The Cartersville weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1870, July 28, 1870, Image 2

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Communicated. Jbu Editor. -~On IhcrsUay lest, I treat to year city to see iho 15th AineiKhiumt, auJ 1 saw it. I Lnd heard and read a good deal about it, and I was curious to sue wb-it kind ot a thing it whs. I don’t know what form the animal takes m Atlanta, and places lower down; but in this locality it behaved like: a u?.iid, kind and gentle beast. I could hud no one ab’e to explain why it turned out to celebrate the bat tle of Bull Kuo, or '•why they threw down "de shovel and de hoe,” and took holiiday before the crops were laid by. I asked my worthy foreman, Robert Mark Johnson, (col.; for uu explanation, itml he replied in his usu al nervous and emphatic wuV, that ‘de lazy debil* was a dodging her work, Jat for his part, ho would be shamed to show his face dare, and de grass just a lukiu his cotton.” A good deal of allowance has to be made tor Hob art's answer, ns Le is one of ilie few .old fogies left, who renliy feeis that there is more honor and profit in standing up to bi contract, even if the sou is hot, thui there is iu m irc-uug around, making a fool of himself, eii ebrating something he knows noiLnng about. When I arrived ut the pluec, that the thing bud uncoiled itself at, I found myself in a beautiful grove, m the outskirts of the city. 'JLLe biuluce of the ground was undulating, ana the large and once valuable crowd, couki be seen to great adiautage. On my left could be seen tLe smoking pus, and the long tables, where lUe unimai whs to be led. On n y right, m me midst of a dense crown of frocks, and fms, and fifteenths, a speakers aiai.d could be seen, from the lop of which the instinct was to be nourished uuu cultivated. 1 directed my bteps to me right, and when I got neai enough to the rostr um to notice who occupied it; xny heart bounded with joy unu grat itude; for I felt thut my countiy was safe, for there was Col. Lewis iutulnj, (white) Col. J. J. Howmd, (wiiiie; Maj. John McGee, (col.) una the Kev. James Hilsou, (col.) x was ve* - y so*- ty that I had como too late to hear tue speech of the Hon. Col. Lewis iiuultu. I heard that his performance was very impressive, and not oue of ins sent.- ments, waa wasted on th it large uuu highly appreciative audience. v-oi. Howard was discoursing when 1. came up, and the multitude were listening with rapt attention, to the words oi wisdom, as they flowed from his lips. Nor did I wonder at it, for the Coi’s manner is bo impressive that it is cal culated to make any crowd think thut he is iu earest. But there are always skeptics in every assembly, and lLeaid oue old darkey remark *dut dose two white men seem to love us a heap; wonder if dere cotton ain’t grassy ? It waa Maj. John .UcGv.e s turn next, to «ay his speech, and lie said it wl.ic out missing a word. Ho was never ut a loss for language to ex mess his lUeab for he was not at »ul particular. His speech was a good good one. ile gave the crowd some of tlio sharpest hits, on the peculiarities of h:s race. J. have heard for some time. He proved to them that they could never elevate themselves by imitating all tue follies and none of the virtues of the white race. He was followed by the Rev. James Hil&ou, who spoke on, and so-called Social Equality, Hu spoke directly to the compieutns.ou of his bearers, anil they took, in a kindl,* manner, his rebukes and esar ca« a%, when, if ihev had been told tne same tilings by a white ta.*n, they would have been outraged, In conclusion, lie addressed himseit to the “m tixuih," w ho were listening. He said that when the blacks weie first made free, being very ignorant, and naturally suspicions of tour loi mer owners, they buttered themselves to bo duped by every s.rolling vaga bond from Vankee-iaud. That agi out many ministers from t h c Methodise Church, North, had come among them, that iu a short time tne property at the South would ail be u*viued out, among them, and social equality be made the law of the lund. 'lhey al ways, before leaving, took up u colicc tioujand the pjor ignorant creatures, with the prospect of future vveabn, would willingly give uw,»y the httlu they bad, to tue oi aucu joyful tidings. At lust their eves were open ed by a Mi. Caldwell, who came and preached a few days for tuem, ana v»u«u ready to leave, told tuem that he did not preach for money, but u was nothing but right tuat u»oy suouia pay his hotel hill, ibe hat vv..s nanu cd around, the sum collected, antimiae tnl iu his hands, and tne Hi vine mess ed them and left. A snort tune alter he waa gone, the hotel keeper calleu npon the stewards of the cmucu to pay the bill of the Rev. scoundrel, as he had been refered to tuem ha his pay. The speeches were all calculated to do good. I didn’t hear a word about politics. The harmony utid good-feei- ing of the occasion, was muiuiy owing | to the fact that the pestiferous, idle, j mischief making politicians of the city ; bah gone down to attend the giauu ! orgies at Atlanta. That was the pluck ' for them, for no matter how seii-iru- j portaut and impudent they were i here, in Atlanta tier would hud that! they yet hitdj to learn the alphabet j of rascality. Ju everything that was mean and villainous, tucy would feel Hke babies among giants. After the speaking, dinner was an- j noucced, apd the order and decorum '■ they preserved, showed that they were I under excellent discipline, One oi! the features of the celebration was the marching in procession o f different 1 bands, each with a leader, all singing j as thev marched, the leader beating I time with bis handkerchief. The mu- j Sic they made to the ear, | and all seemed to enjoy it hugely. It was worth a visit thtre to see old Ben Latimer, disguised in clean clothes, with a broad sash, thrown artistically across bis breast, leading hia choir, both with gesture and voice I knew by his look of supreme self-satisfaction, that bo would aoc exchange ku* poai tjoc.icr 'a Marshall's baton. AiN>r Q*n£u»r, a misunderstanding occur fed between two loth’s. Oat, cot the ciuoz with »» anifo, sc.d e me r -dy down the cue that done dp Every.