Newspaper Page Text
How Kuvh In Manufactured.
! suppose most people by this time
know tbe orthodox mode of preparing
this It is chewed, or ought to he. as iu
Samoa by young and of course pretty
girls and the masticated stuff being
thrown into a bowl and mixed with water,
the woody particles are fished out with a
wisp of the fiber vau (a maivaceous tree.
Pantiuin sp ). and the liquor Is then car
ried round to each guest in order Of
course by the old school this mode of
preparation is thought very superior to
the Tougan innovation of pounding or
grating the root Certainly the Ingre
dients differ somewhat, and the dash of
human secretion m the orthodox mixture
possibly promotes digestion—an effect not
to be despised after a square meal of half
a dozen pounds of yam'
Even hi the humblest menage the na
tional bowl is not prepared w ithout some
form and circumstance —elaborate trudi
tionai motions of the hands in clearing
the bowl and rinsing the fiber, strict at
tentiou lo precedence in handing the cup
to the guests ia mutter in which, when
Europeans were concerned. I was in other
islands sometimes consulted), and to other
points of etiquette, the transgression of
which is viewed with some severity
Thus it is dertgueur to empty your cocoa
nut cup at a single draught On my first
occasion of drinking 1 had neglected tins
rule, for the cup was large, and the taste,
as I thought, nasty Accordingly, on re
turning the cup which you do by sending
it spinning along the door to the master
of ceremcmies. the usual quiet clapping of
hands and murmur of applause which
should follow this was withheld On dis
covering the cause of the silence 1 has
teued to explain that I had never tasted
the cup before, and thought it so good
that I could not resist prolonging the
pleasure, hut I saw that my solecism was
too great ,to bo easily excused.—Black
wood's Magazine.
V. liy Have a Seal on Deeds?
In a recent address before the Yale Kent
club, at New Haven, the venerable David
Dudley Field said “Another of the anom
alies which should be eliminated from our
legal system is the distinction between
sealed and unsealed instruments Can
anybody give a reason for this distinc
tion. except t.he historic one that seals
were used when most men were unable to
write? Now*, when most men do write,
why use the seal? Or if the seal is used,
why give it a significance and importance
not given to the writing? I find in your
revised statutes a provision that a deed
of real property must have a seal and two
witnesses at the least. You cannot trans
fer to your neighbor a cabin for SIOO
without these ceremonials, but you may
transfer to him $1,000,000 worth of rail
way stock by a simple signature, without
seal or witness Upon a sealed instru
ment you may bring suit within seven
teen years, hut if the seal is wanting you
must sue within six years Is it a reason
why these anomalies should be retained
in the valley of the Connecticut, because
they come from the valley of the
Thames?" —Scientific American.
She Went on to Say.
She began in ashy, shrinking, stammer
ing sort of way, and his heart gave a great
leap year bound, for he loved the girl with
that mad devotion which heiresses alono
can inspire But he was too poor and
proud to say so
“Er—Mr Sampson,” she said. “I trust
that you will pardon me —er —that is,
overlook what I—urn—if you would con
fcider" Then she stopped in shy dis
“Pray go on. Miss Clara.” he said
hoarsely, at the same time hitching his
chair, “you were about to say"
“1 was about to say, Mr Sampson, that,
our clock is nearly an hour slow, and it is
really getting very late. ” —The Epoch.
Attention, JR. If. L.
For sprains, bruises, rheumatism,
cramps, inflammation, swelling, cuts,
burns, etc., in man, and splint, ringbone,
windgall, epizootic, scratches, etc., in
horses, Ranguni Root Liniment is a sure
cure. The “King of Liniments” is the
universal verdict. Never fails to cure
any ailment that can be reached by an
external medical examination. 50 cents
per bottle. For sale by all druggists.
8-30 tl oc
E. P. O.
Don’t waste time and money and un
dergo needless torture with the knife
when Ethiopian Pile Ointment will afford
instant relief and certain cure in every
case of blind, bleeding, itching, internal
and external piles. Rangum Hoot Medi
cine Cos., Manufacturers, Nashville, Tenn.,
50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. 8-30 tl oc
East & West Railroad of Alabama,
Schedule in Effect.
No. I—West.1 —West.
Leave Cartersville 9.50 a ni
“ Rockinart .. 11.00 “
“ Cedartown ..12.19 p m
“ Cross Plains 1.40 “
“ Dukes....- 2.50 “
Arrive Pell City 5.30 “
No. 3—West,
Leave Cartersville 3.30 p m
“ Rock mart .' 5.15 “
“ Cedartown 6.30 “
“ Cross Plains 8,20 “
“ Dukes 10.00 “
Arrive Ragland 11.30 “
No, 2—East,
Leave Pell City v 8.00 a m
“ Dukes 11.05 “
“ Cross Plains 12.17 p m
“ Cedartown 2.03 “
“ Rockinart 3.07 “
Arrive Cartersville 4.35 “
No. 4 —East,
Leave Ragland 12.01 a m
“ Dukes 1.40 ••
“ Cross Plains 3.35 “
“ Cedartown 6.10 “
“ - Rockinart 7.27 “
Arrive Cartersville 9.04 “
No. s—West.
