Newspaper Page Text
jthlcMt Dirt DISn't Halt IIt:n.
Went bmulitt.
tinve as much character as
Sings." salil n *;ie<.-Ui!I*t on
lime are the most arrant tittle
while others are regular tit-
us. I had a little fellow
ago who. despite nit my ef-
|M not l-Btlie.' Eneb morning
his white (lorcelnlii tub 111
1 approached tits cage, he
Dive hllaself Into the sulkiest,
little bull of fentliera you oan
engine. I coaxed and plead-
| brllietl. Bathe be would not
ent was he In his ileteruilna-
|to bathe that I mimed him
!)ne tnombig 1 broke the tub,
place I took a shallow bine
dish of Japanese ware,
rd me for a moment wlih all
ittlllty. and then as be caught
pretty dish he flew down
iierch with chirps of Joy nuiI
the water liefore I could
hind from the cage,
found the way to hlR heart,
flov.itng Iratb now became a
> of Joy to both of us. But
nornhtg I broke the bine ami
In an apologetic manner I
Tramp once more the regti
lile bath dish, hoping that Ills
kbits were by this time so In
|hat he would overlook t lu
mpen ranee of III* nth. Not so
flutter of wings, a threaten
licnk. a perfect tempest or
Dpa and twitterings Hint then
nee on the topmost perch,
jrent oil till I secured another
white dish and then pence
mony and morning bntlis
New York Commercial Adrer
te I’ll DiiB.a WHILK t.\ BA K HE A SHOP.
IlfruS Han's Prayer.
railroad man, having been
was asked to lead In prayer
viug was the respouse: “O
that 1 have flagged thee, lift
from the rough road of life
hem safely on the deck of
of salvation. Let me use the
np known as prudence, make
Pnpllngs In the tram with the
tik of thy love uud let my
Ip he the Bible, and. heavenly
Mr. Char. I^Bcauh, of Bainbridge
Gs., bi other- of Judge H. M. Beach,
of Columbia, came here last Thurs
day to v'sit his relatives. Hu had
been in de-icate health for some time
find came for .e-i and in hope of re
gaining liis sirei gth.
Saturday after dinner he walked
down town and went to Lewis Wil
son's barber shop for ti shave. Wliilo
silling hi the chair he suddenly be
came ill. l)r. Yarbrough was sum
muned and Mr. Beach was conveyed
to llie home of hie brother. It tie-
vclopud ihnl he had suffered a slight
stroke of spppplexy. For a lonu
lime he ban luul heart trouble and
lieen far from well, l’osmbly the
immediate cause of the attack was
the sudden tflting bsek of the barhtrV
chair. Sunday morning abunt 5
o'clock lie suffered a second stroke,
and the usual result followad, the
left side being para I yawl. While he
is compelled lo sit in a chair or. «v
count of the difficulty in breathing,
lie is unable lo walk or use Ins left
arm, and speaks indistinctly and will:
great difficulty.
Mr, Beach is sixty yeais old,
bachelor, and a lived in Bainbridge
nearly all Ins life, where he lias con-
lucted a carriage factory.
His condition at this time (Monday
evening) is considered quite critical.—
Columbia (Ala.) Breeze.
Since the loregoing was pat in
print, tbc friends and relatives of
Mr. Beach here received notice that
lie expired at ins brother’s homo in
Columbia Ala., last Thursday.
He has been a resident of this city
from boyhood, removing here from
;eep all switches closed that , ,
the sidings, especially those ( Gadsden county F la. early in the oUa
lud end. O Lord. If It be thy w ith his mother and Ins elder brother,
Judge H. M. Beach, now of Col TU-
Ime show the white line of , °
I may make the run of life : bia Ala.
topping. And. Lord. give us Mo citizen of Bainbridge has ever
whr. a "m S f he r d a tbe rl ***** ° f *»» »" J
,nle time and pulled Into the respect of his fellow townsmen titan
•k station cf death may tliou. |. Beach, and many friends
;. r do“u throughout this county will be pa.,,
•ome and sign the pay roll uud ed to hear of his death.