*. a .■ban'! be- L. * *•* carne excited. Knives were drawn, corner, nut load, but deep, were utter-j | fd. A genera! fight was Imminent.— * ; * have Lever got over the big scute I I got during the war, and .was fast getting horribly fnglitened; when at u word, the Rev. J«tt' Milner, rallied his dock around the stand, and gave out and sung that Holds hymn— Rock of ages cleft for me, * Let me hide myself in thee. It acted like a charm. Human pas sion was lulled for a time. I hid close to tLe stand, until the singing and praying was over; then left, before the curbing commenced again. bleu. Wofford addressed the crowd in the afternoon, and if his speech closed the exercises, I know nil who listened to him, determined, at least, to try to boa better people. I went to th© celebration to have a little scent fun, to observe and to crit icise. I had not been there long, be fore criticism was dh armed, and my good feelings a roused. I wish them ail the success they are capable of ap preciating. A See. Yours, Nemo. Card. Office State Aaßijcr.Tun.vL Society, ) Atlanta, July 11, 1860. } 1. Notice is given Hat tliG office of the State Agricultural Society has been removed to most ample and suit able halls, with offices attached, in the basement, of the Capitol. Members ot the Society, and visitors to the city especially, and our citizens generally, are invited ut any and all bushiest, hours to visit the library md reading room and museum. •, 2. The thanks of offic_r3 and mem bei'H of the society are due John lv. Dukes, Esq., Preside'n. of the Wundo Manufacturing and Mining Company, who, through Col. B. C. Presley, of the law firm ol Presley, Lord & li.golsby, for specimens of tonsil bones aim teeih found in their pho-phate mines. Tliev embrace the sections of the vertebreal of extinct Sanri, which were over thir ty feet m length; the tusks of the Jbeu. Elephant, (Megalo S. unus;) sharas teeth four times the size of any living variety, fchnne of these specimens ure impieguatid with iron. •i. The fo.l ivving loiter is upon n subject of such general interest us to justify publication. It whs hied in this office by Judge Ezzurd: Lawrencevillf, June 20, 1870. Hon. Wm. Lizard, Mayor: Dear Sir—Piesident Otr informed me last week tout he hud a letter Horn Col. Lewis, inquiring whether he know of any conisdcrablo quantity of pyvi es on or near the Lne of any rail road Ge »rgia. Col. L. says our man ufacturers of fenilizers wish to prepare their own sulphur if they can procure the pyr.tes. Both copper and iron pyrites exist* in any desirable quantities in the goiu veins within on.} and a half miies ol Sugar Hill, and north of that place on the Air-Line Railroad. I suppose many tons of the finest variety could be j icked up among the ruuhisli on the top of the ground, which protects the veins of the gold bearing quiutz on either side. If the comp u.y to which Cob L. alludes, will establish a depot at Sugar Hill, Georgia will lave no occasion to send abroad for sulphur.— I do not know where Col. Lewis is at present, and therefore communicate this infoimation to you that you may let ull parties concerned know the facts. I am, truly yours, James 1\ Summers. 4. An appeal is made to the liberali ty of the Tress of the State io send their pape.s legnhilly to this office without charge. The object of this request is in au if old. The office has and will have thousands of and enments and circulars, etc, to issue. \v ith fresh issues daily and weekly of the Press spread -out upon our tables, we will have at one view the names vs per haps twenty thousand business men in every depaitxuent oi industry, to whom we can send our documents. Again, the Library and Museum a taclmd to the office, are daily increasing in inter est and importance. The coniribu tions of the papers of the Stale will gieatly add to this interest, aud wdi make tue rooms of the Socie ty a most attractive resort to members ami visitors from u distance while m the city. Assurance is given to ah publishers uud editors who will com ply with this request, that their hies snail never be taken from the Lil rary, and shall, alter having antvultd the immediate wauts ol the office, become permanent hies and pit-served lor rei erente and fur and statisti cal iuquiriei fur winch they will bemore and more valuable with the lapse oi time. 5. Delegates and members, and visi tors to the con v eil tn ui m e urged to cousider if they cannot bring with them a • few precious stouts or other valuable cohtnbutious to the museum. It each delegate (should bring w’lth him the most curious and interesting spec imens whether mineral, fossil, earth, plant or other object of natural histo ry, it would present at once a most in teresting spectacle in itself aud per haps the highest evidence of the great variety of sod, vegetation, climate, and of the varied productive, capacity of the State. Let all try. 6. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 7. The Secretary begs the press to renew the favor of the g atmtous pub lication of the cards of this office. Dav. W. Lewis. ‘ Fahj" Harris (lifers A Premi um. We find the following in the Atlan ta Constitution of the 13ib: Atlanta, Ga., July 13, 1870. CoJ. J>. W. 1 lewis. Secretary Georgia State Boiud of Agriculture. PpAK Sib: I desire to oiler a p’emi rua of a hue gold headed cane for the larged brat looting man, at the State Fair next October. In oitKr that our fat men mny not b#-. deified from competing, I cLnye to state that I will not be a competitor. Very r«3j>ectfuHy, The Kx pres e. l : SAM UAL II SMITH. Editor and Eropnervr |C A KTEKSV U.I.E OA-, Jtft £ iß~b l»70 SomiAVoclily Express. We will commence, on the tth <laj. Au gust proximo, the publication of our papei twice a week in-tecd of dice ft week, seat the present, on Monday* and Thurmlcys - We do tins in pielercnce to publishing a Supplement weekly. Ih : s will give us st least a thud more space for reading matter, and thereby enable as to give maiket re ports, Tc. As soon as the population and business cf our g:owing town will justify, we have arranguneiits made :e purchase a cylinder press atd publish a 'i ri Weekly i and Weekly pnper; but lor the prerent must i content curs*lf with a Kemi Weekly. We ! are now receiving a very liberal patronage j from cur patrons and have a* good a liet ot 1 weekly sul scribers as nry country weekly paper in the State car boast, and they are all voluntary/ sulscrtiers. We have ‘neTer even canvassed Bartow ciurtv fer subscri ber?, nor emp’oyed any ore to c’o it for us. W e are assisted in our edi oriel 'labours by , Col.J. J. Howard, nn old practical farmer and merchant, and Lave the i romise of oth ers who are as good writers as the Ktate or t ounty can produce, besides of able and intei esting correspondents. Our undi vided attention will be bestowed upon our paper, to make it worthy if i » ntelligen: and rtfined leaders, end au honor to the town and county iu which it is publisited.— For the accommodation of our pa'rons who cnly get weekly c shs. we will send them the Thursday morning edition fur 60 per annr.rn, which will contain the legal adver tisements, and incrJ reading mailer than our present weekly p-iper, while the Terms ■of the Sem -Weekly will be J 3.00 per annum. The size ts both will be dmiiitisbed from uii' present weekiy,iut will l".e nothing in reading matter. Semi-weekly ndvertiae— men's will be inceittd at sn advance cl 23 percent, on our weekly prices. Those of our old subscribers wishing to take it Scrub can to designr e. Democratic State Convention. 1 lie Central Executive Committee oi he Democratic party of Georgia art invested with authority to ca l a Con vention of the party whenever they be lieve it expedient to do so. By virtue of this authority, they re spectfully request the Democratic par ty in the several counties m this State to send delegates to meet in conven tion in the c.ty of Atlanta, on Wednes day, the 17th day of August next, te take into consideration such measures as the interests of the party may re quire. The usual basis of representation in such Conventions is double the num ber of Representatives which e ch county has in the most numerous branch of the General Assembly—and the Committee suggest such to be the basis»of r> presentation iu the Conven tion now called. E. G. Cabanish, Chairman Central Executive Demo cratic Committei. All Democratic -papers in the Siat< will please copy. Our Schools, male and fema’e, fall terms, open next Monday for the reception of pup 1«. It will be remembered that very important cl anges have been effected in the instruction of tnese schools. The ('arterr vi le Female S hooi will be under the join! instruction of Rev. James L. Fierce and (Jol. J. Walter Pritchett, assisted in the pr mary department by M<ss 'I. P. Kiugsbery. .ill ol whom are old and experienced teachers.— Rev. J. L. Pierce was, for many years, Pres ident of Madison Female College, in thin State, where he won a reputation as a fe male teacher, to be despi: e*l by none and envied by ail -a true, Christian gentleman, rij'e scholar, and an acceptable and beloved minister of the <>ospel. while Col. Pritcli* tr, as an efficient tcfioher and profound scholar, stands uniivatied in Therokee Georgia, us all wl o have patronized him heretofore can testify. Miss Kirgsbery as far as she pro fesses to teach, has never failed to give uni versal satisfaction to ber patrins. We say this because wc speak what wc know to be true. Ihe (."artersville Male High School will be under the ;o nt iostructit nos Mr. Rm aUl Johnston, graduate of Edinburg Univer versity. Scotland, and Rev. S. G. Hillyer, jr„ a graduate of (v e believe,! Mercer Uni versify, in our own State, bo.h of whom are ripe scholars and efficient and experienced teacoers. These two high schools will be inferior to none in the S'ufe us such, and are to be opened and continued one term, to test the sincerity ar.d earnestness o our poeplc a* to their desires to build up and foster insti tutions of learning in our very midst. If both schools are liberal y patronized, (as we hope and b< here they will be,) during the coming session, :hen ihc principal* of both will take further ?t pc to put them upon a firm end permanent bards, otherwise they will bo abandoned and the project given up as afa lure. Surely the friends of educa tion in and around I'artersville, will never suffer su h tia' hers as the above to &han ton so laudable and praiseworthy an enterprise, in our growing and prosperous town.tos-ek a Letter field m other quarter*. Let these gentlemen te sustained, not < nly ly a liber al patronage, but by materia! aid. and the iliy is not and stant when ourchildnn will bless us lor the act and enshi juc our memo ry forever in their afl