The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, March 09, 1901, Image 5

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. IN\KV—T. B. Maxwell. DIE* 8l{- OOOWRT.-C. W. Wimberly. Sii k irr- l'atterson. Tax LOLLKCroa.— Bates. Tax Asbbsso .—A. P. Long. Y TkaSUKKB.—'ieo. S. McNair. LOOK- vbtoh.—J.D. Tolbert. Uorokw—8 J irick. judo* or .uitv loot.—11. B. OTORY OFSECRET SOCIETIES MASONIC. ON Loros. No. 8 —Meets 8rrt Thursday in each month, at 8 p. u». D. Harrell, W. M.; G. G. Woodhull. R no E Toole, J. W.; J. 1*. Brown. Sec’y; MeTyre, Treos.; W. W. Palmer, S. «.; Whited J. U.; T. I. Thoinlson, 8. 8 ; W. •ause, J. S. i V. Berry,Tyler. 1U1NB1DJE II.A .CHAPTB Si 31. Jno.E. Toole, High Priest: I.. V. Pat- 1, King; Or. H. O. Wilson, Scribe; B. unin, O. of H.: R. J. Willis, B. A, 8ll ,anni, P. 3.; n.B. Ehrlich, M. or Srd 1.7.uclinrl«s, M,ofInti Vail; W. W. Har- l.of 1st Vail; V. Bony, Seutluel KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. atu 1.0oob. No. 88.—Meets 1st and 8r0 Tuesdays in eiich month, 8 p. m. 7 C.—M. k. O'Beal. M.of W.—J K Toole. P—V. Berry. M.of MW Wimberly M. at A.—W 11 Ingram. -S. J. Chosnnt. G.-J. II. Brockott IN BRIDGE, MARCll 9, 1901 CITY DIRECTORY. ■ok-K. J. Willis. Marshal.—E. H. .. Deputy Marshal, W. U. Scott, lo an, Clark Reid. ClebhopCocnCil.-B. M uin oittTsasu er.—B. A. Lytle, krmkn.—W. W. Wright, W.C. Mathis ftSdrS. T. Hines. V. Berry, L P Put. TO THE LIT IZK1Y6 OP 8AIX8HIDU8. Rev. la G. Henderson, who lias been tor several years past the pas* tor of the Americas Presbyterian ^ 8m now better prepared than church will preach at the Presbyter- j eVer 10 J our drayag®—-both light iau church here to-morrow. It is to a,u * heavy. I appreciate the kind be hoped a large congregation will -^ llvor ® m V friends have shown me in the past and I promise them to ren der more efficient service in the fu ture. It shall be my aim to hold prices down to the lowest possible figure. Very truly yours, H. B Bkokett. come out to hear him. We are requested to announce that the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will give an en tertainment at the Opera House Thursday eveuing April 4th for the benefit of the Methodist parsonage. The ladies trust that the attendance will be large. change in legal adyertiso- is thi6 week. 2o pound Sage, absolutely fresh pure at Greuala Drug Co. i’ne O. Iv. Lunoh Counter on Wat;' (treet has been discontinued. | Irs L F Patterson is quite sick at hornej corner Clay and Planters Bets. Jring your teams to the Twin ery Stables when you come to n. ,OST—A lady’s maple leaf pearl gold slick pin. Return to Miss tone Peacock. s Ir Cort Mathis is now serving hU nds behind the counters of O 0 ett’s store on Water street. The regular March Term of the City Court of Bainbndgu convened Monday morning with his honor Jndge Bower presiding. Monday was consumed on the civil docket. 10,1 local psge. A goodly number of oTiminal cases | were disposed of end there was a good attendance of j eople from the several sections of the county. Dr. 0. V. Rosser of Atlanta, whom many of our citizens will remember as a pleasant visitor to this city for some months and a guest of the Ho tel Wainman, died of uousumpUon at his home in that oity Saturday. Dr. Rosser was a prominent dentist and was widely known throughout the state. I desire to inform my friends and patrons that from and afur this date, I shall d'seontinue the sale of goods except for cash, absolutely no goods will be charged. I shall how ever sell g»ods for cash cheaper than thev can be bought elsewhere in Buinbridge on cicdiV See prices quoted elswhere in my staudiug ad. Citt Bakery. Dr. H. F. Hamil, of Birmingham, Ala, has moved to Buinbridge and is practicing dentistry in the Belcher Building. Dr. Hamil has a large number of fnends here who knew him m Alabama, and this in addition to the fact that he is a graduate of Vanderbilt University, insures his suepefes. WANTED—General Agent by the National Life Insurance Co., of -the U. S. of A. Incorporated by special aot of oongresa 1868. Su pervised and examined by the gov ernment same as the National Banks. Full paid capital stock $T,0Q0,t)00. Here is an opportun ity tojsooure one of the beit renewal )r. Peacock is having his rt»i-' contracts offered by any Old Line nee on Broughton street repainted, Life Insurance Co. Address, with iiolt adds much to Its appearance. Thorough bred Shepherd pups sale. Apply to H. B- Brockett, iiubridge Ga. Mrs. J. W. Cowart’s new residence eing Florida street is about con - eted and will be occupied by Mu B. Coleman. Mr A B Cliett’s hundreds ot friends roughout the dounty will regret to am of his serious illness at his nne inj.his city. A case of small pox has been re- irted from the Bethel neighborhood Pine Hill district. The case is a gro boy named Jeffries. We understand that Mr. J. H riusoii will open up his livery bus ness in this city beginning with londay next. Read Ins advertise- lent in another