The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, April 06, 1901, Image 8

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Jt he Search-Light. BAINBRIDGE, APRIL 6, KOI. PERSON AI.. Mr. W. A. Carv. of Calvary, wuil) the ci:y Thursday ini business. Col. 51. E. O'Neal went to All any this week on rroferMonal business. Mr. Dave Barrow, of Savannah is in ti e c'ty wi-itinjc insurance this work. Mr. W. E. Smith, of Attapnlgiis. was in tlie ci y last Tuesday on luyiiiesg. Mrw J. C. Ansl*y. of Iron City, in in tl.o city visiting her ton, Mr. T. A. An*- ley. Judge C. C Buell, of Colquitt,, was in C ecity yesterday on professional busi ness. 1 Mr* M. E. Thomason of Monfcocello, Ga,, is visiting her son. Mr. T. I. Thom ason. Editor J. M. Brown loft, Wednesday evening to he absent several days on business. Mr. W. W. PeHree. of Pear, e's dis trict . was shaking hands with Ilia many frit nda in the city Thursday. 5'r. It. W. Janies, of Blakely, presi dent of the Bainluidse State Bank, was in the city yesterday on liusiness. Mr. J. Q. Feaeouk. of Atlanta, Ga., formerly connected with the i'lant- .Sys tem hole, vi-ited relatives in the city this week. Dr L. 11. 1 ’oncock returned Thursday from a pleasant, trip to St. Augustine. Fla., where he was on a vi-it to his son. Mr. J. E. Peaoock. Messrs. Jeff Holder, of Pine Hill. J. BRINSON tKIEFS. Miss Lulu VcCulley, accompanied h> her sister of, returned the fir.-t of the week. Owing to some misunderstanding as to the rtatd Kev. J. I. D. Jiiiler failed to meet his appointment here Ust Suudav. The creek which has bien i ery high at this point has been falling rapidly this week and it is now no longer feared that the public bridge heie will give way. Mr. A. V. Junes, accompanied by bis •ister, Miss Amelia, anil Misses Kate Ssl- ser nod Fannie Franklin, went over to Bainbridge last Saturday shopping. 51iss Junes returned by way of Damascus, where she visited relatives till Sunday evening. Mr. H. Biinson spent, Tuesday night and Wednesday in Bain bridge looking after busiuass affairs. Messers Walter and M,.rk Funderburk who have been in Honda for some months are st home on a visit to roia- ti es and to attend the marriage of their sister next Sunday. Legal ’Advertisements- CITATION. j?£ i , KPtlttl A—DF.CaTPK CoVsTT : V, here,is, U\ a. Joans a, executor of J. R. t r - llttrlcr itci'ci.scil, 1 resents to lltc Coen, in 6® Ills laultlun, il nly lileU m it enured in; rev . mil, ilmt lie lias lull! i.clinlnlslrn (I saiit cs- into Tills t-, tt-eirfoii , to cite nil person* .fed v.iiiiccriiiil, ktnilrnl m (l cutlitors, to show 0 cause,If atiy iliev. cm 1 , why snlil Kxfcntor 4»s> should not be disc Iini gt U fron Ills Kxecutui- alnp, miu recelt e Icttcn, of dUn.lfSion, on the Hist Monday In June, Hill. T. ii. Maxwkll.Ordinary. , ^ 5 ?■&'<?&'<?> c ^ ■■«>n), i - C ****♦&£ §t<3P SC€ US AT ’iipepg ^u«p e . A DX1IN ISTIiATOR’S SA LE. ?£ For latest designs in Spring and Summer (ioods at tlie lowest prices ever offered in Haiidiiidgi*. tl. Have just opened and hav rf> ! ^65 OEOROIA— liec itniwt onnty: ! > <^> liy virtue of an order from the court of Orillnarv or said c mnlj 1 will offer and ex- e • posu for sale, before the court house door In saut county, on the Hist Tliesdi.y In May next, during Che legal hours ol s.le the fob, lowing described ro..l estate, belonging lol iy -■ i *1 f _ * line hundred anil twenty Hyo (liy) acres ot j £ new goods throughout Mi! lunU oil* of the South hail ot lot ol laud No. A “* tw o Ii a ml red and til teen (JI5) lying and bolntf in llu? noth district of huIU couti- ly. b:ift<( land being wull ttfnborurl and fav orably ioutt