ctions. Mrs. Betiie Rogers and Miss Myra Wi’kes will b t'i open rooms convenient to the Fe male School, where they propose to tci ch music to students, and others, desiring to take lessons. The Female It chool will open in the Acad emy near the Presbyterian < -hurch, and the Male School in the house near the Baptist Church, occupied last ecsb on by Mr. John ston's School. Lcgiilativc Enactment*. The following is the laieft news from the seat of government: Homicide. —About seren minutes to ten o’clock this morning, an alterca- I tion occurred at the head of tlio stair way of the Kimball Opera House. I ( Marietta street entrance,) between | Moses H. Bentley, colored) messen ger of the House, and Maleomb Clai- I born. (colored;) Representative from j Burke county. Bentley fired some i four shots at Clalborn, who was un ! armed. The second shot struck Clai | born about an inch and a half below the left nipple, causing death in about tifteeu mumtes. The other shot miss ed—one striking the wall near the stair-way leading up to the Supreme Court room, and another in the lobby room of the Senate. We learn that it grew out of remarks used by Cl.tihom Jin reference to the arrest of \Vall«es at Bentley’s instance. It is said that Chuborn said Bentley was a disgrace to his race. At the rresont writing I the Coroner is holding an inquest over Ci.tiborn. Bentjey was arrested and lodged in jail.— Ai&il& CcndUu ticn Communicated. - Powder Sprikos, Ga., ) July 20fcli 187 U. ) Mjr. Editor— l visited your county a short time back, in search of health, and I arn glad to say, I returned home feeiing much* improved. I boarded a short time with Mr. R. L. Rogers, three miles above C'artersviile, and I take this method of returning to him, and his most estimable lady, my heart-felt thanks, for the very kind and hospita ble treatmt nt they gave me. He lives in a beautiful vailev, having fine lauds, good water and a healthy climate; and better still, he is surrounded by a high minded, honorable set of men, and la dies, too. There are three, (and perhaps more,) widowed ladies living near him, who lost their husbands in the unhappy war which has just swept over our un happy country. They are high-toned, intelligent and industrious ladies, and ought, aud no doubt do, secure the sympathy and respect of ull good and true men. May God shield and de fend. council and protect all such la dies; may Ke so direct them that they tuay raise up their little ones iu the fear and admonition of the Lord; may their children bo bright jewels here on earth, and shinging angels in Heaven. I would like to speak of tue rapid growth of Cartersviile, and of its eu terfnizing people—the great spirit of education, of agriculture, &e., bu; -knowing that Editors like short letters, close by saying that t may notice these points in the future. Very respectfully yours, &c., A. C. Mclntosh. IUUUIUiY Pa is, July 25. —The Journal* of Metz say tue French have takju forty prisoners so far. JL’ua Emperor presided at a council of ministers yesterday. Viscount de Areiklard, the present French minister to China, succeeds Furadol at Washington. The xoulou licet sailed to-day to re-in force that ot effiebuui g. The gradual evacuation of Rome bus been decided upon. London, July 25.—The Times pub lishes and vouches for the authentici ty of the following projected treaty submitted by r ranee to Prussia: The preamble sets forth that the King of Prussia and the Emperor ot the French, iu order to strengthen the ties of friendship between the two gov ernments and peoples, etc., hereby conclude the following treaty. In the first article Napoleon admits and recognizes the late acquisitions oi Prussia from Austria In the second the Prussian Kiug en gages to facilitate French acquisition of Luxemburg. In the third the Emperor acquies ces iu the uuion of the North and South German States —A ustiia except ed. In iho fourth, France, finding it necessary to absoro Belgium, Prussia lends her assistance to the measure. The fifth article is one of usual of fensive aud defensive alliance between two nations. The inhabitants of the islands near the mouth of thu Elbe have removed, leaving the French without pilots. A body of the Uhlauer Lancers passes the border near Saarbrack. They tore up the Railroad toward Metz for a long distance, destroyed Viaduch, and returned to camp without loss. The French forces are concentrat ing on the coast near the Belgian fron tier. Forbagh, July 25.— The Prussians have been repulsed at Korlui. A re connoisance lias been made ou Pru&- Sitin soil by the French. Lond n July 26.—8everal French cruisers are reported off Wick, Scot land, to-day News received by way of Berlin is very meagre, which is due to the pru dence of the Prussian Government. The telegrapus are closHy wutchcd by the German authorities, i'he Prussians pray and fast Wednes day next. E even French frigates passed Hast ings yesterday, steering eastward | It is expected that the French fleet ■ will attack Kehl. j Reports from Mayence indicate that j the Prussitius are ahiftiug their posi | li n so as to face South. The harvest prospect is, throughout Englaud, improving daily. Advices from Captown announce the j discovery of diamond fields. Dispatches {report an insurrection in ! the principality of Ava, resulting it the massacre of fourteen hundred. The excitement occasioned by the secret i between .Prussia aud Francois increasn , as the t iidence becomes clearer that tue document is genuine. The journals all comment in sim.lar tone, demanding .an ex planation from France ot this offensive treaty. The Times particularly, is seeking to Bu.e this treaty a preiext for the inter veut.ou of England m favor of Prussia. The 'Jioies asserts that Irish sympathy for France is altogether due to the influence of < atnolicism and hatred of German Pro testantism. Franktort-on-the-Main has been designa ted as Prussian headquarters. Paris, July 18.