The Cartersville weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1870, June 09, 1870, Image 4

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PEASE & His WIFE, RESTAURANT' ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA THU MODEL IIGl»E IS STILL THE PRIDE OF THE Mert-ti-m* and Farinvr*. Struug-rn, and Citizen*, Ladies and Gentlemen, cannot de tiki 4 which lo admire uio v t, A Hi* Wife, or the Luxuric* of Ihcrr Ta* . Cum*, old folk*. and brill.; the children, and ymir knitting. Cowe Buyand bring ttie one yon niadr Much M«h pronbei to, out at the Onmp- Mttt mg, and my word tor it, you will go home liking heart better than anybody in the World. May 12th, ISTO-tf. ■JJ a Aia JLjSII -J ZjMdi iaiia WHOUSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO-19 WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA GA Offers rplendid inducement*. and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to fire him a call. Days special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Glass, Pine Medicinal it,j£f)'iTOjaS AiT» wiiass. Krerythiug pertaining to a first cla«s Drug Store will be found there. NOTICE SPECIAL Daily Drain from the “ICE COLD SODA FOUNT” All that uuu could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lunsdell challenges his Soda competitor* to produce tho fluid a* near the freezing point as his. The coldest and the best in the city. Pure Fruit Syrup*. W. A- LiuistU‘ll, Mo, 11» vrltitclmll St., Atlanta, Ga. M*t 12 1870 ly. RUSSELL At CO’S AND THRESHING MACK, AT THE <*ILREATII WARE-HOUSE. i'otl a til ttt iht Mur/,inn and nee what I Warrant them to d<. railmvillc. Mny 12. ROBERT BRUCE. A. LEY DE N, [ General Commission Merchant, Win M. WILLIAMS Lute of Win. M Williams A Cos. No. 18. Alabama str., Atlanta, Ga. SOLE AGE.fSLT FOR AUGUSTA FACTORY SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. DRILLS. ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY; Yarnes, Stripes, Checks. Goods in Store tuitl for Sale at Manufacturers’ Prices from the following: Bagle and Fhconix Manufacturing Com pany. Tronp, Hopewell and Annawaka factories and Pioneer Paper Mill. SO IE ALENCY OF ROGERS' CELEBRATED BIRD’S EYE LIME.. Controlled since 186 G, by Wm. M. Will ams k bro. lljdruulie Cement. Flagler, Pure Ground Hone, W liana’s Raw-Bone Soper-Pliospbatc Alm, *n * full flock of I'LOI R (Choice Frauds) direct irom best 1 ennes— , sec and Kentucky Mills, BAC’N- LARD CORN. OATS HAY-ETC.- FROM PACKERS AND PROOTCERS j apr 27 wlj, ’ Sa?e Time & Money ! MARK E COOPER, General CoinmiH.sion Merelmnl, Will fill Orders and Sell Produce on fair terms to all. XO. 4, BROAD tiTR., ATLANTA, GA. mch 15-w6m H ‘Rcltumrters for Toys & Fancy Goods, Manufacturer of G A.l_D_l S 8! DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, TON’S AND WILLOW WARS Wedding PJIRTiES and SUPPERS, tfc., Gotten up In the best Kt)le, at short Notice! We would respectfully call ti e attention of the public to our! large aiul complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at ! tho LOWEST CASH PKCIES. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, LA. march 10,w1y CAMILLE FOUNDRY AND Haehi&e Shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform tho public thaf, having opened a Foundry and Machine Shop in C; rtersville, he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES. COTTON PRESSES, SUGAR MILLS HORSE POWERS. MILL GEARING, ETC. Also, CASTINGS, of «™ry description; HOLLOW WARE, GRATES, STORE FRONTS AND FENCES; All kinds of MACHINERY REPAIRED in the most perfect manner. Highest marJce price paid for SCRAP IRON, BRASS, LEAD COPPER, nnd ZINC, Tam prepared to compete with Northern Establishments jite price and quality of work, and will guarantee antiefacti >n in all cases. , B. SCOFfBM). ijj tr , January 15T3. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON A CO., Dealers In , DRY COOOS. WHOLESALE And Retail, At luutu, G eorgia . Our siock of Foreign niOKtic Di’y-fioodu is now com plete, in all departments, and we solicit an examination of our stock, from both whole sale aud retail cash customers. Our Wholesale Department is entirely separate from our Retail Department. We also have just received the Largest Stock of Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Wool Carpets, !i and 3 Ply Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Damasks, Reps & Window Shades, Ever offered in Atlanta, and are offering them nt prices to dorrespond with the re cent heavy decline in all kinds of Merchan dize. mch 30-woiu Wholesale and Retail HAT STORE, s.fu.T/0.0 &, .f/.o.i.ri)i;n. 42 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. muro LEA VK TO INFORM OUR r» TT FKIIND', amt all who (sirchaae P® jf Good. In th t markt-t, that we are now r<-reirlne, and have In Store, me of the largest itovki us the boat and late.i ,(ylei of Hat*, Caps and Straw Goods, ever opened In the ity, that we propose to offer to the trade. We purehare our Goods direct from the man ufacturer*. by the p .ekage, which en Ulei u* to aell her, at as Low Prices as the fr.iods can be pwrehased in an. Northern City, of which we are prepared to irtve satiafactcry evidences. We most reapectiulty a "licit a evil from all wishi g tv purchase, feeling confident we will be a> le to meet their view* in qual ity, style and price. We think it would not be amiss to stata that our Goods are all new, hating been bough* within the la-t twenty days. BOY'S HATS made a specialty. Respectfully, mch 80—w2m SALMONS k ALE XANDER. mmiskm ir 20 ozen (ilraiit’s Patent Grain Cradles. »5 Fan IMLill*. :*0 Wheat Tlir<‘slierg. 525 Horse Powers. 10 Threshers and Cleaners Combined. Send lor catalogue and price list. W. €. IDWARDS, HAS NOW RE ADY FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION n case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Rcing Agent fer Erwin & Jones’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Wm. Goldsmith's WOOD he Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7th,—tf. Ml. SHALLEHBERGER, Fever and .Ague ANTIDOTE Alway* Stop* the Chills. This Medicine has been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. 11 does not purge, j does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe fn any doso and under all circum stances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Ferer and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to Rlalarla. Bold by all Druggist*. R. REDDING, DEALER IS 8 OVES , CRATES, AND LIGHTNING RODS , PLAIN, PRESSED AND JAPANED TIN WARE, AND House Furnishing Goods, Ma iik Str., Cabtersville, fr*. All kinds of Job Work done with neatnesa and dispatch. The firm of Strange A Redding haring been dissolved, by mutual consent, I will continue the business at the old stand, feb 15 wlj R REI)T»ING. FOR SALE, A FARM Containing 220 acres, at Cass l\ Station on the W. A A. R. R. with two new Dwellings; one has a never failing Spring, the other a good well of water. The latter within one-fourth, and the former within one-half mile, of the Depot There is one hundred and fifty acres of level grass land, well watered. Can be made a fine Stock and Fruit farm. Havimga different soil well adopted to every variety of fruits, grains, and grasses. Fifty acres well tim bered, and one hundred acres timber partly cut off. Can be divided into three settle ments. Five miles North of Cartersville, and flfty-three of Atlanta. >V. T. WOFFORD, Cartersville, Ga. May 19, lm. BARTOW LAND FOR SALE- W NTENDING to move Westward thia Fall, JL I am now offering for sale 320 acres of Etowah River hand, lying in the Stamp Creek District, about 10 miles East of Cur tersville, and four miles East of the old Eto gah Iron Works. On the tract there arc about 90 acres cleared laud, about 65 acres river bottom, thebalance well-timbered. The Dwelling is a comfortable framed house, with four rooms, and two fire-places, good out-buildinge, good well of water; and alto gether aa healthy and convenient as any plantation in Bartow County Two other settlements on the place. Terms Cash. For further particulars apply to, or address, meat Cartersrille o* the premises J ' y 3r. JAM Ee KEENER. The Express, iiaar Cartersville, Ga., June*), JsTO. . Young People Should Read Books of Solid Information. Many who have not had the advan tages of an early education, conclude that it is impoasible for them ever to know much during life, and so they give up all effort in anything like im proving the mind. This is a great mistake. Any young man of common abilities, who can read the English language, can. in a few years of api lication, so far over come this difficulty that he can stend on a level, or above many who have had all the advantages of a collegiate education. It