The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, March 09, 1901, Image 6

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The Search-Light. ttlSM.VK note* HEll WORST. A HOmilL INDUSTRY. BAINBRIDGE, MARCH 9, 1801 , fitolue ifywi; K*(Uhas ipehr- Sugar cans is a more important ' ed up more carrion and freaks than crop in Georgia than ever before and I ,i 10 ini.indinir becomes liiore important every year. While we are continuing our war R, ‘? !, f ate 1,1 l ‘ ie l,n,on * lnt ** taxes, Great Britian is adding to hers. Benevolent nssimilation is one of cirilization’s luxuries and calls for a heavy lax. John Brown, who “lies mouldering Georgia cane syrup has become •in the ground” and Mrs. Carrie Na- f»«ious as the best article of its k.rf<H ,1Iuuf ' ] ' 2j f J h ' When von are billions, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt’s I .it tic Early Kisers to olealiso th$ liver and bowels. They never gripe. K. L. Hicks. not. and her Imtcliet^ but her latest b> the market and s :gar making is effort discounts them all. A few being carried oil pvofitablj-ln a m.ra- weeks ago *n infuriated mob burned | ber of Georgia counties a negro named Alexander, at the stake, for outraging the daughter of T. Wf Forbes. The father of the victim was accorded the privulege of ipplymg tjhe roai^hy> tne pile. His brother, J. W. Forbes was active in bringing wood and piling it about the negro. So far, so good—that was in accordance wiQi the code of ethics 4t such function's. Now for the se __ quel: Last Monday this same J. W. See that you get the original Witch FEHidS, uncle of tho young lady, Koosevelt will take the oath be fore McKinley does. Ad viewy how- e it, do not sav whether he will or will not precede Unde Mark, but we all know lie Will not. liar.el Salve when you ash for it. The geifuine is a certain curt fin - pil es, sores and skiu diseases. R. L. Hicks. Tlik United States seems disposed to take the lead among the silk pro dimers of the world. During the last three vears the cons miptiijjjj raw silk in the United States h^s needed that of France. » “ The lingering cough following grippe calls for One l\ilnute Congli Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Prevents consumption. U. L. Ilicks. General Joe Wheeler, in the coursr of a recent interview, remarked that it was harder work being a Soldier j v 25cts. n >w than of old, because- Umwdwm not so many anthograph collectors in tiie days of the civil war. Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve nre liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt’s up on the box and wrapper. It is burn - Ives and healing salve lor sikln dis eases. Unequalled for intes. It. L.. Ilicks, If ex Mayor Woodwafd ta desires to run for Governor, there is nothing to prevent him from doing so. By making his platform '.‘free rum and plerjiy Of , ty, M ho/jBqu|l count on the solid red-nose back ing of thu state.—Savannah News'.* * Their promptness and i ant effects mado DeWitt’s Little whose assailant be assMted iu roast tag, married a Tifgrd ’ Ionian In Leavenworth, K nsas, which state is unfortmatel^ ami u«avon%bly'in the United States. « Ivaiisas will burn Forbes and his mgges wi|vu the stale will start on theVosd toroforita. By f all means Kansas should purge her- ® , W self of Forbes. A FHIGHTFIL BLtlKDRR. Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise, Bucklin’s Arni ca Salvo, the best in the world, will kill the pain anil promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils felons, corns and all skin erup tions. Best ttle onre on earth. On- a bbx. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. I*. Hicks Druggist. The Now York Journal of Com merce says: “We have an interest in the suppression of yellow fever gveaCar tlan removal ol Span ish government, and w« have a right to insist that our light to s%e that we are protected from the pest and menaee of Cuba is recognized by the rtbe Cubay government from the out set.' The possession of a qoaling station and po sibly the occupation of the Isle of Pines, which cannot S eared to Cuba,by Us penal as- ons, atif very moderate de fer till United Status to make in view of its services to Chba and its interest in the West Indies. Cuba may have its-own government and Kirly Risers most popular little pills its,, own, flag, and be in full control whomever they nre ktiownt of its bwfc destinies, in the course of are simply perfect for liver and bow- a lew m0ll ths, if it will Jay aside suspicions that reflect upon it far move than they do theUuHed States, for more when given One Minute and will give us the very moderate ugh Cure. Mothers dnilfrae »t guarantees we a8k for. No nation highly lor croup. It quickly cures , , , , - ..if .i .. i 11 - / ever did, and no nation evev will, or all coughs and colds and every ’ ’ • ■ • ■' • Tt l£apfee#’ to, do What Cuba seems .to ex pect the United States to do for her.” el troubles R. L. Hicks. . . .»i-i JJ.C/. i U Like Oliver Twist, oniidren ask throat and lung troubled iHo for grippe and asthma and lias long lieen a well known remedy for whooping cough. R. L Hicks. The ohristuning of a royal baby is almost as cosily as a ioronltio .. When the little Prince of Wxrtriq whom wo am now welcoming ns King Rdward vll., was A MOXKTKH IUKVIL FISH. ^ ^ r ■ • , - t Destroying its victim, is a type of constipation. The power of this m irderons malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. A pataphlet of more tlinn 200 png 1 es, prepared and issued reiently by Mr. D. G. Purse, of Savannah, gives au interesting account of the cpijdi* tion and prospects of the sugar cane industry iu this state fnd Florida. '■ The Savai n ih Board of Trade last year induced Dr. William O. Stubbs, director of the Louisiana Experiment station, to visit these two states as an expert on oaue culture. Its was greatly imprests 1 by what be saw here. He found that the sugar cane grown upon the uplMidr'Of“GetJrgm and Florida is greatly superior .to ihat grown upon all will lands. * - Dr. Stubbs?on his r/et rn to Louis iana opened Che experiment station of that state to the cane growers of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida and the results have been most grat ifying. His ofti mil treatise oil ti e history, botany and agriculture of sugar appended to Mr. Purse’s pamphlet. It will be ot great serv ices to the farmers of this state as it gives valuable information as to the best methods of cultivating caiic and making sugar. The historical part if the pamphlet is alsq. very inU resting. It shows t at in 1829, twenty-four years after cane ouliivation was begun in Geor gia, it was considered so well estab lished that one of the Digest''plants iu the- world at that time Was estab lished at Ilopeton for the manufac ture of sugar..- . , Thq;e is iu the Purse pamphlet a great dual of practical instruction which w ill prove helpfulto this grow ing Georgiy Mgstryn t a Journal. ■^Uy.ximk) COLD STEEt, OB DEATH. “There is but one chance to save your life and that is through an oper ation,” was the awful 'prospects set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of 1l :.e Rjidge, yV\s», by her doctor after vainly trying to cure of a, jyigl^ful case of stomach trouble add yellow jaundice. We did’nt count ot» the marvellous power of Electric Bitters to cure.stomach, and liver troubles^ but she hoard of it, took seyen bot- tl s, was wholly cured, avoided s> r geon’s knife, now weighs more and e.'ls better than fiver. It’s positive ly guaranteed to cure stomach, liver ■and'kidney troubles and never dis appoints. Price 50c at R. L Hicks's drug store. . ,ii christened, q>| iere * # , )0 health till it’s overcome, be wore a lace robe that was valued •at $3,500. • The entire ceremony, in eluding lip) great state But Dr. Kiug’s New Life Pills are a ^ ^ I safe and certaiu -cure. Best in the , , wwdIw.V world for stomach, liver, kidneys cost the enorino s situ of $1,000,000. , a- U ... , , ’ and bowels. Onlv 2o cents at R. a carl v a tho sand applications were T , , , ' V ,, , L. Ilicks drug store, made for nurse, and ail sorts of _____ ^ _ ■ hums were advanced, so that it be-1 Mr . McKinley’s ’policy of benev- camo a matter of extremei difficulty 0 , ent , M6imihling the bone8 of tll0 to make the choice. The water ... ,, ^ •with winch the young priiusp To the Public. 1 nave a very large spring and sum- mer pasture near town where I will take cows at morning and'traBU them during i he day. returning same at night, for the GEO. D GKIEFIN. Where the Shoe Plnehed. 1 Voting <ilrl (glancing si Uer iwtlal ex. tremltlesi—Ob. dear! My feet arc so awfully big! .|l - - I’ractU-iil Auut.U*— But you stand, on them all right, don't you? ; Young Girl—Ob. yes. but so dp other folks too.—New YorkTflbuhe. ! A powerfuil engine cannot be run with a weak boiler,, and we cannot keep up the strain of an notice mitid with a weak strimach; neither eaii we stop the humali machine to make repairs. If tine stomach cannot di gest enongli food to -keep the bodj strong, such a preperatipti ai^ Kodol Dyspepsia Cci-e should be Pkfcd. It digests what you eat and It simh can’t, help but do it. R. L. Hicks. Sat at ^ “0. K-” LUNCH COUNTER- ON WATER STREET. B®»Mealr St all hours and served in >ityle.. Bring us your eggs- And chickens H- E. WALKEB, Proprietor. ALBERT GRICE, Tocsoral Artist, COLQUITT, - GEORGIA. Best Work. Srtisfaction Guaranteed e ALBERT H. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA Office Over Bainbridge State Bank N.S.PERRY, RESip^TQP.TldlAN. ^OFFICE AT THE GRENADA DRUG STORE,. Bain.bri.dg9, Georgia* - ■■ —■ ■ ■ ■ ■ mI -I J. STERLING R0BRETS, .VITOhNKV AT LAW. BAINBK1DGE, - - GEORGIA. Will praoticl. in all the bourts.i J. D. TALBERT ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Office at, ( „ . . , BRINSON, GEORGIA- Every branch ol law a specially; Will, l*e in Bainbridge every 1st Monday and Tuesday each uiouth and . ,whenevei requested, - ' ■ ■ . SnaVEYISGBT SPECIAL CONTHACT- Address meat ,1 , BRINSON. . . . GEORGIA. sprinkled was brought from the Jor dan, ami the great christening cake -cost hundreds ot dollars. Many years afterward a time piece weighing less limn half an ounce was sold for $50. coims'i rm» ti . ; l; ; After hearing evidence Iu »n,assault case betwwn man ami wife. In which the wife had hud a deal of provoca tion. the magistrate, turmug to the t|ua- Imud. remarked: “My good man. I really cuouot do anything In this enso." Wl i : H, r ha9 «« a & Filipinos wah their native sdil roes on. sir. ' “Well.“ said the magistrate. 71 will bind her over to keep the, pence,” j “You can't,” shouted the husband; “she’s thrown It away!" — Tearkia's Weekly. H. HUStJELL. g. R. O’NXAL. RUSSELL & O’NEAL, Attorneys and Connsellors at Law AND HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Will pmetfee In (til tlie State Courts, spec ial nttciitK.n given the luvcstlgnthm <»! l.aml THleo and the of .Uluilulstratfon. R. J. ROONEY. Contractor and Builder. Estimates cheerfully,furnished on ; ail . . classes ol building. . , bravely on. Wednesday dispatches reported the killing of tliirty-nine J “insurgents” iu three engagements, with no loss to our soldiers. This is rather to one sided to be called war.! —Et. JOB 0. GIL.PIN. JXO. O. CHASON. GILOT A CSASOH, Attorneys at Law, BAINBRIDGE. - - GEORGIA. S&“ Will practice law together in all courts, except the criminal branch of the city court of Decatur county. Notary Public ;n office. DR. S: J CHESNUT PhyBician and Snrgeo ' Treats'diseases of the Eye, t’ a • Nosfe ahd Throat. All calls promptly attended. OFFICE ON Broughton Street. Btron ji. Uowe bower&bower ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lAINEEIEGE, GEOEGIA. Practice in the State courts iVds- ind Justice ootutts. • Also deole-^k,« estate, improved and wild lands at ^ ? ots for sale. McRneville. Deo. 4. 