—Preach gunboats, to op trite on the Rhine and other livers in Prussia, are being t.ansported from Mai sciiles, in sections, overland. A Carlisl insurrection is hourly expected. The goverment is prepared. .Napoleon stipulates that be will adhere to the Geneva conference, to mitigate the horrors of war. Prussia has not yet responded to the stip ulation, Tue Journal Official reports the re pulse of h Prussian reconuoisauce utnu ■olank, twenty-six miles northwest of Strasburg. Ooe Bavarirn officer was killed and two cap Wired. The FagaroV account insists that the killed officer was an Englishman. New Ygps, July 26.—There is n genuine Asiatic cholera case in Jersey City. Ft bt ESS Monroe, July 26.—Three com) amer of artillery left here this morning for Raleigh to aid the Gov ernor to etioroe tii3 laws in that POBGJA PAWCB. Anchor Life Insurance Cos, join* E. MEISTER, (Mineral Agent, flacon, Oeorgia. IIO3IE OFFICE, 17H Broadway, New York. EDMUNDC FISHER, President. JAMES GOPSILL, vice President. A. S. FITCH. Sec’y. E. F. S. HICKS, Ass't Sec’ry. DIRECTORS: EDMUND C. FISHER, Pi evident. ROBERT l. KENNEDY. « President Tank of Commerce, New York. HON, W. A, NEWELL Ex-Governor of New Jersey, Allentown, N. J. HENRY M. ALEXANDER, No. 20 Exrhmae Place. N. Y. JAMES M. HALSTED. Frts’t American Fire Insurance Cos., 4H Wall Street, New York. JAMES GOPSILL Ex-Major of Jersey City. H. F. VAIL,’ Caahier Bank of Commerce. New York. JOHN W, SCHANCK, Merchant, Jersey City. SAMJEL BORROWE, 71 Broadway, New York. FRANCIS ROBINSON, President Spring Mount Cosl Company. 11l Broadway, New York. BENJAMIN S- WALCOTT. President Hanover Fire Insurance Company, 45 Wall Street, New York. A. G. AGNEW, Patou & Cos., No. 311 Broadway New York. BLAKELY WILSON. President Second National Bank. Jersey City. CHARLES GOULO, President De! Bay R. R., 58 Wall Street, New York. LUDLOW PATTON, Ludlow Tatton $ Cos., No. G Wall Street, New York. A. W, GREENLEAF. Greenleaf, Norrig & Cos., CO Exchange Place, New York. GEORGIA—BOARD OF STATE REFERENCE: DR.T. N. POULAIX,. Greensboro. llos. ALEX. H. STEPHENS, : Crawfordsvilie. Col. JOHN A. STEPHENS, Atlanta HON. O. A. LOCH KANE i ] ~! Atlanta. WXL H. DULLER, Cashier Atlanta National Bank Atlanta. liov. JOHN P. KING, Piesident Ga. R. R. A B. Cos Aziirusta. Hon. J. V. H. ALLEN, Mavor, City of . Auausta THOMAS STOVALL, Merchant... Auausta. Gen. P. M B YOUNG, M. C Cartersviile. HENRY L. JEW Eli', Cotton Factor Murou HON. C. B. WOOTEN ... Dawson. t > AuO V .% t & Homc Fire InSl Cos : Columbus. z■ /vvilA-- hAx LaGrauge. Assets—Nearly $400,000.00. Over two doihiro lor eve;y dollar ot liability, (as per Report of tlie Insurance Commissioner f New York for 1870.) rates arc the LOWEST of any Mutual Company in America, the difference being equal to a dividend ot about 15 per. cent, in advance. 2ND—It affords absolute security. 3RD—AII its Policies are Non-Forfeitable. ■IYII —It does not Limit Travel as most other Companies do. STH—It allows 30 days grace in Payment of Renewal Premiums. 6TH—It Loans the Surrender-value of its Policies. 7TII—It declares Dividends Annually. • 1 LENDS are NON-FORFEITING, and are used in continuing the Insurance, or paid m Cash in a pajdup Policy. The only Company granting non-forfeiting dividends—the following clause is inserted in each I olicv : “I he Dividend on a Policy once declared as non-forfeiting, aud no Policy will lapse by n , on , °f Premium, until the Dividend is consumed in continuing the same in force ; or, should the assured desire to discontinue his insurance, he can receive the CASH VALUE of his Dividend in a PAID-UP POLICY, which the Company cannot cancel.” ®TH—It guaranties a Cash Surender-value stating the amount the Company will pav, each year, m Cash, for the surrender of the Policv. Venous desiring Insurance will find it to their interest to consult with the Agents of this Company. * W. CRAWFORD SCOTT, Special Agent, , , OFFICE with MILNER & MILNER, A tty’s at Law, fullers ville, July 12—w4t and with lION. DUNLAP SCOTT, Rome, Ga. ' L. H. BRADFIELD. Regs leave to inform the Public that he has removed his Stock of Drugs, Ac., from his old stand Wl * R hiteliall Street, to one of the A'ewand Commodious Stores on Broad Street, ATCAXTA, «A., opposite the National Savings Bank, and next door to Johnson’s Seed Store. He now has on hand a full stock of all goods usually kept in first class Drug Houses, and will be constantly receiving more, as the necessities of his trade may de mand. He nill give special attention to the wants cf merchants from the country, and believes he can make it to their interest to call aud see him, or send him their orders, which shall always have prompt and careful at tention. He is sole wholesale agent, in Atlanta, for ROSA DALIS, ARGYLE RITTERS, HilhofVs TOXIC, The great chill remedy of the age, TIP TOP, the best preparation known for tetter and ring worm. POULTERER’S FRIEX'D, a sure cure lor cklckcn cholera. HITO tOYDITIOY POWDER: this remedy speaks for itself. Try it. He is prepared to sell at proprietor’s prices, all of TUTT’S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS, and SIM MON’S LIVER REGULATOR. I most cordially invite all my old friends and the public gen erally, to call on me at my new stand, and I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and will do my best to | lease, both in price and quality of goods. L. 11. Bradfeeld. P S—Having associated with me in the manufacture «nd sale of Dr, J. liradfield’s Female Regulator, and Dr. O. S. Pro phitl's Celebrated Family Medicines, (of which we are now sole proj rietors.) Dr J. S. Wilson, late oi the firm of Pemberton, Taylor, \\ ilson & Cos., all orders for these reparat ons skould be addressed to Bradfield & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. July 20. 