Newspaper Page Text
o n
UAWFOItD’S eczema wash
nid certain cure for Eczema, Scold
, i', itch. St, Anthony’S Fire, Pimples,
salt Khetun, Erysipelas, Heat, Milk
),.s. Dandruff, and all affections of
• •tirc all diseases of the Feet, cuused
6? and IVrspimtion.
,|OJ|\ Cli.V\V FOKD & CO.,
. piaprietors, - - - ATHENS, OA.
]■ 1,; by M. F. Woru and J. K. Wikle &
r 1 ursville* Ga.
"taxes free.
Manuiacturers,Attention !
~ j ii:iainej>. By the Mayor and Aldermen
, ~('jr v of Fartersville, That any party or
. .ho shall In future Invest in property in
I • *or the purpose of condnetiuK any umn
. ~j|-jiijr enterprise, and shall actually operate
,11,1.. shall i>c exempt from all city taxes
_ . property and all machinery and im
vrii.'nts thereon of every character, for the
j in of five years from the purchase of such
ii. rt Approved Nov. 1, IHKB.
A. ( rawford, Chairman, A. M. Will
i' i'hani, Moses Sehener.
(Vrietcrv —G. W. Waldrnp, Chairman, A. L. Bar
_on> w. a. Bradley.
u. r^ts— A. Collins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L.
* R Matthews.
itfhef—E B. Matthews, Chairman, G. W. Wal
* drop, A Collins.
e, ,lii buildings—W. A. Bradley, Chnirinan, A.
Collins, L. B. Matthews.
priiinnnce—A. E. Barron, Chairman, A. M. Will*
inffhani, Moses Seheuer.
j oK \i Moon, J. C. Wofford,
Clerk. Mayor.
H. J. McCormick, County Surveyor.
(’, (). Stilesboro, (ia.
p Don't be a clam.
Where tire the scavenger oarts?
‘AC' Vt returned from t-lie East
last week.
IJuhe Satterfield spent yesterday in
Col. R. 11. Jones spent the first of the
week in Atlanta.
Work is going ahead on the Sam .Tones
Female College.
The dirt moving tit a lively rate at the
furnace grounds.
Mr. VV. E. Jefferson, of Atlanta, is vis
iting relatives in this city.
The next Sabbath will be Communion
H-ssion at the Baptist church.
Uu.iry up the college. Our girls should
not leave home for college next year.
The sound of the saw, hammer and
trowel is making it lively in Cartersville.
Mrs. R. M. Aubrey and daughter, Miss
Kafir, are visiting Mr. (j. 11. Aubrey, of
this city,
I Yep; ire your strawberry beds. This is
oimofihe best sections ot the country
for raising them.
la v. Sam Jones is tit home for a two
days rest. He leaves to-morrow to till
his engagement, at Durham, X. C.
Don'; kick against a little extra taxa
tion for public improvements. It will
u y an hundred fold in the long run.
r Advertising is now one of the most im-
I rtaat items in the business of a mer
c ant. None can afford to neglect it.
Our railroads are doing an immense
freight business just now. Cartersville is
nvciving an unusually large amount of
Rov, 11, J. Adams, the pastor, preached
ii sermon of great interest at the Metho
erst church last Sunday, on the subject
of infant baptism.
Uur cotton buyers are “well heeled”
with funds, and our merchants have the
I *-t stocks of goods to be found in this
s'vtion. Bring your cotton to Carters
In laying out new streets see to it that
they are made wider than the present
cues. A great deal of valuable property
has already been spoiled by little narrow
•Miss Nannie Hood has returned home
D*on 'unladen, Ala., where she has been
'"siting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Curry. She
reportjs Gadsden and the railroad men
R'v. \\ H. Coojier, pastor of the Bap-
I >t church, gave his congregation a
n last Sunday on “Christian TJni
' ■ which we hear commented on most
L Ihe cornet will be introduced next
>!;i *(.l:iy into the music at the Baptist
r lIIV This will be an appreciable new
f ature added to tin 1 melody of the splen
(fal choir of that church.
Miss Grace Stephens, one of Bartow
Dainty's prettiest girls, left Tuesday 7 last
ln! Cleveland, Tenn., to attend college,
and can now truly claim four ot
* artersville’s prettiest girls.
bM-of. E. 0. Excell, and wife, of Cincwi
-1 ;t ti, arrived in the city yesterday, and
Ee professor lead the song service at the
Methodist church last evening. He will
Jl ‘oiapauv Itev. Sam Jones to North
bfiroliaa. "
*be handsome countenance of Mr.
