The Cartersville weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1870, June 09, 1870, Image 1

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ciiM-Siifim fs puMihlted over» THURSDAY MORNING: In U%rtef«vill«,lß»rtow O G»„by Samuel XT. Smillu EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Rates of Subscription: •fit C»py thre* months, fi.OU Ciacopy six months, 2A) ®ae copy one year &0O (Invariably in advance.) Parle* aivertirine will be restricted In their contract* to their legitimate basinet*; that is to eav. all advertisement* that do not refer to their regular business will be rtn»rge<l fur extra. pjf Advertisements Inserted at Intervals to be charged as new eaeh insertion, jy yhe above rules will be strictly adheredjto. PROFESSIONAL CARDsT JOHNW. WOFFORD, Attorney at Law, C IPI IIRSVILU:. GEOGI K. OFFICE OVER CURRY’S STORE, Oct. 17. 1808. R. W. MUKPHEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA. fWILL practice In the the Courts of Cherokee f’ir- I* e.uit. Particular attention (riven to the collection »l :laims. Office With Col. Abda Johnson. OeL 1 JERE A. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE. GA. JOHN J. JONES, Attorney at Law, Cartcmvllle, Ga., TiriLL attend promptly to all business cn trusted to his rare. Will practice in the Court* of Law, and Equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collec ti *n of claims. Jan. 1, 1870. Iv JOHN J. JONES, RE 11, ESTATE AG EXT, CARTERSVILLE. GA. Ia a authorized to sell, and have on hand several tlousi i and Lots, and also numerous building lots in the town .and Cartersvllle. Also several plantations of vari • iis sixes 111 Bartow county. Parties desiring to buy or ► II wi .1 do well to give mo a call. All communications (M Siui lly answered. J an. 1, 1870. A. M. FOE 1 E, Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE, GA. (With Col. Warren Akin.) WILL practice in the courts of Bartotv, Cobb, Polk, Floyd, Gordou, Murray, W hitfield, and adjoining counties, inch 30. IKO. COIE J, H. WIKLE. C< xc <Sc Wikle, AITOINF.YS AT LA W , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC- Cw rlertvllle. l«ou(;i JKO ( OX, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. M«p Vth 1869 lyr. Hrsx * v • 11 • moijxtcastle, t v> 3 Jeweller and Watch uml Clock Repairer, f t the Fi mt of A. A. Skinner Ac Co’s »tort Cat cuville, Jan. 25 DR. J. A.; JACKSON. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ANO SUR GEON. OlDre in Yle*,*>r». .1. W. Curvy A i’o’s Drill; nil ore. ll* hits »o arranged his business tlint ho i* now prepared to devote his whole time »iad attention to the practice, and he feels confident, with his extensive experience, that k* can give entire satisfaction A liberal • hare of patronage respectfully solicited. jan6 1870—lv. T W Milner, O H Milner. MILNER & MILNER, Attorneys at Law, 'ARTRSVILLE GEORGIA. VT 11 attend promptly to business entrusted U their c ire. jan. 15. ly S. H. PATILLO, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, XVIII atten 1 promptly to the Cutting, Repair- _ aw Y» inj and Viking Boys'and Men’s Clothing. O lice on the Second Ft or of Stokely A Wii- (14 Hems’ New Brick Building. Entrance from —UL M alo Street In rear of the building. Fib 17. WARREN AKIN, Attorney at Law, CARTL RSVILLE, GEORGIA Will practice in all the Courts of the State S. O'SHIELDS, Fashionable 'Tailor, f ARTERSMLIE, BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA. Having j at received Charts of the latest tlylesof Gentlemens’ and Boys’ Clothir.g, f uropean an 1 American, announces that hi . iii IS prepared to execute all TPI of work in the Fashionable Tail . oring line, with neatness and in '*!a 4 irable style Over J. Elsas & Co's store, Cartersville inch 23. C. THOMPKINS, Favorably known as a good Workman on H&iJr t lo< ks and watches and jewcll'y, has removed his place Work to his Residence on the Pill, East Side of the Railroad, nar Mr. A. 1 illiains. Work done on shortenotice.— JOHN W. DYER, 11 ollso-Pa lnt e r , ATTERSVILLF, GEORGIA. Will attend promptly to business i . his , ne jan 19, 70, wly | Lyman Chapman, Brick and Stone M as on* CARTEHSVILLE, GA. prepared to do any of the above work j upon short notice and at low figures. «UFOR SALE.—Two Wagons & i its ness, Thresher, Mower & Reaper,' Rt ckeve) all in trootl condition. Ap ly to J. B. CONYERS, fit artersville, May 10—wlm. BARTOW HOUSE, fi J| J CAR TERR VIL LE, G A ., JiY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. I hit House has just been completed and furn ishrd—New House, New Furniture , New Pro prietor, Hew Arrangements. A handsome three-story Erick Building, on the East Side of the ,1 /? ft and near the Depot: Table al- ' ,r ays supplied with the very best the market of- ! .lords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters a-nd rvants , and charges for Board, by the single ■ 'al, day, week and month, moderate. Call arid test my fare and treatment, Hop ‘,t, .T. r. Gmlirio. THE CARTERS VILLE WEEKLY EXPRESS’. VOL i). Published Weekly in the Beautiful lalley of the Liotvalt, at Two Man per Annum. “Invariably in Advaiiei>."