The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, April 06, 1901, Image 6

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The Search-Light. BAINBRIDGE, ABRIL «, 1901 TUB M'UtlXK II XUI I. \\ l.\F A TIATKD Tifton Gazette: Mr. James A. Professional Cards ^ AUSTIN, Two important statements regard ing the use of cocaine have appeared ^ Warren of Worth county has a gan- Tliere is only one tiling which within the past few days. The first ^ v r that is certainly a goose, in so wins a battle and tiiat is straight was a note relative to the recently far as judgement goes. For half a shooting. * exploited use of the drug as an an dozen years past, as regularly as the 1 aesthetic bv mvans of siilnal injection. The writings of the wise are the The percentage of fatalities allend- only riches our posterity cannot ing surgical operations performed s<| lamler. I after this application of cocaine is — -... , m • reported such as to stamp the practice Those famous little pills, Do Witt’s „ vlrtll;l i f„ji ( , re . Following this re- I/ttlo Early Kisers will remove all ^ ^ denlinciaUQn of impurities from vour system, cleanse . . . , i .... „ , , your bowels, make them regular, cocaimsm as a growing vice to be him. What first caused, the strange It. L. Hicks. | grouped with morphinism and alco- ohoice on the gander’s part is nn — . ■» ■ -m." I holism among the scourges of human- kown, but abbot five ye* r s ago J r. Aind a way or make one. Every- uv. Dr. Thomas D. Crotbers lias' Warren first noticed him following thing is either pusher >r pushed. The thus proclaimed it to the New York the cow. lie would follow her to,the seasons roll round, thii gander, turn ing a deaf ear and blind eye to the allurements of the fair of iiis own kind, has chosen to mate with a cow, and this cow he follows as reg darlv and guards as jealously as if she were hi truth the mate nature designed for BARGS & SPERM. 1IKNTAI, SURGKOXS, BAINBRIDGE OA. (©•Office-Corner Water and West streets, in Chasoii Building. DR. H. D WILSON Dentist. —office— Over II. B. Ehrlich & Co.’s Store, Bainbridere. - - Ga. w rid always listens to a man with School of Clinical Medicine, g rill in him. | Cocaine is now to lje obtained very — cheaply. Seventy-five cents will buy The beauty tiiat addresses itself to ail ounce in this city. Flye-cent the eye is only the spell of a element; pa^ug,.* ltre sold in the South and the eye of the body is not always w ( . 8f> according to Dr. Orothers. that of the soul. Bkiu troubles, e Is., Iiurns, -scalds and uhnfing uuickly iieal l»y the use of DeWill’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. Be sure yo« get Du Win’s. II. h. Hicks. i is costly beyond compare. Health, mind . nd finally life itself go to pay for the indulgence. Like morphine, cocaine begins its * work witii pleasant influence. Spir- I lie city of Athens and the county its are mafic buoyant, faculties are of Clarke have Just divided the prof-^ brightened, imagination is stimulated, its of the At lens divpeusarv for tlie R thns becomes a special tempter to year 1900, amounting to ^11,000.1 ^ritoras au<l ajaealtcrs. But there is I an inevitable reaction, and at last , there is ruin. Thu cocaine subject But inexpensive as tlie drug is in j n g w |tli his wings, soon put them to packages, the habit which calls for it' flight. Occasionally, a cow would DR. S. J CHESWJT. Physician and Snrgecn woods and back, keeping always Treats diseases of the Eye, Ear, close to her, and allowed neither cow, bird or beast to approach her. If an other cow attempted to molest her the gander would seize hold of tlie offending ones with his bill, and beat- . If a man does not make new ac .quaiiitaiiees ns he advances through Jife,.he will soon find Imnself alone. A wniMjr, should keep iiis friend-1 ship In cousin lit repair. invites attention atid an earnest search for ways and means to put an end la tlie seductive drug’s destruct ive influence.