ud. TiTiiirt, cu*)r I’lilrf April 2nd iiHil. T. Ii. Maxwell, ordinary. YEARS SUPPORT. GEO It II A—n ec vtu n (Jot's rr: Mrs. Mary V. Hell, having made applica tion for twelve nnmilis support out of the es tate of W. A. lie 11 and appraisers duly up pointed to set apart the same having tiled On Friduv night last some one broke thejr return, all persons concerned are h into the Plant .System depot, at this place Mud made an unsuccessful attempt to blow up the safe with dynamite. The burglar or, as the case might be, failed to get the safe open and hence ro- ceived no reward for thefr dating. A detective spent set end days here and se cured Ki.ffiuUiit evidence to warrant him in making an arrest. Several of the mill'ary boys went over to Baiuhridge to attend an important meeting la*t Tuesday night looking to their attendance at the Albany Chautau qua this month. It is the intention of the boys to attend. The town is all astir over the approach ing wedding at the Methodist church next Sunday of one of our most popular K. Fain, of Faceville, and J. S. Shepherd ladies to one of Miller county’s stirring ,uf Belchers. I’i-trlot. were among the yis - young men. We will fuiui-h a fuller ac tors to llio city yesterday. Mrs. J. T, Lane, of Iron City, witli her little daughter, i- spending a few daysi t _ the home of her pawn's, Judge and Mrs. C. G Campbell, on College street. Misses Vera and V’aldn Kerr, who are teaching a flourishing school at Iron City, were called home yesterday on auuouut of the illneis of their mother, Mrs. K. B, K'Mr, ‘•Johnnie’’ Harrell, the cleverest fel low in thirteen states, is in town, lie leaves for his home in Bninbridge this morning.—Tomas ille Times Enterprise, ; Dr. D. H. I’a k.-r, former pastor of the • Baptist church here, spent Saturday and Sunday in. the city .among his former parishioners Hi* preaclied in the Bap tist church Sunday night in the absence yf t,ho pastor, iiev. Richards. count of the affair next week. Our local fish rinen have been having rare sport this week catching hell. The swollen condition of the creek lias ren dered it pos. ible to make some very line hauls, We regret to report the illness of Mrs. by required to show cause before the (Jotirt oi Ordinary of said -.utility on the ilrst Mon day In May IhOi why said application should nut Do granted. Till.. April .till. IliOI. T. II. Maxwell.-ordinary. T E. Garland l«! LK NISI IN UKC’A- T U II S U I* E li 1 O II GOUllT NtlVEMIilil! TERM, 18WI, DEGATtl K SUPERIOR COURT, NOVEMMKRTBRM, 1*111. It nppenrpig to tin- Court by petition of G M. Jones anil J. N. Maxwell,executors ot G. W. Ittignn, that T. E. Garland on the la*, day of No>ember, 18m, executed and delivered to said G. W. a mortgage on certai- lands In l)eoiitnrci>nnty,t<i-.vit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and bring In (lie hull liistnetof lieeatur county Georgia, part i f lolsof land Nos. mil, contain ing sixty-two aud line-hall acres on i lie sunt h west, commencing lour acres from the south-west corner, said pare-1 of land being In the north-west of said lot; and sixty acres of lot On the west side of lot No. (den) tints) hundred and ninety eight In the Halt District iff Deeatm county, Georgia; .and one hun dred and tlilrty-thro i acres on the east side of lot No In the comity of Decatur, statu iff Georgia, for 11,o purpose of securing the paynientof two certain promls ory notes, dated Cairo, Gh., Nov. 1st, iwd, for tllcsmn of line Hundred and 1-ifty-clght Dollars ami Sevunty-tU e cents each, made by the said T. B. (hirland, pa\ able to G. W. Ragan or bearer a ltli Interest after Nov. 1st, 1*14, at the ra^e of sight jsir cent per uiimiiii, mid ten per contor prtuctpal and Interest as attorney's fees, winch said Defendant relltsas to pay: It Is thcrclore ordoled that the sa,d T. E. Garland pay Into tills Court,on or before the Hist day of tile next term, the principal and interest due on said notes, and the costs of M. J. IJoilge.