..»Oiiward and Tpwnrd," is our Motto. Kennesaw House. (Located at railroad depot.) rrMIE undersigned having bought the entire J interest of Dix Fleieher, Trustee for Lou ; isa W. Fletcher, in the Kennesaw Houae. ! and the business will be conducted, in the fu ture, under the name and firm of Augustine A. Fletcher <V Freyer. 'J'haukful for past fa vors and patronage, they will strive to five the utmost satisfaction to nil pa*rons of the Ken nesaw House. AUGUSTINE A- FLETCHER, F. L, FREYER. MARIETTA. Jan. 12, ’39. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!! HAVING purchased the Steam Saw Mill formerly belonging to James Sligh, I have now oil hand, and can supply, all per sons in want of Lumber, of any kind or qual ity, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at the Mill or in Cartersville. My supply of timber being of the best quality and inexhaustable, I am prepared to fill or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Address MOSEH H. SMITH, qajlowly (Jartersv-lle, Ga. CASE A^HSTID O .A. S IEC IE t s. b V Erwin Sc Jones. JOHN T. OWEN, Watch and Clock Repairer, and Jeweler, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 4T7 ILL keep constant- xjjk. m W ly on hand, for sale kJEjk a well selected stock of BnO WATCHES, CLOCKS. Gold, Silver and Stool SPECTACLES. <£c., &c. Fan furnish any kind of 1-str l’late, extra line Gold Watches or Jewelry, at short notice, as cheap as they can be bought in any other market. Goods cheap. Work warranted. Terms cash, aog 12, 18t)9.wly LIVERY STABLE. HC. TD. MOON, CA RTERS VILLE, GA., W 8 prepared, at all - hours, to furnish con u veyauocs into the country —saddle-horse, buggy, hack, rockaway, or wagon. Also, to board stock, Ac. nov. 3. a, W.SATTERFIELD, G. V 7. SATTEEFIEIS. R W SATTERFIELD & TBRO. AT The New Brick Store, First Door Fast of Railroad.' CA RTERSVIL LE, GEORGIA Have just received and opened nu ENTIRE NEW STO€K , [ or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTH ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY HARDWARE, AND CUTLERY, FAMI LY GROCERIES, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they invite the attention of the public generally, being satisfied that they can and will sell goods as cheap, if not a lit tle Cheaper, thai any other house in town. The attention of the ladies is especially invited to our Stock of Summer Dress Goods. Gentlemen can also be fitted up with whatever they may Want. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market, price. Having withdrawn from the late Firm of J. H. Satterfield & Cos, I would respectfully solicit the patronage of my old friends and customers. R. W. SATTERFIELD. June 24tli,—w ly. R. F. MADDOX. J. L. WINTER. R. F. Maddox & Go. TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Virginia and .Vorth Carolina TOBACCO. NO. 19, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA Consignments solicited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug 1,’69 W H GILBERT & CO., CARTERS VILLE, GA., Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS , AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS, and GRASS SEEDS , TEIDIS I'ROH THIS DATE.: STP>IOTIjT gash. Agents for sale of Threshing and mill machinery. Agents for sale of Murfce Sub Soil (Plows. Agents foivsatc of FEKTILIZ F.HS. Dickson’s Compound; AMREW COE’S, Baugh's Raw Bone, 'And OTHERS. Agents for sale of Folk County ish «** r<*» H DR. JOHN BOLL'S ~ «*r ea t Remedies SMITH'S TONIfi SYRUP! FOR THE CURE OF AGUE ANO FEVER OR CHILLS ANO FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated medicine justly claims for It a superiority over all remedies ever offer ed to the public for the safe, certa in , speedy and per mane,nt cure of Ague and Fever .or Chilis and Fever whether of short or long standing. He refers to the entire Western and Southwestern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion, that in no case whatever will It fail to cure, if the directions are strict ly followed and ca rieii out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a single bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two af ter the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long standing cases. Usually, this medi cine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order: should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL’-} VEGETA BLE EAM’LY PIuLS will be sufficient, DR. JOHN HI LL S Principal Office No. 40 Fiftli, ( l oss street, Louisville, Ky, Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United States and World-wide Read ers: I HAVE received many testimonials from profes sional and medical men, as my almanacs and vari ous publications have shown, all of which are genuine. The following from a highly educated and popular phpslcian in Georgia, is certainly one of the most sen sible couimunicatiotif I have ever received. Ur. Clem-* ent knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimo ny deserves to be written in le'ters of gold Hear what the Doctor says of Bull's Worm Destr yer Villanow, Walker co., Ga. J June 29th, 1866 $ DR. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir:—l have recently giv en your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, and find it wonderfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single Instance, to have the wished-for effect. lam doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of the kind. lam free to confess that I know of no remedy recommended by theabiest authors that is so certain and speedy in its effects. On the con trary they are uncertain in the extreme. My object in writing you is to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine directly from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. lan aware that the use of such articles is contrary to the teachings and practice of a great majority of the reg ular line of M. D.’s, but I see no just cause or gold sense in*tliscarding a remedy which we know to be ef ficient, simply because we may be ignorant of its com bination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any means to alleviate suffering hum inity which I may be able to command— not hesitating because someone more ingenious than myself may have learn d its effects first, and secured the sole right tc secure hat knowledge. However, lamby no mtans an ad vocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nos trums that flood the country, that purport to rare ali manner of disease to which hum in flesh is heir.— Please reply soon, and inform me of your best terms I am, sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P, CLEMENT, M. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. A GOOD REASON F‘>R THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH, READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE L£T TER FROM 1118 MOTHER. Benton Barracks, Mo., April 30, 1866. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla, and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses. I send you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded about two years ago—was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sat up a moment since 1 was wounded. I am shot through the hips. My genera! health is im paired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith in your Sarsaparilla than in any thing els*. I wish that that is genuine. Please express me half a dozeD bottles, and oblige Cai-t. O. P. JOHNSON. St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—The following was written April 39, 1865, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Capt Johnson. DB. BULL—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. 0. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died, leaving the above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of age he bad a chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. IT CURED HIM. I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio, and lowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general debili ty. Perfect success lias attended it. The cure * effect ed in »ome cases oj scrofula and fever sores were almost miraculous. lam very anxious for m.v son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. He"is fear ful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he will recover. Bespectfnily, JENNIE JOHNSON. BULL'S CEDRON BITTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. ARKANSAS HEARD FROM, Testimony of Medical Men Stony Point, White Cos., Ark., May 23,'66. DU. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir: Last February I was In Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I got some of your Sarsappanlla and Celron Bitters. My son-in-law, who was with me in tho store, has been down with rheumatism for some time, commen ced on the Bitters, and soon found Ills general health * U Dr. Gist, who has been in bad health, tried them, and he also improved. . t , . Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years —stomach and liver affected —he improved very much by the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great Popularity in this settle ment. I think I could sell a great quantity of your medicines this fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla. Ship me via Memphis, care of Rickett A Neely, Respectfully, L 13 \» AI«K. bK, All the above remedies for sale by B. H. BRADFIELD, Druggist, WAITEHAI.L STREET, ATLANTA, GA GI p), 1869*1 IJ < 4RTF.It*VIIaLti:. BAHTOW COIXTY, ULOItOIA, JFVK 9th, I*7o. and GEAR, Manufactured and Repaired in the very best style of the art, in the quickest time and at the shqrtest notice, and for less money than is usually paid for such work and stock. Try me ! W. C. EDWARDS. Cartersville. inch 9—wly Teeth drawn without pain, by the use of nar cotic spray. ' mc h 9. [From the Norfolk Daily Journal , Dec. 11, 1869.] Koskoo.