Atkinson, of Chattanooga, beamed
!; ,! ’i us yesterday. Mr. Atkinson still
l ; t> interests in Cartersville, and is much
Ki-atitiwl at tin 1 very pleasing outlook
f° r the city 7 .
Hysters and celery—don’t the mention
( ‘tli*:n make your mouth water? Well
°nip Johnson has them. He recieves
Evatera every Thursday, Friday andSat
l!l(i;iy. You can get them raw or cooked
lj| style you like.
L Me* ida Bradley left on the noon train
I Dies Jay for Pickens C. H., S. C., to be
fiesrat at the marriage of Miss Lewis
' Ul<l Mr. Carpenter, which will take place
Hi tiie 25th inst.,in the Ist Presbyterian
Duuvh, Dr. Wriley, officiating.
Notwithstanding the many diawbacks
our farmers generally seem hopeful and
cheerful. r Phey are paying up and pre
paring for better times in the luture. it
would lie hard to find a better and more
reliable set of farmers than those of
Bartow county.
Cotton js rolling in lively , and the in
dications are that Cartersville will get
her share, Our buyers are paying the
top of the market, our merchants are
selling goods cheaper than other [daces,
and Cartersville will treat tin* farmers as
cleverly as any town or city. Bring on
your cotton.
I have a fine lot of strawberry plants
raised for sale, of the following varieties:
The larger portion of the Sharpless,
Charles Dowing and Wilson Albany,
“Big Bob” and Crescent. I can supply
2,000 or 3,000 plants. I have also a
small lot of fruit trees for sale.
W. S. Latta.
The thing that Cartersville specially
needs now is a public school system that
will put her on an equality with other
growing cities in this particular. Public
schools have done as much towards
building up the citiesof the great West as
any other one item. Let us move
promptly in this matter.
Mr. Martin Collins, the public weigher,
informs us that the cotton receipts up to
yesterday were only thirty-nine bales be
hind the same date of last year, notwith
standing the fact that the crop has been
cut offconsiderably 7 . This would indicate
that Cartersville will receive a larger pro
portion of the crop this year than last.
flie dos, the doKS.
he beautiful dogs.
Barking aud howling.
Snarling and growling,
Making night hideous with norrible yells,
Stone them, shoot them, —
If you can, boot them,
Thu nuisance but serves
To shatter our nerves
And drive away sleep with conniption spells—
Doggone ’em.
Our Sam Jones is having a big time in
Nashville. It is said that such a wide
spread religious influence has not been
manifested there for years. A special
from that city says that the Broad street
amusement hall, the largest hall in the
city, is to be purchased for an undenomi
national gospel tabernacle. The price
agreed on was $21,000, and under Sam
Jones' lead, $10,500 was given in one day.
The rest of the money will easily be rais
ed. The movement has been on foot but
a few days. The hall seats 3,000.
Bishop Beckwith will visit this parish
on next Monday', the 22d inst., and
will preach in Ascension church at eleven
o’clock, a. m., and administer the Holy
Communion, It is expected also that
there will be a small class for confirma
tion. The Rev. Byron Holley, of St.
Phillips church, in Atlanta, will also be
here, and is expected to hold services and
preach at the same church at seven
o'clock p. m. Of course those who at
tend these services may expect a literary
treat, as there are no more able divines
in the State than Mr. Holly and Bishop
A Splendid
One of the best known and most popu
lar merchants in North Georgia is R. W.
Satterfield, of this city. He now occu
pies his splendid new house, corner of
Railroad and Main streets. This is about
the most attractive business house in
the city. It is 30x120 feet in the clear,
has massive walls, and the whole design
is tasty. Inside is magnificently finished
and conveniently arranged.
In order to make his stock correspond
wit h the building, Mr. Satterfield went to
the Eastern markets and selected Ins
stock in person, and it is one of the best
he has ever offered in his long experience
in Cartersville.
At this establishment will be found a
corps of salesmen 1 hat would do credit
to any city store. They are all experts
at their business, courteous and accom
modating, and it is pleasant to trade
with them.
Such men as Rube Satterfield deserve
to succeed, and it is pleasant to us to
note his growing.
A Grand Display.