He was a brave and faithful C6u-
fcderale soldier, enlisting with the
Bainbridge Indepondents, the first
company that offered its services to
the slate. Alter this company was
our check for eterual bappl
Railroad (luzette.
hey Drove* fa Athene.
irkey merchant Is the most
!I of street renders. He ur-
b W or tlOO birds. which lie i t,,K """ i
ioui town for a week or two, | mustered out of service (lie following
cm oue by one. He Is armed! year, he immediately joined another
r-ISfitilXflKI-r-rt'rts fi ». »«.).«!
ontiuuously. and he shouts' (luring thy balauce of the war. Mr.
:hc din. "Galioiift galhtpcula.' [jeach was always known as a quiet
(’’Turkey cocks. IRHo rur- , . , .
lie hen turkeynTt When one busmess man, leading a tompe.ate
icets another face to face or at and upright life and hv hts strictly
les. they pass through with- honegt methods, built up a Urge bus-
ision. and no hSpil chnnffp* , . . , ,
in,-SR as manufacturer of buggies and
wagons. His remains will be buried
in Columbia Ala.
The field day whiob was held on-
the campus of the ti. S. M. College
last Monday' proved to th£ public
that Bainbridge cap cope with any
city iu. Georgia Is athletic*. The
contests began at 9 o’clock a, m.,.aml
continued throughout the day. Major
Diiiiii gave the affair hi* special at
lentiou and therefore it was an over
whelming success. Thu beautiful
prizes which were offered were wade
by the young ladies of the institution,
being decorated with the college col
ors—purple, gold and black—which
made them very appropriate. The
following ate those who won prizes
in the -contests:
For general excellence and J mile
race, Cadet Captain Berry; 3 jumps,
Cadet Nelson;'tunning j uup, Cadet
Bower; high j'ynp,CadetSmith; 100
yard race, Cadet Lieut. Graves; 300
j a id race, Cadet fc’ergt. Bruton; j
mile race, Cadet Woodhull; putting
shot, Cadet Nelson; prise drill, Cudet
Smith; sack race, Eddie Waters; po-
(Stto race, Willie Bolts.
lit the afternoon baseball was in
dulged in by team selected from the
freshman and freshman |-r-punitory
classes by Capt. Berry of Company
A, as captain of one team, and Capt.
Mitchell of Company B, as captain
of the other. The score stood 43 lo
39 in favor otCnpt. Berry’s team.
Maj. Diiiiii, being a fine instructor
lud disciplinarian, has made this In
st notion one of the most successful
in the state of Georgia.
A Cadet ' “
iB.V Ltl. TA .K- "I THE H U UK Or
Omaha, Neb., March 81.—Oen.
Fiiz' ugh Lee for the first lime auioe
his retirement from the army has
given expression to hie views with
regard to the future of C ba. The
occasion was tbc banquet given in
his honor at the Omaha club. After
refer,ng to his service as consul gen
eral and in the army in that island,
he said in part:
“More than ever must there lie an
-xerewe of patriotism in its i igheat
sense by the citizens ol the United
States. The Philippines arc ours by
treaty, and their future, go far as
the United States is concerned, should
he determined by congress after
and not before the armed resistance
to the United Stales bas ceased. The
splendid exploit of Funstoii throws a
brilliant light upon the uomuig path
of peace.
“Porto Kico is ours by conquest,
while Culm has its statue fixed by
Teller resolution in the aot declaring
war against Spam.
“The war was waged to make
Spain withdraw its land and naval
forces from Cuba and relinquish its
authority oil that island. That hav
ing been accomplished the United
States is now concerned hi uphold
ing its solemn pledge of pacification
in the interests of all.
“Cuba will agree m time to the
conditions imposed by the Platt
HvTmko. U. Wahdiu..
Welcome Easter's blessed dawtit.g;
Broken are Death’* oruel ohnirc.
Loving heart* bowed down, in mourning
For His trials, anguish, pains,
Prostrate meet Him,
Tearful yreet Him
With hosanna’s sacred strains.