— This medicine is rapidly gain ing the confidence of the people, and the numerous testimonials of its virtues, given by practioners of medicine, leaves no doubt that it is a safe and reliable remedy for im purity OP THE IILOOD, LIVER DISEASES, fcc. The last Medical Journal contains an arti cle trom Prof. R. S. Newton, M. D., Presi, dent of the E. Medical College, city of New York, that speaks in high terms of its cura tive properties, and gives a special recom mendation of Koskoo to the practitioners of medicine. This is, we believe, the first in stance where such medicines have been of ficially endorsed by the Faculty of any of the medical colleges, and reflects great cred it upon the skill of Dr. Lawrence, its com pounder, and also puts “Koskoo” in the van of all other medicines of the present day. PIANOS. The undersigned would respectfully announce that he is enabled to furnish the most magnificent Pianos ever seen in this country, from $325 to sßoo. Having superior advantages, and many years experience in the business in Europe and America, I can sell a first class Piano, 7, or 7f Octave, with all the very latest improvements SSO o SIOO less than they can be bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12 months, and warrant every Piano five years. He will have specimens here, or confer with you in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kenesaw House, F. L. FREYER, Marietta, Ga. B?2L.Mr. F. L. Freyer, Marietta Ga., is one of the firm of Phillips, Crews & Freyer Atlanta, Ga., agents for the sale of tlu cele brated Knabe Pianos, and will be happy to receive orders for any of the abov< instru ments, at hisresidence—theKennesawhouso. Extra Special A«tl< e. Beware of Counterfeits! Smith’s Tonic Syrup has' been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH’S TOXIC SYRUP. < The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull's pri vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull only hae the right to manufac.ure and sell the original John Smith’s Tonic Sj rup of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on the bottle, do not purchase, or you will be deceived. See my column advertisement, and my show card I will prosecute any one infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by myself. The public’s servant, UK. JOHN BULL. Louisville, Ky., April 28,1868 TRIUMPHANT ! The justly-celebrated StiefFs Pianos have received SEVEN GOLD MEDALS. and six first-class Premiums, at the Maryland Institute Fair, Baltimore, and at the several Southern Fairs, held in October and November, 1869; Gape Fear Agricultural Fair held at Wilmington, N. C.; North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, N. C.; Lynchburg Agricultural and Mechanical Fair; Augusta County Fair; Wytheville Virginia Fair; the Fair, Rome, Ga., and Illinois. Stieffs took the first premiums over all competitors of Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. The excellence of tone, workmanship and general fin ish of these Pianos are unsurpassed.— Persons visiting Baltimore should not fail to examine the Pianos for them selves, at his splendid new ware-rooms, No. 9 N. Liberty St. Baltimore, Md. May sth, ts. |y The Bth wonder of the world has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long expe rience, extensive observation and profound judge ment, and Ins discovery has proven such a blessing to woman, that it is already known throughout the country as “Woman s Best Friend." With remarka ble quickness and certainty it cures all cases of sup pressed menstruation, acute or chronic, and restores health in every Instance. Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treat ment of disease* peculiar to women. This the Med ical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. H. Brad field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1.60 per bot tle by respectable Druggists everywhere, feb 1 wly JORDAN. HOWARD & HARRALSON Tobacco Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA Keep constantly on hand, a and fine Assortment of CHEW ING and SMOKING TO BACCO, CIGARS, &c., which we offer at the Lowest Whole sale prices*., June 10, I NOS Hill Picks made and Repaired, By Abernathy & Goodson, at the shop of the latter, in Cartersville. There is no longer a necessity to go from home to have this class of work done. Give us a chance and we will prove it to the satisfaction of all. may 25, wit Gear Shop, BT w, C, EDWARDS, 11 nr ness, Bridles,2 Saddle* (From the E/aula Xeivs. Mlm Bebey Grimes' ride to Co lumbus. Miss Betsey resides in the "Alabam.” She gives the following account of her first and last ride on the cars, du ring the late war. “Joe,” her brother, was a soldier iu the Confederate ser vice: “Yon see my brother Jde, he was took for a soldier and atterawhile he took sick and they put him iu the hos pittle, up to Cullutnbus. I heern tell they didn’t have much to eat up thar; leetwise, sich as sick folks hankers tit ter; and I felt powerful sorry for Joe. I wanted to carry him somethin nice, and I knowed he loved aigs abundance. So I thought I’d git him a l askit o’ aigs. But they was mity skeerce them times, and hard to git. But howsomever, by raking around, under the clay roots and bresh beeps, and I>i*. F. 31. «T ohiDson, DENTIST. CarUrtville, Ga. beggiu and borrowin and bnyin, I did manidge at last togita baskit full—sev en dozen. The next thing was to git to him with ’urn. I dassent send 'urn.