The Cartersville weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1870, July 14, 1870, Image 1

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TJie (artcmille Express Is published weekly on every Thursday Morn- I ug, by SAMUEL H. SMITH, Editor and Prop’r. In tbe town of Carters ville, Hartow County, Ga. Terms of Subscliption: One copy one year (in advance,) $>2.00 One copy si* months, -• j.oo One copy one year, (payable during year; 3.U0 This latter proposition is con lined to citiiens of Bartow county only. Terms of Advertising: Transient [On# Month or Less.) persquare often solid Nonpsritd or Brevier lines or le", One Hollar for the first, and Fifty Cents for each sub sequent. Insertion. Ann'uil ur Contrort, One Hundred and Twenty IKdlnrs per column, or in that proportion. professional Cfavds. Joint XV. Woifoi’d, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C* RTKRSVILLK QKOIM.IA. Office over Pinkerton’s Drug Store. Oct. 17. W. T. WOFFORD, A. I*. WOFFORI). Wofford A Wofford, AITORNEYS AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. June 23, 1870. It. W. Mtirphcy, ATTrORNcY AT LAW. CACTEUBVILLK, GEORG! Will practice in t!ie courts of the Cherokee ircuit. Particular attention j-iven to the col lection of claims. Ollicc with Col. Abda John son. Oct. 1. Joliu .1. Jones, ATTORNEY AT LAW & REAL ESTATE AGENT, GAKTEttSVIILE .. .GEORGIA. Will attend promptly to all professional busi ness entrusted to his c.ire; also, to tbe buying and selling of Beal Estate. Jan 1. Jore. A. llonurii, Ordinary of Bartow County, and ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW., GEORGIA. Jan 1, 1870. A. iff. Fonto, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C RTKRSVILLK : GEORGIA. ( With Col. Warren Akin.) Will practice in the courts of Bartow, Cobb, Folk, Floyd, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield and ad joining counties. March 30. J NO. COXE, J. H. WIKtE. r»xc & WUtle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, C MtTELSVI LLK GEORGIA. John C'oxc, Commissioner of Deeds for South Carolina. Sept 9. T. W. MILNER, O. 11. MILNER. Tliliirr A ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CARTERS VILLE, GEORGIA^ Will attend promptly to business entrusted to their care. Jan. 15. Warrou Aiiiai, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTER? VILLE GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Kam. 19. fi*aii3lo. Fashionable Tailor and Agent for Sewing Machines, WILL attend promptly to the Cutting, Re pairing, and Making Boys’ and Mens’ < lothing; also, Agent for the sale of the cele brated Grover A Baker Sewing Machines, of fice over Stokely & Williams Store. Entrance from the rear. feb 17. III*. J. A. Jackson, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, or FIE IS UR. RISKS ft TO S'S DRUG STORE HR has so arranged his business that he is now prepared to devote his whole lime and attention ts the practice, and he feels confident, with his extensive experience, that he can give entire satisfaction. A liberal share of patron age respectfully solicited. Carters ville, Jan 6. John W. Slyer, HOUSE-PAINTER. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Will attend promptly to business in his line. Jan 19. 1870 — wly W. R. fTloaiaiicastlc, Jeweler and Watch and Clock Repairer, CAKTKRSVILIE GEORGIA. Office in front of A. A. Skinner Co’s Store. KeiiiH‘saw House, MARIETTA,. GEORGIA. IS still open to the traveling public as well as summer visitors. Parties desiring to make arrangements for the season can be accommo dated. Kooms neat and clean and especially adapted for families. A line large piazza lias been recently added to the comforts of the cstab -1 s'linent. FLETCHER A FREYKR, jwuelßwtf Proprietors. J'luglish School. MISS MIN'DA HOWARD will open an Eng lish Mixed School, in a School Room just completed, near the residence ot J. A. Howard, Cartersville, (la., on the Second Monday in July next. Girls and little boys will be admitted on the following terms : JF’tat Spelling, Reading. Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, (per nonth) f1.50 Sttoni) ®liPss: English Grammar, Geography, Histo ry, and Arithmetic, (per month,) $2.00 No deduction made for loss of time, except in cases of protracted sickness. The term will end on the 12th of December next. Cartersville, june 80-wlm 6.W.X.EE&CO. jjJAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE Foundry and Machine Shop, heretofore owned and run by MR. B. SCOFIELD, of this place, and have engaged the services of John and. IjaFontuine , Os Atlanta, Ga., as Foreman, which is a suffi cient guarantee for the success of the establish ment, as it is a well known fact, throughout the State, that for promptness and ability, he can not be surpassed. We have, also, procured the services of the Best JHoulder in the South; Also a corns of other Mechanics, and anew supply of Machinery and Tools have been pur chased. Mr. J. R. HOWELL, The Renowned MilMVright, Will make his headquarters at