1870-w3in Georgia, bartow county—t. n. Pitts has applied tor Exemption of Personalty, aud Sectiug apart and valuation of Homestead, aud I will pass upou tho same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the lirst day of August, 1810, at my omce. July 18th, 1810. J. A. HOWARD, Oril. B. C. We ]¥eed money S ! ! 4 LL PERSONS, whomsoever, indebted to ns dA. for Merchandize, Cash Loaned, or any other form of indebtedness, are now called on to make PROMPT PAYMENT, AS W*E NEED OUR MEANS TO PROSECUTE OUR BUSINESS, and, besides, this is the season of the year our customers have promised to pay us. *VVo are now in earnest, aud we expect early payment. Howard & Erwin. Cartersville, july 20, To Thousand Eureka Preserving Fruit Jars, The Cheapest and Best, for Sale by THOMAS A McCRARY, Rome, Ga. July 50,1870. w4t Copart iicrtdiip Notice. A PARTNERSHIP has been formed between iV efMo.N AND MORRIS LIEBMAN, and the firm will, hereafter, be known and distinguish ed a* S. Ac M. LIEBMAN, by mutual agreement. Cartersville, Ga., july 20, isTo—wlra CM INF CO- BOSTON MASS., or ST. LOUiS, MO Cherokee Ga. Choice Fruit Trees & Tines. ACCLIMATED TO SOUTHERN CLIMATE. THE undersigned is prepared to furnish choice Fruit Trees, of every uescription, ami Warrants them true to mime- Apples, 10 to 30 cents each; Pears, Standard and Dwarf, 60 to 75 cents each; Cherry Trees on Muh aleli Stock, 40 to 50 cents each; I’each, from bud, 12 to 18 cents each; Plums, Apricots, Quince, Deciduous, Evergreens and Rose Stock, oi cvcvv description; well rooted Concord and (JliuUtu Drapes, at 10 to 20 cents each; well rooted Straw uerries, $1.50 per Hundred and iftO.OO per Thou sand. kor particulars send lor Price List, and tor Special List ot fruits adapted to the climate of Georgia. K. S. COBH, July 90, 1870-w4m ACW ° rth ’ °° bb PHOTOGRAPHS, FEEOTYPES, ETC., ETC., ETC.. THE UMlUliijlbNtli would respectful ly inform the citizens of Cartersville ana surrounding country, that they have removed their gallery to the sky-light room over Clayton's store, A are prepared to oiler a good opportunity to those wishing good pictures. Our prices are as low as any*ar tist can afford. We alaj have & fine assortment of Albums, Cases, and Frames, which will be sold on reasonable terms. Give u« a call. WEST «& HOHELKY, June 16,-tf. Photographers. Q* I/\ A D\Y» Business entirely new •jp 1' / and honorable. Liberal induce ments. Descriptive circulars free. Ad dress J. C- ?,ANI> k CO. Bin deford Me 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f* A willow for the \ a I I I I I York WEEKLY DttL •?.) ,1 * I I.AU Sl' \ from now to *||l I. I January l»t, 1871. ONE ■ 111 |||■| DOLLAR wilt i»av for y y y | U I the SKMI-W LEKLY do. 50 cents a month pays lor the DAIL Y SUN. <- Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, New York. iARGEST —BEST —CHEAPEST! "■ENTERPRISE, INDUSTRY, TACT. LIBER* wpj ALITY, and the best t ti.t vt, have l'or over Twenty Years been freely used upon Moore's Knral New*'Yorker, And as a result it is now, prc-nninentlv, the Largest. Best and Cheapest illlstratii Rural, Literary and Family Weekly in the World. Teus of thousands of wide-awake People, all over the Continent, take and admire the Rural, for its superior Ability', y ali i, Illustrations, AC. The Press and People Praise It! For example, an Exchange says; “The Rural is the mo*t Elegantly Printed Ably Edited. Wide ly Circulated and Heartily Welcome Paper. as a vchole, which note find* it* way among the People." ffcjy-Vol. XXll. begins July 2mi. Try it! On lv |L6O per volume ot 98 numbers, or $3 per year. Less to clubs. sub*<rib* Now.' Address D. I). T. MOOJUi, 41 Park Row, New York. S~T Alt SPANGLED~BA~NNER.—A large 4) column paper, Ledger size. Illustrated. Ib - voted to Sketches, Poetry, wit, Humor,' genuine un-Nor.sense o' a sensible kind,) and to the exposure of Sw ndliup, Humbugs, Ac. Only 75 cents a year, and a superb engraving "Evange line,” 1 1-2x2 feet, umti*. 30.000 circulation. Money refunded to all who auk it. It is w ide awake, fearless, truthful. Trv it NOW, 75cU. a rear. Specimens FREE. Address “BANNER,” Hinsdale, N. it. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. —"Ladies of the White Uous.\" No opposition. Steel en gravings. Rapid sales. For circtilars. address V. S. Publishing CO., N. Y., Cincinnati and Chicago. "VT 171 T 17 BOOK.—‘Agents sell 100 per week, i\ Fj t > Price $5. Address L. STEBI3INS, Hartford, Ct MEADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL.- Uuitarian; edn> ates Ministers; $l6O a year to poor students', begins Aug. Cy. Apply to A. A. Liner mire, Me.vlviiie, Pa. AMODEL HOUSE, Doing a cripple, I have m i. H hr.iso pl anning a special stintC. One built last season has proved a monel of convenience, be.iuty. und economy. Descriptive circulars of plans, views, etc., with general information ol value to all, sent free. — Address (with stamp or script if convenient,) GEO. J. COLBY, Architect, Waterbury, Ver mont. PATENTS. Inventor* who wish to take out Letter* Patent, are Adviscrt to counsel witli MUNN A ( 0., rditor* of the Scientific American who have prosecuted claim* the Patent Office tor over Twet.ty Yu»n>.