does not so much depend upon the advantages we possess, in any re spect, as it does upon the use we make of those that we have. The greatest difficulty in the way of the young in gaining knowledge, these days, lies in the proper selection of books; there is no lack as to number; there are thousands that are not only worthless, but are a curse to all who read them—the very scum of rotten ness and filth, and these are tho kind that are sc.ittcred broadcast over the land, as so many traps for the young and inexperienced, while parents and others seem to devoto scarcely a thought to secure substantial food for the minds of the rising generation. Next to a knowledge of the sacred scriptures, is a general knowledge of facts and things—an acquaintance with the Sciences, Arts, &c. The books most necessary for the young (or old,) who desire knowledge, are those of Uiversal Reference, so that the student can, at pleasure, or as opportunity may offer, or require, examine any subject, to some extent j Mithin the bounds of human knowledge; it is net a lengthy article, or a treatise on a subject that is so much needed at first, as something that can be refered to in a moment, for any fact or thing he may wish to know, and an outline at least retained iu the memory. The youug man who has to make his living by labor has often a few mo ments that he can take up a book, and in that time will get a general idea of some important fact, in science or his tory, and those ideas are digested and retained, while busied With labor, and he can afterwai'd examine the subject more fully as occasion may require, and become a part or that substantial knowledge that make our men of wis dom and moral worth. Men never drink in knowledge by large doses; but by continually taking small portions of tho truth, the mind expands and becomes strong, and the man an orna’ueat in society, and use ful in the community in which ho lives. A few books of reference will enable any one, in one minute, to see when and where Aristotle, Demosthenes, Ly curgas, or Mark Anthony lived, and what they doue, or any of tho thous ands of the great and wise, or good, that have lived and flourished and died, either before or since their time; as well as when any important inven tion, improvement or discovery was made, of .all that exists in tho world to-day. And without delay can examine the rise, progress and downfall, of any of the nations or kingdoms of the earth, and also the battles, seiges, storms and earthquakes, or any other important event of the past that is known to man. He can turn to, and examine any department of science, literature, or art at pleasure, and that, too, either in the cro vded city, or in his habitation in the lonely wilderness. He can learn from the experience of the wise and great of all ages, and store his mind with treasurers of knowledge that will yield him enjoyment through eve ry hour of corning life. The mind of the man that is stored with the facts aud truths of science and history, added to scriptural knowl edge, will possess a treasure that will accompany him in all the walks of life, that will be present in all the trials and vicissitudes that await him, and which no earthtly loss can ever de prive him of, while reason maintains her throne. He has a security for the present that is more firm and lasting than all earthly treasures, or than any human friendship has ever known. “X.” Will it Kill Them ?—Try it and see!—lt has been alleged that a tuft of grass, or a piece of sod, placed in the fork of a tree and at the base of a limb, wheron catterpillars have made a lodgment, will exterminate them. Such an experiment with such a result we understand has been tried. As it costs nothing aud is worth testing, we hope many of our fruit-growers will try the remedy and report the result. The terms of twenty United .States Senators terminate on the 4th of M’ch next. An artesian well is being borerl in Jlacon. Joftfah'ii Christmas Adventures. BT MART E. BRYAN. OKI Tony Snaps, a chum of mine A famous whisky seller, Who has a sign above his door, In letters painted yellow. And carries a plainer one besides, In red upon his smeller, Is a rare chap to “put you through” — In short, a clever fellow; But if I get from out this box, I mean to thrash him neatly, For on last Christmas day you see, He took me in completely, I’d