this Shop, where his celebrated If’ ater If’ heel, and other MILE MA< HINEKY, will be built. Orders art solicited, at once-, for any kind, of Casting or piece of Machinery. We claim a trial, as wc are strictly Southern mechanics, and de fy Northern competition to do better or cheaner work. * <suarant,g Bfctrs 3ob sEte jo o . Will tell parties to the day when they can have their work, and, if not done according to prom ise. will make no charge. We ask the patronage of our friends of the South. Aid us, and keep the money at home. G. W. LEE & CO. Cartersville, Ga., june 30, 1870. PHOTOGRAPHS, EEKOTYPES, ETC., ETC., ETC.. f|VU2 UNDERSIGNED would respectful' JL ly inform the citizens of Cartersville and surrounding country, that they have located their Mammoth Tent near the Pres byterian Church, and are prepared to offer a good opportunity to those wishing good pictures. Our prices are as low as any ar tist can afford. We also have a fine assortment of Albums, Cases, and Frames, which will be sold on reasonable terms. Give us a call. WEST «& MOSELEY, June 10,-tf. Photographers. mxAßmsriME if mi r mum. VOL. 9. Weekly ia Site Beautiful Valley of the Ktowal., al Twa Ddllaps per Annum, “Invariably iu and Upward/' Is one Tlotto. LUMBER! LUMBER !! LUMBER!!! .WING purchased the .Steam Saw Mill formerly belonging to James 31igh, I have now on band, an 1 can supply, all per sons in want, of Lumber* <>f any kind or qual ity, at customary rates per foot, either delivered at the Mill or in Cartersville. My supply of timber being of the best quality and inexbauatable, lain prepared to fill or ders of any size or for anv quality at short notice Address MOSES 11. SMITH, q.ijlowly Cartersv-lle, Ga. ISARTOW HOISi:7 | jip CARTERSVILLE, GA., JIY J. T. GUTHRIE , Proprietor. This House has just been completed and furn ished—Neio House, A r evj Furniture, A T eu’ Pro prietor, Pew Arrangements. A handsome Ihreentorj Erick Building, on the East Side of the W t \ .1 It R and near the JJepot: Table al ways supplied with the very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Serran's, and charges for- Board, by the single meat, day, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 26' ' .1. r F. Giitliri^. JOHN T. OWEN, natch and dock Repairer, and Jeweler, CARTERSVILLE, GA. ITT I LL keep constant- g*h V? ly on hand, for sale wSsSL a well selected stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Gold, Silver and Steel SPECTACLES. <jc., &c. Can furnish any kind of Silver Plate, extra tine Gold Watches or Jewelry, at short notice, as cheap as they can be bought in any other market. Goods cheap- Work warranted. terms cash, nug 12, lBGU.wly LIVERY STABLE. Ford «& Moon. CA RTERS VILLE, GA., IS prepared, at all hours, to furnish con veyances into the country—saddle-horse, buggy, buck, roekaway, or wagon. Also, to board stock, &c. nov. 3. Gear Shop, Harness, S' D-cW.r. -- ■ j Bridles, 'tf*' Saddles and GEAR, Manufactured and Repaired in the very best style of the art, in the quickest time and at the shortest notice, and for less money than is usually paid for such work and stock. Try me ! W. C. EDWARDS. Cartersville. mch 9—wly Dr. ;L\ M. - * ' * f:~ - , • . . JohuHon, gL.-V I ff- -. DENTIST, . Teeth drawn without pain, by the use of nar cotic spray. mch 9. dj AA / WWANTED, an active t/ljyj man, in each county in the States, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFFEE, and SPICES. To suita. ble men wc will give a salary of S9OO to one thousand dollars a year, above traveling and other expenses, and a reasonable com mission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper parties. References exchanged.-- Apply to, or address immediately, J. PACKER &. CO. ‘Continental Mills,” 384 Bowery, New York. R. F. MAD JOX. J. L. WINTER B * TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF t'irginla and Ji'orth Carolina TOBACCO. NO. 19, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA Consignments solieited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug I,’G9 C. THOMPKINS, avorably /Jpcm-known as a good Workman on clocks and watches and jewelry, has removed his place of Work to his Residence on the H ill, East Side of the Railroad, nar Mr. A. W illiams. \Ji«rk done on shortenotice.