Welcome Eastor's early hours;
From the tomb our Lord is free.
Crown the altar with sweet flowers,
Lift the hesrt and bend the knee,
Prayerful kneeling,
Thankful feeling
For the Victor’s victory.
Welcome Easter's holy morning;
Kiug sweet bells iu j -you#,
Greeting Easter's rosy dawning,
Dulcet echoes o'er the lea,
Worship calling.
Kiting, falling,
Floating o'er the sea.
a HOLD ATTEMPT at lit non v it t •
On last Friday night a burglar en
tered the Plant System depot at
Brinson and attemped to blow open
tfits sate with dynamite-' The lock
of the safe was blown out but the
burglar failed to get the safe open
alter destroying the lock. .The ex
plosion set the depot building on tire,
but fortunately before the flames had
reached much headway, the agent
came lo the depot to attend to Ins
duties ami put out the fire. The burg
lar, failing to make a haul, departed
I will he at the following named pla
ces for the purpose of receiving tax re
turns for 1991.
Recovery in the morning. Faoevllle
in the-evening. Monday April 1st
Fowltown morning, Attapuigus eve
ning Tuesday April 2nd
Higdon, Wednesday,
Kagans, Thursday,
Whigbam, Friday,
Bells. Saturday,
Belchers, Monday,
before he eo Id be apprehended. The
tnemltneul iu the interests of its owu j next day., euspieiau was directed u-
iiidcpendence and in order the Uni- gainst oue A. W. Simons of this
led States can faithfully maintain ,dly who had been seen In Brinson
the pledged pacification of the is- the thy previous to (he attempted
land. ; burglary. Simons is a blacksmith
“Thirty-one members were elected 1 and hat been working in the shop on
or rather selected from the whole is-j corner Clay and Water Streets,
laud to constitute a constitutional ilc was arrested on the charge of
convention. When its work is ocm-.j burglary last Monday ami a lot of
plotted the organization of a govern- dynamite sticks and other irnpliniems
menl should follow, ftnil when Unit is trenerally used by the prufesiou were
accomplished the- jurisdiction and found on his premises,
control of the island undoubtedly will I Simons was given a commitment
be turned over to the Cubans. j trial before .lustice Kerr where he
“Culm's future will lie determined denied having been iu Brinson at the
by Cuba’s statesmanship. Should the time charged.
Lime Sink, morning, Blowing LW of f| 0 , tab | ish
evening. 1 ueadsy April 9th. | r ,
Pearce, Wednesday, April lflth.
collective Cuban wisdom be.sufficient j Justice Kerr bound him over on
to keep the craft afloat on the waters the charge in the sum of $1000.
government,‘strong enough to pro
fusion. ami no hlrd changes
-Scr'.nuer’s SJagnzIue. ,
*•».* Tnrtlsa. of Sid. 1
at* unintentionally offended
ring young poetess.” i
mt way!”
nt ber a gayly decorated waste-
Is a bii-thday preSeuL**—Fhlla-
coord. |
Jot.nil. I-office
On last' Saturday night burglars
broke open the Ga. Pine depot, al El
's momma was something of dorendo but failed to gel any tiling of
r r for propriety, and she waa „„ . U1 „
He annoyed that It seemed Im- value. 1 hey then proceeded to the
io make the hoy give his un- 0 f jjr. Detwiler whioh they
ae the customary handle. Oue . .
ilu* little fellow Uud met with broke into anu tncrustMtea to
ilpg orhls he *lT"‘ f0r , a lot of canned goods >nd other gro
in to la- gdod. mamma, hut l ,oeries. No ai rests have beeu made
• why I should say Cucle Bar- .
ni’t say Lucie Papa, do l’/"— 1,0 tl4r ’
k Mali and Express. I This makes two burglaries of de-
A Rcfatnfloa.