rigged me in a bran new suit, That took a half year’s wages, And felt as grand as any lord, Who had a dozen pages. My boots aud hair were slick as grease, Aud shone like new nmliog’ny, Aud down my vest, I poured, I guess, A pint of rale cologny. .Says I, a lookia in the glass,; “I think you'll do, Josiah; So, take a turn or two, old chap, And go to see Maria ” And when I stepped into the street, I guess I did look flushing, A walkiu down through Tatersville A twirlin’ my moustm hy. The little boys began to stare— I only stepped the higher, And went into to buy A breastpin for Maria. I knew that lady of my heart Wasspectiu me for dinner; I knew the way I was got up Would never fail to win her; But now, alas! she’s lost to me, And I’m a ruined body, Aud all along of Tony Simps And his plagued whisky-toddv. Savs Tony, with his smile and bow; “Step in awhile, old fellow; Just take a little warming sip Os something nice and mellow; ’Twill loose your tongue, thaw your blood, And make your eyes look brighter.” Says I: I guess I will; just so It doesn’t make me tighter. ‘No fear of that,” says he again; I’d like to see the body ‘ Whose brain would turn with just a sip Os harmless whisky toddy. ’’ And so I sipped, and talked and sip ped, Aud tony praised my trowsers, And said my coat was just the thing, My vest and boots were rousers; And Tony poured tne flattery on, And I kept on a sippin’, Until the jugs began to dance, The bottles took to tippin. And*then I thought ’twas timeo t go, But as I turned the corner I heard the little scamps of boys A cryiu, “He’s a goner.” I braced myself and tried to walk Just perpendicularly; But still tlfp houses waltzed around; I Could’t see quite clearly; It was an orful sort of time Bofore I reached the deacon’s; I knocked, an 1 as my knees felt bad. (lhe walk, you see, was weakenin’) I took a graceful attitude Against the door sill handy, And felt to see if I had lost Tbs breastpin or the candy. And presently I heard a step That set my heart afire; J knew, before I raised my eyes, That it was my Maria; And though I couldn’t see her well, I kuew that she was smiliu, And that started my affections up Quite to the point of bilin. I thought IVI kiss those smilin lips, And then I’d softly tell her, She was the prettiest girl on earth, Aud I the happiest fellow. I throwed my arms around her neck, I kissed her long and loudly, And vowed I knew old Jimmy Buck. Had never felt so proudly. I must have borne down rather hard, For down we came a sprawlin, Her hoops a crackiu in the smash, And she a loudly bawlin. I heard a scufflin of feet— I looked, and great Jeddiah ! There stood m3' rival, Simon Saookfl Supportin of Maria. I gazed around in mute amaze, Looked down and saw, 0, Lordy, I’d made the orfulest mistake Along of whisky toddy. ’Twas fat old lady Brown I’d kissed, A good three hundred pounder: No wonder that my arms had met But just half way around her! And there she lay, her hoops a wreck, And she herself a squallin; Snooks with his arms around Maria, A keepin her from faliin. I swooned away and knew no more, Until this morning early; I waked up in the calaboose, A feel in sad and sully, And just as soon as I get out, I mean to thrash old Tony, And then I’ll cut this Tatersville, And go to Californy. But O, take warning by my fate— Take warning everybody, And don’t you mind the chap that talks Os harmless whisky toddy. COX A HILL. MO. CHEROKEE BLOCH, PEACHTREE ST.. ATIANTA* GEORGIA Ha. e in store aud for sal* Very Low— -100 Bbls. Fine Old Rye Whiskey, 100 “ “ “ Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Medium Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Doubled Distilled Whiskey, 60 “ Peach and Apple Prandy, 25 “ American G.’n, 50 “ Geo. Cherokee Cos., Corn Whiakey, 5 Pip-s Holland Gin, 60 1 aud £ Casks Cognac Brandy, 2.) Baskets Heidsick Cos. Champagne, 25 Boxes Still Catawba, 100,000 Cigars, (Common, medium and fine,) RUM f (NEW ENGLAND, JAMAICA, AND ST. CROIX*) WHISKY, Poplar Log.) WINE, (Port, Maderia, Sherry and Malaga.) ALE AND PORTER. Canned oysters. A*-.. Ay.. Jnlr 15. 1860 ' »fBRI»E dr C 0.., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Agent* For Georgia aml Alabama. tbdT\ Thousand Women Testify. DR. J. BKADITI'TIrii Female Regulator. WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. A CERTAIN CURB FOE Wl ITE-. (SUPPRESSED MENSES, and other diseans I't-tullnr to women. Prepared and .old by L. H. ItRADPIKLD, Whole aale Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price gl 50 per bottle. 