— W H GILBERT & CO.. CARXEKSVILLE, GA., Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NALLS, CASTINGS, AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS, and GRASS SEEDS, TERMS FROM THIS BATE': STRICTLY O-A-S-EE. Agents for sale of Threshing and Mill Machinery. Agents for sale of Mnrfee Sub Soii Plows. Agents for sale of FERTILIZERS. Dickson’s Compound; .A.TSriD.RAEIW' COE’S, Baugh’s Raw Bone, And OTHERS. Agents for sale of Polk County Pintos For Rootin^. W. i. IDWARDS, HAS AOW READY FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION n case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent fer Erwin & .loucs’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Wm. Goldsmith’s WOOD COYTEYTTSTS- he Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7tb,--tf | DR. JOHN BULL'S cat Remedies | SMITH'S TANIA SYRUP! FOR TIIE CURE OF AGUE AND FEVER OR CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of th*s celebrated medicine jus ly ; claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever ofler -1 ed to the pu *lic for the *afe % certain, npeedy and per manent cure of and Fever .or Chills and Pave** wlit-Uierof Shorter longstanding. He refeisto the emir? tVestern arul tGuth-vestern country to bear him testimony to the truth of ihe assertion, that in no esse whatever will it fail to cure, it the directions are striet iv and ca l ied on'. In a great many case. a ■■inirip (lose has , een sufficient for a cure, and whole families nave - een cured by a sing'e bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general health It ts, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if its uao 'a continued in smaller doses for a week or two af ter the disease lias been checked, more especially In difficult and long s anding cases. Usually, this tnedi cine will not require a y aid to keep the bowels in gmd order; should the patient, however, require a cithartic medicine, after having t ken three or four loses of tl.o Tonic, i single dose of BULL’ - , VETET.V BLE KAM’IY P 11.1,3 mill be sufficieit. DR. JOH* BILL’S Principal Office No. 40, Cross street, IjQuisvilie, Ky, Bull’s Worm Destroyer. Io my United States and World wide Read ers: T HAVE received many tcslimorials from proses- I 8 onal and medical uien, as my almanacs and v«ri °u® public 'lions have shown, all of which are genuine, ihe following from a highly educated and popular phpsician in Georgia, is certainly oi:e of the most sen- S blecoinaiunicatioßf I have ever received. Dr. Uein e it knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimo ny and. serves to be written in le’ters of gtdd. Hear what the Doctor says of Bull's Worm L’estr , yer Villauosv, Walker co., Ga, ) June 29tb, iB6O DR. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir:—l have recently giv en your “Worm Destroyer’’ several trials, and find ii w nderful ly efficacious. I'has not failed in a single ins auce, to have the w ished-for Gleet. lam doing u p etty large country practice, and have daily use for some article ol the kind. lam free to c nfess that I know of no remedy recommended by tlieablesi authors t iatisso certain and speedy in its t Heels, on thecon t ary tiiey are uncertain in the extreme. My object ii writing you is to find out upon what terms l ean get the medicine directly from you. if I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. Jam aware that the use of such articles is contrary to the teachings and p-actice of a great majority of the reg ular line of M. D.’s, bul I see no just cause or good sense In discarding a remedy which we know to be ef ficient,simply because we may be ignorant of its com bination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any means to alleviate suffering hum nity which I may be able to ommand—not hesitating because someone more ingenious than myself tusy have learn d its effects first, and secured the sole right tc secure hat knowledge. However, lamby no rni ans an ad vocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nos trums that Hood the country, that purport to cure ail manner of disease to w hich hum in Mesh is heir.— Please reply soon, and inform me of your best terms i am,sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. A GODD REASON F n R THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH, READ THE CAPTAIN'S LITTER AND THE LET TER FROM HIS MOTHER. Benton Barracks, Mo., April 80, J SCO. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla, and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses. 1 send you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded about two years ago—was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wounds have not healed yet. 1 have not sat up a moment since 1 was wounded 1 am shot through the hips. My uenei-al health Is im pair. -cl, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith in your Wirsaparilla than in any thing else. I wish that that is genuine. Please express me half a dozen bottles, and oblige Capt. C. P. JOHNSON. St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—The following was written April 89, 1565, by Mrs. Jennte Johnson, mother of Capt Johnson. DR. BULL—Dear Sir : My husband, Dr. C. S. John son, wasa skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died, leaving the above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of age he had a chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which I gave hi in your Sarsaparilla. IT CURED HIM. I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio, and lowa, for scrofula, fever s »res, and gener *1 debili ty. Perfect success has attended it.. Die cures effect ed in some eases of scrofula and fever sores were almost miraculous lam very anxious for mv son to again have recourse to your 8 irsaparilla. He is fear ful of getting a spurious article, hence Ms writing to you for it. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON BULL’S CEDRON BETTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS; ARKANSAS HEARD FROM. Testimony of Medical Men Siony Point, "White Cos., Ark., May 23,'60. DR. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir: Last February I was in Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I got some of your Sarsappanlla and Ce Iron Hitters. Mv son-in-law, who was with me in <he store, has been down with rheumatism for some time, commen ced on the Bitters, a tic* soon found his general health improved. Dr. Gist, who has been in bad health, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years —stomach and liver affected —he improved very much by the uge of your Bitters, Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great Popularity in this settle ment. I think I could sell a great quantity of your medicines this fall—especially of yoqr Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla. Ship me via Memphis, care of Klckett Ar. Neely, Respectfully, C 13 WALKER. All the above remedies for sale by L. H. BHA&riELD, Druggist, WAITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA *eb2o, 1889mj ly 9 AWTEK O’lltLE, B UtTOW 9’CI ATV, GEORGIA, Ji 5/1 14 lfcTO. Hook Notices, TJse faiUle Corporal Maga zine. I —July iituiiber of this beautiful juvenile comes to us greatly improver*, as well as finely illustrated. Tbe won derful growth of this young Xopo’eon has been as surprising as it interest ing- Its circulation has shot far ahead of that of any of its competitors. Its matter is enarJy original and of a very high order. The freshness and vivfieity of its pages cause the eyes of all our young people to sparkle. In its new, improved form it is one of the handsomest, as it is the cheapest mag azines we have ever seen. Childlike but not.childi.sA it rejoices the hearts both old and young alike. This Dum ber begins a n'j\v volume. Now is a good time to subscribe. One dollar a year; sample copy, 12 cents. Pub lished by SEWELL & MILLER, Chi cago, 111 Burked Weekly. The July numbers of that excellent periodical for juvenile readers, ‘‘Burkes, Weekly for Boys and Girls,” (J. W. Burke *!C Cos., Macon,) are received.— We do not know of any paper for young people that can compare with this. It is incomparably the best we know, 'ihe stories written by South ern authors of reputation, are always interesting and morally instructive.— Every weekly number filled with choice and well executed engravings, and ev ery department of the paper displays ability, close and careful attention and a perfect knowledge of what a paper for boys and girls ought to be. The publishers oiler as a p.emium to persons sending the names of three subscribers—one of them new—with $6 in money, two beautiful steel en gravings 4 “General the grave of Stonewall Jackson,” and “They strew the Sacred Spot with Flowers,” or one of the pictures to any one sending two subscribes—one of them ue.v—and $4. These beautiful works of art are said to be intrinsically worth far more than the money required for them and the copies of the Weekly. Yol. IV begins with July. We earnestly advise our friends to subscribe, and thus, besides a good paper, obtain one or both of the gems of art to which we have re ferred. Terms, $2 per annum. “THE ECLECTIC” is the title of a new periodical, the first number of which has just appeared. The publish er professes to make it a “magazine of useful knowledge, instead of seriel nov elettes.’ In the present issue we no tice articles under the classifying heads (which are sufficiently descriptive) of “Life and Health,” “Domestic Econo* my,” Science and Art,” “Religion and Morals,” “The Leisure Hour,” and a copious and interesting “Children’s Department.” In variety and real val ue the contents will certainly compare favorably with matter found in the most pretensions of the Eastern mag azines.— Cincinnatti Enquirer. Rurai C'ai'oiinian for July. The great 1 rouble in noticing the Rural Carolinian always, is to notice everything worthy of mention, and yet o.cupy only a reasonable space.— This month we give up the tusk in despair, aud shall only select some of the principal points. The number opens with a short and interesting sketch of Mr. Peabody, illustrated with a handsome portrait of that great phi lanthropist. This is followed by an able article on the value of Sugar Cane as a seacoast crop. This in turn is followed by a very elaborate and in teresting essay on gtmno and its uses- Two articles on grasses, one in favor and the other opposed to their culti vation, give light on that question.