—New York World. MARK TWAIN ANI> ADAM. Nose and Throat. All calls promptly attended. OFFICE ON Broughton Street. N. S. FERRY, RESIDENT OPTICIAN. ESrOFFICE AT TIIE GRENADA DRUG STORE. Bainbridga, Georgia. •You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy uheoulcfi and sparHmg eyes if | your liver is slugish and v/*ur’how- , ,, , , els clpgged. DoWlit's Little Early 1 In H» r pcr’s for April Mark Twaru Risers demise the whole system. gives us a hit of Iiis old time bmnor 'll 1 V never gripe. R. L. ILcks. j iu Iiis “Extracts from Adams diary.” -.jj * -v —— ! Hero are the first, extracts: 1 No man Pan tell whether he is rich | Monday.—-This new creature with Or poor by turning to h*s ledger. It ^ hainis a good deal ill the is the lean that makes a man rich. way. It is always bagging aiouml He is rich or poor according to what' ail(1 following me about. I doii’uiike lie is, not according to what lie has. | K j j aHJ put, to company. ,1 , . • m ~ ‘ I wisli it would stav with tiie other •It is a high, solemn, almost awful aituoa1|| awAy to-dny, wind «. 'thought for every individual mail that iiis earthly itifl .cnee, which Inis liaij a commencement, will never tllvo gh all ages, Were he the very loss him high in the air, but he would return undaunted to the charge, and is never known to have been defeated. When tlie cow lies down to rest, the guilder will perch upon her back, and there rest iu supreme content until his inamorata chooses to move on again. When tlie cows are penned in tlie spring, the gander is usually imprisoned, for iiis own safety, in a pustuie, and there he will march, up and down, up and down, continuous ly, along the fence nearest tlie cow, until he is released. The fowl’s in fatuation is as strange as it is inex-| Bids Submitted on All Kinds of plicable, but those who doubt are at BRICK: or : WOOL: WORK\ J. E. MATHIS, Contractor and Builder, liAINRRILGE, GA. liberty to go and see for then.selves. Mr. Warren lives only four miles west of Tifton, and there both the gander and his strangely chosen mate .can ibe seen at an lime. 12 1 tf bo'llncR of us, have nn end. the east; think We ahull 'have rain. We? Where did 1 get that word? I remember now, tlie new creature uses it. Tuesday.-—Been examining the „ . , . • „ , great waterfall It is tlie finest on Spring coughs lire specially dun-' • , , , , gi'i-o s and unless cured al once, sei- * , K ‘ 0H *- r * l< ’> 1 think. Ihe new erea- ious results otueii follow. One Min j turo culls it Niagara Falls—why, I yip (Jo'igb Guru «els like magic. It am sure I do not'Hcuow. Bays it 1 looks j> not a common mixture b t is a like Niagara Falls. Tiiat is not a high grade rtmedy. R. L. Hicks. ruagon . j t mt)r0 way wardens and rni- ,, . , | hecility. I get no chance to name The (.'iiinesu now/nrbh.dun by law / ... A , ... . anylliing myself. 1 he new creature tie 'de ccWA milk.- ■ Wl ,)0 0 names everything (hat comes along suii^ing in fi ul CL-Mi sopplammi’- ^ ^ a ting iu boasts abent gm-i- powder «nd rtlie ni’tiiJ printing t'ltl' i 00 k„ like the thing. There is the i* wfts'thcsirigiiialdisov .r< o. 0 e<J (doilo for instances. Say the moment .margarine. j onu | 0o k„ #t j* one sees at a glance „ ~tiiat it “looks like a dodo.” It wiW 'You will turn* if you try to , cure indigestioM or djspepsia u'mivetokeep that name, no doubt, starving yourself. Tiiat only makoF it worse wiieu ve« do eat heartily SEFtKrriii.vsop a uachei.ob. New York Rrcss. You ijan itievtr drown sot ow; enn swim Jonger than your hi ad can. TOMB STONES, A«mani judges a woman’s 1 eart by You always need (plenty Oj good food properly digested. K. ( *dol Dyspepsia Cure is the result of years of P 'ien- titio research for ^oisethrig tbat If wearies me to fret about it, ayd it doft* ,;o good anyway. Dodo. It looks no more like a dodo than I do. Wednesday.