Leave Cartersville Transfer 4.15 a m
“ Rockinart 7.17
“ Cedartown 9.30 “
“ Cross Plains 12.14 p m
“ Dukes L 43
Arrive Pell City 510
No. 6 —East,
Leave Pell City •* O'* ® ,n
“ Dukes 7.43
“ Cross Plains 9.33
“ Cedartown 12.29 p m
“ Rockinart J°7 ”
Arrive Cartersvile 3.5s
Connection at Cartersville with W. A A.; Rock
mart with Ga. Division E. i . \ . A La., Cedar
town with C. It. A C.; Cross Plains with Ala. Di
vision E. T. V. A Ga ; Dukes with A. A C.; and
at Pell City with T. A C. and Ga. Pacific R.’y,
J. J. Calhoun G. P. A.
For Sale.
Two hundred and seventy cords of koo<l pine
(Jr. H. AL BKEY, Sec. C. L. C 0.6
Possesses many Important Advantages over all
other prepared Foods.
Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies.
Regulates the Stomach and Bowels.
Sold by Druggists. 5c., 50c., #I.OO.
Baby Portraits.
A Porttolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed
on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent
free to Mother of any Baby bom within a year.
Every Mother wants these pictures; scud at once.
Give Baby’s name and age.
WtLIS, RICHARDSON &. CO,, Props., Burlington, Vt.
It's Easy to Dye
P 1/lM OKEjQ y£s
|[ jjfp44= Superior
/wJpT' Strength,
' Beauty,
f) Simplicity.
Warranted to color more goods than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take
no other. 36 colors ; 10 cents each.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington, Vt.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents.
~ CIR.
A Most Effective Combination.
This well known Tonic and Nervine is gaining
great reputation as a cure for Debility, Dyspep
sia, and NERVOUS disorders. It relieves all
languid and debilitated conditions of the sys
tem ; strengthens the intellect, and bodily functions;
builds up worn out Nerves : aids digestion ; re
stores impaired or lost Vitality, and brings back
youthful strength and vigor. It is pleasaut to the
taste, and use ' regularly braces the System against
the depressing influence of Malaria.
Price—sl.oo per Pottle of 24 ounces. *
'• \ m_ if
Hence it is nothing strange that their verdict
has been rendered in favor of the pleasant and
The most efficient preparation for cleansing and
preserving the teeth Ask your neighbor about it.
Bead what Dr A. \V. Calhoun, the celebrated
specialist, says about Delectalave:
“It affords me pleasure to bear testimony to
its virtue, and to state that its curative proper
ties are beyond question. “I recommend it to
the public.”
Delectalave will whiten the teeth, harden and
beautifv the gums, purify the breath, prevent the
formation of tarta , aid in preserving the feet,
cure tender and bleeding gums.
Ask for Delectalave and Have Nothing
Sold by Druggists at 50 cents.
Wholesale Druggist, Gen. Agts., Atlanta, Ga.
Sriginal Wins.
nons, St. Louis, Prop’r
>ns Liver Medicine, Est’d
U. S. Court DEFEATS J.
op’r A.Q.Simmons Liv
r, Est’d by Zeilin IS6S.
L>. M. has for 47 years
jestion, Biliousness,
\,Sick Headache,Lost
, Sour Stomach, Etc.
B. Reams, Pastor M. E.
dams, Tcnn., writes: “1
ould have been dead but
ur Genuine M. A. Sim-
Liver Mbdicine. I have
imes had to substitute
n’s stuff” for your Medi
but it don’t answer the
se ”
]. R. Graves, Editor The
t, Memphis, Tenn. says:
1 a package of your Liver
, and have used half of it.
ike a charm. I want no
ver Regulator and ceis
more of Zeilin’s mixture!
Mining j
Every Miner or Metallurgist, and Every Investor
in Mines Should Read It.
Contains every thing of interest and value in min
ing and metallurgy. The fullest mining news
The best coal, metal, and mining stock market
‘i7 Park Place, New York.
g Ci has given univer
-1 satisfaction in the
re of Gonorrhoeet and
Leet. I prescribe it and
el safe in recommend
g it to all sufferers.
Decatur, 111.
PRICE, 91.00.
Sold by Druggists.
J R. Wilde & Cos., Agents. ieblO-ly
* ttAiEo juUltithN MUSIC HOUSE.
Mid-Sumiiisr Sale
BUY now
1,000 First-CiaHN nauos and
Organs to be sold iit June, July,
Augast a.tit Sepiember at SSpol
Cash Prices. Payable,
PIANO**. •.'-£<- C.Cs-ZX nows.
tkUGAXIii, J4l'> ML DOWN,
amt Hie ha'anco next November
Ist, without liuervrif or advance
jilt Pr<ce. AH our Pianos and Or
included lit this sale, oar
( lieapestauc! oar Best. No ex*
ceptions. Your choice from tea
leading makers asxel over joo
Styles Prices.