column. Don’t forget tbe Opera House on ipril 4th for benefit of the - Method- it parihnage fund and given under tie direction of the Ladies Aid So- u-ly ot that church. The ladies of the Episcopal chnrch re preparing an lutertamment, to ie given on the first Monday after tster Sunday, the receipts to beex- euded in paintiug the church and lecessary repairs. n The attention of our readers is call- 1 to au ordinance of the City Conn* il, published’ in this issue, prohib iting the leaving of teams unhitched >ii the streets of the city. Take care to riituh yotir horse and thus avoid tbe penalty of this ordinance. Mr. T. L. Wilder, one of the progressive farmers of Blowing Cave r ‘ district, gaye the Search Light force an opportunity to test the flav or of two excellent hams reference, K. A. Fox, Agency Direc tory in care Hotel Morris, Birming ham, A1a., for 10 days after then in care National Life Insurance Co., of the U. S. of A., Chicago, Ills. The Bainbridge Concert Band is fast becoming the pride of our city. The progress they have made during the short time since organizing is in deed creditable to the boys and their instructor, Mr. Ponder, m well as gratifying to their friends. On last Friday night they furnished the mus ic for the entertainment at the Opera House and their performance would have been a credit to many of tbe traveling bands that visit our city. Many of our oilmens ha • reason to feel grateful to tbe bo; ■ Dr. Miles Heart Cnre for the sweet music furnished by. Gashmsn Boquet Soap A General Merchandise * Store! £ CLEAN STOCK, CLEAN|METHODS, l have genuine bargains to offer YOU! Small profits and quick sales, honest weight and just measure, prompt attention aud courteous treatment' constitute my motto. Can 1 Say More ? Make it convenient to vail at my Btore and be oouvioced of these facts. w. A. fiASSETT, ELDORENDO, GA Trade Winners «s AT Grenada Drug Company. For Cash Only. Permit, per Bottle MuiihIid “ “ WiueCardui 44 8. S. S. « small S. 8. S. 44 large Groves Cbill Tonic " Warner’s Safe Cure 44 large Peirces Golden Med. Discovery 44 Fayorite Prescription P. P. P. Kilmer’s Swamp Root large Darby’s Fluid Cuticura Resolvent u « 44 Salve 44 8oap Electric Bitters Ayers Sarsaparilla Hood’s 44 BooohesGerman Syrup Graybeard small large small them in a serenade after the per formance at the Opera House. Unless the vagrant law ia better enforced throughout the state, life aud property will soon be at the mercy of theives and vagrants that are to be found on every hand. There is hardly, a day that does not bring forth the report of some shock ing crime perpetrated by vicious vagrants who employ their time only In devising schemes to steal property or commit other more outrageous crimes. The chain gang is the pine : for the villians who will not work elsewhere. HICKS’S GIANT 90 DAY CORN, at Hicks’s Drug Store. RED BLISS TRIUMPH IRISH , POTATOES at Hicks’s Drug Store. BEST GARDEN SEED OF ALL KINDS, at Hicks’s Drug Store. Mr. Wil- BEST MEDICINE, WHISKIES, Syr Hypophosphites 8iramons Liver Regulator * Black Draught St. Joseph Regulator Johnson’s Chili Tonic Hall’s Hair Renewer Parker's Hair Balsam Ayer's Hair Vigor Coke’s Dandruff Cure Fradfield’s Female Regulator Worn pole’s Cod Liver Oil $0.74 .74 .74 .74 1.25 .25 1.10 .74 .74 .74 .74 .37 .37 .90 .37 ;45 .20 .37 .74 .74 .65 .74 .74 .15 .90 14 TWIN LIVERY STABLES. Located At- Brinson, Georgia, and Bainbridge, Georgia. New Stables, New Horses, New Equipments Throughout. A FIRST-CLASS FEED STABLE. I solicit the liberal patronage of tbe Public. J. H. BRINSON, Proprietor. ^TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION WITH EITHER POINT. -A FIRST CLASS- *:m m DOiffl) STABLE! a I am devoting my bast attention to the care of a limited number of horses I have only experienced horsemen, and they are under my direct supervision. My Dray Line 18 RUNNING ON FULL TIME AND IF TOU NEED an? hauling call on me. GEO. D. &RIBTTTISL il Hatter of Life and Death, It is often whether you have your prescriptions filled promptly - iand accurately. Ws miikff * Speoialty of Our Prescription Department Syrup Figs der is a farmer who does not use pork from Western packinghouses. 1 BRANDIES and WINES, at Hicks’s Dr g Hi ore. Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Eno’s Frmt Salt Tarrant’s 8elizer Lydia K. Pinkbam’s Compound B. B. B. Salter’s Eye Water Dickey's 44 44 Bruce’s 44 “ Kendall’s Spavin Cure Wizard Oil Japanese Oil Poud’s Extract Magic Oil Mellen’s Food Malted Milk Winslow’s Soothing Synip Grape Nutp Ripans Tablets Tecthina 18 Grenada # Drug; Company ! And family recipes are filled from pure fresh drugs, and in the most careful and exact manner. Our charges are reasonable and our service prompt an£ obliging at sal] times. We also carry a complete stock of Patent and proprietary, Fanoy and Toilet Articles,, druggist Sundries Xfte. ✓ Which we will sell as cheap as they can be bought anywhere OIK CITY DRUB B>- Bainbridge.- Georgi