—Built me a shelter ild digest not oifly «o»e elemonts j against the lain, but could not have of food hut every kind. And it the remedy that will Ae «t- R- Hieks. L. h*r face; a woman judges a man’s face .by his heart. A man oan-gener411y gange Iiis re ligion at any certain f*me bv the way things'taste .to him. Ti«e average womaiiV imouth is too large because she atretciies it.Binding at women-slie dislikes. A vnan can always get om writli tlie women If lie can make his voice irftnhlc ,| whenever lie wants to. The microbes had a mother’s* meet ing the oilier day add voted that the fihort walking kkirt was iiamctal. Jn every love affair tliere is ••one that a man is tiying to get and iinoti'er that he is trying to get away from. / When a girl refuses aman-she gen erally goes to '-•be window when he leaves expecting to see him 'fall up against the nearest tree-and sob. -AND- Dcyon contemplate erectrng nnionnraent or toiub ’tone, or in any way im proving yonr cemetery Its? I? sc, write me at CUTHBERT, GA. I will submit designs and prices and will call at roit- home to sue you, 'VU# best work of all Grade ecfCjtti+Pitt X.' as PHICES TO SUIT YOU, T. G. SPEARMAN, CstMtfrt, Ga. The Soiitli at present matnifucture* only about 7 per cent of its ootton ■crop, while the North maiiufiwtMres Id per cent. It will be seen licit i here i« pet plenty of room for Soutli- * i n cotton mills. In the meantime we raise about two thirds of tlie world’s raw cotton. THOUSANDS HlSVr JNTC'EX LB. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs nrc sore and racked with coughs are urged to go , to another climate. But this is enst- i ly and not always sure. Don't lie FOtill I IIIMIKR TO POISON. it to myself in peace. Tlie new crea tine intruded. Wheu I tried to put jt out it shed water out of the holes it looks with, and wiped it away with tin* back of its paws, and made a I «ou«* auch as some of the other ani-, , , , , ... vou at home, inals make when they arc in distress. ,. ,. . „ , ,, ,, . . _ ,, . . . , i blc medicine for Go 'ghs, Golds, I wish it would not talk; it is always ... , , ,f ... , ... . all throat, and lung disease- on earth, talking. J hat sounds like a cheap ,, ' , , * 1 lie first dose brings relief. Astotmd- ■ing at the i>oor creature, a slur; hut I. , - , , .. , , , ing cures result from persistent use. , l do not nu ait it so. I have neve ' !, . .i . ir ,1 1 rial bottles free at U. L Hicks, beard the human voice before, and' . „ , , • ,. Price 50c and $1.00 Everv bottle any «ew and el range sound intruding J itself (ktc upon the solemn hush of • a > u ' ,ra,,,et • an exile when Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Cons mption will cure Il’s tly< most iufnlli- and 1 these dreaming solitudes offends ray ears and seems a false note. IlfHfr Than Making a Xot<*. “Just th'fotv Kmtimm was sont to Pctvcfihig fetid in tlie intestines produces i fleets like tlicse of arsenic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills ex- j pel the poison* from clogged bowels, ireutlv, c:\-ilv hut surtdv, curing eon* P ri - so11 l *e bonglii a set of books to be s paltl for In liiKir.lluieuts.” ■sMpatiiui. biliousness, sick hea.lao.lie, ..