New Makers, New Instruments, New
Styles. New Prices. Great Improvements
in our Lower Priced Instruments.
Large purchases enable us to offer Re
duced Prices. Here are samples.
coo c mF&sasz six
„7V / £ ~ g 3 Strings, Beautiful Rosewood
La £** M Case, Full Rich Tone. Guar
anteed perfect, and durable. Maker's Price,
8& r >u.
£0 k n PIANO.
AN / 14,1 § Size, 3 Strings, Fuil Iron
t ife# Frame, Ivory Keys, Rich
Rosewood Ca>-e. First-class every way.
[jquals Fi an os usually sold at 8300 and $350.
Maker's Price, S7o ! ‘.
With Pianosa Plush 'Fop Stool,
T a '.ii<aossne Cover, Instructor,
Music Rook j'.jecs i*U IPreigrlit Paid.
■ri% gr nDPRSS Five Octaves, 2 sets
Unbilr . of? 1 / Octave Reeds,
jk gll 5 Stops, 'olid Walnut Case. High
Zj v Top,Lamp Stauus, Music Pocket,
Fell Sweet Tone. Maker's Price , 8150.
0* w* ■ nor* CL Four Full Sets Reeds,
k* UlltfKl*. lb Genuine Stops,
o*l Rich Case, Beautiful Parlor Or
il HJ ean. Thousands sold. All pur
chasers delighted. Maker's Price, 8200.
Witli Each Organ a Kisie Stool,
jatti Instructor, Music Bools, and
AH Freight
Order and test in your own Home.
\o money required until Instrument
is satisfactory. We pay Freight both
ways if no sale. The fairest way to deal.
Our Instruments are good and cheap, and
a tria‘ always gives a satisfied purchaser.
Mend for Mill-Summer Sale Cir
REMEMBER. Lowest Prices; Easiest
Terms: Best Instruments: Fine Stools and Cov
ers- All Freight Raid; 15 Days' Trial; Six
Years' Guarantee; Square Dealing; One Price
Only: Money Saved: All!
“ The highest authority known as to the
use of the English language.”
With or without Denison’s Patent Index.
The Standard of the Leading
Publishers, Magazines, and News
The Dictionary of the Scholar for Spelling,
Pronunciation, and Accuracy in
Send for large Circular to the Publishers,
Treatment by Inhalation.
1620 Pa.
For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dyspep
sia, Catarrh, H ly Fever, Headache, Debility,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and all ( hronic and
Nervous Disorders.
••The Compound Oxygen Treatment,” Drs.
Star Rev A Palen, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadel
phia, have been using for the last seventeen
years, is a scientific adjustment of the elements
of Ox.vge > and Nitrogen magnetized, and the
compound is so condensed and made portable
that it is sent alt over the world.
Drs. Starkey A Palen have the liberty to
refer to the following named well-known persons
who have tried their Treatment:
Hon Wm. 1). Kelley, member of Congress, Phila.
Rev. Victor L. Conrad, editor Lutheran Ob
server, Philadelphia.
Rev. Charles W. Cushing, D. I)., Rochester. N. I .
Hon. Wm. Penn Nixon, editor Inter-Ocean, Chi
cago, 111.
W. H. Worthington, editor New South, Birming
ham, Ala.
Judge 11. I’. Vrooinan, Quenemo, Kan.
Mrs Mary A. Livermore, Melrose, Mass,
Judge R.S Voorbees. New York City.
Mr E C. Knight, Philadelphia.
Mr. Frank Siddall, merchant, Philadelphia.
Hon. W. W. Schuyler, Easton, I’a.
EdvCard L. Wilson. 833 Broadway, N. Y., editor
Phila. Photo. T
Fideliam Lyon, Waimea, Hawaii, Sandwich !.
Alexander Ritchie, Inverness, Scotland,
Mrs. Manuel V. Ortega, Fresuillo, Zacatecas,
Mexico. . , x,
Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Spanish Honduras,
C. A.
.T. Cobb, Ex-Vice Consul, Casablanca, Morocco.
M. V. Ashbrook, Red Bluff, Cal.
James Moore, Sup't Police, Blandford, Dorset
shire, England.
Jacob Ward. Bowral, New South Wales.
And thousands ot others in every part of the
United States.
“Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and
Results.” is the title of anew brochure of two
hundred pages, published by Drs. Starkey A
Palen, which gives to all inquirers full informa
tion as to this remarkable curative agent and a
record of several hundred surprising cures in a
wide range of chronic cases—many of them
after being abandoned to die by other physi
cians. Will be mailed free to any address on
application. Read the brochure!
No. 15*9 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa
Cleveland and Victory.
And the Contest of 1888 Opened
The triumphs of the Constitution in reporting
the campaign of 1884 are well remembered! it
was the first Southern paper to announce Cleve
land’s election and majority, and Atlanta had
celebrated tha t event before other Southern cities
knew of it! The Constitution ted all Southern
papers in I**4.