— Thare was so much steelin and pilferin gwin on, you couldn’t keep a pig until the ole sow got through weanin of him, people was so hungry and times was so hard, ’fheu the Govurnmint, hit was a taken everything hit could lay | hits hand on. I heern tell if the war had a hung -a little longer the Govurn mint, hit wis agwine to take all the steel hoops outen the women’s crinner lynes to make sw’ords outen; but it didn t quite come to that as it hap pened. Well—as I was a sayin, I knowed hit want no use to send them aigs to Joe—not while things was as they was then. He’d never a got ’um; j the quarter masters, or tire tax assess- ’ mints, or some o’ that breed would ha’ confiscated um before they got as fur as Silver Run. At last I got afeerd the aigs would spile keepin 'um ou hand so long; and so, atter thinkin over it a good deel, and right smart i prar, (prayer) I at last got my con sent to ride up to Cullumbus on the j critter—cars. I never had rid on the ; critter, and hit squealed and suortpd so, whenever I seen hit, and spit, spew- : ed and smoked so, I was powerful skeered on it. But I made up my i mind, kill or no kill, let the critter do what hit would do to me, Joe, he had to have them aigs. So, after all was rea dy, I jist happened to remember I didn't have nary bounit. But I went over to cousin Sally Grimeses (she’s one o’ my double cousins—enymost a sister, like) and borried hern to go to see Joe in. So early Monday morn in, atter a sleepliss night—you see I couldu’t sleep on the account o’ studyin’ about the critter, and wondeviu what hit was a-gwine to do to me—l got on the critter with seer and trimblin; aud thar I sot on one o’ them sofy’s (seats) waitin to seo how hit would he. I tell you , I was skeered! I eonymost had ur ager—l trim bled so. Present ly, the critter, hit squeeled, and blow ed, and give a jerk and a jump; and then hit hollered, and off hit went!— my Lord ! The jerk, hit throwed the basket o’ aigs out of my lap; but the baskit lit, handle side up, ou the floor, and thar hit sot, just lik’s if I had ur put it thar, ur purpus. And then the critter, hit jist ruuned away 1 I look ed around for Bob Coleman. I had heern tell that the critter would mind him, and he could stop it. But Bob was nowhars to be found ! Seein I had to help myself, thar beiu no other refuge, I jest stretched out both ways as fur as T could re f ch, cot hold o’ the top o’ the sofy iu front o’ me with one hand, and the top o’ the sofy behind me with the other hand, and thar I sot, and hilt on with all my might. I tell you, sir, I hilt my holt that time, you be bound ! And the critter, hit jest kep a-gwino, faster, and faster, and faster! Hit looked like, the harder I hilt my holt, the faster hit would go, tryin to make me break my holt. Faster and faster hit went, ’twel it eeuymost tuck my breth, and the fences, and the trees, they would dash up to the windows, like mad; and I spected every minit they would come iu; and I leent over, fur as I could retch outer the way; and I don’t ’twel yit, how they could come up so closte, and so velocious, and stop, ’thout cornin’ in. But, sir! I hilt my holt ! Atterawhile the wind, hit was so strong through the winder, my Cousin Sal’s bonnit, (she’s one o’ my double cousins, you know—eenymost a sister like) —my Cousin Sal’s bonuit, hit be gin to git restless; and at lass, hit couldn’t stand it no longer, and hit jest broke loose from round my neck, and tore out o’ the winder ! Es I could ur seen Bob Coleman, I would ur got Bob to stop the critter long enough to ur got the bonnit; fur it was Cousin Sal’s ouliest one she had to go to Church in, down to Ebenezer. [I reckin you’ve bin to Ebenezer Church, hain’t yon? It’s got glass winders into it, eight of ’em—with green shetters to ’em.] Well, as I was a sayin, I looked all around for Bob, to git him to speak to the critter and make it uto; but he was nowhars to be found! But I want agwiue to bi’eak my holt, nor for all the bonnits in the Alabam; no sir, I hilt my holt! A tier while the critter, hit commenced to jump and bump up and down so the aigs begin to roll and rattle about in the basket, like as if they was in a pot, and hit on a hard bile; and presently over went the baa kit; and the critter hit rolled the aigs all over the floor, and under the peo ple’s feet, and they all a laffin fit to kill thayselves. But I didn’t keer— I want ur studyin bout them. Nor I want study in bout aigs, uutlier— not then. For the critter hit appeared like hit was jist on the pint o’ doin | somethin oncommon, hit cut up and j and carried on so, a squealin and fiz ! zin, like mad, But sir, I hiJt my holt,— There was one good man on the critter —ho didn t lass like the rest ou um. He got up and picked up the uigs, the whole seven dozen, and put um back iu the bask’t.; and t ick my li.tnk erclier fiom round my neck (for I wouldn’t break my holt, come what would) and tied the baskit down ou the sofv, by me, so hit couldn’t tum ' ble off no more. He was -i good man—- I liked him. I wauN-d to tell him thankee, but the critter hit squealed so boiu that time, I knowed he couln’t hear me, so I jest looked in his face I and smilt (smiled.) But sir, I hilt my holt ! Atterawhile we got to the river; and I heern tell when the critter got I thar hit vould fly over, and hit did ! Jest as I sc< n hit was about to rise up at the water’s aidge, I shat my eyes and went to prar, an 1 presently the j critter lit and squealed, and thar we was in Cullumbus; and then hit stop ped. But, sir, I never broke my hoit the wholo forty mile. Soon ns I start ed up Broad street, almost, who should I meet but Joe hiss- If! He was a lit tle better that day, and they had un locked the hospittle aud let him out to take a little walk. Soon’s ever he seen me, “ift’hy! Lord ! Bet’s” eez he, “is that you ! Why gal! I’m glad to see you”—aud the tears sprung outen his eyes, and outen mine too—l couldn’t hope it.