The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, March 30, 1901, Image 1

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Epwovth League vall> which was e occurred on Saturday last at the >di*l church di<i not materialize be- of the inclemency of the weather, es-er. it, ha- been determined I o hold ,er in the season. elightful time was had at the hos- le home of Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. War- due-day night at an entertain- given by the young ladies of the ,s Kendrick, of Ltiyerne. Ala., has the guest of relatives here during t two weeks. She is a most pleas- [ouug lady and made many friends g her brief stay among us. Harry Graham, of the Stuart Lain- lias been North on a business r a week or ten days. Bridges is making prepara ions for rection of a new dwelling on the here the old one was recently d. He is now living in the house led by Mr. J. H. Neel. VOL. 5. NUMBES 06. BAINDRIDGE. DECATUR CO., GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 30. 1901. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DECATUR COUNTY AND OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE. ®8®8K®S:!B®£&{$£££S£a$!£-$®-i£®SS a nice supply of goods now and sell them COTTHSrT'Y* OOR^ESPOITDBITCE. BiilNSON BRIEFS. is) ■si fe! uSCl DESSER DRIFTS. Our farmers are hustling to get then crops planted. Well, it just rains and rains; Makes us think of the old saying: "More rain, more rest, Suits l. zy folks best.” Mr. J. B L. Barber, accompanied by Miss Minnie E. gerton, went to Bain- bridge to attend the teachers Association Saturday. Me.-sers .1 D. Fnircloth and D. A. Folds made a flying business trip up to Iron City Monday. Owing to the weather being so incle ment Saturday and Sunday the Singing Convention here was not of much suc cess. Misses Vera and Valda Kerr, and Lilia Clark and Messe s Henry Eagerton. Thomas and Willie Clark, of Iron City, were pleasant vb.t irs here to the Con vention Sunday. Mrs. Dan Turnage is very sick at this writing. We hope to see Iter speedy re- J. II. Sims is at home to attend covery. edside of a sick son. j Mr. Kn ,\ Mrs. Jas. Chasou were visitors regrot to report the illness of Miss’ here Sunday. M ". tin who has been confined to Miss Edythe Chason. who is teaching the Sharher School near Brinson visi ted'home folks nere Sunday. Mrs. Jno. C. Chason, of Bainbridge is visiting her father-in-law, Mr. John Cha son tins week. Several of our young f olks are antiei- iel this week. Jno. L. Jackson, of Millercounty, ded pre iching here on last Sunday, s friend- are always glad to greet hereabouts. A. S. Haynes, who was unable to it of his room last week is again at st of duty with the mercantile firm W. MoCully. Lulu McCullev ard young Mr. alley, of this place were called to ross last week to the bedside of Relatives of that place, f. George Lowey made a business up the road oue day the. limb of the S looking after his telephone line be- thi.- point and Jakin. T. C, Wainman, of Bainbridge. several days out this way this week ng after important business matters lU g to his logging interests here. E. G. Hiper will preach next Sun- Oak Grove church in the Kendrick borhood, iderable anxiety has been felt over the safety of the public bridge cheap. We will hnve divine services here on next first Sunday night by Bro. Sullivan. Also services next fourth Sunday by our efficient pastor, Hey. J. M. Jackson. March 30 1901 Sunshine. FROM CLIMAX. Climax is still on a boom. Mr. H. C. Bean informs ns that Chapman Bros., ol W higliam. are going to rent his store and put in a nice stock of goods. It i» rumored that we ave soon to have a $3,000.00 hotel. Mr. Bean says he will begin to haul the lumber tn a few days. I bis hotel is to be built, owned and op erated by what will he known as the Climax Improvement Company. Mr. H. C. Bean, president. S. J. Sandlin, of Savannah. Ga.. R. E