Our arrangements for reporting
are fuller than ever before. We have established
correspondents in Boston, New York, Cincinnati,
Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco —and mem
bers of the Constitution staff will make frequent
trips through the doubtful States.
Through special and exclusive arrangements
with the Boston Herald, New York World, Chi
cago News and St. Louis Globe-Democrat, the
progress of the campaign will be detailed in the
Constitution as in no other Southern newspaper.
Special letters will be printed weekly from the six
leading correspondent* of the country.
The Constitution stands, as it has always
stood, high in the confidence of democratic lead
ers, and their views will be expressed Through its
columns. We pledge our readers that the great
campaign in 18S8 will be
Reported With a Fullness
and accuracy never before attempted by a South
ern newspaper. Subscribe now for the campaign !
The daily will be furnished for $l.O > per month,
or $2.50 for three months and $5.00 for six
months. The weekly, 12 pages, and full of the
campaign, 50 cents for six months or SI.OO a
This offer of fifty cents for the weekly Constitu
tion for six months, ought to put every Georgian
who can read on our list. Twelve pages every
week for six months for fifty cents.
Subscribe at once. Send fifty cents and gef the
full campaign news. Address
Atlanta, Ga
This is to warn any party or parties not to
hunt, fish, or otherwise trespass, on the lands
known as the Scott, farm, near Adairsville. Ev
ery requirement of law has been met with in
posting this property. Any violation of the
same will be promptly prosecuted.
A. M. Capkrs.
Adairsville, Ga., Sep. 2nd.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing between
G. H. Aubrey, R. W. Murphy and Chas. McEwen,
under the firm name of G. 11. Aubrey A Cos., has
been dissolved by limitation and mutual consent.
The real estate business will be conducted by
Aubrey & McEwen at the old stand. Public
patronage respectfully soliticed.
R. W Murphy,
Chas. McEwen.
Tax Collector s Notice.
I will be at the following named places on the
days mentioned below for the purpose of col
lecting State and county tax for the year is**.
Rate per cent, sight dollars and six cents ($8.00)
on the thousand:
Sixth District, Oct. 10, 20, Nov. 12,
. Adairsville, Oct 15, 30. Nov 13,
Cassville, Oct, 11, 31, Nov 16,
Kingston, Oct 1(5, Nov 1, 15,
Euharlee, Oct 17, Nov 2; 10,
Pine Log. Oct 12, Nov 5, 26,
Wolf Pen, Oct 22, Nov li, 28,
Stamp Creek, Oct 23, Nov 7, 29,
Allatoona, Oct 24, Nov 8, 23,
Cartersville, Oct 26, Nov 9, Dec 4,5, 6,7, 11, 12,
Salacoa, Oct 13, Nov 27,
Iron Hill, Oct 18, Nov 20,
Taylorsville, Oct 19, Nov 21,
Emerson. Oct 25, Nov 30,
Stilesboro, Nov 22,
Hall’s Mills, Nov 14.
As 1 have put the time off as late as I possi
bly could, 1 hope every tax payer will pay up
promptly, as ti fas will be issued after the dates
have expired.
All legal voters whose names are not on the
tax books should come and have their names
registered. J. F. LINN.
Tax Collector Bartow county Ga.
Sept. 22(1, 1888.
Notice of JLooal Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Assembly
of Georgia for the passage of a bill, of which the
following is the caption:
To be entitled an act to amend the charter of
the city of Cartersville so as to authorize and
empower the Mayor and Aldermen ot the city of
Cartersville to levy and collect a special tax on
all the taxable property in said city, not to ex
ceed one-half (V 2) ot one per cent for the purpose'
of defraying the expenses of water supply and
tire protection for said city.
,1 NO . H. WiKLE,
W. (’. BAKER,
H. H. Haul,
D. W. K. Peacock,
J. T. Norris,
Cartersville, Ga,, Oct. 3rd 1888.
Notice of Local Legislation
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next session of the General Asembly
of Georgia lor the passage of the following act
AN” act
To be entitled an act to amend the charter of
the city of Cartersville, so as to authorize tlie
Mayor and Council to establish a system of
public schools, and to provide revenue for the
support of the same, a nd to authorize the county
school commissioners of Bartow county to pay
over to the corporate authorities of said city
for the use of said public schools such part of
tin* State school fund as may be their just pro
rata share thereof, and for other purposes there
in mentioned. \
,T. C. Wofford,
Jno. H. Wiki.e,
\Y. C. Baker,
H. 11. Hale.
D. W. K. Peacock,
J. T. Norris.
Cartersville, Ga.. Oct. 3, 1888.