— I'helr American and European Patent Avency t* the inest extensive In the World. Chsiges less than any other reliable Agency. A paaipclet Oi istainiufc fuu instructions to inven’nrs Is sent K»«ll». MUN* A CO. 37 Parle rt--»-. New York. YES! IT IS TRUE. That the best mowers—the droppers—the best bklf-kakkrs to he found in the world are the Original and Reliable Uouuic-Motion xEtna Machines, made by the -ETNA MANUFACTU RING CO., of S.dem, Ohio. Send for Pamphlet containing particulars. |\|ewsp:»pt*r. Advertising. A book of 125 closely printed pages, lately is sued. contains a list of the best American’ Ad veitising Mediums, giving the names, circula tions, ami full particulars concerning the lead ing Daily ana Weekly Political and Family Newspapers, together with all those having large circulations, published in the interest of Religion, Agriculture, Literature, Ac.. Ac., — Every Advertiser, and every person who con templates becoming such, will find this book of of great value. Mailed free to any address on receipt of'fifteen cents. Geo. P. Rowell * Cos.. Publishers, No. 40 Park Row New Y ork. The Pittsburg (Pa.) Leader , in its issue of May 29th, 1870, says; “The firm of Geo. P. Rowell * Cos., which issues this valuable and interesting book, is the largest and best Advertising Agen cy in the United States, and wa can cheerfully recommend it to the attention of these who de sire to advertise their business scientifically and systematically in such a way; that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expenditure of money.” WANTED, AGENTS.—*2O Watch free, given gratis to every live man who will act as our Agent. Busines' light anti honorable; pays $lO per day. Address P. Monroe Kennedy & Cos., Pittsburg, Pa. WE WILL PAY AGENTS a salary of $35 per week or allow a targe commission to sell our new inventions. Address J. W. FRINK & CO., Marshall, Mich. tfL PZ A DAY !40 new Articles for Agents bumbles free. L. L. MIAW, Allred, Me. SALESMEN.—Send for Circular, a first-class ■MiSiness ana steady employment. 1». 1-. iiuWL, 37 Arch street, Pa. O l I LV M If V WANTED in \ psj -ng husb O \lJCfMljl\ lma ». KENNEDY,. 413 chestnut *t., "mi i, i TH F HUMAN MA( Book. A XXX-d Free lor o.ain.j, i.LUaa x & alll XOi a. TO CONSUMPTI\ ES: You can get a s t. e u e iUi’ UllU Lbi>tS, uilU att IUUq V/LUi * r-xaiucs flee, it has cureu ihousaaus. Send lor it to Daniel Adrr, p. o. Boa 3a31, -New xo.K. Kit DELVS PASTILLES. AturerelKi tor Asthma. Price 40 tint* ly uml', j BIUWIII A CO., ch own, Moss. P LEASE RE A D T hT$7~ Rentier, liave you tried Tiuk naiii’s ** Wouueriu* heuu* uulf Keuiedy J” a wn, i.y a box, aim you wifi use na >.<Luer reuicaj. Warranted to cum tUo wuiat waSU aCM.Uk, X.AI acilc ul- a OOlh avllC, la nVC Uiluilteo. it COatalus uo.hiUa poj* ounons, it is uii liquid, ana can LO by atlj cblia. It eOLialnS no lllagle j oVu.., auU It is, x'Ut iUg asluc aii patent ii.u.i.nw uui i bugs, the best ileiueuy i~ the wonu loi the abuVe j diseases. W alTulittu to tbit ei tbe biutt} lt| lunueu. It bus iittb tiiuiOLglUj tesbet. lu tills paitoi the Union, ana hubUitids liave utuu cur ed Oj this iteuiouey. itcnitiuJCi, rcauei, this is no humbug, out a positive .aat. ban he sent Oy In all S.iielj to any ijal t o. the globe, abu Wax labteu to reach the pnr«.liaser. x lor a box by uiaii, ami bo convinced mat x.eaUacbc, Earache ana xoothaobo c.«a oe cured. Puce I $1 00 per box by mail to any post-oibce iu the Union. Don’t tail to try i.l 1 aoz. xvoxes, $lo; 1-2 uoz. Loxc-s, $5. Address Oils iINK.iAAi, North Aiiuaieboto, Mass, tilox 41.; mstutu. to tiic uaue. New medical pamphlet.—seminal Physical auU Nervous Dcbdity, its effects a.iu cure. Price 26 Address sEcREI’ARY Museum of Auatom. , 6iß Lmuw a;., .s. i. (1 URIOUB~HOW BTANGJSI—T ho~~ ihiriTed j Ladle* I'rivate Companion eoutaius the ue jitt'd information. t>cui iree lor stamp. Ad dress MRS. METZGER, llauover, Pa. PROMPT, HONORABLE, RELIABLE. A GENTS WAN lED lu every city, town and X*_village for the largest and" most successful ctuLLAll HOUSE iii the couutro—ONLY ONE endorsed by theieadiug papers and Express Co’s of the United States, our goods give universal satisfaction, our premiums to Agents cannot be excelled, and our checks are free. Having two houses—Boston and Chicago—our facilities are t'NEQV aled, aud our business exceeds in amount all other concerns in this trade combined. SEND for UIRCULARS and FREE CLUB to S.C. THOMPSON GO. lilti Federal St., Boston, or 158 State St., Chieajfo. % 1 7 A NTE DA GENTS- To sell the HOME VV SHUTTLE SEnING MACHINE.— Price «s2>. It makes the “Lock Stich,” (alike on both sides) and is the only licens ed under-feed Shuttle Machine sold for leas than SCO. Licensed by Wheeler <fc Wilson. Grover & Baker and Singer & Go. All other under-feed Shuttle Machines sold for less than s6o*re infringements, and the seller and user liable to prosecution. Address JOHN SON, CLARK & Cos . Mass., Pittsbufg. Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. ts, ANTED AGENTS - To sell the OCTAGON ghWING MACHINE.