— Facts and Figures for rice planters is worthy of special mention, and Col. Ai ken gives two first rate articles on the Mississippi valley. The usual large amount of valuable corrtsdondence, numerous eontiibutions on different subjects, and the editor’s invaluable notes and suggestions help to make up an amunt of reading matter which will corre- pond favorably uith the contents of any similar work. A fine engrav ing of an Ayrshire cow, a full size wood cut of the Julien apple, and a picture of the new ornimental edible plant, called the “Polymnia Edulis,’’ are among the many elegant illustra tions. Price only $2 per annum. Address Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, S. C. An old-farshioued camp-meeting is advertised to be held at Pleasant Hill, four miles above Hickory Flats, Cher okee county, Georgia, beginning on Thursday, August lltb, and holding over the second Sunday. Tl»c Pressman. ' Pull up, my boys, turn quick the rountx j let the work begin; The world is pressing on without, 1 And we must press within— , And we who guide the public mind, Have influence fir and wi le, | And nil our deeds are good, though I The devil is at our si le. Let /7y ihefriiket, now my boys, i j Who are more proud than we; While wait the anxious crowd without, The inward jooiccr to see ? So poll away—none-ard so great As they who run theca?-; And who have dignity like those Who practice at the bar. And you who twirl the rollers there, Be quick, thou inky man; 01<l time is rolling on himself, So beat him if you can; Be careful of the light aud shade, Nor let the sheet grow pale, b’e careful of the monkey looks Os every head and tail. Though high in offi te is our drnd, And pi ous is our case, Wc would not cast a slur on those Who fill a lower place. The gaping world is fe 1 by us, wjo retail knowl; !ga here; By feeding them we feed ourse’.vjs, Nor deem our fare too dear. Pull up, my boys, turn quick the rounc , thus the chase we'd j >in; V. e have deposits in the bank — Our drawers are full of quoin ; And who should more gentilely cut A figure, or a dash ? Alas! that we who press so much, Should e’er be pressed for cash ! Blending; tile Atlantic ami eilie Ojjfbjins. f $ The Poitou Journal gives an account of a novel ceremony which receutly took place in San Francisco, under the auspices of the Boston excursion party. A bottle of water taken from the At lantic, at Boston, was uncorked by Hon. Alexander H. Rice, the president of the Boston party, ami one half its contents poured into the Pacific ocean, as a symbol of the “unity of the peo ple of America in ties of interest and brotherhood.” The space of the bottle was then filled with water from the Pacific ocean, to bo taken home by the Bostonians, as the mingled elements of the Atlantic and Pacific. The par ty then formed a circle on the veran da of the Cliff House, a Californi n and a Bostonian alternating, and the b >ttie of mingled water, as the emblem o ' a blended friendship, was passed around the entire circle from hind to hand, and the company united in sing ing “America.” A most interesting ceremony followed. A little daughter (tvo years of age) of Mr. R. G. Browu, of San Francisco, was present, and having never been christened, it was s iggested that the boh- rite should be administered. A table was covered with the national flag and a large sil ver basin containing water from both oceans, when, amidst a stillness dis turbed only by the surging sea,,.the parents stepped forward with the little child in its mother’s arms, and the Rev. Mr. Waterston, of the Boston party, with great beauty and solemni ty, administered the rite of baptism. The entire audience immediately burst forth in singing the Doxology, to the tune of “Old Hundred.” Whew ! That’s nothing. Why some years ago, just after the Tunnel on the W. & A. R. R. was completed, a gen tleman christened it with water brought from the River Jordan. Cutting: Hay. Many planters in gathering hay L t it li i in the field until it is entirely dr}’. To accomplish this, it is usually expos ed, night aftei night tc heavy dews, and not unfrequently to rains which greatly injure the appearance as well as quality of the hay. The proper way to cure hay is to cut it early in the morning, and spread it carefully over the ground; turning it up to the sun and wind once or twice during the day, with a rake or fork, and hauling it under shelter just before night. If the sun is bright, almost any hay will be sufficiently cured in a single day to keep, and it will bo bright in color, and much more palatable to the stock, as well as more nutricious than when deadened by two or three days expos ure. Iu putting it away arrangements should be made to spread the cuttiug of each day over a covered mow pen, to the depth of one or two feet, and sprinkle salt freely over it. It is well to have two or three pens for deposit ing the hay, so that each day’s cutting may lie two or three days before more is added to it. This precaution is not nec-’esavy where the grass is mown in the morning, and has one bright sun upon it. Pious Atlanta. —The City Council of Atlanta have adopted the following ordinance: Any person who shall in the city of Atlanta, appear in any public place