Notice ol‘ Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that application will be
made to tlie next General Assembly of Georgia
for the passage of an Act oi which the following
is the caption:
To he entitled an act to alter and amend the
charter of the city of Cartersville, approved
August 27th, 1872, and the acts amendatory
thereo , so as to authorize and empower the
Mavor and Aldermen of said city to assess, levy
ami collect annually an ad valoruin tax not to
exceed one per cent., (instead of one-half of one
per cent., as now provided), for the general pur
poses and expenses of sajd city. To prescribe
the mode of assessing the taxable property in
said citv, and to confer additional powers on the
Mayor and Aldermen of said city in regard to
the levying and collecting of special taxes or
licenses in said city and for other purposes men
tioued therein.
j. C. Wofford,
W. C. Baker.
H. H. Hall,
I). W. K. Peacock,
Jno. H. Wikle,
J. T. Norris.j
Cartersville, Ga., October 3d, 1888.
V Cofnty. To all whom it may concern:
Thomas M. Drummond, executor of Pinkney G.
Drummond, deceased, has in due form applied
for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate
of said deceased, and said application will be
heard on the first Monday in November, 1888.
This 28th Sept., 1888. J. A. HOWARD,
tors.—All persons having demands against
the estate of Mrs. Adelaide N. Roberts, late of
said county, deceased, are hereby notified to
render in their demands to the undersigned, ac
cording to law, and all persons indebted to said
estate required to make immediate payment.
This sth September, 1888.
0-0-6 w Adm’r Mrs. N. A Roberts ,dec'd
The regular quarterly meeting of the stock
holders of the Cartersville Land Company will
be held at the office of Jno. T. Norris on Thurs
day. the 4th inst. at 7 o’clock, n. m.
G. H. AUBREY, Sec. C. L Cos.
Bartow sheri ffssales.—will
lie sold before the court house door in ( ar
tersvMle, Bartow County, Georgia, on The first
Tuesday in November,l bet ween t he legal hours
of sale', to the highest bidder, the following
described property, to-wit:
Four hundred (40 0 acres, more or less, of
land, in the sth district and 3d section of Bar
tow countv, Ga.. being parts of lots numbers
two hundred and thirty (23d). two hundred and
thirty-eight (2381, two hundred and sevent.v
three (273), two hundred and seventy-four (274).
and two hundred and sixt.v-seven (267), described
in deed from L. S. Mu afford to Martha E. Bish
op, recorded in book “Z” of deeds, pages 234-35
cleric's office Superior court said county, which
is here referred to, covering the entire interest
and title to said land, except the minerals there
in and thereon. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of the defendant, I>. F. Bishop, to
satisfy one fi. fa issued from the city court of
Cartersville, Bartow county, Ga., in favor of K.
A. Clayton, assignee of J. J. Howard & Son vs.
I>. T. Bishop. Said property in possession of D.
F. Bishop at his death, in summer of I**7, now
in possession of his widow. Property pointed
out by plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number 141, lying and being in the sth District
and 3rd section of Bartow county Georgia con
taining one hundred and forty eight acres more
or less, levied on as The property of \V. H. Linn one
of the defendants inthisfifn. Property, pointed
out by XV. H. Linn, levied on and w II be sold as
the property of W. H. Linn to satisfy one Bar
tow Superior court fi fa. in favor of John Harper,
vs. G. H Gilreath and W. H. Linn.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number 146, in The 17th district and 3rd section
of Bartow county. Georgia. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of U. B. Trippe to satisfy
one Justice Court fi fa from Sslst District G. M.,
in favor of W. M. Moore and J. H. Sims for the
use of officers of court, vs It. Is. Trippe. Prop
perty pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, seventy eight
(78) acres more or less of lot of land number two
hundred and fifteen (215 it being the southern
portion of said number two hundred and fourteen
(214) also one hundred (10fi| acres more or less,
it being the western portion of lot number two
hundred and nineteen (219) all lying in the sth
district and 3rd section of Bartow eouuty, Geor
gia. Levied on and will be sold as the property
of ,J. XV. Henderson, deceased, in the hands of
Nancy Henderson as his administratrix to be ad
ministered, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court
fi fa in favor of Sinclair McHenderson, vs, Nancy
Henderson administratrix of Jno. \V. Henderson,
deceased, property pointed out by I. D. Hender
son and in possession of Yancy Henderson ad
ministratrix, etc.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land
number one hundred and forty-six (146) in the
17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county,
Georgia, as the property of the defendant R B.
Tripp. Property pointed out by defendant, to
satisfy one Justice Court ti fa issued from the
*slst District G. M. for the use of officers of court,
vs. It. B. Tripp.
’Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
numbers one thousand two hundred and ninety
seven (1297), one thousand one hundred and fifty
(1150) and one thousand and eigh'.v <iv<- oo*bi
all lving in and being in The 21st district and 2nd
section of Bartow county, each lot containing
forty (40) acres more or less, also, lot of land
number one thousand two hundred and sixty-one
(1261) lying in the 4th district and 3rd section
of said county containing forty (40) acres more
■or less. Levied on and will he sold as the prop
erty of Jno. T. Moore, to satisfy one Bartow .su
perior court fi fa in favor of'the New England
Mortgage Security Cos., vs. John T Moore. The
defendant, John T. Moore, waives written notice
of levy. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s
Att’y, G. H. Aubrey.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
nrmbers two hundred and five (205) two
hundred and six (206) two -hundred
and fifteen (215) two hundred and sixteen
(216) and two hundred and thirty-six (236). lying
all in the Pith district and 3rd section of Bartqw
county, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of A. F. Woolley, one of ihe defen
dants, to satisfy one Bartow Superior court fi fa
in favor of Thomas A. Loveless, vs. John F.