\ Vhu , t1ll! lto „ ia , forr f.-vers, a'l liver, kidney and liowel “He said ti would make the time troubles. Only 25o at U. L Hicks. «wm shorter." Cblcogo Tribune. “Lust winter I was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing gave me re.leif. Fin ally my wife bought a bottle of One Winnie Cough Gute that effected a speedy cure. I cannot *peak too highly of tiiat excellent remedy.”— Mr. T. K Houseman, Manatawnev, Pa. It. L. ’licks. To the Public. 1 nave a very large spring and sum mer pasture near town where 1 will take cows at morning and graze them during the day. returning same at night, for the ■sum of $1.25 per month. UKO. D (JKimN. ATTCRNEY-AT-LAW, Office With Townsend «fc \y an-,1. BAINBRIDGE - et *tninr I - Oil It. H. Bower. U VHOK II. l;oWE)| B0WER&B0WER ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ’ EAIKBRIEQE, 3- OE&IA Practice in the State courts I and Justice courts. Also in ^jl lots for sale. ‘ Hiui t . W. I. GEER, attorney andCounseler At Law I COLQUITT. - GEORGIA. Office: Iu Court House. ALBERT H. RUSSELL, Atton&y at Law, BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA.! Office Over Bainbridge State RanJ WILD H. 3SRii.USS,| ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bainbridge, Geon-is | Office with Hawes & Hawn.I A. H. BUSSELL. :: M. E. O'XLM, RUSSELL & O’NEAL, Attorney! and Connsellcrs at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Will pr: tt'ce 111 nil the State Cnurt*, S' fctl at ten non given the fnveatly.tfmi l.unrt 'litK'sunil the 1-uw of Aduiti.i»t>»t R. J. ROONEY, Contractor and Builder. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all . . classes of building. . „ i. STERLING R0BSETS, ATTURiWEV AT LAW. BAINBRIDGE. - . GEOK«H. Will practice »i all the courts. ~ JOE. H. GILPIN, Attorney at Law f BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA. I Will practiee law together in ml I courts, except the criminal branch of the city court ot Decatur county. Nctarv Pbblic in office. JOHN C. CHASON, ATT0KNET AT-UtW, BAINBRIDGE, - - GA. Will practice law in all the Courts. Jiolttni&EJ. Fliij ATTORSTETTS A.T LAW Bainbridge, - Ga. W31 practice in all the Federal ami State Courts Offices: Upe-taus Belriiw Dnilding. SIC ITX7SSBATTM Attorney-at-Lbw BAINBRIDGE, - GEORGIA Will pi.,dice in all the courts. Spn: sal attention given to real e-tate. u»nt- mercial and cnvtioration practice. S©- Ofticr hi old Sank Bniidiwif. CO YEARS' iXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone a sketch and doecrintlon may ‘- 1 — " Trhetr uni . i Patenta — J agency for aecuri ’g patent*. Patent* taken through Munn Sc Co. receive tpreiat notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated woek'y. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four month*, |L Sold b7all newsdealers. MUNN & Go.serervadwa,, New York Hranch Office. fi25 F 8t^ Washiagton, D. C. .ti.HKBT GR1CK, Tonsoral Artist, GOLQUITT, - GEORGIA. B^S Work. ^utisfMvtkn GtiavHi.trul R.EA.ID'X'IIIS. If^AI* We eenrt yon Thb • vl 'bl«0v Search-Lioht. »i-J Do You Want * 8 4 5 ? .Envelopes, Cards. Note Heads. Lett-ei, Bill Heads. Statements Dodg- I ers,Checks. Blanks, j Posters. Business r-— ICards. Receipts, etc It so. carl at The Search-Light Job Office to get them. Prices cheap and work doue at once. Trv a*. Job Work? -the I’yi;., i-W'ee-k Atlanta carnal ami Juvenile Journul. one vear. XD We send The Seakch- Light and the Atim.t* Constitution. Por$1.50 J!, esend The Skavi'H tHT and the Twir Week Savannah News. FOR $1.50 esend The Search Light and the 'J"hri<#* a-Week New York World. New suliFcriptions or renewals ter *1 these offers. Subscribe -A.T OISTOK!