3utimonials. Tusker lk, Ala,, Nov. 21, 1809.— Mr. L. 11, Bratljirh! —Sir: i'lea.e forward u«, Immediately, another supply of " Hrartfl<Tc . l emale Regulator.”— We find It to be all that U claimed for it, and we have witnessed the mo.t happy aud decided effect, pro duced by it. Very respectfully, HUNTER A ALEXANDER. We, the undersigned Druggists, take plea.ure in commending to the trade, Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator—belie ring It to be a good and reliable rem edy for the tor which he recommends It. W. A. LANSDELL, Atlanta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYI.OR k CO., Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAW3HE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOT k SON, Marietta, Ga. This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual Irregularity, and have been treated without benefit by variou* medical doctor., were, at length, completely cured by one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator. I, therefore, deem It my duty to furnish thin certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffering woman-kind to the merits of a medicine whose power, in curing irregular and sup pressed menstruation, has been proven under my own personal observation. Its effect on luch cate. 1. truly wonderful, and well may the remedy be called “Wo man’. Best ErieDd.” Yours, respectfully, JAS. W. STRANGE, April 28, 1869. Curterivill t. Ga. For sale in Cartersvllle by BEST k KIRKPATRICK Druggists, and by Druggist? generally. ....THE MEDICAL FACULTY USE 1T..... febSwly New and Valuublc Pamphlet, ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. I HAVE MADE a compilation with a full and accurate explanation ofeuch portion of th« HOMESTEAD LAWS, as will instruct any person how to procure 160 acres of rieli farming land for nothing, six months before leaving home, on the free lands of the West.. Also, an article on the NEW WEST, or that poition of country lying West of the Mississippi, and Northwest, giving an accu rate account of its area, population, proprely valuation, manufactures, banks, the estimated yield of precious metals, number of voters, he various productions, and yield per acre, num ber of acres under cultivation, value of exports table of distances, etc., etc., giving just such with reference to the Xew West as no man of this country oan afford to be without. Will be sent on receipt of occnts Address, JOHN T.BLISS, Attorney at Law, P. 0. Box 5789. mch 22—w3m CHICAGO, ILL Atlanta Stencil A Variety Works! BEN. Z. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Stencil Bran d§, Steel Dies, Steel Block Stamps, Burning Brands, Brass Alphabets, and all Articles kept in a first class 'STEXCIL HOUSE. PRICELIST OF MAILABLE ARTICLES Stencil Name Plates for mark’g cloth’g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping keys together, 25c New Style key tag, with name neat eng. 25c Perpetual Almanac, the most ingenious little article of the age, 60c Any of the articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of price, or the whole of them for $1 25 Address BEN. Z. DUTTON, Lock Box 351, mch 22-wly Atlanta, Ga. N. B.—Circulars sent free.’ Agent for the sale of THE UNRIVALLED / NON-EXPLOSIVE SUN ©IL. Also, ©REPAIRER OF JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AND WATCHES; Also keep on hand and for sale the above goods. Room in the store of Simon Liebman, Cartersville, inch. 22. Z. W. M. k C. JACKSON k CO. CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING, AND PROPRIETORS OP TUI CARTERSVILLE STEAM PLANING MILL, Sash, Blind and Boor Factory. Smut Machines mad* in quick time for the forthcoming wheat crop. CARTERSVILLE, GA. A LL KINDS OF LUMBER PLANED /% and Flooring and Ceiling Tongucd and Grooved. Brackets, and all kinds of Scroll Sawing, for Ornamental Work, done to or der. Shop Work, of all kinds, exeeuted with neatness and dispatch. Contracts made for LARGE JOBS.