Harden, A. F. Woolley and Berrys A Cos, proper
ty in possession of defendant A. F. Woolley and
pointed out by C. D. McCutchen attorney for
A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff,
■T W. WILLIAMS, Deputy Sheriff
JL By virtue of an order of the Superior court
of Bartow county directed to me as receiver of
the estate of James M. Denman, late of said
county, deceased. I will sell before the court
house door in said county, on the first Tuesday
in November next, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, the following prop
erty, to-wit:
First: Lot of land number two hundred and
twelve (212), in the 6th district and 3d action of
said county.
Second: The northwest fourth or forty acres
in the northwest corner of lot of land number
two hundred and eleven (211), in the same dis
trict and section.
Third: The southwest fourth or forty acres
in the southwest corner o ! said lot of land num
ber two hundred and eleven (211). in the 6th dis
trict and 3d section of said county.
Fourth : Two undivided sevenths of the north
halves of lots of land numbers one hundred and
seventy-nine (179), and two hundred and. six
(206i, in the 6th district and 3d section of paid
Fifth: The remainder or reversion after the
expiration of tlie* life estate of Catharine F. Den
man, tenant in dower, in the south halves of lots
of land numbers one hundred and seventy-nine
(179) and two hundred and six (206), in the 6th
district and 3d section of said county.
Said lands will be sold for distribution under
the decree of tiie court, made, or to be made, in
the case of A. P. Wofford, adra’r, etc., of James
M. Denman, dec’d, vs. Thos. H. Baker and oth
ers in Bartow Superior court, and will be sold in
separate parcels in the order named, and as de
scribed. Said sale being made subject to con
firmation by the Superior court of said county.
Terms cash, payable on the confirmation of the
sale. Oct. 2d, is**. R. W. MURPHY,
. Rec. estate of James M. Denman.
I Under and by virtue of an prder and judg
ment of the court ot ordinary of Bartow coun
ty, Georgia, granted at the regular May term,
1888, of said court, will be sold before the court,
house door in Cartersville, Georgia, vitliin the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No
vember. PBS, the following lots and parts of
lots or land to-wit:
Dots ot land numbers five hundred and ninety
(5!)o). six hundred and thirty.three (633), six
hundred and sixt.v-three v<?(;:{) and six hundred
and sixty-four (664), located in tlie 21st district
and 2d se tion of Bartow county. Georgia, each
of said lots of land containing forty acres,
or less. Known as the Island Mill plantation of
Ira W. \' aldrip, deceased. Said plantation is
situated in the southeast portion of Bartow
< ounty, Ga., on the Etowah river, eight miles
from the city of Cartersville, Ga.. and six miles
from Acvvorih, Ga., and has thereon a good corn
mill, cotton gin and press, two ordinary frame
dwellings and outhouses. Said mill, gin and
press are all in good running order and the
lands are of two grades, to-wit, good river bot
tom and uplands, all of which is situated in the
mineral belt of Bartow county, Ga.
And also the undivided one-half interest in lot
of land number seven hundred and eighteen, lo
cated in the 21 sf district and 2d section of Bar
tow county, Georgia, said lot containing forty
acres, more or less. The other undivided halt in
terest in said last named lot of land number
seven hundred and eighteen is owned by Kinsley
Stegall. Said lot is situated about three
fourths of a m la northeast of Emerson, or Ste
gall's Station, in the mineral belt of Bartow
county, Ga., and is unimproved wild land, The
Title is good. The terms ot said sale are cash,
and for the benefit of the creditors of said es
tate. This October 2d, 1888.
.James C. Waldrip,
Executor of Ira \Y. Waldrip, deceased.
OTOCK law electiox.-ordina
fVies office, Bartow county, Ga.—Whereas peti
tion has been tiled in the Ordinary’s office, (and
notice has been given as required by Law,) pray
ing that the question “For Fence or Stock Law”
be submiited to the lawful voters of the.s.Ylst Dist.,
G. M. in said county. Ordered that an election
be held at the usual place of holding elections for
members to the General Assembly, in the said
851st District G. M. on Saturday October 27th,
1888, on the question of "For Fence or Stock
Law” and that said election be held under the
same rules and regulations as one provided tor
members of 'lie General Assembly and that re
turns be made as provided by statute And it is
further ordered that this order be published for
'fifteen days in the Coubant-American a newspa
per published in said county and posted at the
election precinct in said district. Granted this
3rd October, 188S. A. HOB AUD,
Ordinary, Bartow county. Ga.