naiad, or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in an indecent expo sure of his or her person, or be guilty of any indecent or lewd act or behav ior, or ihall exhibit or sell, or offer for sale any obscene, vulgar or licentious book, picture or painting, of any char acter whatever, or shall exhibit or per form in any hall, hou3e or public place in said city any indecent, immoral r lewd play or dance, or who shall sing to a public audience any sacrilegious, indecent, vulgar or lewd songs, shall, upon conviction before the Mayor or three members of Council, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dol lars and be imprisoned thirty days, or required to work thirty days on the streets of said city, in the discretion of the Mayor or three members of the Council OR. ©. S. 2*HOPES ITT, ATLnm, GEORGIA, Is si ill Manufacturing all of His Celebrated Family Medicines, CONSISTING OF HIS LIVE It HI E !> I <’ V X 17, Anolyne Pain Kill p, anti-bill nus pills, AGUE PILES ,Ojusntrru Cordial, Female TOItsTIC:, l— AND PURIFYING Pl'tS As heretofore, and will attend to rll bn ; j ahiew in his line that comes to his office. Will prescribe for patients when con sulted, and examine any that come to hi? office at any time, (Sundays excepted.) Will treat secret diseases of all kinds.— Special attention given to Female Diseases both acute and chronic, etc., etc. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL OJExLH) J±]]ExL/3. PROPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINE- If as the advantage of almost tuty other pre paration of Medicine that acts upon the Liv er. It is in the form of a Fluid Extract— ready for use at all times, day or night, I and can be carried to any locality in Ameri ca, winter or summer, us it will neither sour or freeze at any temperature that a hu man can occu; y with safety. It is not too strong for children, o-- two weak for the most robust. There if no trouble about taking it, only to unstop Th e Bottle and drink il whenever you want it. It has gained a very high reputation in every lo cality it has had a fair and honorable chance to prove itself, tit any point I3ST AMERICA. and it has been used in evert State south of Maine, and it is alis.e applicable to disor- i ders of the Liver and Digestive Powers at all places yet tried. Traveling parties North and South, carry it, and tind the hap py effects ol it in all climates. The above named Medicines prepared only by O. S. PROPIIITT, Corner Walton and Broad Streets, Atlanta, Ga. For sale in ('artersville by Best & Kirk patrick, Druggists, Also by L. Bennett & Bro i£OV. 18.—ly. B®“A Thousand Women Testify."’®* DK. J. BitADFIELD’S Female Regulator. WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND, A CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES, SUPPRESSED MENSES, and oilier diseases peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by 1,. H. BRADFIELD, Whole sale Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price tl 50 per buttle. 3tstimonialfi. TosKEor.E, Aha,, Nov. 21, 1800.— Mr. L. 11 , Brmljttlil —Sir: Please forward us, immediately, another supply of ~Hraoli< i’< s Female Kegulator.”— We find it to be alt that it claimed for It, and we liave witnessed the most happy aud decided effects pro duced by it, Very respectfully, HUNTER & ALEXANDER. We, the undersigned Druggists, take p easure in commending to the trade, Dr. .1 Dradfield's Female Regulator—believing it to he ■ good reliable rem edy for the distases tor which lie recommends it. W. A. LVNsDELL. Atlanta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR A CO., Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAW3TIE, Atlantt, G\. W. RtlOr & SON, Marie ta, Ga. Ttiis will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and have been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, were, at length, completely cured by one bottle of l>r. J. Bradfieid’b Female Regulator. TANARUS, therefore, deem it my duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffering woman-kind to the merits of a medicine whose power. In curing irregular and sup pressed menstruation, has been proven under mv o»r> personal observation. Its effect on such case, is t-uiy wonderful, and well may the remedy be called‘’Wo man's Best Friend.” Yours, respee fuilv, JA3. W. STRANGE, April 26,1869. CarteruvilU, Ga. For sale in Cartersville by BEST k KIRKPATRICK Druggists, and bv Druggists generally, ... THE MEDICAL FAt.Ut.TY USE IT febSwlr A A SKINNER# Co —A VD— DEALERS. CARTEIiSVILLE, GA. LAND FOR SALE! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale 180 acres of Land, lying West of *Cartors ville 2J miles; 80 acres cleared, the balance well timbered. The place is comfortably im proved, with Dwelling, Stables, oht Houses. &c., with a nice young orchard—Beaches, Apples, etc. Also a Lot of 12 acres of land in the town of Cartersville, well improved ; good Dwel ling, pure free-stone water Most of the Land is well adapted to growing Clover and grass. Located at the North end of Erwin Street. Any person desiring to purchase is invited to examine the property. June 16,-tf. J. A. UOWAItI) forsalf7 A FARM Containing 220 acres, at Cass Station on the W. & A. R. R. with two new Dwellings; one has a never failing Spring, the other a good well of water. The latter within one-fourth, and the former within one-half mile, of the Depot There is one hundred aud fifty acres of level grass land, well watered. Can be made affine Stock and Fruit farm. Ilavimga different soil well adopted to every variety cf fruits, grains, and grasses. Fifty acres well tim bered, and one hundred acres timber partly cut off. Can be divided into three settle ments. Five miles North of Cartersville and fifty-three of Atlanta. W. T. WOITORD. May 13, Im (TO physicians. New York, August 15th, lA6S Allow roc to tall your attention to nr reparation of CcmpoincJ Extract r uchu. The coidj ouent parts nro BUc’HU LONG LE \F, CTBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Mode of Preparation. —Bucliu in I vHcno. Juniper Hr •iu.tiiuii,,., u, f,, m * , gin. ( übebi extracted by dlsplv-, h JV sptr'U obtained from Juolp Hen^ : *! , £ sugar i, use I, anil a email proportion ... ~ , luuic p*l»l»»blbilmn»nji),*li, use Buchn. ns orepared by Druggists, is of N light color It is n plant that emits Its frngrrtt re • tl.e nriion f 7 ,ll I slr .’- v » ‘h'a Os a* .hr ' th. iX, , | : ,Hrk »"<' put; t.ous decoctim. Mine !, L c *'** , n’t" l lf 1,1 P-t-n poZ'ml * a !? ’”♦ MUHn ny of thr Other ingredients ' are added, to prevent feriiientnti..u ; upon pro-, tion. It will or found not Or .1 I'iiri urr ~ ; in Pbarniacoptea, nor is it h Syr up—him! * Ciert-tort 1 c»n be used in case- where frver or inflammst'oii ex i ixt. In this, > (>u iinvr the knowledge ol lie inrrrdl rtits n ol th" mo le of )nrporution. H- l iuptlfti jnu wi,l <t will, a t r i»l. and that* •’PO" inspection u will me t with y„ur approbation, W iih u of eor. fluency I nm ve y respect ffiVy yours. 11. r F. IIJGLM hold, Cnemut vnd Druggist nf 10 gears' experience. # [From the Largest Manufncfming j Chemists m the Worl I.] \ Nove rnER 4, 1854 “l am acquaint-d with Mr. M. T Tlembdl •he oj cutilrrl the pi Ug Stoic oppusii* toy residence, sim wa, success ul in conducing lire buttress wh-ro .'hers had net been equally to before him. I have h*rn hi vorab } impressed w ith his eh .racier an i enter prist.” WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, lirm of Powers & A’eight man, Manufact ur'ttg Cliem'st.a, Ninth and Brown streets, Piiila 'elp'iia, Malmbold’s Fluid Extract of Buchu n■ 4 • . : Is the great specific for Universal Lassitude lh osti a- 1 tton, Ac. The conrti ot! -r, once affected with Organic Weak ' ness, requires the al-i of Medicine to Stcenrihen the sys cm, whion lIEMBOI.D’o I X TRACT l U .HU In variably d< II i o t restart lit I- submitted I-, Cos .- suiaptiju or iusauiiy ep.ucs. Ilelmbo!J s Fluid Lxlrael ul Buck, i * - j la affections j»tcu to Fen.a’cp, U oneijMHl-d \ty \ 4Qy other prtp*r»u ,*i, a-. »u Llißiom*, or Kcit'bll; n Fttittiulhesp,or 6uj pre sun «.f 'ty Kvitcutiion , L let rated or echirra* state of the L'u* u*, ami ah J complaints incident to the dux, or til. decline ui ' change ol life. Helinbold's Fluid Extract Buck art! Improved Rose Wash. •Vlll radically exterminate from the «y*t«m disease* I arielrif from the hahiirnf diminution, *t little little or no ch <n(.-e in diet, no ino -nvcnietice of expos ure ; completely superceding thuae iimU'it'mt and > dangerous rnniedice. Copalva and Mercury, in ail these disease*. Use Ilelmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu ex of these organs, rhether exfrting in male or femal from whutcv-r cause originattnjf, and to no maitcr f how lotio stan'ling li ta pleasant In tisle and odor, “immediate” in action, ami n ore strengthening than any preparation* of Bark o Iron. Those suffering from broken down or delicate ccn stituttoi.s, procure the rtnstdy at once. The reader must be awurs that, however slight may bo tho »' t*c’< of the ub >ve d’sease*, it is cert* ti to af fect the bodily health anJ mental poweri. All the above disoses teuulr* the sld • f * It'ur.tie. riKMBOUVS J XTIUCr EL’CHU 1* the ateat Diuret ic. Sold by Dmgjusts everywhere. PRICK — i11.2-3 per bottle, or fi bottles for $ ( 5.- I VI.— Delivered to any address. De-crib* symp toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 51)4 BIIOADWAY, New Yoik. None Are Canuine Unless donotip in steel-.-,ign ved wrnm ... with sac simile of uty Cliumicj.l Warehouse and signed H T. HELM IIOLI). IMiisonU’, OARTRR-VtLHV. I.CMKIK, NO. I«t —Ref are held on tq* First and /C jfT TliirU Frkl.i) In rarh mnrib. ; / V r A. .. . IUV v p H. pATILI.O, tr. if. *. M. iOHNBO.N, bee'*. Jjr KIOWAH OItAPTKR, No. M.