Cartersville didn’t get up a National
exposition this year, but she has the
next tiling to it m the mammoth display
ot dry goods, clothing, etc., at the popu
lar house of Seheuer Bros.
Mr. Albert Seheuer is just back from
New York, where he spent some six weeks
in getting into the true inwardness of the
market as to prices, and has bought in
such quantities and at such figures that
they 7 cau show you as fine goods, and as
great varieties as the boss houses of At
lanta, and in some instances undersell
As to styles, Mr. Seheuer made it a
special point to catch on to the very
latest wrinkle in every department, and
buy accordingly.
The ladies are already in ecstacies of
delight over the grand display of fine
dress goods, notions, hosiery, gloves,
and dress novelties to be found in this
huge stock. Here the ladies find every
thing they want, and are satisfied.
In men’s and boys’ clothing and gents'
furnishing goods, this house has made
it a point not to be outdone by 7 any es
tablishment in this section, and a short
look will convince you that they 7 have
As to prices, just juice their goods,
and it will not be necessary- to say more
on this subject.
Don’t forget tlmt T. C. Burton is man
ufacturing hand made harness and pay
ing highest cash price for hides. Repair
ing a specialty. West Main street, o-tf
W L Royal POWOtjS Y
I' '
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesoinenes. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight alum or nhosphate powders. Sold only
in cans. Royal Baking Powder < 0.,
10U Wall St., N. Y.
A (lentle lieminder.
We doubt if another newspaper in the
country lias a more prompt and satisfac
tory list of substribersthan the Coubant-
Amekican. They renew promptly. It is
pieasant ni deal with such people. We
deem it only necessary now to remind
our subscribers the time for which many
have paid expires within the next few
weeks. Some are out now. Come up
and renew.
The City Exchange Restaurant and
barber shop will be prepared to accom
modate visitors. Pomp Johnson is pre
paring to do his part of taking care of
the crowds.
n*iklen’s A mica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Sa t Rheum, Fever
Sores, Fetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centf
per box. For sale by J. 11. Wikle & Cos.
The First Symptom* of Death.
Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in
various parts of the body, sinking at the
pit of the stomach, loss ol app<. tite, fever
ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive
evidence of poisoned blood. N) matter
how it become poisoned it must be puri
fied to avoid deattr Acker’s English
Blood Elixir has never failed to remove
scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold
under positive guarantee by J. li. Wikle
& Cos. e o w
A well known citizen of Lancaster, Pa..
Mr. L. B. Iveifer, writes: Having a
sprained leg of almost thirty days stand
ing), and after trying half a dozen adver
tised preparations in the market with
out satisfactory results, I was advised
to try Salvation Oil, did so, and in less
than three days my leg was all right
again. It did the work.
Hunnioutt’s lihomnatic Cure
Endorsed by the 31e<lieiil
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4, 1887.
H R. C. Cos.:
Gentlemen —I have used five bottles
of your H. R. 0., and cheerfully recom
mend it as the best blood purifier and
tonic I have ever used Mnce taking
yourouiel have gained twenty pounds
in weight. Yours truly,
Wm. Turner.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct 20, 1887.
H. R C Cos :
Gentlemen —I have used your Rheu
matic Cure in several cases of the worst
type, and lam glad to say it had the
desired effect in every case. I take great
pleasure in recommending your medicine
to those who are suffering Pom rheuma
tism audits attendant complication*, and
if tri and I am confident of its efficacy.
P O Box 02 J. A.. Nelms, M. D.
a cure in every case.
H. R. C Cos.:
Gentlemen —I pronounce your Rheu
matic Cure a success beyond question. I
have tried the great remedy in three
cases, and find a cure in every ease. I
pronounce it good. Very respectful Iv.
Dr \\ . L. Clay.
432 Wainnt St , Louisville, Ivv.
Atlanta, Da , March 3, ISMS.
H. K. C. Cos.:
Gentlemen—l take pleasure in sn'incr
that your Hunnicutt’s Rheum tic Cure is
the best I hive ever se-n. My mother,
who had been suffering with rheumatism
f>r thirty years, was entire v relieved by
a lew bottles Yours truly,
Joel Chandler Harris
Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 28, 1887.
Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.:
Gents —I hive taken your Hunnicutt’s
Rheumatic Cure for Inflammatory Rheuma
tism with great benefit It is, in t my
opinion, the best medicine for rheurna
tism T ever took.
Jno. D. Cunningham,
Ex-Judge U. S. Court of Ala
Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 4, 1888.