— “Howdy, Joe,” sez I—“and I’m glad to see you too, Joe,” sez I. “Lord! j Gal!” sez he, “don’t holler so ! Youse in Cullumbus now, gal.” “Is I holler in?” sez I, “I thought I was jest a whisperin.” You see the critter hit kep such an almity fuss, it made me rite deef; and I didn’t know I was talkin loud a bit—not more than onary. And then sez I, “Joe, here’s some aigs I’ve fetched you, boy; but I expeck ev ery last oue of urn’s broke—the critter hit rolled um about so.” Aud Joe, he was powerful proud to git the aigs, ’ for sez lie, ‘I tell you Bets, I’m prettv ! nigh starved, gal, and my teeth’s all outen order, tryin to chaw the bull j beef they has up here; and as to the water—Old Dives wouldn’t drink it, es it wass offered to him; and you In jw ! he was middlin thirsty when last h :ern from. Lord, gal! if you had j< st er brought me a little waiter from the old spring; I’d eenymost ruther to ur had it thau the aigs.’ And then Joe, be tuck me round to a store close by where Tom Chapman used to keep.— I reckon you know him, don’t you ? Him and Peacock’s iu cwhoot now; i powerful clever men—square as dry good’s*L>ox; I likes um. Joe he took ne aroun thar, and bought me some i things, and a bon nit for cousin Sal, | (she’s one o’ my doable cousin’s—cen ! ymost a sister like) aud another one for myself. But Boh Coleman he sent her other bonnit home in about a week —the one whar tore outen the window. And then Joe he gin me the money to i go back home on the critter; but ‘No !’ I rez I, ‘Hossfly, I ain’t gwine home on ! the critter I wouldn’t ha’ come on the critter, hadn’t ur bin fir gettin ! them aigs to you, aud keepin the quar | ter marsters outen the b.iskit I’d j ruther to foot it home, than have to j hole my holt again like I did this moi’L in. My arnu feels like they was eeny most broke off; and I’ve got a crick in the neck, whar I leent over so fur, a dodgiu them trees and fence corners; aud Joe, I’m the tirdest thing ever you seen. No, Joe, I’m grine to foot it back home,’ —and foot it I did, and youll never ketch me a ridin the crit ter again; thout I’m de-id and laid out; aud then it wont matter whether my holt is hilt or not. Yallcr Dogn. MARK TWAIN’s HISTORY OF THE FOUNDE l OF THE FAMILY AND HIS DESCENDANTS. When Noah disembarked at Ararat, he had scarcely touched the pier when he proceeded to tally his passengers.— He had just checked his last item in the list—a Mr. and Mrs. Bedbug— when the cringing figure of a quadru ped came sneaking down the gang way with his tail between his legs.— “Drat it, if there aint that yaller dog‘” says Noah, aiming a vociferous kick with his brogan at the brute. But, with a facility of a born of long and bitter experience, the brute dodged the pro jectilc and ejaculating “ki-ki,” winch is Syraic for ‘declined with thanks,’ or ‘not for Joe’—he disappeared,while No ah, who had his sea-legs on, was unable to recover his equilibrium, and sat down with emphasis on the back of his head. Noah arose, and, in accordance with the style prevalent among the patri archs, he proceeded to soothe his af fronted dignity by pronouncing a va riegated anathema upon the yaller dog. which had characteristically sneaked unobserved on board, in the confusion of putting to sea, and capsized the Captain at the first port. He cursed that dog in body, limb, bark, hide, hair, tail and wag, and all his generations, relations and kindred, by consanguin ity or affinity, and his heirs and assigns. He cursed him with endless hunger, with perpetual fear, with perennial la ziness, with hopeless mange, with in cessant fleas, and with his tail between his legs. He closed his stock of male dictions by a sparkling display of py rotechnics, from a demoralizing effect of which the yaller dog has never re covered. With this curse sticking to him like a revenue stamp, the yaller dog can’t help beiug ‘cussed. He don’t try to help it. He follows Noah’s programme with sneaking fidelity. He is an Isli mealite among dogs. Ho receives the most oppressive courtesies in the way o f brickbats, boots and hot water, which make his life an animated target excursion. He boards around like a district school teacher, and it is meal time with him twenty-four hours in the day. The rest of the time he han kers after son'ething to ent. He is too ouiniverous for an epicure. Cram bim at Delmonieo\ and bp would Imn g«r for desert from an Albany board ing house. He can’t bo utilized. Ho is b o tir otl. Asa swill cart locomotive, it hun ter, or a sentinel, lie is an