The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 16, 1901, Image 5

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UXBRIDGE, FEB. 16, 1901 CITY DIRECTORY. •TOH-E. J. Willis. MAI58BAI..-B. li lt. Depaty Mavaluil, W . U. Scott. 1 o- l-tn. Ulor* Bold. Ci.snK 0KO0UKCIL.-B. h-.nm (JITY I 1 KK.— il. A. 1-J tl«, Srr.jsm.—W. W. Wright, W. t). Mathis Htcui, is. T. Hines, \. Berry, L F Fttt. COUNTY DIRECTORY. ■ilSART.—T. B. M:\xwcll. OLEK It. OoORT.-U. W. Wimberly. S11 K 1FK Fattorscm ‘ * 44 SU- »K- OO LI jECT OK.— fetTOEY OF SECRET SOCIETIES V \SOS!C. l.nnoE, No. 1 —Meets 3rd Thursday 1 -,t fuch month, »it rf p. m. 1.1 n Harrell, W. M.; O. U. WuodbijU, S fj.’o 1: Toole, j. w.; J. P. llrotvn. See Vi I Me 1 vre, I rons.; V. . W- I aimer, S. U., r ’V11'e i.i-.lT. 1. ThouilsOM, S. 8 ; W. Inins*J. s’; V. lb-rry,Tyler. IU1MBIDGE IE.A . t’HAITE X >. a». 11 B. Toole, High Fioest; L. F. Pitt- iiug; Ur. k. 1). Wilson, Scribe; B. KNKillTSuF PYTHIAS, r boniiR, So.»«—Meets 1st and 3rd ii’sii.ij sin each month, 8 1>. J&7-VJ SS. M.oTw.-d KToog flt;M ; "vimhS.dy '' ^’^iagnim. I j, i.’imfl’.jut. 0. ir.—J. 1». Bioukett id you get that valentine? Dressed and dried boards at Reid Son’s; near depot. See “Ed’s Valentine” in another lninu of today’s papeh The cirotis was in town yesterday d was fairly well patronized. 12c pound Sage, absolutely fresh d pure at Grenala Drug Co. Thursday was St. Valentine’s day ;id was highly enjoyed by many of ;,r young people who sent orreoeiv- ’ greetings. Mr. J. II. Brinson has began work In his new livery stable on West St., ad hopes to have it completed with- twenty or thirty davs. onft loads of lot manure for sale ree trow nut grass and saw dust. II B. Brockett. Mr. and Mi*ij. D. D. Boozer enter- iained their friends Tuesday evening ud Wednesday evening of the pres et week. Both affairs were highly njoy a Ido. Ordinary Maxwell informs us that the matrimonial market has become dull. He trusts, however, that as the sap begins to rise the tables will he turned. Thorough bred Shepherd pups for sale. Apply to H. B. Brookelt, Bain bridge, Ga. The organ grinder has been in town this week just a going about ‘“monkeying” a rouud everybody’s gate and grinding on their nerves with the music he renders. Don’t forget that the adjourned term of Decatur Superior Co 1 rt convenes Monday next. Every one interested should be on hand that the court may not. be delayed. Mr. W. II. Carr has closed a trade for a bail ling lot on College street and will erect’ a handsome cottage thereon at a near date. He will un-VC his family here as soon as it is completed. WANTED—To hnv cows with or without calves, for stock purposes. Good prices paid. No old stock wanted. *E. ft Piper; Brinson, Ga. The city of Bainbridgcin the coun ty of Decatur, state of Georgia, U S. A., st anus in need of a first class cot ton mill, and a cotton seed oil mill as well. It is to Hoped that ere the year rolls around sin.' will he in pos session of both. Old Uncle Billy Kemp v. ho lives j 1st across Jie hue in Gadsden coun ty, Fla., died at his home last Sat r •1 - j ami was a! c'.i.nday with Ma s«. iic honors. H - w: iesi o.t'z '3?i -•* that < >-.:rity and v' > The County Commissioners have purchased of J. P. Willlmms the lot opposite the northwest corner of the square, on which the new court bouse will be erected. If yon want all the state and coun ty news, subscribe for the Search Light. The Pickcrt Comedians, which closed their engagement at the Opera House in this city last Saturday night with the presentation of Rip Van Winkle, are a clever troupe. From this place they went, to Troy, Ala., via Georgia Pine aud Central of Ga. Tiie Olympia Opera Company held the boards in this city to a packed bouse Thursday night presenting their allrative “Said Pasha.” The reputation of this splendid company was fully sustained by tlieir engage ment here and it can safely be pre dicted that should they return next season they will be warmly greeted. Pittman’s System of Stenography taught, the shortest and best system now in use. Five lessons per week at night at $5.00 a mouth, would like to get six good pupils. Apply to G. R. Austin Bainbridge Ga., office with Townsend & Westmoreland. Contractor Carr informs us that lie has completed the plans for the extension of the Powell Bros, and Chason building across to West street, including the old Harrell store and the building occupied by T. 1 Thomason. The building when com plcted will be a handsome structure and will add much to that part of the town. A new dental firm, Messrs. Baggs <& Spence, of Valdosta, have rented the Palmer Dental offices and will move here within a few days- for the practice of their, profession*. This new firm comes to our town well recommended aud will no doubt give perfect satisfaction in their work. Their card will appear in tiiese col uinns in due time. Mr. Sig Nussbaum Attorney for Grenada Drug Company lias filed in the Superior Court a petition to coroporate lids successful business house, with an authorized capital of $50,000. The incorporators are J. W. Callahan aud N. T. Pike. They propose to manufacture, buy aud sell at wholesale or retail drugs, chemi cals, medicines etc. Prof. Capers King one of the clev erest fellows in the world and who perhaps has as many friends in Bain bridge as there are citizens of the town, has been here this week on business. Prof. King has for two years been a resident of Pensacola, Fla. We learn from him that tke r e is a possibility of his return to this place some time soon. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Benson how were married at Dixie 011 Jan. 30th and have since been visiting 'the groom’s parents at Forest Home, Ala., have returned to our city where they will make their home with Mrs. Bowman. Mr. Benson a well known insurance agent of our city and his wife, formerly Miss Alya Nix, of Dix.e lias many friends here.—Quitman Advertiser. A stranger within our gates passed this compliment 011 The Wainman yesterday: “Say, your hotel is a peach. It reminds one of an oasis in the midst of a desert, as com pared to accommodations furnished in sur rounding towns.” This man was a capable judge and the general public will endorse his remarks. The Ho tel Wainman is indeed a “peach,” and a genuine Georgia peach at that TO THE Cl'l IZKX8 OF BA IV Bill ill. B. Iam now belter prepared than ever to do your drayage—both light and heavy. I appreciate the kind favors my friends have shown me in the past and I promise them, to ren der more efficient service in the fu ture. It shall be my aim to hold prices down to the lowest possible figure. ' Very truly yours, H. B Brokett. I desire to inform my friends and patrons that from and after tins date, I shall d’seontinue the sale of goods except for cash, absolutely no goods will be charged. I shall how ever sell goods for cash cheaper than ibev can be bought elsewhere in Bainbridge ou ci edit- See prices quoted elswhero* in my standing ad. ou local page. - Citv Bakery. 4 General merchandise * Store! * CLEAN STOCK, CLEAN„METHODS. I have''genuine bargains to offer YOU! Small profits and quick sales, honeet weight aud just measure, prompt attention anil courteous treatment constitute my motto. Can I Say 2ta7 Make it convenient to eall at my store and be convinced of these facts. w. II 0-ASSET T, ELDORENDO, GA~ THE NICARAGUAN CANAL May naver lie built, but I am building up a trade with the people of Brtnfcon and surrounding commu nity that will last. A COMPLETE LINE-=sfe Of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wats, Caps, Shoes, Hard ware and farmers’ supplies. Why ride eleven miles, over sandy roads, when you can buy goods of me at LOWEST PRICES? ‘ MY LIVERY STABLE, In connection with my other affairs, is up to-date. Good teams on reasonable terms. Drummers and traveling men can get their wants supplied at my stable. T w ■ Yours Truly,. H. BRINSON, Merchant and Livtfryiran. Jfcw. , ..... -BRINSON, 0 A. -A FIRST CLASS ES ilil i* s* Trade Winners.- AT Grenada Drug Company. For Cash Only. per Bottle small large • t'Z -nr, V ■» wiif. highly i-e*peeW'< ST. JiiS.VH illtKCH. Services at St. John’s Episcopal Church to morrow as follows: Holy Communion at 7 ;30 a. rn.; morning * 9 o< 1(! °f the service, 11 a. to.; evening Htrviee, 7:30 p.ra. Kkv. Hill, Priqzt in Charge. Reruns, Manalin Wiue Cardui s. s. s. s. s. a. Groves Chill Tome Warner’s Safe Cure “ large Peirces Golden Med. Discovery “ Fayorite Prescription P. P. P. Kilmer’s Swamp Root large “ “ smalt Darby’s Fluid Cutioura Resolvent large “ “ small Salve “ Soap Electric Bitters Ayers Sarsaparilla Hood’s “ Brioches German Syrup Gray beard Dr. Miles Heart Core Cashmwn Boquet Soap Syr Hypophospbites Simmons Liver Regulator. Black Draught St. Joseph Regulator Johnson’s Chill Tonic Hall’s Hair Rcnewer ' Parker’s Hair Balsam. T Ayer’s Hair Vigor Coke’s Dandruff Cure- Fradfield’s Female Regulator Worn pole’s Cod liner Oil Syrup Figs Scott’s Emulsion* Cod,Liver Oil Eno’s Fruit Salt Tarrant’s Seltzer Lydia E. Piukham.’h- Compound B. B. B. Salter’s Eye Water- Dickey’s “ “ Bruce’s “ “ Kendall’s Spavin Ctura . Wizard Oil Japanese Oil Pond’s Extract .Magic Oil Milieu’s Food Malted Milk Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Grape Nuts liipans Tablets Teethi-na Grenada # Drug Company $0.74 .74 .74 .74 1.25 .25 1.10 .74 .74 .74 .74 .37 .37 .90 .37 .45 .20 .37 .74 .74 .65 .74 .74 .15 .90 14 14 20 37 74 37 74 74 74 74 37 37 74 37 74 74 14 14 10 74 37 39 37 18 37 40 I am devoting my best attention to the oare oi' a limited number of burnt?* 1 have only experienced horsemen, mid they are under uiv direct supervision. My Bray Line IS RUNNING ON PULL TIME AND IF TOU NEED AN 1 HAULING CALL ON ME. GEO. 13. 3 RIFFIN. 18 It is often whether you have your prescriptions filled promptly land accurately. We ajaalse a Specialty of Our Prescription Department 1 tw-il And family recipes ' <k btb filled from nu re from pure fresh drugs, and iu the most careful and exact manner. Our charges are reasonable and our service pronfspt and obliging at rill times.* We also carry n complete stock of Patent and proprietary, Fancy and Toilet Articles, druggist Sundries Sto. 1 . Which we will hell as cheap R» they e»n be bought anywhere Bainbridge Georgia.