“igj*B Our machinery is all new and of the vrrtj BEST QUALITY , haring been selected by one of the firm, (an experienced mechanic,) in person. The proprietors are all experienced and skillful workmen, among whom mav be found Mr. W. A. REMMINGTON, who is known and acknowle Iged, by all, to be one among the best and finest workmen in the South. Our Mill is now in successful operation, and its work is approved and admired by all wUg-have seen it. It is located iuunedi ttoly on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, North of the Depot, in the rear of the new Court House. Z. W. &.M. C, JACKSON A CO. si:g 10, ;i EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. IV)R the convenience of the citizens of ' Atlanta, who desire to locate ou the W'CNtcrii and Atlantic Railroad, and for residents on the road, who may wish to visit Atlanta daily, We will, on and After la, IMh, IS7O, Run an Accommodation Passenger Train be tween Atlanta and Cartersville, with the following time : GOING. RETURNING. 5,80 p. m., Leave Atlanta Arrive 9.00 am. 5,51 p. in., Arrive Bolton. Leave 8,36 am. 6,08 p. m., Vinings. 8,18 a. m. 6,23 p. m., Smyrna. 8,01 a. m. 6,39 p. m., Marietta. 7,45 a. m 7,07 p. m., Kennesaw. 7,11 a. m., 7,26 p. m., 7,45 p. tn., Allatoona. 6,27 a. m -7,55 p. in., Stegall's. 6,15 a. m. 8 05 p. in., Etowah. 6,05 p. m. 8,11 p. m, Arrive Cartersville Leave 6,00 p m SEASON TICKETS, Entitling the purchaser to travel FOR THREE MONTHS, will be sold at One Dollar Per Mile. l,oo6>nile Ticket* at #3O. JgJTOther commutation tickets will be sold upon application. The passenger car on the “Goober” will be taken off on the 15th May, after which that train will become a freight train. B. W. WRENN, Passenger and Ticket Agent. FOSTER BLODUSTT, Su/t. A. Ij. HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisor Western and Atlantic Rail road. Cartersville MALE High School Ronald Johnston. ) Principals. 8. C. Hillyer. ) The first session of this School will com mence Ist of August, uud close the 18th of November, 1870. RATES OF TUITION. FIRST CLASS, per month, - - $2.00. SECOND “ “ “ - - 3.00. THIRD “ a a . . 5 00. No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protrnetod sickness, or by special arrangement. „ TUITION payable at the end of each quarter. The principals flatter themselves that by thus combining their experience and ener gies. they afford to the citizens of Cartcrs ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the .-'late. The com s< of studies will embrace what is usu ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough and WaS“.Strict discipline will bo rigidly en forced.^©t For further particulars apply to the prin cipals. OAKTB R S"V"TXjIj'Ej FINAL® SCHOOL. The first term of this school will begin on Ist MONDAY IN AUGUST. And close 4th Friday in Nov. The School will embrace three classifica tions of pupils. The Primary, including the Elementary branches; The Intermediate, embracing those pupils who have passed the first or primary grade, and arc well grounded iu the Elementary studies: T he Classical Department, embracing the Languages, and the higher Mathematics. Rales ofTultion Per month. Primur) #3.00- Intermediate #3.00. (lassicul #3.00. " A competent Music Teacher will bs con nected with the School, and the nece»sary instruments provided for all who desire to take music Lessons- JamcE L. Pierce. •J. W alter JPriteliett. • Lichti Light:.- Light : With or Without Mrnsmrc ! Conceal it Not!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Oil, Also, Dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS ETC., ETC. I can be found at Best & Kirkpatrick’s on Main Street, Cartersville, Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat rons. To all, I would say, come and ex amine for youi selves, as I intend to sell as Cheap as the Cheapest, Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the >»me. PETER MARSH. Cartersville, apr. 22. Bartow lortgage Sheriff Sale’ WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the town of Cartersville, tho following Mort gage property, to-wit: Lot ot land, No. 238, and parts of 212, 240 and 242, in the 16th district and 3d sec tion of Bartow County, levied on a* the prop erty of Jessce Anslcy, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa issued from Bartow County Superior Court in favor of the Georgia Petroliuin Company, against said Ansley. Property pointed in said fi fa. W.W. RICH, Shff. May 8 ’7O. M. COLLINS. D. Shff. To Exchange for Town Proper ty- I HAVE one lot 160 acres, or two lots o f 320 acres, either or