Wild, of Mill. Win., and S. E. Hidgoland. of North Carolina, were at. tbc Wright House Thursday night. Mr. Roundtree has moved from the section hou-e and now occupies Mr. Jule Wardell’s cottage Capt. Joe Desvergcs is on the Chatta hoochee train this week while L'ouduct- or Locklin and wife attend the Mariana Spring festivities. Mr W M. Calhoun, of Faceville, vis ited his parents here Sunday evening. Mr. Ira Allen, of Jacksonville. FIs., visited his family here last S..ndiiy. Allen Bros, have purcha-ed the com missary business of Mr. N. C. Bell. Mr. Wade Cox and Mr. Jas, Calhoun went to Bainbridge yesterday. Mr. Jas. Swicord. of Waycross, Ga.. is stopping at the Wlight House, lie is pating an enjoyable time during the Cu- thinking of moving buck to Climax, ion Meeting Ht Spring Creek next Sa.ur-1 Mrs. J S Calhoun has some of the day and Sunday. j lovliest, pansies and violets we haveseeu Messers. Jesse and Tims. Barber vie'-! this season, ted relatives here Sunday. March, 27, 1901. OIJ.VER Twist Dessor, Ga. Mar. 2flt!i IDOL FROM ELDORENDO. NICHOLASNILLE NEWS. Our farmers M about done planting Miss Lillie Franklin is very ill at this. corn, writing. She is a sweet girl, and her! Mr. Winson Howell visited Corea one many friends will he glad to. hear that day this week. she is restored to perfect health again. | Miss Carrie Dikes was a visitor to Boy- Mr. John Clonny and wife moved bin last Sunday, away from here yesterday. | Mr. Adam Brinson went over to Bain- Mr. Joe. Brown visited Bainbridge bridge Monday on business, this week. | Some of the bovs have been having a Mr. G. S. Jordan wears a very pleas-1 good time fishing on the creek, ant smile beatlse he —— was, oh, I Miss Mary Lizzie Franklin was ( tie II WII nova MVSTKHEO IN. Following is an extinct of an order received uy Captain llawes for mus tering in Bainbridge Cornet Band for service in the Fourth Ga. Regiment: Aliuny, Ga., March 27, HUH. II. Lieutenant Colonel T. N. Hopkins, this Command, is detailed to “muster in” to tlio State Service the Fourth Regiment Band at Bain- bridge, Ga., and is directed to make report of said Service to these Head quarters. III. Captain T. S. Hawes, Com pany “I,” Bainbridge, is detailed as recruiting officer of the Fourth Regi ment Band. This detail to take ef fect after the “master in” of Band. By order of Colonel Wooten. A. .1. Scott, Captain and Adjutant. The boys have been putting in a great deal of practice and will bo in tine trim for attending the Albany Chautauqua on Military day. Bain bridge of course feels proud of the progreat they have been making un der the efficient t torage of Band Master Fonder. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell entertained a coterie of their friends last Tuesday evening with another of their delightful cotillions. Like all previous functions this, also, with its fascinating effects ol perfect floors, perfect music, artistic salons and hos pitable oomaraderie, made it the pret tiest,ni >st charming of dance-,lasting until tlie beginning of another day. At eleven the guests were refreshed witli a delicious little menu. They were: Madames Arthur Signor, T. S. Hawes, Chesimt, Edward Ferry,Ren Dickenson; Misses Harvey, Gladys Monger, Willibert Davis, Olga Su tlers; Messrs. Amos Sobers, Byron Bower, William Wheeler, Albert Harrell, Gordon Bower, Davis Tong". J. F. Brown, Sam Hawes, Ben Dick enson, Frank Jones, William Krause, Randolgh Russell and Dr. Chesimt. Jack. p.-hiiw I I gues. won’t say why Spring creek. Recant rains have y.mug lady may tell you tin- -. the waters and it is feared that ridge can not withstand the pre.— rch 29. 