XX GIA — Bartow Cofnty :—Agreeably to an
order of the court of ordinary of Bartow county,
Georgia, will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door of said county on the first
Tuesday in November, 1888, within the legal hours
of sale,’the following property, to-wit: The undi
vided one-half Interest in throne story brick store
house and lot formerly known as the A. A. Skin
ner & Cos. store. Said store fronting 25 feet,
more or less, on Main street oi> the north, and
lot running back south 200 feet, more or less.
Sold as the property of estate of A. A. Skin
ner, late of said county, deceased, for division.
Terms one-half cash, balance in six mouths with
interest at eight per cent, per annum. .
$4 35 Adm’r estate A. A. Skinner, dec’d.
FJOR SAKE.—BY Vliril E ()K ,V~
I der issued from the Superior •<-, '!{-
tow county, Georgia, under sectim T ,f Hr.
Code of 18*2. will be sold for the p un> ' of bi<-
titfon and division between tlx* ten ; r
moil. Mrs. Mary C. Jones. Mr*. Viruii ■" v .
ardson. Julius P. Jones. Evans i |, 1
ard U. Jones. Estelle F. Jones and I’enw iV ;
before the court house door in Carte,, ,il "-
within the legal hours of sale on the 1 U| ,
day in November, I***, the following
to-wit: " wtat*.
A certain tract or parcel of land in
of Stilesboro. in Bartow countv an.i i
the Mosely A* Reed lots, containing’ e’ "
acres, more or less, and adjoining th,- i " n
the Dr. Steven's estate, J. j> . '
Beasiey. Said lot having upon it T ’ i" 5 '''
fortable five room *ra:ne residence win '
tenant houses, smoke house and w* V
good repair. . -a.:
Also tract No. T containing two p, r
thirty-five <2351 ac r ***. more or less, aim ’7,
iug all of lots numbers one thousand n
dred and forty-four (114 L. one thou, “."i
hundred and fortv-tive (1145) and one -
two hundred aud fourteen (1214). and
one thousand two hundred and thirl,
and 35 acres of one thousand two hun !•• t ’
thirty-five (1235 , and 10 acres of one
two hundred and thirty-six (1236), and ~
of one thousand two hundred and ,
(1286), and 5 acres of 11 in the l*th ;-•
3rd section of Polk county, Ga. ~\li f
fractional parts of said lots lying
west of Euharlee creek, the center of-....,,
being the line. Upon this tract is loca
posit of 6 or 7 acres of good brow
iron ore. This tract contains 80 acres of\!,„
land, and 155 acres in cultivation, us . —""
first bottom and *7 acres of second hot
all well watered by Euharlee creek on ti.. -h
east sides. Also.
Tract No. 2, containing 280 acres, n
and comprising all of lots Nos. on, T ''
one hundred and forty-six i1146),0m* ■ V
one hundred and fifty-nine (1159!, ont : M , s
two hundred and sixteen (1216i, one u
two hundred and thirty-three 123., ~,.
sand two hundred and thlrtv-four s. 1
thousand two hundred and eighty--.> v
one thousand two hundred and eig'. '
(12**). 80 acres of this tract is wo
the remainder in -cultivation, a' pnrri. n 1’
very tine bottom land, the balance tii-.-t"
land. On this tract is .orated a good t , r
frame dwelling, a lasting- well, and a
house; also, about 5 acres of good j fn ).
Tract No. 3, containing 2CO acres c m
comprising lots Nos. one thousand on< mp. i ,
and sixty (1160), one thousand two hi;: • . ]
seventeen (1217), one thousand two hundred
eighteen (1218), one thousand two him i-.j
thirty-two (1232), and one thousand - ~ ;
dred and eighty-nine (12*0). 100 an. ,f
tract is in cultivation, a portion being tu.e i
tom and the remainder good upland The ....
mainder of the tract is woodlan o ; ,
tract are located several comfortable .
houses, with stables, one now barn and i
good water.
Ml 01 said above lands are located in :! j- ;/<
district and 3rd section oi Bartow ,•.. 1 *i.*>. t| ,
except 5 acres m Polk, as ab.-ve and
- known as tlx- ui..k„i >OK
Euharlee creek, two miles from days ,
the E. & \V. It. H., and 14 miles west ,c
ville. The said Dickerson plant atm: - :
enjoyed the reputation of being one e
bodies of land in Bartow county < <
The late William Peek, of Polk 1 ■ ,1
versally conceded to be one of tic- best ; :
farming loads in the State, and who tin. p .
known to purchase an acre of poor hun
said plantation at public outcry for tic -
The above property will be sold on ti-.
iug terms : < *ne third cash, t li• bnlnn cin
equal payments due in one ami two • s,
interest from date at * per cent. per a 1.
hundred dollar notes will be required in
ferred payments and bond for title gh . . i .
perfect to ail of said property.