— Kcgiilar arc held on the First and 1 l.lrd jk jBT Tuesday nlciila In e ich month, firm the Ist October not 1 Ist May, anil on the Ist Tue»- x*f night* from H May unlit I*l Oetoher • l». n. K. PIACOC K, 11. I*. A. N. BRADSHAW, Nec'ry. Etowah Lodoi No. 3., I. O. of G. T. meeM every Thursday night, in Manoe* ic Halt, over Curry’s Drug Store. R- S. Pattuxo, *H. M. Ci.ayton, w. a AW c. T. MJ. 7. l oi , ' "II Thesymptoß* *fliver cotii m I DMO' * N ‘ »ne*»ib»** tnd ll VMI/! I I Ji\ » b*' u in tliu side. Moitirll ties , Ul iff JllUllU | the pain 1,, |n fh* ahouhler, •••• and is mlsiatrn for rheus.a --i lod Irk hf * < | , "" rh 1* wi h Jo** *f appetite snd sick n esc. bow c Ist n senors! costire. somelfmv, .eiuatiuj; n ith sx The head is tr oubled * Ith f ala. sad ITI »Y ill, I ff;’'',* h, *V sensation, c. sbl-ra I I V I 4 rv ! . memory. »cro.i,paiit««| lal » Jl llwiUi In hi i ifDFßiloti u s hi* a i r*( ”,V.'V undone -om-h‘., wlloh «u«ht In bate been done. Oncti rimiphi n.aofaeak ue*s. debility M.d low j lffh .hove svr |itcma attend ihe .Hse M e, and altier Imua I vtiylnv efthern, hut ihe I.Ucr I* griteulo tL* .r. i ;an i*o*t Involved. Cure the Lit. i a .th I) R - SI MM O V S ’ LIVER REGULATOR. V prne-r.tiow ,il fool. 1U..1 1,, tin. Sami ini »«...« ,:r' f'v . - retab'e. snilriiiiU n..'i jaii to ».,y It baa been used liy hundreds, and Si own for tl * l»>t a* ole ul the It.r most re!!a“ e. menchnsmd I *ip li»s raihi.a mr itTcdio It* suffering 11 Ukrli regn'atiy and pcr»i»la,ti|t It t sure to uu e. l'Vv , J|ti>*pa|*.. h.Hda-*w, ja..,. j Hegulstfor. ! c "bi.''ie'ix ’U.,'' ,ri '4 ..............I ttecrloiiH ri ihe bladder, own p vteutt 1 y, vtdcctlona of the kidneys, ftver, nervoua r>e«s, dulls, direasea of the akin. Impurity of the blood, ■nelatichoi.v, or U press lon <f spirit- heailbtirt. colic, >r In tin- hnvelr, pain .n lie hca- , Undaud tgur, dropsey. holla, pain In the bark aid limb*, s..h na. erysipelas, female ass oil ns. and Idiiou* di e se* Prepared only by J. LIN ib Cos. Drugalsrta, Alae n, U# Price 61 ; hr mail. »!.2fi. ’I lie follow in* lilgli y te.pec'abl* persona ran full/ ■ it,si to t’ evlrtu-s <*f ?*ds rati, Me medicine, and to v\ horn vsniMpsi ' e'prcliully rrfer : Gen. W 8 Holt. I'rea'dent S W R U Compadv ; H -*. I l: Febler. Perry. Go.; Onl. K K Snarls, Alni,.y. »*• i J I.ui i ro. Fsq , Conductor yW |{ |-, c\| r ,„ n , I’m)., sheriff Bibb county; .) A Butts, HatphrMpe, fl*,; Dike «ud Spa-hawk, Mfto , FI ri. lan fallal.a>...; Kev. J W Burke. Macon. Ga.; l irgti Powers Fail , ►«- perintendent S W « I!.; Dat l-I Rul'ard. Biillaid’s Ata 'lon, Macon nod Br.i « 1„k R R„ T«rl*e> o-unty, Qs.; Greenville Wand, W us..'., Knc'ory, Macon. Os.; Kev. KF Easterlls>, P K Florida Oon'erence ; Maj A t Woo ley, Kingston, tin.; Idtioi Macon Telegraph, for sale hy all i rncclsts FOR SALK IN CAIJTKHtiYII.I.K BY BEST A kIKJKPATRL’K, jin 10-ffdm n. Marblo Dealer. JAMES VAUGHAN, . ('arirrnil/e, Ga. * wou ' ( l nrmoui cr to mv friend* " r “i the public generally, that lam iAtt/tH ' now P rp r fro< * to furtii^h ■llfilm monumems, v£o> toon ns, HE\ U-Sl OSES, S[.\ HS. 4G paomptly, to those such work, rALLIAN. GEOGIA.or AMERICAN MARBLE, t« suit purchnsers. I flatter tnydclf that tl e facil ities which I have estnhlislicrl for prccuritig Marble, together with 20 years expeiienes, will enable nte to compete euccesstully with any other person in this business, Believing ihat I can please thr most fustitpius, I Impn to nerit s liberal share of public patronage, Any me wishing to procure marble, would find i to their interest to call nt my residence and examine sonic beautiful designs of monuments to. recently received. apri|l,t>D ly TRADE MARK |^ OLD C AKO, 'INA B ITTKRS * ADELIGIITIULTON IC We fake grest plaasnrs in offering the HD CAROLINA BITTERS to Ui puMlc. They cnmpnun«l<*‘l with and r<»nt*i'n n mt of thr Tonrf 4u thr Ph%nnHrt»- pih. Ah *»videarr of the pupe H#My of our i’ivtcrH over nil w ► ha ve rrrti# fr, rti of rh« leA'lluff phynirl n« In our Mute, wliu havt* prrsariLert in l.h**ir prarti THE OLD CAROLINA IUTTEUS. Will bi found invs'uabi. for Want of Apy.eDte, Generwl Debility, ('hill& ? »nd Fever wnd nyepep* l * We do not off, r o (1 r Bitters as »eur* for all t»oa.«*, but »i an Vrna alio T.udr. Ih.y bav» no oquai. For gal* by all Drugtd • • and Grocer* every rhers For sale in Cartersville by A. 1». 111 JkGIVH. GCCDhICK, WIKLMAN & C0 M I riportera of Cho re Drug, suit ( hemicsls, March 81, IB7d--ly. Chwlevtep, !*. 0. G* 0. BOGEIi S, PSo is Decatur Street. Atlanta, Georgia* MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS And dcal e r in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE. HARNESS SKIRTING. ENAMEL AND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER, Childrens 7 Carriages Flue <?arriag;es a»4 BUCCIESL INDIANAPOLIS FA M WAGONS AND CARTS, The attention of Farmers and Team-Ur* is called to the large stock of Wage ns and Harness; also ALL kinds of and everything usually kept n a first-class Saddlery House— Wholesale and Retail Also, for sale, Boys’ Time-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27 - wiy Lyman Chapman, SrW u 4 StouG . Mason* caj:tkrsvi li.e, u \. ] prepared to do *ry of the ab«v« r* <uk .per nrrb.e Had rtf !**