Hunnicutt Rheumatic Cure Cos.:
Gentlemen—lt affords me pleasure to
add my testimony to that of the many
who indorse your Hunnicutt s Rheumatic
Cure 1 had been a constant sufferer from
rheumatism for years, when 1 determined
to try your cure, and to my surprise and
delight one bottle was all I found neces
sary to relieve me of all symptoms of
rheumatism, and I deem it but justice not
only to those who originated this cure,
but to all others who may he suffering
from the same c;;use, to say this mu !i in
confirmation of what is claimed for this
medicine. Yours respectfully,
John W. Nelms.
Price—Bl per bottle Bix bottles $5.
Prepared only at Laboratory of Hunnicutt
Rheumatic Cure Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
23F*For sale by all Druggists.
Send for book of valuable information
and testimonials of well known citizens.
-i- EVERYBODY -i- HAPPY, -i-
The people have spoken, and the verdict is that the place for everybody buy thedheir Fall and Winter Dry Goods is at the
popular Dry Goods Emporium of
The Leaders of Low Prices.
Our mammoth stock for the fall and winter trade is now rolling in, and already we have on exhibition the grandest display 7 of
Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings, Flannels, Hosiery,
is full of attractions, embracing the latest styles aud all qualities.
A Regular Groundswell in Boots, Shoes and Hats.
But we haye not time now to enumerate. The people have long since learned that there is busihess in our advertisement'. We
are filling up every department to its utmost capacity 7 , and will soon speak more definitely of our various attraction-*.
Our buyers have struck a regular bonanza in bargains, and we cau easily lay Atlanta, Rome and Ch *n the shade
when it comes to prices.
Keep your eye on this space, aud listen for our racket during the fall campaign.
The Leaders of Low Prices.
125,000 Acres Timber Land!
3,000,000 Acres Florida Land. 5,000 Acres Iron Manganese.
Real - Estate, * Ton!, * Insurance.
Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes.
a us: >O-4 m.
During the next thirty days valuable
reading matter can be had for less than
half price at Wikle’s book store. ocs-2t
Just received, 500 gents’ and ladies’
Campaign (bandana) handkerchiefs, at
Seheuer Bros.
Sick headache, wind on the stomach,
biliousness, nausea, are promptly and
agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's
Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. 25c. a
vial. (>-8-3m
You can procure the best sewing ma
chines at reduced prices by going to
Wikle & Co.’s at once. oc 5-2 t
Bargains can be had in every 'depart
ment of Wikle & Co’s book store (his
month. oc 5-2 t
Those in want of coal, should see Jones
A Monfort for best coal and lowest
prices. Supply always on hand. 9 13-4 t
Writing tablets of all sizes and quali
ty 7 of paper—all ju ices from 2c. to 50c.,
at Wikle & Co.’s !>• >. k sore. ' oc 5-2 t
Gin house insurance can be,hud by
applying to Bartow Leake, Insurance
Agent, box 8, Cartersville, Ga.
Twenty-five barrels new glass at the
ten cent store also large lot new tin and
notions. It
The new “Triumphant Songs” sent by
mail for 35 cents per copy. Wikle & Cos.,
Cartersville, Ga. oc 5-2 t
Electric Hitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no specifil men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
sing the same song of praise.—A purer
medicine does not exist audit is guaran
teed to do all tLuit is Claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove impure blood. —
Will drive Malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.
—For cure of Headache, Consumption
and Indigestion try Electric letters —
Entire sat<sfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded.—Price 50 cts. and $1 00 per
bo tie at Wikle’s Drug Store. 5
Frequently- accidents occur in the
household which cause burns, cuts,
sprains and bruises; for use in such cases
Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini
ment has for many years been the con
stant favorite family remedy. 9 G-3m
Dry Goods! z Dry Goods!
H. B. Parks & Cos.
-vi Rome, GaJr
Dress Siiks^
Millinery, Flannels, Jeans, Boot?, Sheer and Clothing.
We are glad to aunouuee r. Dm tr *de of N wrh Q-i and A'abam i that we
are showing the largest stock < f D ,- v G< hmk, Ac., ever brought to rliis part of the
State. Our stock abounds with real and wonderful bargains throughout.
We buv goods in large quantities, thereby securing the lowest possible prices
of the manufacturers, Ac., which enable us f r cu to sell tuinv lines of goods at
prices that our competitors call “New York cost ’ Examine these prices :
3,000 yards Pacific Wool Cashmere, in all colors, only 10.