1901, Miss Mr. E. G. Rich visited here Sunday. We hear that Mr G. B. Cliett intends mu.iug to West, Bainbridge soon. A certain fellow on a pas-irg train lifte 1 his hat the other day to speak to Miss I ait the wind kindlv lit’ • d it off sure enough for him. Well, old fellow, ’t.vas bad but could liaye bee i worse. Those p:etty curls have often caused you trouble- Mr. Boynton, of Corea, visited here Wedue-day. Rev. J. M. Jackson and W. F. Cato preached quite interesting serntops here on last. Sunday. Dr. J H. Sessions went to Bainbridge this week. Mrs. Willis i- visiting her parents 1 n I'errell county this week. Wo wisli her a pleasant trip. Miss Lucy Franklin paid Bail.bridge « visit tliis week. Mr. S J. Warren, of Brinson, was in our lit tle village last Tuesday. Mi-ses Tempie and Lucy Howell, ac companied by their sister. Mrs. A. J. Rich, passed through here last Sunday euroute to vi it their patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Howell. Mr, J. D. Harker and wife visited Ar lington tilts week. The girl that was heard singing "only a broken heart,” ready made the heat ers tti’.uk it was true until we caught, a faint glimpse of her and a Mr. some- FROM WHIGHAM. all! for the thriving little town of ham. See the new business houses weliiugs that are being built! regret very much to hear that Mr. 1 rulock is sick. : Kate McElvv is visiting friends iiro this week. s Lilia Dickson, of Climax is vi-it- >r sister Miss Emma Dmkson for a ays. were in hopes Capt. Finch's bridge would return to our city this week lias fated to do so. Two of them in oar city last Sunday. Messrs, u. igner and J. A. Butler. Come C. M. Trulock was night watchman uuday night so they tell on him. Lawson Bryan, of SofUee was in last Sunday. . Hanseil, cf Finkiird. Ala . was in Uy last Sunday visiting his ,-tster. Harker. pb-V Lewis will have their millinery ; Fri lay and Saturday. March 29 |0. ite a pubMr from thi- place will ut- the L’-^wai Meeting at Hr >vi Isace 'is. feme to Whtgham if you want j Oixly-etse, last Sunday i'i-y. Bachelors are selling at a low’ W. H. Gassett. one of our. best ■ citizens \v»*nt to lirtinond^w wteE. . tr’ntl to thitkjur ij.istoi lb j-| e aiJ< ] the wed known gentitMimn. M” to leave ns. I \\\ I^etwilder are doin^ nicely ne»c ,ieli 28, 1901. ALM. I in the nn r :.mti!e business. They have . of fi'ieiulft near Li^Ul lust iSundriy. ! Mi I - Mattie Lou \mimr. f :■C iiqni’t, has been visiting relatives near heie for a week past. Mr, G. 11 Hunter, of Colquitt, wts in Nioholasville Sunday. Gaylard is a.ways a welcome guest here. Mr Sherman Miller, of Iron City, who bis been selling fruit trees in this neigh borhood for the pant week. left for ins home V onday morning. IIONOIl HOLI. OK TIIK II. si. .11. IIOI.LEOK. Following is the Honor Roll of the Georgia Southern Military College tor ’.he month ending March 1st. 1001: Freshman Class. Mi-s Maysie Curry, Miss Stella Nuss- bamn. Miss Maldo Howard. Lieut. Reid F.’eshman Preparatory. Mis? Fannie Mayes. Miss Eva Hill Houston, Miss Mabel Howard. Sergt Howard. Lieut. Muves. Miss Evelyn Me- tyer. lli.-s Mattie Harrell. Sixth Grade. Myrtle Marrell. Sigo Ehrlich, Willie May Johnston, Clementine M imlierley. Fifth Grade. Wi de May Stegall. Drummer Mayes. Bertha Taylor. Fourth Grade. Nelson Bruton. Ralph Kwilecki. Lottie Bell Slaves. Joan O’Donnell, Henry Fhelps, Milton Taylor. Leonard Willis. Third Grad . Eugene Hhelps, VVilmot, Wimherley. Second Grade. Mildred Reynolds, Connie Waters, Willie Kwilecki, Hazel Westmoreland. First Grade. Lamar, Fleming Halstead. Ellington Johnston Webster Chasou. A. Class. Oi ie Toole, Lida Lee Bruton, Grace Smith, Bessie Smith. Leroy Waters. Klit KL l Ml III: Alt,V Married, at the home of the bride near Fowltown in the lower portion of ibis county, on 13 iiiday last, Mr. M'sses Carrip and Lucy Mae Dennison.' Ira Kirkland, of Brinson, to Miss who have been visiting in this place have ’ Minnie Hearn, Rev. G. E. Boland of left for their home much to the regret of their nn ny frien Is here I There was an examination at Prof.! 1 >'*■* *' oom ,,11S b, ‘ en a rCH..