both of which I will exchange for property iu the town of Car tcrsville. The land is well improved, in good state of cultivation, five miles from the Railroad, in a licnlty section of country, and well adapted for stock-raising. I will make the exchange on fair terms. For further particulars, apply at this office. May 2d, 1870-1 in. • - . A A—WAWTED, an active tjP V\J V* man, in each count}- in the States, to travel and take orders by sample for TEA, COFFEE, and SPICES. ’ To suita! ble men wc will give 1* salary of S9OO to one thousand dollars a year, above traveling and other expenses, and a reasonable com mission on sales. Immediate applications Hre solicited from proper parties. References exchanged.-- Apply *O, or address Immediately, ‘ PACKER & CO. •Continental Mills,’’ 'fi* Ro ,ff ry, Nr\v York. | WINTER ARRANGEMENT ' WESTERN' ft ATLANTIC RAIL WAV Thu Old KrliaWe Passenger Konie IX) ALL Northern, Eastern and Western CHIm, CARRYING GREAT SOUTHERN EXPRESS. THE ONLY ROUTE FROM ATLANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIN, Preventing a possibility of twenty-four (24) hours’ delay, incident to lines having but one daily train. THE UNITED STATES MAIL, Between Atlanta & New York Is carried exclusively by this line. Through Passenger Trains Leave § l# a. *.-r oo p. m. Making close connections at Kingston for ( union. lUcnipliiN A New Orlenna, AND POINTS WEST. The Nashville & Chattannooga for Nashville and all Points North, East and West. PASSENGERS HAVE CHOICE Os TWENTY-SIX DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TO NEW YORK. Pullman’s Traveling P alarm ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. The Best Fating; Houses in the Country. No Nliclnigrtit Chnn^oN. Finely Finished Cars Well Heated and Ventilated. QUICK TIME A SURE CONNECTIONS. Tickets for sale at all Ticket Of fices for points reached by this Line. FAIR SAME as by OTHER ROUTES. Baggage Checked Through. •a. V e do not advertise our Conductors. Their deportment and attention do that. B. W. WRENLN, General Ticket A’gt. A. L. HARRIS, Master of Transpor tation and Supervisor. FOSTER BLODOETT, Superin tendent W. &. A. R. R. March 24, 1870-ly. The Quicken! and Bent Root* TO THK North, East, and West, is Via LOUISVILLE. Two Daily Express train* run tkr*u,h frem Ka*b vlllt to Louisville, making close counectUa with trains and boata for the North, East, aud West. NO CHANG EOF CARS FROM LOUISVILLE | ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW TOW, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ae commodations than by any other. Secures Speed and Comfort, when traveling, by asking for ticket* Via Louisville. THROUGH TICKETS AND BAGGAGE ClUCtl may be procured at Offices es N. A C. R. R.. In Chat tanooga, and at all ticket offices throng bout ths Neath. W. H. KING, ALBERT FINK, G. P. A. Gen’l Nup't. fob 24,-wly ' CHANGE Os SCHEDULE. WESTERN‘ ATLANTIC R. R. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH 21st. Passenger T-alns will ruu an the Western A Atlantis R. B. as Totten s: GOING NORTH. No. 1. No. 8. N*. IS. Leave Atlanta 7.00 PM S.ISAM. 8.30 PM Arrive Kingston .10.43 PM. 11.4 T AM. 7.84 P M LeaT* Kingston 10.&G P M. 11.54 A M. 7.89 P M Arrive Dalton 1.18 A M. 3.00 PM. 11.80 A M Leave Dalton 1.26 AM. 3.15 PM Arrive Cbattanooge.. 3.30 AM. 420 P M GOING SOUTH. No. 2. No. 4. Na. 14. Leave Chattanooga.. 7.50 PM. 7.00 A M Arrive at Dalton 10,04 P M. 9.11 A M Leave Dalton 10.09 PM. 9.21 AM. 1.00 AM Arrive Kingston 12.13 A Af. 11.45 AM. 5.18 A M Leave Kingstoa 12.28 A M. 11.52 A M. 5.23 A M Arrive Atlanta 4.14 A M 8.17 FM. 11.04 A M Numbers 1,3, 8 and 4 RUN DAILY. 18 and 14. DAILY, except Bnadnp. 1 and 2, Night Passenger Trains. 14 8 and 4, Day “ “ 18 and 14, Accommodation. B W WRENN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent A E HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisee. Mch 22- Plhti tim Eirmi This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet* anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Asa tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. Asa I remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every othei stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article —a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world— he sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers aud Ceil 11 fry SI ores*