I pots during the past week in tjiis
are aeeuslug joo of trying to , including that st Brinson,
uey out of the public treasury •
and it look* as if the gang that »i*
Isn’t that uonaenser exclaim- . , , _hil» 1,-u-k
irold Wooded politician. “Any- oouncted here a tbo* while back
Spring Hill, Thursday, "
1 la.
CIiiuhX. Friday. “
Pine llill, Saturday
Kendricks, Monday. “
Spring Creek, Tuesday. “
Steam Mid, Wednesday ‘
Dunabonyliio- Thursday
Iron City, Friday
Kock Pond, Saturday “
f'eccveiy, Mon.
Facet ille, Tues. “
28 id.
AttapuIgiiR. Wed. "
Higdon. Tbui>«
Ragan. Frilay.
ilells Sat.
27i h.
Ciimux. Monday “
20 b.
Whiglism, Tmd.
Spring Mill. Wed. May
Pearce, Tiinrs. ‘g
H Cay®,
l.inie Sink,
Kendticks, lloa. "
Spring Creek.. Tues. ”
Sfeum Mill. ”
Diuialsnnviile. Thut*. “
Iron City, Fri. ’*
Kouk Pond, Sat. ”
Belcher*. Mon. “
Fowlfo'VteO, Snt.
Fine HU1. Sat.
Mil Lein Kaintdvlje t»"
iurf >*afnrd**:>. B
ur« Juistt tSlO U‘U«.U.
,.-kr a-.!!
P Luxo,
tect life and property and give oon
fltlertee to capital, then* will Ik’ no
Kisran hkh vm:es at st. joiivi
The services at 8t. John’s
> reh
WKk... -■ Holy
States to interfere, but if the govern- j Communion st 7:30 a. m.; Holy
raent problem cannot be solved nfter Communion and Services .it 11a. m,;
a fair trial by the Cuban* the future' Children's Easter Serv
destiny of the ‘Suiile of the Sea’ will > Tfie eliureh will be decrate
iue at 8 p. m.
be forever oouflded to the care of tius vines and fi >wers, and the music by
great American republic.”
I have purcliaseil the machinery
rice that may Ik- brought to Climax j
this season. N. C. Bill. !
3 1<S limo. Climax, tiu. I
the choir will lie special Easter mus
ic. The public *re cordially invited
to be present at the morning service
and the children’s Easter service.
Hey. Him.,
Hayf Priest in Charge,
TRKI'.’ IW X )TI< *.
Al! parties are hereby warned
j All hiiiifbig, shooting fis! iug or
I Other wise trespassing on the follow,
ng lot* of lain! is hereby josilivelv
against hunting, fishing, or iu any f^dde'n, ^Iji'tBst. PeUtt.r «m.i
other way (re*pa»|..g «« *»»« tothn : ty «, :1jlM 235, 239, 237, ami
iug lots ot laud, situated, Icing and
bei g in the 27 ill district of Decatur j 12t |, Dist. Baker co’.nty. Lots
oo ;r.ty anil the same being enclosed ^9 180,131 ail( j 298.
in my wool's pristw-: ^>1* N >s 211, 1 * w y| ^ >r(meo , te ~ w t i w fil ||
212, t». SH0. I will priMeyiitc „ f the Uw iU , y pj , nj . )>r partj „ vi „.
$10 .
l“ r(u ' r ‘ ” r »».V , l,ti„g notice. A rewar.1 <>1 $10
wav'r-KJ* «g »p'Wl the almiwaid K -j|| 1^, given anyone furnishing e»-
prejRfw-r. T: is .'i ire)i 20..I', 1^91. { k$resaw to convict any lre-| .v*s<-r.
ho knows me know* that If 1 the e crimes • ave left some part-
et money oat of the public . . , ,,
I wouldn't give It away. I'd nets *t.H operating in tin field
to It,"—Washington star.
lie potiud -Sagp, absoluU’Iy frvsli
an 1 pure at tireua la Drug Co.
any tre*pa«sci
j All permits revoked.
1 ir“t via** Job Work vxeculed at Feb’y 23, 1991. Mrs M. E. Hoh-
tldU -. ih-'e.