2,500 New York Fancy Worsted, in all colors, 15c, worth 20c.
2 Cases Fine Double Width Wool Serge Suiting, only 15c. worth 25c.
2 Cases 38 in. Fine All Wool Henrietta Serge, 374 c, will uot be matched for
less than 50c, out of our house. $
1 Case 38 iucii All Wool Henrietta, in ten shades, 55c, regular price, 05c.
Silks, Plushes, Velvets and Woolen Dress Goods,
In All the Latest Styles, with Trimmings to Match.
Our st >c>v of Hats, Bon lets, Tips, Plumes and Ribbons are simply beautiful and
the price very low.
® jeans, Cassimeres, &c.
Good Eastern Doeskin Jeans at 124 and 15c. Heavy 9 oiimee Kentucky Wool
Jeans, 25 and 36c. Onr best Longstaple Texas All Wool Jeans at 30c, 37ic and
42dc. This Texas Jeans is the best and cheapest fine Jeans in Georgia. All Wool
Red Flannel at 124 c, 18c, 20c, 25c and upward.
Boots, Shoes t Clothing'.
Men’s heavy every div Boots, all sizes. $1.75 aud $2.00. Rig job.
Men’s tine Sunday Shoes, all sizes, $1.50, $1.75 an Is 2 00. Bargains.
Women’s every day Shoes. 90c. SI.OO oid $1.25 Warranted solid.
Ladies Button Shoes, $1.25, $1.50 amt $1.75 Low in puce, high in grade.
Largest stock Solid Brogans, SI.OO, $1.15. $1.25 and $1.40. L >ok at them.
Clothing, Cloaks ancl Plush Wraps !
We are certainly headquarters for these goods. Don’t buy them till you see
our stock.
Make our store vour headquarters while in Rome and visiting tl e Exposition.
DOCK CUN YUS, of Bartow County, is with us aud lie will be glad to
~ee and wait upon any of his friends or serve them in any wav. Give him a call,
or if you can’t do this, send an order and it will have pn mpt attention .
Send for Samples and Prices.
H. B. PARKS & CO.,
20sep3ni. for Butterick’s Patterns.
In delicate health, and all who suffer
from habitual constipation, will find the
pleasant California liquid fruit remedy,
Syrup of Figs, more easily taken and
more beneficial in effect than any other
remedy. It acts promptly, yet gently on
the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, and Stom
ach, and does not sicken or debilitate.
Fetid Breath.
A bottle of Delectulave may save you a
month’s suffering. If your gums are
sore, heal them with Delectalave. Use
Delectalave on your tooth-brush, and
rinse out your mouth and between your
teeth with it, to remove the food particles
and prevent fermentation, which causes
a fetid breath- For sale by al 1 Giuggists
Tell me not, in mournful numbers
That this life is but a dream,
While Pomp Johnson feeds so cheaply,
And even hash is what it seems.
In the classic language of Shakespeare,
Pomp is a boss feeder.
The agency for the Atlanta Constitu
tion is at Wikle & Co.’s book store. 3t
The Weekly Constitution receives sub
scriptions through Wikle’s book store.
Call and learn of the inducements. 5-3 t
If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled
.th a hacking cough, use Dr. J H.
Lean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 9G-3m
Cluldren Fry For It.
I lie pleasant taste and agreeable aro
ma of Delectalave make its use attrac
tive to* children at well as to adults.
Early impress the child with the impor
tance of good teeth. Spare it the suffer
ing of decayed teeth by proper care and
attention. Keep its mouth clean and in
healthy state by using Delectalave.
For sale by all Druggists.
See Jones A Monfort about coal, wood
and kindling. <) 13-4 t.
A good supply of wood and coal will be
kept constantly on hand by Jones &
Monfort. 9 13-Jt
Gold watch charm, set with large to
paz. Finder will confer a favor and re
ceive a reward by returning to
G. 11. Aubrey.
Parents Criminally Liable.
More than half of all deaths occur fe
fore six years of age. An armv of inno
cent. lovely children are sw t -pt needlessly
away each yer. P>rents aie criminally
responsible for this. The death rate of
children in England is less than half this.
Acker’s English Baby Soother has done
more to bring this about than all other
causes combined. You cannot afford to
be without it. Sold by J. R. Wikle &
Go. eo w