1000. Me. W. I. GEER, Attorney and Couneeler At La COLQUITT. - GEORGIA Office: In Court House. WILL. S. KHAXTS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bainbridge, - - . . . Ceorgi- Offlce with Danes & Ilan TRb- NEW YORK Willi,II THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. The best paper at the lowest Pr' 156 Pafebs l YEAR, F U ONE ttOLU As cod as a daily at the pri ,f a Weekly. During the Aroerican.Sj.nnirh w I’HK ThRICB-A-Wbek WoKI.ri provedi -treat value by the promptue.->. t hovov.g ness and accuracy of its reports frirni the scenes of important evei r-. It w as useful as a daily to the reader, and will be of equal value in reporting t ^reat and complicated questions wlii are now before the America], people. It prints the news of all the wor having Special -oDi respondence from ■important pews points on the slobe. has brilliant illustrations,stories bygr, authors, a capital humor page, coinplt markets, departments for the househc and woman’s work and other special c partnients of unusual interest We offer’this Unequalled uewspiir and The SSARCS-LISKT i gethev or.e year for 91.E10. Th eregulav price ot' the two paper.- 2.0o RE^klDTIiXS For $1.30 <IA We send you ' Bearob-Light, the Twice-a-Week Atlanta carnal Juvenile Journal, one year. We send The Seak Light and the Ath Constitution. We send The Sej' Light and the Twk Wejek Savannah News. WesendTHE.SEJi Light and the Thi »‘Week New York World. New subscriptioDR or renewal? fo these offers. Subscribe -A-T ONCE! The First Instance. Wife—Do yon mean to Insinuate that your Judgment Is superior to mine? Husband—Certainly not my dear. Our choice of life partners proves it The stomach ciontrdls fho situat- “~ m — ion. Those who are hearty and strong l’rof. Ivison, of Lonaooning Md., ■art those who can eat'ahd digest suffered terribly from neuralgia of Isn’t.—Chicago New*, jilentv of foo l. Kodol Dyspepsia tho stomach and indigestion forj“ " 1 " • •— ’' 1 - - c: .re digests what yon eat and al- thirteen years and after the doctors; T? ATJSTIN to eat all the good food failed to cure him they fed him on j * you want. If you suffei from in- morphine. A friend advised use of f ATTOR’ST^Y-AT-T n T/7 dig stion, hearthurn, beleljing or any Kodol Dyspajisia Cure and after tak-' ' 1 ^ - —ToaW. other stomach trouble, this properat- l,, K a few bottles of it he says, “It Office With Townsend & Westmor- ion can’t help Rut do yon good. Tho has cured me entirely. I‘can’t sav ] an( j ino-t sensitive stoma.'hs can take to much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.”, L ' it H. L. Ilicks. It digests what yo a eat, it. L. Hicks. \I\BRIDGE - DR. H. D WILSOST Dentist. OFFICE Over H. B. Ehrlich & Go ’s Store, Bainbridge, - - Ga. i • ~ GA. Do ton ? ? iUhvelopes, Cards, Note Heads. Letter Job Work? j Statement^ Dodg ers.Checks. Blanks. |Postei-s. Business, maimer. J. E, Contractor and Buildw bainbridge, ga. Bids Submitted on All Kind* of BRICK: or : WOOD: WOR . >?-i tf EUREKA shaving u A first ulass Shaving Sale Hot and Cold Shotvei AH work done in tlx XI r, 1 Cards. Receipts, etc If s°, call at The Search-Light Job Office to get them. Prices cheap and , work done at once. Try us. J A. JONES, F N. Broad Stroei