— It is lieen ed, makes the ‘ Elastic Lock Stitch” I and is w arranted for 5 years. Price sls. All other machines with an under-feed sold for #ls or less are infringement. Address l OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO., St. Lousis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Boston, Mass. ts. 1.1 OUR WEEKS afterdate application will be 1 ■ made to the Court of Ordinary o Bartow | e uuiity, Georgia, for leave to sell a porzion of the ! ands belonging to the estate of John Patterson, ! late of said county, deceased, for the hentttt of ! >ie heirs and creditors of said deceased. July ' ;1 >i. Si, 1870. LUCY P ATTFRSON. Exr'x. AE W AI)V E K IMSE MENT mT THt StCONO VULUMc 0? * A.H.STEPHENS Great History of the War is now ready. Agents wanted. Mend for circulars with terms and a full description of the work —. Address National Publishing Cos , PhiladeL phia. Pa., Atlanta, Oa , or St. Louis, Mi« souri. Book Agents Wanied~ir~tho South, to sell our New Book TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET. On* agent took 25 orders for the firbt dnv another 75 in 4 days Endorsed hy eminent men as the most exciting, in teresting ami instructive books is sued. Includes 13 years experience of the author. Filled wlih illustrations. Extra icims to Agents. Send for circulars to BoRTHtNCTON, Dcstis 4 Cos.. Hartford Conu. ts » GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS, $75 to S2OO per mouth. Wc wan t to employ a good agent ia evcij County in the U. S. on commission or salary to introduce our IVoWd neu... ned Patent White Wire Clothes Lines-, will last a hundred years. If you want prof itable and pleasant employment, address R. S. BUSH & CO. Manufacturers, 75 Willim St., N. i r . or 16 D&crborn St. Chicago, ts. 4 /'I 1 '\ T s IWanted to sell our jW X J jX 1 1 O Home Physician. Anew and reliable Handy-Book of Family tvfedicine, by Dr, Beard, of N. Y. and the Farmers’ Mechanics’ Manual, 211 cutv, a Look of facts and figures for workingmen. E. B. Treat A. Co- Pub.6sl Broad-'ay, New York, ’ ts. PATENT ORGANIC VIBRATO*. raws IS NO HUMBUG! g By sending JSA CENTS, with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct pict ure your future husband or wife, with n-uns and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. ts. AGENTS^* 1 Books. For Good Books. For the best sell* j ing Books in the Market Apply at, onee for Circular of terms. &c, to Crittenden 4 McKinney, 1308 Chestnut St. Phil. Pa. ts BIG PAY I $2,500,00 A YEAR. By selliug the beat and cheapest Encyclope dia in the world. riFimber’s Information for the Feople. Revised. 1700 pages 500 Engraving!. Anv one, male or female, can do this, without capital. Send for Circulars to PARMEUEB & CO.. Phil Fa. ts. Agents wanted to sell the ‘ PEA LETTER BOOK.” For 'copying Letters without Press or Water. This is the greatest time, labor, and mon ey saving invention of the Rgc : andnonosee it, but to praise its simplicity anil convenient «, as you have only to place the written letter under the copying- loaf and rub with the hand. An agent has only to show it prop erly, andi’ sells itself. Price $5 2 > and up wards. Adap'ed to every kind of business, and does net play out with the first sale. Address P. GARRETT & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. ts. A G FXTS VJI 5 D.— $ 100 to S3OO per Month — Clergymen, School Teachers, Smart Young Men and Ladies wanted to canvass for the New book. ‘OUR FATHER’S HOUSE;* or, the UNWRITTEN WORD. Py Daniel March, author of the popular “Night .Scenes.” This master in thought and language shows untold riches and beau ties in the Great House, with its Blooming flowers, Singing birds, Waving palms, Rol lingclouds, Beautiful bow, sacred Mountains, Delightful Rivers, Mighty oceans, Thnnder inir voices. Blazing heavens, and vast uni verse with countless beings in millions of worlds, nnd reads to us in each the Unwril ted Word. Rose-tinted paper, ornate en gravings and superb biuding. Send for cir cular. in which is a full description and uni versal commendations by the press, minis ters and college professors, in the strongest possible language. ZEIGLER, McCUKDY & CO., 1G S. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pen sylvauia. ts. Agents, Read Thlsl S3O TO S2OO PER MONTH MADE BT AGENT SELLING THE HOME OF WABH* I \ i; T O A , on Mount Vehnon and its Associations, by BENSON J. LOSS J NO. 150 Illustra tions. tinted pape;\ handsomely bound. On ly book on the subject. Every family wcuta a cop;’. Sold only by subscription. V ry liberal terms given. SAN PLUS FREE.— Send for Circulars, and notice our extra terms. A. S.IIALE t CO. Hartfoid, Con necticut' ts. Agents Canvassing Book Sent Free For Secrets Os Internal Kevenne, TLis most remarkable book ever published, being a complete exposure of the powerful confederations or “Kings” preying on our Government. Showing up all cliques from the lowest to the highest, Cabinet officer* and Congressmen as well vs minor operators' sys tematic depredations, conspiracies, official corruption, political influence, patronage and wire-pulling. A fearless historical work, invaluable to every citizeu ; contain ing 510 pages, by a prominent Government Detective. Over 20,000 copies already sold. Agents wanted. Canvassing books free. Address W. Flint, Publisher, Philadelphia Pa., Boston, Mass., Chicago, 111. or Cineiu n iti, O. ts. PATENTS. Inventors who wrish to take out Letter* Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN dt CO., Editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Of fice for over Twenty Years. Their Ameri can and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world. Charge leM than any other reliable agency. A pam phlet containing full instructions to invent ors is sent gratig. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New Ycrk . ts. £lO MADE from 50 Cento* Call aud examine something urgently needed by everybody, orN&mpies sent free by Mail for 50cls that retails easily for Ten Dollar*. Address, R, L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatam Squaae, N.Y. ts. GREAT REUUCfiON IS TUB PRICE OP TEAS AYD COFFEES TOCONFORM TO PRICE OF GOLD. Increased Facilities to Clnb Organi zers. Send for New Price List. GRIST AMERICAN TEA CO. (P, O. Bor 5048.) 31 & 33 Veawy St„ N. Y. June 3 1(370—-tf.