Parties who wish to examine said t !>•
the day of sale can have the bounds. ■ -
out by consulting Mr. Tom Williams. .1 <
on the place. August, 20th, I***.
t DMINLSTRATORS sale.-chas
V. Wofford, et als vs. Camilla \\ • onl
administratrix oi James Wofford, dr ■•■ascii, -■
als, in equity in Bartow Superior court. I:
obedience to and as directed by the final d<.
of the Superior court of Bartow county ivnd-m
in tlie above state* 1 case, will be sold it puff
outcry before the court house door in art-T*
A-ille, Ga., on the Ist Tu< s lay in Noven.l i r ]ss*
within the legal hours 01 sale, one hum I red m.
thirty acres, more or less, of lot of land nuic •
two hundred and ninetv-eiglit, (2*.**) in the
distri -t and third section of Bartow, i-omc.
Ga., about forty acres of same more or less
cleared and in cultivation, the balance well tim
bered, the same being all That part of said Ic
on which James Wofford lived,and wlii -h is m-i.
tioned in item two of his will. Terms of sale
One-half cash, tlie balance at 12 months ti n
Purchaser’s note taken for balance bearing in
terest from date of sale until paid a- 1 -icht pv
cent, per annum. Bond for titles given ro pin
chaser. Titles perfect.
Camilla Woffobij,
Adm’rx. estate of James Wofford, • and
(A eorgia-i.artow county-ln
vT the Superior court of said county—Knu
S Cole vs. James M. Cole, open court •1:
term, I*BB. It appearing to the cour from di
entry of the sheriff on this Libel for Divorce and
process, that the defendant cannot be found m
this county, and it further appearing T <>
court that the defendant resides nut of '
State, it is therefore ordered that set vi ■ of ’ -
Libel anil process be perfected on said :•*!*■] ' a
by publication once a month for four mo-phs. i:
the public gazette in which tlie sherifi s -ol* s
said c-ouuty are advertised, a- jir • h-d
statute, and that this Libel for Divn
the same is hereby made returnable f■ - die n* \
term of this court. This July l**tli, I**B
,T C. Fain. J. S. c. C. * •
A true extract from the inmates m i'-m
Superior court. F. M. Durham, < 1< 1 S. 1
J j Weaver vs. Peter Weaver, l'-ai'P-u
perior court. It appearing from !.e ~!eu
return that the defendant is not to be i< u
the county, and it further appearing dm
fendant is a non-resident of this Sta 1 - .1 *' '
dend that the defendant do appear and ut)
hi.s defense in this court at tlie next u rm <6
court, and it is also ordered thu; ser 1 ■- r
fected on tin* defendant by the pu Jie
order in the Courant-Anierii-an. a r
fished in this county, as required by 1
in such cases provided. August 4th. 1-'
J. C. FAIN, J. * < (
A true extract from the minutes oi !'
perior court. F. M. Pi RHAM. 1
iO 1 ountv. Cleo J. Ileslep v* David and .
Bartow Superior cout-f, July term,l** v . ! --‘"
divorce; rule to perfect service.
It appearing to the court by the 1
sheriff, that tlie defendant doe- not 1 ~i
county, and it further appearing- )
not reside in this .•state, it is on mot ;
ordered that said defendant appear am*
at the next term of this court, else th ",
be considered in default and the plain -
to proceed. Audit is further ordered
rule be published in the CourariT-.'. m*' :
Cartersville, Ga., once a month for f<) :
This publication shall lie process an
saini* on defendant. July iB, l**"*-
A true extract from minutes of said <■*
F. M. DURHAM. ier*
Superior court, July term, y .
Roberts vs. David Roberts. It app ,> ! - !
court by the return of the sheriff in
stated case that the defendant does no- .
said county, and it further appearing ;
without the jurisdiction of this con;
fore ordered by the court thr. • sei-\ 1
fected on the defendant by the public.-
order once a month for four nioatn*
next term of this court, in tl.<* ( au '
can, a newspaper published in Bar
Georgia. Granted this Sept, loth, I s '
R. W. Murphey, A i
Plaintiff's Attorney. J. * 1
A true extract from the minutes.
F. M. Durham,
VJI Whereas, B. A. Iseman, administu'
ward Culliana, deceased, represents in
tion duly tiled and entered on record. 1
fully administered Edward Culliana -
This is therefore to cite all person?* < • .■
heirs and creditors, to show cause, u aij.
can, why said administrator should 1: 11 .
charged from his administration and u -
ters of dismission on the first Monday in
ber next. Aug. 14th, 18*8. J. A. HO 'A • ;
$5 00 ■Oidm.ih^.
GEORGIA—BahtoW County, t o *
it may concern: The commissionei>
to net apart a twelve month's suppo' j
two minor children of Mrs. A. N- ‘o. ■ * ■
ceased, out of the estate of said dec. <■■'"* %
made their report, and the same is m
in my office, and if no good cause is * I
the contrary the same will be allowed 1 ,1
the judgment of Ihe court on tlx* m'*
1. November. 1888. loklßr, o.®“'-' I