|e,,t of Dupree's school last Friday and dinner Brinson for several months, holding was served on the ground. Thedaywas the responsible position of head boss very much enjoyed by those who attend- 0 f the planing mills of the Stuart e<b , , Lumber Company. The bride is a March, 25, 1901 STRANGER. ; , 1 . , ! popular young lady in the section m SHARBER SCHOOL NOTES. i which she was reared. ,:lii.d was b ined To the happy couple are exte deti Ely conducting the hearty congratulations of their friends over the county. Mr. N . Gray's little his afternoon. Rev. r he funerai sen ices at Enterprise church. Particulars of its death were not learned. (j lite a number of this community are kahtkk HONDA v. on the sick list this week, among whom are Mr. John Simmer. Mrs. Ciark and 'pile Ladies of St.' John's Mission tit tie Miss Mary Askew. ... . , , . ... i , (Episcopal) will bold a Bazaar in t.lie l be school at this place is progressing , v * . nicely with Miss Edith Chasou as teach-j Armory on April Hth Easter Mou- (v. A i-:.,di:.g club ha- been formed and day. The Bazaar will open at -J p is doing a vast deal to awaken interest m. There will he many fancy and I useful articles for sale. Refreshments will he served for mind ami Dodv. A IIKSTIIIICTIVK rvi Ly.Nl;. A destructive cyclone passed ever Alabama going in. a North-easterly direction through Georgia. Many lives were lost and a large number of persons were injured in its truck. In the Southern part of the city id' Birmruinghinn Ala., thirty or more persons perished. The wind stmek the city at 10 o’clock a. tn. and oat a palli of 150 feet. The destruction of property is placed at 9250,000. Several other towns in Alabama suf fered in like proportion. The town Irondalu was swept from the face of tne earth, the only building left, being the depot. Twelve people were killed and many other inj ired. In Geoigia several towns wore in its track but the casualties were not so serious. Columbus, Buena Vista, Lindale, Cusscta, Americas, King- ton and Romo suffered the loss of much property, and some lives. id the i- i -t V » <i H1 . in the -chool. Mr. Jehu A-kevv “end eoiitei tion at De.-sei- >"iv Midi. Edith Lint-on .vent o.-ei- I,.* B..iu- I ridge Nati.rd.iy and t-er..ii.«,l ny .vat- of her Home at D - -*-i r r..J. J. 11. L. Bui Per. aecoinnai.ieii ny Mi-.- Minnie Engei-ioii. i-i—e.t - i,r u ,ii Brinson, Ga., Mar.27. Wild Ro.SE. I:i Hie evening there will lie iil.mio and dancing. Ail ale most cordially invi»«-.« to conn- ami assist in raising funds for t..e painting and repairing of St. John's church and rectory. ( HUM II KNTUR'I AINAIENT. The benefit entertainment conduct ed by the Ladies Aid Society of tlm Presbyterian church last Friday ev ening at Mrs. C. II. Caldwell’s was appreciated by a large attendance. The sale of articles for Easier gifi- netted a neat sum for the church building fund. The ladies in charge, were untiring in their effort m mak ing the occasion pleasant to all of the guests. A choice programme of music was earned out, and the performance o Miss DeLane, an expert hanjoist, w- highly enjoyed by all. Refresh men of various kinds were served throng out the entertainment and all i guests appreciated the hospitality their entertainers. .AIKS. (I < M Hl'NDKKIit'RK DEAD. (9 r town was shocked last W» nesday to hear of the death of Mi G. C. M. Funderburk. Mrs. Fund- burk had been sick with grippe fo: fe • days, but death so sudden was s irprise to her friends. She died < Wednesday morning the 20th im,t | 3 o’clock and was Duricd at Ashpi, on Thiii'Mlay morning at lli u’el.n | She leaves a husband and sevt-i children to mourn their loss. Tin- an extremely sad death, and tliesyi I pathv of our entire community g- out to ttic grief stricken family. 1 1 ceased was 50 years old and. wa> member of the Methodist cl nivli i about 30 years.— Ashpole X'. t ’ Courier. I