ignt luious failure. The dog ebum was n strate gic' attempt to employ his waste ener gies, but he hadn’t any waste energies, and butter had too much scl*-rmpect to ‘ come" at his persuasion. So * the dog churn was dropped. j No sainago maker dare foreclose his lien on the jailer dog, lest his custo- J mrrs > no longer “soothed and sustained ' by an unfaltering trust"—transfer the ir i patronage to some less audacious deni- I er - The savages, who admire baked I dog, aud who can evea attack tripe, ! ) and explore the mysteries of hash. . without dismay, nokiiowleded tho yal- | j ler clog to be too much for their gastic . intrepidity. He always manages to belong to a 1 ragged, tobacco chewing, whisky drink- i ing master, whose business is swapping dogs and evading the dog tax. The yaller dog is acquainted with himself, and he enjoys the intimacy with edify ing contempt, He slinks along thr'gh life on a diagonal dog-trot, as if in doubt as to which end of him is enti- j tied to the precedence. He is always pervaded by a hard-dog sense of guilt. j and when retributive tinware is fasten ed to his tail, be ‘flies from the wrath to come,’ with horrified felony which ought to be very suggestive to two-leg ged sinners tf a similar ordeal in store i for him. The yallew dog is -well, to sjeakin 1 italics he is a slouch. IF YOU DOUBT IT_COME AND SEE WE HAVE ON II 4MI 4\J> AND AUE ItKCEIVINU THE LARGEST GENERAL STOCK OE WATCHES JEWELRY AND CLOCKS Silver and Plated Ware, Etc Ever brought to Atlanta, nnd and having purchased direct from manufacturers at net ensh prices, we arc able, hnd willing and determined to “ell ns low as any person, or persons, in any plnco. either in town, city, or village North, South, East, or West, 'AE (AVE EETIER FACILITIES, l’or the purchase and sale of certain classes of fine Watches, than any other house South has. or can get, and we will give our customers the benefit of the advantage. OUR ONLY REFERENCE IS 2i Years Experience In the Jewelry BUSINESS IN ATLANTA, AND TO THOSE W HO HAVE TRADED WITH THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF ER LAWSHE. We have better arrangements than any house in Atlauta for repairing Watches and Jewelry. Sept. Lilith, 60-ly. LAWSHE & HAYNES. I>R. O. H. PR ©PHITT, ATLANTI, GEORGIA, Is still Manufacturing all of His Celebrated Family Medicines, CONSISTING OF HIS bI V E R MEI>IC IK G, Anodyne Pain Kill [t, ANTI-BILL (JUS BILLS, PILLS Dynentery Cordial. Female TO IST TO, PURIFYING PILLS, As heretofore, and will attend to all bi> ! siness in his line that comes to his office. Will prescribe for patients when con j suited, and examine any that come to his 1 office at any time, (Sundays excepted.) i Will treat secret diseases of all kinds.— 1 Special attention given to Female Diseases I both acute and chrouie, etc., etc. I PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS- PROPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINE. Das the advantage of almost any other pre paration of Medicine that acts upon the Liv er. It is in tho form of a Fluid Extract— ready for use at all times, .lay or night, and can be carried to any locality in Ameri ca, winter or summer, as it will neither sour or freeze at any temperature that i hu man can occupy with safety. It is not too strong for children, ©•• two weak for the most robust. There i r no trouble about taking it, only to unstop The Bottle and drink it whenever you want it. It has gained a very high reputation in every lo cality it has had a fair and honorable chnncc to prove itself, at any point .JUST and it has been used in everv [State south of Maine, and it is alike applicable to disor ders of the Uver and Dlgcsfhr Powers at all places yet tried. Traveling parties North and South, carry it, and find the hap py effects of it in ail climates. The above aamed Medicines prepared only by 0. S. rROPHITT. Corner Walton and Broad Streets, Atlanta. Ga. For sale in ('artersvillc by Re-d St, Kirk patrick, Druggists, Also by L. Dennett & Bro X<>v. 18.—ly. FOK SA LE. IWI3H tostdl my place near Cagsville Geo. It lies about four miles from Cass Station, on the IV & A KK, and contains U 5 acres; about one half in a fine state of culti vation, and under a first-rate fence, the bal ance well timbered. It is well wa ered; has spring* and crocks ; is convenient to churches and schools and is a very desirable place- The land is yood, and produces corn, wheat and eotton, and the grasses equal to the best uplands in Cherokee Georgia. Terms reasonable. nORT-tfT RUSBEI.t, • Marl?. Ini. lia. >lll*oll Vs, AC'S RTKttrV ll |.k MMMtP, VO MM.. Kef H 4 '/ ,r« i>e|.i ot. \ »|.«t Mil ™ r *< *rStft.y *, j, , . .. . *. •». t'ATIU.M, W. M. /. .V 40n.VM)N,lSc *. fl KTOWAII CHAPTtft. N«. M.—Kera’sr tneellne# *r< he!,l the Hr-» • ..« It> I NK jT Tur.«i»y i.lth!. In reel, , (tow the l«i r \ October twill Ist May, nun on Mi.. !st 1 «,»■ -osy alft.U rtom 1», May libtll Id October n. w. K. k, it. k. A. N. BIUDSiUW, Bec'ty. Etowah Lodge No. 3., I. O. of ft. T. nu*ftn every Thurwlhv night, in Mason ie Hall, over Curry’s Drug Store, j K - S. PaTTIUjO, H. M. Cl-tYToX, i_ W.s, U, (’. T. II II The »y mptoms e liver roar.