolina, has consented
to become a candidate at the
enluing eledion for Congress,
to represent the united and; it rids
of Abbeville, Newbury, and
DIED, at his Plantation in
F.dg field ddtnd, South-Caro
lina, on Monday the 28 th July,
Mr. Milfoil Mcfeley. In juflice
to the ft < lings of an afilided
) oung widow and aged parents ;
and in the hope of exciting a
v g lant attend m in the com
mun ry for apprehending his
murderer—he following ftue
ment as given by the deceased,
is r'q.ielted to be made public.
—O.i Saturday morning lafl, as
Mr. Moieley was taking a Ihort
hunting excursion round his
re ghborhood, he difcoveied a
negro fellow endeavoring to
hdc himfclf from his view—
which induced him to fufped
hv was a runaway, on approach
ing and interrogating the fellow,
his lufpicions were ftrengthen
eu i a;*d for the lase securing
of the fellow, he ordered him to
ftnpoffihis cloathes, to difeover
if he had any offer five weapon
in his pofi’ ffion. The fellow
denied having any, nor was any
to be dilcovered about him.
He was then directed to walk
On to Mr. Moieley’s house, a
bouc one mile dillanr, the de
cealed following him—unfor
tunately the latter inadvertently
approached too near to the Ne
gro, when he iuddenly turned
round, elofed upon Mr. Mote
ley, and gave him a fatal stab
in the belly with a knife, which
he had fome where concealed
when prevtouffy examined—
Mr. Moieley fo.m after fell, and
the fellow made his cl'cape,
taking with him the rifle loaded
with two balls— ihe family be
ing alar r>td at the unexpected
delay of Mi. Moieley, went in
fcarch of him, and about three
hours after the accident, found
him laying near a road, with a
great portion of his bowels pro
truded through the wound—
thefe were loon returned and
the wound ftitchcd up * medi
cal afliltance was procured, but
all was in vain ; he lingered in
great pain until 11 o’clock,
Monday forenoon, retaining his
intellectual faculties to the last
few minutes before his death.
The Negro Fellow who com
mited this murder, was descri
bed by the deceased, to be a
bout 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high,
between 30 and 40 years of age ;
the thumb of the left hand off—
a lcar on one of h s thighs ; and
his back was well marked with
stripes—he had on a fliort dark
colored cloath coat, blue panta
loons, gv,od fliarp toed fhocs,
and a tolerably good hat —he
had with him a large bag, the
contents unkuown, and a good
blanket apparently aimoft new',
all of which with the following
described r.fEd he carried off
with him. The rifle is of the
common length and bore, bral’s
mounted, the flock broken near
the hind fight, and there tied
with a waxed thread. Should
any fellow answering the abave
dclcription be taken up or lodg
ed in any jail, it will be per
forming an atl of juflice to the
community, to forward infor
mation thereof co William Mose
ley, living at Deer Savannah,
Edgefield difirift, on the road
leading from Long-Cane to
Charltllon, South-Carolina ;
16 miles diflanc from Auguila
in Georgia, so as the villain may
be brought to condign ptmiih
ment. Herald .
Ebenezcr , Eflhgham County.
July 24, iSc6.
In haftc I communicate to vou
the following difhtffing news.
On the bn'ival of Mr. jOßri
GROMET and family, with
merchandize from Savannah on
Sunday, on the Monday follow
ing they were employed * ln 0 ,
pt ni r g them. On Turfdaye
vening a hogshead of brandy
took fire from a candle, but In
what manner ic is difficult to
fay j the fire communicated
from that hogshead to an others,
and in a fmail time the ‘houfe
was in flames, by which Mr.
Gromet was so much burnt, that
he died on Wednesday morning,
and Mrs. Gromet lies in great
agony and it is feared she cannot
survive long.
Brandy, Gin, Rum, &c. &c.
were consumed in large quant
ities, with every article the house
contained ; papers, and a few
fmail things excepted ; and not
witbftandmg the diffancc at
which the buildings arr placed
from each other, the deflruffton
of the remaining part of this
village, was prevented only by
a severe shower of rain
place at that time, and the ex
ertions of the surrounding neigh
bors, whole aftivity alone pre
served the church* which {lands
60 or 70 yards from the red
houfe* in whnh these unfortu
nate people had taken their
ThePrtfidenc of the United
States has appointed Mr. John ■
B. Dabney, American Consul
at Azores or Weflern Illands.
Arrived at Philadelphia, ship
Active, capr. Morris, in fixry *
days from Cape Good H -pe:
by her vve are informed, that •
Sir Home Popham failed from
the Cape on the 14th cf April
lafl , in the Diadem, accompa
nied by the Diamond ancißaif
onable of 64 guns, two fr g.tes,•
and a number of transports, on
board of which was a train of
artillery and a highland regi
ment. In was generally behev
ed rhac this expedition was def
tlned against the Spamfh fettle -
ments of kio-de- Plata.
We are informed, and we ‘
communicate the intelligence
with furrow, that No.
7, commanded by Lieutenant
Ogilvie, which failed from the
port of New-York for the Me
diterranean, returned to tnat
port with the loss of her mast,
and failed a second time for her
place of dfcflination, has never
since been heard of, and there
is every reafbn to believe she is
loft, with all her crew.
Gun-Boat No. 6, arrived at
this port, has sprung her mast ;
but (he is represented, by her
officers, to be a moft excellent
fta*boat. Charleston Courier,
Extra ft of a Liter from a gentle
man on board the L.eander y io
his friend in New- Yorky via
Norfolky dated Grenada , May
28, 1806.
“ I wrote you from JacquC
mel, derailing our proceedings
with refptft co ihe expedition;
it has been a fubje£t of delay
and Oifdppoi ntment which it was
impossible for the moll intuitive
mind to fort fee or conjtdlure—•
but thanks to Providence and
liberty, which overlooks all w<?
iG, cur prufpedls brighteni—■