- who lias been qi. lie unwell 8,1,1 ! or in default thereof, the Court will . f , r , proceed as to Justice shall appertain, tor more than a week at her home here. I And it is further ordered, uiaj. tins Rule be Blie is improving and we hope she will hlssn^age^ yrovlous to llu< n -xt of this Court. W. N.Spesck, Judge Superior court. A tine extract lio-u tin- ihlmilc •“Iibavo Been troubled with . indi gestion for ton yonvs, Imvo tiled many IIuhi^b ami spent much money to no purpose null! I tr'ed Kmlol Dyspepsia Cure. I have in ken two bottles and gotten more relief from Com than all other mediciics taken. I feel more like n liov than J have felt in twenty” Andersen Riggs of Sunny Lane Tex. Thous ands have testified as did Mr. Riggs. R. I. Hicks. ‘ . had piles no hail I could get iid rest nor Timl a c re until 1 tried ReWitt’s Witch 11.axel Salve. After i sing it once, i forgot 1 ever had anything like Riles.”—E. (J Boice, .Snmers Point, N. Y. Look out lor imitations. Ho sttro you ask lor Do Wilt’s. R. L. Hicks. DAHLONEGA, GA. Acollogoediicatlou in the reach of all, A.B.. ;fs.:.. and Business Man's courses, diced laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli .It! to; military discipline; pood moral and religions In licences. Cheapest board in tl". .0 .a*.e; eboiid nice of country pro.Ince; extxir.set fro-i ST5 to §150 a yetr; board In dormitorlc -. - ;ei-..itc families. SjH-cial llcensccotirsefoi le.-rocrs; full faculty of ulna; all under tji coiitci.l of ihe University. A college pr-par atorv ciiss. Co-edncation of sexes. Tl-.elnstl *ut‘ : rounded spoclally for students of limited SAXia.-.. :-end for catalogue to tite President Jos. S. SsttWiKT. A.M be entirely recovered in a few days. Mrs. J. H. Brinson and daughter, Eya, returned from Dor.aUonvillo But day ev ening, at which place they have been visiting relatives. Miss Mattie Funderburk who is teach ing school in DomthonvillespentSunday in this place. Mr. J. C. Parrott spent a portion of the wtek here with his tauiily. Apr). 5tli 1901, liiss FROM FACEVILLE. Excepting a few dejected countenances nothing has transpired to cause a ripple over the placid lives in Ibis beautiful hamlet.. A library of COO volumes, doualed tbi G. W. u ...tuKaLKY, Clerk. DKCwrcR SOPKKtnu.uoprT, Mat Teiim inoo: It appnavi Ig to the GotuT that llio . -efcntl ant in the wtiniii ease duos not reside in the county of Doe i nr, but resides in the Mate ot I'.'o.ida, It Ison tuotlon of I'taint ltr» coun sel ortlu..'-G that service of the within rale nisi be m-rfecteJ on the said Defcndiint hv inibllcatimt tiecordl. g to law. Til’s MnviHid liiflt). VV. N. npEso;:, J-nlgo g. g. c, Ilv tlie Court, 0, W. .ViMiitiKLET, Glerk. AMENDMENT TOCKAETEE. Bsinbiidge, Giv , March 22,1901 To the Honorable Philip Cook,— Secretary of Lbe State ol Georgia: The Petition of The Georgia Pine Kail way Company lespectfully showeth; 1st. That it is a railroad corporation chartered under the general railroad law place by the Uritarians ql Boston, has of the State of Georgia, operating a line arrived, and it is to be hoped that the of . ail way in said State under and by gift will be appreciated by all. The j virtue of a charter granted to it on the works are from t he best of authors, com- l.'lth day of September in the > ear 1895. pri-ing: Encyclopedias, Biographies, which said charter was amended on the Histories, Travels, Treaties on Scientific loth day of August 1990. in. accordance Topic-', Historical Koiuances, Classics, j with and in the manner provided bylaw. Poetry, etc. .1 ho’literature is strictly, 2nd, And said Georgia Pine Railway non-sectarian. God bless those l nita- Company shows that it desires to amend visits. j its chartor by changing the name of said ’1 he school with an ‘enrollment qf 59 j corporation from ‘ The Georgia Pine uid an average atiouda’ce of 48. con-1 Railway Company," to ‘'Georgia. Florida ducted by Prof. Chas. Fterrerter and as-1 A Alabama Railway Company.’ -istant, Mrs. Hiilmau. is pronoutcoi by .,11 to be ihe best one ever taught ,:t this place. Faceville has kieautiful girls, aud a •caiitiful nature shines through their laces. That beauty is peieuially lovely, loreover. that kind of beauty impiaives with age, and time ripens rather than destroys it—it is intellectual beauty. Apiil Srd. 1001. “Last winter I was confined to uiy bed with a very bad cold on ilie lings. Nothing gave me releif, Fin ally my wife he ight a bottle of One Minnie Congli C ie tl-at effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that excellent remedy.”— Mr. T. Iv Houseman, Mauaiawnev, I’a. R. L. Hicks. J. W. BUHNKY, -kill) BUILDER, BAIN BRIDGE, GEORGIA. Agent for Hardwood 5Iantels, Doors, Sash and Binds.” and contracts for first -class Cement Sidewalks. VVhhrefore, this petition having been duly advertised in accovdimce with the law. your petitioner prays that its char ier be ameuded as prayed. Georgia Pine Railway Co., by J. P. Williams, President. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I h tve 0 jersey bulls from six mouths to two years old. eldgable to registration which I will sell cheap for cash, or would exchange them for beef cattle at market value. Apply to T. M. Hines. .. Baiubridue. Ga. Tlf'KLEO TO 111) I I’ll TWO-STEP, For tlie famous Three Coon, Rag Time, Two-Step, entitled “Tickled To Death,” send ten cents in post age or currency to B. W. Wrenn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Sayan nali, tia. ners of taste and long experi !l ence to serve you. is® || VERY REliPECTFUIJ.Y, ' |I IVtrs. 8. T. Youiitf lETGEB. SEWING MACHINE THE BEST MADE. Humble, Li<rht-Uun»ing and well finished. -Latest and nil modern equipments. NeedleSi Oils And Attachments Handled- Prices reasonable, and teruiR easy. If you need a serviceable Macliia a guarantee of satis tacti»n, call on. or write me at once. J. D. HALSTEAD. BAINBKIDGE, GK0KGI SELLS & GRAY UNITED SHOWS Will Positively Appear for Two Performances Only at Bainbridge. ^OINTDA.Y, APR. GRAND AGGREGATION OF TENTED ATTRACT10 6-*Marvelous Eddys—6 Unquestionably the GreatesUAcrobats in tit,a ii'? Their Feats are Wonderful and Worth the Pr ice of Admission alone. ElDISr^, BEAUTIFUL AND DARING EQUESTRINS.—ONLY LADY BARM WHO DOES A SOMERSAULT BARS34GS. Tlie Earl Sisters GREATEST LADY AERIAL PERFORMERS IN A STARTLING ACT, 100 . . . Other Big Acts . . . 1 1 can furnish your material for the wood-work in your buddings. Every- oV.ll Kinds AT MY NEW BUTCHER - SHOP ON WATER street. JETEH. POWELL. G. U. GRXFFX& —dealer in— ALL KINDS OF HOMEMADE Hf ■all Warlx neatly- aad Pwompvly REPAIRING A 6~ ECIALTY. (g®“TEKMS: STK1C, LV North Broad Slrttt nr’if^" Stables. BAINBRIDGE, - GEOlil G IT Dillard, Bain! ridgt king Sons. first-class carpenter work,a 11 ' lowest cash figure. lie fun 11 ' Have your old harness cleaned heap for the cash. Reid & and worked over—almost as good as timates checrhilly and cxcv'J new at A. P. Holt’s, West street. work neatly. Give Lin. a