- Cl If 110MO* f F|»J»tnt arc unratlnv** and Mil IHR M llVil I l”*' n In the »W*. c. lurllnivs UIHI IIIUIIU I the pstn l« lx U - sh. Milter, ••••( an.l I* mltttlm f..r rh.nna. tHU TlifihUMh | a ad, etc,l slih |..«, of «ppetite •» d •M'knew howel. In general emit re, snow'lmr* tcrextlng with 'ax Ihr head Is trnohlr.l »tih pain, m l Iw i in. i, |’jlnll, hesvy »ea#»t|..e, nutMtn I. IV 11 K I J’le W* «t memory. »,e .n pMitled * ... 11*'*h painful (ensatlntt of Having ' ’ . ", “"I P*‘!t undone sniuc'hltiir ahlrh ..ueht to have been done, Often cmuplait in* of >.d. nrus debility «t.d lut s,.lrlt«. Smucii ucs tome -f the slmre symptoms attend the di-ea-w. and at ..'tier tin.n very few of them; hut the Mv.w Is genyvmltj the or- Kau most involved. Cure the Livrr with XO. 2. 1* It. SIJ!.a() 5S • LIVER REGULATOR. A prcp’irstion of roots and herb*. warranted to be strictly vegetable. and c m da no Injury to any om. It has i.cen us.J by hundreds, and Inoun' for the last thlriy-five years as one of the the most reliable, efficacious and harmless prr ptr*tl«n« aver . fferrdto the sotrerlny If t .ken regularly a„d pobtantly, It is surir to c«:e. I| I IMrtpeps'a, headache, jaun- Regulator. lN ic ,r: c '7 lvr, , e 'V. ' ir ? hr * 4 / !■ Ct I| H " e > rhrnt ie diuirhcrs, af * I Meet lone of the bladder, earri. dysentery, affections of the kldnets, fever, nerrona i.css, chills, tlireases of the skin. Impurity of the bln. and, melancholy, or depression of aplrits, heartburn. .•«!le, or pains in the bowels, pain .n the, fever and ague, dropsev. bolls, pain in the bark and limbs, asth ma, erysipelas, female ntf cti ns, and bilious discuses ee’ierally. Prepaid only by J. Il.;K|;||,|\ A Cos. Druggist#, Mac n, tie. Price fl ; by mall. f1.5.%. The foltowipu high y respee’ahle persons ran fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to shorn arc most *espeettully refer : Men. W M llnlt. President S W /.* It ft mips Iv • R-v. •I U Felder. Perry, fio.; C.l. K K So.irls, Oa; •J J l.untord, hst, , Conductor bW It It. C M -st r«an, Esrp, Bherttf litbb county; .1 A Bulls, Hali.bridge, fla.; (tyke and gpn-hawk, Editors Piorldlan, Tallsl.avse.; Krv. .1 W R.irke, Maoon, Oa.; I'lrctl powers f'«q »n --perintendent X W It !*.; D»„|,| |i„|i,rd. Itullaid's *<a tl .n, Macon and llru O eenville Wood, Wood’s; K Cory. Macon <!».; Kev. K y Kas'erlin", P K Florida fionferrnoe ; M»j A t Woo'ey, Kintston. Ua.; Kill or Mac.n Telegraph, for sate by ail . rugvtsU. KOI: SALK IN OA ItTKRSVII.I.K |jt best & kirk path I k, jsn 10-w6m I»rug)flsta. Marble Dealer. JAMES VAUGHAN, Cnrierxi Hie, (in. fv I would annou.ire to my friend* |l» mtl the pnblir generiillv, thnl I am "jjiiow prepered to furnish , ' MONUMENTS, \ TOOMIfS, headstones. 3 si, a ns, 4t piompt'y, to those deni ing aurU work. TALLIN. GIRGIA.or AMERICAN MARBLE. «• suit purclisisera. I flatter myself that the facil ities which I have established for procuring Marble, together with -0 yearji experience, will enable me to compete nucccssltillv with any other person in this business. Believing that I ran please the moat fastiiioun, 1 hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. Any one wishing t-o procure marnie, would find i to their interest to call at my residence and examine some bcaulitul designs of monument* te. recently received. npri|!.t>o |v WADt: OLD CAROLINA "RITTERS. . ADKLIGHTFTJLTONIC i We take great pleasure in offering th* OLD CAROLINA BITTERSi I to thy public. They ire con pounded with -seat ear* and contain • m ' best Tonics lit Mtc I’harmasa ! p|a. As e.idc:, je . f thi oine-lor \v of Bitters ! over nil othe-s, we have certiticnten fmany of the ; leading physicl ns iu our Fttile, th.' have.picserihad tnem in their practl.-e. THE OI.D CAROLINA BITTKIIS.. ; Will be found Invaluatil. for War.t of Appetite, General Debility, rhllls'and Fever and Dj»p»pnie. I We do net affrr our Kilters ae a cure for nil dl-eae*#, i but an an Aromntli; Tonic, they have no equal. Kor sals by nil DrugpD sand Oroc.rt everjwkerd For dale in Cnrterdvill* by A. K. IH IH.IW GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO-, Importers of Choiee Drugs and < hemlcsls. March SI, .87«--1y. Charleston, 9. C. G. 0. ROGERS, No >3 Decatur Street, ■ Atlanta, Georgia* MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS And dealer in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE. HARNESS SKIRTING. ENAMEL AND All KINDS OF LEATHER, * Childrens 7 Carriages. Fine Carriages and BUGGIES INDIANAPOLIS FAIM WAGONS AND CARTS. The attention of Farmers and Tcnmeters is called to the large stock of Wage ns and Harness; also ALL kinds of SADDIiEN and everything usually kept n a first-class. Saddlery House— Wholesale and Kef ail. Also, for sale, Boys’ T)tr<‘C-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27—wly In the Matter of ESilair & Bru«>« ali aw—Eta iik nipt 9. ALL Tei'bOiis indebted to the* firnt of HI.AIR & I.KAoMIAW. are her, by j notified lo coiuc iiii v.j.vl jiiiu ocit. toeir <le v .1 once, n.* .iefnult thereo; they will be proceeded «gnin#t uo lint law directs •l’iiNHlV, -I’lUtt.'. 91'lit , till., A|* -'i I.l*o